*We’re not a threat to the students who are homosexuals, minorities, and atheists*
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:10:54.961000+00:00)
How is saying we are not a threat inclusive? Quitr clearly eventual violence will happen
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:00.489000+00:00)
why is Matt Parrot even in your group is the real question
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:03.927000+00:00)
We arent welcoming them in
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:04.804000+00:00)
he is a endless lolzcow
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:05.246000+00:00)
quite clearly?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:07.792000+00:00)
not from that statement
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:17.622000+00:00)
that statement says got nothing to fear
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:23.513000+00:00)
not a threat
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:26.826000+00:00)
Fags need to hang
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:40.330000+00:00)
Obviously we trick the fags into joining and then filling out the ranks and then we hang them...
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:11:51.261000+00:00)
14D chess
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:00.295000+00:00)
Not even national action yells about killing random nogs on the street
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:05.847000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:14.393000+00:00)
first off they can't do that nowadays - banned
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:15.655000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:18.692000+00:00)
>they kinda did
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:25.190000+00:00)
Nogs we lynch
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:27.583000+00:00)
Its a dumb thing to declare yourself a terrorist group bent on killing random nonwhites
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:28.055000+00:00)
they did a lot tbh
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:51.138000+00:00)
What have any of you, ever done for your people?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:51.638000+00:00)
it's dumber to try to outjew the jew
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:12:55.492000+00:00)
you're in america
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:00.127000+00:00)
you can say that and get away with it
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:01.810000+00:00)
fucking pussy
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:15.567000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:20.116000+00:00)
Why so hostile?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:25.448000+00:00)
Is this the only thing you have to say?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:31.041000+00:00)
Lol no you cannot
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:36.023000+00:00)
lol yes you can
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:43.672000+00:00)
Are you going to answer?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:13:53.127000+00:00)
Fuck "the movement" or rather "your movement".
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:03.616000+00:00)
here are the reasons why I stopped being being more open to the possibility of hamback imrpoving:
1. he started affiliating with Spencer (soft on fags) and Enoch (soft on fags, jew wife incident, friends with Grindr Greggy who talks about faggotry being european culture)
2. went to unite the right
3. the statement about how fags are not a threat
this was basically the last straw, before that we actually rooted for Heimbach after that event in... what was it, golden-smth skins were there too
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:07.756000+00:00)
Okay LARP online then
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:18.140000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:28.724000+00:00)
because he showed signs of improving and going in the right direction
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:42.955000+00:00)
but after getting cozy with fag apologists it's just too much
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:52.501000+00:00)
golden state skinheads?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:56.580000+00:00)
Heimbach did not go soft on fags. He is not cozy with any of those people
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:57.954000+00:00)
How are you gonna enforce a high stanrd on society if you cant enforce it on your own group?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:14:57.994000+00:00)
Spencer "we have to feel bad for trannies"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:06.244000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:08.358000+00:00)
You LARP online... instead of pretending to be Legionaires at a rally for alt right sodomites and kosher nationalists
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:14.652000+00:00)
did you read the thing that was posted to the official website?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:17.065000+00:00)
He is beyond soft.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:25.682000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:27.316000+00:00)
Twp showed up to defend confederate heritage and fight the enrmy.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:28.991000+00:00)
seems cozy
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:38.491000+00:00)
wow so brave
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:39.819000+00:00)
Confederate heritage lmao.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:42.561000+00:00)
you defended a statue
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:42.790000+00:00)
are you sure? one of your guys said something else
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:44.877000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:48.151000+00:00)
Dude thats just pee arrr you know, we actually hate faggots in secret you know
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:49.844000+00:00)
how this was about showing off numbers or something
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:15:53.704000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:16:30.878000+00:00)
and tbh you probaly accelerated it's demise if anything.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:16:39.212000+00:00)
more attentiont to it
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:18:41.521000+00:00)
Lol. TWP has had a jump in membership and donations from this. We arent going anywhere. We are the only group respected by many other hard right groups across Europe. No amount of ironlarp will change that. Your argument is literally hurr durr heimbach will stand next to other non NS and punch a communist or a nigger with the m
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:19:19.773000+00:00)
no our arguments are
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:19:25.115000+00:00)
hurr durr I have no principles and am willing to compromise with libertarians to win
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:19:39.614000+00:00)
Nobody is compromising you genius
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:19:43.294000+00:00)
yes you are.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:19:58.698000+00:00)
you by attending rallies with Libertarians and other filth are enabling them.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:02.024000+00:00)
He compromised by associating with soft non-NS racist liberals that don't share our goals who are inconsistent on the gay question because a good deal of them are fags and degenerates
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:03.228000+00:00)
"stand next to other non NS" <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:04.736000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:07.598000+00:00)
Our views haven't changed. We showed that the only people willing to fight on the front lines are NS
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:22.812000+00:00)
First, never ever announce your plans in any manner whatsoever. Second, forget about the use of uniforms unless, and until, you have a standing army of your own numbering fifty as a flat minimum. (From experience, I know that with fifty National Socialists, one can do anything, anywhere, anytime.) Better still, as Tommasi said, FORGET such activities as might be used in a campaign to gain political power. Rather, go instead to activities designed and intended to HURT THE ENEMY. And for these activities, in my own opinion, two participants are one too many.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:45.550000+00:00)
We are pulling the good material away from these orgs that are soft on the fag question
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:47.888000+00:00)
so your goal in going to Unite the Right was to show off how spencer and co would run away and you would stand alone hence why they are not really your allies? this was 4d chess?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:20:57.415000+00:00)
There are plenty of good guys in bad groups
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:01.822000+00:00)
Who will join twp
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:09.760000+00:00)
just as bad as a group
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:11.419000+00:00)
When they see who the actual fighters are
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:12.818000+00:00)
best way to get those is to attack the bad group for their downsides
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:18.316000+00:00)
so that the good people realize the downsides
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:24.406000+00:00)
not say "we're friends with you"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:30.393000+00:00)
because then why are you an alternative?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:31.886000+00:00)
Why don't you use the Swastika? Scared of it?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:46.247000+00:00)
It's why a handful of AW guys came from Vanguard.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:21:47.080000+00:00)
Might cut your fragile hand?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:04.021000+00:00)
Nordic resistance movement and golden dawn don't use them.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:05.118000+00:00)
and m8 you saying twp isn't soft on the fag issue will keep falling flat till you address that about us page
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:08.662000+00:00)
Why would we?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:12.293000+00:00)
Because they are in entirly diffrent situation
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:14.391000+00:00)
Because they can't?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:15.966000+00:00)
you are in fucking america
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:28+00:00)
America has free speech and the freedom to do so.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:32.681000+00:00)
Europe, not so much
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:22:33.433000+00:00)
you have leeway to do so much more and you don't.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:02.009000+00:00)
Imo using swastika feels little bit larp
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:06.002000+00:00)
Fuckin eu
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:10.223000+00:00)
You won't last as an organization if you make it part of your platform to kill nonwhites indiscriminately "freedom of speech" doesnt go that far. Not even rock well did that
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:12.222000+00:00)
The swastika is dope <@!311554642490294272>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:22.911000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:31.670000+00:00)
nobody said anything about "kill nonwhites indiscriminately"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:34.525000+00:00)
that's your strawman
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:36.039000+00:00)
He did
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:43.148000+00:00)
who did?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:48.593000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:50.210000+00:00)
Not even rock well did that
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:23:57.292000+00:00)
haha Heimbach in the pic aswell
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:00.296000+00:00)
Gassing the Joose?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:00.808000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:02.104000+00:00)
Rockwell called for the execution of Jews and communists
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:10.643000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:16.283000+00:00)
if you don't say gas the jews that's a fail
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:32.317000+00:00)
Rockwell said he wouldnt kill jews. He said he would kill the communist ones
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:33.094000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> So heimbach supports gypsies then? 🤔
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:48.378000+00:00)
TWP doesn't claim to be not be a threat to communists
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:51+00:00)
This is stupid
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:24:57.046000+00:00)
you know how I expected the About Us "we are not a threat to homos" discussion to go?
-What about this about page? not soft on the fag question?
-Well its an outdated page, guess people forgot to update it
-Well why would you let such a thing stay up! this is a severe error if that's the case
-Yeah, we'll take care of it
Instead what I got was "NUH UH WE HATE GAYZ"
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:25:02.908000+00:00)
You went to go defend a statue
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:25:04.304000+00:00)
But its a non-threat to homos though
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:25:22.061000+00:00)
In the end it only accelerates the statue being taken down
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:25:39.911000+00:00)
well you can't be a threat to homos, Spencer wouldn't let you near him if you were a threat to homos
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:25:53.315000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> what
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:04.113000+00:00)
Homos will be executed in the state we create. Not by twp itself in the here and now.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:04.408000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Its a yoke kamerad
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:23.084000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:32.555000+00:00)
see that's not a position of fundamental principles
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:35.131000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:38.763000+00:00)
its wrong period
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:43.292000+00:00)
its degeneracy period
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:46.019000+00:00)
it must be condemned
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:46.950000+00:00)
Okay which of you are going out killing random fags and nonwhites right now?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:47.003000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:53.862000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:26:58.958000+00:00)
Because if you arent then you are larping
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:00.344000+00:00)
They kill commies with cars
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:06.164000+00:00)
m8 you're strawmaning again
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:06.402000+00:00)
No vanguard aint doing that
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:16.864000+00:00)
Uhm sorry sweaty 🙄
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:23.169000+00:00)
But they do
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:23.458000+00:00)
vanguard is siegepilled
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:43.177000+00:00)
Vanguard will soon start lynching nogs and bogging fags.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:55.640000+00:00)
will declare the fourth reich soon
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:27:58.420000+00:00)
Lol no<:flag:331395619174219786>
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:02.697000+00:00)
and bomb postal offices
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:04.067000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514>#445 Nigga I've took out like 4 local mailmen, the post office isnt sending any mailmen to my street any more, the system is critically injured
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:05.773000+00:00)
on the day of declartion
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:21.292000+00:00)
Lol <@195981647605137408>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:21.799000+00:00)
They're all about accelerationism.. seeing as how their guy stepped on the gas pedal
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:28:50.248000+00:00)
>say that TWP should hold a clearly defined and unmixed stance against fags, fag enablers, race traitors, invaders, whatever, typical standard NS package
this is as disingenuous as it gets tbh fam, you're arguing in bad faith and refuse to address what is clearly an issue if you can't have other NS get a read of your stance on key principles
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:01.557000+00:00)
Its larping to say you are going to kill them in the here and now if you aren't actively going to do it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:28.944000+00:00)
>who said what here?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:34.844000+00:00)
again you are not addressing the issue
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:41.736000+00:00)
and being disingenuous
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:51.208000+00:00)
And it's larping to say you'll kill them in the glorious hamback ethnostate eventually
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:30:57.521000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:14.461000+00:00)
None of you are actually carrying out what siege calls for
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:16.985000+00:00)
was the argument leveled against TWP that its not killing anyone hence its full of cucks? No - so stop pretending like you are arguing against that non-statement
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:19.837000+00:00)
Not a one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:48.295000+00:00)
>because what SIEGE calls for demands publicity
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:54.274000+00:00)
did you actually read it?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:31:56.605000+00:00)
dont' answer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:05.780000+00:00)
that'll be another long pointless discusison
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:13.871000+00:00)
I'm steadfast in my point however
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:19.545000+00:00)
which you refuse to address
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:21.158000+00:00)
Your entire argument hinges on an old statement that effectively says we aren't a terrorist group
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:22.841000+00:00)
>inb4 siege is attacking random govt buldings and cops
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:25.221000+00:00)
and instead bring up strawmen
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:35.265000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> kill your local mailman
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:47.582000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:47.944000+00:00)
rape your local girl scout - also mason
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:32:50.976000+00:00)
no, my argument hinges on hamback getting friendly with people who make similar statements and worse
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:03.766000+00:00)
James Mason personally has a body count of 6,000,000 mailmen (zogbots)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:14.847000+00:00)
If you planned to go out and follow siege would you publicly put that as your official policy? Seems pretty Damn easy way to be caught when you do it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:31.703000+00:00)
so your argument is now to agree with my point?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:42.081000+00:00)
how about addressing my point about Heimbach though?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:58.996000+00:00)
There are people in your trash movement who think that mailmen are our friends. I imagine dicky standing next to mailmen and explaining to him how we're the mailmen's only allies while the mailmen delivers his mail unopposed
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:33:59.422000+00:00)
why are you such a public organization if you are secretly siege is the real question 🤔
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:07.028000+00:00)
Discussion would be more interesting and take less pointless detours if you avoid strawmans and adress what is actually written. Leads to less frustration and namecalling too.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:10.714000+00:00)
I don't disagree with violence. Neither does heimbach. But a certain amount of white taqiyyya must be involved
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:23.150000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:35.505000+00:00)
lying is for jews
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:36.110000+00:00)
Okay I will address your point on spencer and Enoch and so on and so forth
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:38.076000+00:00)
white taqiyya - lets put a pin in THAT statement for later
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:42.173000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:43.012000+00:00)
"White taqiyya"
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:48.660000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> Did you make some kind of cyber vaporwave profile pic?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:55.791000+00:00)
americans smdh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:58.443000+00:00)
white jihad > white sharia > white taqiyya
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:34:59.025000+00:00)
when will they learn
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:03.226000+00:00)
or is it just to show that we're the real feminists? :^)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:10.970000+00:00)
You don't even have to lie
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:12.598000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> yes :p
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:15.493000+00:00)
you can be wholly honest
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:16.675000+00:00)
Fwydy what even are you?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:20.341000+00:00)
what are they gonna do, whine?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:26.803000+00:00)
He's polish
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:28.586000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> Did you post full pic somewhere
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:32.389000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:35.499000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:35.501000+00:00)
I'm not.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:44.842000+00:00)
all your people flee to richer countries
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:49.314000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:55.509000+00:00)
I'm not a fucking pole
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:56.314000+00:00)
Fwydy is pure ancient Hyperborean
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:56.974000+00:00)
Christopher Cantwell, who has more balls the many on the racialist alt right, openly talks about revolution and overthrowing the government for years
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:35:57.008000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> What does that have to do with anything
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:36:02.170000+00:00)
... uhm
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:36:22.326000+00:00)
He is criticizing Americans when his government is openly friendly to our cause
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:36:25.004000+00:00)
and your nation is made out of people who flee from other nations so <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:36:41.076000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> His government probably doesn't represent him
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:36:52.202000+00:00)
Its not fleeing to build a nation from nothing while fighting redskins
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:03.347000+00:00)
That's called conquest
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:20.160000+00:00)
come on now, most of you immigrated there after all that was over
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:25.435000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:26.333000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:28.373000+00:00)
to grab some free land
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:30.135000+00:00)
My people didn't nigger
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:36.312000+00:00)
you an anglo?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:44.738000+00:00)
Anglo history isn't that great either
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:46.105000+00:00)
Dont devolve this to muh burgers muh yurop
HMan writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:46.518000+00:00)
>calling the superhuman swede "nigger"
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:37:53.215000+00:00)
heretics who got exiled
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:12.668000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:13.129000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:15.385000+00:00)
I'm not an Anglo. Though I have some Anglo heritage
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:26.908000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:30.122000+00:00)
You're an american
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:30.975000+00:00)
Somehow the discussion turned into something even worse than it originally was
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:31.555000+00:00)
we get it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:38.363000+00:00)
I'm still here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:40.304000+00:00)
still waiting
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:38:48.892000+00:00)
Rockwell didn't have on his party platform that he was going to start indiscriminately killing nogs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:04.662000+00:00)
again this shit
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:05.727000+00:00)
ANP never committed siege like acts
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:07.239000+00:00)
Who is saying that he should?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:09.200000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:21.369000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> those are two different eras
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:24.590000+00:00)
Well you and your butt buddies are all talking
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:26.432000+00:00)
lets not bog down into other arguments where you can' win and focus on what you said you'd address
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:32.034000+00:00)
Shall I not respond?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:39:46.623000+00:00)
well you're not responding to me after saying that you would address my points
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:04.778000+00:00)
Because your butt buddies keep talking whenever I start
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:08.963000+00:00)
>let's excuse our cowardice by early out of context quotes of important figures
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:17.920000+00:00)
Why can't I hold all these slavs
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:24.785000+00:00)
I'm not a slav
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:26.327000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:29.435000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:33.120000+00:00)
so what
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:39.642000+00:00)
you can't ignore them to make one post?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:40:44.725000+00:00)
let only slavros and furor argue
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:15.703000+00:00)
I don't even pay any attention to what fwydwy posts at all in here
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:18.363000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> do you make your own characters like the Kalki Avatar(?) one?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:25.420000+00:00)
or do you get the resources for them somewhere
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:31.522000+00:00)
Slavros is here?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:36.529000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:42.016000+00:00)
You arent white
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:44.269000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:45.626000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:45.956000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:52.940000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:53.794000+00:00)
and thus you declare defeat?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:58.601000+00:00)
is that your white flag of defeat?
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:41:59.101000+00:00)
He really got you there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:09.701000+00:00)
you can't actually address my points so you have to rely on that/
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:12.963000+00:00)
Sure. Because your goal is miscegenation
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:14.425000+00:00)
I'm pure hyperborean and I hold the same truths involving the movement as him
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:17.218000+00:00)
Wait what you arent white Slavros?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:17.600000+00:00)
it isn't an argument
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:18.419000+00:00)
You are not white
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:19.895000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:22.399000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:22.877000+00:00)
Shit I hate radicalism now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:27.203000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:31.343000+00:00)
I'm gonna go buy a suit
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:32.727000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:33.741000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:34.241000+00:00)
Is this what the alt right really believes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:35.917000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:39.229000+00:00)
You want a white woman lol
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:44.540000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:52.199000+00:00)
I do? weird how I stopped dating
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:53.175000+00:00)
You arent going to marry another mongol
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:42:57.148000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:01.976000+00:00)
Logic is a huwhyte mans construct thereover you loose <:troll:333285395259195394>
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:08.553000+00:00)
He wants mall shooting Asians, not hiwhite wymyn
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:18.939000+00:00)
Logic is pretty white
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:38.966000+00:00)
so by that logic are you not white?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:45.005000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:49.578000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> didn't you say all Russians are Asiatic anyway
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:43:54.819000+00:00)
hey I need to get a zinger in as well
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:07.461000+00:00)
if he did say that he's an idiot
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:28.607000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:38.274000+00:00)
Tfw nonwhite writes Zero Tolerance and btfo alt right
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:41.955000+00:00)
That is not to say it isn't white
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:46.160000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:50.105000+00:00)
I said it has a lot of Asiatic mongrels
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:50.909000+00:00)
**"Okay I will address your point on spencer and Enoch and so on and so forth"**
^conveniently ignored and forgotten because he figured he won't need to answer that once he brings up the "NOT WHITE" trump card!
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:44:53.589000+00:00)
Which it does
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:45:16.796000+00:00)
Why is it that a half white can write some of the best material for the struggle today?
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:45:29.220000+00:00)
Whites need to step it up tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:45:35.793000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Then why wouldn't he be able to find another "Asiatic mongrel" to mate with
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:45:46.337000+00:00)
Bc white girls fuck dogs smh
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:45:51.571000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:46:33.297000+00:00)
guess we'll never know why heimbach is cozy with fag apologists spencer and enoch
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:46:33.528000+00:00)
Ok, why are you concerned with Slavros' love life all of a sudden <@217106788074389514> ?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:46:37.873000+00:00)
at least not from this guy
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:46:48.544000+00:00)
Slavros isnt white
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:46:56.920000+00:00)
Therefore anything he says is wrong
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:05.303000+00:00)
Case closed
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:08.236000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:14.036000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:22.814000+00:00)
Okay. The point of attending unite the right was to directly engage the enemy, show that we will go in public and not be chased off by antifa or nigger BLM and to pull away the decent prospects of other orgs. Heimbach doesn't like the fag enablers, but there are talented individuals in those groups that we would like to pull away.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:41.341000+00:00)
But honestly Slavros you don't date?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:47:55.052000+00:00)
Your claiming you are voluntarily celibate?
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:00.258000+00:00)
Heimbach jumps in Dickie's bandwagon just like Dickie does with Trump, because of exposure
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:17.219000+00:00)
>not dating
He has yurt full of busty deepthroat singers
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:23.756000+00:00)
but you don't have to cozy up with these people to go to the event
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:28.736000+00:00)
Because I have never met a nonwhite who supported WN genuinely and not to get white women
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:31.933000+00:00)
frankly you can hold your own event
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:32.059000+00:00)
busty deepthroat singers
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:41.056000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:42.198000+00:00)
We do and we will
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:56.337000+00:00)
Slavros doesn't support WN though
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:48:56.415000+00:00)
Slavros let me explain something about this event.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:07.305000+00:00)
Okay nationalism of any sort
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:16.135000+00:00)
nationalism is stupid
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:17.747000+00:00)
a lot of non-whites support their native brand of nationalism
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:18.111000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:19.931000+00:00)
all nations are gay nowadays
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:28.784000+00:00)
>Slavros lemme eggsplain u
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:29.056000+00:00)
Ive never met a nonwhite who supported it that wasn't just trying to get white girls
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:32.879000+00:00)
one can condemn the whole lot of Unite the Right AND go to defend the statue, the southern herritage and whatever else and NOT be friendly with the likes of spencer and enoch
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:50.519000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i get pics somewhere else, i dont make them
tho i did make some swords, shileds etc
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:59.610000+00:00)
>but wouldn't it be easier to date white girls by going after liberal white girls?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T12:49:59.876000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> where to get good ones
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:04.257000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:05.688000+00:00)
It's just contacts and politics, not saying it's good but that's why
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:11.369000+00:00)
We can pull from their groups though Slavros by showing them up at events like UTRwl
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:12.605000+00:00)
Why would you chase after white supremacist thots if you weren't white
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:14.481000+00:00)
that's retarded
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:25.878000+00:00)
Which we did
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:50:49.650000+00:00)
Don't ask me to explain nonwhite loguc
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:51:07.288000+00:00)
White have logic, non whites loguc
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:51:08.684000+00:00)
But its a fact all these "based" nonwhites are after the same thing
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:51:15.371000+00:00)
Its just a ploy for white women
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T12:51:24.076000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:51:46.763000+00:00)
They think they can essentially be white presenting and then others will accept them marrying a white woman
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:15.034000+00:00)
People don't adhere to Slavros because he's a "based" nigger that makes us appealing to the normies, they do because of content
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:17.373000+00:00)
Maybe Slavros is the one in a million exception. Maybe some jews really are honest. But I dont buy it
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:33.159000+00:00)
What do ironmarchers actually do though?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:38.249000+00:00)
you aren't argueing with his points though
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:45.511000+00:00)
I haven't seen any good rallies by them in the US
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:52:51.334000+00:00)
you are building retarded things that don't apply to him and knocking them down.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:53:14.209000+00:00)
I didn't know iron march was a movement
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:53:14.515000+00:00)
I explained our reasoning for being at a public event like UTR
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:53:15.778000+00:00)
the majority of the altright are racist liberal cowards looking for easy ways out, they attended this event because of the safety in numbers and because they effectively treated it as a fun get together and not as a street action as is clearly seen in the footage, majority of them I imagine have scattered soon as things got tough and left behind the real fighters with no support, thus destroying the very premise of the event, but you're telling me that its a good idea to go and have cowards at your back to expose them as cowards and have them join TWP - the cowards are exposed as such with or without your presence there, all you do with your presence there while being friendly with spencer and enoch is give THEM legitimacy from yourself, you lend your legitimacy to those who don't deserve it, so unless the plan is to now condemn spencer, enoch and everyone at Unite the Right as cowards and thank the few of their members who stayed behind to support you your 4d chess plan will not have been completed to its intended effect
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:07.653000+00:00)
It comes off as bad to not show up to fight communists. People want to join the orgs that are visibly fighting
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:21.142000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:28.067000+00:00)
I'll post this again.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:29.806000+00:00)
hence my other point: you could have your own separate event from the unite the right one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:45.227000+00:00)
and show that you do fight AND it'll be seen more clearly as TWP on its own
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:53.845000+00:00)
how it handles the fight, its members etc
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:54:58.419000+00:00)
Here's the thing though slavros
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:13.197000+00:00)
ironmarch is not a movement
im getting annoyed by "why isnt IM having protests, rallies etc" comments
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:21.012000+00:00)
instead this is still largely a Unite the Right thing where somewhere TWP did something while Spencer will spin it for his own intentions with no mention of TWP
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:33.197000+00:00)
ironmarch has indirectly created a lot of quality groups
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:33.243000+00:00)
bunch of ppl on IM are in NRM, AWD, AR etc
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:41.140000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> So uh, how many defectors from your allied orgs do you have?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:46.192000+00:00)
NA before it got shut down
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T12:55:57.689000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> if you count linkindeath, its GD as well
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:56:17.517000+00:00)
The situation in Charlottesville being what it was the antifa were all camped out at that spot. It would have rightfully come off as cowardly to go somewhere else in charlottesville and face far lighter opposition
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:56:52.280000+00:00)
We have quite a few of the better guys from IE that see how shitty their own org is from that event
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:56:52.426000+00:00)
well for one thing it doesn't have to be an event held on the same day
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:56:59.699000+00:00)
say TWP had its own thing the day prior
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:57:29.263000+00:00)
btfo Unite the Right to the event, make a strong show of it, leave successful, let the Unite the Right fuckup happen the next day
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:57:40.953000+00:00)
Thats a good point
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:57:47.726000+00:00)
talk about a chance of clearcut juxtaposing power vs weakness
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:57:57.447000+00:00)
I want to see TWP do good. But it's doing a lot wrong.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:57:59.784000+00:00)
and would've had all the same benefits
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:07.896000+00:00)
but without lending legitimacy to Spencer and co
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:15.369000+00:00)
I think thats something that'll be done in the future.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:24.850000+00:00)
Why wait for the future?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:37.694000+00:00)
You're active - start getting it going around with the ground guys.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:39.645000+00:00)
Not the future as in a long time from niw
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:40.230000+00:00)
>because it can't be done right now?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:42.511000+00:00)
srsly tyler
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:52.692000+00:00)
To where leadership HAS to address the alt right issue.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:53.863000+00:00)
But as in something to think about going forward
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:58:56.026000+00:00)
next event is the context
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:59:30.224000+00:00)
I think the ideal might have been us doing both our own and UTR
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T12:59:45.195000+00:00)
if Heimbach now does a show of shaming everyone else at Unite the Right that will be a huge step in the right direction and to gain more of the same benefits you're talking about
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T12:59:53.729000+00:00)
Because we did get a lot of goys impresed seeing how we handled oufselves in person
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:00:05.816000+00:00)
but if he keeps hanging with spencer and enoch it'll just be a collective fuckup
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:00:19.380000+00:00)
lend legitimacy to them, share the shame
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:00:39.429000+00:00)
That's a good point as well
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:00:50.831000+00:00)
I kind of get your point Furor and it makes sense, but I doubt thats what went in Heimbach's head when he chose to support it. He's a true believer in big tentism from the looks of it
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:00:53.392000+00:00)
This is something that will be talked about
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:01:07.899000+00:00)
No I an telling you exactly what he told me
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:01:23.878000+00:00)
Heimbach trashes faggots regularly on his social media
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:01:43.393000+00:00)
Its why Greg Johnson doesn't go to anything twp attends
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:01:56.688000+00:00)
well then maybe there's still hope for him but I judge it on how it looks to the rest of the world including other NS groups, which presumably you guys want to consider as well
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:02:09.408000+00:00)
Ill bring it up to him
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:02:18.302000+00:00)
This discussion
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:02:53.241000+00:00)
I'll say this, when Heimbach posted to grindr greggy
>when YOU show your aids test
One of the heartiest laughs I've ever had
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:03:14.853000+00:00)
but then the picture with enoch, and enoch is best friends with greggy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:03:28.810000+00:00)
you can see how it just leaves a bad taste in one's mouth after what seemed like great improvements
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:03:49.746000+00:00)
I understand
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:04:16.853000+00:00)
More open hostility to fags would be good
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:04:30.727000+00:00)
Meaning the alt right too, right?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:04:53.205000+00:00)
AWD is openly hostile towards the alt right but we still have people come over.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:04:53.505000+00:00)
The alt right is a broad term. We dont really have hope for most in it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:04:59.707000+00:00)
srsly, if you guys need evidence of extensive faggotry in the altright we can provide it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:12.089000+00:00)
Like I said earlier, I came over from vanguard like a few others did.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:12.824000+00:00)
Believe me we are aware.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:24.293000+00:00)
Bullying is the best tactic.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:25.571000+00:00)
bigkk was there, a literal furry and a faggot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:33.523000+00:00)
I would never want smth like that at my back at an event
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:48.448000+00:00)
Unless it's an event that involves public hanging
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:51.780000+00:00)
>runs the altright.com discord
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:05:56.241000+00:00)
>spencer's discord
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:06.162000+00:00)
I didn't see him. I was at the front and he was somewhere else
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:17.242000+00:00)
yeah he was one of the people running streams online
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:19.526000+00:00)
He was live streaming it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:26.362000+00:00)
He was vaping
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:29.407000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:33.531000+00:00)
Furry faggot that capes
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:35.461000+00:00)
Twp is not cordial to faggots or jews at these events if and when we see them
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:06:36.726000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:03.477000+00:00)
I do agree the fag enablers should be dealt with more harshly
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:05.971000+00:00)
>just no way of knowing how many altright are fags
hence again why we are against it as a whole
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:33.645000+00:00)
if a movement or whatever the altright is, is so predisposed to this problem then there is something wrong with it on a fundamental level
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:34.024000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:40.035000+00:00)
heimbach is friends with a guy who was married to a jew and probaly is a jew
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:52.576000+00:00)
Enoch isn't a jew
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:57.158000+00:00)
anyone has cap of that altright mod saying how he doesnt care if you are a fag
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:07:58.506000+00:00)
he said he was
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:07.425000+00:00)
well slip of the tongue hints
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:11.421000+00:00)
not outright declared it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:20.639000+00:00)
but even if he is not a jew he is VERY SUSPECT
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:32.468000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> how about this
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:35.084000+00:00)
Enoch isn't a jew. Unprincipled but not a jew
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:35.502000+00:00)
because he was married to a jew faghag WHILE running TRS
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:08:43.447000+00:00)
based furry
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:07.113000+00:00)
its not just unprincipled though, it's either the most on the nose case of cognitive dissonance or he is playing everyone
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:11.659000+00:00)
The problem is that when you become an e-celeb like Matts did, you want to cozy up to all the other e-celebs, and you start feeling that your relationship with them is a bridge too valuable to burn, you dont want to be excluded from the e-celeb commmunity, feeling that its useful networking despite they being fucking degenerates or degeneracy enablers.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:30.380000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:33.533000+00:00)
heimbached dated a jew so it's no suprise he'd be ok with someone who married one
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:37.834000+00:00)
I think there is a lot of that
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:09:55.949000+00:00)
Networking is a big thing in a continent sized nation
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:01.507000+00:00)
Then as a member shouldn't you be concerned that your leadership is going down that path?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:25.717000+00:00)
These points are something we will discuss
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:27.881000+00:00)
enoch is suspect because you can't have a jewish faghag wife that posts stuff like "I love how jews don't hold anything sacred" but at the same time goes on your show to sing antisemitic christmas jingles
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:35.124000+00:00)
Itd be irresponsible to ignore them
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:46.014000+00:00)
If the leaders of AWD started getting buddy buddy with Spencer I'd raise Hell about it or leave.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:57.132000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T13:10:58.732000+00:00)
>the alt right is a broad term
YES , and that is a problem
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:01.887000+00:00)
I think what we've learned here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:04.852000+00:00)
is again
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:09.262000+00:00)
that purity spiraling works
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:12.411000+00:00)
Big tents are bad
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:15.844000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Yes, but if its networking with people are trash, its useless. Its bringing you down, for no reason. Hitler and Rockwell would just tell all these figures to fuck off and present a fanatacial intolerant uncompromising message, and now the whole world knows about them
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:18.390000+00:00)
And Slavros isn't white
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:23.926000+00:00)
well clearly
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:29.454000+00:00)
But no one has heard of these other people that Hitler and Rockwell told to fuck off
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:29.589000+00:00)
no argument involving me can go without that
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:44.233000+00:00)
it's all they have
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:47.536000+00:00)
more importantly though we spiraled hard, had a big heated argument over it but in the end possible progress was made
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:51.819000+00:00)
In 50 years Spencer will be a wikipedia footnote
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:11:58.882000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:12:11.448000+00:00)
a footnote on homosexuality
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:12:16.580000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> it does also bring us into contact with guys who are solid as well though is the only thing. Hence why it can be tempting to want to have that publicity
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:12:36.691000+00:00)
Your actions should reach out to those guys not connections.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:12:43.431000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:12:45.059000+00:00)
I heard about twp from seeing them covered by alt right media
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:07.698000+00:00)
what's your political history
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:09.214000+00:00)
I'm curiose
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:15.976000+00:00)
The Sacramento riot specifically
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:22.180000+00:00)
First satisfy my curiosity
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:26.147000+00:00)
What are you?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:40.423000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:46.243000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:50.815000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:51.945000+00:00)
And what nation are you in
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:13:55.303000+00:00)
see the sacramento riot - that's when we all leaped up at the news and were like "fucking hell Heimbach finally got good!"
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-13T13:14:23.842000+00:00)
One step forward, two steps back
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:14:24.211000+00:00)
were all very happy with that
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:14:40.258000+00:00)
Sacramento is the kind of thing you should go for, it made msm and it showed what you're about to potential radicals who might join you, being buddies with Dickie had little to with it. In fact if you followed Dickies tactics you would have run away 200 feet and fixed your hair with pomenade, but instead you did well
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:14:54.012000+00:00)
Niggers > Burgers tbh
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:15:15.096000+00:00)
Jk but you get the point
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:15:46.566000+00:00)
Yeah. I was very happy with Sacramento when I heard about it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:16:22.190000+00:00)
A lot different than the alt right cluster fuck.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:16:50.047000+00:00)
Okay. So my political history. Up til 16 raised liberal, experienced more diversity and realized multiracialism was hypocritical nonsense, at 17 starting reading SF and then shortly after that read white power and decided to learn about NS and found that after a few months I liked it a lot
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:17:30.891000+00:00)
Until recently ive been unaffiliated and just showed up at various rallies
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:17:39.117000+00:00)
I'm 22 in a few months
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:18:29.874000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:18:35.727000+00:00)
not that bad I guess
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:18:38.766000+00:00)
Racially I am mostly German with some anglo
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:19:04.573000+00:00)
But my Anglo side was frankly pretty badass. I'm descended from John sevier
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:19:16.508000+00:00)
Who is a conquering redskin killer and folk hero
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:19:54.564000+00:00)
Have you read any of the IM originals?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:20:22.666000+00:00)
Of what, books? I really like some articles on ropeculture
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:20:34.068000+00:00)
Like the one on violence
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:20:41.095000+00:00)
that one is by Max Macro
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:20:48.137000+00:00)
all his articles are top notch
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:21:15.714000+00:00)
"There Are no 'Good Jews'" and "Contra Altright" are also his
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:22:46.490000+00:00)
I think that twp may be able to get enough publicity to attract those we want by clashing with the alt right ans getting known for it
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:03.844000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> hey wait arent you the guy from the TWP discord that didnt want women to join because you were afraid you guys couldnt protect them?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:12.819000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:21.427000+00:00)
I didnt want women in
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:27.689000+00:00)
That's what we've been doing, <@217106788074389514>
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:29.224000+00:00)
Well you are fucking right because you couldn't fight shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:30.556000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:32.707000+00:00)
Period because i5 is bad tactically
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:34.163000+00:00)
any group
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:46.136000+00:00)
if it were to clash against the altright on the premise of them being faggot sofies
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:49.555000+00:00)
women in groups lmao
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:51.146000+00:00)
would get an immediate media boon
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:53.348000+00:00)
Japzzi I didn't see you there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:23:59.261000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:01.729000+00:00)
I was too busy at the front
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:08.268000+00:00)
imagine the media foaming at the mouth about that
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:29.788000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:36.244000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:42.109000+00:00)
they themselves built up this image of the altright as evil nazis which is all false, but if a real NS group came and kicked altright ass that would be something they'd have to announce everywhere
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:45.064000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:51.410000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:24:52.758000+00:00)
You mean like attacking the alt right at Charlottesville?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:25:09.759000+00:00)
like I kept saying "AWD should go protest BOTH the NPI conference AND the antifa there"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:25:24.935000+00:00)
what a thing that could've been
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:25:40.372000+00:00)
punching spencer for not being a nazi is the ultimate purity spiral.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:26:32.903000+00:00)
<@118489422931951616> it was all twp and league of the south at the front
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:26:33.209000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> you think I wanted to take a plane from fucking Denmark to join that cirkus?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:26:43.583000+00:00)
>left punching him for being a nazi
>nazi punching him for not being one
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:26:45.790000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:26:45.835000+00:00)
poor Dickie
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:27:17.097000+00:00)
Its just silly to tell some random guy he can't fight when there is literal footage of my at the front the entire time
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:27:17.433000+00:00)
that fist is in weird position
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:27:28.003000+00:00)
And how is Spencer good pr anyway? Spencer is abysmal pr, all he does is look weak and pathetic, if you've read anything by Hitler or Rockwell on movement propaganda, you'd know thats exactly the opposite of what you want to do
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:27:29.779000+00:00)
very wierd
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:27:51.212000+00:00)
I want Slavros to punch Dickie, that would be the ultimale purity spiral.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:15.729000+00:00)
I'd like a go at him too, verbally first though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:25.893000+00:00)
first you destroy his rationalizing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:28.271000+00:00)
and then himself
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:36.264000+00:00)
"Hey Dickie, you fucking faggot!"
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:46.183000+00:00)
Heard you talking shit about adolf
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:28:58.340000+00:00)
And then you destroy his waifu with her enormous milkers
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:29:00.190000+00:00)
I got maced, cleaned that out, went back to the front, then piss thrown in my eyes, cleaned that up and went back, then had bleach thrown in my eyes, then went back again. That entire time I was holding the line, commanding the shield wall and pulling out any of our guys whenever they got surrounded by wading into screaming niggers and drug addled commies myself
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:29:09.031000+00:00)
Hi Elusive
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:29:15.563000+00:00)
So your comment is silly japzi
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:29:17.570000+00:00)
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:29:35.333000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> just because you are at the front dosent mean you can fight. And the front is the back because great generalisimo Spencer told everyone to run
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:30:29.598000+00:00)
And the Alt Right thinks its a MAJOR VICTORY! HONORABUL DISPREH!
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:30:50.766000+00:00)
Your just incorrect. I know how I behaved and what I did. Your insinuation is simply false
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:30:59.570000+00:00)
I was the first in and the last ou5
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:31:01.433000+00:00)
<@118489422931951616> can you imagine if Leonidas abandoned his troops in the middle of the fight?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:31:18.916000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:31:32+00:00)
japzzi is just confused as he often is
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:01.377000+00:00)
The honor goes to the guy who ran the commies ovet
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:01.971000+00:00)
its true that just because you happened to be placed at the front doesn't mean you can fight, but here the situation is where only those willing to fight would even stand at the front
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:18.723000+00:00)
I-ts t-the moral victory that counts, r-right guys
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:26.046000+00:00)
I wouldn't feel right about calling myself German if I didnt try to live up to prinz eugen and arminius
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:42.794000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:48.188000+00:00)
And I know they sure as shit fought worse than I fought yesterday
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:52.030000+00:00)
I should update this thing with that new line spencer said about moral victory
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:32:58.611000+00:00)
As in worse enemies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:33:01.753000+00:00)
And altcucks are officially Jewish using Nazi term
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:33:44.598000+00:00)
What do you mean?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:33:48.701000+00:00)
The word Nazi?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:33:56.995000+00:00)
Because I use that myself
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:34:08.345000+00:00)
I'm sure you did good Furor, we're just saying that it wasnt important battle to fight for a NS movement. Thouhg I will concede that if you did better then all the cuck alt right movements and good people to join you for it, its not too pointless
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:34:23.051000+00:00)
street brawls do nothing lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:34:33.225000+00:00)
I don't like the term
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:34:46.314000+00:00)
it has to amount to something more tangible to be worth it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:34:49.675000+00:00)
It rolls of the tongue and is easier than saying national socialist
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:08.681000+00:00)
I am stealing that term from the Jews.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:10.612000+00:00)
If you want to own the streets you'll have to street brawl
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:18.859000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:20.295000+00:00)
Not in america.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:39.887000+00:00)
People who complain about the term Nazi being derogatory are much like blacks who complain about being called niggers
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:41.268000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:42.274000+00:00)
Russian firms are best
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:44.709000+00:00)
Street brawling attracts hard people to your thing, even if its a pointless battle
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:35:47.806000+00:00)
Here thats how its done, the anarchists have even secured places where even police doesnt go
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:00.741000+00:00)
Fwy this actually played well in the media for us. Let me explain
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:14.838000+00:00)
oh no dont' start that shit <@219244779832213505> I remember some altright morons literally saying that "Nazi" is "the N word for white people"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:31.995000+00:00)
You're getting overshadowed by Vanguard "commie car crasher" America though
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:34.215000+00:00)
I don't mean to
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:42.524000+00:00)
I just mean don't whine about what you're called
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:47.728000+00:00)
Wait hol up hol up hol up, just remembered something
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:53.286000+00:00)
"um akshully we're not nazis we're not national socialists"
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T13:36:55.110000+00:00)
Also it doesn't put you in the defense ''Actually guys we are National Socialists''
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:37:12.289000+00:00)
several discussions happening at once here now
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:37:24.282000+00:00)
This is part of Matt's instructions prior to the event: "As a reminder to all attendees, if the enemy comes to oppose us, we must under all circumstances follow the law and work to deescalate conflict. Do not bring any weapons, tools, or implements that are illegal. Please do not bring knives, masks, or other face covers.
If we are attacked, we will follow the laws and defend ourselves and our comrades, but under no circumstances will we aim to provoke or incite conflict. This means that we will not be screaming at, cursing, insulting, or name calling antifa while at the event.
Roman salutes shall not be used as an inflammatory or off the cuff action."
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:37:40.728000+00:00)
We literally had a state of emergency declared and made the media parrot antifas orwellian talking points about our speech being violence.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:37:52.616000+00:00)
This is a great first redpill for a lot of people
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:05.998000+00:00)
I agree with illegal weapons, but clearly clearly you didnt come to this event to show strenght, that was forced on you
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:14.502000+00:00)
We cost the local systems dozens of millions
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:22.115000+00:00)
on one hand that's not what i'd like from a group i'm a part of
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:27.325000+00:00)
you should care that much about "redpills"
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:37.579000+00:00)
but on the other if i ran an organization i'd tell them one thing and make that the public statement
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:42.700000+00:00)
theres a certain amount of people that can be "redpilled"
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:49.085000+00:00)
everyone else is lost
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:52.249000+00:00)
He doesn't mean the masses
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:55.841000+00:00)
He means alt right idiots
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:55.889000+00:00)
not really
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:38:57.499000+00:00)
No I dont
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:04.661000+00:00)
And no not them either
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:09.318000+00:00)
that applies to both crouds
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:22.986000+00:00)
This is a huge step into "the System is against you stop trying to work within it"
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:24.776000+00:00)
You people really do like to slander and obfuscate
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:29.739000+00:00)
you don't expect the guy who's maximum in life is unclogging the sewers to be able to read through a few thousand pages and implement that knowledge
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T13:39:32.734000+00:00)
the point is its better to focus on ppl who are larady NS and turn them stronger and more loyal
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:04.037000+00:00)
There are people in AR groups who are NS but are held back because they don't know better
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:11.651000+00:00)
Someone living in a whitetopia who has no reason or immediate cause for concern and isnt faced with the reality of multiracialism needs to start somewhere
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:23.637000+00:00)
Reaching out to them is incredibly important
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:28.445000+00:00)
Not all of us come out of the womb with a swastika printed on our ass
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:39.612000+00:00)
We do Tyler
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:45.423000+00:00)
We got a lot of them signing up
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:49.166000+00:00)
Someone post that Savitri Devi quote pls.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:40:51.248000+00:00)
From this event
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:41:28.857000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> precisely
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:41:38.765000+00:00)
The AR should be the #1 recruitment ground. Most of them just need a push to embrace NS
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:41:48.050000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:42:39.534000+00:00)
this is what your average ARer thinks NS is https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/269222230783819778/346247956384710658/Screenshot_1.png
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:02.452000+00:00)
Hyper post the quote that's on your IM signature
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:11.108000+00:00)
purely materialistic outlook on everything
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:28.362000+00:00)
AR is not spiritual at all, doesnt have any worldview that guides them
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:41.928000+00:00)
its just utilitarian materialism
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:50.755000+00:00)
no wonder so many of them are degenerates
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T13:43:53.247000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Thats painful
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T13:44:01.175000+00:00)
I mean the screencap
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:44:22.754000+00:00)
They are materialistic Bolsheviks in their spirit that's true.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-13T13:45:05.207000+00:00)
We have to present the higher values that drive us. Some might wake up
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:45:17.620000+00:00)
All of the big names, except Heimbach, seem to be atheists
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:45:27.082000+00:00)
Cultural Christians
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:45:35.662000+00:00)
And see religion as just useful tool for the masses
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:46:26.450000+00:00)
don't you shit on muh materialism
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:46:28.888000+00:00)
that's how i got here
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T13:46:35.836000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:46:36.217000+00:00)
Is ironmarch even majority Christian? Maybe I'm mistaken but I hadnt gotten that impression
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:46:56.667000+00:00)
part of it is
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:03.862000+00:00)
The lame part
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:05.873000+00:00)
christianity pfft
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:10.281000+00:00)
Mysterium Fasces podcast arose from it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:17.490000+00:00)
we have regular religious debates
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:18.128000+00:00)
heil vishnu hitler
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:19.999000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one — that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else. For this is not a mere political label; not an “opinion” that one can accept or dismiss according to circumstances, but a faith, involving one’s whole being, physical and psychological, mental and spiritual.
~ Savitri Devi, ‘Gold in the Furnace’, 1952
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:47:30.910000+00:00)
Thanks 😩
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:48:01.288000+00:00)
Ironmarch is officially EH
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:48:16.557000+00:00)
fuck, I must have missed the memo
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:48:20.166000+00:00)
you did
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:48:26.847000+00:00)
this discord is EH too now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T13:49:10.621000+00:00)
fwydy planted his flag here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:49:54.211000+00:00)
🇷🇸 👍 🇷🇺
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:49:59.039000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:50:23.333000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:50:48.239000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:51:05.839000+00:00)
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T13:51:25.566000+00:00)
why are flags of the last 100 years so gay
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:51:32.854000+00:00)
🇮🇱 <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787> 🇷🇺
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T13:51:38.797000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:52:04.597000+00:00)
Ironmarch does the will of Lord Jesus Christ
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:52:14.908000+00:00)
lord vishnu you mean
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T13:52:31.381000+00:00)
lord vishnu you meme
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:52:36.079000+00:00)
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T13:53:02.273000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T13:53:41.519000+00:00)
http://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1494506119846.webm <@217106788074389514>
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:53:42.743000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:54:42.009000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> good job fighting
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:54:47.824000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T13:55:34.625000+00:00)
Mozambique has the best flag tbh
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:55:39.991000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> if not sarcasm, thanks
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:02.599000+00:00)
Also, the reason why AW wasnt there was because we weren't planning to be there due to incidents and we lost a good chunk of members
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:05.970000+00:00)
It wasn't sarcasm
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:22.923000+00:00)
After the whole Devon thing a handful of guys left
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:35.158000+00:00)
But thats fine. Quality over quantity
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:46.472000+00:00)
I don't know much about AW but ive liked what i have seen
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:56:56.647000+00:00)
Have you done any rallies yet?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:08.525000+00:00)
Rallies aren't our thing.
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:11.470000+00:00)
If TWP eventually parts ways with altright I could see AW doing shit with TWP
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:19.268000+00:00)
We want to do marches and rallies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:22.446000+00:00)
Quality 👍
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:35.466000+00:00)
But we don't want to look weak and foolish
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:49.100000+00:00)
rallies NA style
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:51.834000+00:00)
Rather we've sent out at most 5 guys to do shit
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:57:56.153000+00:00)
Yes NA style
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:58:03.348000+00:00)
That's what we want
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:59:15.364000+00:00)
The reason we haven't been to any large rally is due to our separation from the altright
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:59:17.498000+00:00)
Btw milk works better than chemical solutions for curing pepper spray
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T13:59:33.915000+00:00)
We recruit guys who become radical from the altright
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T13:59:35.883000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T13:59:36.483000+00:00)
I don't care what the science says
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:00:43.302000+00:00)
I honestly think a voice call between Slavros and Heimbach would suffice
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:00:56.994000+00:00)
Id like to see that.
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:01:10.081000+00:00)
There needs to be more communication
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:01:31.546000+00:00)
When i saw the pic of Heimbach with Spencer and Enoch I was disappointed
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T14:01:52.268000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Did you post a video on twitter with your red eyes whining about your civil rights being violated and begging for pity, while also waving your finger and threatening a lawsuit? I hear those are all the rage these days
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:01:55.235000+00:00)
Spencer Jew boy
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:02:15.160000+00:00)
The more NS elements of TWP should be in contact with some AWD guys, just saying.
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:02:19.143000+00:00)
I know Heimbach is smarter than that
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:02:33.827000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> nope, why so quick to try and slander?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T14:02:48.465000+00:00)
Its a joke, thats what Dickie and Nathan did 😂
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:02.649000+00:00)
Yeah I hate Nathan
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:07.486000+00:00)
Hes a scumbag
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:19.284000+00:00)
I'm convinced he's an informant.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:36.341000+00:00)
And an idiot who apparently never even read white power to know the sneaky Nazi shit is retarded
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:42.934000+00:00)
I know him quite personally
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:53.311000+00:00)
They aren't even sneaky nazis.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:55.916000+00:00)
Hes a dipshit narcissist
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:03:56.077000+00:00)
They're just gay
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:07.291000+00:00)
Yeah mostly just gay
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:13.921000+00:00)
I've talked to people who left IE and they told me shit about their org
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:23.346000+00:00)
Altright Spencer Jew cult
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:26.158000+00:00)
Homos and Jews are fine if they're in just keep it on the downlow.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:29.248000+00:00)
IE is universally looked down on
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:38.270000+00:00)
Don't ask don't tell.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:04:39.324000+00:00)
TWP hates them and the feeling is mutual
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:01.557000+00:00)
They are a bunch of daddy's yacht boat shoe yuppie faggots
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:02.225000+00:00)
<@315896512338984960> WHAT
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:10.302000+00:00)
Don't say nigger or kike because we aren't racists. We're racial realists 🤢
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:20.208000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:42.326000+00:00)
Great, purge us from public life, it only gives us less a reason to hold back our thoughts
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T14:05:45.223000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> lol angry
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:06:08.120000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:06:42.409000+00:00)
I'm fine with American Nazism going away, mostly because I want America gone.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:06:50.152000+00:00)
All of it goes.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:07:05.691000+00:00)
I'm not an AW member but between those guys and all the other friends I've made in this movement, I think I'd do just fine without being part of Hayes' polite society
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:05.697000+00:00)
American Nazism is mostly dumb skinheass
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:11.982000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:27.301000+00:00)
ANP era it wasn't, NSM is fucking useless
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:35.970000+00:00)
TWP is pretty cool though
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:38.834000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> what?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:47.310000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T14:08:49.366000+00:00)
You mean the NSM?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:09:04.536000+00:00)
I mean the fonnies
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:09:44.157000+00:00)
I like skins
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:09:51.758000+00:00)
They're great guys for the most part
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:09:55.643000+00:00)
Good fighters
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:00.904000+00:00)
I don't say there aren't good american nazis
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:01.027000+00:00)
Skins are fine if they're not mentally retarded
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:09.558000+00:00)
More reliable than an alt righter
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:10.045000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:16.264000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> this
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:30.026000+00:00)
Skins that aren't slinging meth are usually great guys
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:10:49.498000+00:00)
"Omg Nathan Damigo punched a grimy woman in the face!!! Based!!!"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:11:08.008000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:11:12.103000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:11:33.142000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:11:54.796000+00:00)
Aryan warrior
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:11:55.009000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:12:03.306000+00:00)
I can't understand BA
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T14:12:07.535000+00:00)
greatest ally of National Socialist struggle
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:12:19.435000+00:00)
Half the time he's going full 14/88 half the times he's like a civic narionalist
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:12:33.876000+00:00)
He just cucks out so quickly
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T14:12:40.292000+00:00)
I don't understand him either
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:13:00.225000+00:00)
He got maced
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T14:13:23.719000+00:00)
His stream mostly other guy
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:13:54.205000+00:00)
To the AW people, where are the arguments that Nathan are a fed informant, im just curious.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:14:23.431000+00:00)
It's moreso the circumstance around him. He got let off really easy on a "hate crime" charge when he pulled a gun on a moslem.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:14:33.895000+00:00)
Usually people who get out of prison for that become informants.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:14:45.176000+00:00)
Regardless tho he's also a massive faggot
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:14:55.759000+00:00)
What's the usual punishment and what kind of sentence did he get?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:14:55.984000+00:00)
Muh activism
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:15:07.811000+00:00)
But he doesn't do half the ballsy shit that even GI does in Europe
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:15:42.589000+00:00)
He got out early for "good behavior" for a hate crime which doesn't happen for people charge with a hate crime unless they agree to inform
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:16:15.355000+00:00)
When he pulled the gun was he open about being pro-white?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:16:19.645000+00:00)
His friend Angelo Gage or whatever seems kind of crazy too
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:16:34.300000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> he was just anti Arab
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:16:55.997000+00:00)
Also he threatened to report his movement members to the Feds in his discord
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T14:17:02.309000+00:00)
He threatened to report someone to feds. But that could be just cucking taken to the max, like you go so full fed under every bed that you would report anyone in your group who even mentions violence so that you wouldn't be indited
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:17:36.783000+00:00)
What groups are my Americans here members of?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:17:49.423000+00:00)
I bet you can't guess for me.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:18:02.518000+00:00)
No <@!315896512338984960> never could guess lol
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T14:19:27.927000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> You work for AccuWeather?
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:19:46.357000+00:00)
I do
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:19:50.375000+00:00)
I'm actually EPA.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:19:51.429000+00:00)
Interesting. I guess the american prison system does have some kind of written statement why he's being released on good behaviour? If you look for the statement maybe you can find something unusual.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:20:09.243000+00:00)
They just slap it down for good behaviour.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:20:33.052000+00:00)
Plus it wouldn't make sense for them to detail out he's out because he's going to snitch.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:20:42.709000+00:00)
Or at least make it easily accessible
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:20:55.837000+00:00)
The system isn't here to play nice.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:22:03.615000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> The thing is if he is informing the obviously aren't going to have documentation available to the public confirming that because that would blow his cover as an informant
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:22:05.188000+00:00)
Makes sense how he'd be able to get off clean after punching that ugly shroom girl too
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:22:37.438000+00:00)
yeah I can't imagine that one of us would get away for something like that on camera
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:22:54.505000+00:00)
I know, what I meant was if you look at why other people gets released earlier maybe you can find that he's early release is so unusual that something really shady is going on. Problem is that it is a lot of work if you aren't familiar with the usual routines.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:24:00.352000+00:00)
If he isn't a fed it's worse tbh, I don't know how you could be doing a job as badly as he is and not be doing it on purpose/order
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:24:18.060000+00:00)
Damigo is just Spencer's pawn anyways
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:25:34.726000+00:00)
Heimbach isn't a dumb guy, he's going to realize this alt right tent is doomed to fail and he'll pull out
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:25:55.048000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:25:59.100000+00:00)
For example. Maybe Nathans early release has only happened 1 time of 100 000 different cases. <@326825183329386512> I'm really not familiar with the american groups any longer, when you join the Nordic Resistance Movement you really don't have time as a single person to check out every different group if that isn't you job.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:26:01.902000+00:00)
he's still tight with Spencer and Enoch
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:26:31.264000+00:00)
I see TWP pulling out completely
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:26:33.550000+00:00)
Just a little bit curious, do you think Enoch is a jew?
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:26:48.094000+00:00)
I dont think Enoch is an ethnic jew
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:26:54.276000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> Kike Enoch may not have Jew in him but he's been inside a Jew
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:27:01.098000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:27:01.928000+00:00)
Hes a spiritual kike
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:27:04.932000+00:00)
very good way of putting it
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:06.574000+00:00)
Enoch might not be a Jew but being married to a kike while claiming to be NS is bad enough
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:09.141000+00:00)
Do you think that hes "former" wife infected him?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:34.549000+00:00)
I think he is either an agent or a jew
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:37.022000+00:00)
or both
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:41.703000+00:00)
I think you can't trust him after that
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:28:52.765000+00:00)
you can't trust him for other things.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:29:04.844000+00:00)
that's just the icing on the cake
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:29:11.937000+00:00)
Everyone who has integrity should've disavowed him
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:29:46.801000+00:00)
Anglin has gone full cuck too
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:30:10.424000+00:00)
meh nothing changed
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:30:19.067000+00:00)
The funny thing is that they present a test on his genetics but what kind of evidence is that? How hard is it to fake one of those or let someone else spit in the test tube.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:30:50.769000+00:00)
Mike Enoch is a golem for the Jews, I don't think he's ethnically Jewish
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:15.650000+00:00)
the website that does those tests is owned by a tribesman
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:18.880000+00:00)
Yet all of the commentators took it as solid evidence in the DS comment section.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:21.709000+00:00)
yeah a genetics test screenshot isn't particularly compelling evidence
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:22.075000+00:00)
It's easy to fake a 23andme
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:35.029000+00:00)
He could've had someone give their saliva instead of him
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:59.244000+00:00)
But what matters most is hes a spiritual kike
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:31:59.246000+00:00)
I can pay some random hobo to spit in a tube and boom I'm 100% nigger
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:32:08.745000+00:00)
Ethnic kike would be icing
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:32:20.249000+00:00)
You're 100% nigger anyway cause you're polish.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-13T14:32:26.145000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:32:28.576000+00:00)
The 23andme is meant to be a distraction from what he did
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:33:06.993000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:33:32.088000+00:00)
We gave one of my polish friends shit for being polish in class one time, did not go well when the teacher heard us telling him he was destined to be a master toilet cleaner
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:33:39.545000+00:00)
It's meant to draw attention away from the fact that HE WAS MARRIED TO A JEW FOR YEARS, EVEN WHILE ON TDS
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:34:22.183000+00:00)
The people who defend him say "well he divorced her" which is funny
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:34:27.183000+00:00)
I know AA is clever enough but he pushed really hard and all of his readers gobbled it up. <@316346918806618114> That very true, I think it's a american thing. You sell people a product, what you belive/and do doesn't matter. Much like the old conservatives, they only talk. I know Alex Linder had a great article on that subject.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:34:36.617000+00:00)
He only divorced because he was caught, imagine if he wasn't.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:35:06.706000+00:00)
Also anglin I'm sure was in it for the money.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:35:11.868000+00:00)
Once he needed legal fees.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:35:30.741000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:36:13.226000+00:00)
Do they have evidence that he's divorced? I mean some jews aren't married to eachother but yet live togheter to collect government benefits. The muslims have the same gig here in Sweden.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:36:35.513000+00:00)
All that I know is that's what's claimed.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:36:59.819000+00:00)
Oh nice look what's on the news now
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:37:01.270000+00:00)
Hell they could still be married and are now enjoying increased donations
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:37:25.129000+00:00)
"Mansplaining, manterrupting, manspreading"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:37:31.432000+00:00)
Though speculating on it is kind of useless bexuase he's guilty regardless.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:37:52.331000+00:00)
He can line up against the wall with the other degenerates.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:38:24.377000+00:00)
The funny thing about it is that the kikes have pushed the holocaust lie, If you understand that, there is no limit when it comes to lying for them. A thing like Mike Enoch is everyday stuff for them.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:38:43.542000+00:00)
Good way of looking at it
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:40:37.612000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> Yes, but you also want to win the argument about him being a person that should be up on the wall to an outside person. The problem I face is how much time should you spend on arguments with idiots.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:41:40.974000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T14:42:21.860000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> classic fascists at least believed in what they fought for
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:45:08.705000+00:00)
To be honest I was a little bit nordic naive, the people on DS having spammed that they would oppose the jews and gas them and etc. When suddenly Enoch was doxxed and half of the comment section on the forum supported him. The good thing about it was that it radicalized me even further as I hated those fucking internet posers that only talk behind the keyboard.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:46:48.997000+00:00)
I'm reading the article "Zero tolerance" really good stuff.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:46:53.489000+00:00)
Yeah the only reason they'd be pro-Enoch is because they have some sort of emotional attachment to him
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:46:58.633000+00:00)
Which is just as pathetic as it sounds
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T14:47:13.812000+00:00)
Of course they try to rationalise it after the fact by saying "He's good for the movement!"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:47:41.311000+00:00)
To me at this point DS is just another enemy.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:47:51.244000+00:00)
They're against us as national socialists.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:47:55.816000+00:00)
<@219244779832213505> Yes, that's what I thought, a really pathetic human trait.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:48:20.809000+00:00)
DS has been doing the whole Plz don't criticize people who are "Pro-white" thing for a while
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:48:41.398000+00:00)
Are there certain guys there that are quality? Sure. But those people need to learn to leave it all behind and join the rest of us.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:49:05.705000+00:00)
Though the DS crowd are keyboard warriors. Twitter activists.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:49:11.691000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> I read those articles on DS, the edge sounded I think was directed at renegade. How is the relationship with ironmarch and DS nowdays?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:50:27.391000+00:00)
It doesn't matter who it's directed at. Anglin is against what Hitler was for, only uses Nazism as a meme to "trigger" people. Has banned people for speaking against the big tent failures.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:51:22.720000+00:00)
I wouldn't say the relationship is good, ironmarch hates the alt right and DS is alt right explicitly.
Victor writes: (2017-08-13T14:51:49.437000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> I thought Anglin was a NS a while back? I guess not.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:52:07.562000+00:00)
One of them was directed at Renegade the "Why I don't identify as a national socialist" one was against NS in general
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:53:03.598000+00:00)
Anglin explicitly said he's alt right, not national socialist.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:53:17.961000+00:00)
That neo-nazi white supremacist is a meme.
fedortumkin writes: (2017-08-13T14:53:34.109000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> what exactly he was against for?
Victor writes: (2017-08-13T14:53:56.344000+00:00)
Okey. Yes i can see that clearly now.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:54:08.318000+00:00)
National Socialism itself.
fedortumkin writes: (2017-08-13T14:54:55.528000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> i thought he was pro NS.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:55:12.622000+00:00)
Only the imagery bexause it's edgy.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T14:55:55.776000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T14:57:55.459000+00:00)
DS really is the waterhole for the lemmings, when he releases a statement many of them follows, and getting brownypoints on the comment section.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:58:12.483000+00:00)
The comments are absolutely abysmal
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:58:40.134000+00:00)
He sees anyone who attacks pro white orgs and people as enemies
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T14:58:52.144000+00:00)
They banned me because I said GLR wouldve gassed Enoch
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T14:59:54.847000+00:00)
Pro-white is a broad term too. Like you can't attack based faggot millenial woes
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:00:43.116000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T15:02:17.403000+00:00)
Embracing Enoch after what he did says it all, how can he succesfully propagandize against the jews since he accepted a jew lower and fag enabler like Enoch back. The opposition will only ridicule him as he don't have any standards. And to show such weak proof that Enoch really is a white person can only convince the lemmings.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-13T15:02:40.751000+00:00)
I'm off to work have a good one guys and thanks for the update on the american front.
fedortumkin writes: (2017-08-13T15:03:20.915000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> What is this? Is this a party or organisation?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:04:07.328000+00:00)
<@340787786204446721> What, Davies? Its a forum where far right people speak, and Davies was from National Action
fedortumkin writes: (2017-08-13T15:06:40.475000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> Tnx. Do you know what this flag means? Nordfront hade an april joke about changing the Tyr rune for a white lily.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:07:32.245000+00:00)
Idk, I think its something from the war of the roses, emblem of Yorkshire dynasty or something like that
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:08:11.822000+00:00)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rose_of_York Yes it is
Frog writes: (2017-08-13T15:08:34.651000+00:00)
Scary or what...
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T15:09:46.023000+00:00)
if that's scary you don't know the full depth of the jewish questions
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T15:10:03.362000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T15:10:10.560000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:11:48.171000+00:00)
I think some of those could be coincidences
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:12:07.792000+00:00)
the only thing the google play logo and the pyramid capstone have in common is that they're triangles
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T15:17:23.418000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:20:11.531000+00:00)
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T15:30:54.808000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:34:11.186000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:35:52.755000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T15:37:51.673000+00:00)
>state of emergency
>unlawful assembly
>3 dead
Oh yeah you'll totally get to sue them and win
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:38:29.327000+00:00)
that true
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:38:41.234000+00:00)
i looked at AW site it looks awesome
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:38:52.224000+00:00)
Thinking they'll be able to sue the system
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:38:54.733000+00:00)
Good luck
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:39:06.426000+00:00)
i found IM trough that site
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:39:45.902000+00:00)
Yeah. Our guys who do propaganda, video work and design are great
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:39:49.492000+00:00)
Very skilled
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:40:24.263000+00:00)
flyers look awesome
Frog writes: (2017-08-13T15:40:38.072000+00:00)
<@219244779832213505> There are no coincidences...
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:00.844000+00:00)
Made a new one last night
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:01.193000+00:00)
That's highly illogical
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:12.465000+00:00)
So are all triangles intended to resemble the pyramid capstone? <@335143635186089988>
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:17.999000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:45.067000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:41:49.043000+00:00)
i like this one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:42:02.597000+00:00)
maybe cuz of squat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T15:42:18.579000+00:00)
hah that back to school one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:42:40.335000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:42:52.081000+00:00)
they are really kikes
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:43:02.404000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> what Discord is that?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:43:12.790000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:43:33.374000+00:00)
Oh yeah I'm in that one too, it's pitiful
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:43:42.099000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:43:47.507000+00:00)
Some guys drop siegepills
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T15:44:40.349000+00:00)
Fuck burger movements tbh
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:45:01.036000+00:00)
AW is a burger movement with the best chance of success tho
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:45:17.527000+00:00)
Outside of that we're basically useless tho
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:45:21.354000+00:00)
Besides like TWP
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:45:40.696000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> Thats an unprofessional squat. Your whole foot needs to touch the ground smh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:45:46.929000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:46:17.548000+00:00)
I actually get asked in practice to do squats since my dad's side comes from Russia
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:46:29.835000+00:00)
Smh discrimination
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:46:50.678000+00:00)
u guys want invite so u can see altkike decadence
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:47:07.996000+00:00)
It's the one with the furfag admin right?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:47:30.824000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:47:37.322000+00:00)
Yeah I'm in that
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:47:46.699000+00:00)
I like how your name just goes to "Official Kebab" tho
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T15:48:06.302000+00:00)
I got banned from there
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:49:49.682000+00:00)
Came from altright discord
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:49:51.849000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:49:55.241000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:49:58.259000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:07.977000+00:00)
i also like this one
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:09.422000+00:00)
I'm pretty sure he's in this server too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:27.379000+00:00)
yes he is
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:40.260000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:45.782000+00:00)
What's this about
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:48.661000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:50:58.496000+00:00)
"Don't be a Natsee!!!" *Joins a NatSoc party's discord*
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:51:52.607000+00:00)
<@!273724210575048705> what kind of faggotry are you partaking in?
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T15:52:50.241000+00:00)
<@273724210575048705> Explain yourself
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:01.251000+00:00)
<@!273724210575048705> lol what
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:19.870000+00:00)
I wish there was more nazi flags there
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:28.609000+00:00)
The swastika is an eternal symbol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:36.625000+00:00)
i suggested he should have brought ss flag
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:47.447000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> >revolution starts with you
Reminds me of this
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:53:50.996000+00:00)
Gives hope to our people and strikes fear in our enemies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:54:15.138000+00:00)
yea few of them are fighting in donetsk
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T15:54:19.118000+00:00)
>be in a country where its okay to fly the swastika banner 24/7
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:54:43.457000+00:00)
Serbian action guys
VyRuX writes: (2017-08-13T15:56:17.189000+00:00)
What happened?
VyRuX writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:08.218000+00:00)
Oh, yes. Fuck him. We told them not to bring swastikas but nooo, no way you would listen to us. Now it's on the front page of every god damn publication
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:09.433000+00:00)
Why are you gay?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:25.293000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> at least you guys banned Jehovah's Witness
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:43.162000+00:00)
<@!273724210575048705> stop, you're being a massive faggot
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:45.558000+00:00)
Healthy Family
Healthy Nation
Serbian Action
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:52.210000+00:00)
I enjoyed the footage of the Moscow scientology office getting raided
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T15:57:53.497000+00:00)
<@!273724210575048705> Cartoon frogs are a better representation of modern Whites than the swastika, I guess.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:58:35.160000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> gimme
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:58:45.612000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:58:50.870000+00:00)
<@!273724210575048705> enjoy your faggoty leader
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:01.989000+00:00)
That's what you guys rep
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:07.963000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyI_YJeO9PY
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:17.783000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> Spencer is more respectable than Hitler
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:21.693000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> nice
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:26.793000+00:00)
Every time Slavros goes
VyRuX writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:28.080000+00:00)
I honestly didn't know this server was full of idiots.
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:34.508000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:46.481000+00:00)
I like the part where he doesn't even attempt to argue.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:48.363000+00:00)
@VyRuX#0846 we're just not ideology-less faggots
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:54.761000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T15:59:56.581000+00:00)
i like Spetznaz videos in particular
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:04.176000+00:00)
did he leave?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:05.052000+00:00)
damn it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:07.921000+00:00)
was about to engage
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:08.819000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:10.308000+00:00)
@VyRuX#0846 Didn't know alt-right nerds were spineless maggots with no vision... Oh wait I did know that.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:11.097000+00:00)
Especialy ninja breaking
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:17.734000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:18.258000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:21.064000+00:00)
your tags are USELESS
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:26.655000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:33.654000+00:00)
It's really easy to dissect their arguments
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:33.928000+00:00)
He left i think
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:35.828000+00:00)
He left yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:41.008000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:52.096000+00:00)
He should be tagged everywhere he goes as "Massive Nigger Faggot"
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:52.430000+00:00)
I tagged him in the altright discord
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:53.388000+00:00)
Oh well, I had already written a cause for banning but thought it would be more fun to bully him first.
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T16:00:58.991000+00:00)
That's why he responded
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:01:07.654000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:01:08.551000+00:00)
Lmao the altrightist left
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:01:12.738000+00:00)
Good riddance
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:01:56.734000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> is a serial killer, he stalks his pray with purpose, readying to kill him for all his sins and pitifu-...
*guy commits suicide*
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:02:20.442000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:04:27.871000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:04:34.045000+00:00)
Wasn't this used for an NA design?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T16:05:18.030000+00:00)
I think so
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:05:43.376000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:06:01.352000+00:00)
the volunteers in war in donetsk
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:06:53.409000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:07:04.939000+00:00)
Alt Kike on the wall
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T16:07:10.553000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> Shouldnt they be back? War is over for a while now
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:08:21.887000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:08:40.144000+00:00)
If anyone isn't muted, post the pictures of AW militants versus the alt Kike faggots in their cheap suits
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:09:05.913000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> they will be arrested and put too trial
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:09:24.451000+00:00)
while croats fighting on ukrainian side nope
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:09:32.717000+00:00)
they come as they went
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T16:09:36.626000+00:00)
Pocuca isnt in prison, right
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:10:23.093000+00:00)
he is arrested
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:10:29.494000+00:00)
found the news
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:10:31.343000+00:00)
>Thinking that not being involved in the mistake that was charlottesville is an insult <@326825183329386512>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:10:36.028000+00:00)
for prison i dont know
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:11:57.109000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> literally all I saw from their anti Nazi stance is that some black lady called them white separatists instead of supremacists
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:12:19.971000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:12:33.640000+00:00)
yep i think he is released not in prison
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:13:01.530000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T16:20:19.059000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:21:45.310000+00:00)
oh boy
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:22:03.365000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:23:05.114000+00:00)
whats TWP
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:24:14.668000+00:00)
(((TBerg))) - Today at 6:23 PM
The whole point of the SS and the SA was to wrest territory away from leftist militias
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-13T16:24:42.519000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:02.630000+00:00)
Dr. VyRuX - Today at 6:24 PM
@Jay Tea 🍇 He's not. Shills are out in force today because of our MASSIVE victory
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:19.400000+00:00)
in what world do these people live
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:34.462000+00:00)
Ask them what they accomplished and they won't know what to say
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:43.488000+00:00)
They may say they got media coverage
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:45.155000+00:00)
this is leftist level of delusion
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:25:48.786000+00:00)
Great, now they still hate you
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:26:06.849000+00:00)
They're going to hate you whether you use a swastika or cartoon frogs, choose not to be a faggot
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:29:49.175000+00:00)
less than 1 mbit/s dl speed
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:06.154000+00:00)
had to restart windows explorer because it froze
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:07.650000+00:00)
When is the Gothenburg rally?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:13.135000+00:00)
<@290664695755440130> 30 sept.
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:20.360000+00:00)
How many will show?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:35.878000+00:00)
+1 000
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:30:41.087000+00:00)
Good, I will try to go
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:31:23.099000+00:00)
my college starts at 1st of oct
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:31:28.326000+00:00)
You guys will make the alt Kike rally look like a joke
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:31:52.426000+00:00)
The Alt Kikes dont even have protection squads
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:31:56.607000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> Well we have antifa dressed as clowns at our rallies so the counter-demonstrations WILL be jokes
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:32:27.111000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Have you seen the way some of the alt right faggots dress tho? They may give antifa a run for their money
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:32:50.055000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:32:52.743000+00:00)
I view them as different groups on the same spectrum
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:33:40.075000+00:00)
As long as USA balkanizes
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:33:42.427000+00:00)
That's all we need
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:34:02.957000+00:00)
Then they will have no way to hold onto the puppet governments of Western Europe
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:34:12.603000+00:00)
whats balkanizing
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:34:43.774000+00:00)
Breaking down like you guys did
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:34:56.667000+00:00)
Into smaller nations
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:35:02.957000+00:00)
oh that that is possible
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:35:24.031000+00:00)
tthey butthurt cuz of my emojis
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:36:42.208000+00:00)
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:37:18.703000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:37:58.805000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:38:08.394000+00:00)
i will womit
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-13T16:41:54.983000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:42:01.786000+00:00)
Not sure where I got this, somewhere on Discord
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:42:31.558000+00:00)
That's from the video with the gay little kid indoctrination cartoon
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:42:42.799000+00:00)
i seen it also
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:42:50.715000+00:00)
i know i wanna vomit
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:43:10.225000+00:00)
Maybe 1/50 gays are tolerable
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:43:11.650000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:43:40.882000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T16:43:41+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> Not really
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:43:50.438000+00:00)
what i found on other discord
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:45:36.765000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> more or less?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T16:49:16.161000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T16:49:16.843000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:50:06.904000+00:00)
hang them all on the nearest tree
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:51:00.059000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:51:11.491000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:51:17.508000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> who is the national bloc?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:51:33.582000+00:00)
And why hasn't the Vanguard Britannia decided to work with AW instead
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:52:13.779000+00:00)
dont know i seen it posted by vb member
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T16:52:41.467000+00:00)
"false flag" ayy lmao
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T16:52:49.995000+00:00)
literally everything is a false flag
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T16:53:01.338000+00:00)
Why are you asking questions that can be answered in the very screenshot you just posted
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:53:35.936000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> what Discord is that in?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:54:15.560000+00:00)
The Final Legion
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:54:29.801000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T16:55:16.929000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> hmu with the link if you could
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:56:33.012000+00:00)
i will dm it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T16:58:15.346000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> i seen it u are on politics server
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:00:37.188000+00:00)
why are u labeled marxist jewish there
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:03:36.705000+00:00)
Lmao I got all the cringe shit, internationalist should be on there too
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:03:50.521000+00:00)
And then also what's that thing macron keeps being accused of
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:04:21.232000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:04:32.318000+00:00)
Technocrat lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:04:32.450000+00:00)
why u labeled like that on there
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:04:41.660000+00:00)
Because it was funny
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:05:01.617000+00:00)
You know it's a joke because it says both technocrat and Marxist which are conflicting ideas
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:05:23.383000+00:00)
But both super Kikey ideologies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:06:27.191000+00:00)
it wont generate link for me
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:06:46.018000+00:00)
Ah, that's alright no big deal
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:07:07.988000+00:00)
it just spins but it wont show generated link
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:07:22.370000+00:00)
That's alright lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:25:05.019000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:25:50.226000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:25:54.548000+00:00)
oh ffs
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:26:48.241000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:27:10.440000+00:00)
yesterday Nazi had over 1 mil tweets on twitter
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:27:17.548000+00:00)
*I ask that you please use the hashtags #HugANazi and #RoadRageHasNoPolitics on social media to let Neo-Nazis know that they are a welcome part of our community, we embrace them for the diversity they bring to our society, and we know that they are not all road ragers.*
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:28:42.109000+00:00)
He needs to khs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:28:55.955000+00:00)
nvm the whole article is a parody of ISIS attack reaction articles
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:28:58.748000+00:00)
>still tho
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:29:37.240000+00:00)
i heard from someone IM has a discord that true
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T17:29:37.633000+00:00)
>took that long to realize
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T17:29:42.328000+00:00)
i knew it from the hashtags alone
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:30:43.504000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:30:46.709000+00:00)
💊Nitroglycerin💊 - Today at 7:30 PM
At this moment many news outlets, politicians, and public figures are condemning us at Charolettesville. They will not tell of the injustices we faced and blatantly lie about what really went on in Charolettesville. We organized peacefully to protest the removal of Confederate statues and to make it known to the world that the white race will NOT go quietly into the night. That we will NOT be replaced, that this is our soil meant for our blood. We cannot let the lies of the media prevail. We are called terrorists and horrible evil people. But I say to that, we are a people trying to preserve a nation and a history that is OURS and that we are trying to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. We didn't start the violence at Unite the Right, we were the victims of attack by Communists and degenerates. And we are accused of things we didn't do because we are against diversity, degeneracy, and lies propped up by (((them))). They are all afraid, and they are trying to smear us because we were able to unite, brothers and sisters from all over the world to stand up for our race , and that genuinely scares them. We will always be attacked because we are trying to save a people who are envied. A people who have a rich culture and history that goes against the degeneracy and vileness they believe in. So my message to you: stay strong my brothers and sisters, let it be known that we are lied about, let it be known that we will NOT go quietly and that WE WILL secure the existence of our people, of our culture, and of our history!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:30:56.658000+00:00)
from altright discord
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:31:07.382000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:33:38.749000+00:00)
😋 🔫
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:34:25.347000+00:00)
this will probably go for a whole day
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:38:38.887000+00:00)
American Huguenot master race
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:39:46.864000+00:00)
What's your thoughts on SSNP?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:40:32.903000+00:00)
never heard of them
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:41:35.909000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:41:50.221000+00:00)
not really national socialistic in terms of ideology though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:42:10.314000+00:00)
funny how it can pass as "Socialist Nationalist" instead of "National SOcialist"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:43:42.795000+00:00)
well before Azov became Azov it was the Social-National Assembly, from the original Social-National Party
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:43:58.504000+00:00)
all their texts are clearcut NS but they switched the letters around heh
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:44:49.133000+00:00)
I think they are pseudo-natsoc
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:44:53.783000+00:00)
"In Saadeh's vision of "harmony" among the country's ethnic and religious communities through a return to a so-called Syrian "racial unity" which was itself in fact a mixture of races, neither Islam nor pan-Arabism was important, and therefore religion wasn't either.[36] Saadeh's concept of the nation was shaped mainly by historical concrete interactions amongst people over the centuries in a given geography, rather than being based on ethnic origins, race, language or religion. This led him also to conclude that the Arabs could not form one nation, but many nations could be called Arab."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:46:32.593000+00:00)
they are doing military operations as partisans/militia
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:46:33.510000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-13T17:49:35.541000+00:00)
SSNP are hardcore
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-13T17:49:57.290000+00:00)
First secular group in recent history to use suicide bombers
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:50:06.081000+00:00)
the SSNP are psuedo natsoc <@273524703577243648> ?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:50:23.828000+00:00)
They're not pseudo because they don't claim to be nat soc
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:50:49.038000+00:00)
They're basically left wing nationalists who believe in a unified Syrian nation (greater Syria)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:51:05.049000+00:00)
I meant due to not being about ethnicity
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T17:51:16.372000+00:00)
tbh i liked Gadaffi's vision better
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:51:38.302000+00:00)
drawing inspiration from national socialism but lacking any ethnic stance
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T17:51:49.895000+00:00)
I don't know enough about the group just couldn't tell if you meant SSNP or Azov
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:51:53.139000+00:00)
but I mean if they are "semitic" oriented that might explain it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:52:15.222000+00:00)
then they can still be about ethnicity
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:53:42.782000+00:00)
"These natural geographical factors hence create the societal framework in which man establishes his existence, beliefs, habits, and value systems. Saadeh’s critique of ethnic nationalisms led him to hence develop a framework of geographical nationalism, the idea of the “natural homeland”. When he applied this model to the case of the Fertile Crescent, the conclusion he reached was straightforward: the natural geographical factors of the basin lying east of the Mediterranean is what has allowed it to become the cradle of civilizations, what has driven throughout the course of human history movements seeking to unify it, what has allowed it to establish, through ethnic, religious and cultural assimilation and mixing, a high culture and civilization, and what has made it the prize coveted by all imperialist powers. "#
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:54:14.627000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> is probably right though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T17:55:10.404000+00:00)
but they seem to be anti communist
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T17:55:38.245000+00:00)
Anyone fighting the FSA is alright in my book
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:55:52.831000+00:00)
Syrian nationalism[1]
Social nationalism[3]
Romantic nationalism[4][5]
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T17:57:34.859000+00:00)
didnt they participate in failed coup
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T17:59:22.347000+00:00)
That DailyStormer article is great. Both are.
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:00:22.647000+00:00)
Arabia was shit since Mohammed tbh fam
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:00:28.592000+00:00)
Btw the whole we are not a threat to minorities or fags is old trad youth stuff that heimbach has grown out of long ago
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:00:38.866000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Why not change the page then
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:00:47.410000+00:00)
The 25 points can tell you about twp and their stances today
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:00:51.365000+00:00)
That is nice to hear.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:01:08.562000+00:00)
We are doing a full overhaul soon
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:01:12.769000+00:00)
Tyn is defunct
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:01:48.752000+00:00)
Heimbach has literally zero free time and a million and one things to do each and every day
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:02:14.928000+00:00)
2 kids, hundreds of ppl to micromanage and much more.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:02:38.661000+00:00)
Does Heimbach personally do everything?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:03:34.783000+00:00)
Most of it yes
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:03:59.014000+00:00)
It'd take two full time secretaries with full time salaries and we don't take jew money
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:04:32.658000+00:00)
Might not be a bad idea to share responsibilities. No one is getting paid here either.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:04:53.528000+00:00)
Working on it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T18:05:12.051000+00:00)
Can't burn out the leader
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:05:24.549000+00:00)
Most of us are working class busy people with families.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:05:33.327000+00:00)
No doubt. I try not to for my part.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T18:05:41.984000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Is TWP still monarchist?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:05:49.271000+00:00)
No not at all
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T18:06:02.604000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:06:37.657000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> He should delegate then
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:06:55.737000+00:00)
*Most of us are working class busy people with families.* This is true for us aswell but it still works because of solid organizational structure
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:04.395000+00:00)
Its a work in progress. We are discussing it since ive joined
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:11.760000+00:00)
How long have you been a member?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:24.328000+00:00)
2 months
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:25.520000+00:00)
Hitlerian Confederate Futurism tbh
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:34.257000+00:00)
But been to rallies before that with em
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:37.591000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:07:52.074000+00:00)
Do you guys call yourselves national socialists?
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:08:32.289000+00:00)
Yes they do
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T18:08:47.704000+00:00)
Smh I never minded TWP/TYN's tradchadism, just that it was executed poorly. And now they ditch all that tradchadism for more materialistic aspects of german national socialism, but dont embrace any of its virility smh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T18:10:03.759000+00:00)
https://www.dailystormer.com/heather-heyer-woman-killed-in-road-rage-incident-was-a-fat-childless-32-year-old-slut/ Now thats the DS I liked
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:10:09.876000+00:00)
Yes our banner literally says 100% nat soc
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:10:29.080000+00:00)
So much of the criticism is poorly informed
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-13T18:12:55.223000+00:00)
How come TYN uses a symbol similar to Dugin's Eurasian Youth Union that are nazbols
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:13:04.263000+00:00)
Like i said before the criticism mainly had to do with Heimbachs interaction with Spencer and Enoch
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:13:18.854000+00:00)
But i think Slavros intends to communicate openly about it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:13:46.277000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T18:15:14.988000+00:00)
<@202175195069284353> They were duginists back then
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T18:15:40.644000+00:00)
We are 100% uncompromisingly pro-White. We fight for our race, and we'll never back down.
That being said, we at the Traditionalist Worker Party wish to clarify our position on the African American AltKnight who fought alongside us yesterday. We fully respect his courage and his sacrifices yesterday as he fought on the front line against a seemingly endless nightmare swarm of degenerates and radical leftists.
Our identity wasn't the only thing being fought for yesterday, and we respect that.
Too many men from too many different groups fought courageously yesterday to congratulate them all individually. The amount of heroism on display yesterday as our outnumbered forces prevailed against a city, state, and nationally organized radical left resulted in a flawless victory. We've all made history.
But since some may assume that we don't respect this particular man's courage and sacrifice, we offer this clarification. Thank you, sir. You held the lines on the frontline of the battle and you have our unqualified respect.
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T18:15:56.521000+00:00)
This is from the TWP fucking fb
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-13T18:16:17.276000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:16:47.393000+00:00)
What's sad is a nigger was on the frontlines
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:17:04.192000+00:00)
While IE was busy circle jerking about how good they look
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-13T18:18:18.235000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:18:23.637000+00:00)
Never seen IE actually do something
Jason writes: (2017-08-13T18:21:43.794000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:23:02.170000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> listening to an Italian song with a line that goes
*Mai più libri e moschetti, fascisti perfetti,
Ma vino, spaghetti e birra Moretti*
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T18:23:30.394000+00:00)
Is TWP for a single national language? <@217106788074389514>
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:23:37.117000+00:00)
"No more muskets, (no more) perfect fascists,
But wine, spaghetti and Birra Morreti (beer)"
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:23:57.114000+00:00)
why do they keep singing about pasta
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:01.187000+00:00)
pff ahahah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:07.467000+00:00)
Marinetti clearly had a point eh?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:08.083000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:14.325000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:16.760000+00:00)
fresh from the press
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T18:24:46.086000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:26:11.944000+00:00)
to commemorate today's bout of purity spiraling
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T18:26:26.565000+00:00)
that girl who got hit was probably a coal burner too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:31:44.264000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T18:31:55.924000+00:00)
That is a dream team though, GLR and AH
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:32:14.709000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T18:32:30.637000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> "not afraid of being outed for his political beliefs" they cuck out every time something happens
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-13T18:33:10.781000+00:00)
Sorry, but what does chad mean?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:33:21.255000+00:00)
aaaand that meme is now dead
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:34:03.994000+00:00)
<@!262875098791411712> Chad is like a stereotype name of a small town USA popular guy who's good looking, great at sports, gets all the girls but is generally a cocky asshole and a bully
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:34:09.731000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:34:13.031000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:35:17.684000+00:00)
Chad stereotype is typically the antagonist to some nerdy uncool kid who is trying to get by or become popular but Chad stuffs him into his own locker all the time and makes fun of him. Also the girl the nerd is in love with is dating Chad but soon as the nerd can just show her what an asshole he is she'll drop chad and date the nerd
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-13T18:35:25.771000+00:00)
Ah, sounds like me, all tho im just nice and likable! 😃
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:35:36.529000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T18:36:12.996000+00:00)
a jock
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T18:36:44.401000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:37:09.810000+00:00)
yeah basically
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:37:19.931000+00:00)
in uni chad joins the frathouse
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:37:27.424000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:37:33.810000+00:00)
then he is richard spencer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:37:45.830000+00:00)
Dickie Spencer literally comes off as an effeminate fratboy dork
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:01.173000+00:00)
he's the unpopular chad who's into nerdy shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:10.310000+00:00)
so he tries to get all the other chads to like him
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:21.718000+00:00)
but just comes off moreso as a nerd
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:23.064000+00:00)
In english right now
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:40.150000+00:00)
Its not like we invited the Damn nog into the party.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:48.291000+00:00)
like his event in texas
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:49.019000+00:00)
Yeah, you should listen
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:38:53.687000+00:00)
>starts talking about identity
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:39:14.708000+00:00)
>about how wearing yoga pants or liking star trek is an identity
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:39:16.325000+00:00)
It was an acknowledgement of yeah thanks for working to help protect our rally.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:42:14.175000+00:00)
Hitler was a Cuck for waving at jessie owens
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:42:39.660000+00:00)
-Ironmarch 1930s edition
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:43:31.799000+00:00)
Hitler was already in power
Jessie Owens was leaving soon as the games were over
kinda not the same-ish
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:43:46.076000+00:00)
american knowledge of history and geography is really worrying
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:43:53.534000+00:00)
What are we sperging about today.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:43:58.972000+00:00)
altright specifficaly
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:20.086000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:23.915000+00:00)
hey KU
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:31.886000+00:00)
why is your name Mikko here?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:33.104000+00:00)
A nigger who will sit there and fight black lives matter at the front while getting attacked to defend a rally that is against his interests is respectable
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:42.319000+00:00)
Because my name is Mikko.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:55.293000+00:00)
I thought your name was something else 🤔
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:45:58.885000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> would you like a white fighting against white lives metter?
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-13T18:46:00.457000+00:00)
fair enough
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:46:07.182000+00:00)
thats how his fellow blacks view him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:46:25.117000+00:00)
What nigger we talking about here.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:46:27.775000+00:00)
so was he a random passerby or did he come with one of the altright groups, maybe proudboys?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:46:39.330000+00:00)
Proudboy yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:00.245000+00:00)
then he's not really in the same boat as everyone else is he?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:05.850000+00:00)
he's more like a conservative
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:08.528000+00:00)
a republican
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:13.389000+00:00)
what are even the proud boys?
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:16.744000+00:00)
sounds gay af
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:25.501000+00:00)
They're a Greek heritage club.
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:33.543000+00:00)
haha very funny
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:36.217000+00:00)
BLM is evil and if a nigger wants to be principled and fight against them with threat of violence he deserves at least a thank you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:47:49.550000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> its about this http://ironmarch.org/index.php?/topic/6896-the-altright/&do=findComment&comment=200504
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:09.744000+00:00)
well plenty of niggers don't like blm but they don't like us nazis either
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:12.256000+00:00)
Yeah I haven't read IM in ages.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:25.268000+00:00)
its actually a facebook post
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:31.498000+00:00)
I didnt realize you can embed facebook posts on IM
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:40.473000+00:00)
Post pics.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:42.588000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:44.181000+00:00)
there we go
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:48:45.152000+00:00)
He didn't say anything against us at the rally
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:00.543000+00:00)
well yeah because its a "unite the right" rally so he didn't rock the boat
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:06.364000+00:00)
MFW we have people cucking out in DailyStormer that Unite the Right was too eXXtreme but they still managed to get niggers aboard.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:27.421000+00:00)
It wouldve been plenty easy for him to fuck us over and help his nog brothers a few feet away
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:37.476000+00:00)
altright discord is condemning whoever brought the swastika banner
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:40.107000+00:00)
A bit like Spencer gets punched by a shiteating cuck despite of telling he's got no plans to deport niggers, while GLR openly tells he's gonna kick all niggers to Africa and gets applauded by a black crowd.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:49:59.606000+00:00)
Everyone respects honesty.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:50:02.537000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:50:46.295000+00:00)
thats why i dont like muh wyte geNOcide fags, crying and begging for mercy is not gonna fix it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:51:08.156000+00:00)
We need to start talking about jewish counter-extermination instead of white genocide.
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T18:51:33.556000+00:00)
What African-American Black Person of Colour are you talking about?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:51:37.261000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> do u have the gif with spencer and those sparkly letters
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:51:40.340000+00:00)
remember that great Antipodean Resistance poster? "make it legal to kill jews"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:51:44.032000+00:00)
A based person.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:52:26.123000+00:00)
i wanna post it in altright server
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:52:33.255000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T18:52:59.642000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:03.329000+00:00)
you can post this too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:03.806000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:34.476000+00:00)
I mean its FROM that same server
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:37.358000+00:00)
but still
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:38.704000+00:00)
can you post the link to the altright discord? i wanna see whats going on in there
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:53:51.947000+00:00)
At least people will never let Spencer run anything else than his dinner discussions from now on. He's not cut out for activism.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:54:14.006000+00:00)
actually altrighters are talking about how brilliant spencer was in this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:54:20.815000+00:00)
>in fact they claim he's better than Hitler
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T18:54:39.111000+00:00)
Virgin Putch vs Chad UTR
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:54:40.528000+00:00)
Loving the DailyStormer articles in reaction to Charlottesville, hate me
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:54:43.411000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T18:55:00.025000+00:00)
:https://discord.gg/asvT7vC <@293828878865268737>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:55:36.885000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T18:55:56.488000+00:00)
Don't spread the AR cancer here thanks.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:56:10.708000+00:00)
hey you're the one who said he'll never be allowed to do anything again
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T18:56:16.151000+00:00)
clear evidence to the contrary
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T18:57:46.649000+00:00)
TWP on Phariseebook:
"We actively work with and respect nationalists of every color around the world and do not believe our race is "superior" or has any right to abuse or exploit other races."
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T18:57:53.442000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T18:58:07.502000+00:00)
regarding that nigger
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T18:59:08.223000+00:00)
Wait, what dealings did TWP have with a black?<@293828878865268737>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:01.329000+00:00)
they muted me
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:08.956000+00:00)
for spamming the gif
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:10.199000+00:00)
The articel is hilarious and i bet it is going to divide them even more
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:17.426000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> they muted me a long time ago lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:56.231000+00:00)
I got banned after two posts, my personal record anywhere.
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T19:00:57.366000+00:00)
in 20 years theres going to another Alt-Right with the same tactics pretending to be original
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:01:05.166000+00:00)
MartelMosley - Today at 9:00 PM
@MortuusRex that's not what the mute was for; spamming is for nigs brah
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:01:39.197000+00:00)
I'm unmuted now
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T19:01:47.011000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:02:00.307000+00:00)
post the gif
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T19:02:20.728000+00:00)
guys can you please post the link to the alt right discord?
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-13T19:02:34.982000+00:00)
i wanna post the dickie .gif
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:03:46.416000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-13T19:03:56.392000+00:00)
already posted it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T19:04:00.059000+00:00)
he so stupid
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T19:04:33.167000+00:00)
Spencer told he was shocked and this was the first time in his life he has felt oppressed by the police as "US citizen".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T19:04:36.426000+00:00)
I can believe that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-13T19:04:56.332000+00:00)
Holding dinners isn't exactly threatening to the Jew.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:05:32.698000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:05:35.573000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:05:41.104000+00:00)
Inb4 I get banned
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:06:29.672000+00:00)
You don't need to be pure bulk to fucking fight back
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:06:45.181000+00:00)
You just can't be a pretty boy sissy faggot like Spencer
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T19:08:21.821000+00:00)
That whole clip with spencer reminded me an awful lot of sorveign citizens whining about their detainment
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-13T19:08:59.627000+00:00)
Who has the picture of GLR in the middle of his fight with the protestors?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T19:09:37.888000+00:00)
You should watch a compilation, if you don't know what i mean
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:15:30.669000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T19:16:13.103000+00:00)
This is the national bloc:
noobtia writes: (2017-08-13T19:17:30.971000+00:00)
Sure she died on car hit and not diabetes or smth?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:17:36.848000+00:00)
whenever I see the word "manifesto" my hand instinctively reaches for the gun!
noobtia writes: (2017-08-13T19:17:37.620000+00:00)
Or aids?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:17:43.626000+00:00)
>except manifesto page is empty
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:17:46.689000+00:00)
oh good
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-13T19:20:17.454000+00:00)
what about the manifesto for the abolition of slavery to interest on money
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T19:20:29.838000+00:00)
Hey snappy, want to hear my manifesto?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T19:20:52.495000+00:00)
"I'm going to destroy America"
- Tyler AW
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T19:21:11.262000+00:00)
I will print that out and autograph that for you if you want
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:22:41.638000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T19:27:48.269000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T19:30:31.347000+00:00)
Damn he cucked out too?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T19:30:35.195000+00:00)
Ruined the joke
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T19:30:46.679000+00:00)
How many national socialists are we gonna lose this year?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T19:30:53.917000+00:00)
he plays video games and browses the internet on youtube for a living
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T19:30:59.956000+00:00)
why is he famous
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:09.518000+00:00)
I thought he was the leader of NRM.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:18.177000+00:00)
he never came out as natsoc
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:20.763000+00:00)
Because he screams really well at happy wheels?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:28.442000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Its a meme
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:44.760000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> teen girls find him cute I think
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T19:31:58.212000+00:00)
He is just purity spiraling his way out of this
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T19:32:00.047000+00:00)
don't disavow pewdiepie yet
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-13T19:42:27.896000+00:00)
pewdiepie used to listen to Dj Adolf as a teenager
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-13T19:56:42.675000+00:00)
https://youtu.be/7_sT_P1Tozg we made history
Stoff87 writes: (2017-08-13T20:02:26.500000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T20:13:17.122000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> i really like Fascism101 images series
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:14:03.165000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T20:14:14.014000+00:00)
they are really well made
Gre writes: (2017-08-13T20:23:08.927000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-13T20:45:07.681000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:45:42.900000+00:00)
wonder where this will go now
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-13T20:46:26.954000+00:00)
Can someone explain "purity spiralling" to me?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:47:40.328000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:47:55.473000+00:00)
it's an "insult" the altright came up with against being a hardliner
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:06.513000+00:00)
if you have standards and insist on them you are "purity spiraling"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:18.115000+00:00)
"nobody can attain these crazy levels of purity you demand from people"
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:27.753000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:28.563000+00:00)
"milo is a based faggot he is on our side, stop purity spiraling"
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:40.022000+00:00)
purity spiraling is a compliment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:43.263000+00:00)
"trump is our guy, so what if he's not ns, stop purity spiraling"
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:44.932000+00:00)
it means you're not a queer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:54.305000+00:00)
that's why I put it in quotes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:48:56.517000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:49:08.549000+00:00)
purity spiraling = enforcing the principles of the position you uphold
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-13T20:49:17.884000+00:00)
So it's the Alt-Rights way of calling you a right-wing nut basically?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:49:31.670000+00:00)
kind of, yes. There's another related term they use "punching right"
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-13T20:49:55.220000+00:00)
Yeah I get it. Thanks
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:03.314000+00:00)
>we are all right wing
>we must be united
>so stop punching other right wingers
>stop punching right
>you are being divisive
>so what if these anarchocapitalists are not NS
>stop purity spiraling
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:03.948000+00:00)
or punching white
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:30.414000+00:00)
ironically these faggots forget that LITERALLY HITLER was the first to Purity Spiral, there is an amazing quote from Mein Kampf that promotes just that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:35.062000+00:00)
and GLR promoted punching right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:42.406000+00:00)
well >forget
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:50:52.646000+00:00)
they never read them in the first place so they just don't know
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:51:35.308000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> explained "punching right" as not being supposed to attack people who are more radical, like when SD says they want to ban us.
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:51:42.374000+00:00)
actually punching right, not left
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:51:58.370000+00:00)
yeah that's the irony
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:03.579000+00:00)
can't punch right unless you are on the left
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:04.324000+00:00)
They do meme alot about Hitler and GLR being /theirguy/ though
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:15.134000+00:00)
I guess they just mean "punch right" as in right wing spectrum of garbage ideologies
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:16.170000+00:00)
that's why I hate the altright
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:23.651000+00:00)
they never read Hitler or GLR or anyone else for that matter
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:27.494000+00:00)
they use them as memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:29.308000+00:00)
its all ironic
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:32.303000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> they only use memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:35.457000+00:00)
they don't actually believe
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T20:52:39.470000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:31:28.820000+00:00)
So heres me half awake, i hear this creepy jingle, i look outside and find this.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:31:32.414000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-13T21:32:11.132000+00:00)
*Just For Licks*
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:33:51.463000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-13T21:34:02.639000+00:00)
Not creepy at all
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:35:31.259000+00:00)
>tfw journos ask you about the IM roots of Vanguard America
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:35:37.137000+00:00)
Definitely a good idea
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:35:48.831000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> You?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:35:49.407000+00:00)
To play a creepy ass jingle, with that on
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:35:52.541000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:05.260000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:28.804000+00:00)
Are you messing with them or just telling them to sod off?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:36.848000+00:00)
gave a bare bones minimum factual explanation because fuck going into details, not that any of this is hidden history, its all over the two AV threads on IM so anyone can find it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:44.477000+00:00)
but his followup is "Interesting. Can you explain what caused the friction between IronMarch and Vanguard America?"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:50.763000+00:00)
Response: "They didn't want to be Nazis"
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-13T21:36:59.983000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:37:26.114000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:37:52.730000+00:00)
and I would tell him to fuck off normally but the only reason i'm in contact with this guy is because of what happened to Odin
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:27.245000+00:00)
Is he useful?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:31.954000+00:00)
could be
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:40.360000+00:00)
will see once he releases the story on Odin
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:50.605000+00:00)
I've met a BBC journalist who claimed to be a nationalist
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:52.688000+00:00)
I like to bait antifa protesters and one of the little shits scratched me lmfao
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:38:59.510000+00:00)
One second let me find it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:05.808000+00:00)
>which has been draggin for a while so I asked him whats up with that first
apparently they were making a companion video for it hence the delay
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:07.392000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:08.699000+00:00)
we'll see
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:17.716000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:19.853000+00:00)
will hate for this to be "serves him right he trusted a journo" situation
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:23.003000+00:00)
Here we are
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:30.051000+00:00)
Thats what happened
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:32.811000+00:00)
serves you right you trusted a journo
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:37.948000+00:00)
<@!126025971311575041> did the kids fuck you up for trying to cut in line to the front of the icecream truck?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:39:59.421000+00:00)
Nah, i was baiting and said I was a Trump supporter
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:02.337000+00:00)
Who even scratches people
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:10.958000+00:00)
That's just embarassing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:12.953000+00:00)
altright or antifa
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:19.943000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:22.475000+00:00)
>impossible to tell which is which
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:29.317000+00:00)
They had the flags and everything
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:31.197000+00:00)
snappy did you link them to the new thread for journalists?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:36.434000+00:00)
The guy was masked, so RIP
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:40:50.198000+00:00)
nah, I will if the story he puts out isnt to our liking and he asks me anything else again
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-13T21:41:29.448000+00:00)
Who does the journo work for?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:41:36.102000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Completely unrelated, but know any good reading materials on *Ostarbeiter* ?
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:41:57.568000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:42:01.655000+00:00)
not really no
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:42:05.537000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:42:21.439000+00:00)
I don't want to read the Wiki page tbh, Wikipedia is always shit when it comes to historical topics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T21:42:40.131000+00:00)
yeah i getcha, never was interested in it though to look anything up
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T21:44:04.315000+00:00)
Same but discussed WW2 with a friend yesterday and he brought it up
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T22:29:38.002000+00:00)
kek servant writes: (2017-08-13T22:34:20.731000+00:00)
How's the memes coming along?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-13T22:59:30.199000+00:00)
please be ironic
dylb writes: (2017-08-13T23:01:10.098000+00:00)
He's really not <@!315896512338984960>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-13T23:20:38.692000+00:00)
cuckistanis for ya
Syndexioi writes: (2017-08-13T23:43:34.605000+00:00)
<@337731021892222997> Stop being a faggot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-13T23:44:54.892000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T00:07:29.090000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T00:15:12.960000+00:00)
What discord is that from?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T00:15:25.339000+00:00)
altright.com one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T00:59:16.061000+00:00)
yep they had some niggaz in voice general
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T02:22:02.271000+00:00)
Unironically rooting for leftypol
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-14T04:56:20.705000+00:00)
Fuck the Bigkk
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-14T04:56:26.765000+00:00)
I wish I had seen him in Charlottesville
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-14T05:05:29.557000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T06:24:12.627000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T07:41:02.246000+00:00)
does anyone have any good quotes about national socialism and drug use
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T07:41:30.488000+00:00)
googling just gives you smear campaigns
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T08:25:33.997000+00:00)
"Drugs are bad, m'kay?" - Mr. Mackey
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T08:25:35.446000+00:00)
Thank me later
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T10:03:59.266000+00:00)
Underrated channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHAv-06qjdY7wxRCnx25ng
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:14.242000+00:00)
>implement IM Entry Exam
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:24.933000+00:00)
>finally grading some actual new people
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:30.819000+00:00)
>check out one guy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:37.565000+00:00)
>first five answers all WROOOOONG
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:55.885000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> you should post the failed results
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:33:57.360000+00:00)
to shame people
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:34:09.783000+00:00)
At least when it comes to veterans
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:34:32.084000+00:00)
if veterans do REAL BAD we will just outright shove them back into pupils
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:34:35.507000+00:00)
that's the real shame
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:34:59.833000+00:00)
actually we just had one guy demoted to pupil and another demoted and then put in the showers and then gassed
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:37:06.744000+00:00)
Completely off-topic but I just saw this
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:37:11.321000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:37:26.931000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Alright
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:37:57.563000+00:00)
Is it still requested of vets to do it?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:38:10.677000+00:00)
no, its now voluntary for vets
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:38:31.787000+00:00)
it's already a huge workload with the number of examiners we got >and two of them hadn't done shit yet so they are on the line
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:42:38.336000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:43:55.678000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> I thought the same
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:44:11.882000+00:00)
I blame Canada
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:46:16.599000+00:00)
holy fucking shit this guy i'm grading right now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:46:18.120000+00:00)
20. What could a White homosexual’s motivation be in wanting to save the White race? *
A white nationalist fag will understand his mental illness and understand although he has been cursed in a way that he will never continue is bloodline he should know that he will continue his white brothers and sisters future somehow either in military service or in other forms.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:47:01.916000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:47:43.211000+00:00)
22. Under what conditions would it be realistic to co-opt the existing system? *
once we've won if we...
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:47:46.340000+00:00)
didn't even read after
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:47:49.885000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:47:57.550000+00:00)
how can you not get the question
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:49:02.165000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:49:04.026000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:49:18.853000+00:00)
Some activists put up stickers ahead of a tranny gettogether
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:49:25.693000+00:00)
Then they looked for the gathering
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:50:00.135000+00:00)
But they only saw that person, so they went up and asked "Wasn't there supposed to be a gettogether here?"
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:50:10.013000+00:00)
"Yes, *Trans-together*, this is it!"
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T12:50:12.452000+00:00)
Then they smiled and left
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T12:50:22.870000+00:00)
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T12:59:55.489000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> http://c2.thejournal.ie/media/2014/10/tumblr_inline_mn7u3h2s1w1qz4rgp.jpg
NiclasPlaysFPS//ᛏᛉᚱ writes: (2017-08-14T13:38:53.020000+00:00)
hello folks
Robin Ulaynov writes: (2017-08-14T13:40:31.361000+00:00)
anyone know how baked alaska is doing?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:41:44.688000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:41:59.586000+00:00)
NiclasPlaysFPS//ᛏᛉᚱ writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:10.546000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:12.615000+00:00)
Dunno if this was on this channel already. Most likely yes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:14.198000+00:00)
hah classic
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:32.056000+00:00)
not the full screenshot no
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:33.646000+00:00)
Almost spat beer thru nose when read that.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:38.079000+00:00)
but we did post shorter exempts from it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:44.024000+00:00)
I know right?
NiclasPlaysFPS//ᛏᛉᚱ writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:46.160000+00:00)
i feel bad for sweeden
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:42:54.377000+00:00)
but some scum still insist he's okay or something smdh
NiclasPlaysFPS//ᛏᛉᚱ writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:12.559000+00:00)
its going to be really hard for them to have a national socialist party to win the election
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:22.132000+00:00)
he said something worse than that in that convo too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:43.209000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:53.996000+00:00)
>homosexuals and pedophiles
>people like me
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:54.693000+00:00)
Who is that fag?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:43:59.867000+00:00)
millenial woes?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:05.610000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:06.457000+00:00)
an altright youtube personality
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:10.318000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:10.480000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:14.302000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:23.138000+00:00)
he does low-energy talks in a dark room while sipping soda and talking quietly
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:40.200000+00:00)
And says that he is pedophile and gay.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:41.276000+00:00)
I raged out hard at one of his videos and ever since wanted to personally drive him to suicide
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:44:53.787000+00:00)
well in one vid he said "i'm 25% attracted to guys"
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:45:04.482000+00:00)
Kurwa mobile network keeps cutting
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:45:06.632000+00:00)
so maybe he's implying people like me = gays
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:45:31.313000+00:00)
but anyway yeah he thinks himself a high brow intellectual of the movement
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:45:37.044000+00:00)
like, the intellectual elite
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:45:47.205000+00:00)
>while sipping soda in the dark and working at a book store
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:00.979000+00:00)
being attracted to men regardless of percentage is homosexual
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:05.871000+00:00)
but he inevitably got found by a journo at his dad's home so he fled the country (scotland)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:14.693000+00:00)
25% attracted to guys, the fuck? . Yeah I'm also 25% fascist, attracted to beer 35% etc.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:18.269000+00:00)
actually asked people to donate him money for his living expenses on the run
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:33.703000+00:00)
he is a PR cuck as well obviously
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:42.739000+00:00)
you guys know who Evalion is?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:46:53.009000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:09.701000+00:00)
how did he come up with that percentage? "I like girls three times as much as men" "I'm physically attracted to three times as many women as men"?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:25.650000+00:00)
I know who she is
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:29.308000+00:00)
Evalion is an attention whore who became big on youtube doing videos about Hitler, Jews and NS but her stuff was written by her GF and since then she declared herself a strasserist or some shit - another garbage trainwreck
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:33.781000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:38.091000+00:00)
Probably if he goes to bar, once per 4 times he get fucked by man.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:47:58.449000+00:00)
however she got more subs and views than Millenial Woes in a shorter amount of time because of all the thirsty beta orbiters who were amazed at the "based girl"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:48:18.097000+00:00)
who btw looks underage, but isn't, but she clearly was playing up that angle
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:49:08.390000+00:00)
anyway when she surpassed MW in youtube popularity he addressed it in his video about the current state of the altright and he cried like a sad faggot about the injustice of it, HOW COULD A LITTLE GIRL WITH SUCH LOW BROW VIEWS AND VIDEOS HAVE MORE FOLLOWERS THAN HIS INTELLECTUAL HIGH BROW CHANNEL???
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:49:45.055000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:49:50.911000+00:00)
^99% of his videos
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:25.664000+00:00)
he was at that altright conference as a speaker
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:26.516000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:38.373000+00:00)
Looks like a pedophile though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:42.456000+00:00)
and that's when the journos started hunting him down and finally found his house
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:49.253000+00:00)
well his dad's house and him in it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:55.351000+00:00)
That's because he is a pedophile
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T13:50:59.274000+00:00)
and a homosexual
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:51:46.653000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:51:59.399000+00:00)
^this is the video that enraged me to the point of wanting to make him commit suicide
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:52:11.712000+00:00)
the entire video is just him whining and crying
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:53:23.048000+00:00)
after I saw this video I wanted to get on his channel for an interview segment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:53:31.191000+00:00)
with the express purpose of bullying the shit out of him
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:53:40.561000+00:00)
and hopefully driving him to suicide
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:53:55.060000+00:00)
but he was weary of me but agreed to it under some conditions
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:12.622000+00:00)
one of those conditions was that he felt my avatar was too aggressive/scary for his channel
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:17.470000+00:00)
so I had to change it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:23.890000+00:00)
I changed it by adding a smiley face over it
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:26.166000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:27.749000+00:00)
hence my avatar on discord
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:28.375000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T13:54:45.078000+00:00)
good afternoon people
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:55:37.669000+00:00)
-OOfff no I can't have that on my channel mate, that's too scary and aggressive
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:55:56.102000+00:00)
-Oh okay no problem. Here we go. Fixed it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:56:38.784000+00:00)
I actually saved my ragenotes from watching that video
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:56:45.741000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T13:57:01.416000+00:00)
Fucking super <:lol:333298431810338816>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:57:35.731000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:57:39.984000+00:00)
have at them if you'd like
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:57:47.974000+00:00)
has a partial log of when I tried to get on his channel too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:58:20.418000+00:00)
its basically live commentary that I posted in the IM discord while watching his video
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T13:58:26.336000+00:00)
and then I copied it all over to a txt
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T13:58:26.782000+00:00)
lollolol nice ones
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:00:07.618000+00:00)
First three rows and I'm dying.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:01:43.752000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:01:49.097000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:02:01.713000+00:00)
gay porn is less gay than this video
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:02:07.048000+00:00)
and that comment section
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:02:15.271000+00:00)
hyper answer me in the exam room ffs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:03:02.076000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:03:21.679000+00:00)
>fucking nazis
>we should be like NRM
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:03:23.472000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:03:37.586000+00:00)
i just read the notes
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:04:29.397000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> God damn it
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:04:40.787000+00:00)
im just imagining a tall and brawny slavros in all black clothing ganging on woes in the corner of his and putting him to tears
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:04:47.673000+00:00)
those comments....
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:05:00.700000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:05:01.591000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:05:05.246000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:05:47.847000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> tbh i when i first saw one of your videos i didnt go, oh those were nazis
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:05:58.037000+00:00)
i learned it through your wiki and website
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:16.611000+00:00)
I am now very happy about UTR tbh, because now they DON'T want to be associated with NS IN ANY WAY - that's good, finally, yes
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:19.022000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Im cooking food so cant really talk right now but will inquire about that later
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:24+00:00)
Oh my
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:27.102000+00:00)
And that's why I don't think I can risk having you on the channel. The police already know my name and address.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:34.612000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:44.801000+00:00)
>they already know
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:56.527000+00:00)
so nothing left to loose anyway?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:06:57.229000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:07:03.042000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> but but we are not nazis
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:07:12.834000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:07:42.193000+00:00)
yessssssss purge NS ppl
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:08:38.658000+00:00)
Currently sitting at random Polish, Krakowan pub.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T14:08:47.718000+00:00)
He doesn't realize that the reason we don't use the swastika is because it's banned here
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:08:51.492000+00:00)
these people can accept sodomites but nazis are too bad PR
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:05.585000+00:00)
banned in natsoc context that is
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:10.600000+00:00)
how can they be so fucking dumb, they called that alt lite guy based alaska white supremacsit and threw acid into his eyes
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:17.240000+00:00)
i bet these people wouldnt give a shit about wyte pippo if it wasnt for the gamergate controversy and what it exposed
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:37.826000+00:00)
it doesnt matter if you wave swastika dressed in all black or in polo shirt with triangle on it
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:52.714000+00:00)
in their faces i see a lemming demanding its rights
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:09:55.216000+00:00)
nothing else
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:10:12.265000+00:00)
they are no different from black or lgbt right activists
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:15:39.991000+00:00)
That mw guys seems like gender bender people.
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:15:47.370000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:15:54.520000+00:00)
Millennial woe whatever
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:15:54.833000+00:00)
millenial woes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:03.785000+00:00)
and yes he does
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:07.209000+00:00)
Like how he describes himself
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:11.668000+00:00)
its because he's so soft-spoken and effeminate
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:26.020000+00:00)
AND tries hard to present himself like an intellectual
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:36.908000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> gonna eat now but one question before I go
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:41.539000+00:00)
and he is "anti-fun" cause muh karma
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:16:58.735000+00:00)
Are you supposed to make a marinade for souvlaki or do you just add the spices directly?
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:16.751000+00:00)
both work tbh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:22.431000+00:00)
i read Thos basic 9 points on nrm site
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:26.485000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:31.351000+00:00)
I will come back later and ask for more info
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:36.511000+00:00)
i myself add oregano during roasting
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:17:41.586000+00:00)
along with lemon juice
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:00.505000+00:00)
are you making classic souvlaki or a gyro?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:01.110000+00:00)
cooking convo is it?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:22.594000+00:00)
I haven't decided
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:40.865000+00:00)
But we can talk more later, gonna eat now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:49.409000+00:00)
I happen to love to cook
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:50.204000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:52.009000+00:00)
BTW poland is not that white I thought
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:18:52.794000+00:00)
>moose burgers
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:00.738000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:11.017000+00:00)
Are you in Poland?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:13.075000+00:00)
Pljeskavica is better
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:23.404000+00:00)
Pljeskavica seems good but I've only had mediocre ones
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:29.236000+00:00)
Cevapcici is 5/5 anyway
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:54.845000+00:00)
Where u tried them
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:57.866000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T14:19:59.644000+00:00)
bear meat pie
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:20:28.970000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> I've tried cevapcici on numerous occasions
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:20:35.592000+00:00)
Pljeskavica I tried at a restaurant in Gothenburg
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:20:40.493000+00:00)
run by Bosniaks
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:02.095000+00:00)
I think they're Bosniaks anyway but could be wrong
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:05.447000+00:00)
Kebabs make good cevapi but only true Pljeskavica is in LEskovac
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:19.907000+00:00)
in Serbia
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:29.096000+00:00)
I will try it there sometime
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:33.667000+00:00)
i just had some homemade spinach pie
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:35.896000+00:00)
very good
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:41.643000+00:00)
Thinking about going to the Balkans in autumn or winter
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:21:46.671000+00:00)
i dont remember it is 2nd best or the best bbq in europe in that town
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:09.520000+00:00)
I'm in Poland yes. For today anymore. Leaving at evening to Germany
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:10+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:29.023000+00:00)
A Lithuanian sent me this
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:34.608000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:48.945000+00:00)
festival all about bbq
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:22:52.180000+00:00)
in that town
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:06.911000+00:00)
Total epic
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:10.014000+00:00)
we have a day dedicated to grilling
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:21.289000+00:00)
In September 2016, Leskovac celebrated a world record in making the world's biggest burger – the pljeskavica. The giant burger weighs 63 kilograms (138,8 lb), was 169 centimeters in diameter and 8 centimeters thick
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:31.514000+00:00)
Nice mascots
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:32.639000+00:00)
"Smoke Thursday" its called
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:40.819000+00:00)
do u have world record
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:23:50.349000+00:00)
I think we have a world record for biggest pancake or something
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:26:00.101000+00:00)
nope thats uk for pancake
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:26:34.911000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:26:41.544000+00:00)
we have a type of fish that holds the world record for smelliest food
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:27:14.055000+00:00)
Surströmming <:heil:331491634229411840>
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:27:24.815000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:27:34.110000+00:00)
i heard somebody in Denmark or Norway is baking bread inside of hot soil
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:27:50.956000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Did you know surströmming was invented by vikings?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:28:22.465000+00:00)
No. I only know that it smells awful
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:28:25.194000+00:00)
They had fish on board of their ship that got spoiled, so when they arrived in Finland they tricked local peasants into thinking it was a Swedish delicacy
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:28:53.363000+00:00)
So the peasants bought it, then when the vikings returned the next year, the peasants asked if they could buy more
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:29:15.540000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:29:15.694000+00:00)
100% true story, no broscience 😉
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T14:29:29.522000+00:00)
Kike swedes trying to fool us once again
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:29:49.774000+00:00)
we have one of the longest words for a dish here
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:29:56.144000+00:00)
coined by an ancient greek comedian
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:30:28.861000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:30:41.625000+00:00)
Japanese wiki is the only one with a chart
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:30:45.897000+00:00)
so its google translated
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:30:55.352000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:08.342000+00:00)
I think the ancient greeks loved fish more than anything
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:18.862000+00:00)
well yeah
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:26.930000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:30.288000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:40.149000+00:00)
protein name
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T14:32:57.092000+00:00)
but they invented some word for it as well, can't remember the full story
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:33:08.833000+00:00)
Athens had biggest fleet in ancient greece
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:33:55.874000+00:00)
They probably have best acess to it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:12.626000+00:00)
I think it was looked down upon if you cared about fish too much
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:18.137000+00:00)
there weare other sea civilizations too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:28.005000+00:00)
i know
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:29.917000+00:00)
the Ionians , the Minoans
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:49.641000+00:00)
Ionia was athens colony
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:34:54.369000+00:00)
or i am wrong
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:36:11.566000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:37:14.427000+00:00)
i know where ionia is
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:37:33.635000+00:00)
In Japan they didn't meat for centuries due to it being banned by an emperor or something, but even in the 1800s when they got access to meat and it was legal, the Japanese generally disliked it because the taste was unusual to them
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:38:23.661000+00:00)
*During the Kofun period, Chinese culture was introduced into Japan from the Korea. As such, Buddhism became influential on Japanese culture. After the 6th century, Japan directly pursued the imitation of Chinese culture of the Tang dynasty.[3] It was this influence that marked the taboos on the consumption of meat in Japan. In 675 AD, Emperor Tenmu decreed a prohibition on the consumption of cattle, horses, dogs, monkeys, and chickens during the 4th-9th months of the year; to break the law would mean a death sentence. Monkey was eaten prior to this time, but was eaten more in a ritualistic style for medicinal purposes.*
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:38:28.130000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:38:40.952000+00:00)
literally death sentence for eating meat
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:38:44.977000+00:00)
during the wrong months
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:05.657000+00:00)
is this why they so skinny?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:09.076000+00:00)
*The 8th century saw many additional decrees made by emperors and empresses banning the killing of any animals. In 752 AD, Empress Kōken decreed a ban on fishing, but made a promise that adequate rice would be given to fishermen whose livelihood would have otherwise been destroyed. In 927 AD, regulations were enacted that stated that any government official or member of nobility that ate meat was deemed unclean for three days and could not participate in Shinto observances at the imperial court.*
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:13.376000+00:00)
they just kept banning meat
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:17.261000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:44.143000+00:00)
Oh and also
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:45.352000+00:00)
*The Buddhist vegetarian philosophy strengthened during the Kamakura period as it began to spread to the peasants. Those who were involved in the trade of slaughtering animals for food or leather came under discrimination. Those practicing this trade were considered in opposition to the Buddhist philosophy of not taking life, while under the Shinto philosophy they were considered defiled. This discrimination intensified, and eventually led to the creation of a separate caste, the burakumin.*
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:52.787000+00:00)
The burakumin mentioned at the end are basically the gypsies of Japan
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:39:54.844000+00:00)
Bro they have highest number of centurians there
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:40:05.632000+00:00)
cuz of vegetarian diet
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:40:43.005000+00:00)
In the 1970s or 1980s a book was published that contained information about Burakumin neighbourhoods, it became a best-seller, particularly among companies, as companies would use them to discriminate when employing new staff
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:40:43.171000+00:00)
thos who are centurians said they eat meat just when they need it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:41:12.774000+00:00)
Basically if you lived in a mostly burakumin area they would assume you were burakumin, and not hire you, because of the extreme taboo attached to it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:41:42.012000+00:00)
I think +70% or +80% of the Yakuza are burakumin aswell
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:42:06.471000+00:00)
pork, lamb or chicken, whats best?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:42:14.866000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:42:19.255000+00:00)
at least for me
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:42:33.727000+00:00)
i like red meat a lot
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:42:52.474000+00:00)
i like fish more than meat
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:43:03.522000+00:00)
in Sweden we rarely eat lamb tbh
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:43:09.686000+00:00)
favorite fish?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:43:28.627000+00:00)
wait to see whats it in english
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:43:39.508000+00:00)
this is good
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:44:29.319000+00:00)
Smoked abborre (perch in english?)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:44:49.327000+00:00)
trout and carp fav fishes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T14:45:28.022000+00:00)
but i also do like hake
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:45:56.418000+00:00)
i had a gyro two days ago with chicken
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:45:57.217000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> Perch is another fish in the same family
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T14:46:00.933000+00:00)
preddy gutt
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:46:22.207000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Oh ok, I could not find another translation for it.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:46:25.611000+00:00)
Nah Im wrong
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:46:51.662000+00:00)
It's just Perch vs European Perch
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:47:26.850000+00:00)
Bass is havsabborre
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:48:28.289000+00:00)
Luckily then it is not as confusing as blåbär NOT being blueberry in english. I don't remember what the proper translation is, I think it is "wild blueberry". 😛
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:50:05.590000+00:00)
*Vaccinium myrtillus is a species of shrub with edible fruit of blue color, commonly called "bilberry", "wimberry", "whortleberry", or European blueberry.*
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:50:10.369000+00:00)
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:50:50.243000+00:00)
I only remember trying to buy blueberries abroad and it was a completely different kind. They were kinda white on the inside, not purple like ours, and much bigger.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T14:50:52.342000+00:00)
Smultron is called *wild strawberry* in English, always found it a bit weird
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:51:01.292000+00:00)
wtf, that's even worse.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:51:36.760000+00:00)
Oops, never mind
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T14:51:49.869000+00:00)
Keep mixing up straw/raspberries. 😛
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-14T14:52:49.053000+00:00)
https://www.nordfront.se/amerika-vaknar.smr någon som har lust att översätta denna till engelska för våra amerikanska vänner?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:12:05.265000+00:00)
Got some pics of me at cville
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:12:28.375000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:13:50.861000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:14:39.623000+00:00)
nice 🅱oxx
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:14:48.816000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-14T15:17:56.974000+00:00)
Is their anyone in here that has a good understanding on freemasonry and their symbols.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-14T15:18:56.454000+00:00)
I need help to interpret some symbols and books.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T15:20:06.565000+00:00)
well freemasonry is largely a degeneration of some teachings into what is basically their antithesis
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T15:20:52.534000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Nice, good picture, in particular the second.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:22:48.532000+00:00)
<@148835261629988864> thanks. Its the new tryout of twps new uniform
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:22:52.441000+00:00)
and jews run it
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:23:30.042000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> nice pics mate. Uniform is nice <:wp:330824114086346753>
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-14T15:23:59.794000+00:00)
Well I need people with a deeper knowledge, since I found out that a person is very likely a mason and I want to know why he reads that book and have those kind of paintings.
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:24:05.656000+00:00)
reminds me of NSM uniforms
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:24:15.104000+00:00)
after they ditched the LARP suits
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:25:31.560000+00:00)
We are going for SA\blackshirt type look
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:25:51.252000+00:00)
And these pics are after I got maced and was soaked in milk and water on all my clothes
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:31:45.203000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:31:57.780000+00:00)
dont tell me you fuckers fell for the meme and brought milk with you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T15:32:18.652000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:35:54.417000+00:00)
<:mlk:335776436445249537> <:mlk:335776436445249537> <:mlk:335776436445249537> <:mlk:335776436445249537> <:mlk:335776436445249537>
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:37:00.553000+00:00)
Nah dude milk is essential for pepper spray
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:37:21.472000+00:00)
100% it is a god send when you are a lot of it in your eyes
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:37:32.614000+00:00)
Took me from blind to vision restored in 5 seconds
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:40:33.648000+00:00)
Only had pepper spray on my teeth protection. Never on face. Got tear gas in army, but didn't have balls to take it like man back then 😔
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T15:40:48.604000+00:00)
how does it feel to get pepper sprayed?
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T15:41:29.759000+00:00)
Are you saying that pure white, again, is a remedy for the destructive? 🥛
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:42:30.072000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> not good <:gaddafi:333578769346330634>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:42:36.689000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> not good <:gaddafi:333578769346330634>
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:44:02.490000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> it is a delayed reaction. For about 2 seconds you feel nothing and then slowly it starts to feel like a sharp burning pain in your cornea and you are forced to close them from your body's automatic clench response shortly after.
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:44:19.229000+00:00)
Within about 20 seconds I was highly combat ineffective
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:48:52.425000+00:00)
milk is actually white opression item
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:48:56.615000+00:00)
Depends how often you get sprayed and what the stuff is it may make you ineffective for hour
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:48:57.688000+00:00)
by libtard
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:49:01.238000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:51:40.290000+00:00)
Yes. Correct <@311554642490294272> heimbachs orthodox priest was pepper sprayed with the gel and has dsmaged corneas and it will take days for him to see properly
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:04.427000+00:00)
He brought a priest to the rally?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:10.347000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:14.622000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:20.305000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:24.215000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:31.885000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:34.824000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:36.664000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T15:52:42.233000+00:00)
Are you aboriginal?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:53:11.449000+00:00)
"Wololoo join racewar wololoo"
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:09.791000+00:00)
Someone has played too much AoE.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:20.510000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:35.695000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:41.015000+00:00)
He is an orthodox priest
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:48.779000+00:00)
Can't get over this
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-14T15:54:50.188000+00:00)
They have always gone to wars with their men
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T15:55:44.160000+00:00)
Wololo is an Age of Empires meme, right?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:56:57.668000+00:00)
<@342018405894979585> yep
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:57:12.776000+00:00)
Monks could convert enemy troops to your army
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T15:57:20.332000+00:00)
And they shout wololoo
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T15:57:44.546000+00:00)
<@!262875098791411712> har någon översatt artikeln än?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T15:57:51.404000+00:00)
annars kan jag göra ett försök
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:57:56.108000+00:00)
yea i seen priests with commies on rally
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T15:58:02.892000+00:00)
commie priest
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T15:58:11.663000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-14T15:58:39.197000+00:00)
Sounds more like a Tourettes outburst rather than a chant.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-14T16:03:12.203000+00:00)
> "Free Sound Effects"
> Spreads copyrighted material
Never change internet
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T17:02:59.330000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_LcXytYFrY Tom Metzger hits the nail on the head
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T17:08:36.245000+00:00)
Tom is great
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:44:08.824000+00:00)
What's this channels opinion on serifs? Do you avoid them since the third reich said they were of jewish origin
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T17:48:22.134000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Are you sure of that? Pretty sure they're of Roman origins
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:52:36.638000+00:00)
sorry, meant san-serif
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:52:41.443000+00:00)
"Given the totality of Nazi control, it would have been fascinating to know why Goebbels brought back German Fraktur to replace sans-serif, which he was reputed to have called a Jewish invention. Or why some years later the more legible sans-serifs do make their way back into German typefoundries replacing Fraktur as a dominant typeface."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:54:09.190000+00:00)
and if we should trust Wikipedia, which I don't most often:
"Graphic design[edit]
The poster became an important medium for propaganda during this period. Combining text and bold graphics, posters were extensively deployed both in Germany and in the areas occupied. Their typography reflected the Nazis' official ideology. The use of Fraktur was common in Germany until 1941, when Martin Bormann denounced the typeface as "Judenlettern" and decreed that only Roman type should be used.[52] Modern sans-serif typefaces were condemned as cultural Bolshevism, although Futura continued to be used owing to its practicality.[53] Imagery frequently drew on heroic realism.[54] Nazi youth and the SS were depicted monumentally, with lighting posed to produce grandeur.[54] Graphic design also played a part in the Third Reich through the use of the swastika.[55] The swastika was in existence long before Hitler came into power—serving purposes that were much more benign than the ones it [the swastika] is associated with today.[56] Because of the stark, graphic lines used to create a swastika, it was a symbol that was very easy to remember.[55]"
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T17:54:43.115000+00:00)
Link me the page
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:55:14.836000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T17:56:08.730000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T17:59:50.653000+00:00)
Well I don't think it has Jewish origins, I think they just disapproved of it because it was associated with Bauhaus
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:00:07.863000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:01:05.001000+00:00)
Just a warning, the alt-right discord got shoahd, we need to stay wary
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:01:12.948000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:01:24.391000+00:00)
Discord deleted it for some reason
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:01:26.763000+00:00)
not sure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:01:27.777000+00:00)
wasn't it bigkk who shoa'd it himself or was it shut down?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:02:00.381000+00:00)
that or bigkk got doxxed
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:02:15.517000+00:00)
just rumors so far
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:03:36.845000+00:00)
well he was doxxed a while a go, his face has been anyway, along with all his furry faggotry shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:03:47.158000+00:00)
so his real name was on the line eventually
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T18:04:10.075000+00:00)
Anyone know his twitter?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:04:47.624000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:04:58.310000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:05:46.446000+00:00)
is it just me or is there no audio?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:05:49.848000+00:00)
It's you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:05:59.205000+00:00)
no its just quiet as hell
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:06:05.101000+00:00)
the hell
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:06:08.697000+00:00)
It's loud to me
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:06:39.420000+00:00)
well this is weird
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:07:19.796000+00:00)
Feels good that he's just saying it out loud so people don't go around saying crap like "He's just doing it for the PR!" etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:07:37.877000+00:00)
Though some will still claim he's a secret nazi
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:07:51.509000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T18:07:59.334000+00:00)
This is good optics lads.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:00.042000+00:00)
shorter to the point version
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:04.804000+00:00)
Trump knows what he's doing.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:08.807000+00:00)
Then the alttards come by and shout Hail Trump
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:10.805000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:11.710000+00:00)
one where the audio works for me too
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:23.974000+00:00)
Hi. Does anybody know if the altright Discord server is still up? I was in there yesterday and now it's disappeared???
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:40.752000+00:00)
It's gone for me too.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:52.640000+00:00)
I was on it this morning
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:56.397000+00:00)
Dunno what happened
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:08:56.743000+00:00)
*>>AR server apparently exploded after BigKK's extortion of 14 years old kid came to light, even Spence couldn't defend him then.*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:07.603000+00:00)
I haven't the foggiest idea
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:22.791000+00:00)
*" they shut it down to avoid backlash over that furry sexually extorting that teenage boy
yeah, so the fag furry that spencer hired
told a 14 year old boy he'd gape his asshole
and extorted him with doxing
to sing some song about "daddy's cummies"*
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:29.353000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> The big kike deleted it
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:36.984000+00:00)
Wait what?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:51.935000+00:00)
why is that a surprise
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:09:56.902000+00:00)
>he is a known furry faggot
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:03.804000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> what a surprise
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:04.248000+00:00)
>oh, he is degenerate?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:06.380000+00:00)
>you don't say
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:12.125000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:16.057000+00:00)
a faggot happens to be a furry and a pedophile? Who'd have thought
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:34.478000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> do you mean you don't know that he's a furry faggot or just the extortion part? the latter is news to me too
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:39.777000+00:00)
Someone said it was over the fact that he got exposed for doxxing a 14 year old <@340537126078775297>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:45.501000+00:00)
but the former has been established as a fact for a while now
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:53.645000+00:00)
When you think the AR can't get more rotten and you're wrong
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:10:57.740000+00:00)
is the latter something you made up
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:06.552000+00:00)
not sure what to think
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:13.803000+00:00)
why would I make that up
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:22.149000+00:00)
for me its enough that he's a furry faggot
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:24.933000+00:00)
what a retard
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:26.400000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:28.852000+00:00)
Oh so where is the background to this news then? Or is it just hear say?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:32.382000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:11:47.120000+00:00)
wait <@340537126078775297> so you don't care about him being a furry or a faggot?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:01.174000+00:00)
Yeah obviously I care
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:19.101000+00:00)
No, really, where did you hear about extortion?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:19.920000+00:00)
But there where 1000 people in there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:21.398000+00:00)
well isn't that enough? I mean for curiosity's sake I'd like to know if the extortion story is real or not
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:35.010000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> There is proof of him being a furry and a faggot, apparently that he's Jewish too
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:39.058000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> He got the videos of him doxxing and extorting the 14 year old removed from youtube
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:43.278000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:46.617000+00:00)
was he a shill?`
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:47.940000+00:00)
also news, please share
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:48.037000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:51.122000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Yeah he got banned from here because of it
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:56.367000+00:00)
Holy crap!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:58.723000+00:00)
why did he even host that place
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:12:59.913000+00:00)
he got banned for being jewish?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:13:19.606000+00:00)
he must be an insider or masochist
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:13:22.139000+00:00)
So he hosted it, then imploded it on his way out?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:13:23.130000+00:00)
First he got banned for being a furry, but then he was let back inside because he claimed it was a meme, then an admin found proof of him being a Jew or something
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:03.311000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:04.237000+00:00)
Damm the right is like Swiss cheese. Full of holes
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:10.061000+00:00)
A jew, a pedo, a furry AND a faggot? Nice combo m8 <:rope:328882488770428931>
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:49.025000+00:00)
I'm amazed!
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:49.334000+00:00)
the full programm
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:14:55.901000+00:00)
*-Oy vey little goyim, let's yiff!*
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:15.250000+00:00)
Average Alt Right.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:20.631000+00:00)
Is anybody else, just normal?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:25.668000+00:00)
This is who Spencer lets run his logistics and chat.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:30.825000+00:00)
This is why we need hardcore Nazism.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:32.330000+00:00)
Btw I had a daughter!
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:42.384000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:44.799000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:47.916000+00:00)
I called her Eva
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:50.146000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T18:15:52.877000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:16:07.797000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:16:22.568000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:16:29.888000+00:00)
Are natives just retarded?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:16:30.542000+00:00)
Congratz lofi!!
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:16:53.613000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:17:02.155000+00:00)
Sieg Heil!
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:17:19.958000+00:00)
She's lovely and now I have to spend the rest of my life keeping her away from brown people
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:18:18.825000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:19:12.229000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> What country are you from? Just noticed you don't have a country role
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:19:17.066000+00:00)
Daily stormer is being shutdown
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:19:47.943000+00:00)
no its not
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-14T18:20:28.800000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:20:50.963000+00:00)
I just read apparently somehow Anglin has worked around GoDaddy now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:20:53.068000+00:00)
site or discord?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:20:56.490000+00:00)
The site
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:20:58.173000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:02.504000+00:00)
its not hosted on godaddy
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:12.190000+00:00)
I live in Scandinavia, mix of two European cultures won't say which too easy to doxx
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:14.399000+00:00)
That's what the Jewish media is saying
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:20.869000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> But which country
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:34.744000+00:00)
>the jewish media
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:43.309000+00:00)
the one that DS plays like a fiddle all the time with trells?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:21:47.341000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:00.484000+00:00)
the one that is being trolled RIGHT NOW?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:01.300000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:07.716000+00:00)
>they know she's in the discord
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:15.960000+00:00)
>so they purposely post this stuff for her to tweet as news
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:18.139000+00:00)
Wait, DS has a Discord?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:23.189000+00:00)
>she literally takes the bait by discord
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:27.319000+00:00)
it had one forever m8
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:22:44.311000+00:00)
Whoag, hmu with that link
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:23:04.750000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:23:15.972000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:23:32.918000+00:00)
So, seriously Alt-right Discord is dead and day stormer has one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:23:57.993000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:33.451000+00:00)
It's been a crappy past few days for the right 😦
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:43.082000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:48.070000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:50.755000+00:00)
>for the right
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:51.114000+00:00)
Daily Stormer is redeemable tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:24:56.680000+00:00)
for the right sure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:01.100000+00:00)
but to hell with the right
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:03.281000+00:00)
Trump's kike handlers have forced him to be more explicit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:10.910000+00:00)
>forced him to be
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:15.049000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:18.661000+00:00)
You shouldn't put yourself in the right if you're natsoc
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:34.389000+00:00)
Natsoc is neither left or right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:25:51.666000+00:00)
NatSoc is Truth
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:05.502000+00:00)
NatSoc is Extreme elevated centre
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:10.462000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:11.038000+00:00)
I know. I'm generalising. Bad few days for "nine communists"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:18.436000+00:00)
don't do this to me <@!331147867035140096>
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:20.178000+00:00)
Not communists
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:31.594000+00:00)
Natsoc is all about cooperation
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:33.609000+00:00)
Fishook theory of politics! :p
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:39.002000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> It's a meme, apparently CasaPound call themselves that and wrote a Manifesto of the extreme elevated centre
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:45.356000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:45.988000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> yeah we're all about peace and love
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:50.031000+00:00)
well then
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:57.806000+00:00)
They also call themselves Fascists of the 3rd Millenium
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:26:59.595000+00:00)
I'd like to read that
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:27:20.502000+00:00)
Have they translated it?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:27:53.157000+00:00)
I went past casapound on my holidays to pay homage ha ha
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:09.608000+00:00)
I meant we're neither 100% with the workers nor 100% with the capital. That's just the economic stance tho
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:22.798000+00:00)
Trump is a kike
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:32.676000+00:00)
never liked him
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:40.883000+00:00)
It's in the back streets on the rough end of Rome sorrounded by a sea of migrants
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:47.335000+00:00)
Hillary is probably closer to NatSoc than Trump
Elusive writes: (2017-08-14T18:28:52.486000+00:00)
Then yeah natsoc is the middle ground between those two making them work together.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:29:06.796000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> did you go for a tour of the HQ?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:29:08.604000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> I think Akhnaton on this server has good ties with them, he probably knows more about it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:29:27.453000+00:00)
Akhn has ties with Casa Pound? he never mentioned that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:29:32.454000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:00.697000+00:00)
No unfortunately not. I left the wife in a cafe and went to have a look but they where closed for the summer. I was a bit disappointed tbh
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:02.394000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:05.175000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:26.534000+00:00)
I follow zentropa on tumblr
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:28.764000+00:00)
closed for the summer?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:39.611000+00:00)
Well closed at any rate
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:43.207000+00:00)
didn't know they do that, I mean what org takes a vacation
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:43.231000+00:00)
Lmfao some of those DS guys are siege pilled
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:43.925000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:51.250000+00:00)
I assumed it was for the summer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:30:55.735000+00:00)
well the door is always closed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:31:03.112000+00:00)
you have to be rung in to get inside
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:31:19.043000+00:00)
Loomer has a screenshot of a guy in the DS Discord saying he'll bring weapons to the fat lady that got run over's funeral lmao
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:31:25.400000+00:00)
its not just their offices there's living apartments with families and kids in there
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:31:55.110000+00:00)
Oh. Well I was a bit shy to do that, didn't feel ideologically secure enouph to just stroll in and start asking questions
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:01.327000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> that guy is a mod in here
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:15.752000+00:00)
But was very interested to see how they organize
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:20.378000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> he's a god lmao
Syndexioi writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:35.760000+00:00)
Esoteric KUism?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:43.997000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> I've been there in 2011 and my understanding of Fascism was fucking shit but I went to their book store and got in contact with them through the guy working there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:53.597000+00:00)
got a tour of the HQ, the bar, some of their shops
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:32:57.285000+00:00)
was a fun time
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:09.361000+00:00)
I would have liked that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:23.771000+00:00)
the place is amazing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:31.596000+00:00)
even got a recording studio in the basement
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:37.345000+00:00)
There is also hogar social in spain
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:37.955000+00:00)
for ZetaZeroAlpha
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:48.775000+00:00)
They model themselves on casapound
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:33:51.418000+00:00)
know nothing about those guys
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:34:13.802000+00:00)
Yes I know zza
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:34:32.386000+00:00)
I have a ZetaZeroAlfa tshirt 👌
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:34:43.588000+00:00)
I meant I know nothing about hogar social guys you meantioned
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:34:50.305000+00:00)
Ordered it from La Testa di Ferro
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:34:59.130000+00:00)
That's a great dog whistle
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:35:30.698000+00:00)
Very few people know what that logo means
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:35:53.630000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> yeah that's the store i went to, to get in contact with Casa Pound
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:36:01.779000+00:00)
think I already talked about the hat I bought there
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:36:43.233000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:36:46.402000+00:00)
It's hard to know who is n your side in the street
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:37:06.845000+00:00)
Zza shirt is a dead give away
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:37:45.849000+00:00)
I think very few NS outside Italy know ZetaZeroAlfa
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:37:46.731000+00:00)
Wearing londsdale shirts is a bit passé
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:02.925000+00:00)
buy Lonsdaple then 😂
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:07.855000+00:00)
CasaPound isn't NS right?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:14.611000+00:00)
It's just classical fascist?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:23.318000+00:00)
It's fascist as u understand it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:29.370000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> It's Fascist/NS
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:33.156000+00:00)
Same thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:35.977000+00:00)
Fascism and NS are the same thing
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:37.840000+00:00)
Not racial/tribal
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:38:53.416000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:03.181000+00:00)
and Fascism IS racial
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:12.233000+00:00)
No. German natsoc = natsoc+blood myth
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:17.842000+00:00)
I defo need to write that Mussolini article for NOOSE
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:28.083000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:33.730000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> Fascism is racial
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:35.982000+00:00)
Anyone who says fascism isn't racial hasn't read enough.
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:51.342000+00:00)
And I hate to say that but
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:39:57.029000+00:00)
He needs to educate himself
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:00.208000+00:00)
O Italian fascism did not mind having Jews
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:10.477000+00:00)
No ..
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:12.011000+00:00)
The whole "fascism is not racial" thing was from out of context Mussolini quotes
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:33.530000+00:00)
Didn't italy let the fags do what they do behind closed doors?
Nordbo writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:36.913000+00:00)
Anyone here in altright discord? It happen to be gone from my list and the invite link I find on altright.com doesn't no longer work.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:40:55.090000+00:00)
I'm not sure about casapound position today on the jq
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:00.635000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:02.070000+00:00)
Deleted cause the furry tried to yiff with an underage kid <@340168086676176896>
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:04.818000+00:00)
<@!340168086676176896> Scroll up.
It's gone because TheBigKK sexually extorted some 14 year old
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:07.333000+00:00)
simplest way to explain it
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:10.641000+00:00)
We just talked about it
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:14.631000+00:00)
It's gone
Nordbo writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:24.158000+00:00)
Oh :o
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:28.812000+00:00)
Italy was generally more extreme on the gay problem than Germany@depressing.jesus#6779
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:34.544000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> Casapound is the Italian Golden Dawn, for better or worse.
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:38.263000+00:00)
Like they legit sent them to another island to be quarantined
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:41:53.252000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> yes
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:42:21.278000+00:00)
What Mussolini meant was that he did thought that the racial debates of the time between which European ethnicity was best was stupid. Not that niggers are equal to whites
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:42:21.567000+00:00)
I'm not sure what golden dawns position is on the jq either
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:42:46.205000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> they are anti zionist and have said many things about the Frankfurt school
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:42:54.310000+00:00)
Zza is nice <:wp:330824114086346753>
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:43:06.722000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:43:08.503000+00:00)
Their leaders and inner circle are NS
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:43:31.002000+00:00)
“Well we, Fascisti, want to bring into every city, into every part of the country, even the most remote, the pride and passion of belonging to the most noble Italian race; the race which has produced Dante, which has given Galileo, the greatest masterpieces of art, Verdi, Mazzini, Garibaldi and d’Annunzio to the world, and which has produced the people who won Vittorio Veneto.”
-Speech in Ferrara, April 4, 1920
“In the first place she (the Italian nation) has a sure foundation, and that is the vitality of our race.”
-Speech in Trieste, September 20, 1920
“I have an unbounded faith in the future greatness of the Italian people. Ours is, among the European peoples, the largest and most homogeneous. … Unlike the pessimists who believe that everything is great in other people’s houses, while everything is too small in their own, we have pride in our race and our history.”
-Speech in Trieste, February 6, 1921
“How then was this Fascismo born… it was born of the profound and perennial need of this our Mediterranean and Aryan race…”
-Speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921
“…we feel those bonds of race to be alive and vital which bind us, not only to the Italians of Zara, Ragusa and Cattaro, but also to those of the Canton Ticino and Corsica, to those beyond the oceans, to all that great family of fifty million men whom we wish to unite in the same pride of race.”
-Speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:43:33.474000+00:00)
“Italy is not a State, she is a nation, because from the Alps to Sicily there is the fundamental unity of our race, our customs, our language and our religion.”
-Speech in Milan, October 4, 1922
“It must not be forgotten that, besides the minority that represent actual militant politics, there are forty millions of excellent Italians who work, by their splendid birth-rate perpetuate our race…”
-Speech Delivered in the Chamber, November 16, 1922
“We, here and everywhere, are ready for any battle so that we may uphold the foundations of our race and of our history.”
-Speech in London, December 12, 1922
“Let me first of all say how happy I am that we should have met in these magnificent rooms which furnish evidence of the strength and beauty of our race.”
-Speech in Rome, January 2, 1923
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:44:17.312000+00:00)
So the race is but a feeling quote is bullshit?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:44:44.772000+00:00)
Yes, except I'm not sure about the Italians as a race, it's basically 3 tribes and one is completely degenerate
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:45:17.379000+00:00)
Southern Italians are the descendants of natives and Greek colonizers
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:45:41.936000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:45:42.391000+00:00)
Southern italia looks like Arabs these days.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:45:42.409000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:45:57.848000+00:00)
For some reason mussolini renamed a Arvanite region into the valley of Albanians
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:07.314000+00:00)
The etruscans
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:20.506000+00:00)
Total jews
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:28.342000+00:00)
By the sound of things
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:31.298000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> There are lots of Albanians in Italy
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:34.334000+00:00)
They're a historical minority
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:50.086000+00:00)
No they are Arvanites
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:46:54.147000+00:00)
not to mention Italy ruled Albania
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:47:03.361000+00:00)
That came from peloponysus
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:47:11.746000+00:00)
*Arvanites (Greek: Αρβανίτες, Arvanitika: Arbëreshë / Αρbε̰ρεσ̈ε̰ or Arbërorë) are a bilingual[1] population group in Greece who traditionally speak Arvanitika, a dialect of the Albanian language along with Greek.*
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:47:13.503000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:47:32.994000+00:00)
*They call themselves Arvanites (in Greek) and Arbëror (in their language). The Arvanite communities in northwestern Greece call themselves Shqiptar (the same used by Albanians of Albania).*
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:47:33.815000+00:00)
They are racially greek
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:48:07.781000+00:00)
Anyway the point is not to argue on the degeneracy of each racial subset, but to help each excel itself
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:48:12.236000+00:00)
albanians are chechens
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:48:16.335000+00:00)
There are several details that varies among all diffrent contries.
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:48:32.946000+00:00)
That meent in Fascism.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:48:54.403000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> I dont think Albanians come from Caucasus, seems to just be pseudo-science based on the fact that there was a Southern Caucasian state called Albania
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:49:34.395000+00:00)
"If Petrograd (Pietrograd) does not yet fall, if [General] Denikin is not moving forward, then this is what the great Jewish bankers of London and New York have decreed. These bankers are bound by ties of blood to those Jews who in Moscow as in Budapest are taking their revenge on the Aryan race that has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia, 80 percent of the managers of the Soviets are Jews, in Budapest 17 out of 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that bolshevism is the vendetta of Judaism against Christianity?? It is certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever owns the strongboxes of the peoples is in control of their political systems. Behind the puppets (making peace) in Paris, there are the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims who are of the same blood who are conquering Petrograd and Budapest. Race does not betray race....Bolshevism is a defense of the international plutocracy. This is the basic truth of the matter. The international plutocracy dominated and controlled by Jews has a supreme interest in all of Russian life accelerating its process of disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A Russia that is paralyzed, disorganized, starved, will be a place where tomorrow the bourgeoisie, yes the bourgeoisie, o proletarians will celebrate its spectacular feast of plenty." t. Mussolini
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:49:45.032000+00:00)
Chechen=Ysh ,Albanian=Ishin,english=they were
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:49:46.189000+00:00)
Just look at your average Albanian. They are clearly not going to be experiencing the galactic lebensraum
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:49:48.530000+00:00)
Albanian identity is a social construct of the great powers after world War I
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:49:59.869000+00:00)
They just wanted a buffer state
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:50:00.329000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:50:14.659000+00:00)
they didnt want strong greece and serbia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:50:24.024000+00:00)
and didnt want them to have same border
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:50:32.201000+00:00)
Besides most Albanians during the Ottoman occupation were holding the banner of Turkey not Albania
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:50:43.926000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:01.835000+00:00)
baba nana is indoeuropean
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:03.621000+00:00)
To many muslims among the Albanians...
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:15.486000+00:00)
it's even the same in hindu
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:18.002000+00:00)
Ok I'm lost on the history of the balkans and around
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:18.718000+00:00)
and sanskrit
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:25.709000+00:00)
i think albanians are split, there's christian albanians and half roach muslims
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:27.074000+00:00)
I've met Arvanites, they say they have nothing to do with Albania and hate it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:30.098000+00:00)
guess which breed like rats
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:30.159000+00:00)
baba = papa
naana = mama
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:51:47.529000+00:00)
60% Muslim 17 % Christianity
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:03.058000+00:00)
again, christian in a cultural sense
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:12.662000+00:00)
they used to be under communism and all
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:18.712000+00:00)
I've noticed your blood river determines the religion you are susceptible to
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:43.127000+00:00)
Muslim ergo not aryan
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:47.244000+00:00)
Before ww2 70% were muslims
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:52:51.885000+00:00)
Every religion in history was racial up until Islam and Christianity
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:53:00.340000+00:00)
Guess who made them
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:53:14.048000+00:00)
as always, i blame the jews
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:53:22.380000+00:00)
Of course and that makes sense
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:53:51.340000+00:00)
Culture strengthens and propagates your blood river
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:54:18.396000+00:00)
We have adopted Christianity and are not getting anywhere
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:54:29.010000+00:00)
That is my biggest problem with certain christianity. They put religion before blood.
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:54:45.783000+00:00)
Christianity is like the fertilizer that makes us ripe for the taking by Islam and the Jews laugh in their chairs.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:55:08.530000+00:00)
We must look at the river and see what it needs to flow and then choose/develop a religious identity
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:55:17.399000+00:00)
I wouldn't blame christianity for all the bad things that has happend Europe upto this day.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-14T18:55:23.909000+00:00)
some guy from the altright's discord who needs bullying contacted me, do you have a discord or something for ironmarch? <@206898373062557696>
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:55:44.945000+00:00)
Even thou im agnostic but thend to lean towards my heathenside 😃
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:55:48.382000+00:00)
No. I would not blame it, we have corrupted it a bit to fit
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:05.320000+00:00)
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:12.173000+00:00)
My forfathers have been good chirsitan men for over 800 y
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:27.868000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> we do but its strictly for vetterd IM people
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:32.135000+00:00)
Mate being fascist or NS means you know there is a cosmic order
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:32.759000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:36.446000+00:00)
And therefore some god
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:56:38.682000+00:00)
But it does not spiritually nurture our blood river and so we are dying
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T18:57:29.010000+00:00)
Some christian are doing real good on the "bloodlines" take Amish for exampel.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:57:41.889000+00:00)
Okay I got kicked from DS discord?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:57:57.594000+00:00)
The disruption of the family by communists for example is an attempt to severe the ties
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:58:07.245000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:58:10.399000+00:00)
altright one got shoahd
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:58:40.826000+00:00)
Did Stormer discord get removed?
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:58:51.238000+00:00)
What's going on today, thunder dome just went
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:03.921000+00:00)
<@207961833603072012> That's what I was wondering
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:04.413000+00:00)
altright one got deleted
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:06.733000+00:00)
Ah okay did not get kicked then
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:09.895000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:12.174000+00:00)
It was on my list a second ago
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:18.360000+00:00)
Same here
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:18.598000+00:00)
Vad helveten
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:25.252000+00:00)
Because I'm not in it either
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:30.319000+00:00)
Maybe Anglin decided to do away with it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:33.106000+00:00)
inb4 this server gets deleted
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:41.079000+00:00)
Fuck no we dindu nuffin
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:43.556000+00:00)
🇪 🇧 🇮 🇳
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:50.162000+00:00)
somebody called uncle shlomo
BootParty18 writes: (2017-08-14T18:59:51.673000+00:00)
I got removed from the DS server last night
is it really down now?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T19:00:00.336000+00:00)
Loomer apparently contacted discord on twitter
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:00:05.317000+00:00)
hack on site was reall
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:00:07.859000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T19:00:26.941000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:00:38.185000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:09.943000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:11.887000+00:00)
Fucking Jews lol
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:12.678000+00:00)
Lol fucking kike (no hatespeech)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:20.591000+00:00)
Interesting how she was involved with project veritas.
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:23.317000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:01:28.376000+00:00)
What if she is here?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:02:02.054000+00:00)
she know what to do suck on
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-14T19:02:04.045000+00:00)
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:02:04.357000+00:00)
She'll sniff out every NS Discord server using her massive snout
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:02:05.176000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T19:02:50.315000+00:00)
She would be posting screencaps on twitter right now if she was <@203572971795644416>
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:04.516000+00:00)
Maybe she is collecting some.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:10.900000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:20.353000+00:00)
maybe we should get a IRC server
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:24.527000+00:00)
<:bonnier:328882489768542210> <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:24.530000+00:00)
in case
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:31.971000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:34.422000+00:00)
or just a channel
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:37.529000+00:00)
Irc epic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:39.410000+00:00)
on a server
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:42.968000+00:00)
What's a Irc
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:44.812000+00:00)
IRC so low tech 😃
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:50.186000+00:00)
internet relay chat
erz1871 writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:51.576000+00:00)
ive still got my irc client running
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:54.756000+00:00)
Fuck of
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:56.070000+00:00)
Timmie writes: (2017-08-14T19:03:56.857000+00:00)
Well time to sleep.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:03.677000+00:00)
I have bnc at qnet
erz1871 writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:04.854000+00:00)
for 15 years now, cant shoah that
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:27.508000+00:00)
Running for like 5 years
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:28.795000+00:00)
"How to make the entirety of the right hate you" by Laura Loomer
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:33.422000+00:00)
qnet is out of the question
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:42.444000+00:00)
But why?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:52.820000+00:00)
qnet has a rule against racism
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:58.450000+00:00)
I know an admin on it
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:04:58.827000+00:00)
Oh lol
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:14.506000+00:00)
we can use the same as 4chan does
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:21.133000+00:00)
or just have our own
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:21.334000+00:00)
okay NOW the ds server got nuked
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:24.185000+00:00)
i have irc
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:41.110000+00:00)
yep and altright one <@206898373062557696>
Big B writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:45.463000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:51.387000+00:00)
don't care about the altright one!
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:53.494000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:54.236000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:05:55.983000+00:00)
erz1871 writes: (2017-08-14T19:06:09.395000+00:00)
erz1871 writes: (2017-08-14T19:06:13.210000+00:00)
>shut down hate
erz1871 writes: (2017-08-14T19:06:21.338000+00:00)
thats not how it works
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-14T19:06:56.993000+00:00)
Don't we have kombat unit on this server? I think he's legit, not loomer
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:13.409000+00:00)
4chan is on Rizon
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:19.541000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> He is legit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:19.945000+00:00)
on IRC
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:24.575000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:34.092000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> Sup
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:54.112000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> They be trying to frame you
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T19:07:58.173000+00:00)
I'll change my name to Loomer-Jewnit.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-14T19:08:45.448000+00:00)
"The 88 has always been an antiwhite tool in american politics"
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:09:03.214000+00:00)
Logic <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196>
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:09:03.326000+00:00)
they just lost like half their users
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T19:09:20.450000+00:00)
Faust writes: (2017-08-14T19:09:30.925000+00:00)
I'm re-listening the audiobook version of Imperium read by Alex Linder and holy shit that double digit guy is truly the epitome of burgerism. I'm so fucking close going in to full REEE mode when im at work listening to that guy start sperging about how Yockey is wrong and narrow minded. He even fucking says Nietzsche is narrow minded. I just wanted to get that of my chest. I have had no problem with any other audiobook he have made, just Imperium.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:09:59.718000+00:00)
Can we set up an IRC channel on a server as backup
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-14T19:10:00.324000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:10:25.262000+00:00)
I vote for Rizon as a server
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:11:17.786000+00:00)
It's not as user friendly as discord is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:11:30.412000+00:00)
yeah, but as a backup
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:11:47.916000+00:00)
we need a backup of some sort
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:14:01.780000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:14:02.895000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:14:25.414000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-14T19:14:47.364000+00:00)
IRC is easy for anyone to eavesdrop on
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:15:35.428000+00:00)
As long as nobody is retarded and invites (((Laura Loomer))) we'll be fine here
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:15:41.781000+00:00)
<:serious:339111386330431489> are we in any danger of being shut down since we are semi public?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:15:52.377000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:16:01.338000+00:00)
>alt furry discord
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:16:12.046000+00:00)
Someone needs to make a meme with Loomer saying SHUT IT DOWN now
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:16:19.095000+00:00)
It's happened multiple times lol
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:16:24.581000+00:00)
Sounds like something @bigkk could get behind
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-14T19:17:17.006000+00:00)
Ideally, we should have our own chat service under our control
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:17:42.378000+00:00)
Yes but that would require kinda lot resources
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-14T19:17:52.348000+00:00)
I like how ISIS can keep chat groups open for as long as necessary but one fat commie gets hit by a car and they shut us down
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:18:04.180000+00:00)
TeamSpeak would be one option 🤔
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:18:19.279000+00:00)
Wire is open sourced
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:18:33.217000+00:00)
Was ist Das?
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:18:50.431000+00:00)
It's a messaging service
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:18:57.422000+00:00)
With voice and cam
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:07.908000+00:00)
Wire is good but I don't think you can have +1000 people in a server
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:12.299000+00:00)
But allegedly secure and open source
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:19.179000+00:00)
Yeah, that's a pickle
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:28.249000+00:00)
discord keeps all messages sent
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:29.731000+00:00)
on it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:19:51.925000+00:00)
This is kristallnacht for white nationalism
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:20:11.025000+00:00)
Order 66 more like
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:20:34.976000+00:00)
havent seen star wars
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:21:20.928000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-14T19:21:37.180000+00:00)
Wire allows only 128 people in a group chat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:21:38.843000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:22:00.332000+00:00)
Nice shirt mate
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:22:35.755000+00:00)
absolutely meme worthy pose right there
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:22:43.810000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:23:54.315000+00:00)
But seriously. One commie dies and world explodes?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:24:28.887000+00:00)
yes, just like that one time when a nigger died
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:24:32.093000+00:00)
or another one
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:24:43.727000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> get rid of that anime fag thing
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:19.291000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> You'll get bullied lad
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:22.242000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:25.181000+00:00)
No anime allowed
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:45.410000+00:00)
It's degenerate
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:45.944000+00:00)
>loli cat avatar
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T19:25:59.270000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:26:06.053000+00:00)
what the fuck
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:26:17.248000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:26:29.259000+00:00)
Wir müssen den anime ausrotten
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:26:58.590000+00:00)
Hitler would hate anime.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:29.250000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:43.733000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:47.877000+00:00)
The funny thing is I checked his Steam before
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:52.161000+00:00)
He has that pic next to a pic of Hitler
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:52.616000+00:00)
fugging leaf
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:54.437000+00:00)
in his photo albums
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:56.878000+00:00)
Anime will leave body after beating
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:56.982000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:27:57.267000+00:00)
🅱egone Fa🅱🅱ot
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T19:28:17.649000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:28:29.464000+00:00)
3d anime is the only acceptable anime
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T19:29:12.263000+00:00)
>anime of any variety is acceptable
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T19:29:23.180000+00:00)
Wtf I hate NRM now
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:29:27.038000+00:00)
I wish the JSDF would invade America with planes painted with anime characters, imagine the humiliation
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T19:29:48.440000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:29:51.952000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> No, you're right. Twice wasn't enough.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:30:03.747000+00:00)
If you need a girl as an avatar I'll send you some nationalists to choose from
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T19:30:22.750000+00:00)
2D waifu > 3DPD
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T19:30:30.156000+00:00)
Use this as your avatar
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:30:44.929000+00:00)
i wish Japan would attack America with the robot from Neon Genesis Evangelion
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:30:58.605000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> https://mega.nz/#F!xRUyHAgB!ss4kKfAFFRbGaPvlg_fVkA
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:06.271000+00:00)
choose from there
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:08.619000+00:00)
its very exploitable
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:17.287000+00:00)
the anime is pretty decent from what i hear
HMan writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:17.567000+00:00)
No more anime and no more xD please
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:36.417000+00:00)
No you're not
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:37.250000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:42.588000+00:00)
AltRight.com discord got shoad
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:46.171000+00:00)
we know
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:51.339000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> state country in <#341366851718086656>
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:57.883000+00:00)
they took down spencers discord too
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:31:59.370000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:02.567000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> stop writing xD in separate messages
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:03.238000+00:00)
although i assume youre an american
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:08.667000+00:00)
Yes I am
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:16.188000+00:00)
My fucking buddy John got shoad too
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:24.243000+00:00)
**cries to death**
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:29.622000+00:00)
i think we should not allow historical names here
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:30.499000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:37.466000+00:00)
Some antifa guy reported it
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:43.909000+00:00)
Or lefty /pol mass reported
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:57.580000+00:00)
so we're fucked?
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-14T19:32:58.095000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> You were sent your new profile picture. Use it.
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:07.163000+00:00)
Idk man
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:16.146000+00:00)
How do I get vetted or get placed in a country for the server
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:26.760000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> Just say what country you're from
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:34.050000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> Are you bullying the poor weeb Bergstedt?
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:37.315000+00:00)
he is an American spy
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:47.775000+00:00)
United States
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:50.259000+00:00)
I put you in the Canada role
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:33:59.501000+00:00)
I am no canadian ey
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:03.527000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:05.215000+00:00)
There we go
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:17.755000+00:00)
wait, do we allow weebs here?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:29.253000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> weebs are not appreciated
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:32.988000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> that's the point.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:43.158000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> Use a Yukio Mishima pic like me if you want some weeb Jap pic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:45.762000+00:00)
reform and place yourself in line
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:34:54.018000+00:00)
<@271700137305178122> Not really.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:35:18.031000+00:00)
Use this one
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:35:39.326000+00:00)
that's a nice picture
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:08.565000+00:00)
<@271700137305178122> Thanks, I colorized it. Not that colorizing that took very much effort since it's just a gray cat and an Asian guy.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:11.049000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:15.253000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> who's that on your avatar?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:15.669000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:16.489000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> http://i.imgur.com/xeW4TCe.jpg
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:24.964000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> It's Yukio Mishima, same as in the other pics
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:32.140000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:33.248000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:35.141000+00:00)
also colorized by me
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:35.561000+00:00)
is he a based man?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:36:36.165000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> stob id :DDD
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:03.039000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Well Sköll made an entire album about him so yeah
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:20.923000+00:00)
that's some nice colorizing friend
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:24.184000+00:00)
I thought it was you <@267650029592903680>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:26.766000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:28.125000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:34.824000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i think he wanted massive westernation of China
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:40.781000+00:00)
I thought it was you on your avatar <@!331147867035140096>
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:40.947000+00:00)
he like hate it in some way
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:41.461000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> what
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:52.834000+00:00)
maybe i confused him with some other guy
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:52.919000+00:00)
what u guys think will they take this one down
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:54.148000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:37:55.669000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> He wanted a restoration of Japanese traditions to Japan
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:01.028000+00:00)
ah Japan
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:02.546000+00:00)
my bad
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:07.215000+00:00)
my bad
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:08.531000+00:00)
He thought materialism and western influence was a cancer on the Japanese race and society
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:12.551000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:20.005000+00:00)
Bots are sending spam links to porn sights
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:23.916000+00:00)
and maleware sights
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:28.547000+00:00)
Don't click on any random links
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:35.458000+00:00)
They do it in chats and DMs
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:42.871000+00:00)
I doubt they take anymore down tbh, DS and AR were easily linked to the event
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:50.261000+00:00)
*time to remove tangarine from my name*
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:52.197000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:56.107000+00:00)
sorry john
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:56.530000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Its okay
Just remember
Cha-wan Tse-tsung Zhe-yun = Chinese
Tanaka Kamikaze = Japanese
Thongpheng Tharngueng = Thai
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:38:59.345000+00:00)
my nogga
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:39:27.020000+00:00)
<@271700137305178122> Thanks though those pics were very simple
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:40:00.520000+00:00)
still good
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:40:20.489000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:40:22.967000+00:00)
Been working on colorizing this but I forgot about it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:40:27.969000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> We haven't had porn sites nor malware sites here yet
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:40:29.952000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:41:12.563000+00:00)
<@286596117888630786> Pleast stop, you must be joking
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:41:39.393000+00:00)
wasn't even fun to bully him
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:41:52.558000+00:00)
you must be self-aware about this
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:41:59.087000+00:00)
We have someone named <@239181361284513792>
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:12.095000+00:00)
Did you just gas him?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:14.449000+00:00)
with a manga avatar
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:17.428000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> do you take requests?
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:25.840000+00:00)
for colorization?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:40.418000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> lmao that person is here
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:56.268000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:42:57.009000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:04.091000+00:00)
i thought you were joking
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:16.027000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Sure
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:22.429000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> one does not joke about gas.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:33.408000+00:00)
But it takes some time and if I quit a pic before finishing it I usually forget about it for six months
Goebbels the Gerbil writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:36.045000+00:00)
This server will get shut down soon. I hope you guys have friended those you want to keep in contact with.
Goebbels the Gerbil writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:41.794000+00:00)
Because they are coming for all of us.
Goebbels the Gerbil writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:44.110000+00:00)
All of our servers.
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:56.892000+00:00)
Let them come
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:43:59.966000+00:00)
Not all pics are suited for colorization just because they're b/w btw
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:10.069000+00:00)
depends on the pic but send me requests in PM if you'd like and I'll see what I can do
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:31.739000+00:00)
I still think NRM should host an IRC server/channel
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:36.188000+00:00)
or some other alternative
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:42.181000+00:00)
consider it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:47.342000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> IRC is decent
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:53.170000+00:00)
But lacks a lot of features
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:55.405000+00:00)
yes some backup is good
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:59.547000+00:00)
I think one good option could be a chatroom "imageboard"
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:44:59.586000+00:00)
Of you get any fishy people DMing you that aren't members, don't answer
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:04.171000+00:00)
just click the X near their name
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:06.304000+00:00)
They're spam bots
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:12.702000+00:00)
There are chatrooms with imageboard functionalities, basically the same as Discord but you host it yourself
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:15.319000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:33.185000+00:00)
"okay dad"
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:39.333000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:45:48.025000+00:00)
Who here is a refugee from altright.com discord
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:00.836000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:04.068000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:06.166000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:10.922000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:11.766000+00:00)
please save me
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:16.005000+00:00)
we got shoad so hard
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:24.739000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:27.964000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:36.639000+00:00)
If the alt-kike is allowed in here en masse this place will turn into a jew wank contest in under an hour
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:43.727000+00:00)
Seriously not kidding.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:53.782000+00:00)
not so long as we are here to purity spiral the fuck out of them
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:58.303000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:46:59.081000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:08.692000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> me, <@203920943305850880> etc. who've run big servers on discord before know this from experience.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:21.576000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> seriously do what you can to stop the kikes to come in
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:42.275000+00:00)
Just don't send them invites and you won't have to worry.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:42.850000+00:00)
there will be bullying
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:43.517000+00:00)
I actually never had to deal with being overrun with altrighters
>I never allowed them anywhere near anything remotely like an invite to my servers
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:49.959000+00:00)
we need a GLR emoji
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:47:54.999000+00:00)
and have an online vigil on the 25th
SquidThumper writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:04.413000+00:00)
pay close attention to who applies for join
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:08.856000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:08.915000+00:00)
I hate the alt-right with a fucking passion. It's pure fucking cancer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:09.294000+00:00)
now a GLR emoji I can get behind
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:20.839000+00:00)
yeah my nig
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:21.594000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> did you ban the anime fag?
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:23.586000+00:00)
Repainting the swastika when
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:37.361000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> ANIME IS DEGEN! SHOAH IT!
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:39.880000+00:00)
At the assassination place
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:40.690000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:47.922000+00:00)
you better do it otherwise ill irl shitpost scrub
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T19:48:51.673000+00:00)
Fug, I'm guessing more of you are coming
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:16.846000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> act mature or you'll not stay here for long
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:20.133000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:28.021000+00:00)
AW will repaint ir
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:29.243000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:33.560000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:34.247000+00:00)
Komissar writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:35.254000+00:00)
Can confirm
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:42.919000+00:00)
It will be done
Komissar writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:52.514000+00:00)
Big servers are always a security risk.
Komissar writes: (2017-08-14T19:49:59.387000+00:00)
There's no way around it.
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:11.858000+00:00)
Yeah then intruders get in
Gre writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:17.390000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> I hope you legit do it
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:25.092000+00:00)
We should have a Members Only text and voice
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:38.199000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:40.674000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Yes
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:44.246000+00:00)
Itll happen. 🖒
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:45.308000+00:00)
the MEMBERS here already have that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:47.739000+00:00)
you're not a member
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:51.162000+00:00)
this is an NRM discord
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:50:52.838000+00:00)
oh fuck I forgot
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:51:01.883000+00:00)
Is there a channel for vetting
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T19:51:07.907000+00:00)
well how'd you get in?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:51:10.087000+00:00)
Please don't try to impose AR standards here
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T19:51:15.975000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> No
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:51:26.991000+00:00)
you'll have to reform to us, not the otherway around
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:52:30.314000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:52:59.935000+00:00)
So the altright server was shut down by Discord for promotion of harassment
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:53:05.427000+00:00)
scaremongering is not helpful neither
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-14T19:53:09.571000+00:00)
Well, the real members of this Discord has a private text and voice chat. The members of The Nordic Resistance Movement.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:53:30.129000+00:00)
According to centipede server admin
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:53:35.115000+00:00)
I was monitoring the discord chat on the altright server and no one posting anything illegal
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:53:49.444000+00:00)
The anti-com one also got removed
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:54:16.242000+00:00)
@everyone as you saw in <#293753549530333195> discord has shut down the alt right discord. They were openly promoting harassment of the family of the woman who died in Charlottesville. That is against discord TOS and it's against our rules and we will enforce them by removing anyone who does as much.
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:54:39.334000+00:00)
This the text posted there
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:55:24.010000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:55:41.331000+00:00)
I think I knew the guy who said that
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:55:44.880000+00:00)
He got deleted though
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:56:15.747000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> alt-right has no balls. It's full of degenerates. FFS Spencer had a teenager that's a known furry run the place. Their incompetent to a ridiculous degree.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:56:28.551000+00:00)
Every alt-right thing fails on its own big-tent stupidity
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:56:31.288000+00:00)
I think that they are doing a massive attack on every front. Physical, virtual, psychological etc
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:56:37.678000+00:00)
That is tru <@178237610949476352>
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:56:41.803000+00:00)
Mostly shitposting
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:02.590000+00:00)
Mostly shitposting
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:08.630000+00:00)
Yeah that's how you ranked up
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:30.198000+00:00)
Do any of you know if they took down any communist discords
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:35.434000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> it's not even shitposting they don't have an ideology. They don't have people who are willing to do anything than to yell edgy shit
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:35.708000+00:00)
Not a market promoting organisation
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:57:39.687000+00:00)
leveling mentally through non productive means
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:58:14.110000+00:00)
Atleast this discord is a lot more organized than the altright.com one
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:58:20.397000+00:00)
You cannot build anything in a state of reaction
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T19:58:44.823000+00:00)
This run by aryans
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:58:47.826000+00:00)
NRM is autocratic, this is different, fall in line is the only option here
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T19:58:57.306000+00:00)
<@126821913166217217> well it's not alt right so there's the key
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T19:59:08.440000+00:00)
Yeah it's a big mix
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:59:11.830000+00:00)
yeah, this is national socialist
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T19:59:59.667000+00:00)
I don't even understand your ramblings, are you neurotic
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T20:00:25.009000+00:00)
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-14T20:02:01.669000+00:00)
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-14T20:02:01.913000+00:00)
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-14T20:02:17.887000+00:00)
This server is likely to shut down
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T20:02:52.995000+00:00)
We've seen it
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T20:03:57.899000+00:00)
irc is still an option, i guess
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:07:22.054000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> telegram is more user friendly
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:08:04.010000+00:00)
And telegram is end to end encryoted
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T20:08:06.293000+00:00)
let's just go to omegle and put "white milk" as an interest
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:08:13.815000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:08:35.907000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> in before you get 1000000 results of japanese lactation porn
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T20:08:52.577000+00:00)
Like I have been saying NS servers aren't going to be deleted unless Loomer joins them and posts screencaps on twitter
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T20:09:21.727000+00:00)
The AltRight server's main cause of falling was because of Spencer posting the link on twitter for his amas
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:09:23.046000+00:00)
I think you are right, it's all about "muh pr" from discord
James Johann writes: (2017-08-14T20:09:29.241000+00:00)
Then a bunch of antifa infiltrate
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T20:09:37.244000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> The problem is that it demands phone therefore it's more personal
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:09:47.582000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> it is. Keep your head low, don't raid other servers etc. and you're fine
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:10:16.055000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> well tbh, if you're afraid of standing behind your own opinions then you should probably reconsider if you are NS or not.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:10:20.622000+00:00)
Also a way to look at it.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:10:39.603000+00:00)
Haha, I thought the telegram joke was about the physical telegram
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:10:46.549000+00:00)
not that it was an app
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:10:53.627000+00:00)
I thought it was satire
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:11:46.035000+00:00)
IRC is old > Telegram is older
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:11:51.529000+00:00)
Hmm I like the Discord audio chat
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:12:36.270000+00:00)
I can't use it right now cos baby + wife recuperating here
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:14:25.945000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> there's also Matrix which is a decentralised solution that one can run
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:14:39.788000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:14:42.947000+00:00)
supports voice as well
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:14:56.751000+00:00)
I don't understand in general how/where the hate association has become so entrenched. I have walked through a lot of firewalls and warnings on eaten the forbidden fruit, but that's cos I'm curious
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:15:40.604000+00:00)
It's gotta have a mobile/anywhere option that's definitely a success criteria
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:07.054000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:12.144000+00:00)
live press conference
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:13.191000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:24.424000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:36.169000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:16:39.016000+00:00)
>It's gotta have a mobile/anywhere option that's definitely a success criteria
That's the thing with matrix cross platform, decentralised no one can shut it down
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:17:14.733000+00:00)
Need to listen to it brb
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:17:25.829000+00:00)
Minifag and big fag. Ib4 they start singing 80s karaoke again
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:18:03.792000+00:00)
Nathan Damigo is probably more hardcore, but I don't know
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:18:39.926000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> sure. But he's also always counter singling "nazis"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:18:56.290000+00:00)
that's shitty
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T20:19:21.878000+00:00)
he's a bigger pr cuck than spencer even
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T20:20:15.568000+00:00)
spencer allows himself to try and be witty and funny about stuff, and he fails miserably, while IE pretty much try to be stonefaced serious so far as I've seen, to avoid looking as anything but that
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T20:20:18.736000+00:00)
Can't talk about guns in IE because it's bad PR.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:23:22.935000+00:00)
So stupid, they should just say "I'm not discussing the car crash"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:23:40.353000+00:00)
don't engage in questions about matters you want to avoid
lofi writes: (2017-08-14T20:24:03.855000+00:00)
At press c. They just move the narrative to the car all the time!
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T20:24:22.846000+00:00)
of course they are
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T20:24:25.571000+00:00)
its their job
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T20:24:49.993000+00:00)
Yeah mini cuck is really anti-"nazi". Constantly. Also he didn't do fuck all when one of IE members got doxxed by one of their own.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:24:55.499000+00:00)
they want him to slip and say something that can give a great headline
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:25:13.512000+00:00)
so they'll push it until that happens
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:27:09.241000+00:00)
"We'll not arrange anything like charlottesville again"
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T20:28:49.219000+00:00)
Revolution always starts with a small, radical group of people
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T20:28:58.396000+00:00)
That is the only way to achieve victory
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T20:29:21.553000+00:00)
So while people bitch about "you dont have enough people", who cares
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:29:34.560000+00:00)
The only thing the Alt Right will be good for is stealing their memberbase eventually
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:29:42.619000+00:00)
those who are fit
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T20:29:43.163000+00:00)
Do we want thousands of weak bodies or hundreds of radical men?
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T20:30:14.837000+00:00)
That is what it comes down too
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:30:21.706000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:30:32.771000+00:00)
people need to be uniform
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T20:30:53.020000+00:00)
It also comes down to this - stop playing the victim. It's not going to work.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:31:13.670000+00:00)
and they are not, and attract weebs and kids who need schooling
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T20:31:48.407000+00:00)
alright we need those eventually, but then you need to have a force dedicated to schooling them correctly
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:50:04.622000+00:00)
richard is doing a very good job
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T20:56:52.325000+00:00)
I'd rather the first thing I say here isn't counter siagnalling but Spencer is a bad path to follow. He's a white globalist who doesn't have any respect for white nations. The workers party seem a better group to follow since they're trying to be the security for these events and teach people to be proud of their heritage not "I have nothing else" as spencer does safdly.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T20:57:37.619000+00:00)
I'm not sure how you spell his last name but Matthew who used to run the Daily traditionalist
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T20:57:44.982000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:58:15.327000+00:00)
heimbach will never make it big in america
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:58:21.052000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:58:42.866000+00:00)
unless, perhaps, he joined someone else who made it big
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T20:58:43.553000+00:00)
i know what to do to be camouflaged from discord shutting us down
go incognito
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:58:59.095000+00:00)
heimbach is not a good model for real success
stem writes: (2017-08-14T20:59:05.531000+00:00)
even if you like his ideas
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T20:59:19.334000+00:00)
I don't think he's a good model, but I think Spencer is a worse one
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T20:59:45.584000+00:00)
We have limited pickings right now. No one has really come forward pushing the right message
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:00:11.875000+00:00)
<@293450840415535104> How do you measure success?
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:11.904000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> gaining enough power to save our peoples and civilizations
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:15.659000+00:00)
and what defines the right message
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:49.578000+00:00)
and that requires convincing at least some of the right people
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:51.814000+00:00)
Promoting unique European identities working together and being against behaviour that rots our communities.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:53.217000+00:00)
Spencer is just gay
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:01:59.429000+00:00)
<@293450840415535104> What do you mean by gaining enough power? Do you suggest we try to gain positions of power and subvert the system?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:02:07.682000+00:00)
Im gonna be afk eating btw just wanted to set up a convo
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:02:15.575000+00:00)
there are many possible avenues to power
noobtia writes: (2017-08-14T21:02:26.692000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:02:37.743000+00:00)
you can gain it semi-democratically and then get rid of democracy as we know it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:02:41.089000+00:00)
I am English, I am proud of being English. I don't want the Polish to invade my land any more than I want the Pakistanis. Spencer considers this to be "petty differences".
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:09.053000+00:00)
you can go for accelerationism and wait for the collapse and hope to somehow pick up the pieces
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:13.810000+00:00)
very risky
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:19.268000+00:00)
It's soul crushing to walk down a street you grew up on and see 15 different languages no matter which language some of them are
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:39.253000+00:00)
spencer does not want england to be invaded by poles either
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:53.185000+00:00)
but he recognizes the difference between poles and pakistanis
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:03:57.360000+00:00)
accelerationism =/= waiting for it to happen
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:05.345000+00:00)
Oy vey we're homo inclusive now. We want to work with everyone on the right.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:07.555000+00:00)
its about accelerating the collapse, making it happen
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:12.021000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:19.473000+00:00)
that's what i meant
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:26.380000+00:00)
you still have to wait a bit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:04:56.453000+00:00)
kicking someone down the stairs vs waiting for their heart to give out is a considerable difference in terms of waiting
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:05:09.800000+00:00)
have you read SIEGE <@293450840415535104> ?
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:05:19.017000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:05:25.248000+00:00)
<@293450840415535104> if you wait you'll grow grey hairs before anything happens. Hillary winning would as an example been better for the US than Trump. It would have spun everything out of contorl. We might already had an uprising had she won
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:05:35.841000+00:00)
i am not suggesting that we wait
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:05:45.817000+00:00)
I don't think we can control the collapse. Even if everyone went Elliot Rogers (I don't encourage you to) it simply wouldn't change anything. A truck of peace no matter the driver will be a 1 week news story then forgotten in Europe at this point.
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:06:03.573000+00:00)
i simply meant that you are not actively trying to gain power through traditional means, so you are waiting to gain power
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:06:08.895000+00:00)
<@293450840415535104> well SIEGE is all about accelerationism, the definitive instruction manual on it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:06:43.510000+00:00)
steps to undermine the enemy to take power is still actively trying to gain power, at this rate this is just an argument over semantics
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:06:50.121000+00:00)
i don't know if hillary would have spun everything out of control
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:06:59.177000+00:00)
we had obama for eight years
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:09.968000+00:00)
why even bring up hillary
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:12.560000+00:00)
A collapse would be bad for us at the moment any way
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:13.520000+00:00)
i suppose things were getting worse, but were they heading for revolution or collapse?
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:21.835000+00:00)
i am responding to ramblinrambo
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:29.470000+00:00)
Mandatory reading
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:32.035000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:07:37.571000+00:00)
We lack the structures to group together, to produce food and in many cases fire arms
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:04.750000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> that's the older edition
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:17.901000+00:00)
is the Alt Right Discord server down?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:18.249000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> oh is there an even newer one?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:19.671000+00:00)
The Western world would become some weird Russian/China proxy war type situation
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:27.337000+00:00)
it got shoahed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:37.088000+00:00)
yeah with a new forward by Mason himself. Here http://laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/America/James%20Mason%20-%20SIEGE%203rd%20Edition.pdf
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:08:42.535000+00:00)
A jewess conservative reported it to discord
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:10.872000+00:00)
Is the Alt Right Discord server down?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:19.523000+00:00)
>We lack the structures to group together
You do as long as you meme like the alt-right. Look at NRM they have structure and organisation. It's all about dumping that damned individualism and start getting together and let the best man lead. And not be "muh I need to lead" attitude that yanks seem to always have.
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:34.680000+00:00)
<@276123722987995136> It's gone, and good riddance
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:35.182000+00:00)
>no structure
So start working for it
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:44.231000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:09:58.626000+00:00)
I have the second edition paper form
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:10:15.831000+00:00)
That's why I'm here, to try and work on it. I'm learning to grow my own food. Something I can help others learn hopefully
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:10:18.393000+00:00)
people who bring up points like that in discussions of accelerationism don't seem to get that you won't cause the collapse immediately UNLESS they want to use that point to discredit those who promote accelerationism
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:10:31.316000+00:00)
are there a lot of diffrences between the 2nd and 3rd edition?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:10:42.210000+00:00)
you work to the best of what you have at hand and work your way up in terms of your action according to your own infrastructure and resources
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:00.738000+00:00)
so when you can take action that CAN cause more fundamental damage you already have the structure to support yourself for the aftermath
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:13.342000+00:00)
i think that unplugging from the system as much as possible is a good idea
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:17.106000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> just the forward, fundamental content is not changed
stem writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:26.326000+00:00)
while networking and maintaining yourselves
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:28.161000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:30.741000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:11:53.994000+00:00)
<@293450840415535104> also covered in SIEGE, Mason talks about it in terms of two simultaneous approaches: leaving the system and striking at it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:12:28.803000+00:00)
I agree, but it's difficult to make those connections openly in many European nations.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:12:34.098000+00:00)
and you can just leave without striking, you'll still have done damage by escaping its mechanism where you slave away for its benefit, but striking at it is still necessary
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:12:53.074000+00:00)
I received my order of My Legionaries from NRM today. My collection is growing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:06.343000+00:00)
My Legionaries is 1488/10
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:23.062000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:33.165000+00:00)
"Gregg johnson" 😦
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:37.803000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:42.033000+00:00)
I just read WP and turner diaries, but I don't have any literature on paper
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:47.456000+00:00)
Slavros will get triggered by the "Handbook for the Right-Wing Youth"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:54.645000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:55.019000+00:00)
and probably the SIEGE aswell
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:13:55.790000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:05.702000+00:00)
its literally just them squeezing money out of people
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:30.020000+00:00)
Money isn't an issue at the moment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:35.381000+00:00)
I already forgot what it was that triggered me specifically, have to look over its content again
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:42.134000+00:00)
but sure, never good to get robbed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:49.471000+00:00)
Turner diaries brings up an interesting ending. If in say America an ethno state was founded. What are the odds of it getting nuked?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:14:59.160000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> The book is just excerpts of various Evola works that they've combined out of context
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:04.546000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:05.922000+00:00)
Thats why
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:12.445000+00:00)
that's what pissed me off
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:15.094000+00:00)
it's pocket format, so it's nice
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:25.898000+00:00)
Or even would the ethno state take over a nuke facility to prevent it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:28.055000+00:00)
but its also a manipulation
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:35.514000+00:00)
Nothing wrong with the content, it's just that it's out of context and it's not the way it's supposed to be read.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:15:55.994000+00:00)
you can take apart MK and make it into a milquetoast conservative memorandum if you mix and match certain quotes out of context
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:16:47.136000+00:00)
Got to study it more carefully to see what could be heavily misinterpreted
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:17:22.990000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Did you read Evola's works in the past?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:17:38.499000+00:00)
Not a lot
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:05.928000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:22.032000+00:00)
I don't dismiss your case at all, but you can view it from the Hungarian angle I guess
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:42.121000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:49.478000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:51.583000+00:00)
since it's put together by Jobbik
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:18:57.502000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> huwhat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:03.760000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:09.421000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:12.806000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:15.959000+00:00)
ffs you cunt
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:22.008000+00:00)
I was busy today
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:22.762000+00:00)
at least comment on the ones I asked for damn it
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:32.491000+00:00)
ok wait
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:19:33.738000+00:00)
its like 6 questions to look at you fuck
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:21:07.356000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> ?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:21:29.465000+00:00)
Well if you're interested in reading his complete works I posted a reading order in <#341087865993691136>
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:21:43.462000+00:00)
Could be useful for comparison once you've finished that "Handbook for Right Wing Youth" one
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:21:48.694000+00:00)
Yeah I got them downloaded
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:21:54.128000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:01.193000+00:00)
Did you read through the post?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:05.910000+00:00)
I usually don't read digital ones
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:14.218000+00:00)
yeah I saw the image post about the order
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:19.265000+00:00)
I just use them for reference
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:26.658000+00:00)
I despise e-books but I can't bother buying regular books
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:29.320000+00:00)
prefer reading paper ones
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:32.849000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:43.796000+00:00)
I think it's much better to read on my phone than on my PC though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:52.411000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:22:57.653000+00:00)
reading on your phone while on a train or flight is great tbh
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T21:23:07.764000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-14T21:23:13.889000+00:00)
Just get an ereader
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T21:23:34.912000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:23:52.386000+00:00)
yeah, at my desktop I can't sit comfortable and prefer doing other stuff on it honestly
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:24:00.343000+00:00)
which e-readers are good then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:24:52.787000+00:00)
what if we go into a power outage from a collapse of the current system
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:24:59.033000+00:00)
can't read the e-books then
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:24:59.762000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> thats not an arrow <:varg:333280265910616064>
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:25:18.358000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> dl ebooks and print them out
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:25:29.162000+00:00)
I still need to buy that printer
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:25:35.166000+00:00)
I have an ink printer
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:25:36.259000+00:00)
it's awfl
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:25:44.842000+00:00)
I'm going to buy a jet one
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:26:06.918000+00:00)
so I can print posters and glue outside as propaganda
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:26:07.979000+00:00)
Need to get a laserjet again cause this is useless, you fill it with a cartridge and if you don't use it every day the cartridge gets dried up ASAP and you have to buy a new one for like $20
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:26:18.233000+00:00)
I think ink runs when wet
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:31:02.362000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:32:56.158000+00:00)
>trying to figure out which leader is which in VA
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:34:09.518000+00:00)
why do they call him a boot camp dropout?
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:34:51.708000+00:00)
If hes a dripout how did he make E6 in the marine corps
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:34:54.716000+00:00)
Da fuq
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:35:10.387000+00:00)
"Hopper was promoted to staff sergeant by the marines in October last year, according to a local news report, and had been due to “train, teach and mentor” potential marine officers. "
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:35:29.664000+00:00)
Are you guys still purity spiraling? Playing tough internet Nazis, and relegating yourselves to a little thread that nobody reads, and nobody wants to be a part of, kind of like Iron March cornering themselves into a tiny forum, all by themselves were they can make zero effective action, but get to feel like they are the Naziest of Nazis, just like the video game fags, who brag about the banners they spent thousands of hours unlocking?
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:36:00.087000+00:00)
Hey white
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:36:04.569000+00:00)
Gas this one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:36:08.796000+00:00)
vaguely remember this guy
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:36:26.449000+00:00)
Go suck papi Spencer dick
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:36:41.815000+00:00)
Hahaha, oh well, I'm going to take my muscular white body, and go get laded by a women half my age.... have fun faggots, I'm not responding to anything you say!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:37:02.535000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:37:03.784000+00:00)
was he kicked from here before or is it just me?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:37:24.292000+00:00)
What a neckbeard
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:38:11.494000+00:00)
that whole sentence is what he thinks "real men do", while being some cheetos nerd
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:39:02.257000+00:00)
Dude has a fucking video game avatar.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:42:43.717000+00:00)
I had to go incognito so I changed my name and some things around
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:42:56.477000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:05.395000+00:00)
You're an American - it shouldn't even matter.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:10.112000+00:00)
Freedumb of speech.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:20.724000+00:00)
Blatantly insulting each other is not allowed here unless someone is a weeb, ok?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:31.320000+00:00)
Speaking of weebs I just watched some Japanese dance clip someone showed me
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:36.237000+00:00)
was pretty good tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:45.100000+00:00)
some theatrical dance
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:45.541000+00:00)
why cause I dont want to be banned by discord
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:47.078000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:43:56.734000+00:00)
If youre banned make a new account lol.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:05.998000+00:00)
Unless you don't want to violate their TOS. 🤔
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:23.145000+00:00)
I'm actually a fugitive, running from the law, I've been up more niggers, than any of you faggots have even been in fights, and I'll bet I'm the only person in this thread, that has put a gun in the face of muds... keep typing losers, keep typing!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:44.676000+00:00)
"I've been up more niggers"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:48.091000+00:00)
Are you gay?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:52.818000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:44:55.699000+00:00)
Sodomy isn't cool, dude.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:00.537000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:00.610000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:17.219000+00:00)
Then why are you posting online?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:30.960000+00:00)
is this an RP channel now?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:34.307000+00:00)
People in this movement know who I am, and now they will know you are fucking pussies!!!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:39.569000+00:00)
He's a troll <:troll:333285395259195394>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-14T21:45:54.144000+00:00)
he's roleplaying as a troll?
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:48:21.755000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:48:32.471000+00:00)
post charlottesville dickie spencer conference
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:48:37.618000+00:00)
Hes been up niggers
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:48:47.296000+00:00)
This is a national socialist server
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:48:50.829000+00:00)
No sodomy allowed
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:49:14.156000+00:00)
<@206483665050402816> I'm a public figure and agree with IM 100percent so shut you're little mouth.
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:49:21.292000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-14T21:49:39.675000+00:00)
Hes trolling
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:50:02.796000+00:00)
I'm triggered
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T21:50:19.424000+00:00)
that's what he wants
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:50:36.354000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> You're a public figure?
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:50:58.262000+00:00)
Discord is deleting natsoc servers if you guys werent aware
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:10.496000+00:00)
We are aware.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:11.940000+00:00)
I thought it was alt right ones, not NS.
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:14.517000+00:00)
They said to delete at 12 pm
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:15.138000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> I'm a pretty important figure in the UK
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:15.839000+00:00)
Also yeah
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:19.544000+00:00)
We are socialists 😉
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:23.887000+00:00)
All "hate" servers
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:25.213000+00:00)
<@236925221301387265> where did they say that?
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:26.561000+00:00)
if that's too big headed
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:51:35.800000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Are you Ben?
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:03.529000+00:00)
Isn't Cymru Wales or something
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:07.314000+00:00)
No I'm not autistic.
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:12.915000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> We have talked about it in another server, I don't remember the link
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:14.368000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:16.348000+00:00)
he be good speaker and shit
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:30.270000+00:00)
<@236925221301387265> Alright well hit me up if you find it
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:41.938000+00:00)
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:45.052000+00:00)
Well we'll see in 8 min
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:46.844000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:52:47.552000+00:00)
I think I know Cymru
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:55:56.691000+00:00)
5 mins
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:57:34.361000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> so what do you think the fact that we may be gone soon
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:57:54.616000+00:00)
<@280879759863578624> I think I'll be procrastinating a lot less
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:58:00.287000+00:00)
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:58:05.543000+00:00)
but there is one thing
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:58:13.934000+00:00)
I have a server that isnt being used
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:58:34.945000+00:00)
we could use it as a backup just in case <@!331147867035140096>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:06.424000+00:00)
It doesn't matter in the long run, discord isn't the end all be all. Plus a new server can be made and advertised after.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:12.760000+00:00)
1 min
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:21.552000+00:00)
<@280879759863578624> We don't really need a back up, if Discord deletes this we'll just find some other platform.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:35.220000+00:00)
Probably IRC or TeamSpeak
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:36.657000+00:00)
yeah like skype
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:46.508000+00:00)
Never again will I use Skype.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:54.611000+00:00)
Skype is garbage
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T21:59:57.736000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:04.062000+00:00)
It's slow as hell for me
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:05.951000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:08.124000+00:00)
Same with Facebook chat
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:25.449000+00:00)
well its 12:00
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:26.338000+00:00)
My PC handles the facebook chat worse than sony vegas and photoshop simultaneously
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:00:43.096000+00:00)
<@236925221301387265> I'm still standing, how about you?
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T22:01:00.744000+00:00)
Yeah <@236925221301387265> is the server still up?
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:02:06.870000+00:00)
Hmm seems like we didn't get shoad
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:02:13.687000+00:00)
It was a Kill Baby, Kill! reference
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:02:34.394000+00:00)
I'm still standing, how about you
I'll keep on doing what I do
Pushing forwards is my strife
Welcome to my way of life
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:02:41.576000+00:00)
Don't you listen to R.A.C?
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:03:34.846000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:05:14.123000+00:00)
<@236925221301387265> Name a band you like
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:06:57.691000+00:00)
I don't really listen to it that much, I don't know the bands. I like NSBM and NS music
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:07:18.756000+00:00)
<@236925221301387265> For me it's the other way around
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:07:25.741000+00:00)
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:07:29.051000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:07:44.908000+00:00)
Try this
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:08:05.145000+00:00)
It's like a more old school, more European "Final War"
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:08:35.854000+00:00)
Pretty good
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:09:08.158000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:09:15.830000+00:00)
I have a Wolfnacht tshirt
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:09:24.270000+00:00)
I don't listen too much to NSBM though
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:10:01.541000+00:00)
You might like this, it's a bit of a mix between R.A.C and NSBM
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:10:48.899000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:11:08.833000+00:00)
Serbs have NS thrash metal aswell
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:11:29.350000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:11:32.266000+00:00)
nvm I forgot Velimor is Russian anyway
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:11:39.411000+00:00)
just the song is about Serbia
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:12:08.011000+00:00)
Don't get me wrong I like some NSBM, listened to my fair share of it, but I never really got hooked on it.
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:12:41.998000+00:00)
Okay, I like black metal in general anyway so, ns makes it even better
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:13:03.535000+00:00)
I suppose I've heard the entire Absurd discography, listened through a lot of Wolfnacht/М8Л8ТХ/Burzum/Велимор albums etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:13:23.318000+00:00)
But I never really got hooked on it, it's like classical music to me. Too long and while it's good music it's not catchy.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:13:36.607000+00:00)
I usually think of black metal as the rock equivalent of classical tbh
Thule writes: (2017-08-14T22:14:46.389000+00:00)
Haha maybe you're right
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:15:37.520000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T22:16:49.449000+00:00)
I actually saw Blackout play on Saturday. They played a great set.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:18:06.246000+00:00)
Im struggling rn Cymru, I'm quite confident I know who you are but I can't remember your name
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:18:23.384000+00:00)
Was checking London Forum website cause I think I've seen you mentioned on it before
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T22:18:41.910000+00:00)
i'll keep you guessing.
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T22:18:59.709000+00:00)
Is Blood and Honour active in Scandanavia these days?
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T22:20:17.618000+00:00)
Yes some
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T22:20:26.478000+00:00)
They mostly arrange concerts
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:20:28.910000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Yeah but they just arrange concerts and stuff from what I'm aware
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:20:36.678000+00:00)
HammerSkins are also around
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T22:21:09.098000+00:00)
Well that's their whole thing. I think back in the early 2000's they might have been more politically involved when the C18 faction was still active.
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:21:16.881000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-14T22:22:25.850000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> The Nationalist league table
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:23:43.322000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:23:57.436000+00:00)
It's some statistics compiled by EXPO so they probably missed a lot of stuff
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T22:26:17.278000+00:00)
apparently they going after all Fascist and NatSoc related servers
dylb writes: (2017-08-14T22:27:34.913000+00:00)
Good thing this is just a puritan Sanatana Dharma server where we discuss the biological caste system 🇮🇳
💤 💤 Sleepy 💤 💤 writes: (2017-08-14T22:29:33.577000+00:00)
Any new Rallys is gonna be held in the US after Charlottesville?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:39:38.231000+00:00)
Spencer just announced one in Texas
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:39:42.127000+00:00)
"White lives matter"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:41:24.457000+00:00)
It looks like Charlottesville is going to be a central part in this story though. Sounds like the government are going to start playing hardball in the US as they do in European countries. Be interesting to see how this escelates. I'm guessing gun fire isn't far off
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-14T22:44:50.939000+00:00)
well we are all in danger
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-14T22:44:56.610000+00:00)
did you see what discord posted
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:47:06.272000+00:00)
It's been posted a few times yea.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T22:48:00.568000+00:00)
"Well we are all in danger"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T22:48:05.799000+00:00)
This isn't anything new.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T22:48:23.138000+00:00)
What does discord trying to look presentable in public have to do with danger
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-14T22:48:31.581000+00:00)
This discord, is Iron March level larping faggotry.... good night guys, I've got to go stick my 40 year old dick in a real 3D pussy, maybe I'll get lucky and pop out another white baby!!!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:49:45.764000+00:00)
Guess he means me saying that things have officially escelated in America is larpy
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T22:50:51.503000+00:00)
<@206483665050402816> bye faggot
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T22:51:43.527000+00:00)
>Fucking IM faggots >Is too much of a pussy to even make an argument
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T22:53:23.459000+00:00)
Let me guess <@206483665050402816> next post is going to be about how anyone who doesn't like Richard Spencer is "Anti-White"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:54:52.782000+00:00)
Maybe he's trying to convince me to be implicit homosexuals so he can get more of that white pussy?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T22:55:25.055000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T22:57:49.797000+00:00)
There's something I can't figure out. What exactly is the objective of the stablishment to flood Europe with non-whites? It completely destroys any sort of productivity. Its like choosing to rule over a ruin rather than a beautiful church
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T22:59:37.385000+00:00)
increase spending, consumerism, multinational companies everywhere
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T22:59:43.418000+00:00)
tfw arguing with fag enabeling satanist why sodomites are not natural
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-14T22:59:46.820000+00:00)
if you disregard the race part
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T22:59:48.903000+00:00)
Because they believe that it will result in population that will be less intelligent thus less likely to put up active resistance
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:00:55.877000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> the tranny one?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:13.028000+00:00)
Yeah he is in that one <@!315896512338984960>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:20.925000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:30.246000+00:00)
Sodomites are natural, but it's also natural to bash the skull in of another man and fuck his grievng wife. Does not mean it's the right thing to do.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:40.040000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> possible
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:43.512000+00:00)
3 Alts of it got banned in a server I mod.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:01:51.584000+00:00)
How do you become a consumer with no money?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T23:02:03.631000+00:00)
I told her to get in the bog or read the fag agenda on ropeculture
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:02:33.252000+00:00)
I think got maximum bogging you need to push them not let them wade in
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:02:44.874000+00:00)
"Oi lesbo, cannon ball yourself in or I'm shoving you"
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T23:03:05.153000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> You might as well not argue with "it", because "it" is clearly delusional."It" also believe that it is white when "it" is a spic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T23:03:11.853000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> i like your pic
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-14T23:03:51.316000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:04:48.688000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> thanks.
<@332484308445167630> tell it to hang itself.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:04:55.839000+00:00)
Homosexuality is not genetic, they have found no genetic factor for it. But it does have a common foundation of childhood sexual abuse.
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:05:48.229000+00:00)
Didnt scientist find that faggots was borned with more female hormons of some sort?
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:03.486000+00:00)
But the rape thing is real to
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:09.235000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> The tranny you are arguing with is the same one that got gassed on IM http://ironmarch.org/index.php?/topic/8094-occultic-national-socialist/
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:30.023000+00:00)
Is there a tranny on this server?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:32.926000+00:00)
Hormone stuff is wonky
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:38.219000+00:00)
Nah, a different server.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-14T23:06:59.437000+00:00)
It tried to pretend to be an Irish nun in a different server in a vetting process
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-14T23:07:11.744000+00:00)
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:07:12.683000+00:00)
Good. If you see a tranny here, please contact me and I will act hard, swift and unjust
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:07:19.462000+00:00)
epigenetics has thrown a complete spanner in the works of breeding genetics. Going to need a shit load more research
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:07:29.636000+00:00)
...act hard?
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:07:48.632000+00:00)
Sorry, sound better in swedish 😂
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:08:00.224000+00:00)
Captain Sweden joke here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:08:33.223000+00:00)
Do you guys spend a lot of time picking fights with degenerates?
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:09:40.943000+00:00)
We have like a saying in Sweden that goes "He is tough but just" (tough was the word I should have used), but I think its more fun to say "tough but unjust"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:10:26.857000+00:00)
We have the same saying here. Tough but fair
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:10:30.611000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> We dont pick fights. We end them 😄
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:10:44.182000+00:00)
Yeah thats the one, tough but fair
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:11:37.209000+00:00)
I was aiming at tough but unfair, but my english failed me a bit 😛
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:12:15.899000+00:00)
Yea man, you go hard on those trannies! Really give it to em!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:12:33.332000+00:00)
Don't worry, I'm quite used to us English failing a lot
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:12:40.561000+00:00)
Civic bastards
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:13:31.514000+00:00)
Youre from the UK?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:13:45.010000+00:00)
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:14:24.642000+00:00)
You should gather some men and join our marsch in Gothemburg on September 30th
simon.holmqvist writes: (2017-08-14T23:15:00.464000+00:00)
I think the planetickets from London to Gothemburg are pretty cheap if you book them in time
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:16:25.696000+00:00)
If I flew from London you'd have 10 pakis hanging off the wheels going "I AM GETTING ME SOME GIBS!" all the way
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:18:47.055000+00:00)
Gatwick airport was not that bad tbh lol
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:20:40.512000+00:00)
I had a belgium friend have a stop over here after visiting the gloirous land of the Nipnips. Said he saw nothing he recognised as British, just brown people every where.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:23:30.114000+00:00)
Sadly the town I live in has active anti fa and the streets are dominated by non-whites. I try to keep a low profile as much as possible while using my creative skills to support those who can do the public thing
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:01.492000+00:00)
I didn't know that there were immigrant areas with active antifas
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:10.955000+00:00)
sounds bad anyways
Nanocyborg writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:11.577000+00:00)
cant you just take ryan air or some other shit airline thatsl ike 20 monies to london to stockholm
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:15.124000+00:00)
Yeah I lived in Manchester and Oldham for three and a half years...It is madness over there!
Nanocyborg writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:22.124000+00:00)
or is ryanair not active in sweden?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:28:34.270000+00:00)
Cheap flights from London to Sweden with ryanair and Norwegian.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:29:23.683000+00:00)
Central London is more white than central Stockholm imo
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:29:47.821000+00:00)
Yeah it definately is. Went to London in january for 5 days, saw 3 muslims
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:30:22.797000+00:00)
saw a few blacks and a couple of orthodox jews but not much immigration, and i was all over.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:30:36.517000+00:00)
There are white enclaves in London but they're the elite and a bunch of cunts
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:30:40.043000+00:00)
But I know there are areas with a high amount of immigrants. But I never visited it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:30:53.441000+00:00)
We have a problem here where london whites flee London, come here and act like complete bastards
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:31:11.466000+00:00)
Day of the rope Londoners get a lampost each, don't care what colour they are. Bastards the lot of them
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:31:18.092000+00:00)
Yeah, i had plans of going to no go zones there but it was my last day so i went to camden instead lol
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:31:32.335000+00:00)
suicidal huh?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:31:33.795000+00:00)
In Paris though... There are central parts with ONLY blacks. I saw no whites and the streets were crowded, but i sat in a car
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:31:50.929000+00:00)
yeah londoners seek to buy in the country or barges..😂
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:32:05.140000+00:00)
There are areas like that in my town
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:32:11.636000+00:00)
Paki streets, Somali streets
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:32:53.669000+00:00)
I like the ortodox jewish parts of the town, I saw traditional jews for my first time, interesting...
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:33:18.223000+00:00)
Mods, we're got a crypto jew
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:33:18.270000+00:00)
Haha, they're quite funny to watch.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:34:51.953000+00:00)
I don't think this area has much of a Jew population
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:36:52.559000+00:00)
Whats the white percentage of mainland countries now they got blacked by Merkel?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:37:40.792000+00:00)
Its perhaps worse up in Prestwich, MCR. 😂
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:37:55.810000+00:00)
(with jews)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:40:32.835000+00:00)
I'm pretty sure you just committed a crime in the UK with that funny comment
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:40:54.100000+00:00)
Na, not at all lol
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:41:02.787000+00:00)
Dont talk cobblers.😂
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:41:15.435000+00:00)
I am trying to find the place on google maps but i think the Swedish embassy is in the jewish part of Paris. Coincidence
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:41:23.744000+00:00)
You called a jew funny? did it hurt his feelings? Hello hate crime
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:43:16.647000+00:00)
Are you gonna call adl?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:43:26.109000+00:00)
Haha well they look like fuck knows what, when i went to London i brought my mate and shes never been there nor has she ever seen an orthodox jew in her life. Quite humourous
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:43:58.253000+00:00)
Taking a woman to London is attempted sex trafficking with it's non-white population
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:44:09.300000+00:00)
I am a woman too lol
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:44:09.448000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:44:13.497000+00:00)
If I called the ADL they would send the old bill round to kneecap me for being white
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:44:45.247000+00:00)
Is this an I spit on your grave set up?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:44:48.172000+00:00)
Two girls just hanging out in London for 5 days, why not! Never had any bovver.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:45:06.731000+00:00)
I took a woman to London.. she got gang banged by Muslims.. now she's out for revenge!
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:45:24.194000+00:00)
Lol wtf!?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:45:35.617000+00:00)
never seen I spit on your grave?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:45:53.964000+00:00)
Yeah course but not for a while.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:46:33.282000+00:00)
She thought they were going to give her a free kebab, instead they made her wear a hijab... I spit on your grave London.. This time it's Haram.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:46:41.052000+00:00)
right wing paranoia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T23:46:52.543000+00:00)
I seen kebab
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:47:14.033000+00:00)
Yeah well, rather watch 'good night sweetheart'
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T23:47:15.578000+00:00)
is it needed to be reomved
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:47:37.655000+00:00)
the main streets of the UK are still reasonably safe
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:47:50.749000+00:00)
I say reasonably as it's starting to change now the numbers have drifted
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:47:52.963000+00:00)
Not in Oldham
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:01.556000+00:00)
and rochdale etc.
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:08.762000+00:00)
fucking terrible up there.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:23.574000+00:00)
well 12 minutes until discord decides what to do with us
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:30.196000+00:00)
We're starting to see acid attacks in mall towns now. Knife attacks in daylght rathet than night
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:39.289000+00:00)
Decides what to do?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:50.009000+00:00)
Not even the chinese tourists goes to a no go zone
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:48:56.348000+00:00)
The NF and BM is a joke, nothing has changed, nothing has bee improved... Kev Bryan in a nutshell 😂
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:17.007000+00:00)
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:18.937000+00:00)
decides whether or not to shut down the server or keep the server up
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:30.721000+00:00)
they said at 12:00
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:32.779000+00:00)
I bloody hope not, love this server.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:37.972000+00:00)
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:49:44.209000+00:00)
12? its 1.50am
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:06.595000+00:00)
is it degenerate to be up late?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:09.848000+00:00)
<@280879759863578624> why 12 mins
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:13.648000+00:00)
is that the reason?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:16.316000+00:00)
There is no way the server stays up if they have been reported
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:21.870000+00:00)
they specifically mentioned this server?
Janni writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:45.898000+00:00)
They took down the alt right one earlier.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:50.732000+00:00)
If the server goes down I'd appreciate someone dropping me a PM to follow where people go. This place seems pretty good and people on the same wave length as me
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:50:56.776000+00:00)
yeah and they said they were going to go through and shut down socialist and altright servers after what happened in charlottesville
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:02.695000+00:00)
yes and daily stormer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:11.318000+00:00)
they weren't aiming to do so
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:21.677000+00:00)
A jewess cuckservative reported the alt right server
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:25.070000+00:00)
they shut down altright.com and daily stormer and others
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:29.115000+00:00)
which then became a shitstorm
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:40.642000+00:00)
As if charlottesville is any good reason to shut it down...
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:51:50.443000+00:00)
its dumb
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-14T23:52:01.658000+00:00)
hmm well mine only has 100 ppl and its not public. Hope it stays alive
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:52:14.406000+00:00)
Cville was an important change in climate
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:52:29.095000+00:00)
Ive been building a backup server just in case
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:52:40.106000+00:00)
Things clearly escelated
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:52:49.054000+00:00)
i posted a link to it in advertising if any of you want to join
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:53:04.129000+00:00)
I think dailystormer has its own, but their code doesn't join
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:53:11.376000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:54:26.127000+00:00)
I think people need to begetting off Discord and start using their own secure platforms or IRC
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-14T23:54:47.761000+00:00)
i think private discords are safe for now
Ayden writes: (2017-08-14T23:54:56.183000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:55:41.582000+00:00)
secure from what? the channel being shut down? We have had a few trolls here but no problems
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:55:46.971000+00:00)
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/25ece2fb253fc4e6cdd3ac4ed99e4fe6c88289ed34244be8c4ceaaf4cf445718.webm guy covering the Discord ToS. They're data mining you
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:57:08.897000+00:00)
Do they really have time to go through some anonymous channels?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:57:24.217000+00:00)
Either way, people need to start building alternatives to the main stream. It makes you vulnerable in ways you shouldn't be
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:57:31.299000+00:00)
Maybe they see that Nordfront linked this channel and they are just going to shut it down
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:58:29.907000+00:00)
maybe they come in here and post webm links <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:58:38.870000+00:00)
they don't go hunting for channels to shut down, they will just look at links given to them on Twitter
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:58:52.078000+00:00)
who is jewing who? haha
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-14T23:58:53.940000+00:00)
Which means anti fa and /pol/ will be fighting each other to report as many channels as possible
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-14T23:59:26.492000+00:00)
Like the murdoch murdoch case
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:01:22.099000+00:00)
I hope people use it as a wake up call and set up ways to communicate they can secure (like a private IRC network you link only to people 1 on 1)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:02:24.213000+00:00)
That is also great. But we are much in need of the mainstream internet
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:03:02.986000+00:00)
You can still use those but you don't lose your hub if it gets shut dowm
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:06:38.642000+00:00)
Especially now in times like these. Shutting down and sabotage intesifies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T00:08:02.551000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T00:08:23.883000+00:00)
in this times we need back up's of the back up's
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:08:36.619000+00:00)
offline backups
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:08:44.717000+00:00)
thats why an IRC server is good, you can run one yourself
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-15T00:08:49.968000+00:00)
Even in america we alt right / white guys are being shut down. This is fucked up, we are not supposed to have this problem here in the USA. Its supposed to be a European problem.
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-15T00:09:03.992000+00:00)
Now we Americans know what it feels like to be a european
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:10:42.617000+00:00)
Is that a joke mate?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T00:11:15.352000+00:00)
The only fucked up thing is that you identify as alt right
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:11:17.215000+00:00)
"We want to over throw the government and replace it" "oy vey they're shutting us down! Why won't they let us win!?"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T00:12:21.740000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:12:22.566000+00:00)
overthrow the ideas i guess
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:13:21.177000+00:00)
They might be larpies but listen to the an caps some time about the government, you will learn some very useful things if you still think they're ever going to just roll over and let you replace them
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T00:17:56.314000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:20:22.863000+00:00)
Is this nationalist graffiti?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:21:50.200000+00:00)
Ok looked at it. Nice job! There are more nationalist graffiti writers in Europe
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T00:27:02.959000+00:00)
The Germans always make a good effort
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T00:27:15.694000+00:00)
Have you heard about UMKA from Russia?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:29:02.824000+00:00)
Would it be worth designing a simple to do but iconic symbol for people to spray paint places?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T00:30:00.126000+00:00)
Yes, let's call it the swastika
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T00:30:10+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T00:30:53.087000+00:00)
Yes I've heard of Umka
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:30:58.809000+00:00)
That's been standard grafitti since forever
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:31:10.329000+00:00)
Draw a dick, draw a swastika and add a fuck
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T00:31:38.934000+00:00)
german needs to rise up more
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:32:02.132000+00:00)
what you could do is use it for rallies where you change the logo but keep it private. Then use it as a "This is a fallback point" notice for people on your side
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T00:34:42.944000+00:00)
How can you design a new symbol that's simple and iconic, and how would they know for what it stands
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T00:35:57.125000+00:00)
It can't be iconic, if it's new
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:36:44.120000+00:00)
because nothing iconic was ever new. Since time began everything was simply what is iconic now
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T00:37:47.647000+00:00)
That's my point
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T00:44:32.508000+00:00)
I think you missed my sarcasm
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:26:40.505000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:38:22.535000+00:00)
The only thing I have to say is multiculturalism no thanks!
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:38:37.658000+00:00)
Diversity is our strength if you survive it
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:41:16.269000+00:00)
the USA is the absolute worst country to be in.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:41:42.849000+00:00)
it's wall to wall niggers and other mud races (been that way for a few decades now, getting worse)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:41:54.654000+00:00)
the vast majority of whites are beyond cucked
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:42:02.277000+00:00)
It will end up like south africa
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:42:16.873000+00:00)
yup rhodesia/south africa is the forerunner for all of us
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:42:58.454000+00:00)
Or worse, Haiti. Once a French colony
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:43:21.661000+00:00)
They are already mocking our statues here in Sweden for being too white and media lying to feminists that they are patriarchal
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:43:56.022000+00:00)
Feminists says nothing when they get raped on festivals or at a taharrush like in Cologne
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:44:16.396000+00:00)
marxists blame the females in those situations for not being smart enough lol
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T01:44:25.645000+00:00)
marxist insanity has literally come full circle
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:44:27.209000+00:00)
you are right haiti etc are worse, the democracy came...
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:44:34.022000+00:00)
french democracy that is
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T01:45:33.904000+00:00)
valkyria is so sexist, better get them burkas
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T02:18:28.973000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:21:28.292000+00:00)
Marxists don't blame the feminists, they deny it happened at all
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:21:40.299000+00:00)
blame the women even
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:22:08.976000+00:00)
What do you mean 1,000 sexual assaults happened!? That's a lie! 2 happened and they were both white men! But we live in a rape culture
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T02:27:51.160000+00:00)
heimbach mentions NMR at 10:40ish in the video
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:27:54.363000+00:00)
https://youtu.be/KhWPw5UZGJQ?t=1m4s jude?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:28:24.311000+00:00)
I am watching the vice video atm
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:42:51.687000+00:00)
I don't really like the last part from Cantwell...
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:45:04.333000+00:00)
But Vice did a pretty good job actually this time
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:51:53.383000+00:00)
Cantwell was at the rally?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:52:26.103000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:52:33.366000+00:00)
Has everyone forgot when he had a mental break down and started banning people from his chat when he had a mixed race girl move in with him and get him addicted to drugs again?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:52:57.824000+00:00)
never heard of that
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:53:27.037000+00:00)
Want the story?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:53:45.589000+00:00)
sure is there a video or someething?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:54:17.218000+00:00)
Cantwell goes to porc fest. Meets a Libetarian girl who's won the lottery. Decides to have 6 kids with her and she moves in instantly. He knocks her up, she goes back home to Canada
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:54:20.207000+00:00)
I can find you one
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:54:43.775000+00:00)
She ends up having an abortion and since this is the 6th Abortion Cantwell just snaps and goes off the rails.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:55:08.922000+00:00)
Starts whoring until he meets a brown chick. Has her off camera on his show, his userbase figure out who she is and she's half brown something or other
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T02:55:45.953000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:55:56.921000+00:00)
His chat roasts him because he larper as a white nationalist. He then proceeds to give her mod powers to ban people who make fun of her. This ends up with him banning almost his entire chat. Including his oldest supporters (cantwell's 1st irregulars)
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T02:56:25.312000+00:00)
Is Cville the end of something that could have been big, or the beginning of something very big?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T02:57:15.827000+00:00)
She then proceeds to leave him. He then puts out 2 (of 7) videos he claims are "part fiction part reality" where he's doing drugs and crying into the mic saying how millionaire chick ruined his life. He's addicted to drugs again and "Why won't any woman fix me? I just need a good woman"
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:00:40.363000+00:00)
renegade with their flat earth, dailystormer with this weev troll, augustus invictus with a david star tattoo, andrew anglin dressed as a ghetto guy with his asian girl, richard spencer with his communist girl from soviet.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:01:20.991000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH3D2dzVtnY I'm guessing this hangout will cover it but I'm not sure. the thumb nail would imply the episode is about him
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:02:05.021000+00:00)
The movement is full of broken and messed up people. That's why you have to work local with people you can trust
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:03:13.550000+00:00)
shes half puerto rican
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:04:21.587000+00:00)
I literally never heard of cantwell before this video.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:04:29.197000+00:00)
nsm is also really bad
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:05:16.694000+00:00)
their reform made them better but iam sure they are still full of degenerate infiltrator etc
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:05:24.611000+00:00)
Cantwell's been on The Daily shoah a few times
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:05:41.311000+00:00)
He's a hardcore ancap who got kicked out of the MRA circles and ancap circles for demanding violent revolution
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:00.442000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:09.170000+00:00)
nsm is national sociaist movement
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:20.207000+00:00)
and that guy is going to represent alt right on vice...
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:28.794000+00:00)
violent revolution...
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:39.158000+00:00)
He's most famous for making a video screaming at feminists
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:06:47.188000+00:00)
He's in TRS circles
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:07:02.849000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:07:41.791000+00:00)
I don't know what most national socialists even stand for. It seems most of them don't know how to explain the ideology they just label themselves it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:10:35.988000+00:00)
Now I'm black pilled on everything. We have so many great people and yet we're so disfunctional. Can't trust any one but also need to form groups to be effective. Frustrating to say the least, but got no choice but to do it or get a really bad haircut from kebabs.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:10:41.991000+00:00)
that nationalist youth organisation with that eagle seems like good people
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:12:07.711000+00:00)
the torch rally was awesome so there is still hope, many great people
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:12:55.939000+00:00)
I think that's why it became such a mess
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:13:04.449000+00:00)
The torch rally looked powerful and inspiring
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:13:21.137000+00:00)
Had the rally gone to plan it would of been a huge moral boost
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:15:58.174000+00:00)
the plan? you mean to not end up with antifa clash?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:16:21.726000+00:00)
anti fa clash was happening either way
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:16:21.879000+00:00)
Really bad move from the police to let them together
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:16:59.540000+00:00)
The car accident caused chaos in the online circles and lead to a lot of infighting between cucks and nazis
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:17:07.863000+00:00)
in sweden and rest of europe they counterprotest hundreds of meters away
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:17:17.297000+00:00)
The police funneling into anti fa was a set up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:17:44.431000+00:00)
But you also have to blame Spencer for that one, he trusted a black major not to fuck him over
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:18:16.758000+00:00)
There should have been right wing security there and clear plans for what to do when they were told to disperse
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:18:37.499000+00:00)
Instead he ran off and then sat on Twitter whining while guys were getting their teeth kicked in
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:19:21.080000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> the eagle group is vanguard america
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:19:42.703000+00:00)
ok thanks
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:19:56.550000+00:00)
james "speedracer" fields was with them (lol)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:21:49.002000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:21.185000+00:00)
the man of the hour
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:21.656000+00:00)
what was james fields plans?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:22.512000+00:00)
the guy who flattened that fat commie bitch
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:36.888000+00:00)
his plans were to kill commies and muds
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:50.831000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:53.834000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:57.243000+00:00)
so he did not try to escape with his car?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:22:59.299000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:09.736000+00:00)
I've heard like 4 names for him.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:14.015000+00:00)
he rammed it into ONCOMING TRAFFIC
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:21.807000+00:00)
he had plans to drive over people?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:25.537000+00:00)
mine for him are "speedracer" and "roadhog"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:27.948000+00:00)
He got attacked by anti fa
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:35.546000+00:00)
put his foot down to escape
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:43.803000+00:00)
but why drive down that street?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:46.123000+00:00)
went "oh shit people", put on the brakes but too late
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:23:59.166000+00:00)
the spirit of adolf hitler took control of the car
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:07.248000+00:00)
the people chasing him with bats catch up and start attacking his car again, so he's forced to reverse out over them
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:16.380000+00:00)
but goddamn THAT REVERSE
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:21.710000+00:00)
fast and the furious
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:26.167000+00:00)
Niggers with baseball bats hitting your car tend to make you go away from them
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:49.796000+00:00)
i need to update myself on this accident, i thought people said that it was a random guy
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:52.186000+00:00)
Poor kids going to jail for life. Maybe death sentence.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:24:56.247000+00:00)
apparently he pulled over when he was out of the area. Cops didn't chase him or anything. And he's being tried for 2nd degree murder
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:25:09.433000+00:00)
They found pictures of him with a right wing group holding their shields
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:25:30.071000+00:00)
his high school teachers are saying he loved hitler
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:25:41.977000+00:00)
if he gets a fair judge he'll get minimal because it was self defense
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:25:53.386000+00:00)
heh...he's not winning this case
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:25:57.572000+00:00)
the entire country wants him dead
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:11.455000+00:00)
they are going to try him as a terrorist
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:13.590000+00:00)
Zimmerman man
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:23.572000+00:00)
He could Zimzam this
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:27.856000+00:00)
zimmerman was a mexican
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:29.838000+00:00)
but he could also get the chair
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:36.827000+00:00)
this guy is a white male who loves adolf hitler
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:45.703000+00:00)
they do lethal injection
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:26:56.235000+00:00)
maybe he should try jewing the jew
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:27:35.802000+00:00)
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/f013e94942dd76690905a722a113a971be50469a3c529a190e955398e28bf81d.jpg top right picture is moments before he rams into the crowd. It looks like he was responding to his car being hit
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:27:51.171000+00:00)
he got in a bad situation, but i dont think this is good PR
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:29:30.415000+00:00)
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/4077d37c912ccc3de0e88680b7052c109bdcc2562eea172630defd551241b4bf.jpg you can see here the brake lights right before he impacts
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:29:35.774000+00:00)
He was trying to stop
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:30:29.432000+00:00)
Was going to get bad PR either way. At least it will drive off some of the cucks and force more conflict with the left
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:30:37.142000+00:00)
They already pulled down a statue today
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:30:47.557000+00:00)
worse the left gets the more nazis they will create
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:32:32.079000+00:00)
or the normies will just see us as the oher side of the same coin while leftists have the state on their side
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:32:57.344000+00:00)
Don't care about normies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:33:15.740000+00:00)
Normies hold no power, they don't fight and they will just follow whoever wins
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:33:32.850000+00:00)
Let normies be normies. They will join us if we win
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:35:28.809000+00:00)
All our communications are getting shut down Oy Vey style. What do?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:36:52.775000+00:00)
the shut down on youtube, twitter and hacking sabotage started before cville
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:37:55.220000+00:00)
The FRAKING STORMER is down tho.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:39:20.088000+00:00)
maybe this is conspiratorial but i look at youtube almost everyday. and alternative media channels have less views and the are more leftist comment than ever
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:39:28.445000+00:00)
Go daddy told it to GTFO
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:39:36.411000+00:00)
They had 24 hours to sort their shit out
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:39:58.006000+00:00)
Is it the end?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:40:05.457000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:40:20.170000+00:00)
Did you see Razorfist's video on the new Google censorship?
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:40:25.414000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:40:25.809000+00:00)
like rt ruptly, there are mostly alt right people but now there are leftists all over the place. not only on cville topic
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:40:41.998000+00:00)
alt right people commenting*
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:41:21.137000+00:00)
he proposes that the "bot" is actually a black list. Once you're on the list it auto flags everything within 2 minutes of you uploading it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:41:27.136000+00:00)
no matter the content
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:41:32.594000+00:00)
nordfront will be nordfrost and dailystormer is anotha shoah <:blackpill:339777733762482187>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:41:47.121000+00:00)
There has been a clear attack on both /pol/s from lefty shills
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:42:12.336000+00:00)
/pol/ also had leftists more than ever now
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:42:27.866000+00:00)
pol is more like a leftist place now
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:42:35.672000+00:00)
I had a feeling Cville was a mistake. How do we survive this storm?
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:42:52.925000+00:00)
Form new Alt-Right groups?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:43:34.487000+00:00)
which /pol/?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:43:50.094000+00:00)
Stop calling yourself Alt right for starters
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:43:53.133000+00:00)
To Hell with the alt right.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:43:56.725000+00:00)
It's a label you cannot control
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:43:59.069000+00:00)
reform is the last thing to do
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:10.510000+00:00)
I can hire a pedo to say he's alt right and you can't prove he isn't.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:21.423000+00:00)
Become more radical. Ride it out, do not compromise and do not falter.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:30.530000+00:00)
Tyler gets it
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:31.645000+00:00)
Isn't Alt-Right just a term for WN.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:35.071000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:44:44.115000+00:00)
It's Richard Spencer's band of homosexuals
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:45:13.319000+00:00)
the normie will dislike the idea of going full the order
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:45:15.561000+00:00)
White nationalism is also kind of bad.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:45:55.355000+00:00)
National Socialism is the answer we seek, we can't rely on "we're all one race, the white race" and "white is right" mentality to survive.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:10.179000+00:00)
Unless you want to share a platform with homosexuals, pedophiles, druggies, etc.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:35.852000+00:00)
but americans only have white nationalism really, maybe they can use identitarian language instead
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:44.445000+00:00)
Most of the people promoting those kings of things are Jewish, anyway.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:45.525000+00:00)
Bullshit we do.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:50.435000+00:00)
I'm a national socialist.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:46:54.881000+00:00)
So is the rest of AW.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:05.515000+00:00)
America is forced to have white nationalism due to being Euro mutts
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:05.626000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:08.595000+00:00)
Fuck that identitarian faggot shit.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:19.735000+00:00)
Each nation in Europe needs it's own nationalist but be brothers in nationalism.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:22.784000+00:00)
I will not settle for "just white".
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:32.560000+00:00)
And I agree - that's another problem I have with white nationalism.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:37.189000+00:00)
As it's pan-European
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:37.897000+00:00)
Like how a family works. We can fight each other, but if you touch any of us we destroy you for it
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:38.778000+00:00)
White, and of good character.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:47:56.195000+00:00)
Can we agree on this?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:48:07.564000+00:00)
You don't get good character with mass movements like the alt right is.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:48:09.273000+00:00)
just good character isn't enough any more
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:48:23.832000+00:00)
We want revolutionary fanatics who are willing to smash the status quo
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:48:43.559000+00:00)
alt right is better than going full Robert Jay Mathews
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:48:49.565000+00:00)
No it isn't.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:08.174000+00:00)
It's better to die than to compromise.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:13.473000+00:00)
The alt right itself is one giant compromise.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:21.927000+00:00)
I would highly recommend any one considering lbeling themselves Alt right listen to https://soundcloud.com/user-851778923-997049457/sets/third-jimpact-complete
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:40.719000+00:00)
That was a pretty good podcast.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:44.258000+00:00)
It's a bunch of christian neo reactionaries blowing the whistle on the gay mafia within the alt right
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:49:56.947000+00:00)
I got mad halfway through with the TRS grooming stuff.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:04.512000+00:00)
I don't know about you but I don't want to asociate with Ghoul when he groomed a 15 year old boy and fucks trannies
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:20.979000+00:00)
But he's white and think of what he's done for the movement.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:23.480000+00:00)
Don't purity spiral
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:25.217000+00:00)
TBH, going full on Skinhead didn't do much for us except make people hate us.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:33.200000+00:00)
Skinheads fight.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:39.002000+00:00)
I want a fighter, not an intellectual.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:48.833000+00:00)
Why not both?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:49.124000+00:00)
how do you think the fascist parties gained trust in europe? not by going full the order
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:50:59.191000+00:00)
Because fuck intellectualism.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:06.375000+00:00)
What fascist parties?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:13.811000+00:00)
I don't see any aside from Golden Dawn.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:34.396000+00:00)
fighting blindly won't work, it will just make them crack down on you
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:48.062000+00:00)
if hitler did go full the order there would be no reich
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:50.440000+00:00)
And I'm not saying to fight blindly, Mason talks about this.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:51:56.202000+00:00)
We have zero chance of beating the government in open combat
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:09.513000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:28.987000+00:00)
we can have "white is right" without including degenerates
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:42.203000+00:00)
white racialism will save us
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:42.745000+00:00)
Our best chanceis the leftists become too dangerous for the government to ignore, so those 2 go to war while we build our own local communities. Then we win by being the only functional people left
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:47.557000+00:00)
"if hitler did go full the order there would be no reich"
The NSDAP fought its way to power.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:57.112000+00:00)
golden dawn could have gone for a revolution 2013-14. but they are still intellectuals
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:52:59.402000+00:00)
White racialism means nothing.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:20.246000+00:00)
It's the same thing as we have now just without niggers or jews fucking us.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:30.470000+00:00)
But the NSDAP did have to negotiate somewhere.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:31.395000+00:00)
It will still lead to the inevitable degredation of society.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:32.514000+00:00)
How do you feel about christians ?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:38.398000+00:00)
Define christian
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:40.452000+00:00)
I loathe them.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:45.450000+00:00)
Modern type? Worthless cucks
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:53:54.698000+00:00)
I'm Xtian to, but not the modern type.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:01.352000+00:00)
Traditional christian? The people we should hope we can be like.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:05.858000+00:00)
" Jew-spawned Christianity is the deadly mind poison which destroyed the glorious White Roman Civilization and is currently destroying all of the White Race; therefore Christianity must be exposed, defeated and eliminated in order to save the White Race."
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:29.566000+00:00)
That's a correct statement.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:33.204000+00:00)
Is religious discussion okay here?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:40.612000+00:00)
even william pierce had his limits not liking skinheads
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:48.279000+00:00)
Jews hate Christianity, and they hated Christ.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:49.633000+00:00)
idk what is allowed here
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:54:55.082000+00:00)
Pierce liked skins what are you talking about?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:01.101000+00:00)
We need a religion to hold our people together. Most people are degenerates and need a father figure to behave themselves
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:03.051000+00:00)
He didn't like drug-addled ones.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:05.137000+00:00)
not liking
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:07.759000+00:00)
we need to create a new religion
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:11.516000+00:00)
A sky daddy is the perfect way to do that
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:13.002000+00:00)
to replace christianity
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:18.971000+00:00)
it's called CREATIVITY and it's pro-white to the core
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:36.915000+00:00)
no, fuck off with your creativity bullshit.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:42.593000+00:00)
Making a new religion isn't easy, as cringey as it is kek was pretty damn close until the autism got hold of it to the extent that it did
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:55:50.889000+00:00)
it's the only logical solution
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:26.897000+00:00)
Tyler AW shouldn't be taken seriously, methinks. Too aggressive and might do something to co-op our movement.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:33.917000+00:00)
there is no other pro-white religion i know of
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:37.646000+00:00)
creativity movement will come nowhere
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:38.509000+00:00)
A society without a religion will lose to one with a religion because the religious fanatic is willing to fight to the death for his reward, where as the man who believes in no after life will avoid death at all costs.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:48.386000+00:00)
Too aggressive?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:50.636000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:56:52.209000+00:00)
Creativity is needed
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:00.927000+00:00)
Yeah we should just roll over like a spaniel when we're kicked
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:03.219000+00:00)
i would say christianity and paganism is the way to go
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:17.134000+00:00)
Let's keep playing the victim card, maybe people will start feeling sad for us 😦
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:18.406000+00:00)
One of the best ways to get people on our side is to be funny and creative. Propaganda is needed as well as meaty fists
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:18.853000+00:00)
paganism is too messy
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:27.289000+00:00)
I'm not saying we roll over, hell no. But what you're thinking of will get people back to hating us.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:34.879000+00:00)
Paganism is full of fat women with healing crystals.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:35.708000+00:00)
christianity is clearly destroying the white race.....they are leading the charge, really.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:49.024000+00:00)
This is a once in a century opportunity.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:57:59.388000+00:00)
paganism is already here look at the chat lobby with the NRM tyr rune
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:58:03.860000+00:00)
Most whites aren't christian though
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:58:23.589000+00:00)
yes but odinism was basically destroyed by christians, it's teachings gone
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:58:27.131000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:58:30.248000+00:00)
Paganism as a serious religion is long past though. Only hippy types take it seriously
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:03.104000+00:00)
In the UK if you say you're pagan you're likely to be a 14 year old goth
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:06.760000+00:00)
We currently don't have enough power to instill fear into people. They'll just revolt against us.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:16.166000+00:00)
We do instill fear in people
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:16.546000+00:00)
Who will revolt against us?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:22.584000+00:00)
The left are terrified of us
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:22.883000+00:00)
The normies.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:26.383000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:27.167000+00:00)
you'll just be thrown in jail lmao
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:28.633000+00:00)
the red terror was already violent
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:31.172000+00:00)
And they're totally with us now, right?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:44.015000+00:00)
the skinhead movement was an abysmal failure
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:50.589000+00:00)
Very slowly, they're coming to our side.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:53.382000+00:00)
The "normies" aren't worth winning over. They are useless.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:56.256000+00:00)
The skinhead movement was degenerate and unfocused
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T03:59:57.525000+00:00)
Thanks to the Left.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:04.083000+00:00)
They were albino niggers in how they acted
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:19.416000+00:00)
not worth winning over?! you know that a lot of commies under hitler came over
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:24.858000+00:00)
Do you know what a lemming is?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:33.399000+00:00)
Our only way of winning is having a mass movement.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:35.723000+00:00)
They're not worth winning over because you WONT win them over until you have real power.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:45.271000+00:00)
They will only follow the status quo.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:48.763000+00:00)
Johan, most normies won't fight, they will simply get on with their lives as best they can until they no longer can
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:00:54.365000+00:00)
That is what a lemming/normie does.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:19.290000+00:00)
They only care that they can watch tv, they have a hot meal and a comfortable bed, they care nothing about idealism or for one's racial soul.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:23.307000+00:00)
If we want to break the status quo, going the order won;t help right now.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:25.375000+00:00)
They are materialists.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:25.863000+00:00)
Wars could hapen and normies never be aware, they simply pay their taxes and carry on
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:29.548000+00:00)
before that power you need to win over some. how do you think you will gain power? going to the street with only a thousand nationalist?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:34.458000+00:00)
btw you can be in creativity and still be a national socialist politically
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:48.270000+00:00)
The communists have done that and succeded.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:01:53.535000+00:00)
you gain power by removing safety
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:09.076000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:14.787000+00:00)
Remove their safety, remove their comforts.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:14.869000+00:00)
If people don't think the government can protect them then they will turn to someone who can protect them
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:36.329000+00:00)
good luck "removing safety" without going to prison
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:39.069000+00:00)
True, but do we have the strength. Tyler seems to talk as if things are in favor when in fact the DAILY STORMER just got shut down.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:41.201000+00:00)
As the police become less effective due to brown people Golden dawn can become a private police force for white people.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:43.659000+00:00)
Fan the flames of racial tension, have blacks start rioting, have them riot in many towns instead of one.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:45.365000+00:00)
Safely is being removed
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:52.822000+00:00)
I never said anything was in our favor.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:02:58.946000+00:00)
We are at ROCK BOTTOM.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:02.547000+00:00)
Trucks of peace, terrorist bombings, gang rapes
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:06.133000+00:00)
Then why fight a losing fight?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:18.558000+00:00)
I think we're way better off now then even 5 years ago tbh.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:25.343000+00:00)
Apparently women in a friend's area of Italy refuse to leave the house after 8pm in the summer due to gang rapes happening
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:27.133000+00:00)
Okay, lets all give up - forget about our race and ideas because it's a losing fight.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:27.528000+00:00)
maybe we should prepare for a south african scenario in the US like AWB. Just hope for a win at the end
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:33.990000+00:00)
not much better, but i feel more are waking up
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:41.015000+00:00)
Foret about our ancestors because it's pointless.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:42.274000+00:00)
If you could offer those women protection they would join you
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:03:47.324000+00:00)
My suggestion: Let our enemies fight for us. Don't roll over, don't go Skinhead. That simple.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:05.820000+00:00)
skinhead is degenerate
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:18.100000+00:00)
Fighting this battle as a Christian is like fighting with your hands tied behind your back.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:21.728000+00:00)
Who are your enemies and why would they fight each other instead of you? And no, skins are great people.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:32.489000+00:00)
Not every skin is a drug-addict.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:36.229000+00:00)
Because our enemies are idiots.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:40.403000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:44.800000+00:00)
Our enemies are not idiots.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:47.878000+00:00)
i'm 100% sure the maps will change within the next 50 years. Nations will appear and disappear. Some of them will be white loses, others will be new white only areas. It's just a matter of figuring out where and avoiding being nuked
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:51.932000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:04:58.895000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:05:10.660000+00:00)
They know how and when to play what cards.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:05:27.864000+00:00)
Had our ancestors forged a POWERFUL new RACIAL RELIGION we wouldn't be in this sick mess.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:05:33.188000+00:00)
I'm pretty sure Tyler is either a child or a shill as someone said earlier. Very emotional, very uninformed.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:05:45.753000+00:00)
No, they are in their position because (((daddy))) allows them to be in that position. They don't realize what they're doing is co-opting the Left, and helping us.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:06:06.586000+00:00)
No, I'm mad because this is all common knowledge and people still don't understand.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:06:14.392000+00:00)
Also, "shill".
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:06:22.778000+00:00)
Yeah someone in a national socialist group is a shill, you got me.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:06:28.606000+00:00)
Our ancestors cannot be blamed for the position we're in unless you mean the baby boomers. They did their best to survive, they could not have predicted their nation would be ruled by traitors.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T04:06:41.642000+00:00)
Grow some hair bro. It's the niggers who have their heads shaved.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:12.382000+00:00)
The left got power because it was violent
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:15.100000+00:00)
I'm talking about the Jewish banks and media that cover up and defend Antifa and BLM even when they riot, exposing both groups of people as Anti-White.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:21.042000+00:00)
Read "the victim's revolution"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:30.567000+00:00)
they set bombs all over the place demanding black empowerment
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:40.825000+00:00)
if you refused your car exploded, then your work exploded
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:07:51.775000+00:00)
This allowed them to force blacks into positions of power
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:08:15.216000+00:00)
Woah, it's almost as if... revolutionary action works?
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:08:42.168000+00:00)
But only because (((they))) allowed it. I'm not saying revolution doesn't work, but we need to have the right strength and the right time.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:08:44.137000+00:00)
Also you can expose "anti-white" stuff all day. That doesn't mean that normies are going to care.
BootParty18 writes: (2017-08-15T04:08:52.265000+00:00)
I'd take a skinhead over a faggot suit and tie WN any day of the week.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:05.268000+00:00)
When the anti-Whites begin moving, many of them will.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:11.357000+00:00)
No they won't.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:13.443000+00:00)
Remember people only respond to danger. If you beg they will laugh and ignore you, if you become too much of a problem that it's easier to deal with you than let you carry on then they deal with you. I'm not saying go and set bombs, but the right is becoming too big to ignore any more, they are going to have to deal with us either violently or by cucking to us in the next decade.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:18.531000+00:00)
They are a breed of materialists.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:37.547000+00:00)
Everyones a materialist. We all like nice shit
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:43.120000+00:00)
Until their comforts are yanked from them, then they will panic and when that happens it will be too late.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:48.552000+00:00)
If we had enough nice shit we could be Jews and bribe our war to the top
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:09:58.214000+00:00)
That's out true biggest weakness
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:08.183000+00:00)
You know exactly what I mean when I say materialist, stop taking the piss.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:12.417000+00:00)
We offer people nothing for joiining us, no perks, no benefits, just a hard life.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:46.139000+00:00)
We don't need to though. Again, our enemies are idiots and are doing all the things that agitate and bolster us.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:49.157000+00:00)
When we can offer people something the normies will join us for their gibs me dats, but until that point we must accept we carry this burden because we have no choice, not because we want to.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:55.874000+00:00)
Why do you think we are having this conversation? Because we are more than materialists - we are idealists.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:10:59.754000+00:00)
it bothers US not THEM
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:11:18.082000+00:00)
And once again, our enemies are not idiots.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:11:19.720000+00:00)
If I offered you a billion dollars to walk away from this you would take it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:11:27.295000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:11:39.617000+00:00)
That's a complete stab in the back for everything I stand for.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:11:47.154000+00:00)
Every single person would take it, that's how humans work. Every man has a price
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:12:08.480000+00:00)
with a billion dollars you could build an ethno space station.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:12:16.403000+00:00)
Prove that they aren't. Because my research tells me that BLM riots have DECREASED racial relations, not improved. Our enemies are idiots.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:02.607000+00:00)
isnt the juden behind BLM our enemy
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:12.057000+00:00)
Because our enemies are in high positions of power to where they can crush us with little effort. Look at the whole "Alt Right fiasco" over the weekend and them removing discord servers today like it's nothing.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:19.422000+00:00)
yes people are sick of BLM but that doesn't mean they will act
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:25.473000+00:00)
Everyone hates the political class
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:29.537000+00:00)
they despise the bastards
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:35.991000+00:00)
But how many will act against them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:49.158000+00:00)
They have bread and circuses. While they remain they will not act
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:13:51.874000+00:00)
Many will if this goes far enough.
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:14:08.368000+00:00)
They'll have no choice. It's kill or be killed.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:14:17.606000+00:00)
Every man is mortal Tyler.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:14:40.009000+00:00)
when it's kill or be killed they will act, but that won't happen until whites are a minority
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:14:55.565000+00:00)
We're currently hanging on to our numbers because of the Boomers group size
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:14:56.180000+00:00)
Normies says blm are sjw like alt right. Maybe they forgot that they are in a white nation?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:15:03.741000+00:00)
You're telling me things I already know.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:15:06.889000+00:00)
but the younger generation 30 and below are radicalised
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:15:27.524000+00:00)
SJWs took mainstream attention sure
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:15:39.945000+00:00)
but how many of the people who learned it just ended up watching Milo and Sargon?
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:16:20.312000+00:00)
One extreme will breed the other. This is our hope.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:16:33.979000+00:00)
That middle ground has the same leftist core as sjw
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:16:34.900000+00:00)
That's part of a strategy as well. Controlled opposition.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:17:15.309000+00:00)
Society has been heavily conditioned and is still being conditioned 'leftward' or to more heavy materialism, more of a breakdown of spirituality and tradition.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:17:48.160000+00:00)
I would say milo etc are as bad as leftists. The only thing is that milo mentions things that is censored, like immigrant rapes etc
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:17:48.884000+00:00)
Which is where a lot of the 'normies' lie, which is why you see so many people okay with fag marriage or interracial marriage.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T04:18:29.100000+00:00)
Anyway, I have to get to bed. That's it for me
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:18:50.523000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:19:14.910000+00:00)
Milo etc will still stand on communist ANC side, bolsheviks side and so on. We live in zog lol..
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:19:45.659000+00:00)
Milo will stand with whoever gives him attention
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:19:53.474000+00:00)
alot of "our" e celebs are just anti islam
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:20:20.121000+00:00)
they're scared of being thrown off a building so they want to co opt our side but make it pro-gay so it will stop islam and they can continue to suck dicks
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:20:24.239000+00:00)
Same with gavin, if itis popular to put a dildo in his as live he will do it
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T04:20:27.528000+00:00)
speaking of milo, do u think sexual abuse creates fags like him?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:21:01.654000+00:00)
it plays a role
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:21:29.057000+00:00)
But nothing is 100% nature or 100% Nuture, it's always a mix of both
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:21:40.295000+00:00)
If you're 100% straight sucking a dick won't make you gay
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:21:54.528000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq5H0Kt4dv0 People should watch this before they talk about converting normies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:22:11.015000+00:00)
The normies WANTED fascism in the 60s-80s
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:22:46.507000+00:00)
It's the Gen X/late boomer crowd who consider fascism to be bad and brainwashed the millenial generation
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:23:07.694000+00:00)
We have no choice but to convert normies at some point. It's swim or sink.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:23:09.175000+00:00)
I think sexual abuse creates the opposite of milo, idk why he promotes that kind of stuff
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:23:37.099000+00:00)
That brain washing isn't working on the "internet" millenials who are now 25-35 and grew up with the wild west internet
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:23:46.987000+00:00)
We don't need normies, they will come to us if we win
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:23:53.698000+00:00)
Milo does whatever gets him attention
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:24:05.180000+00:00)
He's an attention seeker like most homos are
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:24:25.469000+00:00)
all homos like fucking 12 year old boys and getting attention. This is the way their world functions
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:26:26.025000+00:00)
I think time will tell. Soon Europe is gone and ppl need to pick sides
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:28:00.830000+00:00)
But back to my main topic. How will we survive the Left's aggressive advances upon us.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:28:28.522000+00:00)
Most of Europe is already gone
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:28:50.968000+00:00)
Some countries will be Islamic
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:29:01.254000+00:00)
and they will attack non islamic countries
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:30:08.524000+00:00)
The left will not stop being aggressive because they have the media
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:30:58.983000+00:00)
Ik that, but how will survive this storm. We can't die here.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:14.860000+00:00)
Do you really think europe will have islamic countries? Will they leave EU?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:19.859000+00:00)
the left has always been agressive
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:29.412000+00:00)
Do you know about the abortion shit?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:41.567000+00:00)
Eu is collapsing, it doesn't matter
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:42.476000+00:00)
Yup, keeps niggers down.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:52.045000+00:00)
why would they leave the EU, im sure EU would promote it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:55.657000+00:00)
Abortion activists not coat hangers
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:31:56.407000+00:00)
I think that it will be a globalist government with a population of racial foreigners going back to stone age
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:32:15.055000+00:00)
the left used to dox anti abortion people
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:32:34.443000+00:00)
If you were famous enough and female they would track down where you live, do a home invasion and rape you
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:32:53.988000+00:00)
now do you pick to have a rapists child or do youhave an abortion?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:33:09.913000+00:00)
These people don't care about the media being on their side, they are psychopaths
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T04:33:33.685000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:33:34.248000+00:00)
they want YOU dead and your children gang raped
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:33:53.762000+00:00)
We had reclaim the street here in sweden and most of them are just trash ppl tbh
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:34:00.347000+00:00)
Stop thinking small time about the media, they don't give a fuck. They're pure evil no matter who aproves of them and doesn't.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:34:14.326000+00:00)
Reclaim the street is old btw
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:34:56.731000+00:00)
Guys, we need to come up with a solution to our predicament, not tales of how dangerous the Left is. We're getting shut down, any ideas?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:36:14.454000+00:00)
Genocide the leftists
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:36:21.925000+00:00)
Ha, I wish.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:37:03.565000+00:00)
This is what it will ultimately come down to. Either we fight and win or we die on our knees to a kebab with a rusty knife. That's the position we've been put in
ElectiveToast writes: (2017-08-15T04:37:38.882000+00:00)
G'Ngiht all.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:37:43.772000+00:00)
And I'm not saying go look for a fight. I'm saying they will come for you no matter what you do
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:37:54.407000+00:00)
I dont know how we are going to make google, youtube, twitter nationalists? I dont think every platform is anti white jewish... but they follow the jewish power whatever they say
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T04:39:34.841000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> You will run into some Orcs in the street of course, but they real enemy is our own people. Once they are won, the rest will be easy.
PR!SMA writes: (2017-08-15T04:39:54.434000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:39:58.931000+00:00)
I agree
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:40:06.524000+00:00)
But it's still work to do
CommieKiller writes: (2017-08-15T04:40:22.278000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:40:35.150000+00:00)
We have to accept that we may one day become monsters because only monsters can ensure a future for white children
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:05.430000+00:00)
whats so monstrous about killing commies?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:06.108000+00:00)
Sorry to mention but what is wrong with most white women on twitter? They are always the agressive anti whites
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:10.154000+00:00)
It takes a monster to fight a monster. But we fight so that one day white children can play and laugh and smile.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:26.297000+00:00)
good women aren't on twitter
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:36.785000+00:00)
only shitty cat ladies who no one wants to be around
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T04:41:47.087000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:42:09.606000+00:00)
also social media is meth for women
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:42:20.533000+00:00)
It appeals to their most base desires. It's basically female porn
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:42:45.621000+00:00)
Imagine the best video games in the world and a blowjob at once. That level of male stimulation is the level of stimulation social networks give women
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:43:19.003000+00:00)
They're wired to play social games, to find small connections between people and exploit them. Gossip, show how they're the sexiest woman so deserve the best mate
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:43:30.085000+00:00)
This is the entire structure social media is built round
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:44:14.360000+00:00)
As such, you have really awful women hooked on a custom made drug just for them. You being an evil nazi bigot are getting in the rway of their happy drug fix, so they will maul you to get more
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:44:59.805000+00:00)
That is a pretty black pilled view of social media, but it is somewhat true
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:47:03.001000+00:00)
The nazi bigot part i believe women are not built to stand up as dissidents
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:47:17.422000+00:00)
They will go with the winning side
celtichussar writes: (2017-08-15T04:47:40.317000+00:00)
Mecha dinosaur is dropping straight truth here on social media.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:48:36.949000+00:00)
Women are pure evil
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:48:46.307000+00:00)
They're the most selfish creatures on the planet
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:48:59.770000+00:00)
Because they evolved for "fuck you, I'm looking after ME and MY BABY"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:49:11.419000+00:00)
Everything beyond that is simply a tool they use
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:49:28.890000+00:00)
It's a very good survival mechanic, but a very bad flaw when manipulated by the jews
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:50:00.707000+00:00)
How hard can it be for women to stand up for their ancestors?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:50:16.445000+00:00)
And values
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:50:25.347000+00:00)
Why would they care?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:50:34.582000+00:00)
Women were not bred for loyalty
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:50:53.349000+00:00)
When a rival tribe killed their current men women were impregnated all the same
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:51:10.406000+00:00)
When you married a rich man you went off to his tribe leaving your old one behind
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:51:41.588000+00:00)
For every male ancestor you have you have two female ancestors due to the way human mating worked out
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:52:20.362000+00:00)
Which means men have evolved for competition and to protect what is there's and their tribe (a single male is dangerous, a single female is a free baby incubator)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:53:20.091000+00:00)
It sucks to realise all this but that's the evolutionary path we have taken and so we must deal with it. We need women, they know we need them. We have to find a way to breed them or we go extinct.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:54:23.600000+00:00)
The real feminists should stand up for themselves, but if they were made for being this way i guess this third way feminism is right about its degeneracy
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T04:55:34.209000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> so the nationalist women are just a few who are awake or are they just there because of nationalist men?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:58:21.683000+00:00)
Nationalist women are likely crazy or they have children
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:58:39.503000+00:00)
Crazy women are drawn to fringe movements. very few women so they get loads of attention
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:58:53.109000+00:00)
feminism = female nature
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:59:06.804000+00:00)
It's not an ideology, it's just women at their core when you don't restrict them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:59:08.359000+00:00)
Any way
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:59:43.179000+00:00)
sane women don't join the weaker side because it lacks power and resources. It's dangerous, women don't like actual danger just the thrill of potential danger
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T04:59:59.467000+00:00)
But when a woman has a kid her entire brain shifts over to lets call it "mummy mode"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:00:14.531000+00:00)
Now she cares about her tribe in as much as she needs to raise a child within it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:00:34.708000+00:00)
If she has a son she doesn't want her son to die in a fight so she needs to protect her tribe so it avoids fights
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:00:59.339000+00:00)
If she has a daughter she wants to select her daughters mate and not ridsk a low status male from another tribe having her
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:01:30.385000+00:00)
This "mummy mode" takes the selfishness and directs it to "How do I make the best nest for my child/grandchild"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:01:53.557000+00:00)
Oh and I forgot there's 1 other kind of nationalist woman
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:01:57.193000+00:00)
The girlfriend
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:02:22.016000+00:00)
Women evolved to mimic sucessful men. They want to convince them to impregnate them and take care of them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:02:42.055000+00:00)
So women will mirror his interests to get closer to him and be "more compaitable"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:02:57.530000+00:00)
That's what happened with Laci Green and Evalin (?)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:03:24.600000+00:00)
They started dating men who had different ideologies so they mirrored those new ideologies and left their old ones behind
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:05:57.486000+00:00)
Interesting. Sure there are white flight for both men and women. I think most women feel alien in no go zones. But most of them support the replacement.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:06:30.215000+00:00)
That's easy to explain
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:06:42.870000+00:00)
I am a woman and I need protecting by men, because men are stronger than men
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:06:55.735000+00:00)
But the men I have around me are weak, they let women control them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:07:08.495000+00:00)
What kind of a guardian is too weak to fight what he's supposed to protect?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:07:28.056000+00:00)
Can't beat a woman how can be beat a wild animal or a man who wants to kill me? Might as well defend myself
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:07:48.898000+00:00)
Well Tribe B over there has lots of strong men, so I will open the gates and let them into the castle of Tribe A
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:08:06.817000+00:00)
Now Tribe A and B will fight. The weak will die, the strong will live and I'll get fucked by whoever won
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:08:25.381000+00:00)
I now have the strongest baby and a strong protector who won't let a woman control him
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:09:07.870000+00:00)
Western men let women have control. Women decided Western men were no longer fit to breed with so they needed to die and get out of the way or they had to man up and become worth mating with
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:11:35.350000+00:00)
But for example after ww2 Vera Oredsson (former hitler youth now member of nrm) said that it was women who stood against the propaganda lies against natsoc
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:05.930000+00:00)
women supported the dominant power within their area
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:11.500000+00:00)
The men after ww2, young hitler youth members just gave up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:18.667000+00:00)
Never heard of war brides?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:33.671000+00:00)
Women will fuck enemy soldiers who take over their region
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:51.751000+00:00)
Like in paris ww2 i guess
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:12:57.785000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:13:05.272000+00:00)
It's a survival strategy
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:13:12.973000+00:00)
"Don't kill me, I can give you many babies"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:13:23.429000+00:00)
Women's wombs are the key to immortality
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:13:27.946000+00:00)
Men's dicks? Not so much
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:14:08.787000+00:00)
also women are less logical than men
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T05:14:28.566000+00:00)
Discord is shutting down National Socialist servers, think they'll get to this one?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:14:32.873000+00:00)
Women are more religious, they function more on faith
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:03.743000+00:00)
As such they will be more zealous, but their loyalty is more fickle
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:13.555000+00:00)
Hence the Laci green example
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:18.495000+00:00)
complete nutjob feminist
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:27.140000+00:00)
right wing guy dicks her, she abandons feminism on the spot
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:44.769000+00:00)
Apparently this server was judged acceptable stalker
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:15:49.143000+00:00)
<@126025971311575041> if they do sure why not
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T05:16:16.804000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:16:40.957000+00:00)
The woman question is pretty black pilling, worse than the jq imo
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:16:57.388000+00:00)
It is
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:17:36.008000+00:00)
But ultimately it doesn't matter
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:17:46.893000+00:00)
If you win then you get the women
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:17:57.017000+00:00)
But you can do the same with men, talk abot them in their animalistic behaviours. The sad part is that women aint loyal to the tribe
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:18:03.885000+00:00)
If you lose then you're dead and nothing could of changed it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:18:27.716000+00:00)
That's not women's jobs
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:18:46.082000+00:00)
It's men's job to deal with tribal matters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:18:53.272000+00:00)
It's women's job to deal with family matters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:19:11.140000+00:00)
If a man is doing his job then a woman's loyalty doesn't matter
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:19:22.690000+00:00)
we talking anecdotal or empirical here?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:19:35.286000+00:00)
discussion the evolutionary psychology of women
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:20:21.266000+00:00)
i got that much, just wondering if you're a psychologist or student thereof
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:20:56.966000+00:00)
I've studied some psychology at college but evolutionary psychology lecture series are on youtube
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:02.830000+00:00)
you can watch entire course loads of it
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:11.108000+00:00)
yeah, for sure
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:21.369000+00:00)
I would also recommend MGTOW stuff on female psychology. MGTOW have the wrong answer but they have good data
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:34.884000+00:00)
Nihilism is not a good solution.
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:50.591000+00:00)
i am working towards my doctorate in psychology, hence the curiosity
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:21:53.584000+00:00)
sorry for the disruption
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:22:36.824000+00:00)
How are you finding the field?
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:23:00.446000+00:00)
rather straight forward and simple, deep but predictable for the most part
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:23:21.561000+00:00)
marginally depressing when considering afflictions of the mind and cultural stigma and the methods we use to treat some
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:24:42.440000+00:00)
A lot of medicine is just randomly discovered and we have no idea how it works
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:25:08.847000+00:00)
I find mental health fascinating. I enjoy learning how the bran projects reality
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:25:18.830000+00:00)
not a fan of most medicines for mental illness, to tell the truth
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:25:27.456000+00:00)
Me neithr
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:25:28.297000+00:00)
unless we're talking suppressing hallucinations or something
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:26:08.285000+00:00)
There was a lecture I saw a while ago I found amazing. A guy studying the effects of pain
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:26:22.483000+00:00)
He found out he could use cameras to make some one feel pain outside of their body
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:26:45.629000+00:00)
like he could make you feel pain a foot away from where your actual body ends
Engellus writes: (2017-08-15T05:26:57.241000+00:00)
oh for sure, if you perceive yourself having an experience causing pain... you're likely to feel pain
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:27:21.056000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:27:38.177000+00:00)
You use a library to decide how much pain you should feel
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:29:24.270000+00:00)
I know they're trying incredibly hard to figure out the placebo stuff. If they ever figure it out then it's infinite pain killers with no side effects
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:30:10.922000+00:00)
8 /pol/ has gained 1500 new users since Anti fa bumper cars
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:36:49.308000+00:00)
and that has to do with the bumper cars lol?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:37:37.095000+00:00)
i thought the effect would be that ppl distance themselves from the alt right, especially meme normies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:38:23.193000+00:00)
It tdraws people in to have a look
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:38:39.824000+00:00)
4/pol/ is useless so they came to 8
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:44:23.752000+00:00)
i will look into 8pol because i cant stand the degeneracy of trolling on 4chan
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:46:49.340000+00:00)
dailystormer is still down
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:47:14.811000+00:00)
maybe it was anonymous all along
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T05:47:30.637000+00:00)
thought it was weev trolling
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T05:50:54.491000+00:00)
8/pol/ is also getting spammed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:09:48.158000+00:00)
Bah humbug. I feel like I might be coming across as s shill because I pay attention to personalities on the right and tend to know the dirt on them. I've pointed out how like 3 different people have really shitty stories and haven't really offeered any alternatives since we don't have any good alternatives right now.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:13:21.948000+00:00)
We have "denazification groups in Sweden too and some will come back
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:15:29.439000+00:00)
Will they take away my utter disgust every time I see a mixed race couple on a TV commercial?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:17:13.276000+00:00)
It would be interesting to see what they have to say, sometimes i feel like having a conversation with them would be interesting
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:20:20.771000+00:00)
I am not a shill but the way they have to be sympathetic to your ideas while trying to tell you it is wrong is kind of interesting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:21:02.890000+00:00)
I imagine they make you shake hangs with a golliwog
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:21:11.453000+00:00)
hands.. ahem, HANDS
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:21:39.250000+00:00)
I imagine the people they do talk down are just emotional people rather than factual people
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:21:48.368000+00:00)
Show you a black man in a suit
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:22:06.028000+00:00)
Give you candy and make you feel "wanted" and "supported"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T06:22:32.632000+00:00)
Then make it very clear that if you wish to continue to feel supported then you better keep doing what they say or they will abandon you. Usual cult methods
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:23:28.957000+00:00)
yes sounds reasonable
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:23:56.196000+00:00)
but they will never help someone convinced
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:27:20.998000+00:00)
I think it was more common when young skinheads with no ideological roots happened to be with the wrong kind of people
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:31:09.588000+00:00)
From what I remember they closed one "denazification" center of because they had no "patients"
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T06:31:24.123000+00:00)
pretty recently
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-15T06:48:48.776000+00:00)
Discord Shuts Down Free Speech – Stay Connected And Keep Fighting!
Today Discord have decided to ban the server of AltRight.com. This does not bode well for The Nordic Resistance Movements server.
In case we too get banned, we want to encourage people to stay connected and keep fighting for the survival of our race. You can do this trough several means:
* Add comrades on this server as friends here on Discord. That way you can keep contact with some individuals at least.
* Be prepared to migrate to an non-public server with hard vetting. We might try to set something up the coming days.
* Get organized! If you live in the Nordic countries, you should join The Nordic Resistance Movement – visit our websites for more information:
* If you live in any other part of the world, you can find more information about how to support us from abroad here:
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T06:52:25.662000+00:00)
So to ask <@!262875098791411712> how will we get into the new server?
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T06:59:44.688000+00:00)
when you get notifictions but you cant see them cause theyre in verification 👌
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:09:48.460000+00:00)
Why not create a new server with a very normal game sounding name? Such as "Skyrim Battle Front"
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:11:26.739000+00:00)
we need to go incognito
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:11:36.415000+00:00)
csgo community
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:11:47.766000+00:00)
"NatSoc Live Action Roleplay"
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:11:52.435000+00:00)
that should be the name
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:12:10.795000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:12:33.253000+00:00)
"1930's Appreciation Society"
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:13:24.314000+00:00)
"Minecraft Natsoc roleplay server"
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:14:21.721000+00:00)
best server
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:14:32.573000+00:00)
no one will ever know
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T07:18:36.229000+00:00)
<@148835261629988864> Germans can't join them 😃
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T07:18:48.544000+00:00)
Illegal for them
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:21:09.348000+00:00)
<@185781230724186112> OpSec reminder: don't post your IP address! Even as a screenshot!!
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:21:49.097000+00:00)
wait which idiot posted their ip adress?
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:22:20.630000+00:00)
cause you have to be pretty dumb to do that
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:22:56.458000+00:00)
Technically naive might be a better way if putting it
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:23:03.779000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:23:26.170000+00:00)
it was a speedtest
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:23:28.076000+00:00)
Can an admin delete those two screenshots of that user?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:23:32.864000+00:00)
which included his IP
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:25:05.470000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:26:44.919000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:27:20.057000+00:00)
Maybe deleting his last 5 messages should do it
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:27:40.209000+00:00)
Since he/she is not around
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:27:53.637000+00:00)
i didnt notice that the ip was shown, it is a little bit late now
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:29:07.112000+00:00)
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:29:34.956000+00:00)
I think he might be a bit too deep in the doo-doo to pull out now
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:30:21.182000+00:00)
im not sureif we can cuss here so im using pg language
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:30:37.677000+00:00)
Let's not leave it there for posterity and it's still early in the day. I only noticed cos I'm not working/at school etc there is time
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:31:18.361000+00:00)
If somebody is friends with him/them DM them
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:31:56.344000+00:00)
Right, no need to panic.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:32:34.013000+00:00)
No. Admin knows now. So no need to fill the feed any more
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:32:52.010000+00:00)
I removed it as soon as you mentioned it.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:32:56.860000+00:00)
Let's talk about the forthcoming race war.....
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:35:21.518000+00:00)
Im gonna surplus popcorn to sit back and watch
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:38:20.811000+00:00)
vanguard americas website got shut down
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:38:25.192000+00:00)
dailystormer shut down
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:38:29.947000+00:00)
Lady on the radio "This focus on logic and facts over emotion is dangerous, thats what lead directly to the holocaust. All the people just acting like robots, following orders"
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T07:39:43.392000+00:00)
Anyway, something which hasn't been stressed enough about recent events: It's the jews fault.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:44:47.359000+00:00)
This all seems a little too coordinated
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:45:10.554000+00:00)
some "mastermind jew" was behind this
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T07:45:37.546000+00:00)
Not really, it's just that Discord is, like every other IT company in the western world, run by leftist hipster losers
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T07:45:48.684000+00:00)
If a Jewess whines to them about nazis, they're very happy to help
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:46:03.949000+00:00)
Just looking at the verge article earlier is as if judgement has already been made
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T07:46:04.635000+00:00)
Shouldn't trust any company like that
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:46:44.844000+00:00)
Even google, youtube, twitter is low trust
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:46:48.488000+00:00)
I feel like deleting discord though
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:46:57.690000+00:00)
These rallies just give them an excuse to furnish their narrative. The altright has no control over outcomes
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:47:15.440000+00:00)
Now they are paying
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:47:15.912000+00:00)
because I know theyre roaming through my personal information like candy
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:47:23.933000+00:00)
so what
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:47:40.345000+00:00)
I don't think it's the case but if it were the case, what bad can come out of it
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:48:17.741000+00:00)
Its not like they are going to search for an individual, they just shut down channels they don't like
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:48:57.711000+00:00)
As a general rule: it's all about incitement. You can say "I wish the kikes will all get gassed" but you can't say "Gas the kikes, race war now"
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:17.945000+00:00)
When formulating content keep this in mind
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:24.745000+00:00)
Even if you which is unlikely would be doxxed, that would just be a reason to go all in
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:36.233000+00:00)
Well it's official, just got banned from JewBook.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:45.245000+00:00)
(Facebook btw)
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:46.792000+00:00)
No loss then
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:49:57.281000+00:00)
what is official?
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:50:10.097000+00:00)
I have gone full incognito mode
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:50:47.950000+00:00)
Nationalists shouldn't be scared, we need to be open about our stance or the jews and the liberals win
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:50:52.823000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> I wish I screencapped it, an actual jew was larping as a National Socialist and I called him on his shit. Then the FB admins banned me for "racist behavior".
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:50:56.805000+00:00)
they want to surpress us
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:51:06.538000+00:00)
there are more than thousand members in this channel, I don't think that CEO cuck will give jews the list of ips and then give it to antifa
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:51:19.659000+00:00)
se imma hide it out and wait
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:51:24.376000+00:00)
and have us talk if we can talk at all in echoe chambers
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T07:51:52.383000+00:00)
<@280879759863578624> cant go full incognito if you have smart phone or using internet at all
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:52:09.576000+00:00)
ah crap
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:52:37.712000+00:00)
There is no such thing as full incognito. 4chan weaponised autism tells you that
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:52:42.145000+00:00)
75% incognito then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:52:49.389000+00:00)
Scaremongering doesn't help us, it's bad for us
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T07:52:52.215000+00:00)
And if someone get my ip, so what. Since using mobile network, home fiber and random wifis
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:53:26.460000+00:00)
I feel that these attempts at scaremongering is a form of shilling to shut us down
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:54:28.994000+00:00)
Your Phone details are only really important if you have done something you shouldn't. Only companies have that to sell you shit
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:54:40.179000+00:00)
@lestalker lol, hello fellow white man! same coincidence scenario i guess. (((zuckerbergs))) tribe anti white racist laws
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:55:01.707000+00:00)
If law enforcement gets a court order then perhaps they can look at those records
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:55:28.236000+00:00)
But they have to have reasonable suspicion and you have to be a prime suspect
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:55:57.744000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> Meh, I never hang out on Facebook anyways so it's not really a loss for me.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:03.742000+00:00)
I hang out on a site called Minds.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:06.365000+00:00)
Pretty nice.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:09.590000+00:00)
No one is going to jail you for screaming gas the kikes. It's too expensive
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:26.509000+00:00)
waste of time
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:27.919000+00:00)
Unless they want to make an example
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:38.317000+00:00)
Like after this tragedy
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:40.036000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:50.866000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> Unless your in Germany or Israel.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:53.868000+00:00)
But yeah.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:56:55.838000+00:00)
I think it's everyones duty to counter act when people scaremonger
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:57:06.559000+00:00)
Not privately
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:57:26.105000+00:00)
If you publish a book then yes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T07:57:26.208000+00:00)
causing panic is just negative for us all
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:57:42.627000+00:00)
We really need alternative sites, i will look at minds
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T07:58:22.618000+00:00)
Well our movement is not gonna die even they decide to shut discord down
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:58:32.123000+00:00)
But note that in Germany you are not jailed because the Holocaust is not true, you are jailed because you broke the law on communicating this. It is 2 different things
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T07:58:53.188000+00:00)
whatever happened to trutube
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T07:58:57.589000+00:00)
As the judge at the zundel trial stated "the truth here is no defence"
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:03:50.023000+00:00)
The most important thing is to know your rights well and ensure you are not perjuring yourself when talking to authority figures who think that you have less rights than you actually do, that usually means keeping your mouth shut until you have a lawyer present that can advice you. Very few people will find themselves in this situation ever. Authorities want to give you the illusion that you are wrong. You know this When you know your rights and you can call Theo bluff.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:04:52.195000+00:00)
How else do you think these communists manage to get all these brown people sentenced to hours of community service instead of years for rape.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T08:05:03.062000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:05:31.362000+00:00)
That is an excellent video. Everybody must take the time to watch it.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:07:01.229000+00:00)
It should be part of a starter pack for activists
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T08:07:11.507000+00:00)
Listen, fear and worry is only good when it leads to something productive, just as hate. If you don't convert those feelings to something it's just detrimental
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:07:33.015000+00:00)
Yes. You eat yourself up inside
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T08:07:33.975000+00:00)
and if you can't control those emotions it will be detrimental no matter what
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T08:08:55.397000+00:00)
don't let them roam without being able to calm them down through will. A lot of emotions can cause a domino effect and eventually they can't be shut down by will
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:09:12.164000+00:00)
If you know your cause is noble, true and right there is nothing to fear, since oppression and fear are essentially the same. You have nothing to loose.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:09:33.135000+00:00)
And everything to gain
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:10:51.885000+00:00)
In righteousness, choose courage every time. The universe conspires in favor of the bold
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:13:09.458000+00:00)
There is no higher ideal in nature than the defence of ones own blood river
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T08:13:26.927000+00:00)
Yeah, courage strengthens you, fear weakens you
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:15:41.886000+00:00)
It's the reason you defend the mother and your child
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:22:22.020000+00:00)
Hmm in other news Texas AM just cancelled Richard Spencer's event.
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T08:22:41.766000+00:00)
This is Dunkirk for the new right
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T08:44:33.622000+00:00)
motive for cancelling?
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T08:45:27.142000+00:00)
>The school canceled the rally Monday evening "because of concerns about the safety of its students, faculty, staff, and the public."
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T08:49:44.942000+00:00)
Bullshit, the cancelling and the police just made the situation between unitetheright and the anti white thugs worse
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T08:50:12.576000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T08:51:01.703000+00:00)
RIP red ice radio unite the right broadcasting and speeches. never to be seen...
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T08:52:24.676000+00:00)
what a (((coincidence))) with the massive red ice radio hack right before the event
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T08:54:41.343000+00:00)
But in the future there will be another even larger demonstration with speakers and broadcasting. Still think Cville torch rally was awesome!
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T08:59:46.315000+00:00)
really eager to see what will happen next, commies are now by their own will tearing down confederate monuments
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T08:59:58.904000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T09:03:56.412000+00:00)
Why couldn't our second language be german?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T09:04:24.952000+00:00)
In an alternative history
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T09:54:02.104000+00:00)
Maybe we should use Teamspeak instead.
jimmy writes: (2017-08-15T09:57:03.820000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T09:57:21.622000+00:00)
"Love, not hate" - people who hate nazis
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T09:57:24.465000+00:00)
jimmy writes: (2017-08-15T09:57:57.793000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T09:58:33.981000+00:00)
<@342018405894979585> that's a form of hate, they can't deny that <:lol:333298431810338816>
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T09:58:44.203000+00:00)
"Our fatherland doesn't need lovers who don't hate the enemy" -some historical figure
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:00:29.176000+00:00)
Can you really love your people if you don't hate those who categorically want to exterminate your people?
jimmy writes: (2017-08-15T10:00:45.894000+00:00)
isnt this discord server at a risk of getting shut down now
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:01:14.857000+00:00)
I don't like to be hateful for no reason and I'm really a happy person but, its totally ok to hate those who want to exterminate Europeans
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:01:29.825000+00:00)
<@211918507330240512> yeah
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:01:46.097000+00:00)
Teamspeak or ventrillo would be a decent option
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:01:58.743000+00:00)
Or even a kik group
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:02:04.209000+00:00)
Better than nothing
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:02:04.863000+00:00)
especially since one of our (former <:putin:333560834318139394> ) mods is the one who caused the DS server to get taken down
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:02:13.404000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> this nibba
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:02:48.587000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:03:12.214000+00:00)
absolute madman
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:03:17.451000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:04:43.184000+00:00)
This is what happens when you take every comment on a discord chat seriously
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T10:05:09.543000+00:00)
<@181313292067667968> Teamspeak is mental.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T10:05:26.933000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:05:36.887000+00:00)
''weev the notorious hacker''
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:05:48.023000+00:00)
nvm they are serious
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:06:08.277000+00:00)
They don't know what a shitpost is
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:06:20.592000+00:00)
kek would be deadly if it was real
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:06:39.041000+00:00)
I suspect this to be like Anglin's other calls for WN rallies where they make a big talk about it and then don't show to waste the ATIFA's time
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:07:14.584000+00:00)
What discord did they take down? DS and altright. Who else?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:07:18.165000+00:00)
Laura loomer and gavin put it up the ass McInnes, what a combination!
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:07:41.526000+00:00)
they banning all right-wing servers now?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:08:03.674000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> the anti-com one
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:09:16.512000+00:00)
They will likely target any server that gets reported to them for being racist
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:09:20.354000+00:00)
Oh yea
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:11:14.490000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> They banned DS because of <@!225299960529158156> 😂
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:11:25.722000+00:00)
Maybe you've seen the vid
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:12:45.699000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:13:03.116000+00:00)
the one about the funeral?
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:13:51.347000+00:00)
For the lass killed
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:14:33.320000+00:00)
lol ds was in a war with a jewish family some months before
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:15:06.881000+00:00)
but i read daily stormer daily so i hope it will be back up
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T10:16:14.261000+00:00)
Daily stormer? really nigga?
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:16:21.115000+00:00)
Their discord is no loss though
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:16:38.035000+00:00)
Far too acceptive of people like Enoch
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T10:17:12.719000+00:00)
Tbh I don't give a fuck what happens to altright discords or anything else altright
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:17:17.722000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:17:35.652000+00:00)
Anticom and altright was cancer after the car incident
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:17:39.751000+00:00)
All the panicking
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:17:42.063000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T10:18:08.931000+00:00)
Someone on Frihetskamp literally said "Alt-right is fascist. some of them are national socialists too"
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T10:18:12.647000+00:00)
How can anyone get so retarded
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:18:24.129000+00:00)
In the comment section?
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T10:18:27.395000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:18:53.508000+00:00)
Yes, the comments are full of trash
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:19:05.311000+00:00)
A lot of Nordfront.se comments are similar
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T10:19:19.689000+00:00)
DS discord is down too?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T10:19:36.827000+00:00)
It disappeared for me
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:19:51.502000+00:00)
and the fucking <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> took down my favorite series murdoch murdoch
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:19:59.365000+00:00)
Either the ns portal server got banned too or i got kicked/the server deleted by the owner
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:20:54.299000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> It is not completely down, mm made all the videos private to avoid the leftist report raid on Youtube.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:21:28.877000+00:00)
You can see why on their channel under the discussion tab.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:22:14.646000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> yes discord shoad it
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T10:22:49.630000+00:00)
Damn we might be next in line
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:23:26.086000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:23:29.665000+00:00)
Right wing death kicks
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:23:29.794000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> As long as nobody reports it to discord on twitter we should be fine
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:23:51.205000+00:00)
I'm angered by how some try to frame the car attack as a "nazi" getting "revenge" for what they (liberals) have been doing to "us", when in reality it was just a jew murdering a white woman
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:07.094000+00:00)
The woman was a race mixer and anti-racist though
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:18.904000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> interesting thanks. their channel is still up with the subs and they are not dead yet
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:22.381000+00:00)
Yea no loss
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:23.826000+00:00)
nothing of value was lost
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:24.276000+00:00)
Anyway the act in itself is useless, but it's embarassing how the alt-right are handling it
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:36.844000+00:00)
Never disavow
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:38.193000+00:00)
Just ignore
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T10:24:43.898000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:25:24.069000+00:00)
I don't think he did it on purpose though
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:29:24.249000+00:00)
Yeah I don't know why any on our side are giving the car crash any attention
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:30:08.757000+00:00)
Especially when the driver wasn't one of us. Even if he was a member of some organization yeah maybe kick him out so the government doesn't shut you down but, don't disavow
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:30:31.961000+00:00)
I would agree if he had been white
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:30:45.684000+00:00)
The driver was a Jew correct?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:30:49.493000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:30:53.620000+00:00)
That's murica for you :^)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:31:05.566000+00:00)
but he was still with the american vanguard
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:31:06.776000+00:00)
Yeah we should be laughing at how retarded he is for killing his fellow communists
jimmy writes: (2017-08-15T10:31:38.495000+00:00)
can someone dm me a link on a article about the car incident
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T10:31:56.855000+00:00)
I think American Vanguard said he was not a member, and that they handed out shields randomly at the march
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:01.355000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:03.490000+00:00)
His exact racial makeup is still unknown, he's viewed as a nazi anyway, so I'll handle it like DS does
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:04.416000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:11.895000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> pick your words carefully please, otherwise something might happen <:lol:333298431810338816>
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:16.504000+00:00)
yeah they let him take a picture holding their shields at the rally
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:29.241000+00:00)
4) Driver was a Straight Player
The driver of the of the car, James Fields, was a hardcore player, and sources claim that he didn’t give a fuck.
Despite the cool demeanor he shows in his social media profile pictures, it appears that road rage got the best of him.
Though many people are expressing outrage after the crash, there are also many wondering if the outrage is not simply player hatred, rather than actually concern over the death of some useless sow.
In 2015, Warren co-sponsored the “Game Prevention Act” which sought to “shut down the game, to prevent players from playing women like fiddles.”
Despite the fact that she claims not to hate the player but simply “oppose the game,” she has been dogged for years over allegations of straight-up player hate."
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:34.932000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:32:38.092000+00:00)
In my opinion, what to do with the race mixers and lefties among our people, is white people's business only
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:35:14.817000+00:00)
why would media care if he has some jew blood? he was a the demonstration
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:36:06.254000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:36:07.711000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:36:21.107000+00:00)
Surprisingly good video from Heimbach
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:36:41.487000+00:00)
Is that other guy ok?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T10:37:22.656000+00:00)
The media would of course love to attribute the attack to "white supremacists".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:19.452000+00:00)
It already is attributed to white supremacists. In any case, there's no need to disavow or anything, so who cares.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:22.359000+00:00)
Only a commie died.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:27.196000+00:00)
Nothing bad happened.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:39.839000+00:00)
That's painful to watch but not because of heimbach
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:54.521000+00:00)
He handled himself surprisingly well.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:38:54.569000+00:00)
Aussies strike again
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:39:10.922000+00:00)
it was not a smart move by him to drive in that crowd when he got attacked, it will only make nationalists look bad
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:39:23.183000+00:00)
Not really.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:39:42.181000+00:00)
Good stunt move by Heimbach, REALLY bad for him to bring up details about the driver being attacked... That can backfire really bad.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:39:51.042000+00:00)
Only to those who don't like dead commies.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:07.285000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> he kinda had to defend himself on that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:20.280000+00:00)
Besides dude dindu nuffin etc
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:26.068000+00:00)
Doesn't matter. Heimbach should have stayed on the topic of the demonstration, not about what is going on inside the court room.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:41.301000+00:00)
Now he is shifting the subject away from what is important and everyone is back circle jerking...
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:52.054000+00:00)
he showed up at the court
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:54.694000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:40:59.901000+00:00)
there is no other topic there but what's in the court
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:41:26.627000+00:00)
and it was a good move provided the guy really is someone from the protest
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:41:42.825000+00:00)
that's the one thing I'm most curious of, who the guy is exactly, because there's a lot of info floating around
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:41:45.314000+00:00)
Still does not matter. What matters is what you want to achieve. Do you want people to focus on the perpetrator or what was going on at large? Pick one subject, don't dilute it.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:10.253000+00:00)
You can't go to his court and ignore that subject
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:22.949000+00:00)
the media picked the subject for you, they'll cover it as they wish regardless of you, so you have to inject your statement on it into the media
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:33.482000+00:00)
if you don't address it you let them run wild with it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:38.231000+00:00)
>Shout "Kill the nazis"
>"Wow just wow I am shocked by this violence, why did this happen to us"
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:41.927000+00:00)
haha matthew heimbach has a nice shirt on, cornelius codreanu.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:42:42.221000+00:00)
you basically surrender grounds to them on this issue
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:43:00.397000+00:00)
so its absolutely correct to address this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:43:26.795000+00:00)
I would wait to find out more concrete stuff about the guy first but at the same time one can't let this go unchecked
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:43:56.442000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:43:58.325000+00:00)
lol that woman
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:09.826000+00:00)
you can't even talk about the larger topic of the rally unless you go there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:13.588000+00:00)
because they won't cover it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:23.028000+00:00)
so you have to inject yourself on what they want to talk about
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:27.553000+00:00)
deliver your narrative on it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:32.497000+00:00)
AND THEN also comment on the event
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:43.060000+00:00)
that way you force them to cover the larger context
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:44:50.168000+00:00)
if you don't go you lose both
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:49:40.877000+00:00)
Matthew could have covered exactly what you said without jumping to "he was attacked and scared and thus innocent". It would have been enough to just cover the fact that the car was chased by armed thugs. The last thing Matthew got out in that Ruptly video was implying that the driver was innocent before being surrounded by screaming thots and turning away from Ruptly.
I still think Heimbach did a good move, I just don't think it is good that they are pre-emptively implying that the driver is innocent.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:50:24.232000+00:00)
and the issue with saying he's innocent is what?
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:50:38.419000+00:00)
It makes it sound as if Heimbach is in the same tent as the driver.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:50:50.440000+00:00)
well that was already done by going to the same event
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:50:53.781000+00:00)
for one thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:00.639000+00:00)
secondly, so fucking what
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:09.442000+00:00)
Innocent till proven otherwise
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:20.368000+00:00)
yeah there's also that legalistic approach^
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:20.700000+00:00)
He did the right thing.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:27.243000+00:00)
and the best approach^
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:49.779000+00:00)
I mean no matter how you look at it he's innocent, either he removed commie intentionally or by accident.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:51:59.283000+00:00)
Innocent of any moral wrong.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:52:14.392000+00:00)
At the very least.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:53:28.129000+00:00)
What's the point of Heimbach standing in front of the camera if not to gain publicity and try to get the attention of people who are yet not convinced? He's not there to convince us is he?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:53:50.589000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:53:52.256000+00:00)
what are you even saying
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:53:52.593000+00:00)
this wasnt bad
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:53:58.074000+00:00)
This was the most accurate and attractive position he could have taken.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:02.494000+00:00)
Cantwell seems to be most hardcore guy there
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:08.220000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> He should have apologized and sucked normie cock I guess?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:23.064000+00:00)
did you tag me on accident?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:38.539000+00:00)
I'm really happy Heimbach has gone hardcore, him crying over the dead niggers in Charleston was the worst thing ever
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:39.538000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> have you seen the video where he talked to the police?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:54:44.941000+00:00)
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:55:13.890000+00:00)
Talk about completely misunderstanding the point. If you want someone to move towards our side of things, perhaps don't associate with the driver while pulling the stunt. Most people see an ebul nazi killing innocent people with a car. Matthew could have pulled most of that without causing an association to the driver. That's all. He might just have locked out a few open minds.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:55:40.980000+00:00)
That's now how you do it at all.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:55:49.661000+00:00)
Apologizing and disavowing is the worst possible position.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:00.710000+00:00)
Even that cuck Spencer said he refused to condemn him.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:03.179000+00:00)
Yet again you put shit in my mouth which I did not even say.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:05.061000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> you're an overton window shill aintcha?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:07.825000+00:00)
I was surprised he discovered a spine.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:07.842000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:14.647000+00:00)
people will also see these mutli racial communist hordes tearing down their monuments
at one point they will have to choose
ebil natzees or those hordes
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:21.659000+00:00)
Someone him me up with ropeculture's propaganda article
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:32.177000+00:00)
I am saying that Matthew could have repeated EVERYTHING in that video, without saying "driver is innocent guys".
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:40.885000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:41.328000+00:00)
Yeah but good thing he didn't,.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:54.877000+00:00)
Well he did when saying the driver was assaulted and acted while scared.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:56:59.002000+00:00)
shouldve said "too bad only one marxist whore died"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:57:03.244000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:57:19.338000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:57:49.746000+00:00)
"we use propaganda as a wide net – we try to maximize its spread not in order to get everyone who hears it on our side, but so as to call out to those few, who are already receptive to our message and just need that last incentive to take the plunge. It is a beacon with which we attract those with potential, and thereafter we vet them for those who are real hopefuls, weeding out losers, fakers and larpers.
We cast a wide net, we call out to the few and then distill those numbers even further, until we get only people who can change the world. The fanatics, the uncompromising believers in our cause, in our struggle. We use propaganda to attract quality, not quantity, because an active, dedicated minority has always been the real source of any revolution and societal change, for better or worse. Meanwhile those who misunderstand propaganda think that it will change the way people think to the core and give them a mass movement with which they could then force the System to negotiate terms and only then consider a confrontation against it. Wishful thinking of the worst kind, one that will leave its practitioners holding the bag alone, with not one lemming ready to stand by their side when push comes to shove for their failed movement."
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:10.149000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> the video was way longer but he took it down and that's all i found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAk6szYQ-bM
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:11.767000+00:00)
If you're shocked by a commie dying, you're not cut out for this. Do you think they wouldn't celebrate if it had been the other way around?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:22.906000+00:00)
They were openly saying "kill the nazis, kill the nazis".
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:27.532000+00:00)
they do actually <@!225299960529158156>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:34.274000+00:00)
Just made it all the sweeter and their moral outrage even emptier.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:35.846000+00:00)
baked alaska got blinded potentially permanently
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:45.537000+00:00)
and they are celebrating it on twitter en mass as a victory against a nazi
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:48.390000+00:00)
>fucking baked alaska
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T10:58:49.069000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> oh ye saw that, like why would you film yourself almost crying dude smh
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:59:00.238000+00:00)
Yeah, exactly. Fuck that dead pile of lard, hope it had been 100.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T10:59:02.983000+00:00)
if they're happy over him being blinded they'll be cheering for our corpses
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T10:59:14.837000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> If you are talking to me you are still pushing stuff down my throat which I have not brought up. It is called a straw man. Please stop doing that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:59:28.017000+00:00)
Okay bud.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T10:59:34.958000+00:00)
Just saying, this was the best possible reaction.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:00.350000+00:00)
I mean, Spencer is basically the Nice Guy of American rightwing. Basically alt right Jeb!
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:04.440000+00:00)
to leftie baked alaska and guy wearing swastika cape with black sun flag are the same
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:10.054000+00:00)
And they sell shirts of him getting beheaded and whatnot.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:15.705000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> I don't want to come of as a keyboard warrior but i genuinely expected more from him
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:21.960000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:00:49.222000+00:00)
alt right should dress militant and make left fear them
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:01:01.092000+00:00)
not dress as 50s harward kayak club members
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:01:14.300000+00:00)
And not back down.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:01:56.804000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> like that one antifa post where they say how they're all rich kids and fratboys with yachts or whatever "they are not working class"
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:02:00.204000+00:00)
I do not disagree what you guys are saying about the "image" of Matthew and Spencer. I am not a PR cuck. I am just trying to say that there are people out there who knows nothing of these guys and might only hear this specific message. I know several people who have come to our side by taking smaller stepping stones, who are today very radicalized. I am just nitpicking about one specific part of a sentence who could have thrown people off.
Apart from that, I am pretty much on the same page as the rest of you.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:02:35.566000+00:00)
I get that, but I disagree with you.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:03:05.258000+00:00)
Sure, then let's keep it there. Please don't drag me into side tracks I did not bring up though.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:03:10.310000+00:00)
>only hear this specific message
and the problem is?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T11:03:10.380000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> His shilling for shekels also pissed me off before i held more radical views. He talked alot about giving money to people in public positions (like him) so you don't have to go out and do something.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:03:45.219000+00:00)
Never backing down, never apologizing, never disavowing, and just celebrating the warriors of your side and your victories, projecting a totally unflinching image is the most important thing.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:04:10.048000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> I'll try one last time. Matthew brought up multiple good points of the whole demonstration and events, but I think he implicitely made it sound as he picked the driver's side. Which was not necessary. He could just have skipped that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:04:29.577000+00:00)
> I think he implicitely made it sound as he picked the driver's side.
And that was the best part and exactly what he should have done.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:04:39.839000+00:00)
And how is picking the driver's side BAD?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:04:54.904000+00:00)
Because my The_Donald friend might get shocked.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:05:02.869000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:05:30.221000+00:00)
How do you think you're ever gonna handle far worse situation if you can't say the dude did the right whing?
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:06:51.175000+00:00)
I am not talking about me. Stop referring to how I see things. I am trying to look outside our circles and how others react. It's called distancing one self. Please don't mix my arguments in this discussion with what I personally prefer. If I wanted Matthew to say things I like, he would have brought up helicopter rides.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:06:56.967000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> know what this reminds me of somewhat? that article "the anatomy of treason" - guy was hardcore NS when suddenly SOME OTHER GROUP kills some turks or some shit and he is so SHAWKED that the drops being NS for being a liberal hippie and starts hanging out with turks and niggers and etc
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:07:16.944000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> but this is about how you see this. How you see others will see it anyway
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:07:31.583000+00:00)
Who in the world would ever have respect for us anymore if we had denounced Torniainen, for example? No one wants to join a movement that doesn't have your back, it projects spinelessness.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:04.977000+00:00)
<@342332686796455937> tl;dr for me but I think they just mean you shouldn't adjust what you say to receive approval from people who disagree
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:10.472000+00:00)
I am not talking about denouncing or disavow, I am talking about not 'mentioning'. Didn't someone in this channel get pats on the back for saying exactly this before? "Don't disavow, just ignore it"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:25.316000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> ding ding ding
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:34.815000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> I am not adjusting anything, I am clarifying what I wanted to bring across.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:45.050000+00:00)
I meant what Heimbach said
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:08:52.408000+00:00)
Oh ok, sorry
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T11:09:27.763000+00:00)
omg and cantwell who said "there is going to die more before we are done here" to vice
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:09:41.031000+00:00)
also relevant
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:10:32.977000+00:00)
I have heard so many times we should just wave Swedish flags and drop the uniforms and shields because it puts off more moderate people.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:10:49.207000+00:00)
There will always be more moderate people, you cannot please everyone and you shouldn't.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:01.919000+00:00)
I doubt Finnish moderates would be happier with Swedish flags than the current ones 🤔
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:15.131000+00:00)
I'm almost surprised that some of these moderate pr cucks don't yet run their own focus groups to help them decide how to run their movements
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:29.436000+00:00)
We could use Swedish flags and Finnish flags to show we're totally accepting.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:54.668000+00:00)
nothing wrong with swedish flag and scandinavian flag
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:55.047000+00:00)
Or maybe a NRM flag with the countrys flag
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:57.177000+00:00)
I hope you are not putting me in that group, if so I completely failed. Anyhow, I am taking my egocentric ass out of here because I have something else to do. No hard feelings. See ya.
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T11:11:59.785000+00:00)
Like the swedish norway union flag
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:12:11.262000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:12:21.551000+00:00)
We're just having small friendly disagreement here bud.
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T11:12:34.544000+00:00)
No worries. Can't agree on everything.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:12:50.259000+00:00)
That being said, I need a cig and groceries.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:17:54.747000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:17:55.605000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:18:06.943000+00:00)
Max as always comes with the best response
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:19:43.775000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Is it fucking Zeiger at the beginning of the vid?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:22:03.141000+00:00)
lol timestamp
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:23:50.835000+00:00)
At the very beginning talking with Cantwell, unmistakable voice
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T11:23:56.121000+00:00)
it is
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:25:13.951000+00:00)
lol'd at that Azz
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:26:32.134000+00:00)
Hahahah, oh yeah, now I remember this is the bitch Azzmador told he'll throw out of the van if she doesn't interview him 😂
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:26:35.256000+00:00)
yeah that's zeiger heh
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:26:56.697000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:26:59.184000+00:00)
it is him
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:27:14.374000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:27:34.463000+00:00)
Oh yeah he even mentions Canada.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T11:27:53.180000+00:00)
That girl wants to be gangbanged by all of them so much
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T11:28:57.652000+00:00)
Got lost at Berlin Antifa zone.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T11:29:10.399000+00:00)
Spotted hilarious tranny
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T11:29:30.026000+00:00)
These guys mobile network is even worse Poles
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:35:59.532000+00:00)
Cantwell was on fire in this one, esp the end
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:45:56.625000+00:00)
>these people want violence
>and the right is just meeting market demand
fucking hell that's actually a brilliant line
that's fucking quote worthy
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:58:36.419000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> lol did you see this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T11:58:56.888000+00:00)
well I saw a part of this in the vice coverage
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:58:58.829000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:59:14.616000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:59:29.370000+00:00)
Yeah, Kessler is a cuck, no news here. Even Spencer didn't denounce but he did.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T11:59:35.513000+00:00)
And again, damm that Cantwell bit great
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T11:59:37.097000+00:00)
someone should make a gif of him running away
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:09.265000+00:00)
>heimbach shouldn't say the driver is innocent
>meanwhile some random lefty lemming grabs this milquetoast's microphone and shouts "INDITE OR MURDER THIS GUY"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:31.678000+00:00)
Again, MSM is to thank for for making AR look scary or cool. Thank god no one listened to the actual message of the organizers "wites haev rites : ("
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:32.644000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:35.348000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:45.241000+00:00)
oh no wait
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:50.870000+00:00)
indict FOR murder
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:54.177000+00:00)
didn't catch that
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:00:57.856000+00:00)
indict or murder would be funnier
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:02.886000+00:00)
>unless they purpose change it in the subs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:14.038000+00:00)
because I keep hearing or
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:18.405000+00:00)
I still don't get it though
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:24.163000+00:00)
didn't the alt-right have militias with rifles?
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:33.334000+00:00)
Why not fire at the antifa? They have stand your ground laws right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:01:52.647000+00:00)
bahahaha that fucking blubber rolling and rolling <@!225299960529158156>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:02:06.324000+00:00)
You still get legally raped though unless they've got a blade 0,1 inches from your eye.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:02:29.196000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> well don't know about the rest of the people there but DS strictly insisted that nobody bring weapons
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:02:31.318000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> well now they're getting legally raped and humiliated anyway
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:02:55.387000+00:00)
Well, only the driver.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:02:57.963000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:02.330000+00:00)
would be more fun that way
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:22.984000+00:00)
Did you watch that Vice vid?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:27.298000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:27.455000+00:00)
I dont watch vice
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:31.324000+00:00)
Do it faggot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:31.440000+00:00)
watch this one
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:41.545000+00:00)
I think this fiasco could have largely been avoided if they had unit cohesion and actual organizational structure
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:47.991000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:03:52.671000+00:00)
No shit.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:03.570000+00:00)
Im not going to waste 22 min watching a documentary about burgers made by VICE
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:10.854000+00:00)
Do it faggot.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:13.105000+00:00)
it was great.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:14.526000+00:00)
srsly <@!331147867035140096> watch it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:25.724000+00:00)
Besides you can skip the interviews with the reds.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:28.756000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:30.392000+00:00)
vice did a better PR job for that event than any of the apologists
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:43.613000+00:00)
Yeah, for the 5th time, MSM did awesome PR job for them.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:04:53.104000+00:00)
Cantwell was 5/5
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:05:03.427000+00:00)
I have started to ignore these burger antics
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:06:26.322000+00:00)
Every time I watch a video from America it really makes me appreciate the realism that went into GTA5
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:06:37.404000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:06:44.007000+00:00)
But i mean
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:06:52.162000+00:00)
Its good that its hitting the masses
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:01.353000+00:00)
Its a step in the right direction
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:04.875000+00:00)
But miles away
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:06.541000+00:00)
He handled all the questions great.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:22.801000+00:00)
who is cantwell
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:38.031000+00:00)
some libertarian
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:38.199000+00:00)
Actually best footage of the event.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:51.784000+00:00)
but Natt has been slowly radicalizing him by calling his show with mad rants
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:07:54.297000+00:00)
Hoppe-ite I guess.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:02.068000+00:00)
that stuff is hillarious btw
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:06.600000+00:00)
cantwell does his show
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:08.871000+00:00)
natt calls in
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:10.951000+00:00)
starts ranting
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:18.092000+00:00)
cantwell can't stop cracking a huge grin
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:34.428000+00:00)
Even the people here in this chat could learn from how he handled the car ramming in the end.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:35.281000+00:00)
by the end of it though he wipes a tear from his eye and goes "you know what you are right Natt"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:08:52.543000+00:00)
and what KU just said
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:09:10.522000+00:00)
frankly he could make a good nazi with his attitude
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:09:18.200000+00:00)
>just has to actually become a nazi
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:09:54.834000+00:00)
He has his attitude more on point than a ton of self described racists or fascists.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:10:13.142000+00:00)
make him a nazi then
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:10:18.848000+00:00)
GLR started out as a conservative didn't he
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:11:05.330000+00:00)
When I was in Norway, one Frihetskamp author brought up Cantwell and talked about him for a while. I kinda forgot about it until now. He didn't outright praise him but said a lot of good things about it, I was kinda unsure, told about my misgivings about AnCom and all, but now I know what he meant.
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:11:33.308000+00:00)
this world is crazy, makes sense people change
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:12:11.960000+00:00)
i mean if i never knew what the fuck was happening i would still be a left libertarian with just some more spirituality
lofi writes: (2017-08-15T12:12:37.674000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Absolutely right. You cannot build anything without it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:13:19.027000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:13:22.620000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:13:54.131000+00:00)
fatty fat fat
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:16:29.370000+00:00)
The comments of Vice FB are hilarious "Ugh so disgusting I have never cried this much"
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:16:57.995000+00:00)
Cantwell seems alright
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:17:28.629000+00:00)
At 10:40 they shouted NRM out
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:17:32.098000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:17:55.239000+00:00)
I love how he was asked if the right wing is violent, he didn't cuck out but instead said he tries to be more capable of violence, and the car ramming was just meeting the market demand of leftists demanding violence.
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:18:07.391000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:24:56.282000+00:00)
Watched most of that vice stuff
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:25:12.875000+00:00)
I liked the first bit and Cantwell seems funny but that's about all I have to say about the vid
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:26:44.204000+00:00)
cantwell really did go to far imo at the end of vice video
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:27:02.111000+00:00)
too far
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:28:58.026000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:29:01.336000+00:00)
no he didn't
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:29:09.493000+00:00)
that was exactly how far you need to go
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:29:12.128000+00:00)
minimum even
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:29:22.277000+00:00)
that should be the baseline everyone aims for
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:07.687000+00:00)
I thought he was funny
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:20.555000+00:00)
He's Italian-American right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:25.832000+00:00)
did you watch his inteview at the end of it?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:30.110000+00:00)
he shows off all his guns
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:31.870000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:35.332000+00:00)
I liked that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:40.007000+00:00)
and delivers some epic lines
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:42.284000+00:00)
That's what I meant was funny
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:45.166000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:59.474000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:30:59.673000+00:00)
well its more than funny, its truly commendable
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:23.430000+00:00)
Reminds me of Sam's Italian characters
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:30.358000+00:00)
if NRM said that about the finland incident or golden dawn about pavlos it would be a shut down
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:32.012000+00:00)
Sopranos Nazism
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:46.315000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> We have more oppressive systems
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:54.376000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> this wasn't finland or greece
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:31:58.120000+00:00)
its USA
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:32:14.210000+00:00)
where you can perfectly legally say stuff like that and more
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:32:23.484000+00:00)
so why shouldn't they go for it
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:16.088000+00:00)
i just think it will get bad attention. but sure, our traitors in the government support anc and mandelas terrorism and many other leftist murders who shares their politics
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:25.357000+00:00)
Cantwell lmao just watched
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:32.079000+00:00)
>bad attention
don't start pr cucking
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:42.506000+00:00)
he's bringing the BEST attention with those lines
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:47.521000+00:00)
Loved every second of cantwell
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:53.277000+00:00)
Yeah he was funny
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:33:56.804000+00:00)
exactly the kind of attention required
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:01.498000+00:00)
He's Italian-American right? Or from New Jersey or smth?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:06.813000+00:00)
New York
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:09.513000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:09.916000+00:00)
otherwise no idea
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:34.183000+00:00)
What's Cantwells background?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:35.164000+00:00)
VICE vid was great PR for altright
made them look tough
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:40.383000+00:00)
I mean who is he with?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:46.783000+00:00)
he's libertarian sadly
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:53.101000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:53.254000+00:00)
ancap WN
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:54.581000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:34:57.326000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:35:05.759000+00:00)
I was really happy with Torniainen case, basically everyone to the right of True Finns stood us. I was really inspired by the unity of the nationalists.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T12:35:22.328000+00:00)
tho he said he wants to use power of totalitarian state to crush the left completely
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:35:41.180000+00:00)
Being openly radical is the only way, there's never a reason to disavow your own.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:36:06.732000+00:00)
Yeah. Never do that. Like Golden Dawn does.
Breen writes: (2017-08-15T12:36:30.378000+00:00)
Based for an ancap
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:36:30.527000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> Nah, you need to be at least that radical. it was about as perfect as you could expect from him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:36:50.895000+00:00)
He really projected just the perfect spirit.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:00.900000+00:00)
He did
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:23.313000+00:00)
cut out his lines from the vid into a single clip, show it to altright prcucks as the baseline they should strive for
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:30.206000+00:00)
He didn't pussy out like dickie does
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:34.776000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:38.637000+00:00)
He showed force
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:37:39.021000+00:00)
This is how you do it.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:11.630000+00:00)
I mean look at Spencer and Cantwell, which one's group seems cooler after the interviews?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:17.298000+00:00)
Cantwell's, by a mile.
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:37.716000+00:00)
Cantwell looks like more bulky Stafan Molyneux
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:38.882000+00:00)
For sure Cantwell
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:41.592000+00:00)
He didn't apologize, he didn't bend, but just spoke the truth, and being openly radical attracts other open radicals.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:49.697000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:38:54.704000+00:00)
Cantwell is the type of man
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:01.676000+00:00)
He reminded me of Emil Hagberg
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:01.727000+00:00)
that would stop a punch mid air
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:10.026000+00:00)
and then break the arm of who did it
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:10.976000+00:00)
Cantwell was the alpha at the ralley
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:11.350000+00:00)
Haha emil
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:25.723000+00:00)
I wished I had more translated stuff of him
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:28.913000+00:00)
There's some vid of Hagberg saying "We're going to hang the politicians, only white people will live in this country" or smth
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:36.302000+00:00)
I could translate the Best of Emil Hagberg vids, there's 2 now
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:39:48.399000+00:00)
"People die every day"
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:40:40.181000+00:00)
Yeah would be nice for us non scandinavians Daniel
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:40:53.371000+00:00)
I'll do it later today if I have the time but a bit busy today
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:41:53.769000+00:00)
Also the part where Cantwell said "we'll kill them all if we have to"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:42:03.872000+00:00)
Based tbh.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:42:17.917000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:42:22.456000+00:00)
one interesting thing to mention about violence is that when the truck of peace appeared in stockholm leftists got really mad when right wing people said it had to do with immigration and islam.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:42:50.043000+00:00)
That's the same everywhere.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:44:01.189000+00:00)
and it is basically their policies that caused the truck of peace
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:44:05.463000+00:00)
You didn't see a whole lot muslims apologize for that one, did you.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:44:19.822000+00:00)
leftists suffer from collective insanity
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:44:28.552000+00:00)
just ignore everything they say and you'll be closer to truth
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:44:37.835000+00:00)
if they say something, the opposite is probably true
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:45:35.315000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Do you know any good souvlaki recipes I could follow?
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:45:51.578000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> alright want some steps and tips?
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:45:55.177000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:00.867000+00:00)
Though Im going out soon so we can talk later
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:01.587000+00:00)
and islamists do it to innocents
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:04.438000+00:00)
I'll check that pic aswell
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:26.759000+00:00)
ill teach you how make a bbq kleftiko souvlaki
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:40.237000+00:00)
do I need a grill to make proper souvlaki
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:46:48.035000+00:00)
or can I make it with a frying pan/oven
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:02.660000+00:00)
you need a grill
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:05.217000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:11.978000+00:00)
I live in an apartment building so I can only use electric grills
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:20.816000+00:00)
blm burning down a whole city and chanting kill whites or whatever. do white leftists expect them to behave like that and accept it? stupid
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:21.801000+00:00)
you can tho make something else with an oven
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:34.043000+00:00)
how do I make kleftiko
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:47:53.321000+00:00)
first , take some lamb
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:06.702000+00:00)
cut it into large pieces and put it on a bowl
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:10.302000+00:00)
Exactly, our enemies can loot and murder and rape and they never denounce their radicals, we shouldn't either. Considering that the dude did nothing morally wrong, intentional or not.
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:19.847000+00:00)
pour over some oil (preferably greek)
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:37.451000+00:00)
and some juice of a fresh lemon
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:39.931000+00:00)
Back from the dentist
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:48:46.006000+00:00)
I only ever buy organic extra virgin greek olive oil 🇬🇷
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:07.236000+00:00)
chop some fresh oregano and sprinkle it onto the meat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:14.107000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> someone made that argument in the altrigh discord before it was shoah'd, some guy replied to him "we are not leftists so we shouldn't act like them"
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:20.022000+00:00)
Do I need fresh oregano or does dried oregano work
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:28.872000+00:00)
next add some crushed garlic
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:36.608000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> idk honestly
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T12:49:59.854000+00:00)
Anyway, "apologizing" is the wrong word to use here, as it carries the presumption that the driver was "our guy".
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:05.853000+00:00)
and season it with generous amounts of salt and pepper
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:12.892000+00:00)
seems simple enough, thanks
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:14.728000+00:00)
going off now though
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:17.131000+00:00)
and if you want to
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:18.672000+00:00)
if theres more steps we can talk later
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:22.932000+00:00)
allow it to marinate for one hour
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:30.079000+00:00)
Very important
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:34.204000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-15T12:50:40.513000+00:00)
Makes it x5 better
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T12:51:09.319000+00:00)
Now you are making me hungry
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:56:03.550000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T12:58:24.247000+00:00)
"white people, are Satan's children.. evil EDOMITES..." better than (((white))) leftists anyways
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:58:48.832000+00:00)
Esoteric Yakubism
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T12:59:10.858000+00:00)
Did you know white people were made by an evil black scientist 6000 years ago?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T13:01:47.748000+00:00)
Did he create them to cure aids by fucking their white babies
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:01:57.296000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:02:10.033000+00:00)
This is what nogs actually believe.
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:02:24.189000+00:00)
>on the Islands of Patmos
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:02:37.804000+00:00)
does that mean that Greeks were the first whites?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:03:27.616000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:04:13.802000+00:00)
What a meme
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:13.028000+00:00)
he straight up called greeks fags
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:13.997000+00:00)
Pretty sure the kikes built pyramids, not nignogs
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:37.469000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:43.954000+00:00)
he meant the slaves
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:44.803000+00:00)
Egyptians with kike slaves.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:49.504000+00:00)
heh heh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:05:58.536000+00:00)
though even that much is disputed now I think
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T13:06:11.663000+00:00)
Well, even if it was kike slaves, still Egyptian architecture.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:06:16.430000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:06:26.919000+00:00)
and their organizational skills of shitty kike labor
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:06:56.558000+00:00)
Egyptian pyramids were mostly built by paid egyptian workers, sure some slave labor was utilized but the Bible isn't really accurate, goes without saying, there wuz a handful of kikes in Egypt sure but they didnt built the pyramids mostly.
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T13:07:23.509000+00:00)
The point is: niggers didn't build the pyramids
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:07:35.644000+00:00)
it was the sub saharan africans who built pyramids flying to the skies
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:07:56.457000+00:00)
so they could return to their homeworld
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:08:06.605000+00:00)
where Yakub awaits them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:08:24.053000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:08:30.317000+00:00)
This is still one of the funniest fucking things
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:09:30.586000+00:00)
I like the guns and roses part
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:09:38.454000+00:00)
Toto was my favorite by far.
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-15T13:09:39.037000+00:00)
I wish them well on their journey
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:10:09.421000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:10:11.290000+00:00)
"We invented everything ahead of *yyyyoooouuuu...*"
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:10:20.699000+00:00)
see the swastika? We wuz nazis n shiet
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:10:31.202000+00:00)
Hitler was BLACK.
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:10:59.910000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:11:45.766000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:11:46.781000+00:00)
Why did they have to remove the ethnicity filters! I really wanted to try it out on myself
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:11:53.116000+00:00)
Learn some real wisdom white devils
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:13:08.238000+00:00)
i bet they will say Socrates was african cause of his features
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:13:39.394000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:13:41.594000+00:00)
We wuz...
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:13:51.738000+00:00)
do someone know the version of faceapp with ethnicity filters?
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:14:08.055000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:14:21.331000+00:00)
we wuz friends with achilles n shit
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:16:50.387000+00:00)
looks like it is impossible to get back race filters for faceapp
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T13:17:33.060000+00:00)
they have been removed from the server
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:18:23.560000+00:00)
tbh i like Ethiopia
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:18:30.135000+00:00)
i think they will come back
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T13:18:32.286000+00:00)
i hope
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T13:19:05.765000+00:00)
why is the invite link not loading for me or do we have no permission
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T13:19:15.509000+00:00)
I don't think they'll come back tbh <@203572971795644416>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T13:23:02.726000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T13:23:06.515000+00:00)
The invite link is in the rules <@332484308445167630>
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-15T13:32:51.567000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> Yo, are there plans to revive DS Discord?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:44:51.657000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:45:42.894000+00:00)
*Mr Spencer rose to fame for being punched at an anti-Trump protest earlier in the year.*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T13:45:44.697000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T13:46:04.295000+00:00)
<@326825183329386512> There are a few backups, give us a sec with the site.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T14:31:07.578000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T14:31:20.219000+00:00)
>yfw jewish extremists score more than the neonazis
Confide Nemini writes: (2017-08-15T14:32:57.588000+00:00)
Alternate facts prevail
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T14:57:58.047000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T14:58:44.304000+00:00)
i understand commies talking about goteborg rally
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T14:59:04.962000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> they're discussing what soap mix to use for making bubbles
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T14:59:06.924000+00:00)
They are recruiting antifa activists for counter demonstration in Denmark
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T14:59:11.994000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T14:59:19.383000+00:00)
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T14:59:25.285000+00:00)
I mean in Göteborg from Denmark*
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T15:01:15.284000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T15:01:15.655000+00:00)
Someone really should go undercover with anti fa wearing a recording device. Get evidence that they're being paid to counter protest and make an undercover documentary about them
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:01:47.351000+00:00)
Lol Unicorn riot another proof they gay
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T15:03:11.239000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:03:29.300000+00:00)
yea i seen that pic couple times
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T15:03:37.643000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:03:49.177000+00:00)
i dunno
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:04:01.758000+00:00)
nothing they do suprises me now
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:04:14.080000+00:00)
they all faggs and degenerates
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T15:04:19.921000+00:00)
<@208336052199489536> lots of nice roofs in that pic
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-15T15:04:35.750000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> I agree
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T15:05:03.714000+00:00)
"TQILA" = Tequila?
Is this intentional?
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-15T15:05:24.164000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> alright cool
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:07:22.497000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:09:51.468000+00:00)
why am i not suprised
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-15T15:46:27.670000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> what nation are these people from?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:49:24.834000+00:00)
dont know i just jewgle searched the pic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:50:17.703000+00:00)
they talking about fighting in iraq and syria but that probably not true in my opinion
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T15:51:24.019000+00:00)
We should meme Muslim gay pride. It would cause a shit load of infighting on the left if we got it going
Freikorps writes: (2017-08-15T15:51:41.185000+00:00)
Freikorps writes: (2017-08-15T15:51:47.038000+00:00)
This is the organization
Freikorps writes: (2017-08-15T15:51:56.053000+00:00)
They are in DFNS
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:52:56.484000+00:00)
🤔 🔫
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:54:07.611000+00:00)
Where is this world going
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T15:54:11.070000+00:00)
this is nuts
Gre writes: (2017-08-15T15:57:14.444000+00:00)
Nazi solidarity battalion when?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T16:01:09.274000+00:00)
But Gre, someone might make a Nazi salute and CNN will take a photograph off of Twitter! What will we do then? We might look like Nazis! Oy vey!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T16:03:21.948000+00:00)
Nazi Death Squads when
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T16:03:35.790000+00:00)
this is better
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T16:20:22.892000+00:00)
Damn jews
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T16:20:51.603000+00:00)
BTW just saw 4 jews at dresden <:bonnier:328882489768542210>
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-15T16:22:37.709000+00:00)
Kraut and Tea is soc dem right?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T16:24:36.285000+00:00)
we have around 1.2 k jews still left in serbia
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T16:31:47.086000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T16:31:50.415000+00:00)
Based as fuck
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T16:40:07.076000+00:00)
What a lad
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T16:40:12.947000+00:00)
Based Jew
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T16:42:32.702000+00:00)
neckbeard jew
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T16:43:00.677000+00:00)
I really doubt he's a jew, his mom would have brought it up for sure.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T16:43:05.515000+00:00)
what magic do you think he is referring to
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T16:43:11.695000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T16:43:34.795000+00:00)
"Here, you have 6,000,000 jews. Now watch, as I make them disappear in a puff of smoke!"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T16:43:35.132000+00:00)
The soap converters
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T16:45:22.627000+00:00)
IBM. IBM custom-build machines for the Nazis that they could use to track everything… from oil supplies to train schedules into death camps to Jewish bank accounts to individual Holohoax victims themselves. In September of 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, the “New York Times” reported that three million Jews were going to be “immediately removed” from Poland and were likely going to be “exterminat[ed].”
IBM’s reaction? An internal memo saying that, due to that “situation”, they really needed to step up production on high-speed alphabetizing equipment. (Source: CNet [11])
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T16:45:32.761000+00:00)
do sand nigs make as good soap as jews did?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-15T16:45:59.614000+00:00)
or lampshades for that matter
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T16:50:33.281000+00:00)
If you want dark light and look dirty <:troll:333285395259195394>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T16:54:40.788000+00:00)
I hear it's pretty... Shit :DDDDDDDDDDDD
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T17:01:30.662000+00:00)
the Swedish army is fucking shit, just hiring women en masse to virtue signal
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:04:48.626000+00:00)
Har ikke Sverige fått verneplikt igjen?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T17:07:07.146000+00:00)
Förra året
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T17:07:20.328000+00:00)
värnplikt innebär inte anställning
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:08:23.084000+00:00)
<@314529158858276864> Ja, men det fokuserar på kvinnor och främlingar. För att var "mångkulturell" och "inklusiv"
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:08:40.781000+00:00)
Damn, det suger ja :/
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:14:42.861000+00:00)
Främlingar med?
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:14:56.285000+00:00)
Trodde ingen ville slåss för vårat land
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:15:06.550000+00:00)
De vil sikkert ikke det heller
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:15:14.363000+00:00)
hah, dom kommer aldrig göra värnplikt
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:15:44.376000+00:00)
Jeg synes at alle men skal ha verneplikt
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:16:03.425000+00:00)
Altså hvis du er svensk så skal alle etniske svenske menn ha verneplikt
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:16:08.646000+00:00)
På värnplikten tror jag att det är relativt svenskt
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:16:39.779000+00:00)
Dom tar ju psyktest
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:16:59.622000+00:00)
Oh shieett
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:17:53.818000+00:00)
Och sånt
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:18:09.010000+00:00)
behöver alla etniska svenskar till värnplikten, så dom kan senare slänga ut främlingarna
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:18:32.631000+00:00)
Jag tror att dom som vill göra värnplikten är nationalistiska
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:18:52.108000+00:00)
Det er en plikt
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:04.275000+00:00)
Det är inte obligatoriskt ännu
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:16.547000+00:00)
Tror jag?
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:23.403000+00:00)
Jo nå er det det tror jeg
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:28.383000+00:00)
Leste det nå
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:40.515000+00:00)
1. Juni 2017 så begynner verneplikten i Sverige
MOS MAIORVM (AKA Sola) writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:41.690000+00:00)
MOS MAIORVM (AKA Sola) writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:47.029000+00:00)
if you have a twitter please retweet
MOS MAIORVM (AKA Sola) writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:49.144000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:19:55.368000+00:00)
Håper dem ikke tar vekk verneplikten fra Norge
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:08.373000+00:00)
Håller med
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:13.660000+00:00)
Ska göra den nästa år
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:18.058000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:33.524000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:54.186000+00:00)
Södra Skånska Regementet
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:20:55.681000+00:00)
P7 här också
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:01.454000+00:00)
Men nästnästa år
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:14.419000+00:00)
Hur gammal är du?
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:17.169000+00:00)
Skal prøve med enten på HMKG eller Grensevakt
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:18.730000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:20.998000+00:00)
Er ikke helt sikker ennå
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:28.138000+00:00)
what about swedish army
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:33.345000+00:00)
they all fags?
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:41.087000+00:00)
The media side is complete faggot
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:49.254000+00:00)
I think some is alright
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:21:49.913000+00:00)
Im not sure
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:22:08.389000+00:00)
They said their purpose was to protect "lgbt rights" on instagram
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:22:19.105000+00:00)
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:22:20.919000+00:00)
forced to walk with fags for sure
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:22:24.229000+00:00)
Yeah saw that
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:22:27.494000+00:00)
Holy shit Sweden
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:23:05.263000+00:00)
That is what social democracvy and feminism does to you
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:23:16.100000+00:00)
The last bastion of nationalism in the sector
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:23:19.827000+00:00)
Wiped out by lgbt
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T17:25:02.385000+00:00)
but at least the scottish can wear their traditional dresses and pee in any bathroom they want now 👌
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:25:32.355000+00:00)
So can we 🤔
Mats writes: (2017-08-15T17:26:31.156000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:27:51.136000+00:00)
Perfect tattoos doesen't exis...
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:28:27.766000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:29:30.745000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:29:37.200000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:29:55.458000+00:00)
i wanna get this
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:30:56.698000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> Vad har du tänkt att köra
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:30:59.073000+00:00)
Vilket program
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:05.040000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:06.989000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:10.136000+00:00)
I värnet
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:23.841000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:32.847000+00:00)
Vet inte
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T17:31:54.668000+00:00)
Ja, varför inte infanteri
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:32:06.954000+00:00)
simo Hayha <@280277091843571712>
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:32:10.986000+00:00)
Vill själv amfibekåren
Viper writes: (2017-08-15T17:32:17.908000+00:00)
Men då måste man fan upp i Boden
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:32:55.750000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> damn right <:wp:330824114086346753>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:33:36.606000+00:00)
Have biggest commie killer count
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:34:43.550000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLTpKs2ylP4 song about him
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:35:34.658000+00:00)
Beautiful song
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:35:47.224000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:36:05.666000+00:00)
none broke his kill count
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T17:36:58.418000+00:00)
no, everyone today gets ptsd after one kill
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T17:38:03.663000+00:00)
most people aint made for war
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T18:05:27.490000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T18:05:34.387000+00:00)
bahaha, smelly dumb pseudo-NS scum
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:06:42.642000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:07:31.996000+00:00)
seen that guy all over yt
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:07:41.901000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> same
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:08:11.747000+00:00)
I haven't luckily
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:08:23.769000+00:00)
with the same comment
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:09:13.024000+00:00)
ruining fascist hat with pepe
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:09:23.609000+00:00)
Pathetic cuckold.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:09:56.496000+00:00)
>I understand national socialism has been lied about so we should keep lying about it
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:13.049000+00:00)
"we need to purge 'neo nazis' from the movement"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:19.745000+00:00)
In other comment that guy said if we got rid of all the extremist symbols the media would leave them alone.
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:23.657000+00:00)
We need to drop the swastika
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:25.634000+00:00)
Pure mental illness.
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:27.802000+00:00)
Looks bad
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:34.255000+00:00)
Gives us a bad image
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:10:50.311000+00:00)
We need to weaken our message to attract weak bodies
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:11:23.353000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:11:29.969000+00:00)
The only thing we should drop is communists from helicopters
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:11:48.170000+00:00)
i will print this on my mug
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:01.602000+00:00)
That's a good thing though, might cut off the ns people from AR
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:05.374000+00:00)
You guys are all cucks
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:12.052000+00:00)
Spencer is Hitler 2.0
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:18.704000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:19.482000+00:00)
The NSDAP must not be a follower of public opinion, but must become the master of public opinion. It must not be the masses’ servant, but their lord.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, V2, Ch6
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:21.337000+00:00)
Spencer is Hitler 3.0
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:24.140000+00:00)
Anyone who countersignals him or thr altright is antiwhite
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:25.042000+00:00)
dont forget daddy alex jones
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:38.869000+00:00)
If you dont like me you are antiwhite
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:41.701000+00:00)
Spencer is that cuckservative who Hitler punched.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:12:52.611000+00:00)
I unironically saw somebody saying that Spencer is too 1488
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:00.679000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:03.637000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:04.886000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:07.342000+00:00)
got siege today from IM
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:10.044000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:14.651000+00:00)
U say WUT m8
Jason writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:21.068000+00:00)
Spencer is too extreme
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:24.656000+00:00)
U wot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:33.239000+00:00)
His response to the cops was so pathetic.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:33.360000+00:00)
SPenecer is good jewish boy
Þórr writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:47.923000+00:00)
How is that really a surprise? People say that even Obama is literally hitler
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:48.066000+00:00)
He hasn't been against the system ever if this was this first trouble with cops.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:13:52.825000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Yeah, whiny
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:14:05.838000+00:00)
made me cringe
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:14:19.502000+00:00)
''we are on your side guys''
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-15T18:14:24.942000+00:00)
Chad Spencer. "I will root for u guise even if you arrest me".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:14:31.696000+00:00)
Dinners behind closed doors aren't really threatening to the ZOG, not surprised he was so SHOCKED by cops not patting his ass.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:14:34.380000+00:00)
"Blz sdob hidding me zog"
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T18:15:11.132000+00:00)
T. dickie spencer
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:15:44.277000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:16:08.380000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-15T18:16:26.683000+00:00)
tfw even sam hyde is more extreme
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:16:30.093000+00:00)
If the left wants to normalize violence, be my fucking guest.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-15T18:17:19.203000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:18:15.178000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:19:07.337000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:25:01.802000+00:00)
dickie spencer will newer get this extreme
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T18:29:49.246000+00:00)
Yeah !
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:35:15.782000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:35:17.683000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T18:35:58.571000+00:00)
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-15T18:37:53.272000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T18:47:40.388000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:48:45.947000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:54:52.953000+00:00)
cant use google
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:54:56.769000+00:00)
best alternative?
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T18:55:28.462000+00:00)
None to be honest, but DuckDuckGo seems to be thrown around whenever to avoid Google.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:55:28.914000+00:00)
is duck duck go ok?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:55:43.459000+00:00)
google has started to give really shitty result
nonsens writes: (2017-08-15T18:55:53.092000+00:00)
It is decent, search results are lackluster sometimes, but it does not seem to censor things.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T18:55:54.501000+00:00)
if you arent searching for degen stuff
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T18:58:13.419000+00:00)
use yandex I guess
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T18:58:30.864000+00:00)
usually gives russocentric results though
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T18:59:13.534000+00:00)
Based RT
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T19:01:09.898000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:02:02.068000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/241150438886342656/347064098137047062/Dugin.jpg
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:04:16.644000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:04:22.208000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:04:26.896000+00:00)
Oy Vey!
And here’s where a coalition could take shape. World Jewry isn’t as monolithic as some anti-Semites and philo-Semites like to imagine; and indeed, the fractions within it can be extremely mutually hostile. Speaking to the Jewish Federation in the late ‘90s, Bibi Netanyahu called America the “crematorium” of the Jews. He was referring to the tendency of Jews to migrate to the States, pick up on its ways, and never make it to Jerusalem.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:05:30.073000+00:00)
if any burger try to counter signal u just ask whats biggest jewish country
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:06:00.396000+00:00)
Richard "The gay jew" Spencer
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-15T19:06:08.596000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> Not again? Isn't this like the 1,000+th time that Jews have been "unfairly targeted"?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:07:54.319000+00:00)
Jewish Autonomous Oblast Coincidence i think not
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:08:54.880000+00:00)
God damn it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:09:01.405000+00:00)
/pol/ is trying to push Cantwell now
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:09:04.241000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:09:23.299000+00:00)
Vice are doing interviews with him to set him up as a public figure for the autistic right
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:09:40.404000+00:00)
A man who has made multiple public statements saying you should kill cops and federal agents
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:09:48.182000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:10:55.629000+00:00)
yea vice did utr rally interview mostly witth him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:11:01.201000+00:00)
That reporter is a jew
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:11:25.591000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:11:33.026000+00:00)
But this is very clearly a set up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:11:39.936000+00:00)
And it's going to cause a shit load of problems
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:11:51.481000+00:00)
Race mixing guy who promotes cop killing
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:12:36.023000+00:00)
The Vice interview with Cantwell was the best out of the entire event by far
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-15T19:12:36.186000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:12:39.148000+00:00)
People shoiuld see it coming but they won't and it'll cause another infight instead of focusing on issues that matter
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:13.555000+00:00)
Eh, how can they be responsible
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:15.290000+00:00)
there are lawsuits all around
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:20.257000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:33.352000+00:00)
that's america
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:35.208000+00:00)
Just a few days after this news broke, Chris wrote a blog post in which he said that “the answer [to things like the Bearcat issue], at some point, is to kill government agents” and “any level of force necessary for anyone to stop any government agent from furthering said coercion [tax collection in the context of funding the salaries of all government employees] is morally justifiable.”
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:39.852000+00:00)
everyone sues everyone
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:52.450000+00:00)
Cantwell had by far the best responses to the interviewer, so much better than anything the organizers could have come up with.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:13:56.120000+00:00)
"Bro, I made you famous doing a sick kick flip. Why you sueing me man?"
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:16.830000+00:00)
That vice interview is one of the best propaganda pieces Alt Right got
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:20.063000+00:00)
Really, he projected strenght, didn't back down, didn't apologize, his quote about meeting the left's market demand for violence was 10/10
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:24.204000+00:00)
made them look scary and tough
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:27.658000+00:00)
the city is obviously far more responsible
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:29.611000+00:00)
Cantwell was fucking great
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:30.604000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> stfu
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:34.545000+00:00)
Cantwell is one of the few if any reasonable voices.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:38.517000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:42.289000+00:00)
they let a bunch of cars drive down a street crowded full of protesters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:47.896000+00:00)
Did you just read what I linked?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:14:59.903000+00:00)
Cantwell has said on audio and in text you should be killing cops
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:08.843000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:09.131000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:10.266000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:11.961000+00:00)
nothing wrong with that
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:12.804000+00:00)
Fuck the police
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:14.701000+00:00)
That's a bad thing?
HMan writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:15.332000+00:00)
kill pigs
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:16.016000+00:00)
Blue lives Splatter
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:16.548000+00:00)
Does it change that he was right about everything in the interview?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:23.545000+00:00)
Literally he didn't say anything wrong.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:26.479000+00:00)
It's bad optics
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:27.738000+00:00)
There is no way pushing him won't end up "hidden documents from Alt right leader revealed! Kill the police!"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:28.592000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:35.600000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:42.585000+00:00)
he was saying the same shit for years now
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:47.549000+00:00)
watch his podcast
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:47.860000+00:00)
Alt right is already white terrorists, and was before this.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:50.609000+00:00)
he always says that
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:53.866000+00:00)
He was saying the same shit and ignored
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:53.943000+00:00)
pm me the link
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:54.177000+00:00)
calls for revoultion
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:54.769000+00:00)
I hope the alt right does take out another police helicopter.
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:56.306000+00:00)
most conservative americans, the only americans who might listen to this message, support the police
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:57.018000+00:00)
for violence
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-15T19:15:59.086000+00:00)
tbh the in fighting was bound to happen big tents do not work. Also the right in America needs to learn that the cops and the ZOG system aren't their friends especially after they got removed from their events and were pushed into crowds of antifa by police
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:02.505000+00:00)
He was totally right, left asked for violence, got it, he didn't cuck out, 10/10 interview.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:12.473000+00:00)
Now (((they))) are pushing him as an alt right leader
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:12.855000+00:00)
no one gives a shit about dumb conservatives
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:19.403000+00:00)
It's hilarious how MSM did a wonderful PR job for alt right.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:24.058000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:28.088000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Nah, it's (((them))) countersignaling him.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:30.185000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:32.629000+00:00)
they are the biggest fags of them all, leftists at least have balls to be violent
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:34.488000+00:00)
Read the ropeculture article
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:34.950000+00:00)
altright is cucks like antifa that are not commies
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:35.858000+00:00)
Good, maybe if he's seen as a leader then others might flow his example.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:46.325000+00:00)
I really really hope he is seen as the leader of the rally.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:46.383000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:50.633000+00:00)
One of the few with a spine.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:16:54.924000+00:00)
I don't know about you but I object to pushing drug addict, race mixing guys shouting how they should kill police
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:03.913000+00:00)
Who cares what he used to be.
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:10.849000+00:00)
most of the violent leftists, at least in the us, only have balls because they expect the police or others to protect them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:12.018000+00:00)
Not to mention his best friend got raided by the FBI for CP
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:13.415000+00:00)
I reject people who do nothing and whine about people who do something.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:15.758000+00:00)
It isn't used Loomer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:22.790000+00:00)
He's been "alt right" for 3 years now
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:25.237000+00:00)
Spencer has a sodomite furry buddy.
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:27.457000+00:00)
most american leftists don't expect a real fight
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:34.776000+00:00)
he race mixed 1 year ago then banned everyone who made fun of him for it
stem writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:57.140000+00:00)
european leftists might be different
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:17:59.215000+00:00)
He was still by far the best voice interviewed regarding the event.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:17.689000+00:00)
Cantwell is 90's skin head propaganda tier of degenerate drug addict.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:20.162000+00:00)
He made it look cool and tough and principled and hardcore, even if it really wasn't.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:20.251000+00:00)
He's also a libertarian does it matter? we are discussing what he said.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:21.974000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:24.947000+00:00)
He is the living stereotype
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:40.189000+00:00)
doesnt look on drugs anymore
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:43.158000+00:00)
got fit af
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:18:57.255000+00:00)
I don't know what you're trying to achieve here, no one will countersignal him for not shedding tears over a dead commie landwhale
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:05.950000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:15.375000+00:00)
Thank God they interviewed him and not Spencer or Kessler or any cuck.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:21.552000+00:00)
His crying to the cops was so pathetic.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:27.919000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:33.926000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:42.622000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:43.198000+00:00)
he did more for the alt right in that interview then any other leader has throughout the past 3 years.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:45.127000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:19:48.893000+00:00)
I'm not saying to counter signal cantwell
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:00.469000+00:00)
I'm saying don't associate with him because he's pure cancer
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:01.141000+00:00)
I'm saying his interview was the best and that's pretty much it.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:11.294000+00:00)
Spencer aint leader at all he just filthy rich jew
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:24.388000+00:00)
Kessler cucked out instantly begging for forgiveness, Cantwell was like "fuck that".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:27.550000+00:00)
It was 10/10.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:32.780000+00:00)
I really don't get what you're whining.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:20:51.656000+00:00)
Chris has a good character, I hope he is leaving his degenerate behavior in the past and will move towards NS in the future
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:05.991000+00:00)
you can see that he has a heart
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:08+00:00)
It's not the past. Why do you not understand that?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:09.017000+00:00)
unlike Spency
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:15.554000+00:00)
he is still meth addict?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:28.933000+00:00)
He is meth addict?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:36.508000+00:00)
he says he gave up drugs.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:48.553000+00:00)
and regardless
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:50.861000+00:00)
Cantwell is a degenerate, he gets himself clean, something goes wrong and he hits the bottle again
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:21:58.848000+00:00)
Meth and drink. Whores, the whole shebang
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:06.202000+00:00)
relapses happen
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:13.295000+00:00)
He's not a nazi, I know that, but his interview was the best and that's about it.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:17.034000+00:00)
Race mixing relapses?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:28.730000+00:00)
Don't worry, some times I relapse and fuck niggers lol
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:36.865000+00:00)
he never fucked a nigger
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:38.575000+00:00)
he fucked a spic
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:42.116000+00:00)
and he isn't a nazi
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:44.144000+00:00)
he is a libertarian
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:45.232000+00:00)
same thing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:45.499000+00:00)
He used to date niggers
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:47.335000+00:00)
get that into your head.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:55.181000+00:00)
He's American anyway, so I'm not ever gonna associate with him in any case. Even if he had been a racemixing meth user, he STILL was the best there. What does it say about the march lol
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:22:58.771000+00:00)
And he dated a spic while doing a white nationalist podcast
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:04.938000+00:00)
then he banned any one who trolled him for it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:12.073000+00:00)
now he's claiming to be a white nationalist again
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:21.718000+00:00)
a meth addict nigger fucking ancap did more for the movement in america then anyone else there
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:27.557000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:28.329000+00:00)
He's jewing people out of money better invested else where
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:29.991000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:23:47.611000+00:00)
Yeah like in Spencer and Identity Europa.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:24:00.217000+00:00)
Like the nordic resistance movement..
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-15T19:24:42.585000+00:00)
How did he Jew NRM out of money?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:24:43.196000+00:00)
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/0b7d189424fa4f22f2ab0af3c25e56e6352c0d3bf2bc52bff4ae322d17a6c8f5.png Future alt right leader right here
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:02.159000+00:00)
Still the best interview lol
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:05.362000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:06.352000+00:00)
By far.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:11.878000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:15.235000+00:00)
nice one
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:26.265000+00:00)
Who the fuck is that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:27.270000+00:00)
I'm not hugboxing him, just telling the fact.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:31.992000+00:00)
sorry for my curse there
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:45.564000+00:00)
I'm saying cantwell is being set up to be seen as a leader Then theywill say he's a violent anarchist trying to kill cops with audio to back it up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:52.710000+00:00)
That's the guy we're discussing
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:55.097000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:55.242000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-15T19:25:57.185000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:09.509000+00:00)
there is literally nothing wrong with killing tools of zog.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:18.465000+00:00)
There is nothing wrong with dead system pigs
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:19.526000+00:00)
I don't care who does it either
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:21.033000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:23.105000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:26.062000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:28.275000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:29.709000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:30.671000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:33.176000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:34.397000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:36.240000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:38.251000+00:00)
Declaring yourself a cop killer is going to end poorly.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:41.002000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I dunno where you think you're chatting, we have supported roping traitor politicians for ages. He was completely on point in the interviews about violence.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:46.854000+00:00)
Sad to say but cops are our enemy.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:50.488000+00:00)
Until we rule.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:26:54.754000+00:00)
I completely agree Loomer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:00.668000+00:00)
Rope the lot of them
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:08.653000+00:00)
and rope their defenders too
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:14.379000+00:00)
But don't go shouting your a cop killer in public unless you want the cops to come fuck you up
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:16.671000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:28.235000+00:00)
We can't fight the police head on right now. We will ust be murdered
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:28.391000+00:00)
cops are going to fuck you up regardless
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:34.303000+00:00)
Mecha read SIEGE my dude.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:39.944000+00:00)
so openly declareing you plan to kill them gets you fucked up
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T19:27:46.531000+00:00)
Cantwelll got maced two times that day, ofc he is a mad mad. "you made me who iam!"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:28:05.025000+00:00)
He saved a bunch of people, and did the best interview by far and made AR look a lot better.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:28:11.774000+00:00)
That's about it.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:28:43.137000+00:00)
They had dragged some nazis into the antifa group, and he started maching the commies.
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-15T19:28:47.650000+00:00)
Mecha did you not watch the rally? The police herded the right into antifa and that was after the right was chanting "blue lives matter"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:04.209000+00:00)
Just saying, he made AR look far better than anyone else in there.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:11.735000+00:00)
This is not about Cville events
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:13.258000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:20.440000+00:00)
It sort of is though.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:23.001000+00:00)
I don't care what Cantwell did at the rally
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:29.807000+00:00)
You seemed to earlier.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:29:42.839000+00:00)
I care that Cantwell is being promoted.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:02.499000+00:00)
why? he is a bad man u say
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:12.617000+00:00)
I don't if his ideas are damaging to the system.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:13.779000+00:00)
I hate the word but he had the best **OPTICS**
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:24.800000+00:00)
Yea, why would a white nationalist object to a race mixer being promoted?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:38.260000+00:00)
Because he's least cucked.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:44.102000+00:00)
Sorry guys, I was wrong. I'm going to go marry a nigger and have some beautiful brown children to save the white race
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:30:48.527000+00:00)
Sad to say but I wasn't born a nazi either.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:01.045000+00:00)
Very few privileged are.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:02.107000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:05.894000+00:00)
Cantwell has been a nazi for 3 years now
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:10.251000+00:00)
he race mixed 1 year ago
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:12.627000+00:00)
cantwell is a libertarian
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:14.097000+00:00)
not a nazi
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:14.690000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:15.482000+00:00)
As far as I know he's still not a nazi.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:17.610000+00:00)
stop saying he is a nazi
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:17.883000+00:00)
He dated a woman who had an abortion
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:18.568000+00:00)
lol what u on about
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:21.895000+00:00)
he went off the rails
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:27.384000+00:00)
he is a fucking libertarian that recognizes race
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:28.722000+00:00)
that is all
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:34.021000+00:00)
not a national socialist.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:35.510000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:38.104000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:31:56.742000+00:00)
what happened I just wanted to talk about dugin
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:10.637000+00:00)
Christopher cantwell is being promoted by people now
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:16.896000+00:00)
No he isn't.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:19.096000+00:00)
Where's that interview you talking about with cantwell that you praised <@!225299960529158156>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:26.948000+00:00)
A race mixing drug addict who often says we should be killing cops
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:30.014000+00:00)
It was discovered that Cantwell was not in fact the ideal National Socialist.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:32.864000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:39.558000+00:00)
Cantwell doing the best interviews of the event
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:41.480000+00:00)
he had the best interview
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:42.385000+00:00)
He's on fucking fire.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:43.906000+00:00)
at that cancerous rally
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:44.214000+00:00)
Free Speech Rally at lincoln memorial got much better publicity
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:47.686000+00:00)
>Race mixing is not ideal
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:32:49.368000+00:00)
that is all that was said.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:33:10.509000+00:00)
Burgers will still be burgers
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:33:25.923000+00:00)
Lincoln Memorial one was really small, tame and lame.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:33:45.304000+00:00)
this will impact the alt right better then the lincoln stuff
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:33:46.855000+00:00)
The interviewer constantly tried to get him to disavow and asked if nazis are violent.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:33:47.785000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> lol nice one
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:02.916000+00:00)
And he was like "I try to become more capable of violence" and said the commie cunt deserved the Dodge.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:10.420000+00:00)
In other words, nothing wrong.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:13.963000+00:00)
I'm done. Just please remember who warned you the set up was happening when the trap springs.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:23.694000+00:00)
It isn't a setup you fucking faggot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:33.345000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:34.303000+00:00)
he is a libertarian
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:38.909000+00:00)
we are natsocs.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:41.720000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65B3I5fWeGI
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:42.546000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:34:52.385000+00:00)
We know he is a libertarian and we're nazis, I'm just stating the fact he had the best optics by far there.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:03.423000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:07.982000+00:00)
Idk about some CONSPIRACY to set him up as a fuhrer or something lmao
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:27.015000+00:00)
a 'reformed' drug addict shouldn't be a spokesmen for the movement full stop.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:27.711000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i am fuckin laughin
Confide Nemini writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:40.592000+00:00)
Was it roids?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:42.103000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Sup, haven't seen you in a while.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:46.086000+00:00)
A reformed violent drug addicted who race mixes
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:49.146000+00:00)
A reformed drug addict vs a faggot, a conman or a man who was a married to a jew
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:35:50.965000+00:00)
hard choice
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:03.275000+00:00)
I'd gas them all ideally
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:05.620000+00:00)
You can tell in that interview - his eyes betray the fact he's on crack.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:11.288000+00:00)
Cantwell IS a conman, that's my point
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:14.989000+00:00)
I just don't give a fuck if you used to be a degenerate as long as you're over it. But it's irrelevant here. I just stated fact he was the coolest one around, that's it.
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:15.560000+00:00)
Yeah, gas the entire alt-right.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:19.136000+00:00)
Duke looked pretty rough there
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:21.585000+00:00)
Burger and their words
Confide Nemini writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:22.707000+00:00)
crackheads arent that big
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:29.184000+00:00)
What Terrible Tommy said was entirely correct on UTR.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:29.325000+00:00)
He larps as pro-white to make money off of idiots
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:36:56.285000+00:00)
he said something that was correct and ahead of the curb for the alt right
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:07.407000+00:00)
it was good
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:11.278000+00:00)
that's all that was said.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:13.431000+00:00)
you sperged out
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:19.089000+00:00)
and went into how he is a drug addict degenerate
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:30.792000+00:00)
we all already knew this
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:39.964000+00:00)
Yeah, he was much more on point when it came to cops and violence than anyone there. Again I'm a Scandi so my opinion of him doesn't really matter. Those are just the facts.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:37:50.544000+00:00)
Spencer cried like a bitch and Kessler ran to disavow and was beaten up lol
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:38:18.439000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb6KXe2Vt_A
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:38:26.152000+00:00)
<@320722807703076864> Might just as well accept it: Former racemixing meth heads are the vanguard of racial movement of 21th century
Confide Nemini writes: (2017-08-15T19:38:41.600000+00:00)
the vanguard dies first though right
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:38:46.021000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> Haha that interviewer fucked a jew, she must be so uncomfortable talking to him.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:00.353000+00:00)
she is married to one iirc
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:13.159000+00:00)
She always looks like she is on two bars of xanax and had just smoked a bowl
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:15.550000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:20.792000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:22.394000+00:00)
Pfffff hahahahaha <@!331147867035140096> Zhirik is hillarious as always
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:27.750000+00:00)
zhirik is hilarious yeah
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:28.479000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:39.914000+00:00)
Alex do you have that Zhirik interview regarding Polish monuments, it was great
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:41.864000+00:00)
not interview
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:42.312000+00:00)
She wasn't married to him when I looked her up. But even better
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:45.590000+00:00)
like Duma debate or something
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:39:51.800000+00:00)
She's got mild FAS I'm sure.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:09.262000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:09.381000+00:00)
I dont think I even seen that one
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:17.031000+00:00)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:25.042000+00:00)
<Жириновский в Ираке.mp4
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:26.925000+00:00)
A yes, maybe
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:36.273000+00:00)
in iraq
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:40:43.132000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> You should be pretty well equipped to find it, don't they tape the Duma debates or something? I just got linked it by a friend and it was classic Zhirik
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:41:38.867000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:41:45.630000+00:00)
this it? seems mild
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:41:56.763000+00:00)
also was the title in english or Russian
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:42:00.879000+00:00)
did it have subs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T19:42:07.012000+00:00)
will help narrow the search
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:42:12.967000+00:00)
Yeah but it looks like this.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:44:40.101000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-15T19:45:12.857000+00:00)
How could he be on crack?
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:45:16.291000+00:00)
🇷🇺 🇮🇱 🔫 🤔
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-15T19:45:46.400000+00:00)
Was he going to the bathroom every ten minutes?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:46:04.063000+00:00)
If he was on stimulants then he was really chill, I admire that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:46:21.592000+00:00)
I couldn't keep my cool like that.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:46:32.809000+00:00)
the last 10 seconds of that video are 5/5 kek
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:46:49.687000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:46:54.658000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:47:14.496000+00:00)
Zhirinovskiy is like Seselj but he's actually Jewish and even more retarded
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:47:18.460000+00:00)
(((They))) have said both Golden Dawn and Nordic Resistance secretly want to drug their thug soldiers to create supertroops.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:47:22.121000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-15T19:47:48.981000+00:00)
I can barely control my urge to yell racial slurs without crack
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-15T19:47:49.987000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:48:07.491000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:48:42.561000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:48:45.085000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:48:45.357000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:48:50.635000+00:00)
<@271520696323145729> Yeah, I mean if Cantwell was on meth that was some pretty terrible crank.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:49:02.764000+00:00)
He would have gone like a bulldozer through the reds.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:49:21.691000+00:00)
Seselj and Zhirinovskiy are what Bert Karlsson would be like if he was still in politics
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:49:38.952000+00:00)
But but one person died. Doesn't that mean you have to stop your movement? ¨
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T19:49:48.482000+00:00)
Fucking hate reporters
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:06.298000+00:00)
You have to disavow and cuckout immediately, we are exclusively for pacifistic nazi revolution
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:11.803000+00:00)
they are another thing serbs and russians have in common
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:20.303000+00:00)
If cops beat you over the head, drop your pants and bend over goy
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:30.129000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:37.305000+00:00)
You're the Wr. Alda guy right?
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:41.221000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:51.070000+00:00)
Frisia will be incorporated into the Nordic Union by 2025
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:50:58.143000+00:00)
fine by me tbh
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:51:06.950000+00:00)
denmark is rightful frisian clay though tbh
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:51:34.705000+00:00)
where do you know me from to be exact? just curious
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:51:53.991000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:52:00.319000+00:00)
ah ok
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:52:15.102000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:52:27.793000+00:00)
i guess setting up a chapter of the NRM in the netherlands would be a bit strange though
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-15T19:54:34.904000+00:00)
<@187218265271959552> Yeah, I personally could not see that happening.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:54:57.688000+00:00)
Everything the light touches is rightful Nordic clay.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:55:10.727000+00:00)
<@187218265271959552> Not really
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:55:24.543000+00:00)
We're open for establishing in the Baltics and they're not always considered Nordic
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T19:55:41.172000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:56:04.003000+00:00)
👌 no finns though
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:56:12.866000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:56:55.516000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:56:59.702000+00:00)
a big block of many countries would be necessary to be able to sustain a sense of self-sufficiency, since the entire controlled world will be after us then
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:57:05.749000+00:00)
they are a bit nordic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:57:16.783000+00:00)
even we are bit nordic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:57:46.103000+00:00)
Nordic NS state will border both Germany and North Korea.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:57:49.371000+00:00)
and nords are bit slavic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:57:55.025000+00:00)
Rurik was a Finn so Russia is rightful clay as well.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:58:32.075000+00:00)
aint russian vikings
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:58:37.729000+00:00)
so many asiatic kebab hordes in russia though 🤔
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:58:49.199000+00:00)
they can be purged
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:58:49.852000+00:00)
will be quite a job to get rid of them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T19:59:20.086000+00:00)
Churkas will be deported to Caucasia and we will build there a big beautiful wall.
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T19:59:27.416000+00:00)
what to do with saami? 🤔
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T19:59:39.980000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:07.826000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:09.013000+00:00)
I'd be willing to ship them off to a different part of the world, look at this: *Waralden Olmai, also known as Maylmen Olmai, Radien-attje, Jubmel or Vearalden Olmai, was a major Sami god.*
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:12.230000+00:00)
They can stay I guess as long as they keep the reindeer off the roads.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:26.454000+00:00)
Samis are considered an integral part of the Nordic nations, they're allowed to be members.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:31.679000+00:00)
I think we have two or more Samis in this server
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:40.083000+00:00)
Now this is diverse.
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:42.686000+00:00)
no interbreeding though I hope
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:50.562000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:56.814000+00:00)
<@187218265271959552> I'm pretty sure there isn't a single pure Sami left
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:00:57.214000+00:00)
didnt know that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:08.271000+00:00)
Samis are generally whiter than US white.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:15.661000+00:00)
Samis ARE whiter than US white
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:20.372000+00:00)
they don't look that white though tbh, at least the pictures I've seen of them
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:23.611000+00:00)
look more asiatic
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:29.770000+00:00)
but I could be wrong
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:33.720000+00:00)
Some anthropology book from 1850?
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:01:59.098000+00:00)
<@187218265271959552> I suppose they're basically like Uralic peoples in Russia
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:00.531000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:05.202000+00:00)
Burger aint wite
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:14.518000+00:00)
they brown
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:20.983000+00:00)
I guess there's just a few asiatics among them then
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:27.507000+00:00)
Compare this to burger Heinz 57 varieties of wop and med whites
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:02:52.731000+00:00)
I guess we pretty much muhdikked the local natives.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:01.547000+00:00)
<@187218265271959552> Pretty sure thats a tourist
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:10.777000+00:00)
There are a lot of photos of people in Sami garb that is just photos of tourists
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:15.087000+00:00)
I guess I take my statement back then
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:17.074000+00:00)
You have blacks dressed in Sami outfits
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:23.391000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:26.234000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:29.683000+00:00)
These are basically the archetypes of samis
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:31.410000+00:00)
"Genuine Swedish lapland"
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:31.658000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:38.908000+00:00)
OMG <@!239096222277828610>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:44.040000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:46.990000+00:00)
Left is the more authentic one, right is the more "Teutonic"(?) one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:03:56.468000+00:00)
what is it <@262741174144598029>
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:03.878000+00:00)
The picture you posted
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:09.133000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:14.964000+00:00)
what about it
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:20.913000+00:00)
Nice looking woman
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:23.608000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:27.391000+00:00)
our army
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:27.574000+00:00)
should have been obvious tbh
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:48.209000+00:00)
she could lay siege at my place anytime. lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:53.423000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:04:58.045000+00:00)
she could read SIEGE at my place anytime <:dream:333302050979053580>
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:05:09.367000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:05:23.678000+00:00)
just wanted to post that
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:06:30.554000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:06:37.509000+00:00)
Isn't this the same girl as in first pic you posted?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:07:20.904000+00:00)
they look similiar
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:07:30.989000+00:00)
What is the Serbian military like these days?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:07:59.422000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:08:33.263000+00:00)
started to get better equipment so good and more girls applied for army than guys
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:08:53.423000+00:00)
I recall seeing info about Serb military receiving/buying Russian fighter jets some years ago
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:08:59.432000+00:00)
>more girls applied for army than guys
Pretty Swedish.
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:00.679000+00:00)
>women in the army
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:03.583000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:07.784000+00:00)
its probably for propaganda purposes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:11.054000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:19.759000+00:00)
we get migs at end of this year
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:32.666000+00:00)
No it was some years ago
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:09:45.658000+00:00)
Anyway what's the military like? iirc you don't have conscription anymore
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:10:10.513000+00:00)
yep damn jew sold souls
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:10:33.272000+00:00)
we can get 3 month volunteer service after we 19
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:11:04.701000+00:00)
but for fulltime job as army man u need to go to school but now u can only get in with connection
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:11:29.503000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:11:30.553000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:12:11.013000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:12:25.302000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:12:29.595000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:07.059000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> You need to study at the military academy?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:10.200000+00:00)
I prefer the one with the helmet on.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:11.945000+00:00)
If it's not thicc it's not NS.
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:28.441000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:38.865000+00:00)
if ya want to be fulltime military ye <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:13:53.777000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> In Sweden we're bringing back conscription this year
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:07.890000+00:00)
best i can get would be 3 month volunteer service next year
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:13.288000+00:00)
I might be conscripted, hopefully not though cause muh gender identity muh tolerance muh peacekeeping muh Grease parodies
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:14.455000+00:00)
Lol that lasted long Dan.
HMan writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:27.789000+00:00)
at least you'd get some survival training
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:30.806000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:44.241000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:14:48.337000+00:00)
they say we might get conscription back in next years but i dunno
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:15:19.153000+00:00)
We have had conscription since like before we had an army.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:15:34.704000+00:00)
You either had to join a militia or rest in a ditch.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:15:48.954000+00:00)
In Sweden we have grease lightning in Serbia you have this
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:16:15.653000+00:00)
yea i know about that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:16:24.477000+00:00)
We used to have conscription in Grand Duchy but Finns chimped out so much BLM style the Tsar abolished it.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:16:48.012000+00:00)
Finland is russian clay russia is finland clay
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:17:08.780000+00:00)
In the previous town I used to live there was even a small memorial to Finns killed in Russian Turkish war.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:17:50.167000+00:00)
Finns removed kebab nice
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:01.619000+00:00)
DS is back up
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:01.960000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:27.133000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:29.896000+00:00)
There's this one army song singing about terrible brits chimping out on Finnish coast during Crimean War, eternal anglo and all that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:42.138000+00:00)
We're pretty good at holding grudges but we ain't got nothing on Serbs.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:18:43.526000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Is your professional army good then? i.e is the military academy admissions based on merit or on financial/social influence?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:22.883000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:27.162000+00:00)
There have been like 12 battles of Kosovo and they're still butthurt about each.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:34.887000+00:00)
few merits
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:44.404000+00:00)
applicants that gets in
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:50.501000+00:00)
First time I encountered Serbs online was some serbs yelling in YouTube comments about never forgetti the 1300 and Tsar Lazar etc.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:52.087000+00:00)
but army in whole is good
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:19:59.920000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:20:05.081000+00:00)
Can't you just join the reserves then
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:20:07.346000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:20:45.021000+00:00)
Everybody can do 3 month Volunteer service after they turn 19
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:20:46.193000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:21:06.693000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Yeah but what about enlisting as a reserve?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:21:22.577000+00:00)
dont know about that i think no
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:22:05.514000+00:00)
reserves here are just people who served military and got out of it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:25:13.092000+00:00)
I like the conscription and gun law in switzerland
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:27:31.666000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:28:30.118000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:28:52.088000+00:00)
Buying guns for recreational use is impossible in Sweden, you can only get for competition or hunting.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:32:15.812000+00:00)
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:32:17.710000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:32:33.148000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX2gSjS2qyU&feature=youtu.be&t=776 cantwell crying 👌
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:32:41.762000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:01.199000+00:00)
If there is man in the house you need to have at least one gun in house
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:04.202000+00:00)
This one is great
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:09.343000+00:00)
A Massachusetts police department is investigating a Facebook comment by an officer who wrote “Hahahaha love this” in response to a story about a car crashing into counterprotesters at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one person and injuring at least 19 others.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:14.094000+00:00)
all white countries need to be like that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:29.870000+00:00)
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:37.218000+00:00)
all white americans at least have 2 or more guns
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:33:47.791000+00:00)
some have 3000
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:34:24.543000+00:00)
like one guy who owns tanks rpgs and 50 cals every ww2 gun and just about every gun you can think of
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:34:34.209000+00:00)
you can own as many as you want
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:34:54.470000+00:00)
Why did he upload a video of himself crying
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:35:31.195000+00:00)
"We've tried to be lawful and nice and cooperated with police and they've oppressed us and antifa are threatening us" okay so why are you crying
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:35:41.852000+00:00)
we are 5th country by guns per 100 ppl
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:36:04.331000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> which country russia?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:36:05.645000+00:00)
Because he's upset the guys he wants dead won't work with him
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:36:46.101000+00:00)
What an awful video
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:36:50.222000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:04.913000+00:00)
americans and their geography
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:05.400000+00:00)
He's shaking and crying and saying he'll turn himself over to cops because he's terrified they'll kill him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:18.503000+00:00)
Black Helicopters tier.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:19.732000+00:00)
aint obvious
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:26.170000+00:00)
dumb burger
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:32.445000+00:00)
Saying he would be ready to shoot cops would be 100x preferable.
Ayden writes: (2017-08-15T20:37:34.053000+00:00)
how dare you <@!239096222277828610>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:38:40.202000+00:00)
When was the last time US government was a force of good? If ever?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:38:46.825000+00:00)
Just a general question.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:39:03.840000+00:00)
they kille a lot of feather nigers
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:39:12.949000+00:00)
finding Burger with knowledge of geography and history is hard to find as is it to find nigger with high IQ
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:11.688000+00:00)
^ True tbh
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:14.661000+00:00)
I don't even mind that, but I fucking hate burger patriotards.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:17.462000+00:00)
All nazis do I guess.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:32.194000+00:00)
I saw some Serbian documentary where the host took a burger and threw it in a garbage bin, then went to buy pljeskavica
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:38.399000+00:00)
"Heh, National SOCIALISM, we have tried socialism already and it didnt work, my granpa killed nazis, god bless USA"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:40:50.913000+00:00)
pljeskavica best dish
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:07.485000+00:00)
I have never
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:28.517000+00:00)
what happened to burger patriots?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:34.080000+00:00)
They were huge in the 80s and 90s
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:41.937000+00:00)
Then Bush came along and suddenly they vanish
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:44.425000+00:00)
They still huge sadly.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:41:50.574000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:42:06.365000+00:00)
Even Alt Right is full of such people.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:42:34.656000+00:00)
I guess the litmus test is if you think you can "work" the government.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:42:35.773000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:43:47.070000+00:00)
Are they the burgers who turn up with assault weapons to defend tacos?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:44:17.093000+00:00)
Oathkeeper types
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:44:19.962000+00:00)
and people like them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:44:23.234000+00:00)
Pretty much yeah.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:44:41.077000+00:00)
One of them literally had a heart attack mid demo LMAO
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:44:54.090000+00:00)
They look like stolen valor morbidly obese mall cop retards
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:45:00.650000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:45:07.704000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:45:17.620000+00:00)
Be grateful to the BLACK patriots who fought the Bri'ish you dumb nazi, Israel = Greatest ally
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:45:50.515000+00:00)
When your nation used to fight the traitor negros and now they rule you
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:46:06.060000+00:00)
America is Biggest Jewish Country
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:47:15.475000+00:00)
When are they renaming themselves "Greater Goyland"?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:48:08.392000+00:00)
Iranians are not wrong about Great Satan and Little Satan.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:49:52.206000+00:00)
I wonder how the Jews expect to survive in a world where America is run by blacks.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:50:15.093000+00:00)
that true
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:50:34.269000+00:00)
Blacks are easy to rule over, retarded nogs have chimped out every time the MSM has told them to.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T20:51:02.240000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:51:54.109000+00:00)
yea but kikeland relies on America to be it's dink
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:52:18.637000+00:00)
No burger means no body guard from china and russia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:52:49.784000+00:00)
America will be Divided Half half by them if this continues
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-15T20:54:23.933000+00:00)
"What did you think would happen after 8 yrs of blacks rioting ,raping ,murdering,and calling for the death of white people and cops. I dont like what im seeing on either side and obama is the cause of it." top comment on that video
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:10.939000+00:00)
try 30 that I know of
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:14.861000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> JUST
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:33.109000+00:00)
This happens way too often whenever I'm using PS or SV
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:37.655000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:39.705000+00:00)
Need to get a proper PC
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-15T20:55:43.370000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Believe me there's still a LOT of patriotards
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:56:27.230000+00:00)
any idea why they are proud of it?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:56:39.779000+00:00)
Of their no history
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:57:47.995000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> hey I know that design
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:07.823000+00:00)
they won the war just cuz UK seen that as side stuff
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:17.444000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:18.825000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:21.970000+00:00)
HUGE image
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:23.857000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T20:58:44.190000+00:00)
my 1/8th spanish grandma, 1/4th german grandda,1/12th native American, and 1/2th Irish grandparents did not fight the Nazis so they could march on our streets today #America #Proud #Trumpismypresident
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:59:33.549000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> It's from a Finnish poster
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T20:59:44.359000+00:00)
I know
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T20:59:44.519000+00:00)
Didnt really know what i was going for with it, just started on it
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:00:02.086000+00:00)
Im gonna do some colorization for Gre instead
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:00:05.841000+00:00)
and they are dumb af
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:00:16.866000+00:00)
the thing I posted above is something I made from that poster after KU sent it my way when I figured out how to do shapes in photoshop
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:00:58.362000+00:00)
Alright, looks good. Might steal that since I only had a jpeg at hand
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:01:10.499000+00:00)
most of them dont know even their "history" and geography let me not talk about knoweldge of worlds history and geography
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:02:13.723000+00:00)
My PS always freezes and crashes when I try to change large text
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:19.105000+00:00)
I remember asking this one guy Freshman year of high school what side the U.S.A was on during WW2 and he said the Axis. I asked him the same question 2 years later and he gave me the same answer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:26.149000+00:00)
I think almost the entire West doesn't know their history any more
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:31.697000+00:00)
*Wymysiöeryś ej ju dy besty śpröh*
This is an actual language, some Germanic language in Poland
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:37.071000+00:00)
a Pole sent it to me
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:48.988000+00:00)
that is true
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:49.098000+00:00)
UK history education is Saxons, Egypt and NAZIS
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:03:52.017000+00:00)
Looks awful
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:04:52.135000+00:00)
One area we're really lacking is in education
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:04:59.343000+00:00)
They didn't teach about Holocaust back when I was in school but I guess it's been added lately.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:05:23.625000+00:00)
We could do with having websites that teach traditional fairy tales, mythology and history.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:05:33.561000+00:00)
we compared education from serbia and us what they tought in High School we were tought in elementary school
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:05:42.918000+00:00)
Our history was: CIVIL war, WINTER war, CONTINUATION war (not operation barbarossa we were just Hitler's buddies it was fine) and that was about it.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:05:44.494000+00:00)
Our traditional European heroes have been replacd by kike heroes like Ironman and Captain America
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:06:03.329000+00:00)
Captain Kike
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:06:22.994000+00:00)
Someone needs to go to a rally cosplaying red skull
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:06:30.158000+00:00)
go up to all the civics
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:06:36.921000+00:00)
"The jews made me this way! I had no choice!"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:07:29.926000+00:00)
I wonder if someone gave that red skull speech from the recent marvel comic if it would work
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:07:34.543000+00:00)
It was dead on
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:07:42.775000+00:00)
be fun to turn jewish propaganda on them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:11:23.728000+00:00)
That would be really autistic.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:11:28.705000+00:00)
No offense.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:11:36.649000+00:00)
The Spartan and Stickman were bad enough.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:13:16.526000+00:00)
Of course it would be autistic.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:16:51.319000+00:00)
In burger land autism is all that's on the streets. You're either autistic or staying for Dickie Spencer's world famous gay after party orgies.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:19:37.762000+00:00)
Real American Hate Hours who up
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:20:22.177000+00:00)
I hate America
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:20:26.737000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:20:43.255000+00:00)
😔 ✋🏻
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:21:14.554000+00:00)
But without America where we will we get our movies to watch?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:21:30.231000+00:00)
Russian movies are great
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:21:36.446000+00:00)
>better start learning Russian
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:21:41.227000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:21:49.722000+00:00)
Stockholm 2022
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T21:22:43.472000+00:00)
new article boys
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T21:22:44.133000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:22:48.334000+00:00)
I only watch Bollywood movies
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T21:22:52.081000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:23:24.605000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Nice
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:23:27.571000+00:00)
I already posted it heree hyper
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:23:31.440000+00:00)
in advertising
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:23:35.328000+00:00)
BTW I was going to mention earlier
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:23:53.217000+00:00)
If anyone wants to write articles for us, you can write English articles and submit them to Nordfront
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T21:24:24.900000+00:00)
pick anything you like from NOOSE?
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T21:24:33.490000+00:00)
*We are on a constant lookout for interesting news to write about. If you have a news story from where you live, do not hesitate to contact us. Tips, news, self-written articles, photographies or movies of interesting recent events that can be featured on our website, are more than welcome.
Submissions can be made to:* nyhetsredaktionen@nordfront.se.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:24:33.652000+00:00)
Slav media in general is great. It comes from misery and squatting.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:26:47.605000+00:00)
Sounds like me after Taco Bell.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:28:15.648000+00:00)
Eating mexican food.. traitor
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:28:44.856000+00:00)
Taco Bell isn't mexican
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-15T21:30:29.445000+00:00)
The people who make it are
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T21:30:48.740000+00:00)
waipipo are messican?
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T21:33:03.734000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T21:33:06.232000+00:00)
literally shaking rn
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T21:40:18.925000+00:00)
Is that a real tweet from Donald? <@187218265271959552>
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T21:41:46.887000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-15T21:41:47.683000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:56:45.760000+00:00)
where is kim jong chad meme
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:57:10.377000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T21:57:12.822000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T21:57:25.369000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:22:41.395000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:23:12.198000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:28:13.946000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Shalom! False flag or real?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:28:44.292000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:28:46.974000+00:00)
That's 100% real.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:13.708000+00:00)
Why would that be a false flag? Antipodean Resistance is the best thing from Australia.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:25.105000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> that fuck
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:28.597000+00:00)
kinda question
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:29.421000+00:00)
is that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:30.076000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:31.867000+00:00)
of course its real
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:35.063000+00:00)
its our aussie lads
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:36.166000+00:00)
execution of jews is that fake news?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:37.909000+00:00)
Olsson you dumb.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:49.346000+00:00)
Antipodean Resistance is the foremost Aussie nazi group.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:50.988000+00:00)
BTW. Hostel is at Dresden Antifa zone <:wp:330824114086346753> <:heil:331491634229411840>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:29:57.813000+00:00)
They have a poster that says LEGALIZE THE EXECUTION OF JEWS.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:30:09.882000+00:00)
One of my favorite all time posters from any group, btw.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:30:15.340000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:30:26.200000+00:00)
Every single window has fck nzs or gn wp or Antifa or something similar.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:30:41.921000+00:00)
Broke: Stop white genocide
Woke: Start jewish counter extermination
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:31:07.922000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:31:57.020000+00:00)
If you think this is a false flag you should probably turn off Renegade.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:32:14.389000+00:00)
Whoah no one can really hate the jews
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:32:22.391000+00:00)
I do hate how the fake news narrative has made lemmings cry FAKE NEWS at legitimate instances of NS activism
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:32:52.233000+00:00)
I mean, Atomwaffen is funded by Soros
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:32:57.246000+00:00)
Tru facts.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:33:03.203000+00:00)
I got my Soros paycheck yesterday
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:33:03.273000+00:00)
NRM is funded by Russians.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:33:05.469000+00:00)
infa 100%
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:10.250000+00:00)
Yes putin pays us weekly
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:11.664000+00:00)
Forgot NRM is also trained by Russians.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:24.193000+00:00)
AW is going to get its guns and money from the Chinese also.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:32.684000+00:00)
That's gay
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:37.555000+00:00)
Damn commie
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:37.915000+00:00)
I don't like jews living in the diaspora and many of them are guilty of being parasites spreading multiculti degeneracy. But putting up "execution of all jews" on a primary school...
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:43.639000+00:00)
Hezbollah hooks us up with AKs and South American coke.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:44.550000+00:00)
the hell do you mean weekly?? <@!311554642490294272> fucking foreign operators get more of a stable FSB salary than I do for running a honeypot!!!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:34:56.755000+00:00)
...is awesome.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:03.849000+00:00)
...is the only solution.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:12.667000+00:00)
haha not really
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:17.032000+00:00)
Haha, yeah really.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:23.184000+00:00)
What's with you countersignaling everything here.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:29.620000+00:00)
bad optics, dude.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:36.022000+00:00)
you'll never win over the normies.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:35:52.890000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:01.253000+00:00)
I got a headline for them: Tykes gassing kikes
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:23+00:00)
I never countersignaling NRMs activism
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:35.443000+00:00)
He said everything here.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:44.708000+00:00)
Gassing kikes is not for us <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:45.861000+00:00)
You just countersignaled Antipodean Resistance
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:36:51.926000+00:00)
which is a national socialist group in Australia
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:37:18.191000+00:00)
I bet you'll counter-signal Atomwaffen Division too since we call for race war, right?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:37:34.102000+00:00)
or killing drug dealers
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:37:54.895000+00:00)
man, the list can go on but it can't top LEGALIZE THE EXECUTION OF JEWS
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:38:15.185000+00:00)
ok do what you want resistance is better than nothing
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:38:24.992000+00:00)
You have to admit it's funny and effective, you have Sam Hyde as an avatar.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:38:46.349000+00:00)
Am I saying anything bad about NRM? 🤔
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T22:38:47.646000+00:00)
plus its not illegal
they are just calling for state legalization of it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:38:51.274000+00:00)
"How to bomb the US government" has to become the obligatory reading right after SIEGE.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:39:10.567000+00:00)
Some say that James Mason even disavowed Sam Hyde.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T22:42:07.913000+00:00)
<@343850001459314698> Do you think it's going to be illegal in a Nationalsocialist state to execute jews?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T22:42:14.109000+00:00)
In any?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T22:42:23.803000+00:00)
By the state
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:42:52.683000+00:00)
As long as the jews have a swimming pool
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:43:09.584000+00:00)
NRM party program naturally reinstates the death penalty for treason.
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T22:43:26.824000+00:00)
Daily reminder that there are 1000 people here and your personal views should be interpreted as such
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:43:42.321000+00:00)
If they are seen as a threat, sure
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:43:42.987000+00:00)
Well, literally.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:43:58.127000+00:00)
but move them out is the best
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:44:23.786000+00:00)
along with their immigrants
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T22:44:41.439000+00:00)
why is that the best
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:44:51.540000+00:00)
Theoretically, do you think they'll just leave happily and don't try to fuck with Europe in any way with their stockpiles of nukes or anything.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T22:44:55.190000+00:00)
I want them to move to Israel.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T22:44:55.230000+00:00)
dont you want revenge for 2000 years of them fucking with us?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:45:03.136000+00:00)
They're already prepared to nuke all European capitals according to Samson Plan.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-15T22:45:10.308000+00:00)
especially for last 150 years
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-15T22:45:22.890000+00:00)
I want to collect them all in the same place
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:45:50.614000+00:00)
Thats what NRM Our path says, in a humane way move them out
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:46:03.071000+00:00)
I said theoretically.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:46:05.422000+00:00)
not execute all jews
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-15T22:46:29.976000+00:00)
but sure, death penalty
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:15.462000+00:00)
Remember when GLR was asked about this very same question? It was hilarious.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:18.933000+00:00)
Was there video of it?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:20.819000+00:00)
What do you think the death penalty is?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:29.195000+00:00)
I think it's the Canadian news interview.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:31.870000+00:00)
lemme look
Snarf writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:35.064000+00:00)
Yeah it was
Snarf writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:43.700000+00:00)
He said like 80% of kikes are traitors and should be killed
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:45.540000+00:00)
He said that he supports death penalty for traitors. He was asked which percent he thinks of the jews are traitors. "90%".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:53.683000+00:00)
Was there a video somewhere?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:47:58.543000+00:00)
I'm sure it was 90%.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:00.420000+00:00)
I saw it on jewtube before
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:01.352000+00:00)
in any case
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:03.813000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:08.554000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:08.627000+00:00)
Was it that one?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:24.575000+00:00)
I remember he was interviewed outside and the kikes chimped out after the question.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:48:27.093000+00:00)
Well he got around.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:50:10.572000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-15T22:50:14.756000+00:00)
The Commander ❤
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-15T23:08:53.577000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-15T23:09:18.487000+00:00)
Ouch, right in my national socialism 😢
Tyler writes: (2017-08-15T23:11:08.883000+00:00)
what a fag
Славрос writes: (2017-08-15T23:12:10.654000+00:00)
>national socialism is actually liberal nation-state civic nationalism
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-15T23:27:08.393000+00:00)
<@300684838040502286> do i see golden dawn up there
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T23:29:59.235000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-15T23:30:11.500000+00:00)
(as long as they're "nationalists")
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T23:42:08.454000+00:00)
<@300684838040502286> haha
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T23:42:34.154000+00:00)
This is what you get with "An ethnic home for every race <3" shilling aimed at your own people
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T23:43:02.761000+00:00)
"Look at these two chinese guys in the Heer! Hitler loved chinese and they are clearly our equals! National Socialism means TRUE diversity!"
dylb writes: (2017-08-15T23:43:08.821000+00:00)
-facebook ns
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-16T00:06:38.104000+00:00)
I think the ww2 author Veronica Clark is writing a lot of books how diverse the reich was.
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T00:10:57.410000+00:00)
http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion - just incase anyone wants the dark web link to the DS
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-16T01:31:48.614000+00:00)
When was the above written?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-16T02:00:51.804000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T03:10:30.961000+00:00)
Can anybody confirm the above link for the dailystormer is legitimate? I dont want pedo shit coming up.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-16T03:13:03.822000+00:00)
they changed it to .wang but it seems to be working right now <@307177682314199040>
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T03:13:13.339000+00:00)
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T04:00:21.730000+00:00)
borders, nations, mass deportations
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-16T04:08:31.605000+00:00)
<@207961833603072012> Does not work for me.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-16T04:08:37.273000+00:00)
Says the server is rip.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-16T04:10:05.922000+00:00)
sorry what I meant to say was that it wasn't working
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-16T04:57:49.604000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-16T04:57:55.223000+00:00)
Me on the left
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-16T04:58:19.266000+00:00)
Wide angle lens shrunk me lol
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T05:07:38.415000+00:00)
did you get the pleasure to smash any antifa scum <@217106788074389514> ?
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T06:44:54.518000+00:00)
Interesting idea:
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T06:44:58.601000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T06:53:15.573000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> damn midget <:putin:333560834318139394>
Vague writes: (2017-08-16T09:42:49.015000+00:00)
http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link if anyone is looking to get on the stormer without having to install your browser
Vague writes: (2017-08-16T09:43:03.541000+00:00)
Tor browser*
QuranWOW writes: (2017-08-16T10:42:28.466000+00:00)
QuranWOW writes: (2017-08-16T10:42:30.930000+00:00)
Black Lives Matter
QuranWOW writes: (2017-08-16T10:42:40.692000+00:00)
If they don't matter then how are we gonna learn how to shoot ?? 💯
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T10:50:07.577000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T10:50:24.522000+00:00)
>swastika is a fun meme
>but c'mon
>using it IRL?
>what are you, an actual nazi?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T10:50:38.212000+00:00)
maru writes: (2017-08-16T10:57:41.039000+00:00)
maru writes: (2017-08-16T10:57:45.326000+00:00)
what happened to dailystormer
maru writes: (2017-08-16T10:58:02.767000+00:00)
oh , it's just updating dns?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T10:58:55.809000+00:00)
I wonder if he is able to explain why the swastika is *just a meme*
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T11:09:30.349000+00:00)
Cuz it triggers da SJWs, duh
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T11:31:58.871000+00:00)
probably triggers a lot of other non-political persons as well because of (((brainwash)))
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T11:41:02.856000+00:00)
Vague writes: (2017-08-16T12:03:25.209000+00:00)
dailystormer.ru is up
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T13:59:42.593000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T14:24:56.897000+00:00)
Are potato niggers allowed in the Ethno state or are we being realistic again and keeping them out?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T14:38:20.811000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T14:44:54.437000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> check our political program. <:putin:333560834318139394>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T14:45:29.182000+00:00)
I will give you a link soon. Also nordic frontier discussed it episode 1 or 2 I think.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T14:47:37.920000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T14:47:53.915000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T14:50:12.437000+00:00)
I was just making a joke to wake the chat up a little
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T14:50:21.588000+00:00)
Hunting leftists like they hunt Muslims?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T14:50:46.442000+00:00)
Do they have to avoid arresting them if it's a leftist holiday like they do muslims here?
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-16T15:11:47.384000+00:00)
- AltRighters almost sound based in this survey
- "Blacks more human than Democrats"
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:20:54.068000+00:00)
How they can even make this kind of survey for trolls? <:troll:333285395259195394>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:21:06.125000+00:00)
What can you except for results?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:21:15.134000+00:00)
Expect *
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T15:30:05.972000+00:00)
<:troll:333285395259195394> 🔫
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:30:52.580000+00:00)
Also, I don't see the issue with being dehumane. <:redpill:339777783662116865>
Damania writes: (2017-08-16T15:33:37.621000+00:00)
It's a PR issue
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T15:34:26.212000+00:00)
Who cares about pr
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T15:34:47.034000+00:00)
No need to worry about pr when the kikes run the show
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T15:35:51.492000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> This is just another form of "those wacky nazis!" Don't join them!Question your sanity
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:36:16.423000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:36:45.267000+00:00)
There are too many people anyways. Who cares if about 1-3mrd people get lost <:varg:333280265910616064>
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:37:26.264000+00:00)
Wow! A varg emoji ❤️❤️
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-16T15:40:04.157000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-16T15:48:05.035000+00:00)
How are you folks doing today
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T15:48:54.698000+00:00)
good getting my library started
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:53:33.592000+00:00)
I'm doing alright. Waiting for my train.
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:56:03.449000+00:00)
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:56:50.159000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:57:07.608000+00:00)
Doing fine, checked Dresden old Town and museums tody
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:57:48.812000+00:00)
Ah, I wish I lived somewhere that isn't America :/
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T15:58:13.614000+00:00)
I wish I lived in some desert town in America tbh
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:58:31.065000+00:00)
Go to Kansas lol
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T15:58:44.037000+00:00)
Well I wasn't too serious, I'd actually never step foot in America tbh
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T15:58:49.598000+00:00)
Hahah good
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T15:59:00.758000+00:00)
Just daydreaming while watching some speech about prepping and survivalism etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T15:59:11.827000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T15:59:47.565000+00:00)
Had discussion with 'murica people yesterday. Horrible place
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:00:07.664000+00:00)
It's garbage, the only good thing about living here is you can't get "in trouble" for being what we are.
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T16:00:14.271000+00:00)
The internet is in meltdown over this stupid Cville crap
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:00:14.961000+00:00)
Right hand in the air
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T16:00:57.275000+00:00)
Survival in the hills seems a genuine alternative
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T16:01:19.095000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-16T16:01:21.737000+00:00)
I'm ready to go 'Varg'
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:05.295000+00:00)
Hope everyone has a great day. I need to secure the existence of my dying phone battery. ✌🏻️
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:11.661000+00:00)
<@251211610432077825> you can buy guns at walmart
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:21.036000+00:00)
Not in my state
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:29.730000+00:00)
yea but that guns are shit
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:31.118000+00:00)
well you can buy guns pretty easily compared to the rest of the world anyway
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:35.418000+00:00)
and not worth buying
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:39.881000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> they have decent guns at walmart I think
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:51.900000+00:00)
Yea, I can just go to a gun show and buy one "under the table"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:03:57.060000+00:00)
Hipoint aint decent at all
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:04:39.876000+00:00)
Here in serbia we are 5th by guns per 100 ppl around 37.something guns per 100 ppl
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:04:47.847000+00:00)
but america surpass it al
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:05:27.839000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:05:58.203000+00:00)
In a 2007 comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Sweden ranked at No. 28
In a 2007 comparison of the rate of private gun ownership in 178 countries, Serbia ranked at No. 5
USA is obviously #1
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T16:05:59.002000+00:00)
<@251211610432077825> what are you painting?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:06:11.231000+00:00)
america is 88.something guns per 100 ppl
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:06:26.703000+00:00)
<@251211610432077825> skate punk nazism
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T16:07:04.190000+00:00)
Please do niggers go away we are full -graffiti
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:07:35.863000+00:00)
Do one of these
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:08:18.926000+00:00)
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:08:58.164000+00:00)
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:09:01.213000+00:00)
The only good thing about America is that I can do this on a main road lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:09:29.244000+00:00)
but u have lot of negroes and spics in USA
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:09:56.661000+00:00)
Not where I live 😄
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:10:22.569000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:10:53.877000+00:00)
so u live somewhere in midwest
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:01.749000+00:00)
Nah, east coast
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:11.442000+00:00)
lot of italians
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:19.892000+00:00)
America is growing on me, unfortunately, I don't know why
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:28.045000+00:00)
I'm 100% wop 😦
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:33.620000+00:00)
Am I white?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:11:36.786000+00:00)
Just feels free 🦅 🍔
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:12:20.685000+00:00)
Americans just seem like you have a lot more autonomy as individuals in relation to the state bureaucracy
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:13:01.030000+00:00)
only part of usa 100 % governed by federal government is Washington DC
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:13:46.209000+00:00)
and california and southwest are most cucked in USA
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:17:49.147000+00:00)
<@251211610432077825> whats wop
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:19:10.093000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> a wop is an eyetie
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:19:15.939000+00:00)
<@251211610432077825> yeah
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:20:08.911000+00:00)
oh that yep
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:20:10.914000+00:00)
he white
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:20:12.521000+00:00)
As long as your family isn't from Tuscany you're white
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:20:20.042000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:21:52.445000+00:00)
i only been to northern italy only pretty girls where german tourist girls
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:22:14.985000+00:00)
Americans just have a lot more space. Much harder to set up a police state with so much area to cover
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:23:15.873000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:24:00.491000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> well if you're a threat they'll just send five SWAT teams, a couple of choppers and planes, armored police cars, snipers, etc and take you out
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:24:28.668000+00:00)
But I get what you mean yeah, though I'm mostly positive towards their lack of bureaucracy and state micromanagement in everyday life
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:24:30.079000+00:00)
forr 1 guy
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:24:50.082000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> Its a bad and good thing
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:24:54.697000+00:00)
Good thing for us
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:02.949000+00:00)
Bad thing for all the individualists
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:27.769000+00:00)
The less local stuff is the worse it becomes is a good rule of thumb
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:35.111000+00:00)
Freedom has destroyed anything good here
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:41.969000+00:00)
Freedom without duty
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:47.270000+00:00)
Freedom without loyalty
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:25:52.171000+00:00)
Individualism isn't a problem when you have healthy communities
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:26:01.837000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:26:17.942000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> Yeah
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:26:19.924000+00:00)
I'm talking about individualism as in hey i wanna be a faggot
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:26:25.956000+00:00)
Let me be myself and leave me alone
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:26:45.967000+00:00)
Within a national socialist system, the individual is apart of the whole
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:01.847000+00:00)
Freedom is good when it's earned
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:07.355000+00:00)
But American individualism is cancer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:11.126000+00:00)
The illusion of freedom is good
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:12.398000+00:00)
That's my point
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:25.424000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> post in meme_warfare
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:29.239000+00:00)
The Freedom to choose between good option 1 and good option 2
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:35.250000+00:00)
Not the freedom to make your own options
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:42.452000+00:00)
oh we have that
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:27:47.027000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:29:48.420000+00:00)
I'm interested to know how nationalism will look with the advent of so much easy movement.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:29:55.738000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> Seems like it would be a lot easier to setup a community in the states though, since you're all rich and everything is cheap, and you have vast territory and simple bureaucracy with flexible legislation
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:09.660000+00:00)
It is
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:23.388000+00:00)
There is already a plan called the butler plan
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:32.960000+00:00)
No one wants to do it though
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:42.644000+00:00)
Setting up a community is easy, keeping it pure isn't. That same freedom you have is also given to niggers
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:43.109000+00:00)
Cause everyone is scared of being Waco'd
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:49.268000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:30:54.337000+00:00)
I was just going to suggest AW should do it though
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:10.402000+00:00)
But yeah you'd probably be SWATed to death
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:17.162000+00:00)
We've already been talking about it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:20.285000+00:00)
The north west front exists
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:24.230000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:28.121000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> they didnt swat islamberg
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:38.798000+00:00)
Our guy with over 800 acres of land dipped out
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:55.699000+00:00)
and in euro terms
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:59.318000+00:00)
thats how muh
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:31:59.778000+00:00)
Well even if you don't setup a full on off-grid community I think you should be working on racial economics and self-sustenance
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:04.385000+00:00)
We literally lost almost all our assets after the incident
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:07.481000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:12.950000+00:00)
That sucks
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:19.392000+00:00)
We had guys who ran private businesses
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:20.024000+00:00)
at least u got mason back
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:22.478000+00:00)
So we had income
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:25.939000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:37.475000+00:00)
So we've been struggling
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:32:51.865000+00:00)
It would be easier to co opt a town than build your own if you're wanting to build a white community. Do what the free state project did but without the dude weed XDDDDDDD
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:33:03.633000+00:00)
sent you a pm since there's like 1000 people here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:33:05.930000+00:00)
Everyone moves independently to an area and pushes their agenda
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T16:34:09.323000+00:00)
100% bavarian phenotype only
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:34:35.207000+00:00)
bavarians were commie country once
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:36:00.811000+00:00)
has any one put serious effort into mapping European nations in the coming 50 years? i.e. which will fall to Islam, which will resist it and whats the likely battle grounds?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:36:48.614000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> all will fall except Poland
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:37:46.647000+00:00)
Remove Kebab is only way europe can survive
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:37:56.111000+00:00)
If everyone but Poland falls then Poland gets alla snackbarred into a crater, bad end for us all
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T16:37:59.246000+00:00)
i hope there is no eu map in 50 years
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:38:13.456000+00:00)
I agree Kebab remover
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:38:37.960000+00:00)
poland survived friggin black death
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:40:13.376000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:41:55.798000+00:00)
testing emoji
<:serbianpeacekeeper:347419677690953728> <@!239096222277828610>
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:42:01.487000+00:00)
Bit small I suppose
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:42:24.245000+00:00)
i have another varg emoji
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:43:08.033000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:43:16.211000+00:00)
try this for emoji
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:43:45.184000+00:00)
emoji 1
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T16:44:11.849000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> too big, would hardly be intelligible
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:44:19.585000+00:00)
emoji 2
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T16:46:34.687000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> yea i seen who i put as peacekeeper very nice
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T16:46:35.429000+00:00)
It would be nice to find white produced clothing outside of specalist itms. Too much chink shir
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-16T16:49:25.676000+00:00)
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-16T16:52:42.986000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:00:04.988000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T17:06:53.995000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T17:10:24.642000+00:00)
Remember Saturday Berlin clock 12:00 <:heil:331491634229411840>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T17:10:26.951000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T17:10:32.217000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T17:12:22.861000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:22:41.893000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> huh?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T17:23:43.389000+00:00)
They started to link potential emoticons
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T17:23:52.658000+00:00)
just added two
noobtia writes: (2017-08-16T17:24:17.519000+00:00)
Oven is decent <:wp:330824114086346753>
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:24:23.417000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:24:26.645000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:31:07.367000+00:00)
testing some more emojis
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:31:20.527000+00:00)
<:evola:347429912157749248> <:soldat:347432042125852672> <:merrykopf:347426916439162881> <:hitler:347424257543897089>
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:32:23.490000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Tror inte SS funkar, ska kolla ugnen
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:33:52.523000+00:00)
vad sägs om den här
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:36:39.099000+00:00)
If the West falls how will African culture survive? Who will make them tires to put round their criminals and set fir to?
Aleksi writes: (2017-08-16T17:37:21.424000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:38:21.761000+00:00)
yea we know Varg hates white people but he's not African, he just acts like it with his church burning, murder and hatred of white people. 😄
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:39:45.056000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T17:40:46.591000+00:00)
The planned guest for the NRM podcast, Thomas, is committing fraud by representing Vanguard America without the legal owners permission
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T17:41:21.954000+00:00)
<@271520696323145729> send me a PM
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T17:41:25.243000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:49:37.548000+00:00)
Which podcast? Nordic Frontier?
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T17:51:27.995000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:52:49.399000+00:00)
Is there a new podcast network since the Jewish wife incident?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:53:40.917000+00:00)
Dunno I stopped listening to TDS around the time this happened
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T17:53:59.315000+00:00)
Uh, not really
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T17:54:05.359000+00:00)
I just listen to WLP podcasts
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:54:16.295000+00:00)
I know angry frog appeared but it went no where. There's radio aryan but it's a mixed bag
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T17:54:21.558000+00:00)
Stopped listening to TDS after the Jew wife shit
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:54:53.946000+00:00)
I listen to Nordic frontier once in a while
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:55:23.182000+00:00)
But mostly when chilling out
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:56:06.481000+00:00)
I really liked Europa weekly until they went full potato nigger and ditched all the old hosts
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:56:48.056000+00:00)
There's a gap atm for podcasts beyond the AR
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:58:37.521000+00:00)
Mysterium fasches (I think) is good but a little too religious for me
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T17:58:45.340000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:59:15.803000+00:00)
Is it Christian or what?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:59:30.543000+00:00)
I'm on board with basically all their platform but I just don't like Muh jesus for an hour straight as entertainment
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:59:39.220000+00:00)
It's a very traditional Christian podcast
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T17:59:45.759000+00:00)
Straight up reactionary
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T17:59:50.614000+00:00)
Not for me then
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:00:33.138000+00:00)
thats too much
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:06.253000+00:00)
when I get dragged into american feuding
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:07.388000+00:00)
I liked the daily traditionalist but Heimbach left and its quality dropped
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:20.258000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> Have you guys at IM/AW thought about making a podcast or a type of network? Something radical and not the typical trump worship the AR does /did
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:35.180000+00:00)
Myth of the 20th Century history podcast is good.
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:36.619000+00:00)
I've thought about it
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:45.651000+00:00)
i've never mentioned it to anyone or anything
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:50.149000+00:00)
but that is a great idea tbh
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:51.388000+00:00)
they used to have one
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:53.112000+00:00)
Hanged Fool
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:02:56.363000+00:00)
I really enjoyed it
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:01.431000+00:00)
only lasted like 10 episodes
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:14.639000+00:00)
They should do a podcast called Rope Culture
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:23.794000+00:00)
This was the Rope Culture podcast
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:24.412000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:42.629000+00:00)
The problem is worth while content. Unless you're an activist involved on the street there's not much you can talk about that's worth investing the time in
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T18:03:54.724000+00:00)
Focusing on a mix of ideological stuff and commenting on current events
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-16T18:04:05.400000+00:00)
Jan Lamprecht also makes good recordings and Alex Linder does audiobooks.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-16T18:04:21.412000+00:00)
Would be nice. There's a huge lack of ideological stuff in podcasts
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:04:26.338000+00:00)
What would be useful is a book review podcast
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-16T18:04:50.574000+00:00)
Kulturkampf reviews the classic European canon
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:05:03.823000+00:00)
What ideological stuff could you put in a podcast that isn't already out there?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-16T18:05:08.389000+00:00)
The owner left TRS in protest of kikewife
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:05:33.755000+00:00)
TRS got shoahd
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:05:50.211000+00:00)
Couldn't happen to a nice kike fucker
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:05:55.287000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:06:44.208000+00:00)
The movement in general needs more media . Even just songs would be useful
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:04.329000+00:00)
You could find some funny dudes
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:08.777000+00:00)
and just riff on news article
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:11.533000+00:00)
about the movement
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:16.460000+00:00)
and then throw in some purity spiraling
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:27.301000+00:00)
I know people make parody songs but they're not really sustainable entertainment
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:28.760000+00:00)
Would be something nice to listen to during commutes or downtime
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:07:38.583000+00:00)
Purity spiraling? You a TRSodomite lad?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:08:27.066000+00:00)
We need a lot more music
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:08:39.748000+00:00)
something that can appeal to the regular person
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:09:16.386000+00:00)
too much black metal and punk, there needs to be more catchy stuff
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:09:45.189000+00:00)
Implying I think purity spiraling is bad
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-16T18:09:55.954000+00:00)
My avatar is literally THE purity spiral
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:10:09.904000+00:00)
I don't mean brain dead pop, more just simple ones musically
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:10:48.055000+00:00)
I enjoy country at the moment. every song tells a story and it's super white
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:10:58.629000+00:00)
Country is nice
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:11:02.175000+00:00)
too much not!dubstep as well
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:11:16.362000+00:00)
I hate dubstep and electronic music overall
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:13:00.321000+00:00)
u a raycist lad? u no like de jungle beats and WHOOP WHOOP SKREEEin'?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T18:14:17.211000+00:00)
what's your favorite country song
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T18:17:43.448000+00:00)
Simple, repetitive rock songs as in "We will rock you" and "Seven nation army" seems to have an absolutely massive effect on large groups of people strangely enough. Also stuff like Danzig - Mother and the likes. Imo it seems rock is the right genre to produce the music in but maybe not punk or death metal
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:22:34.621000+00:00)
They're basically old war songs is why
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:22:57.613000+00:00)
A drum beat and a simple chant is how you unify any group into a single entity
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:23:11.689000+00:00)
New wave is the best genre
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:24:33.614000+00:00)
New wave was far too homosexual. Good music but too much shit on dicks
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:25:09.970000+00:00)
I listen to heavy metal and subgenres 95 % of the time
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:28:50.493000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> its cool though
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:28:52.603000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:29:03.391000+00:00)
Also yeah the aesthetics were kind of gay
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:29:23.560000+00:00)
yep that looks super gay
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:31:35.177000+00:00)
they were all metrosexual looking
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:31:47.531000+00:00)
It's one of the defining features of the 80s
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:32:04.225000+00:00)
Either you were a yuppy, a punk or Richard Spencer
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:32:39.807000+00:00)
punks wore bondage though
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:33:03.155000+00:00)
Punks wore whatever the jews told them to
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:33:15.764000+00:00)
I dont think jews told them to wear swastika armbands and tees
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:33:51.178000+00:00)
My musical evolution is awful tbh but better than most
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:34:13.787000+00:00)
80's punk was fueled by pop music.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:34:34.766000+00:00)
It was 100% leftist "I hate the system" while following the system's propaganda
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:35:00.746000+00:00)
Hiphop/dadrock/80s pop (what sieblings and parents listened to) > grunge > punk > oi > R.A.C > weird shit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:35:27.058000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:36:32.895000+00:00)
Rap is the only music genre you need
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:36:52.976000+00:00)
Once you listen to it you can safely kill yourself knowing you can't sink any lower
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T18:37:42.615000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T18:37:48.732000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:38:14.134000+00:00)
Rap is not music
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:38:25.511000+00:00)
unless its about killing kebabs
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:38:29.933000+00:00)
White people don't rap, they read poems
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T18:38:40.358000+00:00)
only negroids take poems and make them rap songs
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:39:16.936000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T18:39:52.379000+00:00)
whatever, depends on the lyrics
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:40:17.503000+00:00)
this is good lyrics
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:40:22.559000+00:00)
cc for subs
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T18:41:34.102000+00:00)
this is good
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T18:47:39.412000+00:00)
i was never that much into rap
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T19:05:19.730000+00:00)
looks like dailystormer.ru already is shoahd
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T19:11:28.292000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:11:37.490000+00:00)
apparently its not the domain that's shoash'd but the ip
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:11:50.202000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:12:05.541000+00:00)
Gonna watch through their material
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:12:06.349000+00:00)
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:14:38.954000+00:00)
not sure about azov though
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:14:52.243000+00:00)
soros mercenaries
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-16T19:15:07.862000+00:00)
only very indirectly
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:15:14.311000+00:00)
Is anybody interested in helping me to devolop a system of hierarchy for WN groups? I already have a concept in mind, but I would like more input. I also have a discord set up to discuss these ideas. The discord is solely for this purpose, so their is not much irrelevant posting.
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:17:40.209000+00:00)
well literally fighting for NATO and Soros
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:17:44.746000+00:00)
I wouldnt call it very indirectly
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:19:11.471000+00:00)
I don't care as long as they are genuine
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:19:43.138000+00:00)
but relying on money like that can be an issue
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:22:34.643000+00:00)
I dont question their commitment
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:22:48.378000+00:00)
But i do question their understanding of basic stuff
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:22:56.913000+00:00)
Like the war they participate in
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:23:02.444000+00:00)
that's why I was about to study it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:23:17.233000+00:00)
the war I'm alright with, I can see why they don't want to be usurped
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:23:41.178000+00:00)
if they as a battalion want to join EU I can't agree with that
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:28:24.957000+00:00)
The thing about Ukraine is that even though i dont "support" the russian side, i definately can understand their arguments
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:28:52.568000+00:00)
And with self-proclaimed NS azov, i do not understand how they take up arms against it together with NATO, Soros, the EU and american jewish think tanks
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:30:36.311000+00:00)
Makes me question everything about them
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:30:55.328000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> azov is jewish washingtonbot multiculturalism in disguise, yes or no? 🤔
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:30:58.207000+00:00)
And i have considered them to be more or less mercenary "ns"-shills
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:31:12.832000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:31:16.624000+00:00)
I know
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:31:38.419000+00:00)
Just wanted you to join the discussion since you're Russian and knowledgeable about the situation
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:32:11.699000+00:00)
azov have lot of cucks
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:32:37.456000+00:00)
Srbska Akcija have guys in Donbass right?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:32:39.933000+00:00)
cucks are all croats
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:32:42.949000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:32:50.319000+00:00)
"cucks are all croats" -serb
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:33:00.915000+00:00)
sounds unbiased 🤔
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:33:38.895000+00:00)
Azov's political party is weird
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:33:44.812000+00:00)
not really national socialist at all
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:33:51.571000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:34:27.942000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:34:36.619000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:34:40.132000+00:00)
in donbass
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:35:03.068000+00:00)
why a thumbnail instead of full pic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:35:41.765000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:35:47.351000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:35:57.468000+00:00)
5.4. Deregulation of the economy
5.4.2. Taxes in the state are set at such a level that in every way to encourage foreign and domestic investors to invest in the real sector of the economy and priority national projects of Ukraine.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:35:59.298000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:36:08.733000+00:00)
Azov is being played by the oligarchs. But the oligarchs have allowed Azov close. One day, Azov may bite the hand that feeds them, kill the oligarchs, and steal their wealth.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:36:27.719000+00:00)
I hope so, but who knows
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:36:53.866000+00:00)
Doesnt that just make them rich thugs?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:36:55.491000+00:00)
it's hard for me to tell what they really think and what they say so far
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:37:11.906000+00:00)
<@307177682314199040> what paramilitary formation didnt do that in the end
offroad62 writes: (2017-08-16T19:37:17.406000+00:00)
I dont know i would suspect they wouldnt be able to handle that kind of influence without going nuts (see ISIS) and eventually provoke NATO bombings
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:37:35.543000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> tl;dr for me but looks okay from what I did read
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:37:35.933000+00:00)
Dmitry Yarosh has positioned himself into a seemingly comfy spot close to the oligarchs also. He will turn on them when the time is right.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:04.116000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> Indeed. The oligarchs know this too. They have to tread carefully.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:10.088000+00:00)
it's not really unsuitable, just lacking any natsoc touch I think
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:20.602000+00:00)
Yarosh? pff
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:26.794000+00:00)
Ukraine is full of natsocs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:35.052000+00:00)
but foreign investors, not sure.. deregulation might be bad
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:38:51.628000+00:00)
Ukarine is full of jew controlled natsocs.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:39:46.819000+00:00)
point 14. is where the nat soc really comes in
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:01.449000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> I thought all of it seemed good
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:06.077000+00:00)
got to about point 9 but I was just skimming through it
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:09.131000+00:00)
I liked the sports bit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:27.583000+00:00)
14.1. The struggle for a radical increase in fertility
14.2. Strengthening the Institute of the Traditional Family
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:40.616000+00:00)
The rest seems to also be NS
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:44.089000+00:00)
with sub goals, which I didn't quote
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:40:46.402000+00:00)
Didnt care to read all of the economy bits though
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:10.509000+00:00)
They mention Ukrainocentric education and economic regulation
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:26.135000+00:00)
And they want to heavily promote sports apparently
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:49.216000+00:00)
this is what I don't understan:
5.4. Deregulation of the economy
5.4.2. Taxes in the state are set at such a level that in every way to encourage foreign and domestic investors to invest in the real sector of the economy and priority national projects of Ukraine.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:52.438000+00:00)
They will all be dead before any of that occurs. The oligarchs will see to that.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:52.952000+00:00)
There's a point on there called "Economic nationalism", didn't read it properly but check that out
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T19:41:58.320000+00:00)
I think under 3.4 or 4.3 or smth
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:42:15.416000+00:00)
as long as it isn't jewish investors
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:42:34.416000+00:00)
but maybe it's a bit strasserism to say that
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:44:00.265000+00:00)
Slavrus has been typing for a long time now.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:44:12.710000+00:00)
he fell a sleep at the keyboard
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:44:17.096000+00:00)
get ready to be blown
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:44:21.742000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:46:05.937000+00:00)
I know this is going to be good.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:46:28.534000+00:00)
Any second now.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:23.522000+00:00)
(Elevator music is playing in the background)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:37.821000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:41.797000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:42.497000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:45.394000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:47:49.940000+00:00)
i'm not even remotely done guys
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-16T19:51:28.810000+00:00)
Remember, no russian.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:52:00.939000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:52:11.238000+00:00)
russian smiley
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:53:19.727000+00:00)
1. Azov - formerly the Social National Assembly, formerly the Social National Party, this shit goes decades back and there's tons of their materials out there in Ukrainian and Russian, I actually translated some stuff into English and if you read it it's clear that they are NS and started out and acted as a smaller scale movement, somewhere in between NA and NRM. Biletsky was in prison when Maidan happened over trumped up charges. When he was released he and the core of the SNA formed Azov in Kharkov. They were joined by Russian hardline NS until the Russian NS made up practically half of the entire Battalion. They got a lot of donations to fund themselves with uniforms and even equipment and vehicles, i.e. some people just outright bought them vehicles, they started out in different uniforms and shit until the state started giving them funding as well because at the time they would fund fucking anyone who fought against the separatists. They got integrated into the Internal Affairs Ministry but they also have so much of their own infrastructure now (civil corps, political wing, officers academy) and wide popular support that they are poised in a perfect spot to take on the state and gain power for themselves, however they can't do that because of a larger geopolitical issue.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:53:26.725000+00:00)
2. the entire conflict is a proxy geopolitical war of influence between USA and Putin, USA funds the thieves and jews in Kiev to advance their agenda, and Kiev then just blindly gives out money to whomever will keep them in power and stop the separatists, Kiev's entire support hinges on talking shit about Russia because otherwise THEY HAVE NOTHING, they go to absurd lengths to talk shit about Russia including how the Russian army would be using fucking YANDEX MAPS ONLINE to plan the invasion of Ukraine proper and avoid TRAFFIC JAMS TO KIEV FOR THEIR TANKS - its fucking retarded but they banned Yandex based on that, they have to spew this kind of rhetoric 24/7 to both please USA and keep groups like Azov at bay, because the second Kiev drops its strict opposition to Putin and the separatists Azov will be front of the line to kick them out under the slogan of "they are selling our country to Putin". This is what I mean: Azov needs a legitimate excuse to take power in a way that does not provoke either Putin or USA to take them out for having done that. Big fat irony is that USA doesn't care if its nazis in power so long as they are against Russia and Putin in reality likewise doesn't care if its nazis in power so long as they are against integrating into the EU, however if the takeover happens by force without a good reason to justify it, both sides will be compelled to go in against it, USA would scream muh democracy and Putin would scream "evil nazi COUP".
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:53:30.056000+00:00)
3. About Yarosh. Yarosh is the leader of the Trident group which was the core for the Right Sector alliance of nationalist groups, however he's more of banderovite in his presentation than NS. ALSO before the maidan, during one of his group's outings they had a special guest - the former head of the ukrainian security service (SBU) under the pro-EU preisdent before Yanukovich, I forget his name right now. During his time in that position he had open CIA advisers, and he shows up to be friends with Yarosh and trident while he's out of office? And then he's suddenly appointed to that position AGAIN after maidan? He's out of that post now again, meanwhile Yarosh had successfully left Right Sector and left it to fend for itself to form his own thing, hadn't followed his story since.
moral of the story is: Kiev leaders are opportunistic thieves and jews out to sustain their power just long enough to fill their pockets, Yarosh is not trustworthy or explicitly NS, whereas Azov are, however Ukraine is a geopolitical battlezone for USA and Putin, hence they cannot act until the opportunity presents itself to take power in such a way that it does not give either USA or Putin an excuse to roll over them.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T19:53:34.691000+00:00)
oh boy
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:54:18.507000+00:00)
Too long. Cant read it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:55:05.329000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:55:11.015000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:56:18.116000+00:00)
I can also a bit into the history of the Social National Party and how the Social National Assembly came about
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:56:27.853000+00:00)
and then there's this translation of an SNA text that I did:
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:56:28.517000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:56:43.574000+00:00)
it's NS through and through, just got the letters reversed
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T19:59:01.835000+00:00)
Russian NS made up most of the Azov. Why is Azov so antirussian?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:59:22.439000+00:00)
it's never been antiRussian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T19:59:26.092000+00:00)
Situation and power interest?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T19:59:42.748000+00:00)
Azov once held a demonstration with a proposal to exchange captured separatists for imprisoned Russian NS in Russia
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:00:11.308000+00:00)
I thought Azoz was hatefully racist against ethnic Russians.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:00:20.777000+00:00)
It probably is about self-governance, not ethnicity
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:00:24.456000+00:00)
they have songs about "the Russian brother, tricked again by the bolsheviks just like a 100 years ago"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:00:37.888000+00:00)
no they're not
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:00:51.006000+00:00)
p.s. ethnically no difference between Russians and Ukrainians
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:05.656000+00:00)
Ive always felt that the war was fratricidal.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:07.996000+00:00)
its actually mostly banderovites who have this "ethnic" anti-Russian hatred, like yarosh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:25.211000+00:00)
they talk about banning Russian language and so on
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:34.157000+00:00)
And the banderotes are western ukrainians?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:43.970000+00:00)
From far west?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-16T20:01:50.568000+00:00)
What's the deal with Putin? Good or evil?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:06.475000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:17.757000+00:00)
he banned anti semitic interpretation of the bible
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:20.460000+00:00)
Ukrainians are slavs but there are germanic blood in them too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:22.624000+00:00)
banderovites are nationalists who follow the whole Bandera movement who were ukrainian partisans that supported Third Reich armies against USSR but then turned on them as well
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:24.682000+00:00)
built holocaust museums
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:31.726000+00:00)
Putin is shit <@290601210640203776>
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:33.174000+00:00)
Putin =The best leader the world has.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:54.011000+00:00)
Leadership counts big for me.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:58.799000+00:00)
there has been plenty of germanic people through all ages in Ukraine, can't tell the percentage in Russians though
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:02:59.296000+00:00)
are you serious?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:03:11.598000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:03:12.490000+00:00)
so they should be rather mixed
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:03:23.266000+00:00)
yea he mentioned jews
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:03:45.849000+00:00)
in st.petersburg economic forum
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:04:30.623000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:04:38.187000+00:00)
the shadow reveals his true form
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:04:51.845000+00:00)
5352352D chess?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:04:54.665000+00:00)
Putin is just an autocrat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:05:11.108000+00:00)
Putin is a "strong conservative" type like Reagan and Thatcher
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:05:47.180000+00:00)
yeah, that's my point. He's an autocrat but there's no ideologic bridge between his stances and us
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:06:36.293000+00:00)
he's another jewpawn really
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:06.729000+00:00)
Who introduced the holocaust to the history books when even USSR wouldn't? PUUUUTIIIIN! PUUUTIIIN!!!!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:12.436000+00:00)
I really dislike the hyping of both Trump and Putin
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:26.123000+00:00)
Who build holocaust museums when even USSR wouldn't? PUUUTIIIN! PUUUTIIIN!!!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:36.240000+00:00)
Putin is the saviour of the white race
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:41.192000+00:00)
people have no insight into their positions
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:07:43.616000+00:00)
no he's not
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:04.435000+00:00)
He's also hitler
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:17.982000+00:00)
ok, sarcasm
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:23.932000+00:00)
Thanks Slavrus, I will definitely reconsider my opinion.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:34.194000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:40.128000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:08:44.546000+00:00)
relevant Putin meme, one sec
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:09:20.299000+00:00)
both quotes are authentic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:01.263000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:02.049000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:08.419000+00:00)
there is one
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:09.689000+00:00)
It's on the meme
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:10.717000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:11.059000+00:00)
read nigga
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:26.973000+00:00)
English do you speak it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:31.401000+00:00)
wouldn't load
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:10:53.596000+00:00)
also here's something about Russians, Belorussians and Ukrainians being the same ethnicity, considering estonians and yanks were part of the research team you can't really suspect bias http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0002929707000250/1-s2.0-S0002929707000250-main.pdf?_tid=447cf3d8-7b44-11e3-8959-00000aab0f01&acdnat=1389502068_8cd6619e1e7901be4bfaaf72656dd872
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-16T20:11:58.227000+00:00)
I have heard that putin is against russian nationalists? To what degree is this true? Extremist natiolalism or moderate nationalism?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:12:11.013000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:12:19.628000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:12:24.276000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:12:26.515000+00:00)
"In 2003, during a television broadcast with President of Russia, random Russians on the streets asked him questions. One of the elderly man asked Vladimir Putin what his and his party's stance on "Russia for Russians" slogan was. Putin responded that those who shout and act upon such slogan are "either idiots or provocateurs" (придурки либо провокаторы), who "don't understand what they do and shout". Putin also mentioned that such people want to weaken Russian Federation, composed of many nations and cultures, by inciting racial and national hatred which ultimately would lead to the Federation's dissolvement. Putin also warned that the law enforcement agencies should act as soon as possible against such people who threaten public order.[23]"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:12:37.110000+00:00)
so there's slavic-finnougrian and slavic-mongolian slavs in Russia? 😄
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:13:29.841000+00:00)
<@307177682314199040> extremely true
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:13:38.411000+00:00)
only civic nationalism allowed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:13:44.019000+00:00)
everything else is wrooong
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:13:56.176000+00:00)
Putin wants to keep his multicultural empire together and doesn't want Russians to have an ethnic identity to fuck that up, exactly the same thing as in EU, since Russia is so choke full of muslims. But he's totally for siccing retarded patriotards on his political enemies. Unlike in USA, he can utilize the "Punch a nazi for our grandfathers" sentiment for his own purposes by labeling his political enemies as nazis.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:14:13.999000+00:00)
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine are nadzi.
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T20:15:37.570000+00:00)
USA have a Race war soon
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T20:15:45.705000+00:00)
Same for UK
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:03.145000+00:00)
time to read siege and prepare
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:06.879000+00:00)
And Russia balkanize into 11 countries
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:16.214000+00:00)
fuck dat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:19.448000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:25.542000+00:00)
purge non russians
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:31.007000+00:00)
It's a false dilemma: Ukrainian nazis don't support their ZOG any more than we do ours. They just picked the only choice that doesn't fill Ukraine with shitskins. They have never supported EU, but no nogs will come through it anyway due to lack of gibs, the only way they're gonna get any is through the buryats and central asians coming through rebel territories commanded by the rebel jew Kofman. Russia sentences people to prison for 4 years for racist VK pages, and BASED Tesak was just sentenced to over 10 years in prison, while in Ukraine the ZOG is powerless to do anything about the nazis, since without them the front collapses in a day, and they can pretty much do whatever they want. Once the integrity of the borders is secure once more, they'll turn their guns against the Kiev jews and then they shall have nation totally controlled by nationalists as well. Ukrainians view Russia like we view EU: Philosemitic multicultural empire choke full of muslims. Russia is like 80% white and armed forces are approaching 50% muslim, while Ukraine is like 99,99% white. Every nationalist should support Azov.
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T20:16:37.453000+00:00)
Putin is too weak to do that
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T20:17:20.893000+00:00)
Motgift was the last Swedish nationalists to distance themselves from azov
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:17:35.448000+00:00)
I've ordered an Azov hoodie or if it was a sweatshirt several weeks ago from the US, waiting for it to come
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:17:45.856000+00:00)
it takes time due to printing 😦
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:18:04.707000+00:00)
I have seen a ton of Misanthropic Division, Moloth and Azov stuff over here, thinking about ordering from militant.zone rn
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:19:14.037000+00:00)
>In Russia: Go to prison for 4 years for internet racism
>In Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQJP9mFNPtU
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:21:44.278000+00:00)
>in Finland: https://youtu.be/kn2VcdTsy-U
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:22:33.888000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> wheres "here" do you have any other sites
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:22:38.660000+00:00)
that sell cool stuff
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T20:23:24.095000+00:00)
My favorite Azov video, but it got shoahd https://youtu.be/jLKDJ818BvM?t=49s
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:23:45.576000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> I don't understand the question.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:23:55.959000+00:00)
Here = Finland I guess
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:07.160000+00:00)
*I have seen a ton of Misanthropic Division, Moloth and Azov stuff over here*
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:13.735000+00:00)
Oh, we got kadulle.com, just got new reprint of Mein Kampf in Finnish yesterday.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:30.916000+00:00)
Kadulle is the premier household goods store in Nordic NS sphere
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:42.616000+00:00)
Thor Steinar a thing for you guys?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:45.499000+00:00)
Legit sells laundry detergent
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:47.119000+00:00)
I have seen it *on* people not really for sale, all the Azov stuff has come from Eastern Europe or so.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:53.374000+00:00)
thx, I'm in need of good sites
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:24:58.667000+00:00)
I've seen Azov support merch at concerts
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:02.425000+00:00)
not in Sweden
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:08.653000+00:00)
Russian kikes shut down Viking Brand sadly.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:13.346000+00:00)
But militant.zone is good.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:14.023000+00:00)
I don't like Thor Steinar, I think the style is pretty bad
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:29.317000+00:00)
honestly, most of it I don't like, but i found a coat that i do really like
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:30.157000+00:00)
doesn't appeal to me
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:32.045000+00:00)
Doberman's Aggressive too I guess, even if their most nazi stuff was shoah'd
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:25:46.264000+00:00)
Also all sorts of NSBM merch is cool, Der Sturmer, Moloth, what have you.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:26:28.200000+00:00)
I need to get a jacket, can't decide what to buy
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:26:30.424000+00:00)
i have some Ansgar Aryan clothing. id rather support them than thor steinar who is now owned by some dune coon tychoon
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:26:45.774000+00:00)
^^ did not know
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:26:53.248000+00:00)
I've been looking at TS and DA but not really what I'm looking for
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:27:00.054000+00:00)
I loathe the patches and prints on their stuff
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:27:08.406000+00:00)
I got a hoodie like 3 years ago which is pretty cool but yeah, Militant Zone for me.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:27:15.292000+00:00)
And of course all the movement stuff.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:27:20.980000+00:00)
And some clothes from gigs.
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:27:51.034000+00:00)
and i think thor steinar clothes, with all white trash prints all over the goddamn garment, is a big no-no
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:28:09.356000+00:00)
generally speaking of thor steinar here ^
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:28:22.543000+00:00)
yeah, it looks cheap due to that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:28:44.539000+00:00)
there's no order or conservatism on it, just excessive
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:28:59.758000+00:00)
hence the coat i have, has a subtle button on the breast and that's all
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:29:13.996000+00:00)
don't need giant obnoxious images that a 12 year old designed
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:29:23.669000+00:00)
we have Erik & Sons but its basically the same shit
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:29:54.941000+00:00)
design your own? if you're looking for simple shirts anyway
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:02.743000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:07.346000+00:00)
I ordered this t-shirt from one guy who's in this discord: https://teespring.com/new-kshatriya-black-shirt?tsmac=store&tsmic=hypers-store#pid=389&cid=100029&sid=front
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:10.795000+00:00)
😔 👌🏻
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:14.811000+00:00)
waiting for it to come
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:19.462000+00:00)
Oh yeah, Hyper's stuff is wonderful too.
Victor writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:28.590000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> yes😛http://erikandsons.de/index.php?tpl=mobile
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:29.992000+00:00)
love the sanskrit touch
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:30.581000+00:00)
use teespring and make yer own shit
HMan writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:52.298000+00:00)
wearing the white kshatriya shirt right now 👌🏻
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T20:30:57.204000+00:00)
What was that South American NSBM shop, had great stuff too
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:31:16.935000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> why don't you have a country role
Victor writes: (2017-08-16T20:32:14.859000+00:00)
<@332229673583116290> Or Spreadshirt worked fine for my t-shirt.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:32:15.047000+00:00)
this is the azov one I ordered, but the store is by civcucks https://rwdeathsquad.com/products/azov-battalion-hoodie?variant=36611474817
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:32:27.507000+00:00)
yeah man, whatever works
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:32:33.614000+00:00)
but you can find some gems there
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:32:53.290000+00:00)
make Hugo Boss great again?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:34:12.716000+00:00)
5x, damn americans
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:34:43.180000+00:00)
maybe the dude is just hella ripped? or wants to use the shirt as a tent in a pinch?
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:36:07.203000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:36:12.794000+00:00)
burka shirt
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:37:03.910000+00:00)
http://www.ansgararyan.com/MAeNNER/SHIRTS/Join-the-Empire-schwarz-TS::390.html <:lol:333298431810338816>
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:38:53.838000+00:00)
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:39:00.470000+00:00)
i have to admit, i'm just not a fan of graphic ts and other kit
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:39:38.913000+00:00)
same here <@332229673583116290> . but im all for nice details, if suitable
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:39:59.470000+00:00)
yeah, i can understand that... but the style to me can just come off as degenerate
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T20:40:09.954000+00:00)
however a giant chest print is not a 'detail' so dont get me wrong 😄
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:40:18.604000+00:00)
valid and fair
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:40:57.465000+00:00)
I'm not against it, but it should be in moderation
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:41:09.236000+00:00)
depends on the rest of your style as well
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:41:21.529000+00:00)
yeah of course
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:41:41.071000+00:00)
I used to wear one colored clothes some time ago, but that becomes dull in the end as well
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:41:54.070000+00:00)
I like to change depending on mood
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:42:13.380000+00:00)
my perception of the style would be SA vs SS, a little on the crude and vulgar side vs put together and trim
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:42:26.756000+00:00)
but that's just me and why it doesn't appeal
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:43:27.876000+00:00)
where can I buy a silver black sun necklace
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:43:47.410000+00:00)
I found them on ebay but it might be fake, just some other metal
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:44:04.076000+00:00)
buy some silver wire from a craft shop and make your own
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:44:21.922000+00:00)
greater sentiment if self made
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:44:24.707000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:44:47.057000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:45:39.523000+00:00)
<@332229673583116290> won't look great
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:46:04.709000+00:00)
the guys that make this hoodies only ship within us
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:46:18.591000+00:00)
Engellus writes: (2017-08-16T20:46:42.518000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> then take your time and make it look good like they did with ancient pendants?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:47:54.977000+00:00)
sure, but I would rather put my time on something else at the moment
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T20:48:02.758000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> http://tightrope.cc/catalog/hoodies-c-39.html
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:48:03.575000+00:00)
I got a lot of stuff coming up
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-16T20:48:56.017000+00:00)
afk now, need a break
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:49:01.065000+00:00)
Hyper's store is great
Victor writes: (2017-08-16T20:54:09.956000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Link to it?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:58:36.824000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> https://teespring.com/stores/hypers-store
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T20:58:50.898000+00:00)
User <@207544163737141258> makes the designs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:58:59.837000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T20:59:11.481000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-16T21:06:14.928000+00:00)
No lampshades?
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T21:14:31.233000+00:00)
I ordered 4 of hypers shirts this past week
Jason writes: (2017-08-16T21:14:42.721000+00:00)
I will have 5 total
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T21:20:26.384000+00:00)
Is it really hot in Italy the past week?
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T21:20:35.843000+00:00)
I just went there and almost died
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-16T21:20:38.044000+00:00)
Is that normal?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T21:29:03.201000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-16T21:31:26.426000+00:00)
But it was just a joke!
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-16T21:33:44.058000+00:00)
Effectively, should this not make it clear to DS that there is no path but hardline ns?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T21:35:56.135000+00:00)
If I wanted to host a nazi website Russia would probably be the last place.
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T21:40:04.734000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T21:40:11.804000+00:00)
i want this pic on a t-shirt
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T21:40:20.696000+00:00)
TRS sold a few but never restocked their supply
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:42:53.641000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> Order from Ultras Shop
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T21:43:27.749000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> I miss Eli Mosleys youtube channel
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T21:43:36.753000+00:00)
link? <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:44:11.650000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> http://ultrasshop.com/
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-16T21:44:17.700000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:44:30.542000+00:00)
Polish store that makes custom products and sells pyro etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:44:59.180000+00:00)
They make cheap custom stickers, t-shirts etc, they take a pro-nationalist and anti-communist stance on social media
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:45:24.229000+00:00)
If anyone wants a very small discount code for use on their store you can send me a PM
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:46:19.304000+00:00)
I am not affiliated with them btw, just realized how much it sounds like I'm professionally shilling for the store
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T21:49:47.290000+00:00)
shekels for you
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T21:50:57.166000+00:00)
no shekels for me, not even zloty 😦
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T21:51:46.286000+00:00)
can someone link the DS dark net link?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T21:53:42.004000+00:00)
Dailystormer.ru is not working yet. I am also interested in their darknet site
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:00:17.391000+00:00)
Is it day of the rope yet?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T22:01:09.247000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T22:01:11.371000+00:00)
dotr is scheduled for a tuesday
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T22:01:21.433000+00:00)
I posted it here yesterday but didn't think to save it.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:01:47.634000+00:00)
Thanks Daniel. I'll go oil the ladder
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T22:01:54.806000+00:00)
there is nothing to see on their darknet site, they are currently on .ru
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T22:02:59.629000+00:00)
https://gab.ai/AndrewAnglin https://gab.ai/weev https://vk.com/badbrowser.php https://forum.therightstuff.biz/topic/55682/daily-stormer-on-the-deep-web
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T22:03:59.157000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-16T22:04:02.730000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:04:05.223000+00:00)
Why was the stormer on Godaddy?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:04:22.016000+00:00)
So patriots hate AIs?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:04:34.300000+00:00)
They always become pro-white anti-communists
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:12:26.839000+00:00)
burgers are still burgers
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:16:58.049000+00:00)
Day of the ketchip when?
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-16T22:17:02.552000+00:00)
Anglin is pretty deluded as far as the political situation in Russia is concerned though <@!225299960529158156>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:18:14.732000+00:00)
Isn't Anglin just a troll though? Daily stormer seems to be mostly click baity headlines and then nigger thrown in to trigger people
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T22:21:09.881000+00:00)
I legitimately don't know how much it is just dumbing it down for retarded burgers and how much he actually buys into it. He has zero influence on slav politics so he can say whatever he wants pretty much, to him it makes more sense to make fun of the kooky Russia conspiracy theories than paint an accurate picture of Russia as a poor ZOG hellhole. Weev is one of the most well informed Americans I have met when it comes to Ukrainian/Russian politics and they still get along just fine.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T22:23:04.195000+00:00)
Like it or not, the simplest narrative almost always wins. Trying to accurately explain all the nuances takes time, as we have seen many times in this very chat, while the Russian narrative is ingeniously simple: Ukraine = EU & ZOG, Russia = Anti-EU, Anti-ZOG
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T22:25:08.237000+00:00)
And this is coming from a guy who was the first to counter-counter signal his Ukraine counter signaling.
austerity writes: (2017-08-16T22:31:07.191000+00:00)
Speaking of Anglin, whats up with dailystormer? Still on tor only?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:41:04.868000+00:00)
I just considered DS to be "Right wing buzzfeed" and be done with it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T22:41:19.902000+00:00)
Trolls trying to make clickbait for a giggle that helps push an ideology
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:42:47.387000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T22:44:10.533000+00:00)
that's the new AR server right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:44:48.795000+00:00)
or its because we actually make fun of the altright too much to be used in the press for their narratives hence they don't bring us into the whole issue at large
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:45:22.885000+00:00)
and since we're not brought into the stories we are not targeted
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:45:53.839000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-16T22:46:09.957000+00:00)
🤔 nah that can't be it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:46:24.647000+00:00)
voat indentitarian server
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:46:26.554000+00:00)
*hides fsb checks under pillow*
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:46:40.188000+00:00)
some guys from here are on the ar server
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:47:07.422000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> <@227243283905118209> are on new ar server
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T22:47:23.732000+00:00)
IM isn't Fed run it's FSB run
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:47:32.099000+00:00)
still feds
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-16T22:48:10.129000+00:00)
that server is fucking terrible
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T22:48:10.941000+00:00)
NRM too, we received a donation of €50 from Russian Imperial Movement which means we're Kremlinbots now.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T22:48:29.362000+00:00)
media unironically implies that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:48:31.090000+00:00)
I am personally surprised that NOOSE is still up though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:48:55.016000+00:00)
expected us to get targeted by leftists by now but maybe they don't even realize it exists
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:49:04.785000+00:00)
or the texts are too long for them to find the kind of stuff to report
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:49:27.206000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> leftists cant read more than 3 sentences
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:49:33.406000+00:00)
fuck knows, but once its down we'll have it back up again in days and it won't go down again, just like what happened when IM was shut down the first time
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:50:06.677000+00:00)
when that happened
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:50:18.181000+00:00)
when AWD stickered the boston university
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:50:31.747000+00:00)
there was even local news coverage that literally said that our site was down
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:50:40.083000+00:00)
>IM was mentioned by name on local boston news
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:50:47.150000+00:00)
but we were back up in 3 days
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:51:31.063000+00:00)
that is readiness for ya
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:52:01.302000+00:00)
more like we lucked out
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:52:11.332000+00:00)
but its also a testament to the kind of network of contacts we built
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:52:44.666000+00:00)
i will probably do test on im tomorrow
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:53:11.828000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:53:32.231000+00:00)
so its like account they reviewed on monday
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:53:44.831000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:53:49.237000+00:00)
or we start to anyway
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:54:03.745000+00:00)
>if some examiners actually did their fucking jobs it wouldn't take a week to grade all of them
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:54:10.809000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:54:28.542000+00:00)
but I take on all the actual newfag exams personally so those go out monday
Славрос writes: (2017-08-16T22:55:27.182000+00:00)
it helps when a lot of them fail too, less work hahaha
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:55:38.947000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T22:58:29.211000+00:00)
Video from N4
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T22:59:35.195000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:00:48.998000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Were those kids at the end interested in joining?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:02:40.254000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Of course, they had a recruitment meeting the next day.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:03:24.442000+00:00)
"I wouldn't flee like a scared rat like your parents"
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:03:40.301000+00:00)
😂 <:nysvensk:328882488585748481>
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T23:03:44.266000+00:00)
Härnösand is doomed
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:03:54.854000+00:00)
It was pretty bad demographically speaking
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:04:08.695000+00:00)
Majority of the people there were non-whites
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T23:04:10.351000+00:00)
I was there for 2 years ago and it was really bad
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:04:25.466000+00:00)
Well they've had a refugee centre there since the early 90s or smth
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:04:27.071000+00:00)
i was newer in scandinavia
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-16T23:04:46.286000+00:00)
for 10 years ago it was a great place
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:05:18.737000+00:00)
but i dont know is worth coming now
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T23:05:24.712000+00:00)
I was fooled by "Wirströms Café" a few months ago -- such a nice swedish sounding name
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T23:05:46.245000+00:00)
came in there and there were mostly arabs, the personnel were muslims, hijab wearing
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-16T23:06:06.204000+00:00)
Wirströms Café in Härnösand, i.e
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:06:20.757000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> haha, that's brilliant. How often does an NRM nest go out and do these sorts of activities?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:07:46.633000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Minimum once per month in every nest
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:07:58.163000+00:00)
how many will aproximately be on rally on sept 30th
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:11.708000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Minimum 1 000
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:19.183000+00:00)
of nrm
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:26.938000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:39.680000+00:00)
and from outside
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:40.023000+00:00)
The aim is to have at least 1 000 people show up.
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:08:58.829000+00:00)
That's excellent. Is there like an NRM activism guide or something like that?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:09:08.658000+00:00)
do u guys expect some to come from other countries
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:09:23.172000+00:00)
or is it based mostly on Codreanu's Iron Guard?
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:09:35.457000+00:00)
<@325021136926801922> Yeah we have a guide for activists
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:09:47.165000+00:00)
It's called "Handbok för aktivister i Nordiska motståndsrörelsen" I think
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:10:09.079000+00:00)
i only read 9 points
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:10:17.747000+00:00)
The handbook is not available in English from what I'm aware.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:10:46.003000+00:00)
there is
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:10:57.453000+00:00)
found it on english side of site
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T23:10:58.779000+00:00)
Do you think it will be a... challenge to get 1k people? Do you think you can Dodge another Unite the right performance?
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:11.117000+00:00)
NRM have mobilised similar numbers before - on the 1 May demonstration two years in a row.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:20.200000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:20.532000+00:00)
I don't really know what you mean by that last bit but 1k people should be achievable since we're experiencing a constant growth and last year we had 700 people in Stockholm
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:29.288000+00:00)
i found it there
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:39.563000+00:00)
Was a joke on the car accident
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:44.059000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:12:49.589000+00:00)
Missed the Dodge bit
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-16T23:13:34.008000+00:00)
Is there any plans to do an evening event with torches? Those images are always really effective
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-16T23:13:55.966000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> I was thinking of an activist guide rather than a political programme.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-16T23:14:40.811000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:15:29.405000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Yeah thats not the right one.
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-16T23:18:13.041000+00:00)
We have a handbook for activist on about 70 pages, it's not available in english as of yet tho.
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-16T23:19:37.126000+00:00)
Perhaps we should translate it and print it for sale.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:21:23.906000+00:00)
<@!262875098791411712> I think there could be some interest in a translated version, though we could just omit parts that are exclusively aimed at Swedes such as legal advice and whatnot.
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:24:13.470000+00:00)
Inexperienced foreign activists could make use of the practical advice regarding basic activism
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-16T23:24:42.243000+00:00)
Yes, ofc
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:24:44.220000+00:00)
Though most of the book is centered on our organizational structure, Swedish laws, how to live etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-16T23:25:17.471000+00:00)
Might even be better to just write a new book focused solely on practical advice.
Jeff Hede writes: (2017-08-16T23:28:19.689000+00:00)
I think the part about the organizational structure and how to live etc is quite good, so that should probably follow in an english book.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T23:50:21.636000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-16T23:50:28.662000+00:00)
New siege article out
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-16T23:59:17.980000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T00:04:45.124000+00:00)
<@262875098791411712>. I am extremely interested in concepts of organizational structure. Could you please post some items for me to read?
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:17:50.010000+00:00)
Any of you watching CNN
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:17:58.614000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:18:05.787000+00:00)
She's back again
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:20:09.499000+00:00)
They never talk about how the niggers kill or assault white people
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:20:12.920000+00:00)
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T00:20:34.876000+00:00)
If a white killed a black, it's the end of the fucking world
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:22:36.854000+00:00)
its vice kike
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-17T00:22:58.875000+00:00)
They're all hypocrites, call me when anti racist action protests the Nation of Islam and I'll believe they're Anti Racist Action rather than Anti White Action
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:23:24.578000+00:00)
they talk about police killing only blacks
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:23:35.232000+00:00)
but 50 % of people killed by police are white
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T00:24:37.307000+00:00)
wasnt it more than 50%? while blacks stand for 50% of violent crimes and are below 50
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:25:26.583000+00:00)
last year it was 50 % whites
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T00:26:00.884000+00:00)
alright might have been a specific year
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:28:12.161000+00:00)
2015 495 white 258 black
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:29:05.385000+00:00)
until now in 2017 250 whites 134 black
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:29:39.086000+00:00)
2016 465 white 233 black
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T00:31:38.059000+00:00)
so around 50 % every year last 3 years
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-17T01:13:08.591000+00:00)
that vice girl really likes spencer
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:16:37.281000+00:00)
Spencer will never turn down a chance to get attention. Pretty easy to get him over and over and make him appear important
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T01:26:20.771000+00:00)
police are only killing whites eh <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:26:26.327000+00:00)
This place is not dead yet.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:26:29.245000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:26:39.273000+00:00)
5 of the servers I was in are dead now.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:26:42.071000+00:00)
Discord got them.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:29:30.987000+00:00)
Which servers?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T01:32:44.574000+00:00)
<@!126025971311575041> do we need to put anti shoah helmets
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:35:03.060000+00:00)
But how can you wear an anti shoah helmet and a MAGA hat?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T01:35:54.724000+00:00)
i dont
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T01:36:02.853000+00:00)
am not burger
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:43:05.275000+00:00)
I really hate this alt left meme
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:43:28.150000+00:00)
Trump can take care of people protesting him by saying they're alt left so his hotel is no longer fucked with
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T01:43:46.681000+00:00)
But ithat's all it is. It will do nothing to stop the left supporters
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:57:18.042000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Nah, but National Socialist servers are getting shoaed like their nothing.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:57:53.727000+00:00)
I have 11 servers.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:57:58.632000+00:00)
Now there's only these.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T01:58:15.667000+00:00)
So that's 5 shoahed.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T01:59:34.742000+00:00)
i am also in portal and unc pol channel
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-17T02:00:07.018000+00:00)
I would like to interject, but I will be instantly hammered by ineffective Iron March level larping, but as an American who has recently seen white births out number all others, as of 2016, a white who has reproduced, and I'm seeing less browns on the streets since Trump, his alt left comment, has black pilled the commie scum, in ways I've never seen before! He accused the left of being violent, and doing so without a permit... as much as trump isn't Hitler, and as much as you guys like to counter signal America, we are all on the same team, and Trump is the best we have, in a position of power. I know Europeans have some kind of grudge against America, but America looks to you goys, for sense of our place in this world.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-17T02:02:18.106000+00:00)
We are you, but a bit mixed, hopped ip on cheese burgers, and guns!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:03:07.940000+00:00)
Burgers best is a Jewish puppet who lets hisJewish daughter decide foreign policy based on how much she cries.
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-17T02:04:34.342000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:04:48.348000+00:00)
Hitler in 3D confirmed best Hitler
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:04:54.872000+00:00)
<@290664695755440130> Jesus fucking christ that hurt my eyes.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:05:07.032000+00:00)
thats how we used to watch movies Stalker
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:05:13.470000+00:00)
I know.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:05:27.646000+00:00)
It's 3D
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:05:34.370000+00:00)
But it hurt my eyes never the less.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:05:48.154000+00:00)
Wait til you see 4D
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:06:40.650000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I went to a 4D theatre like 2 years ago.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:06:53.162000+00:00)
Was fun, but they really butchered it.
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-17T02:07:13.568000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:08:16.405000+00:00)
isn't that just chairs moving though?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:08:35.476000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> It also had that
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:08:41.618000+00:00)
machine that gassed you with smells*
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:05.344000+00:00)
The smells were really bad.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:09.638000+00:00)
so you went to see a holocaust movie when you had headlice?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:14.535000+00:00)
<@206483665050402816> It doesn't matter if half the beaners leave and illegal immigration stops. The white birth rate is still lower Trump and the Republicans are not a solution but a slow death.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:19.560000+00:00)
copying smells is always bad
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:35.444000+00:00)
Trump maybe a solution by accident
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:09:44.373000+00:00)
Without Trump the left wouldn't be so aggressive right now
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:10:00.250000+00:00)
He's not on our side, but he's an enemy of our enemy
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:10:05.753000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> They matched the dust smells good. but imagine smelling an imaginary BBQ.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:10:08.369000+00:00)
It was so bad.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:10:31.029000+00:00)
well just put dust in your smell machine, is easy
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-17T02:10:37.304000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:11:08.445000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Meh, best experience I've ever had in a theatre was seeing Star Wars 7.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:11:20.120000+00:00)
They matched the DBOX so well with it.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:12:13.748000+00:00)
<@!126025971311575041> yea the one here for SW7 was awesome
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:12:40.755000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> I went first day and everyone was fucking screaming when they saw the opening scroll.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:12:41.124000+00:00)
You paid to see a gorilla.. traitors the lot of you
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:10.371000+00:00)
Dotr you're all swinging
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:11.780000+00:00)
same here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:20.492000+00:00)
i didnt watch last one
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:27.931000+00:00)
Meh, seeing SW7 in Theatres was amazing, seeing it on DVD really made me realize how unoriginal it was.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:33.332000+00:00)
It was literally Star Wars 4.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:13:58.031000+00:00)
Did you buy the dvd?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:14:15.016000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:14:18.323000+00:00)
Just saw it on netflix.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:14:25.344000+00:00)
Saw it on DVD at a friends house though.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:05.018000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Rogue One?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:07.943000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:10.487000+00:00)
It was amazing.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:15.902000+00:00)
Definitely give it a shot.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:27.594000+00:00)
Are you a teenage girl or do you just like giving monkey to kikes promoting race mixing?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:53.990000+00:00)
lol i still didnt watch last hunger games movei
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:15:59.584000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> What do you mean, there was absolutely no race mixing in it.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:02.197000+00:00)
Rogue 1 is an unwatchable mess. The chink characters are fun but the rest is awful. Best to watch if you just want to see everyone die
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:07.508000+00:00)
Do you know Ray's name?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:22.148000+00:00)
Last name?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:27.065000+00:00)
Nah, no one does.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:28.479000+00:00)
Her surname is mixer in the art books, literally Ray Mixer
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:32.853000+00:00)
It's undetermined.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:36.420000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:45.762000+00:00)
And you watched a movie about a nigger chasing a white woman
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:51.306000+00:00)
That's the entire story of finn
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:16:51.720000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:00.491000+00:00)
Muh dick, can I fug you? oh no I in a coma now
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:00.959000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Yeah, thats what i realized.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:05.547000+00:00)
I actually laughed so hard.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:13.175000+00:00)
When he got his ass kicked.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:15.738000+00:00)
You realized and then paid to see multicultural space adventures
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:24.087000+00:00)
Where the white girl has a romantic interest with a spic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:46.180000+00:00)
aint most actors jew
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:51.941000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:17:56.016000+00:00)
in usa
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:01+00:00)
Yeah actually.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:09.454000+00:00)
Scarlett Johansson, Adam Sandler, etc.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:14.322000+00:00)
Ray is "british" if you consider half horse british
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:16.646000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:42.350000+00:00)
Felicity jones is also British
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:49.693000+00:00)
doesn't appear to have any jew in her
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:18:56.036000+00:00)
Yeah, but almost everyone was british in the originals.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:23.935000+00:00)
Literally EVERYONE except stormtroopers and the main characters were British.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:34.268000+00:00)
Darth vader was British
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:39.713000+00:00)
Yeah, I know.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:40.699000+00:00)
Then they replaced his voice with a nigger
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:43.235000+00:00)
David Prowse.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:19:57.546000+00:00)
Meh, nigger or not it was a better choice never the less.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:20:04.448000+00:00)
Most 80's sci fi was filmed in the UK. We had the best model building of the era
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:20:17.647000+00:00)
Traditional European hobby that Brits got the autism for even til today
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-17T02:20:37.292000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:20:40.861000+00:00)
Best movie I've ever seen though has to probably be Godfather or The Dark Knight.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:21:04.033000+00:00)
Lad, I'm getting the impression we're going to need 2 ropes for you. One for your neck and one for the niggeress you're sheltering because she was on star wars
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:21:42.666000+00:00)
"Mein Fuhrer! She is not a nigger, she's a wookie! Honest! Please do not hang her, you will make Yoda upset!"
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:22:10.565000+00:00)
Actually, I'm going to agree with something.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:22:21.927000+00:00)
Reys acting was pretty bad when you really pay attention to her.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:23:25.845000+00:00)
https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d1/WookieeWarriors.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070120142446 Lestalkers girlfriend's family
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:23:46.949000+00:00)
Look Mein Fuhrer! They have blonde hair, they are nords!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:23:59.811000+00:00)
thats brown and black
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:24:50.939000+00:00)
I've heard dunkirk is good
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:25:20.378000+00:00)
it's good actually, but best WWII movie in recent years for me is Hacksaw Ridge.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:25:25.742000+00:00)
They got it done so well.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:26:18.538000+00:00)
The representation of the horror of war and sticking to beliefs was good and convincing.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:26:43.552000+00:00)
<@!126025971311575041> lead actor is half jewish
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:26:50.027000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> wait actually.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:27:09.746000+00:00)
You got a good jewdar Kebab?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:27:22.759000+00:00)
Garfield's father is Jewish; Garfield had a secular upbringing, and has referred to himself as an "agnostic pantheist",[14][15] though he also identifies as Jewish.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:27:43.473000+00:00)
the lead actor in hacksaw
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:27:54.113000+00:00)
Oh damn <@!239096222277828610> I didn't know Andrew Garfield was a kike.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:28:33.922000+00:00)
I mean just in general
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:29:59.646000+00:00)
Next thing you know it I'll find out that Heath Ledgar or Christian Bale is a Jew.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:30:44.204000+00:00)
Okay good, none of them are kikes.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:30:58.771000+00:00)
christian bale bitches about anti semites
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:32:03.128000+00:00)
if they white actors in hollywood are liberal cucks
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:32:05.960000+00:00)
Netflix really likes to shill this to me.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T02:32:14.229000+00:00)
Is it worth it or kiked?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:32:40.644000+00:00)
Mel gibson isn;t
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:16.639000+00:00)
New Jersey is based they classed antifa as terrorist group
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:23.370000+00:00)
Neo Nazis? I'm just a kekistani. No hate here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:28.835000+00:00)
New Jersey is jew land mate
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:43.654000+00:00)
Proper traditional jews not the larping white kind
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:49.363000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:54.541000+00:00)
foreskin eaters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:39:55.962000+00:00)
They move in and take over areas. Normies despise them for it
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-17T02:40:35.953000+00:00)
America has broken barriers you guys haven't, and if my old oopih post still existed, you'd all know that Europe surviving, means more to me, than the frontline soldiers in the colonies, which includes myself, and the babies I've fathered. Europe is the tree that provides the seeds for our peoples, but without the country that has more whites in it, than any other, you will lose!!!!! We are in this together, and you should start acting like it!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:41:40.733000+00:00)
Americans like to larp like there's a united white race
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:41:54.329000+00:00)
I don't want niggers, kikes or the polish in my country
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:42:09.782000+00:00)
I don't like seeing polish shops any more than I like seeing Pakistani shops. Neither belong here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:42:40.049000+00:00)
When you say "we're all one race, the WHITE race" it insults the unique character of each European nation and our histories
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:51:26.711000+00:00)
That's not true either. We can tell European nations apart by their genetic make up.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:51:59.462000+00:00)
There is a distinct difference between the UK and the main land
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T02:54:35.573000+00:00)
If you want to know why just having a nation with multiple European ethnicities who have little in common other than being white doesn't work just look at Austria-Hungary
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T02:54:37.661000+00:00)
mixed race kids also share half white genetics, doesn't make them white
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:02:34.007000+00:00)
The failure of Austria Hungary was due to the fact that it was comprised of multiple different European ethnicities who cared more about their own ethnicity than preservation of Austria-Hungary. If you were to create a "Pan-European White Ethnostate" you would end up in the same situation.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T03:04:21.039000+00:00)
Exactly, it's what Burgers don't get. Once Europe is back to being pure white we'll probably end up trying to smack each other around again
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:11:28.556000+00:00)
At the end of the Empire the Habsburgs made moves to de centralize and the non-Austrians still decided to leave the Empire. Hitler wrote about this in Mein Kampf.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:13:32.473000+00:00)
If they were given a decision they wouldn't have joined
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:16:50.052000+00:00)
So if they didn't want to join then and hated it so much they left why would they join now? If your argument is that Europe needs to unite to survive being flooded by non-whites that can be done with a temporary alliances
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:33:11.887000+00:00)
You used America as an example of success which which I find funny. It was found on the premise of Enlightenment ideals and has only "helped" Europe by attacking any nation that was NS/Fascist. There was potential for America to develop a blood and soil identity but that never occurred due to continuous waves of immigrants. Europeans can look back in their history and find many great heroes of the past while we can find Freemasons who left the British Empire on the basis of having to pay a small tax. The only heroes that America had were men who stood against the actions of the American state.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:45:50.042000+00:00)
>saying good things about the Great Satan
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:46:11.153000+00:00)
World would be a thousand times better place without America.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:46:21.939000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:46:48.404000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:03.167000+00:00)
I am one
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:09.501000+00:00)
You're the first one I have ever met who likes it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:11.718000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:16.184000+00:00)
There's another one.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:21.329000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> HMU with that "American history and revolutionary national socialism" infograph
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:28.359000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:36.294000+00:00)
Watchu talking bout
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:42.123000+00:00)
Define America
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:48.537000+00:00)
the people?
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:52.207000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:52.725000+00:00)
all I know is the Yockey inforgraph
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:56.544000+00:00)
what is america
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:57.785000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:47:59.306000+00:00)
Maybe that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:01.343000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:04.953000+00:00)
That was it I think.
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:17.225000+00:00)
what is there to adore except aspects of the Confederacy?
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:21.868000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:27.414000+00:00)
Even the confederacy was with issues.
Jason writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:30.746000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:48:33.353000+00:00)
Europe at one point in time followed the ideals of traditionalism. America never followed any such sort of ideals. Only Enlightenment delusions and Materialism.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:49:31.616000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:49:35.582000+00:00)
was this it?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:49:57.298000+00:00)
I'm sorry to say but USA has fucked Europe up non stop for over a century at least.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:50:34.850000+00:00)
Is he a burger?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:50:35.942000+00:00)
It's just shitty ass ZOG state.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:50:42.324000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:02.119000+00:00)
Don't take it wrong, I'd love to see our ZOGs fall as well.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:14.551000+00:00)
meme arrow
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:27.603000+00:00)
Okay Bob Larson
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:38.893000+00:00)
How so?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:42.965000+00:00)
So America accumulated wealth and ignored any higher ideals= Great, the Jews accumulated and ignored any higher ideals=Great if you are going to use that logic <@275503114885529601>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:51:44.643000+00:00)
Of course we live in ZOG.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:03.035000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:08.670000+00:00)
Who dis
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:29.842000+00:00)
I mean, sure we ZOG.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:42.011000+00:00)
the United States was created as a golem.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:42.549000+00:00)
Meme arrows and nothing of substance
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:52:55.213000+00:00)
Also how is ZOG a buzzword when it's true
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:53:05.008000+00:00)
Are you just retarded?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:53:19.768000+00:00)
So I guess the US isn't controlled by Jewish interests.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:53:42.496000+00:00)
Woah, so then I guess ZOG makes sense right?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:53:54.254000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:53:58.504000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:04.603000+00:00)
Yeah, but it's undeniable fact USA is worst, it was founded on retarded premise of equality, and jews took over by the word of the constitution, fair and square.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:26.955000+00:00)
cmon guys we all hate the kikes here, lets be friends
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:32.415000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:39.800000+00:00)
Why is that a reason to befriend anybody
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:40.033000+00:00)
Everything is a strawman
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:54:49.545000+00:00)
The united states is utter garbage.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:55:45.839000+00:00)
All American here disagree with you, I don't know what you think you got.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:56:20.134000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:56:24.603000+00:00)
Good. Fuck the entire American state, I wish I couldn't be American.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:56:29.618000+00:00)
But it's something that I unfortunately am.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:56:29.919000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:56:56.585000+00:00)
Do you even know where the term The Great Satan came from?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:57:53.648000+00:00)
I'm waiting for him to say "yeah but Europe is also controlled by Jews"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:58:06.798000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:58:36.481000+00:00)
Of course.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:58:50.273000+00:00)
But Churchill is dead, USSR is dead, the Great Satan lives.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:58:50.475000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:58:52.553000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:26.859000+00:00)
I'm calling out the Jews and the entire American state.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:33.899000+00:00)
Of course jews are responsible for it, but they are using USA which is totally subordinate to them, and they use it totally to spread degeneracy and war. It's a solid undeniable fact.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:35.807000+00:00)
Both are equally as bad.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:37.646000+00:00)
Why do you even dispute this?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:52.660000+00:00)
So Europe has been destroying the US for decades?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T03:59:55.242000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:07.112000+00:00)
Hey guys look at what the BASED founding Father George Washington said "May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants—while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy. GEORGE WASHINGTON to the TOROU synagogue
Rhode island 1790" I just don't understand why anyone would have a problem with the founding fathers and the BASED enlightenment principles they supported
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:08.973000+00:00)
Europeans dropped bombs on US soil for Jews?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:15.656000+00:00)
I never knew that.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:20.546000+00:00)
I guess they are the same then.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:23.162000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:36.357000+00:00)
You know it was American bomber planes bombing Helsinki thanks to Lend Lease.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:39.511000+00:00)
Thanks USA.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:00:56.332000+00:00)
Do you know who supplied Russia with equipment that helped them win on the Eastern front? America
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:01:18.631000+00:00)
I feel this guy is still stuck to the patriotard mode.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:01:39.313000+00:00)
Yes, it was.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:02:08.350000+00:00)
Do you know who still had the chance to use the system to over throw ZOG in the 30's but choose to instead support FDR? America
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:02:15.530000+00:00)
Yeah and that.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:02:44.984000+00:00)
Dumbest person I've interacted all week, and I've been dealing with alt righters.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:03:08.950000+00:00)
Do you know who allowed the Allies to superiority over the Axis? America
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:03:33.506000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:04:18.453000+00:00)
You're blind or being dishonest.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:04:59.450000+00:00)
How is calling out the US making it a scapegoat?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:05:06.543000+00:00)
Dis nigga.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:05:19.197000+00:00)
Are you an Oathkeeper or something?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:05:38.229000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:05:44.965000+00:00)
Why do you feel the need to hugbox the Great Satan?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:06:00.471000+00:00)
meme arrow
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:06:13.305000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:06:42.883000+00:00)
Or maybe, it's three people disagree with you because you're wrong.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:06:57.976000+00:00)
America supplied massive amounts of arms and still was the major contributor in the Air and Naval war
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:07:29.960000+00:00)
This is why I hate being a burger, because idiots like this are also burgers.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:07:35.180000+00:00)
It makes me look bad.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:07:47.981000+00:00)
No it does need me.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:07:54.799000+00:00)
It needs others like me to help accelerate it's collapse.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:08:11.631000+00:00)
The thing America needs most is a deathblow.
Speeder N2 writes: (2017-08-17T04:08:54.929000+00:00)
What are you guys talking about? Do i need to swipe about 10 meters up to understand?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T04:09:27.664000+00:00)
<@214339945542844416> dont bother lol
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:09:54.674000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:09:59.291000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:10:03.362000+00:00)
English is his third language.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:10:30.736000+00:00)
He even just said that.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:10:39.592000+00:00)
And how many languages do you know?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:10:54.532000+00:00)
Mixing something up isn't the end of the world
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:11:11.997000+00:00)
You hugbox JewSA.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:11:15.640000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:11:27.180000+00:00)
Responsible Conservative™
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:11:34.352000+00:00)
Are you an Oathkeeper?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:11:46.049000+00:00)
hes now going to cry about ad hominem
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:12:01.583000+00:00)
Take a time to read this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/326856048365404161/347587724825591808/PbeitXv.png
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:12:06.825000+00:00)
Hm, that might say a little something.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:12:11.117000+00:00)
Or maybe you're you know..
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:12:11.955000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-17T04:13:19.618000+00:00)
why discuss the term instead of the subject at hand
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:13:22.348000+00:00)
English third language and even I know this.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:13:26.187000+00:00)
Yeah it's kinda retarded.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:13:42.514000+00:00)
Because autism mcgee can't really say anything so he's got to nitpick your speech
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:14:53.996000+00:00)
Glad you added that smilie so we know you're totally not mad.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:15:10.808000+00:00)
uh thats against argumentitive standards to call that out
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:15:12.884000+00:00)
and its name calling
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:15:15.191000+00:00)
so you lost the argument
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:16:13.068000+00:00)
You might be in the wrong place.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:16:36.990000+00:00)
A nazi does not support the united states.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:16:49.546000+00:00)
as the united states is explicitly hostile towards nazism.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:16:49.731000+00:00)
Because you're gonna have a hard time then.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:17:25.414000+00:00)
Actually there is no arguing, we're right - you're wrong that's it.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:17:30.293000+00:00)
Saying JewSA isn't bad is like walking here and saying jews are good. Just because you're unique doesn't mean you're useful or right. Kids with Downs are "unique" as well.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:17:46.815000+00:00)
Now you're understanding it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:18:15.078000+00:00)
There is zero point to arguing
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:18:18.956000+00:00)
Any attempt to argue ended long ago.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:18:29.579000+00:00)
I'm always right, and arguing is a waste of time.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:00.098000+00:00)
But maybe, just maybe we can argue our way out of the situation we're in - maybe if we refute the points of the Jews they'll admit defeat and crawl into their holes.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:28.452000+00:00)
The only arguments we should be having is 5.56 or 7.62
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:33.149000+00:00)
At least he didn't call you "sweetie" or "hun" like in Twitter as the ultimate burn and demonstration of not being mad.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:46.134000+00:00)
I'm waiting for the nigger sipping coffee gif.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:50.985000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:19:52.529000+00:00)
Good one.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:20:24.050000+00:00)
It's a shame I'm not being intellectual dishonet.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:20:29.296000+00:00)
Either everyone here is intellectually dishonest or you're wrong, I wonder which is more likely.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:20:46.491000+00:00)
he's going to correct the spelling mistake I bet.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:20:58.795000+00:00)
I said intellectually honest.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:21:15.360000+00:00)
nazis are the real communists I guess.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:21:43.037000+00:00)
Looks like NRM is a Communist organization.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:21:47.309000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:21:56.194000+00:00)
Praise Stalin.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:21:58.724000+00:00)
I would call you comrade as a joke but I do so unironically.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:22:18.334000+00:00)
No. It's just that I'm right - you're wrong.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:22:21.811000+00:00)
As it is with anybody else.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:22:25.963000+00:00)
Yeah it's pretty simple.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:22:36.381000+00:00)
yeah dude you're just retarded, work on that.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:22:55.631000+00:00)
Due to the sole virtue of being the only one suggesting it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:23:08.310000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:23:14.648000+00:00)
I mean at this point yeah, you are.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:23:18.781000+00:00)
this is pretty funny
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:23:24.001000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:23:31.305000+00:00)
You did when you were hugboxing the Jewnited States
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:24:08.458000+00:00)
I know, I'm glad you're starting to understand this.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:24:29.276000+00:00)
I just said it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:24:35.480000+00:00)
Don't tell me you're blind in addition to being an idiot.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:24:41.833000+00:00)
That's an awful combo
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:24:50.311000+00:00)
Scroll up a bit dude
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:25:10.419000+00:00)
Seriously nigga, stop posting for a second and scroll up and read what was written.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:25:30.707000+00:00)
in his fury, he scrolled up too far and couldnt find it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:25:38.715000+00:00)
now he angrily slaps away at his keyboard
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:25:51.472000+00:00)
ending with a smiling emoji.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:25:56.126000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:27:10.705000+00:00)
woah look at these ad hominem attacks.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:27:15.722000+00:00)
you just lost the argument
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:27:26.623000+00:00)
We never said that.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:27:42.323000+00:00)
"argument, argument, argument"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:27:45.376000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:28:17.474000+00:00)
No it just brings me back to earlier - there is no point in arguing.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:28:27.496000+00:00)
Its just simple fact of me being right, you being wrong.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:28:41.330000+00:00)
preferably several
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:28:47.723000+00:00)
Anyway, brb groceries, back in 15
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:28:51.529000+00:00)
Warn us beforehand.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:02.540000+00:00)
we'll go to the bahamas.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:18.344000+00:00)
there is no argument to be made.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:29.077000+00:00)
it's simply right vs wrong.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:42.417000+00:00)
what does arguing accomplish
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:46.030000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:29:58.674000+00:00)
Will arguing fix the state of things?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:30:07.524000+00:00)
The answer is no.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:30:10.683000+00:00)
Bullets will.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:30:51.989000+00:00)
Here, this channel is for you
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:30:52.993000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:31:08.727000+00:00)
And now brb
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:31:15.157000+00:00)
Yes it is.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:32:35.106000+00:00)
Yeah, you sure do.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:32:41.865000+00:00)
can't be helped I guess.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:32:51.214000+00:00)
You finally understand it.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:33:07.500000+00:00)
Debating solves nothing, so why do it?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:33:25.279000+00:00)
None of our problems will be solved by debating with the enemy.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:33:47.901000+00:00)
Theyre misguided idiots.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:33:57.203000+00:00)
Though they certainly aren't an ally.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:34:22.459000+00:00)
A national socialist should ally with a national socialist.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:34:34.080000+00:00)
there's no such thing as white nationalism in Europe.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T04:34:48.986000+00:00)
It's an explicitly American idealogy
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:52:49.277000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:55:13.077000+00:00)
"Kek you don't even live in Europe" is not an argument
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:56:32.435000+00:00)
National Socialism not White Nationalism, ok.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:56:36.978000+00:00)
Just being white isn't good enough.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:58:09.963000+00:00)
The only thing you have used to support your argument of America being good is material wealth. By that standard Jews are good.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:58:36.058000+00:00)
I mean, WN is such a terrible concept, since it's open to sodomites, feminists, zionists, liberals, what have you, if the only idea is you're white = you're good.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:59:01.726000+00:00)
For example, Greg Johnson is a liberal and a sodomite and a very vocal voice in WN community.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:59:08.123000+00:00)
While he deserves to get the bog.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T04:59:13.296000+00:00)
The main points of your argument circle back to material wealth
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T04:59:13.422000+00:00)
I wouldn't support people like that.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:00:17.642000+00:00)
"Le overused rationalist term"
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:00:39.530000+00:00)
Freemasons who praise jews aren't morally decent
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:00:53.528000+00:00)
"Green arrows", hello 4chan
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:17.605000+00:00)
Freemasons were the Founding fathers as well as many presidents
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:19.120000+00:00)
But the founders were all masons
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:25.437000+00:00)
<@275503114885529601> Take some time to read this: http://ropeculture.org/2016/04/26/white-non-identity/
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:45.136000+00:00)
I know.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:48.715000+00:00)
I just said some WNs are.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:01:50.775000+00:00)
Unlike Nazis.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:02:03.824000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:02:09.004000+00:00)
"Hehe there no zog, everyone isn't jewish" this is correct according to your logic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:02:09.202000+00:00)
I don't want to live around all white people.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:02:22.187000+00:00)
Infact most of the people I would rope here would probably be white traitors.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:03:17.067000+00:00)
I don't care about having a debate based on arbitrary intellectualist rules tbqh
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:03:41.791000+00:00)
And I didnt say you did,.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:03:48.684000+00:00)
Intellectual honesty.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:03:53.182000+00:00)
Even the leadership that wasn't Freemasonic believed in the same Enlightenment ideals which led to the slippery slope of where we are today
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:04:05.449000+00:00)
I just said what is demonstrably true: WN movement is open to homos and liberals, like Greg Johnson, Liddell, what have you.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:04:12.870000+00:00)
And I would absolutely not live around them.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:04:59.868000+00:00)
Counter Currents is run by homos.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:05.443000+00:00)
Greg Johnson, O'Meara, that pony dude.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:10.975000+00:00)
And they're most certainly big in WN.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:19.829000+00:00)
Yeah, but it's not good enough, I don't want to just wind back the clocks a few decades, and let all this corruption begin anew, we need National Socialism to uproot the problem.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:36.838000+00:00)
We don't need people like that.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:46.402000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:51.418000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:05:56.910000+00:00)
We shouldn't "unite the right"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:06:00.774000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:06:05.370000+00:00)
It's not what Hitler did either.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:06:32.082000+00:00)
"At this time, all those leaders who could not stand on their own feet united into these worker coalitions in the belief that eight lame men, arm in arm, would create one big gladiator. If there were one healthy man among the lame ones, he needed all his strength to keep the others on their feet and ended up paralyzed himself.
It must never be forgotten that nothing truly great in the world has ever been achieved by an alliance. It has always been through the triumph of the individual. The very origin of joint forces carries with it the germ of its own later decay. Great intellectual revolutions that shake up the world are only conceivable and only possible when they are monumental struggles by individuals and never when they are enterprises of coalitions."
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:06:38.573000+00:00)
If you think there's any viable alliance to be had between ancaps and fascists you're frankly wrong
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:07:00.807000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:07:09.196000+00:00)
Wow you sure got us there rationalist
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:07:25.987000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:07:33.825000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:08.072000+00:00)
Poles killed Germans living in Poland
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:11.823000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:19.048000+00:00)
Hitler did nothing wrong.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:34.679000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:50.093000+00:00)
"Propping up their side politically?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T05:08:52.875000+00:00)
Kind of hard to want to "ally" with someone that is shooting at you
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:09:04.774000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:10:04.039000+00:00)
Yeah Poland was becoming Fascist by killing Germans and improving their relations with Britain and France
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:10:54.252000+00:00)
He was.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:06.450000+00:00)
Better than worshiping Great Satan.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:19.857000+00:00)
Yeah and quotes from the Polish Field Marshal about how he was planning to get Germany to go to war are also just a meme
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:24.251000+00:00)
<@275503114885529601> You worship the great satan ffs
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:38.091000+00:00)
America is literally satan upon this earth
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:41.825000+00:00)
This is also just a meme
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:42.584000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:55.609000+00:00)
Are you a sargon of akkad fan?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:11:58.618000+00:00)
What the fuck are you even, politically?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:01.606000+00:00)
Muh horseshoe
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:08.232000+00:00)
You sound just like that idiot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:08.742000+00:00)
Sargonism is strong here.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:11.229000+00:00)
In fact anything I disagree with is just a meme
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:19.687000+00:00)
Both extremes are bad.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:21.292000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:24.944000+00:00)
Let's be reasonable.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:12:33.948000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:03.488000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:16.788000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:19.086000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:27.231000+00:00)
You probably believe Generalplan Ost is real.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:28.738000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:30.663000+00:00)
Oh man.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:34.024000+00:00)
dis nigga
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:38.458000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:14:57.070000+00:00)
Yeah in fact they were so anti-Slavic they called Slavs Aryans
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:15:33.052000+00:00)
Apropå Generalplan Ost
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:15:37.405000+00:00)
Tell me how nazis hated slavs.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:15:56.773000+00:00)
"Nearly all the wartime documentation on Generalplan Ost was deliberately destroyed shortly before Germany's defeat in May 1945.[6][7] Thus, no complete set of originals have ever been found after the war, among the documents stored in German archives. Apart from Ehlich's testimony, there are several documents which refer to this plan or are supplements to it. Although no copies of the actual full proposal have survived, most of the plan's essential elements have been reconstructed from related memos, abstracts and other documents."
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:16:00.780000+00:00)
From kikepedia itself.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:16:12.833000+00:00)
If this guy is this easily fooled it explains so much of tonight.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:16:21.375000+00:00)
Do you fucking honestly believe nazis wanted to kill slavs and balts?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:16:41.760000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:17:11.978000+00:00)
Like million and a half soviet citizens joined NS armed forces.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:17:47.015000+00:00)
You are fucking retarded, I just posted a picture of an orignal ID card that shows that the Germans considered Slavs to be Aryan and not"untermensch". How does that not support my argument?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:17:52.781000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:45.874000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:50.296000+00:00)
You are as you are ignoring literally every piece of evidence we have posted to support our argument
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:52.275000+00:00)
Name me one fucking slav who was killed for being a slav
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:53.471000+00:00)
Do it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:54.369000+00:00)
Do it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:18:55.643000+00:00)
Do it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:19:24.741000+00:00)
This guy pretended to be jewsmart earlier and repeats their lies for hours.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:19:58.491000+00:00)
Have you even looked into WW2 history on your own or do you believe every mainstream narrative?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:20:09.275000+00:00)
You obviously think Hitler murdered slavs for no good reason.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:20:25.618000+00:00)
Who did he kill for no reason?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:20:38.611000+00:00)
dis nigga
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:20:50.833000+00:00)
You were already explained this.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:20:54.005000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:00.464000+00:00)
Hitler did nothing wrong by invading Poland.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:24.003000+00:00)
You were posted a bunch of links and pics, what else can I give you if you wont accept proof
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:28.039000+00:00)
TL;DR Did nothing wrong
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:30.075000+00:00)
I wouldn't be surprised at this point if you believed that Hitler was going to gas everyone who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:37.182000+00:00)
Hitler didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve to be killed.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:54.415000+00:00)
You believe in the 6 trillion as well?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:21:58.665000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:22:05+00:00)
Think of the INNOCENTS HITLER gassed
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:22:06.797000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:23:17.855000+00:00)
These are questions if you can't answer them and are just going back to "everything I don't like and can't answer is a logical falsely"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:23:29.108000+00:00)
Jews also love people who countersignal Hitler.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:23:31.959000+00:00)
More than anyone.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:23:42.513000+00:00)
National Socialism is the only thing capable of stopping them.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:09.507000+00:00)
So I go to a 7eleven only to have an Abbo give me shit how "us white people took their land".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:12.657000+00:00)
Well, except maybe Greg.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:19.214000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:25.853000+00:00)
You're pretty much exactly like him.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:27.877000+00:00)
You'd like him.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:29.692000+00:00)
Look him up.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:25:55.408000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:26:06.655000+00:00)
White nationalism is awesome
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:26:48.824000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:26:56.953000+00:00)
I'm pretty stunned you haven't heard of this dude.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:27:03.488000+00:00)
You make very much the exact same criticism.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:27:03.613000+00:00)
Hitler would probably punch you in the face after shouting "muh logical fallacy" for the 100th time
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:28:41.626000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:29:18.005000+00:00)
Well, he was the 9th avatar of Vishnu you know.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:30:35.214000+00:00)
>incapable of independent thought >Believes in mainstream history and won't question it when presented with evidence that it is false
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:30:39.586000+00:00)
Yeah lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:30:41.014000+00:00)
Dis nigga
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:31:07.863000+00:00)
Prove Ost plan happened
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:31:36.533000+00:00)
You implied Hitler murdered slavs for no reason.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:31:50.106000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:32:06.738000+00:00)
Yes, just as you ignored our evidence of polish anti german sentiment.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:32:08.514000+00:00)
So here we are.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:32:23.658000+00:00)
As is yours.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:34:04.229000+00:00)
Ost plan was alleged the plan for extermination of Slavs. The fact that you bring that up and don't no what Ost plan was shows that you have no idea what you are talking about
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:34:22.567000+00:00)
Good talk, brb cig
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:36:00.595000+00:00)
Slavs who were Communist or supported communists were killed, no one was tortured for being Slavic, the Germans considered Slavs Aryan
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:36:09.998000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:36:14.886000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:40:16.989000+00:00)
They were planning to get Germany engaged in the war after Pilsudski died and were trying to get Britain and France to support them
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:41:28.053000+00:00)
You can't forge an Alliance with someone who is determined to go to war with you
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:42:12.116000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:43:45.065000+00:00)
Whats the context? Isn't it quite obvious by this statement that he wants war with Germany
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:45:58.031000+00:00)
So a quote from the leader of the Polish Military saying he wants war with Germany right before the outbreak of war and that Poland wants to put Germany in a situation with Germany?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:47:11.233000+00:00)
It says the source is from the original paper
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:52:13.715000+00:00)
Yeah It is kind of hard to find papers from 1939
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:54:07.726000+00:00)
it is from a speech given on the 6th and reported on the 7th
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:56:13.678000+00:00)
MOS, you are aware Poland was asked to join Anti Comitern Pact right?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:56:33.897000+00:00)
A good load of responsibility can be pinned on Józef Beck as well.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:56:48.482000+00:00)
You blamed Hitler for not trying to get along with them.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:56:52.221000+00:00)
He literally asked them to join.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:57:36.183000+00:00)
You just treat this like Hitler invaded for no reason.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:58:06.132000+00:00)
Look, even fucking Wikipedia writes about this
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:59:12.194000+00:00)
Think for yourself.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:59:16.750000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T05:59:42.769000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T05:59:56.162000+00:00)
No problem.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T06:00:09.692000+00:00)
You don't.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T06:01:02.525000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T06:02:51.411000+00:00)
The particular part is not mentioned however because no newpaper today would print such a quote that made Hitler not look like the aggressor
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T07:10:42.722000+00:00)
antifa looking for Zeiger and some of his guys in canookland, journos helping antifa
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T07:15:39.014000+00:00)
"One is seen on camera saying he drove 12 hours to reach the event, adding, “In Canada, hurting people's feelings is basically illegal.”
“The goal is simple: Nazi behaviour must not be accepted, tolerated or excused… these people from Montreal crossed borders to commit hateful and violent acts. It a crime!” the group said in a statement."
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T09:45:46.552000+00:00)
Can someone link me the new AR discord server?
Gre writes: (2017-08-17T10:09:49.847000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T12:50:10.495000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T12:50:37.868000+00:00)
>"Breitbart Jerusalem"
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T12:54:03.870000+00:00)
“This is incredibly concerning for our school communities,” he said. “These sort of vile and disgusting comments and posters are not acceptable in the community and *those individuals that placed them should be ashamed of themselves.*”
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:07:12.766000+00:00)
Oy vey they told the truth, ban them, ban them
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-17T13:15:54.520000+00:00)
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-17T13:16:03.322000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:16:22.658000+00:00)
Fuck e celebs
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:16:52.540000+00:00)
A few years ago Sotomayor made a video whining how everyone was bullying him and he's a victim of the blac community.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T13:20:18.335000+00:00)
Is it possible for the NRM to allow Scandinavian Colonies as members of the alliance? For example, my part of the USA is heavily Norwegian. Could we be considered as a colony and be accepted as a member country? Maybe with limited membership status.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:03.528000+00:00)
Why do you want to be someone else's little brother rather than your own white nation with it's own identity?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:32.907000+00:00)
America is if anything a British and German colony rather than a nordic one
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:40.978000+00:00)
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:49.284000+00:00)
Help me seed 😃
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:49.900000+00:00)
Questions regarding the organization go in <#337342251749605377>
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T13:21:58.733000+00:00)
Honestly, we could use help organizing.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T13:22:22.274000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096>. I only speak english. Can i still post in organization?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T13:22:33.093000+00:00)
<@307177682314199040> Yes
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T13:22:41.383000+00:00)
Thank ypu.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T13:24:18.783000+00:00)
If we get things sorted out are we going to have the Burger question instead of the Jewish one?
Victor writes: (2017-08-17T13:53:30.414000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-17T13:53:33.520000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Did anyone say burger?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T14:01:30.980000+00:00)
who could eat that?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:01:44.962000+00:00)
an american?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T14:04:59.750000+00:00)
I don't think they would survive it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:05:34.482000+00:00)
youtube search for heart attack grill
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:05:38.235000+00:00)
watch some vids about that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:05:54.242000+00:00)
What do you think about this <@206898373062557696>? https://jasonrezajorjani.com/blog/2017/8/15/my-resignation-from-the-alt-right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:11.816000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:14.327000+00:00)
who the fuck is that?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:19.248000+00:00)
He has some interesting ideas and concepts, probably for the best. I think he's too good for the Alt-Right
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:25.638000+00:00)
half iranian professor
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:45.674000+00:00)
the problem is that he's been promoting psychic abilitites
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:06:59.157000+00:00)
and we care... because?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:07:22.122000+00:00)
just interesting thoughts on the history of the aryans
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:07:23.227000+00:00)
>As my Alt-Right and Arktos partners
>and Arktos
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:08:12.529000+00:00)
that's what I found interesting with him, his views on Aryans and the connection between Iran and Europe/Caucasus
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:08:21.374000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkQfp2GmZH4 a bit long but he talks some about it here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:08:30.619000+00:00)
>Alt-Right Corporation
>it has share holders
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:08:59.448000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:10:46.054000+00:00)
anyway yeah I am totally impartial on this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:10:57.413000+00:00)
don't even care enough to even want to figure this guy out
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:12:52.007000+00:00)
he talks about how the iranians was white and how the schytians and the northern parts of persia was both blue eyed and blonde, and all
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:13:33.539000+00:00)
k, he's not the only one who says that though I think
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:13:34.527000+00:00)
I think he was the one who could have made race more dominant in the alt-right
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:13:47.691000+00:00)
except for "white nationalism" as an angle
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:14:04.173000+00:00)
for sure he isn't
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:14:33.021000+00:00)
he's anti-traditionalism <@206898373062557696> lemme find the article
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:14:56.717000+00:00)
probably, just the race angle was what made him good, not sure about anything else
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:14:59.485000+00:00)
because he thinks it's an excuse to let in muslims or something
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:02.083000+00:00)
his talks about psychics suck
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:12.483000+00:00)
he is?
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:16.331000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:18.987000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:22.792000+00:00)
isn't that what most of alt-right thinks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:32.801000+00:00)
"muh freedom" "muh homosexuals"
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:44.407000+00:00)
"Traditionalism as a means to let in muslims"
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T14:15:53.447000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:16:10.208000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:16:12.822000+00:00)
it's probably some weird analogy of "white sharia" 😄
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:16:27.714000+00:00)
>against perennial philosophy
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:16:43.699000+00:00)
>think tank
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T14:17:04.470000+00:00)
>chic nihilism
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:17:15.424000+00:00)
his entire critique is that he's incredibly asspained about Islam
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-17T14:18:05.902000+00:00)
and he somehow thinks that's a criticism of the perennial philosophy
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T14:19:03.225000+00:00)
Who even reads evola and guenon and thinks it's muslim philosophy
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:19:19.692000+00:00)
isn't the critique more about christianity?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:19:59.352000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> those who don't actually read them but have heard that Guenon converted to Sufism and Evola said something about Islam which wasn't "its shit" that's who
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:20:44.986000+00:00)
The Iranian Renaissance will only succeed, for the benefit of both Iran and Europe, if it can produce thinkers that make revolutionary scientific and sociopolitical breakthroughs. That is not going to happen with Confucian style readings of the Gathas of Zarathustra or the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi. We have to think from out of the heroic Aryan spirit of Zarathustra and produce a future history that will be more mythic than anything Ferdowsi could have conceived. Our greatest enemy in this venture is not Islam, but the Traditionalist mentality of Javidan Kherad or “Perennial Philosophy” that cannot tolerate fundamental uncertainty and honest intellectual conflict. This Javidan Kherad, which Leibniz imported into the West and Guénon later elaborated and used to legitimate Islam, has its origins in a false reconstruction of Sassanian culture on the basis of an Islamic-Mongol mentality that is truly going to be the death of us if we do not have the courage to free ourselves from it. If there is going to be an Iranian Hegel first we need another Mani, we need another Mazdak, even if we also need another Khosrow, and we need this violently productive intellectual conflict within a few years from now. How is that possible? If even one man has the courage to be all three, to divide himself and think against himself, as Plato did, beginning from out of a wondrous recognition of radical incompleteness.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T14:22:10.403000+00:00)
sounds like he's an enlightenment fag
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:23:14.513000+00:00)
he's a romantic about Iran, that's why.. he tries to tie everything to influence from Persia
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:25:01.432000+00:00)
"In Prometheus & Atlas, Dr. Jorjani endeavors to deconstruct the nihilistic materialism and rootless rationalism of the modern West by showing how it was grounded on a dishonest suppression of the spectral and why it has a parasitic relationship with Abrahamic religious fundamentalism. Rejecting the marginalization of ESP and psychokinesis as “paranormal,” Prometheus & Atlas makes the case that psi is only “super Natural” insofar as our reductive modern scientific models have occluded Supernature for practical purposes. At the same time, Jorjani calls for a conscious recognition of the superhumanly empowering archetypes of Prometheus and Atlas, which he argues have unconsciously driven the daring scientific exploration and discovery of all those cultures that adopted and adapted the cosmopolitan promise of the Hellenic heritage. Embracing the Promethean and Atlantic spirit, and a reach for a fiery fusion of the horizons of the Eastern and Western worlds, would mean the dawn of a new age and an integral society wherein the modern barriers between Science, Religion, Politics, and Art have been dynamited."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:25:31.349000+00:00)
ESP & Psychokinesis = Degenerate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:29:56.565000+00:00)
he's weird, but I think his aryan beliefs ties him closest of the leading figures in that (((corporation)))
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T14:30:18.234000+00:00)
to natsoc
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T14:59:30.071000+00:00)
I'm tempted to put together a video called "top ten Nazi pranks" and have them all be red pills. Like "Number 3 : Nazis convinced women thay have a fertility window and if they spend all their time working an office job they won't be able to have kids"
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T15:08:19.199000+00:00)
I like that idea
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:27:05.278000+00:00)
https://thepiratebay.org/search/europa%20the%20last%20battle/0/1/0 Europa The Last Battle (Parts 1-8) documentary
Seed this and spread it further!
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:30:58.369000+00:00)
<@!213360948566556672> I'll download them, seeding from 250Mbit.
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:31:16.308000+00:00)
Sweet. I just uploaded these, seeding aswell but need more to get on it 8)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:31:41.730000+00:00)
Kan du ladda upp dom på typ google drive, så kan jag tanka ner dom där. Och sen seeda på piratviken?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:32:04.352000+00:00)
Aldrig gjort förut men kan prova
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:32:11.123000+00:00)
så länge jag har filerna, så blir det ändå ingen skillnad på torrentfilerna.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:32:54.894000+00:00)
iofs, kanske går lika fort att tanka dom ifrån dig på piratviken.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:33:19.182000+00:00)
<@!213360948566556672> vad har du för uppladdningshastighet?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:33:20.755000+00:00)
Borde gå ganska snabbt iallafall
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T15:33:45.561000+00:00)
says 0 seeds, 0 leechers
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:34:13.943000+00:00)
yeah, only one torrent has started downloading for me
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:34:25.849000+00:00)
Enligt speedtest.net så laddar jag ner i 93.94 MBPS och upp i 2.84 mbps, men jag seedar på uTorrent just nu så kanske har med det att göra
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:34:50.367000+00:00)
stäng av alla andra seeds på uTorrent tills vi fått ner dessa filerna
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:34:51.937000+00:00)
really? Says I'm currently seeding 1-3
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:35:20.493000+00:00)
vänta, har du ca100Mbit ner, o knappt 3Mbit upp? :o
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:35:45.854000+00:00)
Haha tror jag har en 100 / 10
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:36:00.820000+00:00)
stäng av alla andra torrents under tiden.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:36:12.966000+00:00)
ha bara dessa 8 torrents igång. :P
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:37:22.108000+00:00)
sådär, nu börjar det hända något
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:39:23.288000+00:00)
https://i.imgur.com/VAz8oIV.png så ser det ut för mig
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:39:56.986000+00:00)
Lyckas du ladda ner part 5-8? Blir röd text för mig ibland
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:40:32.315000+00:00)
har du de inlagda 2 gånger?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:40:49.126000+00:00)
Jag la in dom två gånger för att det var röd text hela tiden innan
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:40:50.410000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:41:05.446000+00:00)
5-8 laddar iaf
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:41:24.424000+00:00)
schyst 😃
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T15:41:45.392000+00:00)
blir bättre fart för andra så snart folk tankat ner dom. :P
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T15:46:32.503000+00:00)
Perfekt 😄
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T15:54:49.698000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T15:55:45.013000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T16:00:39.254000+00:00)
<@!213360948566556672> Lägger du upp en torrent sen som innehåller alla delar?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:00:53.443000+00:00)
Japp 😃
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:01:00.162000+00:00)
och separat
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:01:11.134000+00:00)
har lagt upp en hel torrent med delar 1-8
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T16:01:37.257000+00:00)
Förövrigt - Det går bra att seeda utan att ladda ner (Om det är någon som inte visste det). Bara att påbörja 'nedladdningen' men välja bort alla filer.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:02:28.201000+00:00)
vad han menar är att alla filer kunde ligga i en o samma torrent. inte enbart torrentfilerna som det är nu.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-17T16:03:42.318000+00:00)
Does the Wotan Network have a discord?
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:04:38.641000+00:00)
Alla filer finns i torrenten "Europa - The Last Battle Part 1-8"
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:05:03.634000+00:00)
Men jag kommer lägga upp 9 och 10 separat och allt ihop också
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:05:10.503000+00:00)
det var ju den jag drog ner.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:05:21.928000+00:00)
och där i var bara torrentfilerna.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:05:37.671000+00:00)
den torrenten var bara på 222KB
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:05:38.461000+00:00)
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:06:06.524000+00:00)
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:06:08.556000+00:00)
Verkar ha tagits bort
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:06:09.228000+00:00)
122KB tom
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:06:20.836000+00:00)
japp, den finns inte längre
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:06:55.549000+00:00)
Skumt, aja jag fixar upp full documentary sen iallafall
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-17T16:07:25.578000+00:00)
har du del 9 o 10 också?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T16:07:30.712000+00:00)
isis strikes again
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T16:07:38.450000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T16:08:51.869000+00:00)
truck of tolerance
Sam Hyde writes: (2017-08-17T16:08:52.867000+00:00)
Del 9 och 10 är inte ute än
Mats writes: (2017-08-17T16:13:36.985000+00:00)
I guess it will be 5 who died
Mats writes: (2017-08-17T16:13:45.815000+00:00)
Or more
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T16:14:14.411000+00:00)
was there on that same street on trip
Подземникъ writes: (2017-08-17T16:21:46.242000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-17T16:24:01.082000+00:00)
I bet the jewish media is going to be all over some muslim representative and ask him if they will stop being muslims now and stop all their actions.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-17T16:27:31.918000+00:00)
Maybe they even going to attack some goverment representative and ask him If muslim immigrations needs to stop and start the deportations
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T16:44:58.093000+00:00)
oh shit somebody called AW pussies on that vid
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T16:49:37.777000+00:00)
you mean in the comments?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T16:53:42.153000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T16:53:59.407000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T16:55:31.304000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T16:58:19.540000+00:00)
Were there any diseases the Nazis cured where the cure then spread outwards?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T17:02:31.782000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:03:28.112000+00:00)
>A van has ploughed into crowds on the Ramblas tourist area in Barcelona.
>Spanish police say several people have been injured in a "massive crash".
>The emergency services are urging people to stay away from the area around Placa Catalunya.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T17:05:10.587000+00:00)
apparently two guys ran out of the truck/van, shot some people and are holding hostages in a restaurant <@322409738124001280>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:06:35.659000+00:00)
yea, reports are they found Islam scribbles in the van
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:06:44.382000+00:00)
Videos of the injured are now coming in
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T17:07:09.061000+00:00)
those are just racist reports kek
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:07:45+00:00)
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:07:47.927000+00:00)
Oy vey
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:08:02.395000+00:00)
Of course, this was white people using their privlege to hinder a peaceful Islamic truck's momentum. It was literally an attack on their velocity
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:08:19.637000+00:00)
Seems like it was an anti-semitic attack
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:08:43.248000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:09:21.179000+00:00)
did a jew have his shirt ruined by a white woman's blood splattering on him? Oy vey, the 6 million euro cleaning bill
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:10:11.118000+00:00)
Probably that or some shoah-tier trauma
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:10:42.655000+00:00)
Anyway, they need more protection
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:11:09.272000+00:00)
We should build them gated communities
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:11:29.619000+00:00)
high fences, swimming pools, showers and a football team
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T17:12:08.708000+00:00)
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-17T17:12:40.477000+00:00)
Yes, make the soap industry great again
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T17:16:15.460000+00:00)
jews should be sent to israel, then we'll allow the arabs to contend with them
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:18:33.411000+00:00)
A shame it wasn't a Chad driving a dodge.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T17:19:28.744000+00:00)
why? That kids going to jail for the rest of his life, he may even get the death sentence.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:19:38.864000+00:00)
A reminder - Save graphical images of the event. They will try to hide it as always.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:22:32.664000+00:00)
the kid may get off
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:22:41.690000+00:00)
depends who tries him
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:23:30.533000+00:00)
<@290601210640203776> I prefer mad aryans over mad kebabs. But this was a nof the cuff remark - Not my grand plan for total victory.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T17:23:54.242000+00:00)
He won't get off. Even politicians are saying he is a terrorist.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T17:24:31.771000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> What I was saying is I'd rather some dumpy beta going to jail than a "chad"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:25:55.547000+00:00)
A good lawyer will get him off as there are photos of anti-fa attacking his car and he tries to break before he hits people
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:25:57.087000+00:00)
Yes, but I was refering to the virgin truck vs chad dodge meme <:troll:333285395259195394>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:26:11.761000+00:00)
His motivation was clearly to escape but his path was blocked
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:27:21.502000+00:00)
I saw things pointing to the driver being jewish, would be interesting if this could be confirmed or rejected.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:08.486000+00:00)
If he's not a jewish provocateur, he could still be made into a martyr.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:11.950000+00:00)
His mother's surname is Bloom
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:15.865000+00:00)
Common Jewish name
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:40.727000+00:00)
His mom mentioned even the dude's childhood black friend to prove he's not racist, I think she would have brought up being jewish.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:46.207000+00:00)
Dodge Dude did nothing wrong.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T17:28:55.067000+00:00)
Either way.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:29:10.669000+00:00)
32 injured, 10 seriously
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:29:17.878000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsLvEZKWqX0 We have a stream showing news channels here
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T17:29:24.304000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T17:29:35.957000+00:00)
This should put all the kvetching and blood vomiting over the Dodge into a perspective.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:30:14.881000+00:00)
Sky news showing a dark skinned arab looking man looking disraught and a bunch of women panicing. What's the agenda here guys?
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:31:33.625000+00:00)
He must have had a poor childhood 😢
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:31:56.013000+00:00)
his mothers a cripple
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:32:00.994000+00:00)
And no Dad is around
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:33:13.237000+00:00)
now they have an arab telling everyone how much of a victim is he being locked in his office
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:33:24.269000+00:00)
What a strange pattern
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:34:54.520000+00:00)
fuck me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:35:12.303000+00:00)
"Shaul is the owner of an Isrealy tourism company who have been based in barcelona for 20 years"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:35:16.900000+00:00)
Then they get a Rabbi..
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:35:45.005000+00:00)
Can we just gas barcelona now?
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-17T17:37:21.942000+00:00)
Absolutely hilarious, racial strangers are somhow more victim than the actual roadkill.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:39:38.478000+00:00)
13 people dead
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:40:10.049000+00:00)
wasn't spain asking for more Muslims recently?
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T17:40:33.173000+00:00)
They love the illegal immigration
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T17:40:38.884000+00:00)
Especially in Grenada
James Johann writes: (2017-08-17T17:40:45.072000+00:00)
And the Barcelona area
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:41:52.460000+00:00)
Well at least they hit a good area and not one of ours.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:42:23.586000+00:00)
*doesn't realize he is purity spiraling, doesn't realize he is punching right and dividing the movement*
*doesn't realize that what is happening to him is what he did to the republicans*
*doesn't realize he is slowly becoming another GOP*
*looks in mirror*
>oh my god... I've become my father!
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:42:38.639000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:54:43.588000+00:00)
So the plan is to be a civic nationalist except for the jews and this will some how restore a white society to it's white prime?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T17:55:11.008000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T17:55:28.093000+00:00)
Since when do niggers and spics care?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T17:55:43.420000+00:00)
they will when they see our MEMES of course
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T17:56:11.952000+00:00)
Has Iron March taken over NRM chat?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T17:56:20.065000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T17:56:20.738000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T17:56:22.764000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:57:12.976000+00:00)
Didn't Iron march go Muslim then start killing each other?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:57:38.810000+00:00)
scuse me m8?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:57:44.011000+00:00)
want to elaborate on dat?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T17:58:22.626000+00:00)
I heard some Iron march guy converted to Islam then killed 2 of his room mates
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T17:58:44.335000+00:00)
Devon was banned from the forum months before that happened
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:59:13.346000+00:00)
there's also a bit of conflating of IM with AWD in that statement
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T17:59:23.682000+00:00)
there is an obvious overlap, but don't conflate the two
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:00:04.711000+00:00)
I've not followed that side of things. I just heard rumours someone had gone postal from Iron march after claiming he was a Muslim now.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T18:00:49.613000+00:00)
The only reason he was in AW was because he was Odin's friend. AW has since banned Muslims
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:01:23.708000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T18:01:30.517000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:01:55.496000+00:00)
Atomwaffen Division, so the full acronym is AWD
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:02:33.418000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> you can just read this thread to get the full story http://ironmarch.org/index.php?/topic/7843-official-im-statement-regarding-the-muslim-terror-attack-on-aw/
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:02:48.368000+00:00)
pretty much covers the entire issue
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:06:17.425000+00:00)
Reading it now. Why the hell wasn't converting to Islam an immediate kick? Who would want white Muslims?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:06:56.708000+00:00)
they probably thought he was ironic or going through a phase
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:06:59.205000+00:00)
we're not gonna discuss that, its all in the statement
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:07:06.292000+00:00)
looking at used books online
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-17T18:07:09.804000+00:00)
He was the leaders close friend
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:07:15.811000+00:00)
and frankly only AWD guys should be answering that question if at all
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:07:29.757000+00:00)
added two books from a seller and then checked the page, saw they had a "religion and esotericism" category on their store page
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:00.901000+00:00)
thought "This is going to be some New Age hippie pseudo-yoga crap", but when I checked the top book was Bhagavad-Gita
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:10.985000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:14.205000+00:00)
I mean in general, no single group
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:41.589000+00:00)
Islam is the 2nd enemy of the west right behind the kikes. We have many enemies but those 2 are the most dangerous
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:46.194000+00:00)
Haha i went to Orthodox monastery some time ago and was reading through book by John Chrysostom
>Open book
>First thing to see
>Cursing jews
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:08:46.926000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:09:17.765000+00:00)
Do you concider Hezbollah our enemy then?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T18:09:40.154000+00:00)
pisslam is the sword of the jew <@322409738124001280>
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:10:06.250000+00:00)
*Chrysostom held Jews responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus and deicide (killing God, see "Jewish deicide" for the subject) and added that they continued to rejoice in Jesus's death.[10] He compared the synagogue to a pagan temple, representing it as the source of all vices and heresies.[8]
He described it as a place worse than a brothel and a drinking shop; it was a den of scoundrels, the repair of wild beasts, a temple of demons, the refuge of brigands and debauchees, and the cavern of devils, a criminal assembly of the assassins of Christ.[1] Palladius, Chrysostom's contemporary biographer, also recorded his claim that among the Jews the priesthood may be purchased and sold for money.[8] Finally, he declared that, in accordance with the sentiments of the saints, he hated both the synagogue and the Jews,[1] saying that demons dwell in the synagogue and also in the souls of the Jews, and describing them as growing fit for slaughter.[11]*
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:10:35.089000+00:00)
I consider any one not white and trying to build a white ethno state to be an enemy. It just depends on the degree of enemies.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T18:10:55.077000+00:00)
what about half asian people who agree with fascism? <@322409738124001280>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:11:48.275000+00:00)
They're not a direct threat to us, but any two tribes will conflict sooner or later. We can work together now but tomorrow we will be in conflict again
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:11:53.050000+00:00)
I concider Hezbollah, Assad and Iran as our allies against Israel. I think with Islam it depends what kind of Islam are we talking about
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:11:58.577000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:12:14.915000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:12:19.200000+00:00)
The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:12:29.572000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:12:41.964000+00:00)
You can work together but it doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T18:12:55.141000+00:00)
i meant people who are half asian, what do you think about those? <@322409738124001280>
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:07.222000+00:00)
Of course not and they should not have. Their interest is and needs to be their people.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:07.353000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> That is generally understood.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:22.697000+00:00)
And we can work on that ground
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:36.156000+00:00)
The enemy is the system, everything that opposes it isn't our prime enemy
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:36.998000+00:00)
So what, Hezbollah won't be knocking on my doorstep anytime soon
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:13:47.835000+00:00)
And wont be
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:14:28.005000+00:00)
anyone less than 95% white shouldn't be considered white IMO
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:14:42.428000+00:00)
Where are you from?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:03.493000+00:00)
The exact ratio between 90-100 is flexible but that's the limits
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:09.702000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:26.667000+00:00)
Noone considers Hezbollah as whites. They are Arabs but we fight the same enemy.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:35.299000+00:00)
anti fa oppose the system.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:41.880000+00:00)
No they dont 😄
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:43.984000+00:00)
They want to remove all the white cucks and make them black cucks
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:15:57.745000+00:00)
That is a form of opposition
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:16:26.212000+00:00)
have fun suspecting anyone around you because 5% is not easy to tell
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:16:52.905000+00:00)
Antifas aren't revolutionary, you dip. They only focus on "attacking" fascists
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:17:15.492000+00:00)
Hezbollah might be non whites but nonetheless they represent atleast a part of our ideology which is anti-semitism.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:17:19.858000+00:00)
We're not dealing with an ethno state situation.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:17:44.608000+00:00)
I salute their struggle
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:17:47.399000+00:00)
They are not a threat to the system, most of the time they are busy fighting so called Fascists
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:18:28.132000+00:00)
I don't need to DNA test people to make sure they're white enough. But that doesn't mean they belong in the ethno state. I object to "based minorities" because I don't want "good" men to work towards our goals then to slam the door in their faces if we achieve them. That's dishonourable to me and I would hope people were above that
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:18:42.869000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I didn't know being paid by (((bankers))) who pull the strings behind the stages was being a threat to the system
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:19:14.079000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T18:19:15.684000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:19:38.391000+00:00)
Whos that
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:19:38.457000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:20:03.140000+00:00)
No, jeb y u do dis
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:20:20.355000+00:00)
Who is Jebcraft?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:20:26.286000+00:00)
I keep seeing the name but I have no clue who it is
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:21:03.796000+00:00)
I just don't think people who share a hatred of Jews makes them an ally. It's a low bar to set
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:21:23.576000+00:00)
But they're not the prime enemy
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:29.524000+00:00)
I never said they were
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:46.649000+00:00)
Just consider them neutral
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:54.660000+00:00)
Work together when it's useful but remember you're on different paths.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:56.295000+00:00)
Neither an ally neither an enemy
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:57.470000+00:00)
You act like it
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T18:22:59.822000+00:00)
As long as they stay in their own countries, I guess no one needs to get hurt
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:05.374000+00:00)
Actually, Golden Dawn embrased Hezbollah 😉
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:24.267000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:25.942000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:32.109000+00:00)
Pretty sure Golden Dawn also visited Bashar al Assad
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:33.903000+00:00)
Yeah golden dawn likes hezbollah
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:37.703000+00:00)
They want to be like them
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:39.218000+00:00)
A second gov
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:23:51.540000+00:00)
Golden Dawn also enbraced Trump lol
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:05.520000+00:00)
And still do
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:07.943000+00:00)
More for a real political reason
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:09.080000+00:00)
Very sad
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:09.335000+00:00)
but without the part where you get bombed
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:13.217000+00:00)
Not for ideological
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:23.557000+00:00)
But I would never offer any kind of moral, financial or military support to a sand negro
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:24.215000+00:00)
GD is over.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:40.161000+00:00)
Nah bro
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:24:49.366000+00:00)
My argument is simply "There is us and there is them". If you're not us, conflict will happen at some point in the future if you come into contact with each other. It doesn't mean they're a prime enemy now, only that they will be on a long enough timeline.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:11.553000+00:00)
GD is best dawn
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:15.106000+00:00)
There are no radicals left in GD. All of them left
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:21.739000+00:00)
Oh cmon
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:24.511000+00:00)
why did they leave?
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:26.015000+00:00)
Wait what
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:29.365000+00:00)
No they didnt
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:31.865000+00:00)
No radicals
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:32.937000+00:00)
In gd
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:34.300000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:36.636000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> No, not at all they are in a fucking desert and i am somwhere else.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:42.236000+00:00)
Sammy im in ground zero
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:25:54.976000+00:00)
GD is most sucessfull NatSoc organization right now
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:05.944000+00:00)
Fair enough
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:09.285000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:11.619000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:19.656000+00:00)
Maybe 20 years ago
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:26.515000+00:00)
I have heard this before, but real politics comes with a price
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:31.050000+00:00)
Do you think the ethno state is going to be in space mate?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:37.460000+00:00)
Now they're an ideological shitfest
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:40.534000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:41.152000+00:00)
How would you explain their admiration towards us?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:26:56.752000+00:00)
The NRM?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:07.372000+00:00)
Why would i be fighting with sandpeople or Best Korea about some ethnostate?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:33.796000+00:00)
Every group wants to expand and to have more resources. This brings them into conflict. Arabs maybe far away now but if we have an ethno state we'll want to make an empire, so will they. Sooner or lter it's kebab fighting time for ethno state
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:41.502000+00:00)
Doesn't say much to me
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:42.487000+00:00)
Um, we are already fighting with sandpeople
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:50.587000+00:00)
I think they are also gaining alot because of the economic crisis
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:27:57.501000+00:00)
They are the only ones helping
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:28:09.814000+00:00)
Its not like when i requested interview with Ilias Kasidiaris, i sent him link of the video of the Swedish branch solidarity demo for Golden Dawn , which he like alot
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-17T18:28:27.990000+00:00)
Sandpeople caused two freaking world wars
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:28:31.083000+00:00)
<@228561082594099208> To be fair I know conservative politicians in parliament abroad who openly admire us, it doesn't necessarily mean they share our worldview.
I like GD though and haven't seen any actual proof that they're not as good as they seem.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:28:48.282000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:28:52.667000+00:00)
They also hate albanians 😉
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:29:14.926000+00:00)
Golden dawn seem to be doing well. It's a model I hope is taken up else where
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:29:22.460000+00:00)
If you lived in Greece and were INSIDE the Greek nationalistic scene you'd have a different opinion
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:29:47.294000+00:00)
Where is GD prominent?
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:29:53.860000+00:00)
Since nobody sees them on the tourist islands
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:30:02.205000+00:00)
In the capital?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:30:09.048000+00:00)
They're offices
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-17T18:30:11.444000+00:00)
Another greek who's also on this server says the very same things as elusive
stem writes: (2017-08-17T18:30:23.149000+00:00)
what is wrong with golden dawn?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:30:45.431000+00:00)
A lot. Im on my phone and I gtg
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:00.076000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> That's possible, but we're not and we need evidence before denouncing what seems like an extremely good organization.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:09.037000+00:00)
Golden Dawns strategy can be seen that words are not that radical which is true, but by looking at the symbols, they speak enough what they want.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:19.252000+00:00)
For oursiders they look good i know
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:23.908000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:32.730000+00:00)
I advocate for working locally, making sure your community can survive the collapse of society and fight off the kbab hordes. Then when it all goes to shit you're the defacto guy in charge and cancome out on top rather than try to fight the government head on and getting smashed
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:33.920000+00:00)
But hey, Elusive, what is good group then?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:34.553000+00:00)
Inside lays rotten filth
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:49.669000+00:00)
In Greece?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:52.078000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:31:52.632000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Come back when you're not on your phone and show us evidence then.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:13.354000+00:00)
If they really are bad then naturally I don't want to support them, but they don't seem bad at all.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:15.458000+00:00)
Just look up Periandros Androutsopoulos
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:24.980000+00:00)
Ex sub leader of GD
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:27.286000+00:00)
I know about him
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:34.998000+00:00)
Most loyal NS in Greece
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:38.735000+00:00)
Betrayed by GD
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:32:48.935000+00:00)
i seen hate albanians
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:33:05.654000+00:00)
what albanian we gona use baseball bat on
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:33:57.696000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:34:25.060000+00:00)
What do you mean by betrayed?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:35:28.216000+00:00)
didnt gd leader called the head of greek parliement a commie
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:35:48.001000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:35:49.343000+00:00)
<@228561082594099208> He was sentenced to prison. His sentence was greatly reduced which led to accusations by some within GD that he had cooperated with police, while he himself expressed disappointment with GD for not supporting him and then he formed his own organization.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:36:07.698000+00:00)
Whats his organisation then?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T18:36:57.785000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> hezbollah can't be antisemitic by definition since they themselves are semites
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:37:08.015000+00:00)
<@228561082594099208> Ανένταχτοι Μαιάνδριοι Εθνικιστές
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:38:47.481000+00:00)
Kotleba – People's Party Our Slovakia any insight about this guys
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:38:53.252000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:39:04.939000+00:00)
Kotleba seems pretty cool
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:39:15.732000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> >Iranians
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:39:29.209000+00:00)
Kotleba is more like a political party, like Golden Dawn
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:39:41.377000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> ya admin?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:39:44.405000+00:00)
I've heard favourable things about Kotleba but don't have any actual insight
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:40:40.758000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-17T18:40:55.175000+00:00)
aren't they lebanese <@!225299960529158156>
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:40:57.070000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> Haha yeah that one is amazing
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:10.164000+00:00)
"Oy vey they're racist for giving out money to poor families!"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:24.690000+00:00)
Shut it down
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:31.994000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:48.095000+00:00)
so that we do not have to participate in criminal policies of NATO, USA and Israel.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:55.412000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:41:57.907000+00:00)
They good
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:42:09.513000+00:00)
There's another organization called Slovenská pospolitosť
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:42:12.467000+00:00)
Anyone know more about them?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:42:28.393000+00:00)
Or is it the same one?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:42:36.510000+00:00)
Hezbollah consists of shias from both, a ton of Iranians since Hezbollah has sustained heavy losses in defense of Syria.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:43:13.334000+00:00)
Ah yeah it's also Kotleba's group
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:43:19.453000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:43:31.229000+00:00)
I like those uniforms
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:43:34.764000+00:00)
i like em now
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:43:53.635000+00:00)
Kotleba good. They are highly religious it seems, but good christian values tho
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:25.214000+00:00)
Is Jobbik in Hungary good?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:30.076000+00:00)
haha no
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:34.470000+00:00)
They are pro-eu 🍮
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:39.491000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:40.567000+00:00)
yea thats symbol of slovak peoples party
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:44.929000+00:00)
Some Lebanese also identify as fucking mediterrean 😂 . But they do speak a semitic language yes.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:45.135000+00:00)
Jobbik used to be good
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:46.473000+00:00)
from ww2
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:57.807000+00:00)
I think most Slavic countries are bound to have strictly Christian organizations
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:44:59.361000+00:00)
Josef Tizo
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:08.394000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:15.793000+00:00)
I bet lebanon and Syria are the most white countries
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:17.783000+00:00)
I've met loads of Christian Lebanese and Syrians <@!225299960529158156>
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:26.825000+00:00)
and thats why most succesfull
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:31.380000+00:00)
They're to Greeks what Estonians are to Finns
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:45:52.222000+00:00)
Basically the same but more second world and traditional
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:04.746000+00:00)
hah i talked with Syrian "refugee" ones, he was christian, hated Israel and understood why we want them out 😄
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:08.098000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> yea lot of christians in middle east
stem writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:14.855000+00:00)
woah, woah, they are not the greeks
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:40.536000+00:00)
Yeah that's fairly normal Sammy
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:42.765000+00:00)
That is why i like hezbollah
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:43.781000+00:00)
in lebanon president can only be christian
stem writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:43.867000+00:00)
or as close as estonians to finns
Viper writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:46.330000+00:00)
They protect christians
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:46:59.988000+00:00)
I know a lot of Catholics from Lebanon and one or two Orthodox guys from Iraq and Syria
stem writes: (2017-08-17T18:47:10.138000+00:00)
the christian groups in the middle east have less sub-saharan admixture
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:47:51.398000+00:00)
stem writes: (2017-08-17T18:47:52.390000+00:00)
they are closer to the original populations of the region
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:47:56.535000+00:00)
One of the Orthodox ones said that different Orthodox Christian organizations (Serb, Greek, Syriac, Russian etc) cooperate to buy Lutheran churches when they're being sold by the Swedish Church, so that Muslim groups don't buy them instead and convert them to mosques.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:48:27.131000+00:00)
Basically racial economics but religious. I find it admirable.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:48:37.738000+00:00)
Based Orthodox church
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:48:52.232000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:00.414000+00:00)
bro we tore down mosque
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:07.099000+00:00)
in 2014 i think
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:12.174000+00:00)
Haha what? 😄
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:13.950000+00:00)
or 2015 i dunno
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:24.051000+00:00)
The one that you set on fire?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:31.673000+00:00)
no buldozers
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:34.276000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:45.994000+00:00)
we do it modern way
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:49:55.031000+00:00)
i think out of all mosques
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:01.952000+00:00)
Belgrade mosque was torched in 2015 I think
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:03.813000+00:00)
by ultras
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:08.002000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:15.208000+00:00)
this one was in Novi Sad
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:18.720000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:30.586000+00:00)
muslims said why
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:37.619000+00:00)
no bitch it going down
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:50:38.447000+00:00)
Oh right, I saw the news report for that.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:00.278000+00:00)
belgrade mosque was only one survived in belgrade
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:14.414000+00:00)
rest where brought down
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:22.738000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:29.948000+00:00)
BBQ in Serbia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:47.425000+00:00)
das rite
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:48.713000+00:00)
You know Serbian Action?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:51:53.723000+00:00)
u ask
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:01.457000+00:00)
<@228561082594099208> There is a member from Serbian Action in this discord
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:05.738000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:07.293000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:08.001000+00:00)
Ah nice
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:12.657000+00:00)
Well i know him 😉
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:52:13.630000+00:00)
i know him from im
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:53:21.645000+00:00)
Me too
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:53:22.515000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> <@228561082594099208> A.M.E and APELLA are both radical Greek NS organizations and are supported and support Periandros
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T18:53:55.292000+00:00)
4 serbs including me are on this server
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:01.269000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:03.572000+00:00)
very radical
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:04.863000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:15.017000+00:00)
Im sorry, could you link me to their site or videos
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:17.050000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:38.803000+00:00)
Isn't APELLA a radio show?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:41.532000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:54:43.709000+00:00)
Sammy im on my phone. Hellenicns.gr for APELLA
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:02.979000+00:00)
No they're a organization
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:06.440000+00:00)
And have a webshiw
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:15.968000+00:00)
Like you guys do
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:35.669000+00:00)
Ah nice these guys
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:40.562000+00:00)
i saw picture of them in Instagram
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:48.366000+00:00)
they have link to our site on their website
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:49.398000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:55:55.210000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:16.690000+00:00)
And for Danskernes Parti? But arent they cuckservatives?
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:25.053000+00:00)
Danskernes Parti doesn't exist
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:27.509000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:31.483000+00:00)
Ah good
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:45.576000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> https://scontent.fqlf1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20799359_351129801987386_8414867159802484591_n.jpg?oh=2681e0d1f07cb3d40c7fd7c6f161fb0a&oe=5A193A50
* blocks your path*
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:51.136000+00:00)
Anyway guys im out. If you need more info gimme a PM
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:56.553000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> What the hell
Elusive writes: (2017-08-17T18:56:59.287000+00:00)
Or ask <@203572971795644416>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:57:04.879000+00:00)
Antifascist guard at the funeral.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:57:06.088000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:57:39.126000+00:00)
Oh wait
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T18:57:52.221000+00:00)
Let's not get this server shut down aswell over the same story 😂
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:58:15.850000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T18:58:47.314000+00:00)
Ahoy mateys, tharrrr she blows
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T18:58:56.292000+00:00)
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:00:12.864000+00:00)
Funny. Apparently the fatty pig, that assumably was killed by the car, was already lying down on the ground, before the car hit her.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:00:22.961000+00:00)
i.e. the car didn't directly impact her.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:00:49.395000+00:00)
as a matter of fact, it looks like she had a heart attack
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:01:03.372000+00:00)
Regardless, I laugh at that fat fuck dying.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:01:25.307000+00:00)
<@179687312311975937> https://i.gyazo.com/7d74f4a086295d0a68f0496e2cfa2eb1.mp4
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:01:27.853000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-17T19:02:02.759000+00:00)
Someone found her facebook and found out she was married to a nigger
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:02:13.987000+00:00)
Likewise, notice a lack of bruises, lack of indication of impact.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:02:37.455000+00:00)
She just died because her grease-covered heart couldn't take the stress of the demonstration and the heat
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:02:50.295000+00:00)
Regardless, she died as she lived, as a fat, useless blob of fuck-waste on the ground.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:02:59.865000+00:00)
And first responders couldn't reach her heart under half a metre layer of lard.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:03:24.524000+00:00)
Fun fact: With fat people, you are supposed to use the weight of your entire leg and upper body
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:03:28.069000+00:00)
and use your heel
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:03:34.737000+00:00)
So Natt you have joined us? 😃
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:03:48.103000+00:00)
I am an economical support member.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:03:54.083000+00:00)
Ah nice
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:03.546000+00:00)
gibs nazi
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:26.120000+00:00)
I have a cool pin
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:30.534000+00:00)
that I put on my nazi jacket
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:38.416000+00:00)
and a couple of NRM t-shirts
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:44.529000+00:00)
...also bought one for my fiance.
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:04:53.423000+00:00)
You should have become support member of Finnish branch, you could have gotten gold one 😉
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:00.864000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:11.773000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:13.214000+00:00)
Oh yes
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:20.550000+00:00)
You can get gold one from us aswell <:lofven:339046428355723264>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:21.194000+00:00)
Collect them all.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:37.470000+00:00)
I got one from Norway
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:42.712000+00:00)
Yes Dane give us your moneys <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196>
Mats writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:54.958000+00:00)
🅱 erkele
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:05:59.197000+00:00)
😔 okay finn, I give money
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:22.522000+00:00)
Good Dane <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196>
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:24.331000+00:00)
I think you get a gold pin if you donate continuously for 12 months or something
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:26.275000+00:00)
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:26.766000+00:00)
<@228561082594099208> real gold?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:33.346000+00:00)
Heh no
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:35.971000+00:00)
Nordic gold :^)
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:37.589000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:39.736000+00:00)
It should be 😉
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:46.644000+00:00)
I bought a year membership
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:49.439000+00:00)
I just bought my first gold coin a few days ago, the Maple Leaf
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:06:58.515000+00:00)
gold *handhjärta*
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:13.170000+00:00)
You collect coins?
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:35.575000+00:00)
nah, just diversifying
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:39.724000+00:00)
Oh yeah, forgot, we just got a new print of Mein Kampfs in Finnish.
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:41.770000+00:00)
I have a couple of Nazi reich-mark lying around 😃
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:43.728000+00:00)
**Take my money**
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:50.233000+00:00)
I have an Albanian coin right next to me rn
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:07:56.054000+00:00)
Never even been to Albania
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:02.331000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:05.193000+00:00)
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:16.721000+00:00)
So smelly, stupid contry
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:18.204000+00:00)
i vomit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:33.408000+00:00)
throw it out
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:37.237000+00:00)
do it
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:47.375000+00:00)
🇦🇱 + 🇧🇦 + 🇦🇽 = 🗡 🇽🇰
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:47.404000+00:00)
Serbia = 🤝
Albania = 🐵
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:08:47.420000+00:00)
u dont want drug state money
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:11.394000+00:00)
they are mexico of europe
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:16.008000+00:00)
Mexico is good
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:22.987000+00:00)
They are turkey of europe😒
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:23.108000+00:00)
Does that mean they are GOOD?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:34.064000+00:00)
turkey are in europe technicaly
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:47.558000+00:00)
S-shut up nerd!
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:55.097000+00:00)
I also have an old Spanish coin from before they got euros
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:09:57.964000+00:00)
peseta or smth
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:10:09.755000+00:00)
Never been to Spain either, found it in a car.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:10:13.542000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:10:26.539000+00:00)
i only find ex yu coin
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:10:35.844000+00:00)
I'll go to Serbia in autumn and get some dinars 🤑
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:10:46.022000+00:00)
Windowshopping for flights rn
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:11:43.395000+00:00)
I think I've seen somali coins in swedish 2nd hand shops
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:12:31.024000+00:00)
good, that means you are multicultural now 😃
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:12:47.277000+00:00)
anyways, how many money do I have to give to finland
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-17T19:12:49.868000+00:00)
to get gold pin?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:12:54.745000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:13:03.796000+00:00)
"Police in Barcelona have released a picture of the man who allegedly rented the van used in the attack. Driss Oukabir, in his 20s, was born in Morocco, according to local media." http://www.bbc.com/news/live/40966524
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:14:41.977000+00:00)
Worst conscience ever, haven't written for NRM in longest time since I joined, first was a week in Norway, then celebrated my birthday for another week and now I've honestly been scratching my ass and sperging on Discord for a few days.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:14:45.568000+00:00)
Gotta get back in biz
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:21:57.773000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:22:45.515000+00:00)
Yeah it's very nice
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-17T19:26:07.714000+00:00)
nordfront.se shoahd?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-17T19:26:29.912000+00:00)
never mind now its working
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:28:36.285000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:30:23.543000+00:00)
Top Ten nazi pranks #7 : After the end of the second world war a bunch of Nazi scientists put on cowboy hats to convince the Americans they were part of the allies homies. After traveling to America then they proceeded to hijack the American rocket engineering technology to fire man guided missles at the Moon. This was known as Apollo 11!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:32:45.039000+00:00)
I think 5 will be "The Nazis tried to convince the world that different racial groups had unique skeletons. To do this they used an Orc skeleton, an Elf skeleton and a Hobbit skeleton. While these species may not be extinct is it the only way to explain how they got so many different skeletons to use in this prank"
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:32:49.334000+00:00)
I'm from Spain and #StopIslam is TT rn
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:33:40.550000+00:00)
And there are a lot of racist tweets
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:33:58.493000+00:00)
but it's normal enough terrorism in Europe this has to stop
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:34:46.237000+00:00)
they will shoah it and tomorrow it will be candles and tears on every news network
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:03.940000+00:00)
Dont remember to #pray
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:14.221000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:20.644000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:27.693000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:28.480000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:35:51.179000+00:00)
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:36:00.386000+00:00)
And then left parties will call it isolated case fucking them, communists
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:36:18.077000+00:00)
Remember this is a muslim EXTREMIST
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:36:31.110000+00:00)
Real Muslims don't agree with this!
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:36:53.537000+00:00)
List of van terrorist attacks in Europe
Nice: 86 dead
Berlin: 12 dead
London: 5 dead
Stockholm: 3 dead
Barcelona: at least 13 dead
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:36:59.784000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:37:08.209000+00:00)
TitanKaivor writes: (2017-08-17T19:37:24.877000+00:00)
I know something, not all muslisms are terrorists but almost all terrorists are muslisms
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:37:30.741000+00:00)
"Far-Muslim" ?🤔
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:37:47.383000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:38:00.319000+00:00)
You're a moderate if you don't run people over with trucks, remember that.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:38:13.161000+00:00)
No amount of purity spiraling will ever change that
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:38:18.127000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:38:30.199000+00:00)
"Far assault trucker muslim"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:38:38.105000+00:00)
you're a moderate if you rent the guy the truck and renforce the bumber for him while he fills up the back with guns
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:12.830000+00:00)
I'm Far-White.
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:31.609000+00:00)
I'm Far-Extreme
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:32.027000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> no you aint, more like far-mongorian
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:37.151000+00:00)
It's funny the black narrative is "he was a good boy, he always went to church" and the muslim narrative is "he was a good boy, he always went to church" yet one of these is considered a bad church
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:38.003000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:41.903000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:42.870000+00:00)
Daniel, it's 2017
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:49.010000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:53.749000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:54.304000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:39:54.683000+00:00)
Like snow boarding
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:40:03.047000+00:00)
I'm Far cry 5
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:40:33.118000+00:00)
My ideology is far-horse archering
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:40:55.487000+00:00)
its hip and cool thing to be "Far-"
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:41:44.466000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:41:50.839000+00:00)
Snabbhet alltså
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:41:53.283000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:42:10.293000+00:00)
If I want to rebel do I have to become NEar-right now?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:42:11.902000+00:00)
Oh shit, snowboarding extremists xddd
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:42:23.096000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:42:25.662000+00:00)
reminds me of this
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:42:36.824000+00:00)
SKYDAS = security door to the east
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:43:05.884000+00:00)
Haha what the fug, why would they dub a man with a woman's voice?
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:43:15.659000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:43:17.171000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T19:43:21.084000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:43:50.278000+00:00)
It's like when you're watching a docu about China or Japan or something and 9/10 people get dubbed by Americans, and then some woman gets dubbed with a Glasgow accent
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:44:34.365000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:45:11.512000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:45:19.223000+00:00)
I think Muslims could relaly innovate the extreme trucking hobby
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:45:34.841000+00:00)
There should be tv-show
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:45:36.617000+00:00)
There's a few speed bumps on the way but I think they could make a real sport of it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:46:16.743000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XprTdpnQyOk 👌
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:46:37.153000+00:00)
"I used to be truck driving far-islamist terrorist, but now thanks to Finkeldinkelstein, i am a cool reality show star now"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:54:02.344000+00:00)
Far islamic GERMAN terrorist
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T19:54:29.915000+00:00)
Don't forget these are #NewEuropeans delivering our goods and services from Amazon
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T19:54:57.537000+00:00)
Why are there so many German terrorists?! Are they NAZIS again?!
Sammy writes: (2017-08-17T19:56:55.522000+00:00)
Ah those Germanic terrorists
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T19:57:17.792000+00:00)
what's your view on Martin Sellner and his org?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T19:58:59.562000+00:00)
Martin Sellner has repeatedly told he feels it is his responsibility to keep the local youths away from "racist extremists" and nazis, bends over backwards to tell jews are good people and gets called a nazi anyway. Seems like a cuck.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T20:00:41.153000+00:00)
I appreciate direct action against the invasion though, but the problem goes so, *so* much deeper than some dindus on rubber boats.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T20:01:35.244000+00:00)
"Austria's far-right Identity Movement opposes globalization and "Islamization" -- but the group sees itself as patriots, not neo-Nazis.
Given Europe's history, its 20th-century slide into fascism, the great wars that killed millions and singled out Jews and other minorities for genocide, isn't Sellner worried that the Identity Movement may be one step on a slippery slope to repeating that dark past?
No, he says: "I feel a kind of fatherly responsibility for young Austrian patriots not to let them go into these extreme subcultures that are driven by hate and crazy ideologies."
Instead he claims, perhaps counterintuitively, "I think the entire movement is the strongest force against far-right extremism in Austria.""
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T20:01:37.542000+00:00)
top cringe
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T20:02:58.640000+00:00)
that nose
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-17T20:03:01.891000+00:00)
one might wonder what drives him then, if not "hate"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T20:09:27.684000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T20:09:36.347000+00:00)
Remember, nazism is worse than raping children and selling meth.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T20:10:53.193000+00:00)
<@!225299960529158156> Same guy talking about the ''Jewish conspiracy'' being bullshit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcv8OlQ6lbk&t=3s
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-17T20:11:44.254000+00:00)
Tor project are such hypocrites
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-17T20:12:29.724000+00:00)
Help me btfo these liberal shit birds who are attacking a man that just lost his family
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-17T20:12:48.316000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-17T20:12:53.692000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T20:17:21.650000+00:00)
For what purpose?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T20:21:38.114000+00:00)
I mean we don't really want him to reproduce ...
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T21:13:36.685000+00:00)
from now on, whenever some altright cunt says
>Hitler is shit because he made the struggle harder for nationalists after he lost
We can respond
>the altright is shit because they made the struggle harder for nationalists after Unite the Right
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T21:14:05.845000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> LANGUAGE!
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T21:14:10.909000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-17T21:14:17.626000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T21:14:26.122000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T21:29:44.092000+00:00)
>Hitler implemented policies I mostly agree with but let's blame him for the things the kikes did after ganging up against him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T21:29:47.178000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T21:35:26.295000+00:00)
I remember that anime fag from TRS saying how all these people before us lost and therefore we shouldn't listen to what they said
Hitler, Rockwell, Mason etc.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T21:37:57.472000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-17T21:38:18.823000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T21:43:35.736000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-17T21:44:17.086000+00:00)
>muh degeneracy
is this guy implying being worried about degeneracy is bad?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T21:46:29.464000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-17T21:46:34.916000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T22:07:16.027000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:20:18.087000+00:00)
lol white genocide isn't real (except there)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:20:45.159000+00:00)
how does no one know the story of white south africa?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:22:30.962000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:22:47.307000+00:00)
Very amateurish, Just went over the top 😃
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:26:47.319000+00:00)
Needs more butt sex and the logo isn't readable
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:27:47.400000+00:00)
yeah, 5 min effort
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:28:31.347000+00:00)
Should move or replace the A/all seeing eye
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:28:53.803000+00:00)
probably remove the dollar sign as well
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:33:08.323000+00:00)
Could be a way to spin remove kebab into remote alt light, not sure how but it would work
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:36:04.466000+00:00)
OkCupid is now banning right wingers
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:36:16.542000+00:00)
Who saw that coming when they signalled anti-trump after the election?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:40:00.808000+00:00)
Yeah, long shot
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:40:32.897000+00:00)
not sure why a date site have to remove their opposition though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:40:57.703000+00:00)
Maybe not surprising if that was their stance then, but seems weird to remove users based on their opinion
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:41:01.097000+00:00)
Okcupid is sjw dating
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:41:15.906000+00:00)
Apparently it started by removing cantwell
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:41:18.628000+00:00)
then snow balled
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:41:49.183000+00:00)
Removing violent alcoholics, can't see a problem there myself but it's blown up into way more since then
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:42:36.476000+00:00)
Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of the company that oversees products such as OkCupid and DailyBeast
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:42:53.433000+00:00)
Isn't dating inherently patriarchal according to them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:43:53.167000+00:00)
That shit flies out the window the moment they find a dick to ride
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:44:10.752000+00:00)
SJWs are SJWs because they're ugly. They're the last girls left at the bar so they rage at men
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:44:35.399000+00:00)
If Chad comes along they will convert to nationalists to suck his dick
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:48:02.675000+00:00)
not sure if I agree
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:48:40.953000+00:00)
I think it's a test to see what men can withstand and to sort out unwanted competition
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:49:34.568000+00:00)
I agree that if the guy attracts them enough they'll ditch it, or if he makes enough money or just in anyway possess what they want
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T22:50:06.042000+00:00)
they just want the cake and eat it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:52:06.883000+00:00)
It is partly a test but that test is also ugly women trying to destroy attractive women
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:52:43.621000+00:00)
When you're as fat as a house and look like a pig of course you're going to try and destroy beauty standards or say men are women so your "natural vagina" makes you more womanly than your pig ugly ways do
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:55:22.643000+00:00)
Nationalists should be setting up their own dating network type of thing. It would be a good way to draw more people into the fold as well as get more white children into existence
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:55:49.503000+00:00)
It could have a tab for "based Asian waifus" and if you click on it then your profile is banned
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T22:57:13.764000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:58:20.718000+00:00)
He's lost a shit tone of weight
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T22:59:10.044000+00:00)
Hopefully he'll carry on doing so and can lose the beta looking hair. He'd look much better with a traditional haircut and no beardMight more like a leader
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T23:00:36.079000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T23:03:52.087000+00:00)
"they are professional hitmen out to kill people of color" haha
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T23:04:09.263000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T23:05:12.397000+00:00)
Why does the leftist narrative always sound so much better than reality?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T23:13:51.346000+00:00)
not sure what you mean
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-17T23:13:57.896000+00:00)
I don't see it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-17T23:15:00.911000+00:00)
Because the left insists on making us look determined, hardcore and strong, while some rightwing moderates insist on looking "respectable".
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:17:39.506000+00:00)
"Nazis are in the Whitehouse!"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:23:45.354000+00:00)
>> U.S Gov is literally doing everything in its power to exterminate whites
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-17T23:23:59.232000+00:00)
liberal media for ya
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T23:24:30.243000+00:00)
The only time a Nazi should be in the white house is when we are dragging out every last bureaucrat and hanging them for high treason.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:25:48.556000+00:00)
"The U.S is White Supremacist"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:26:27.747000+00:00)
>> Literally every decision made by the U.S in the last 50 years (if not more) has been strictly loaded against the white race and in favor of the mud races
Tyler writes: (2017-08-17T23:27:45.304000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:29:12.788000+00:00)
**We will ruthlessly identify, pursue and prosecute racial traitors. We will hunt them down like mad dogs. They will get their just deserts for their foul treachery— death by
Exitus writes: (2017-08-17T23:30:04.944000+00:00)
*Loyalty or Treason*— No Middle Ground. We, of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR, intend to put every White Racial Comrade in a position where he or she will be forced to take a stand—
either for the White Race, or against it— **either demonstrate loyalty to the White Race by word, deed and action, or be branded a traitor to it. In our future, there will be no Mr. Inbetweens.**
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-17T23:31:34.598000+00:00)
I was had forgot to remove myself from a long dead Nat soc community and a girl joined it and messaged me asking if it was dead. Got chatting and it turns out she's a 14 year old nationalist. Interesting to discover. Edgy teenagers like us I guess
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T00:02:29.497000+00:00)
Gab just had it's app pulled from google's story
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T00:21:39.379000+00:00)
oh shieeettt
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T00:25:11.136000+00:00)
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-18T01:39:24.565000+00:00)
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-18T01:39:26.083000+00:00)
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-18T01:39:32.462000+00:00)
I'm 14 as well m8
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-18T01:39:54.278000+00:00)
It's not as rare as you'd think
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-18T01:50:59.979000+00:00)
Heh, I'm 28
Stanislas writes: (2017-08-18T01:53:36.099000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T01:59:47.923000+00:00)
Bit different meeting a 14 year old girl when you're in your 30s. Tends to be rather.. careful territory. Don't want to put them off but don't want to seem like you're grooming kids Ghoul style
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:00:22.268000+00:00)
what u guys talking about
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:00:39.740000+00:00)
was in a dead nat soc kik room. Girl joins and asks me if it's dead. We end up chatting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:00:50.105000+00:00)
Turns out she's 14, been into British natsoc stuff since she was 12
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:10.748000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:13.904000+00:00)
too young
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:22.064000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:29.577000+00:00)
not for me
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:41.082000+00:00)
here age of consent is 14
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:49.252000+00:00)
It's 16 here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:01:58.105000+00:00)
But that's besides the point
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:02:39.199000+00:00)
and its not that much younger than me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:03:44.088000+00:00)
I have a preference of staying away from legally questionable situations. Then if they ever kick my door in the worse they can find is some torrented weeb cartoons
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:04:01.646000+00:00)
oh shieet
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:04:15.505000+00:00)
i am fd if they break down doors
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:04:25.060000+00:00)
So am I but shhh
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:04:44.724000+00:00)
Grooming kids isn't okay with me
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:06.003000+00:00)
damn age of consent in spain is 13 thats too much
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:09.461000+00:00)
they crazy
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:26.597000+00:00)
you're saying 13 is too high an age of consent?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:50.294000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:52.794000+00:00)
to low
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:05:57.322000+00:00)
Oh agreed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:09.885000+00:00)
at 13 you will cause damage to their reproductive system if they get pregnant
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:12.621000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:27.118000+00:00)
16 sounds nice
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:33.175000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:38.882000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:45.289000+00:00)
14 is here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:06:58.570000+00:00)
>TFW no 16 year old hottie to have a kid with every year until she hits 35
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:07:20.005000+00:00)
As the kids get younger you name them sonic characters to make the autism a strength
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T02:07:43.285000+00:00)
you could have like 19 White babies. That's like 2 right wing death squads if they're all male
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:07:43.794000+00:00)
what it do homies
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:08:39.029000+00:00)
16 is too young to have babies
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:08:48.084000+00:00)
gg Englihs
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:08:51.279000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:08:53.744000+00:00)
fuck sake
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:09:01.238000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:09:21.292000+00:00)
u ok?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:09:22.049000+00:00)
youngest in history was 5
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:09:28.449000+00:00)
yr old
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:13:27.746000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:14:15.016000+00:00)
loomer did you come to any conclusions with that guy you were arguing with last night? lol
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T02:14:57.605000+00:00)
Shit my internet went out
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:15:32.775000+00:00)
You mean the "Hitler wuss ebil because he killed ypipo" WN retard?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:16:06.314000+00:00)
the patriot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:17:39.221000+00:00)
Oh yeah. I gassed him. He had no future here, was just a racist conservacuck.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:18:04.546000+00:00)
I was really surprised he hadn't heard of Greg Johnson, I felt like I was talking to him.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:18:44.107000+00:00)
We give people here leeway but if you cannot deal with Nazism then why join the Discord of one of the biggest names of Nazism.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:18:53.980000+00:00)
oh that mofo
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:18:58.758000+00:00)
gj gassing hi
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:19:01.560000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:19:10.295000+00:00)
getting triggered by naming the jew country usa
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:20:11.536000+00:00)
well usa is biggest jewish country
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:20:40.528000+00:00)
He started shooting blood out of his mouth and anus simultaneously when I said it.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:21:22.375000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:21:33.239000+00:00)
do u have screenshot
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:22:17.636000+00:00)
i didnt take any sadly
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:24:39.925000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:24:53.016000+00:00)
He was a "Hitler killed ypipo he evil" faggot. And said we were controlled by jews and couldn't think for ourselves and worshiped Hitler. Nigga even praised United States and said it has been of great benefit to the world, "we invented a lot fo shit". wew, ZOG = disproven. He got so fucking mad when I referred to USA as "Great Satan" he raged for like two hours. I think from now on I will refer to USA/America/US exclusively as Great Satan to trigger any hiding patriotards. It was amazing how he kept vomiting blood over it, I was like "You like United States? Like not as a joke?"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:25:01.019000+00:00)
Oh yeah, and remember when he said Hitler lost because he didn't have big tent. The whole discussion was like smorgasbord of idiocy.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:25:37.600000+00:00)
I will call it Judea 0
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:25:41.810000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:26:09.093000+00:00)
Oh yeah, and he was also arguing with three other Americans who kept telling him USA is shit and he kept shouting "No it isn't, no it isn't".
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:26:28.283000+00:00)
also USA had nothing to do with ww2 apparently
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:27:00.770000+00:00)
Yeah. I legitimately don't know if I have ever seen so many different types of idiocy in such a short amount of time.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:27:03.904000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:27:08.439000+00:00)
American WN multi-mega cancer.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:27:44.421000+00:00)
best part was when he stopped trying to argue and just started pointing out grammatical errors
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:02.852000+00:00)
like <@206483665050402816>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:13.562000+00:00)
He bitched about semantics for like 40 minutes, I asked him if he seriously thought he was the only one right in this entire Discord. And he said that he never said such a thing, just implied it.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:18.156000+00:00)
🤔 🔫
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:30.873000+00:00)
as is his pic a halo pic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:38.931000+00:00)
And also Hitler murdered and tortured slavs because Hitler loved conquest.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:29:56.598000+00:00)
Even the other Americans felt embarrassed for him.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:31:05.169000+00:00)
Now that I'm a mod again I will begin a reign of terror like never before. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:31:08.387000+00:00)
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:31:10.202000+00:00)
It's only a halo pic, because it was already on my phone, when I had to go dark for government court reasons, and I did some internet scrubbing. Lol, the halo pic was for a meme I was putting together.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:31:33.099000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> is this him
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:31:48.766000+00:00)
btw <@225299960529158156> you dont happen to be from Oulu do you?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:32:16.649000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> No, as I said I disemboweled him and strangled him, he's not here anymore.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:32:17.761000+00:00)
Is anyone up for voice chatting?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:32:22.282000+00:00)
No I'm not.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:32:48.040000+00:00)
oh literall strangle
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T02:32:51.286000+00:00)
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:33:18.410000+00:00)
Nobody is up for voice?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:33:45.892000+00:00)
Are you afraid your parents will hear you say something racist! 😃
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:34:07.733000+00:00)
nah i converted them to national socialism
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:34:26.931000+00:00)
It's like 5:30 AM. No can do.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:34:29.574000+00:00)
Well done! I was just jokingly posting
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:35:03.711000+00:00)
Osch, when it's that time here, I'll be getting up for work 😦
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:40:03.913000+00:00)
Did I scare you gents off?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:40:25.541000+00:00)
I'm not that ugly... am I?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:40:39.723000+00:00)
nah its just late
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:40:43.331000+00:00)
Nah, just rolling a smoke.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:40:45.349000+00:00)
And also that.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:41:41.675000+00:00)
Lol, at least you're honest, but I promise, I'm very handsome! Maybe you want to video chat!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:42:40.586000+00:00)
So what's up with you, why did the Serb tag you, what have you done?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:44:15.945000+00:00)
Do you agree USA is the Great Satan?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:44:24.430000+00:00)
I backed him into answer a question like a leftist, and he responded with "I can't even", and "what are you even doing here" responses.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:45:00.275000+00:00)
Then he begged the moderator to no platform me like an antifa faggot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:46:18.498000+00:00)
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:47:56.931000+00:00)
Yup, he's just like the enemy... also I found him to be a larping purity spiraling dividing force. There's only two kinds of people to me, pro whites, and anti whites!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:48:31.717000+00:00)
Only impure people complain of purity.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:48:48.610000+00:00)
He's very anti American, which happens to be the country, with the most amount of whites in it, out of the entire planet.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:48:51.549000+00:00)
anyone who attacks Richard Spencer is antiwhite
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:49:01.516000+00:00)
Wait, you like America?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T02:49:19.232000+00:00)
so it begins
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:49:35.713000+00:00)
I love America! How else could I be an American nationalist?
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:49:36.180000+00:00)
i'm proud to be an anti american
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:49:59.488000+00:00)
because America isn't a blood and soil nation
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:50:07.459000+00:00)
Americans aren't anti anti any European country...
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:50:12.486000+00:00)
and a nigger is just as American as you are
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:50:19.353000+00:00)
You shouldn't be, your blood is your nation, not some jewified ZOG state founded by masons on the premise of equality. The jews took over according to the word of the constitution, fair and square.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:50:45.724000+00:00)
America is a blood and soil nation, because we gave our blood, to have this soil!
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:51:24.473000+00:00)
Lol, so you guys are still on the Alex Jones conspiracy level?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:51:48.411000+00:00)
Niggers also gave their blood fighting for ZOG, so they're every bit as American.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:51:55.002000+00:00)
>Lol, so you guys are still on the Alex Jones conspiracy level?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:52:05.429000+00:00)
Is there any countries in Europe, not controlled by ZOG?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:52:16.751000+00:00)
How is that relevant, of course not.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:52:49.789000+00:00)
America is just the heart of ZOG rule that has worked against white interests for at least a century, and from whence all war and corruption seeps from.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:52:56.115000+00:00)
Well if my country is shit, because it's run by ZOG, then so is all of yours!
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:53:29.227000+00:00)
Lol, so you're saying Europe doesn't follow America into ZOG wars?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:53:35.389000+00:00)
Well, my country is like 99% white literally, so its objectively better. Not that I defend a ZOG state, but why are you so touchy? Don't you want your ZOG to topple?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:53:39.410000+00:00)
America goes far beyond that. The great Satan is a name given to America for a reason where Israel is the little Satan
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:53:49.252000+00:00)
Is that an argument you want to make, leading the world to ZOG wars?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:54:18.035000+00:00)
Doesn't USA have even more jews than Israel.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:54:35.560000+00:00)
A lot more.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:55:13.744000+00:00)
Lol, and here it goes... America has more whites than any other country, and we have more firepower. We love Europeans, but you spit in our faces every chance you get!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:55:36.301000+00:00)
Considering America has destroyed Europe. They have every reason to.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:55:43.321000+00:00)
The USA has more of everything, based on scale, because it's so fucking big!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:55:45.759000+00:00)
And not just on one occasion
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:55:53.498000+00:00)
Dude, you're talking to a bunch of Americans.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:56:00.282000+00:00)
I'm the only non-American here right now.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:56:18.959000+00:00)
I hope America rots
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:56:42.842000+00:00)
Welcome to America
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:56:58.202000+00:00)
where we drink shitty beer, watch niggerball, and eat burgers
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:15.042000+00:00)
Lol, well then you helped me expose traitors, and they hang the highest! If they hate America, and mean to see its demise, then they can enjoy their ropes!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:19.083000+00:00)
Blood and soil? More like burger and soda.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:29.087000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:31.153000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:49.203000+00:00)
Try looking at the government, cowboy
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:57:52.931000+00:00)
America has the best beer in the world, 10 years ago, we had no good beers
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:06.421000+00:00)
Oh, he's just trolling.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:12.688000+00:00)
No need to continue
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:20.386000+00:00)
7/10, pretty good.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:29.170000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:32.804000+00:00)
light beer is shit
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:39.920000+00:00)
America is fucking gay.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:43.018000+00:00)
America has shit beer.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:48.410000+00:00)
German beer is best beer.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:58:57.759000+00:00)
Beer is bad.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:06.597000+00:00)
shut up you nut
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:09.963000+00:00)
If you aren't straight edge you can't be a nazi.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:25.691000+00:00)
Tru facts
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:34.145000+00:00)
Also, wtf would you liek America for?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:38.434000+00:00)
salubrious living ^^ <:wp:330824114086346753>
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:40.327000+00:00)
It's very conception was based on liberalism.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:51.103000+00:00)
And numerous founding fathers ahd mulatto kids.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T02:59:55.329000+00:00)
Okey, well American Nationalism is gaining grounds that European nationalists are losing, and I'm more than happy to turn that power towards freeing the homelands we came from, but when we do, I'm forcing cheese burgers and soda down your throats, along with my dick!
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:03.567000+00:00)
No it isn't.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:10.703000+00:00)
American Nationalism is CIVIC nationalism.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:13.622000+00:00)
You can be a black american
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:16.319000+00:00)
a asian american
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:17.052000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:23.383000+00:00)
"Anyone is allowed in America"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:35.521000+00:00)
> well American Nationalism is gaining grounds that European nationalists are losing,
In what dimension do you live
Alba writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:52.521000+00:00)
>finns alone get 800 National Socialists compared to burgerland's gagglefuck of spergruppen
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:00:53.535000+00:00)
America is cancer.
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T03:01:07.869000+00:00)
how much trolling before he gets the rope?
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:01:09.249000+00:00)
I'm not a Nazi... I've never seen 1930s Germany, but I respect them! After all, our most famous food is named after one of their cities!
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:01:23.690000+00:00)
This is why nobody likes Americans.
Alba writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:10.878000+00:00)
Reminder that if breeding down with negresses is ok with the founding fathers, it's ok with you America! 🦅 🎆 🇺🇸 🙏🏻
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:12.689000+00:00)
Seriously this server has been shitted up two days straight by Great Satan.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:19.026000+00:00)
Why? Because as soon as I'm unashamed to be American, I get hammered by larpy fags?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:28.774000+00:00)
America is a non-race.
Jason writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:32.763000+00:00)
gob bless merica
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:33.368000+00:00)
You brag about being a bastard.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:33.858000+00:00)
Why would you be a proud civic nationalist, it's cuckoldry.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:35.170000+00:00)
With no roots.
Alba writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:43.859000+00:00)
Burgerland was founding by philosemite Masons
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:45.515000+00:00)
The US was built upon race mixing.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:02:56.278000+00:00)
You encourage race mixing by cheering on America.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:05.719000+00:00)
There are literally less whites being born per capita in America
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:11.912000+00:00)
than anywhere else in the West
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:19.433000+00:00)
And we consider north africans and middle eastern people white
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:22.709000+00:00)
SO the numbers are even lower.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:28.614000+00:00)
When 10,000 Abduls have kids
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:36.751000+00:00)
It counts as 80,000 new whites that aren't white.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:03:55.713000+00:00)
Also, why do you type like a grandmother?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:04:01.461000+00:00)
I have a wrist brace on and I can out type you.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:04:04.565000+00:00)
Are you a boomer?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:04:20.297000+00:00)
Does Regean give you a rose tinted boner?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T03:04:42.461000+00:00)
do i hear a typing race?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:04:50.596000+00:00)
Typing race war
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:05:58.977000+00:00)
Boomer confirmed.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:06:02.646000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:06:05.420000+00:00)
Explains everything.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:06:09.772000+00:00)
Just remember, I wasn't the one who attacked. It was you guys, and by doing so, you have divided the social space, and that is why, European nationalists will totally fail in a globalized world. We are not American, French, Swedes, Germans, etc, etc, we are European, and your 1930s model, is not going to work on a global stage. We all win together, or we fail Separately!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:06:50.687000+00:00)
You just gave me cancer
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:07:04.658000+00:00)
Division is good, when the other guy is a faggot.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:07:09.659000+00:00)
"I'll shove my dick in your mouth"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:07:18.023000+00:00)
That's Milo tier shit.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:07:30.419000+00:00)
"Goggle on the cock in the name of Uncle Sambo"
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:10:02.357000+00:00)
American nationalists are ready to stand up and fight for you, but you insult us, and drive us away... have fun with your conspiratatd Alex Jones freemasonry shit, then find out how many Americans actually are freemasons.... then check your own leaders.... you people talk out of both sides of your mouths, and you push away allies who love and care about you!
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:10:53.105000+00:00)
I'll shoot an American patriot before a commie
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:10:56.550000+00:00)
Dude you are getting exclusively attacked by Americans, I'm the only euro.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:00.956000+00:00)
Wonder why that is.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:16.347000+00:00)
That's how much I hate America.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:17.121000+00:00)
Maybe, just maybe listen to your compatriots.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:31.078000+00:00)
You are worse than a communist.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:36.860000+00:00)
Because they are self hating... as the Jews trained them!
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:48.443000+00:00)
America literally elected a black president
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:59.078000+00:00)
And a man who's daughter has a Rabbi
Tyler writes: (2017-08-18T03:11:59.875000+00:00)
That's the epitome of self hate
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:12:12.377000+00:00)
America literally ended slavery
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:12:23.406000+00:00)
America LITERALLY fought the Germans in WW I and WW II
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:12:45.795000+00:00)
America gave the Jews international power behind comprehension.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:12:54.625000+00:00)
America let women vote.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:12:56.276000+00:00)
Okey, I'm done for today... you've once again displayed the behaviors, that have caused white nationalism to constantly lose!
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:03.134000+00:00)
White Nationalism is gay.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:05.394000+00:00)
We aren't WNs.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:09.463000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:14.995000+00:00)
Fascism > WN
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:28.143000+00:00)
I don't want all white people in EUrope to mix into nothingness.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:13:55.660000+00:00)
sub-races of a greater race need to remain sub-races.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:14:07.310000+00:00)
Meds with Meds, Nordics with Nordics etc.
whitedindu writes: (2017-08-18T03:14:40.394000+00:00)
Lol, there will only be white and non white... Europe has already mixed itself, and everyone already speaks English.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:14:46.374000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:14:57.872000+00:00)
You've clearly never been to Europe.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:14.207000+00:00)
You want to be a mongrelized bastard.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:23.153000+00:00)
You may have mother Europe but no fatherland.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:26.373000+00:00)
Which makes you a bastard.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:30.498000+00:00)
You have no home.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:32.155000+00:00)
Yeah, we will never be a white mystery meat land like USA, we have actual ethnic identity.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:37.386000+00:00)
You are like a nigger.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:45.777000+00:00)
Mixed of various peoples and tribes
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:15:52.347000+00:00)
who have only the smallest of similarities.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:16:02.429000+00:00)
You are a bastard. Like most Americans.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:16:07.438000+00:00)
Accept your fate and move onward.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:21:36.575000+00:00)
When Europeans do DNA tests it usually comes back with different groups of european...
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:31.658000+00:00)
Those tests are rubbish.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:32.288000+00:00)
I'm not saying the different european groups should "blanda upp" but I think the differences are somewhat minimal
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:37.215000+00:00)
heh, sure
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:40.901000+00:00)
Sammy was like 99% Finnish.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:44.083000+00:00)
So Greeks sure mixed with Swedes
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:48.376000+00:00)
and Russians with French
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:23:56.400000+00:00)
and Germans with Irish?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:00.250000+00:00)
Since identity menas nothing.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:08.933000+00:00)
This mindset is weak.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:13.149000+00:00)
so what are you ?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:17.114000+00:00)
Now now, at least he didnt suggest blanda upp.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:19.307000+00:00)
I'm an American mongrel.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:22.165000+00:00)
I have no place in Europe.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:23.211000+00:00)
Some burgers honestly do.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:43.042000+00:00)
I am 100% European and felt more at home in Europe than in the USA.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:50.623000+00:00)
I mean 100% European.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:54.679000+00:00)
I still have no home there.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:24:59.924000+00:00)
I have never even considered having a non-Finnish waifu, it'd feel like spiritual death if I couldn't speak mong at home.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:02.966000+00:00)
You only taint their blood.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:17.101000+00:00)
Or, Hitler forgive me for uttering this word, speaking *nglish
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:17.200000+00:00)
the USA is wall to wall niggers, mexicans, and other mud people. It is not our home.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:23.015000+00:00)
Imagine 150 million retarded americans fleeing to Europe
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:29.240000+00:00)
I wont. I have blue eyes, pale white skin, and brown hair
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:41.101000+00:00)
Some Americans are mongrels that have Indian DNA.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:43.965000+00:00)
But they're easy to spot
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:25:54.564000+00:00)
tainting all bloodlines into bastards with the smallest of kinship
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:09.453000+00:00)
Your thinking is ridiculous and divisive
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:21.757000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:33.518000+00:00)
Steve Carrel is the typical American
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:36.950000+00:00)
He doesn't look anything
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:43.582000+00:00)
He's an Italian
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:48.864000+00:00)
Doesn't look Italian.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:26:53.370000+00:00)
He's German Polish and Italian.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:04.555000+00:00)
He's not a good example
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:08.079000+00:00)
He's a great example.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:10.086000+00:00)
He's mixed
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:12.573000+00:00)
and looks like nothing
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:15.354000+00:00)
Like most Americans.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:27.538000+00:00)
Just generic white mystery meat
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:35.319000+00:00)
are you saying donald trump wouldn't have fit in germany, england, sweden?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:38.910000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:40.581000+00:00)
with blonde hair and blue eyes?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:42.207000+00:00)
He doesn't look like them.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:47.654000+00:00)
yes he does
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:48.704000+00:00)
Blonde hair and blue eyes does not make a peoples
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:27:56.595000+00:00)
Ask the EUros here
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:00.694000+00:00)
Instead of your Trump loving faggotry
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:11.090000+00:00)
i dont love trump, just using him as an example
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:17.413000+00:00)
He doesn't look German.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:23.723000+00:00)
He just looks like mystery meat
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:45.730000+00:00)
He doesn't look Scottish
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:28:48.234000+00:00)
He doesn't look German
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:00.351000+00:00)
He looks like mystery meat.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:04.287000+00:00)
it seems you dont have much life experience
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:07.432000+00:00)
have you even traveled?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:12.641000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:31.448000+00:00)
I also lived in the most diverse part of the world.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:34.557000+00:00)
NY Metro area
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:39.616000+00:00)
Most white Americans don't look like a certain group of Europeans cause most white Americans are a mixture of European blood
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:40.336000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:55.939000+00:00)
Yeah that's the point he's been making.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:29:59.690000+00:00)
<@314529158858276864> is spot on.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:06.176000+00:00)
well "another american" if you wish to remain in america and rot away with all the filth be my guest
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:07.717000+00:00)
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:11.512000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:14.430000+00:00)
Even a Russian looks nothing like a Finn.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:19.291000+00:00)
My bad
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:21.342000+00:00)
It's just typical Americans who want to ruin Europe.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:27.175000+00:00)
"let's just go to EUrope and americanize"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:50.339000+00:00)
Sure you are white, but you are not Irish.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:53.652000+00:00)
YOu are not a Swede.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:55.935000+00:00)
You are not a German.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:59.002000+00:00)
Or a Greek
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:30:59.847000+00:00)
Yeah just stay in the US
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:01.920000+00:00)
you will never be.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:08.905000+00:00)
You at best can be an outside supporter.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:17.054000+00:00)
I'm fine with that, most of us don't want Americans back and not in a negative way
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:21.830000+00:00)
If you think otherwise you have no understanding of European goals and aims.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:26.861000+00:00)
heh, okay
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:29.847000+00:00)
You are unwelcome.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:34.649000+00:00)
By all.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:39.230000+00:00)
not true
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:31:45.938000+00:00)
At least those that matter.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:01.635000+00:00)
>> tfw invited to sweden by NMR members
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:08.391000+00:00)
Doesn't mean they want you to live there
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:10.379000+00:00)
and have children
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:15.131000+00:00)
and consider yourself Swedish.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:19.480000+00:00)
Cause you aren't.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:25.013000+00:00)
To stay in America is to die a horrible death. I'm not staying. I'm going to Poland or the Baltics
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:33.570000+00:00)
They also invited Bulgarians to their marches.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:41.152000+00:00)
Doesn't mean they want to be swarmed by Bulgarians.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:42.190000+00:00)
Better to die for you country than to run away
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:52.167000+00:00)
>> dying for america
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:52.930000+00:00)
yeah okay
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:33:56.515000+00:00)
Dying for your new race.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:00.493000+00:00)
haven't we confirmed america is a shithole?
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:01.650000+00:00)
Die for the white Americans
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:05.095000+00:00)
Americans can make a new subgroup of the white race.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:10.700000+00:00)
We already are on that path.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:15.709000+00:00)
Americans have a certain look.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:17.400000+00:00)
Ask the Euros
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:21.885000+00:00)
"He looks American"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:24.470000+00:00)
the majority of americans are morbidly obese, they are disgusting
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:35.594000+00:00)
well i don't have "that look"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:41.755000+00:00)
They mean your face
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:43.847000+00:00)
Your build
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:45.464000+00:00)
when i was in sweden people thought i was lying about being american
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:34:53.272000+00:00)
That's cultural
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:02.049000+00:00)
Your face can look American
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:09.256000+00:00)
Once again, ask the Euros.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:15.175000+00:00)
granted, i wouldnt say I look Swedish specifically but I damn look English/German
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:25.517000+00:00)
Those two people
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:27.519000+00:00)
Look worlds apart.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:30.986000+00:00)
Probably German
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:34.577000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:37.013000+00:00)
English people and Germans look very different.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:39.493000+00:00)
Most of the white Americans have German blood
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:53.364000+00:00)
You Euros are lucky.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:35:58.219000+00:00)
Not really
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:00.721000+00:00)
You don't gotta deal with this.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:03.729000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:04.368000+00:00)
ever hear of the anglo saxons ....
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:08.951000+00:00)
I have.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:12.913000+00:00)
They don't look like Germans.
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:13.798000+00:00)
Well yeah in that part we are lucky
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:17.279000+00:00)
They only have to deal with 3rd worlders
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:19.988000+00:00)
You can tell them apart.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:36:22.169000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:24.961000+00:00)
I can't. I couldn't even tell foreign exchange students apart from american students
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:30.400000+00:00)
(from europe)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:38.460000+00:00)
That's your own failing.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:44.988000+00:00)
"heh you haven't traveled"
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:46.102000+00:00)
Well your American niggers kill niggers, and niggers in Europe kill Europeans
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:52.096000+00:00)
So you got that going for you
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:37:55.881000+00:00)
"I can't tell English people from Germans"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:20.477000+00:00)
These peoples were made in centuries of struggle, war, and blood.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:21.893000+00:00)
i can't
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:23.802000+00:00)
So they have certain looks.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:36.455000+00:00)
Of course their are exceptions
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:42.781000+00:00)
but for the vast majority people have looks.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:46.750000+00:00)
oh there are exceptions now?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:53.341000+00:00)
Small ones yes
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:58.751000+00:00)
Like more Greek looking Italians
Mats writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:58.807000+00:00)
What states do you guys live in?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:38:59.929000+00:00)
and what not
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:15.864000+00:00)
But you don't encourage that
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:21.947000+00:00)
You want to preserve your own peoples.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:31.142000+00:00)
If you want all whites to mix into nothingness
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:34.356000+00:00)
You'll be the EU
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:44.388000+00:00)
Greeks are off-white
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:39:50.380000+00:00)
definitely mongrels, many of them
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:40:15.570000+00:00)
So you're an American Nordicists
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:40:20.072000+00:00)
Who can't tell Nordics apart.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:40:41.120000+00:00)
You know there is Med admixture in the British Isles right?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:40:49.581000+00:00)
Small, but it's there.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:41:12.877000+00:00)
that's impossible, the english are 100% english
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:41:19.647000+00:00)
they aren't mongrels like us americans
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:41:24.907000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:41:34.312000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:41:53.135000+00:00)
What you say to me doesn't matter. I'm leaving the USA and going to central europe
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:04.438000+00:00)
So you'll just pull a Roosh.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:12.101000+00:00)
"I'll move to a country I have nothing in common with"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:13.653000+00:00)
what does that mean?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:22.587000+00:00)
"I don't know the culture, the language, the anything, but I'll pretend I am"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:29.652000+00:00)
It's like Russaboos here.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:36.496000+00:00)
"I'm Irish-German, but PRYVET!"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:43.947000+00:00)
implying the culture is radically different lmao
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:50.712000+00:00)
i'm not going to the middle east bro
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:42:58.410000+00:00)
This is why people hate Americans.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:04.116000+00:00)
They think Europe is this monoculture.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:09.437000+00:00)
It's not.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:18.334000+00:00)
the biggest difference is really language
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:21.734000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:29.242000+00:00)
There's far more than just language barriers.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:33.131000+00:00)
like what
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:44.296000+00:00)
do they sleep on their heads?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:43:44.576000+00:00)
Customs, beliefs, history, phenotypes.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:00.816000+00:00)
A Pole and and Irishmen may both be white, but they are different peoples.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:03.064000+00:00)
And should remain so.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:18.968000+00:00)
If you want intermixing of whites, stay in America.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:32.429000+00:00)
If you are going to insult nationalists saying language is their only difference
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:39.048000+00:00)
Then you don't really care about their nations or people.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:44:43.070000+00:00)
You just care about "whiteness"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:01.333000+00:00)
this is true
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:08.075000+00:00)
That's not what Europe is.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:15.486000+00:00)
That's just America.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:20.145000+00:00)
You want to remake America.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:21.948000+00:00)
Well, it's soon to be a bunch of niggers, mongrels, and arabs.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:30.110000+00:00)
If that's the case whites deserve it.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:36.567000+00:00)
If you are unable to save yourselves
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:39.937000+00:00)
Nature demands you die.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:41.391000+00:00)
I think option b of having "mixed" whites is superior
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T03:45:43.263000+00:00)
why do you want to come here then? <:lol:333298431810338816>
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:01.635000+00:00)
The sad thing is, this mindset is better than most American "nationalists"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:04.888000+00:00)
or "White nationalists"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:21.938000+00:00)
I want to go to central europe which isn't as far gone as the western nations
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:23.178000+00:00)
Compared to say Republic of Florida
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:29.406000+00:00)
You're naive.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:34.187000+00:00)
I'm a white racialist.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:40.780000+00:00)
They don't hang around fascists
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:45.567000+00:00)
You have no place with us.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:47.439000+00:00)
I wouldn't even classify myself as a nationalist.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:46:51.616000+00:00)
Then you are in the wrong place.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:47:04.301000+00:00)
Europe abadoned WN concepts in the 1990s
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:47:11.301000+00:00)
Cause it's a stupid idea
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:47:17.715000+00:00)
only fit to last in America
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:48:48.703000+00:00)
So what are your plans then?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:04.514000+00:00)
>announcing plans on the internet
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:20.372000+00:00)
I know I won't go to Europe.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:22.257000+00:00)
I don't belong.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:26.655000+00:00)
I can visit.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:43.385000+00:00)
I can travel, but I will never pretend I am one of them.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:49.829000+00:00)
Cause I didn't grow up there.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:49:57.609000+00:00)
I didn't bask in my peoples culture from birth.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:02.264000+00:00)
I never said I'd "pretend" to be one of them.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:02.743000+00:00)
Blood and Soil.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:12.360000+00:00)
Then you'd just be another faggot expat
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:19.718000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:22.926000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:24.980000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:26.333000+00:00)
But I understand based on our common racial roots we have a special bond no nigger that grew up there could have.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:33.484000+00:00)
That bond is nothing.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:36.147000+00:00)
Just because you are white
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:40.425000+00:00)
Does not make you of value.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:48.034000+00:00)
Just because you are a step about a nigger
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:50:51.740000+00:00)
Doesn't mean you have worth.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:52:21.331000+00:00)
don't you realize american culture is european?
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T03:52:40.611000+00:00)
no it's jewish
Jörken writes: (2017-08-18T03:52:45.613000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:52:51.114000+00:00)
okay well maybe 60 years ago the culture
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:52:55.536000+00:00)
No it wasn't
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:00.208000+00:00)
It was a mesh of EUropean cultures
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:07.213000+00:00)
but based on that definition current european culture is also jewish/marxist
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:09.660000+00:00)
That means it's a new culture with some small European aspects.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:14.301000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:18.526000+00:00)
America embrace materialism
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:19.995000+00:00)
To the core.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:23.662000+00:00)
and europeans dont?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:27.439000+00:00)
No as a culture.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:29.855000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:37.500000+00:00)
Americanism is built on materalistic mindsets.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:53:41.603000+00:00)
From it's very creation.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:54:01.091000+00:00)
The whites in South Africa have a much more cohesive culture than Americans ever did.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:54:13.395000+00:00)
And look at them
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:54:32.240000+00:00)
America has been and always will be a cancer as long as we embrace this umbrellaness.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:54:47.058000+00:00)
You take away the culture from the white man
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:55:05.232000+00:00)
he becomes a worthless metropolitan
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:55:24.566000+00:00)
With no roots, no culture, no nothing
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:55:33.564000+00:00)
People with your mindset are worse than Jews
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:55:39.485000+00:00)
You wish for the destruction of your own kind.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:56:00.940000+00:00)
Wiping away everything in this egalitarian mindset.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:56:03.497000+00:00)
"White means good"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:56:32.123000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:00.332000+00:00)
Then why are you even in here? You're not scandinavian, just a gross mongrel american.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:07.046000+00:00)
I can show my support.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:13.533000+00:00)
I can talk with fellow fascists.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:18.473000+00:00)
How? You can't understand their culture or struggle.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:22.258000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:31.010000+00:00)
Just like someone in Golden Dawn can talk to someone in NRM.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:36.880000+00:00)
They share a common struggle.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:42.035000+00:00)
They want to save their own peoples.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:57:47.315000+00:00)
Two totally different nations, incompatible.
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T03:58:00.904000+00:00)
america is defined by the founding fathers and their ideas, which came out of the french revolution, its liberalism to the core, anything post-enlightenment is trash
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:58:17.687000+00:00)
They can be brothers in arms
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:58:25.045000+00:00)
but they shouldn't mix with eachother in blood
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:59:33.542000+00:00)
but what about people who are northwest european?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T03:59:39.387000+00:00)
What about them?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T03:59:58.777000+00:00)
using greeks/italians is a more extreme example
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:04.279000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:08.985000+00:00)
They are both Europeans
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:16.991000+00:00)
They are both nationalist movements.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:29.344000+00:00)
They have both shown support for each other historically.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:49.225000+00:00)
the greeks are mixed with turks
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:50.693000+00:00)
If you want to live in a white cultureless blob
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:00:57.063000+00:00)
move to the Midwest
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:10.366000+00:00)
already live in the midwest
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:11.676000+00:00)
it's not white
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:14.656000+00:00)
Then move to the whiter parts
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:24.970000+00:00)
there are no white parts, unless you want to live in the woods
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:31.861000+00:00)
Live in the woods.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:38.494000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:01:50.086000+00:00)
if this woman married a german would she be destroying his blood?
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:04.637000+00:00)
She's not German.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:11.263000+00:00)
"oh she's attractive so we should encourage mixing"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:21.585000+00:00)
THere was literally a movie in Nazi germany
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:21.737000+00:00)
She's CLEARLY 100% european
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:22.839000+00:00)
principles are important
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:26.578000+00:00)
telling you not to mix with a Polish woman
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:29.053000+00:00)
despite their beauty
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:37.319000+00:00)
You don't get Europeans.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:38.229000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:39.087000+00:00)
doesnt matter if she makes ur dik hard
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:46.307000+00:00)
principles are more important
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:55.368000+00:00)
You think in the material.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:57.057000+00:00)
cannon how do you feel about this, you're an american mongrel
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:02:58.144000+00:00)
Like most Americans.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:03.413000+00:00)
He feels the same.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:10.543000+00:00)
most americans don't feel that way
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:10.914000+00:00)
This conversation has come up a lot over the years.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:17.475000+00:00)
or most racial americans
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:20.199000+00:00)
i'm canadian
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:24.632000+00:00)
Most racial Americans are retards.
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:26.626000+00:00)
big difference : )
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:27.069000+00:00)
okay...same concept
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:34.797000+00:00)
Look at NSM
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:37.486000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:41.148000+00:00)
yeah the difference between america and canada is massive
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:42.882000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:49.458000+00:00)
yeah i was kidding
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:51.310000+00:00)
the NSM is the absolute worst example
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:53.581000+00:00)
Look at Republic of Florida
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:55.881000+00:00)
canada and america are both non-countries
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:03:59.114000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:04:06.084000+00:00)
Look at any group post Rockwell
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:04:09.726000+00:00)
They are shit.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:04:52.375000+00:00)
American racialism is stupid
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:05:05.821000+00:00)
and misses the entire point of what the Nationalists in Europe meant when they said "unity"
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:05:32.169000+00:00)
Wouldn't each nation being fanatically nationalist ultimately lead to war?
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:05:36.992000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:05:37.674000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:05:48.476000+00:00)
>imply fantacism is bad
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:14.449000+00:00)
it would lead to war between countries that had reason to go to war, but not wars for no reason
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:21.964000+00:00)
so no different than now
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:31.564000+00:00)
so it would lead to europeans killing each other on a mass scale like ww1
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:38.258000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:43.747000+00:00)
and even if it did
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:46.387000+00:00)
it doesnt matter
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:48.454000+00:00)
war is good
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:51.287000+00:00)
Might makes right.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:53.401000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:06:56.929000+00:00)
have you been to war kid?
Cannon writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:03.247000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:06.456000+00:00)
"Have you ever been to war kid?"
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:20.157000+00:00)
To die for a higher ideal is good thing.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:28.347000+00:00)
To die for American imperialism is a bad thing.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:30.523000+00:00)
wars against our enemies, the jews and non-whites is good
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:43.396000+00:00)
wars against other europeans under the flag of "nationalism" is bad
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:44.620000+00:00)
200+ years of war is bad
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:48.624000+00:00)
It hurts a nation.
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:07:57.004000+00:00)
The 'toughest' Europeans
Another American writes: (2017-08-18T04:08:04.281000+00:00)
are those who are from countries that have been in endless war
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T04:42:07.568000+00:00)
well the IM donations paypal account has been shut down now for being ebil natzees
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-18T08:16:51.600000+00:00)
Hey, i was tagged
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T09:36:10.269000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> I think it was me
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T09:36:19.949000+00:00)
I tagged you because Sammy mentioned Srbska Akcija
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T09:36:30.266000+00:00)
Yeah, someone said that Kosovo was a legitimate and independent country and that's true, you know ;))
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-18T09:38:11.240000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-18T09:38:45.502000+00:00)
behead those who insult Serbian territorial integrity
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T09:40:38.414000+00:00)
I was trellin, HAAA GOT IIII'
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T10:00:07.679000+00:00)
HAHA ''the big tent is failing'' but from the cuck perspective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOYSUBW-NiM
Liebenflücht writes: (2017-08-18T11:29:15.087000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:35:40.152000+00:00)
<@290601210640203776> > the greeks are mixed with Turks
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:36:28.619000+00:00)
Rather western Turks are mixed with Greeks
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:37:09.893000+00:00)
Under ottoman occupation a Greek could not marry a Turkish woman
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:37:37.170000+00:00)
But rather Greek women could be marriee to Turks mostly by force
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:38:03.882000+00:00)
And their kids would get immediately Ottoman citizenship
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:38:44.020000+00:00)
dont forget the jannisaries as well
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:39:16.474000+00:00)
kids were litteraly taken from their families in order to be recruited in the ottoman army
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:39:40.894000+00:00)
and not just greek kids, there have been many cases of Turkification of many populations
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:40:02.224000+00:00)
including arabs, iranians , armenians and even jews
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:41:23.493000+00:00)
I am not saying absolutely noone mixed. That's impossible. There has been a very minor racial stain under ottoman occupation
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:41:59.351000+00:00)
a racial stain only found under very specific parts of our population
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:44:07.204000+00:00)
Yes and the argument that we're Turkish rapebabies is idiotic by default from what was mentioned above
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:44:41.426000+00:00)
Whoever still says this deserves a bullet imo
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:45:37.193000+00:00)
well some brainwashed teachers say it
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:45:45.887000+00:00)
i myself heard it from a number of people
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:47:00.062000+00:00)
Who cares about Marxist teachers. They have their agenda. That people who consider themselves Natsoc and say this is the real problem
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:47:03.973000+00:00)
tbh when your own goverment cabinet is denying your racial heritage and the genocide of the pontiacs, you need to start all over again
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:49:06.501000+00:00)
The more anti-greek they become the harsher and more violent the backlash will become
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:49:13.769000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:49:26.433000+00:00)
modern greeks just need to get out of their centrist phase
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:49:50.383000+00:00)
i mean if you are natsoc youre pretty much hated by all sides
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:50:08.757000+00:00)
one will call you a traitor, another one an oppressor and another one an extremist
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:50:56.935000+00:00)
What's worse. One may call you a Golden Dawner.
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T11:51:06.358000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T11:53:54.520000+00:00)
But yeah being natsoc you're immediately opposed from all sides. Just makes me 100% certain im doing something right.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T12:05:42.926000+00:00)
All sides generally oppose you fucking babies while praying to satan.. Don't use other people's judgement to decide if you're in the right or not, use your own. Their value system is not your value system
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T12:09:44.591000+00:00)
In my experience they mostly pray to Jesus
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-18T12:14:46.559000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-18T12:14:51.469000+00:00)
Did you guys know this?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T12:15:19.279000+00:00)
Since he, according to himself, literally is love, any hateful people must be exexuted and their books burned
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-18T12:15:21.640000+00:00)
>According to Runer, this has been going on since at least 2016 as he recalls the example of an entire human settlement from the Bronze and Iron Age that discretely got levelled to allow road works for Sweden’s E6 motorway to progress.
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T12:15:32.120000+00:00)
Yeah I saw it :(
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T12:19:35.264000+00:00)
I wish we could level Israel and thereby allow humanity to progress
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-18T12:20:07.540000+00:00)
You could level Israel and not make a dent
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-18T12:20:13.790000+00:00)
Most of the world's problems don't live there
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T12:21:42.884000+00:00)
genocide isn't used to fix the problems, it's used to make sure no one else is stupid enough to try it again.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T12:22:28.473000+00:00)
Thats why really brutal states don't punish the criminal only, they also hit the family members related to them
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-18T12:46:28.704000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-18T12:46:46.233000+00:00)
Your average shitskin in the eyes of the authorities
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:10:45.583000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:10:53.998000+00:00)
but true
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:22:45.130000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:22:45.528000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:23:01.470000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:24:40.921000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:25:38.344000+00:00)
damn son
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:28:09.165000+00:00)
You can tell a nigger was in charge because he was too stupid to get some sponsors and turn it into a WWE event between anti fa and the alt right. Could of made millions on hot dog sales
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:30:12.770000+00:00)
i'm sure there's dozens of kikes out there counting the extra shekels they've made over this somehow
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T13:30:35.708000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Why is it on archive?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T13:30:41.265000+00:00)
Did it get taken down?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:35:33.689000+00:00)
you always archive no matter what
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:35:35.439000+00:00)
people tend to immediately archive pages like this just in case
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:35:46.269000+00:00)
Media will lie to you and edit their articles, so you archive it so they can't
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:35:46.555000+00:00)
try googling the title for the original article
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:35:58.116000+00:00)
Some news websites are disabling archive.is now because of it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:36:18.888000+00:00)
They claim "they're lying about us by keeping a record of the original article that we can't edit and update"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:36:33.967000+00:00)
It's double plus good I tell you! Doubling the chocolate rations!
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:37:35.627000+00:00)
>last week it was said the chocolate rations were 4
>this week they are at 2 but the glorious party has doubled them so now we have 4
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T13:38:15.079000+00:00)
What the fuck happened to NRM's wiki page?
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T13:38:33.203000+00:00)
It's like 80% shorter now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:39:02.630000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:39:16.277000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T13:39:16.803000+00:00)
spencer just has a way with words don't he
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T13:41:04.116000+00:00)
Spencer would succ a rabbi if he said something even remotely good about his movement
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:41:26.421000+00:00)
we all know he is a jew
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:41:39.105000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:41:42.851000+00:00)
he just dont want to addmit it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:41:53.994000+00:00)
Please don't imply Spencer would suck a rabbi for saying nice things
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:12.858000+00:00)
We both know he'd suck a Rabbi just to have another notch on his gay bed post
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:24.529000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:26.008000+00:00)
Spencer is a crypto jew for sure
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:36.343000+00:00)
He's a white guy with no roots and no identity
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:41.952000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:46.502000+00:00)
His family are rich and moved him around a lot as a kid
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:42:56.819000+00:00)
That's why he says "whiteness is all I have". He's being honest
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:43:22.983000+00:00)
He has no ethnic roots, no community. All he has is the whiteness of the semen dripping from every orifice to identify with. He is the literal cumskin.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:44:34.069000+00:00)
"Hey Dickie, what skin cream is that?" "Oh you, you know I only rub the best teenage semen into my skin to stay as fresh as the day I was born. Teee hee"
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T13:44:39.898000+00:00)
On his maternal side he has roots from a certain ((Eckstein)) family
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-18T13:45:22.545000+00:00)
His wife is a weirdo
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T13:45:35.015000+00:00)
His wife is a bolshevik
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:45:55.901000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-18T13:45:56.266000+00:00)
she was born is soviet
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:46:05.285000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:47:16.414000+00:00)
Can we donate some gas?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:49:02.788000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:49:10.724000+00:00)
i heard they like zyklon b
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:49:33.756000+00:00)
I like how the speed racer made all the cucks run away
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:49:50.538000+00:00)
I'm not a nazi! I'm not a nazi! I only drive safely under the speed limit in my Chinese built car!
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T13:51:51.171000+00:00)
He also has a Georgian or Russian wife
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T13:52:13.638000+00:00)
That fetishizes the Soviet Union, communism and Eurasianism
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T13:53:15.397000+00:00)
She also denies the Holodmor genocide
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:53:37.554000+00:00)
how dare she
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:54:08.891000+00:00)
Didnt cannibalism
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:54:17.649000+00:00)
been in that famine
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:54:23.701000+00:00)
Jared taylor used to be the public face but he comes across as too presentable, so they picked dicky spencer to replace him it seems
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T13:54:26.434000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T13:54:41.576000+00:00)
Now Spencer has done his job setting up IRL meetings they're going to move onto someone more radical and aggressive
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T13:58:04.151000+00:00)
are there any shots in finland
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:04:40.340000+00:00)
oh its the stabbings
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T14:08:13.815000+00:00)
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T14:28:54.135000+00:00)
"Charlottesville was a MASSIVE victory" - altright
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T14:39:03.838000+00:00)
>Charlottesville Was 'Inside Job' To Ignite Race War
Man can dream.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T14:41:01.938000+00:00)
>video posted in <#326845560650858497>
"are nazis altright"
I can answer that question: FUCK NO
here's my argument http://ropeculture.org/2017/01/13/zero-tolerance/
Jaktfalk writes: (2017-08-18T14:47:10.976000+00:00)
Do you guys think the term "nazi" is acceptable? I get annoyed when people use it tbh.
Jaktfalk writes: (2017-08-18T14:47:27.157000+00:00)
It should say NS or NatSoc for short
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:56:00.037000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T14:56:48.466000+00:00)
Nazi is our word now.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:00.153000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:00.718000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:11.651000+00:00)
in finland
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:13.212000+00:00)
i know
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:35.379000+00:00)
Very well timed, we got a demo against invasion tomorrow.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:49.783000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:52.829000+00:00)
Yeah that's good timing
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T14:57:53.803000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:58:08.592000+00:00)
Was gonna suggest that you do some show of force in response to let people know there's an alternative
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T14:58:16.559000+00:00)
Finns are always one step ahead...
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T14:58:37.386000+00:00)
I have walked that street like 1488 times, used to live in the immediate proximity of Turku.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:59:01.726000+00:00)
i like finns cuz they dont fear to use their guns
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:59:10.449000+00:00)
sorta lika usa of europe
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T14:59:15.981000+00:00)
whats happening in video, where i am supposed to look at
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T14:59:50.444000+00:00)
terrorist stabbing finns
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:00:58.052000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> allah agbar
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T15:01:02.500000+00:00)
Turku is full of Turks now
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:01:10.964000+00:00)
Muslims attacked Finns
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:01:28.434000+00:00)
Apparently one of the Muslims got beaten with a baseball bat <:dream:333302050979053580>
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T15:01:39.156000+00:00)
somebody got hurt besides the muslim?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T15:02:25.066000+00:00)
Tuku isn't that bad, but there's this one hood called Varissuo, "the most multicultural district in Finland" where like 1/3 of people are immigrants. Complete cancer.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:02:25.911000+00:00)
A mother was attacked while walking her kid in a pram
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:02:46.355000+00:00)
I think a woman died aswell, YLE report says that a person was lying on the ground under a blanket with a handbag next to it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:03:04.706000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> let me guess
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:03:16.495000+00:00)
baseball bat guy was slav
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T15:03:27.741000+00:00)
Damn and you guys have a NRM demo tomorrow?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:04:32.411000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> more likely it was an angry finn
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:05:30.142000+00:00)
Someone should really start making nationalist shields
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:05:58.459000+00:00)
someone should really be reincarnated as hitler
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:01.483000+00:00)
Not larpy at home things, I mean proper mass production for sale with proper logos on them to present a united image in a shield wall
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:14.696000+00:00)
Who the hell is going to carry around shields all day?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:25.015000+00:00)
You mean for demos?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:31.747000+00:00)
Have you seen videos of American rallies?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:34.155000+00:00)
I thought you meant in regards to the Finnish terrorism we were discussing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:38.504000+00:00)
Having a shielf seems nessecary
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:48.854000+00:00)
NRM have shields
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:06:53.427000+00:00)
Nah, shields won't protect you from assault cars
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T15:07:03.300000+00:00)
And nice one's
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:07:16.546000+00:00)
ye i want one of their shield
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:07:18.537000+00:00)
I mean a nice big round shield with a runic decal built into it
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T15:09:20.291000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T15:09:32.660000+00:00)
Terror attack in Turku <:lol:333298431810338816> <:lol:333298431810338816> <:lol:333298431810338816>
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T15:10:19.070000+00:00)
I still wonder how the hell Athens hasn't been attacked
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T15:10:42.741000+00:00)
Or they just don't report it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:11:14.911000+00:00)
I imagine most terrorist attacks aren't reported as such.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:11:24.957000+00:00)
Whatever happened to the nigger circus on facebook live?
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T15:13:30.563000+00:00)
Anyone have a link regarding that Turku incident
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-18T15:14:11.773000+00:00)
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-18T15:15:17.905000+00:00)
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-18T15:17:37.498000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:22:25.337000+00:00)
whatever happened to the Defend Ruope boat?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:32:35.245000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:32:44.312000+00:00)
A mother and her daughter are reported to have been killed
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:34:19.675000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:34:37.095000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> when u think it will come to our soil
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:34:50.738000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> 25 years ago
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:01.522000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:14.320000+00:00)
Did you see Vucic welcome some nog family couple of days ago?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:21.695000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:23.628000+00:00)
Telling they will have free school and shit?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:24.389000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:32.129000+00:00)
hold on, saw it on tv
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:32.691000+00:00)
oh shieeeeeet we USA
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:48.219000+00:00)
but ye, Vucic will prob make some deal to house shit ton of them
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:35:54.785000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:36:01.102000+00:00)
10 k migrants want in
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:36:09.995000+00:00)
10 k to much
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:37:12.421000+00:00)
we know we gonna be screwed when we get lesbian pm from CROATIA
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:38:18.387000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:38:20.136000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:38:56.721000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:39:45.759000+00:00)
😁 🔫
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:39:56.650000+00:00)
Russia's shoahing the daily stormer
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:40:10.935000+00:00)
i didnt vote for that mofo in the first place
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:40:42.722000+00:00)
Im glad he is doing it, let him bring them in, stir the masses watching Parovi
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:41:01.059000+00:00)
what moto?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:41:23.577000+00:00)
thats what most people do anyway this days
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:41:40.315000+00:00)
except few
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:41:54.654000+00:00)
normal unbrainwasheed people
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:43:54.271000+00:00)
i had worst class in hs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:43:57.697000+00:00)
Some new reality is starting soon
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T15:44:01.076000+00:00)
aka everyone who isn't normal since brain washing is normal now
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T15:44:04.914000+00:00)
all fuckin libs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:44:33.629000+00:00)
I had best class in hs, best friend was NS
We would sieg heil one teacher bcs we thought she was jew
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:44:55.152000+00:00)
turns out she hated gypsies, once we discussed how to get rid of them
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T15:45:04.619000+00:00)
but then it was 99% male school so
Exitus writes: (2017-08-18T16:03:00.540000+00:00)
shame about what happened in finland, but these attacks need to happen so people wake up
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:03:33.316000+00:00)
70 % girls in school <@207544163737141258> whole class except me libs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:03:56.436000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:04:11.507000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:04:27.186000+00:00)
Ja eletrotehnicka
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:04:42.262000+00:00)
we maybe had 20 girls in whole school
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:04:50.408000+00:00)
maybe 2 were passable
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:00.084000+00:00)
1 %
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:14.946000+00:00)
but it was fun af
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:32.605000+00:00)
schools should be segragated again tbh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:40.731000+00:00)
imali direktora zvali ga albanac is makedonije
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:49.001000+00:00)
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:05:54.558000+00:00)
kosovo je srbia
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:06:00.985000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:06:01.484000+00:00)
jasmin nikolovski
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:06:06.923000+00:00)
macedonia is greece
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:06:34.656000+00:00)
we actually had one race mixed guy
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T16:06:43.631000+00:00)
like half north african i think
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:07:06.361000+00:00)
we have none
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:07:23.195000+00:00)
oh wait wrong
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:07:31.696000+00:00)
there are in athens
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:07:44.912000+00:00)
jebena 15.
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:08:00.848000+00:00)
i dont understand serbian bro
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:09:19.355000+00:00)
fuckin 15.
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:09:50.917000+00:00)
race mixed people?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:10:25.572000+00:00)
no name of my school
Aryan Knight writes: (2017-08-18T16:10:30.385000+00:00)
oh lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:10:37.254000+00:00)
glad to get out of it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:10:45.687000+00:00)
fuckin libs and turbofolkers
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T16:11:44.251000+00:00)
Actually, Kosove sje sweden.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:12:26.221000+00:00)
fuck no mate
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:13:02.888000+00:00)
Why do these albanians keep saying they are "illiyiran" and the first europeans?
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:13:57.347000+00:00)
They must be the worst "europeans" in Europe
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:14:01.742000+00:00)
Avg 86 iq
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:14:09.450000+00:00)
82 actually
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:14:18.358000+00:00)
That is africa tier
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:14:28.251000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:14:47.454000+00:00)
if illyrians were somewhere it would be just northern bit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:15:28.321000+00:00)
Probably push that to feel good cuz they dont want to admmit whole europe think they cancer and drug state
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:15:47.699000+00:00)
Yeah with their culture being erdadicated by turkey
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:15:58.313000+00:00)
There is 2 kosovars in my school
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:16:04.843000+00:00)
They keep saying Sweden has no culture
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:16:36.614000+00:00)
did u beat them up
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:17:02.709000+00:00)
I told them off and gave them a warning
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:17:44.410000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:18:10.637000+00:00)
Tell them they're Greeks
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:18:30.497000+00:00)
They will maybe find that as a compliment
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:18:47.985000+00:00)
I asked them back and they said we have greek culture and albanian culture
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T16:19:10.938000+00:00)
Why is the arab countries and shit tier european ones leeching of Greece
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:20:08.894000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Okay I bought lamb, give me souvlaki recipe
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:20:18.522000+00:00)
Or some equally delicious Greek recipe
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:20:30.715000+00:00)
Black lives matters wristbands are sold from China. Chinks being jews and trying to make a profit or not?
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:26:25.850000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> do you remember the rest of the kleftiko recipe I told you?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:27:13.510000+00:00)
Im gonna make souvlaki, found skewers in a cupboard
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:27:58.004000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:01.556000+00:00)
Is it basically
Cut into chunks > put on marinade > put in fridge an hour or two to let marinade sink in > roast > eat
Im clueless when it comes to cooking
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:06.669000+00:00)
Shashlik and souvlaki is basically the same thing tbh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:32.895000+00:00)
put some vegies between meat
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:37.870000+00:00)
u cant eat all meat
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:39.885000+00:00)
that's souvlaki too
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:46.647000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> no no
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:50.476000+00:00)
You got it wrong
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:50.868000+00:00)
but I actually didnt think of that so thanks :DDD
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:28:54.270000+00:00)
Let's go again
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:29:00.446000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:29:16.727000+00:00)
Get some lamb and cut it into nice big pieces
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:29:31.710000+00:00)
Pour over some oil, greek
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:30:02.068000+00:00)
Ah fuck it I'm gonna link you a video
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:30:10.320000+00:00)
It's in English and it's simpler
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:30:17.267000+00:00)
I dont want English vids
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:30:23.259000+00:00)
Gott straffe England
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:31:28.253000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:31:33.714000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:31:53.089000+00:00)
lmao Ainsley
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:08.594000+00:00)
He actually is pretty good at this
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:19.421000+00:00)
Im not making kleftiko though
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:26.189000+00:00)
You should
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:28.407000+00:00)
It's great
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:29.837000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:32.859000+00:00)
Im making souvlaki
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:34.457000+00:00)
For souvlaki
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:38.504000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:42.918000+00:00)
You get your meat
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:52.178000+00:00)
And cut it into similar chunks
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:32:57.751000+00:00)
Preferably cubic
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:27.603000+00:00)
Then you put a spear like thing between them
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:35.594000+00:00)
You know, like you pike them
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:38.781000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:51.079000+00:00)
Sounding like a kebab to me...
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:56.181000+00:00)
Remove Gre, he's a kebab enabler
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:33:57.949000+00:00)
Then you put on a grill or an oven
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:34:08.484000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> isnt this more suitable
Cut into chunks > put on marinade > put in fridge an hour or two to let marinade sink in > roast > eat
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:34:09.378000+00:00)
For about ten minutes
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:34:20.334000+00:00)
Nope that's for kleftiko
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:34:50.732000+00:00)
After ten minutes you get it out of the grill and squeeze over some lemon juice
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:34:58.244000+00:00)
And oregano
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:35:04.603000+00:00)
And you're ready to eat
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:35:12.980000+00:00)
how is ten minutes enough
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:35:39.583000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:35:48.223000+00:00)
I may have gotten it wrong
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:35:59.840000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> calling greek a kebab that will make u dead little slower than calling serb that
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:36:15.454000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> cevap
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:36:43.970000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:36:50.293000+00:00)
If it's a grill
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:36:54.337000+00:00)
its not
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:36:56.568000+00:00)
it's an oven
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:01.618000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:09.324000+00:00)
25 to thirty minutes
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:13.813000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:20.545000+00:00)
Make sure to turn them over
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:27.057000+00:00)
So I just skewer the meat, put it in the oven, then lemon juice and oregano?
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:29.339000+00:00)
So they are cooked evenly
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:33.225000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:40.702000+00:00)
should I just turn once
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:42.968000+00:00)
or several times?
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:43.754000+00:00)
You can try to dip it in marinade
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:50.876000+00:00)
nevermind I guess I can just check while cooking to make sure its even
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:37:55.929000+00:00)
But that would give out a different taste
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:18.204000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:22.668000+00:00)
yopu turn them over half way through
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:24.261000+00:00)
Alright I'll give it a go and see what happens
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:32.953000+00:00)
you may also want to fry them briefly
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:43.960000+00:00)
Shut up you barbarian
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:50.251000+00:00)
You don't know souvlaki
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:38:53.009000+00:00)
frying just the outside of the meat seals it, keeps the juices in
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:01.611000+00:00)
You're making kebabs with a funny name
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:09.267000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:22.175000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> make sure to coat them in foil
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:32.607000+00:00)
So the fat doesn't ruin your oven
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:40.311000+00:00)
You want them to boil in their juices
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:41.878000+00:00)
can't I just put them on a plate
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:51.040000+00:00)
After hours serve
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:39:52.443000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:01.069000+00:00)
I'm talking about the cooking part
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:10.618000+00:00)
yeah I mean can't I just put them on an oven plate
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:18.221000+00:00)
Sure you can
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:24.144000+00:00)
Just make sure it's not too flat
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:41.438000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:42.928000+00:00)
something like that
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:49.415000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:56.253000+00:00)
Now go make them
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:40:58.463000+00:00)
And remember
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:12.578000+00:00)
If you want a taste that stays even after its cold
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:24.061000+00:00)
Squeeze lemon juice and oregano
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:29.659000+00:00)
After they are done
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:29.855000+00:00)
I need to marinade them in the blood of Ottomans?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:33.262000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:39.999000+00:00)
Alright I'll give it a go, cheers
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:41:41.725000+00:00)
No cause you will get aids
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:42:17.485000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:42:40.092000+00:00)
this is a tame Otterman
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T16:42:41.232000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:45:47.292000+00:00)
Wait a minute
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:45:52.514000+00:00)
I should put the olive oil on first right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T16:47:18.413000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:48:29.544000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> no
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:48:53.483000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T16:50:06.505000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> They're back?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T16:50:45.424000+00:00)
did I post a link?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T16:51:08.506000+00:00)
i just seen ddos in tab
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T16:51:32.736000+00:00)
I can see this one. Atleast. https://dailystormer.lol/
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:54:50.058000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> do I not put any on?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T16:55:12.544000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> He was being patronizing.
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T16:57:23.721000+00:00)
no olive oil
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T16:59:21.773000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> I noticed that kind of. Had to ask thought Darknet was the new place for DS for now.
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T17:02:11.018000+00:00)
NatSoc is about a lot of things, but basically it's about intercultural cooking advice 😉
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:03:09.393000+00:00)
darknet nice place to search for things
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:03:50.288000+00:00)
Can't turn a girl into a house wife id you don't know how to cook.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:06:49.504000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:07:02.198000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Heard the feds cracked the code to that place tho. So how long can we be there if the internet shuts down?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:07:24.351000+00:00)
for what place
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:07:42.865000+00:00)
Darknet i mean
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:08:01.999000+00:00)
yea most sellers and stuff are feds
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:08:14.220000+00:00)
they distributed even cp there
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:08:52.717000+00:00)
https://www.deepdotweb.com/ for news regarding deep and dark web
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:10:47.230000+00:00)
Just came from German sauna. Never again.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:11:12.653000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:11:52.161000+00:00)
german sauna
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:12:04.887000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:01.615000+00:00)
alt right meet up in there?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:08.802000+00:00)
>no visible kiuas
>pour water on wall and it will go via pipe to hot parts
>feel no difference
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:15.822000+00:00)
Fuck it.
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:29.478000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> 😕it sure fit its name Darknet
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:42.022000+00:00)
How do I tell if tzatziki has gone bad? <@203572971795644416>
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:13:49.854000+00:00)
Smells and looks normal.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:14:01.738000+00:00)
I dont have any yoghurt so cant make a new batch
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:14:02.347000+00:00)
Tor is cracked by cops
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:14:39.696000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i willl teahc you how to make good tzatziki
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:14:49.265000+00:00)
I know how to make tzatziki
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:14:53.331000+00:00)
yep it is
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:00.204000+00:00)
Albanians taught me
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:04.342000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:08.110000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:32.197000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:35.322000+00:00)
I know how to make Ayran aswell, though its obvious
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:53.015000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:15:54.028000+00:00)
Tzatziki love it. Eat it all the time.
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:16:51.944000+00:00)
i was just going to share my family recipe
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:09.921000+00:00)
Do it anyway
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:13.199000+00:00)
Your will not wanna talk to people afterwards though🤣
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:16.084000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:31.699000+00:00)
But I dont have yoghurt so cant make it rn
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:33.749000+00:00)
get some thick greek yoghurt, preferably those big ones
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:45.428000+00:00)
a couple garlic
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:48.677000+00:00)
some cucumber
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:52.592000+00:00)
greek oil
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:58.147000+00:00)
greek vinegar
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:17:59.280000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:01.121000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:09.144000+00:00)
Things and stuff
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:24.664000+00:00)
you first get the yoghurt our of the bowl
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:29.206000+00:00)
dont throw it away
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:33.885000+00:00)
youre going to need it later
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:18:57.181000+00:00)
Dont forgot mynta or what you now call it in english.
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:19:00.038000+00:00)
you first grind the cucumber and the garlic into two separate pales, or the same idc
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T17:19:12.452000+00:00)
mynta = mint
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:19:16.881000+00:00)
then you add them in the yoghrt
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:19:19.570000+00:00)
mix it
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:19:23.107000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:20:40.305000+00:00)
add some oil
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:20:46.622000+00:00)
and vinegar
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:20:52.094000+00:00)
and salt and pepper
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:20:55.735000+00:00)
then mix again
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:20:59.169000+00:00)
Thats the same as I do except I dont use vinegar or pepper
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:21:08.502000+00:00)
then storage it in the bown you bought it from
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:21:14.470000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> try it
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T17:21:18.204000+00:00)
its very good
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:25:56.516000+00:00)
I would
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:26:00.080000+00:00)
But no yoghurt.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:26:16.234000+00:00)
The tzatziki I have expired a week ago but smells fine
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:26:17.067000+00:00)
Only me who use carrots in my tzatziki?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:26:19.552000+00:00)
looks fine too
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:26:24.575000+00:00)
Yes you are.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:06.471000+00:00)
Never heard of anyone doing rhat 🤔
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:12.410000+00:00)
carrots in tzatziki?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:14.458000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:15.624000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:50.921000+00:00)
Most deserved ban in server history tbh 😂
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:27:59.128000+00:00)
I know right.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:28:55.175000+00:00)
blasphemous act, to mix carrots into the tzatziki
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:29:09.239000+00:00)
Hehe well it gives a kind of nordic touch to the tzatziki😎
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:29:37.196000+00:00)
recipe mixing is on the same level as race mixing tbh
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:29:50.126000+00:00)
mutlicultural food mixing is not allowed
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:29:54.369000+00:00)
yep, your damn right <@!331147867035140096>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:29:57.390000+00:00)
I'm with daniel
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:30:04.103000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:30:11.894000+00:00)
Day of the rope you're getting the noodle round the neck
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:31:21.714000+00:00)
Food marxist🤡
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:31:31.361000+00:00)
Guess i am
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:31:51.108000+00:00)
Would the discord be improved by a legit European cooking channel?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:31:57+00:00)
*increasing rope production*
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:32:13.804000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I dont think so, probably little interest
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:32:25.032000+00:00)
It sounds a bit larpy but I think preserving our food and recipes for our family would be a net benefit
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:32:30.850000+00:00)
one of the moderators is a cook
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:32:57.776000+00:00)
or is the correct word, chef? :P
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:01.381000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:07.489000+00:00)
cuck huh?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:18.361000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:32.602000+00:00)
I hatethat the industral revolution wiped out a lot of traditional british food
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:50.601000+00:00)
well, you still have fish n' chips.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:33:53.516000+00:00)
good home cooked meals have become the exception these days and ut needs restoring
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:34:00.679000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:34:15.133000+00:00)
The UK has a huge prob;em with culture no other country really has
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:34:34.267000+00:00)
We did so damn well that our unique elements became mainstream every where
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T17:35:06.294000+00:00)
The traditional male attrive like the suit is now just standard business wear sort of thing
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:41:35.187000+00:00)
Basically done now, just rotated it a second time and gonna let it cook for another 2 min
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:41:52.360000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T17:45:10.268000+00:00)
Hello my comrades in struggle, I have a question for yuo. How does this video make you feel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABOVuI0zRcQ
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:47:09.841000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:47:18.194000+00:00)
antifa and right wingers
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:47:24.264000+00:00)
fighting in spain live
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:49:25.289000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> am confused who is the cam following
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:49:37.147000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:49:50.605000+00:00)
dunno i just got it
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:50:04.635000+00:00)
i went back to the beginning of the stream
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:50:49.129000+00:00)
It is done.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:50:52.265000+00:00)
a guy get's punched in the first minute and nobody does anything about it
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:50:56.822000+00:00)
Looks ebin, gonna watch some docu while eating
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:51:10.655000+00:00)
thanks <@203572971795644416>
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:51:16.265000+00:00)
I guess i just like to try my boundries sometimes with food. Maybe i am alone with that? I still think we should try to preserve our culture and traditions tho. I agree with that
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:51:51.219000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> Foreign food is great if that's what you mean
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:51:54.715000+00:00)
Carrots in tzatziki is haram
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:53:26.307000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i thought Tzatziki was from greece?:3
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:53:50.753000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> antifa or right winger
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-18T17:54:16.241000+00:00)
well, haram is a good word to use in this case. because carrots in tzatziki is wrong on every level.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:55:35.937000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> i can't tell i think, the right winger is the one doing the punching
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T17:55:44.130000+00:00)
pretty weird nobody really reacted
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T17:55:51.418000+00:00)
Might aswell put carrots in hamburgers smh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:56:03.313000+00:00)
well they all scrawny they cant do shit
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T17:56:17.627000+00:00)
Like a vegetarian? Lol.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T17:58:59.860000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> what u think will falangists do their job
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T17:59:02.951000+00:00)
http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/ - Zeiger on front page of canadian huff post
*journos and antifa - best friends forever
on the day of the rope will be hanging together*
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:06:16.014000+00:00)
Speaking of antifa and journalists, imagine how bored the ones on this server must be
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:06:30.859000+00:00)
Imagine spying on nazis for hours, only to find recipes for tzatziki and souvlaki
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T18:06:53.123000+00:00)
considering how many of them are fucking hipsters I imagine they're actually writing down the recipes
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:05.628000+00:00)
Well I don't know. They are getting good advice on how to make tzatziki
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:19.928000+00:00)
Lol yes
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:20.912000+00:00)
They're useless hipsters though, they probably can't cook for shied and just hang out at starbucks all day
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:43.515000+00:00)
and talk about how they found a great recipe but never actually try making it
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:50.660000+00:00)
"Hey I got this really good recipe off a nazi website...."
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:07:52.904000+00:00)
They don't follow recipes because they don't obey authorities, duh
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T18:08:16.588000+00:00)
no masters, no slaves, no recipes
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:08:39.150000+00:00)
Spanish video looks a bit boring, full of lefties hanging around
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T18:08:52.076000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> go back to the beginning
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:09:25.638000+00:00)
Lamb is really great meat, we need to eat it more in the Nordic countries
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:09:39.887000+00:00)
3expensive5me though, costs €18/kg
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T18:10:13.196000+00:00)
shit now i understand the beginning
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:10:21.919000+00:00)
Looks like just one. Lost his clan
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:10:47.937000+00:00)
They always strike from behind. The cowards
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T18:10:52.471000+00:00)
they're are bunch of anti fascists following one right winger
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:11:15.586000+00:00)
No honour amongst thieves
Victor writes: (2017-08-18T18:11:37.429000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> And that is not even eco lamb right?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:11:50.086000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> It's Swedish lamb but not eco/organic
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:03.462000+00:00)
My local grocery store has 4 lamb products
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:07.637000+00:00)
3/4 are from outside of Europe
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:32.949000+00:00)
If it's from New Zealand, its ok
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:41.530000+00:00)
Who the hell buys lamb from New Zealand or Argentina when we have sheep in Sweden?
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:46.185000+00:00)
They are still white
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:52.369000+00:00)
where are falangists to get their job done
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:12:55.865000+00:00)
It's an enviromental hazard though tbh
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:13:13.959000+00:00)
NZ are the largest lamb exporters in the world
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:13:24.651000+00:00)
No one can beat them on price
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:13:36.559000+00:00)
But that's all they can grow
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:13:43.911000+00:00)
It's funny though, Swedish farmers can't sell their produce because regulations cause prices to be through the roof, while imported food takes over the market because it's much cheaper as the same regulations don't apply.
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:13:46.363000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:14:22.748000+00:00)
I know and then people complain about the env.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:14:35.417000+00:00)
Swedish pork cutlet(?) costs €20/kg, whereas Danish pork cutlet costs €10/kg IN SWEDEN
lofi writes: (2017-08-18T18:15:28.084000+00:00)
It's probably some kind of agreement so everybody is dependent on each other, keep EU from falling apart
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:15:48.990000+00:00)
Nah it's due to our internal regulations
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:16:20.016000+00:00)
If they were more reasonable, Swedish farmers could sell their produce more easily, and the general populace would benefit from the food being cheaper
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:16:30.253000+00:00)
+ environmental benefits
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:20:02.634000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:21:07.272000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> I think about a dozen elderly people died a few years ago when they ate Serbian strawberries 🤔
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:22:52.529000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:32:27.433000+00:00)
> eating anything other than swedish meat
absolute heresy
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:33:21.097000+00:00)
or as the new swedes would say: absolute haram
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:34:58.590000+00:00)
haram is an adjective not a noun tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:35:04.997000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:35:28.524000+00:00)
nevermind its a noun too now that I think of it
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:37:59.155000+00:00)
Alcohol freezes at a lower temperature than water right?
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:39:14.958000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:39:26.872000+00:00)
depends on alcohol percentage
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:39:42.457000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:41:33.372000+00:00)
I'm just pondering on alcoholic beverages with very low alcohol percentages. If you freeze the beverage to a point where most of the water freezes but the alcohol remains liquid, you'd end up with a "new" beverage that has a higher alcohol percentage and I suppose a different flavour.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:41:44.240000+00:00)
I find it hard to believe Zeiger is featured in that article. All the quotes in the article make them seem like rather regular guys, not even altright edge.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:42:11.554000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> He's friends with Zeiger though
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:42:23.982000+00:00)
anything below 40 % are for wussies
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:42:41.645000+00:00)
Who? Slavros? Of course.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:43:12.101000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> I only drink alcoholic beverages with less than 2% alcohol
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:43:13.851000+00:00)
anything below 100% is for people with good eyesight
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:43:25.229000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:43:51.759000+00:00)
But yeah I think that freezing process could yield some interesting results if applied to i.e cider or kvass or something
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:44:29.165000+00:00)
What I think you're describing is basically beer-slush. I've accidentally had that, not a hit.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:44:56.158000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:45:00.602000+00:00)
I googled and NO that's disgusting looking hahaha
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:46:10.244000+00:00)
I'm talking about an industrial process where the beverage would be frozen so that an overwhelming portion of the water (all of it, more or less) would be turned to ice while the alcoholic contents remained liquid
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:46:18.439000+00:00)
holy shit that is based. ice slushies with beer taste
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:47:56.218000+00:00)
Have you seen the new emojis Persson
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:48:09.335000+00:00)
<:hitler:347424257543897089> <:merrykopf:347426916439162881> <:evola:347429912157749248> <:soap:347434252377391104>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T18:48:51.986000+00:00)
<:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> <:hitler:347424257543897089> <:jude:339808729581092865> <:soap:347434252377391104> <:lol:333298431810338816>
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:49:24.627000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:49:52.597000+00:00)
*"I'm talking about an industrial process where the beverage would be frozen so that an overwhelming portion of the water (all of it, more or less) would be turned to ice while the alcoholic contents remained liquid"*
This is slush. Really. And it's not great.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:50:16.216000+00:00)
Through accidents I have had many kinds of alcoholic slush.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:50:56.603000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> No that's not slush
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:51:03.423000+00:00)
The water/ice is disposed of
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:51:09.602000+00:00)
Not allowed to melt among the alcohol
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:51:15.756000+00:00)
The water is essentially filtered out
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:52:13.912000+00:00)
Aha, so slush without the ice? 😛
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:52:35.895000+00:00)
You mean liquid? 😄
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:52:42.295000+00:00)
nice emojis daniel
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:52:47.799000+00:00)
you too
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:52:53.168000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:53:18.747000+00:00)
When you're checking out of a hotel and the manager says "Have a nice flight" and you say "You too"
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T18:53:22.732000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:53:27.863000+00:00)
I would reckon it would turn out bad as the freezing process deteroriates some of the taste elements.
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:53:41.288000+00:00)
I disagree
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:53:52.945000+00:00)
i seen someone ruined beer by slushing it
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-18T18:54:35.967000+00:00)
Fine, make your slush, prove me wrong. It's non traditional for a reason. <:evola:347429912157749248>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:54:51.509000+00:00)
why dont u just hang him
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:05.042000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> It's purification
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:07.105000+00:00)
Don't you like purity?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:10.250000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:16.369000+00:00)
my evola is bigger than yours tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:41.330000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> do people drink Jelen or is it just a meme?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:55:53.217000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:05.911000+00:00)
i drink Zajecarsko and Lav
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:11.821000+00:00)
I was just going to write that
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:20.907000+00:00)
didnt see someone drink jelen for years
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:23.926000+00:00)
Zajecarsko seems like the best brand
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:30.854000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:45.632000+00:00)
but rly good
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:46.326000+00:00)
Lav is owned by Carlsberg btw
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T18:56:50.606000+00:00)
Damn <@203572971795644416> hooking fellow nazis up with dope recipes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:57:27.736000+00:00)
i dont drink that that much
Elusive writes: (2017-08-18T18:57:32.131000+00:00)
Next in line is Mousaka
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T18:57:35.315000+00:00)
im going to teach these barbarians superior cuisine
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:57:42.080000+00:00)
Zajecarsko for the win
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T18:58:32.789000+00:00)
Mousaka 😩
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T18:59:44.414000+00:00)
35 cents for bottle of zajecarsko
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:00:25.301000+00:00)
take that czechs
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:01:23.478000+00:00)
Isn't moussaka just lasagna
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:01:27.692000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T19:01:30.753000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:01:32.107000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:01:36.800000+00:00)
Isn't burek just pie
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:02:14.252000+00:00)
<:fana:330672872697626624> 🔫 🇷🇸
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:02:17.039000+00:00)
Isn't pljeskavica just a burger
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:02:33.925000+00:00)
Isn't serbia just bulgaria
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:02:39.565000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:03:06.758000+00:00)
Isnt sweden just caliphate
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:03:17.842000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:03:49.479000+00:00)
How do I stop listening to strange yugoslav music
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:04:00.180000+00:00)
I should never have started listening to that croatian post-punk / industrial band
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:04:18.218000+00:00)
Now I'm listening to awful 1990s pop
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:04:57.627000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:05:11.515000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:05:44.553000+00:00)
Party of The Swedes doesn't exist anymore, disbanded years ago.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T19:06:45.774000+00:00)
Подземникъ writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:06.016000+00:00)
serbia is just a bulgarian colony
Подземникъ writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:08.788000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:16.897000+00:00)
Bulgaria is just a German tourist colony
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:18.811000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:26.109000+00:00)
awful, awful memes
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:07:58.516000+00:00)
I discovered this yesterday
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:15.374000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:21.323000+00:00)
random memes go in <#327373181730029568>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:40.086000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:42.248000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:49.525000+00:00)
no women allowed
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:08:52.722000+00:00)
dat fjord though tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:11.381000+00:00)
That song I posted isn't even good
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:20.425000+00:00)
He's just talking
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:28.067000+00:00)
who that anywat
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:32.678000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:33.273000+00:00)
Some Croat I think
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:51.935000+00:00)
oh i see now yea he croay
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:53.668000+00:00)
"Splitska banka" in the video, so yeah
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:09:55.408000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:10:04.924000+00:00)
Not even a good song
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:11:52.525000+00:00)
https://youtu.be/pKiB8-2LK6s?t=6s this is a good song cc for subs
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:16:25.985000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> did u listen to it
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:16:35.281000+00:00)
did someone say musaka
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:16:40.105000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:16:51.831000+00:00)
<@207930692057694209> he said is same as lasagna
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:16:58.265000+00:00)
who is this heretic
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:03.136000+00:00)
and why is he not banned
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:16.683000+00:00)
he is admin
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:27.590000+00:00)
i'll call the strasburg court
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:31.367000+00:00)
this is outrageous
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:34.277000+00:00)
we got a saying in here
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:40.289000+00:00)
woman should be able to do 70 things
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:45.058000+00:00)
69 + musaka
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:17:51.314000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:18:35.385000+00:00)
lasagna is also cool but not as cool
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T19:18:43.701000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T19:18:47.740000+00:00)
have you guys seen this one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:18:51.542000+00:00)
man have to know 100
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:18:53.610000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:19:02.605000+00:00)
99+ how to make rakia
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:19:24.398000+00:00)
i am a weak drinker
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:19:38.286000+00:00)
i can only drink some mild ones
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T19:19:40.895000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T19:19:59.737000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-18T19:20:02.897000+00:00)
Get a load of this cringe
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:20:07.820000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> I've heard that one six million times my friend
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:32.584000+00:00)
another 1 million isnt bad
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:40.671000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:41.093000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:41.253000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:41.699000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:41.844000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:42.084000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:21:45.947000+00:00)
based alt right tbh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:22:44.327000+00:00)
yea they need intelligence tell me then why Hitlers cabinet and officers have higher than average IQ
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:23:11.169000+00:00)
dumb altrighters
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:23:35.495000+00:00)
lemmings will be lemmings
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:23:54.510000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:02.244000+00:00)
random videos also go in <#338792007570817025>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:17.641000+00:00)
that is song
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:30.003000+00:00)
random songs go in <#327372589024542720>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:31.969000+00:00)
for u
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:37.213000+00:00)
I dont like meme slavism
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:45.072000+00:00)
I dont watch life of boris
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:24:46.261000+00:00)
its not that
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:25:04.926000+00:00)
I will listen when I finish current song Im listening to
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:25:21.710000+00:00)
Heavy metal is only way
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:28:03.296000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T19:28:12.578000+00:00)
"I dont watch life of boris" SAD! Many such cases
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:28:41.707000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:29:49.746000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> it was a lot better than expected
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:29:53.687000+00:00)
only because it was hardbass
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:30:07.277000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:30:21.315000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T19:38:58.230000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T19:39:05.124000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:41:02.477000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:41:32.707000+00:00)
average iq of them is higher than average iq
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T19:41:43.967000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T19:41:52.571000+00:00)
Herman Göring suprised me though
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:42:09.781000+00:00)
hah same iq as him
Viper writes: (2017-08-18T19:42:29.283000+00:00)
I think i have around 110+
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:44:42.744000+00:00)
average iq of all of them shown there is 128 iq
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:45:37.120000+00:00)
and average iq is between 100-110
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T19:45:57.605000+00:00)
>same IQ as him
Would that be an internet test?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:45:59.469000+00:00)
Anyone know if US and European maps differ?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:46:25.798000+00:00)
in terms of carthography
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:46:31.590000+00:00)
I mean symbols etc
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:46:34.197000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T19:47:11.308000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:47:26.242000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> average IQ in Europe ranges from 90 to 102 or smth
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:47:35.719000+00:00)
here its 90
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:47:38.899000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:47:47.192000+00:00)
and albania is 82
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:48:27.637000+00:00)
One source says Serbia is at 89, another says its at 92
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:48:40.635000+00:00)
Who cares about IQ though
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:49:05.895000+00:00)
Even if you have a high IQ you're likely to never do anything noteworthy
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:49:53.592000+00:00)
Anyone know if US and Swedish maps differ from each other though?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:50:07.446000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:50:16.015000+00:00)
I got 135 on mensa one when I was 14
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:50:21.077000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:50:31.957000+00:00)
all i know most americans dont know shit about geography
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:50:43.999000+00:00)
"Its neither here nor there anyway - IQ tests determine the ability for persons to discern patters in data and assimilate these things into meaningful structures. It doesn't really tell us anything, other than that people with extremely low IQs tend encounter terrible difficulties in adapting to modern society.
I am certain that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or a Chinese grad student at MIT has en exponentially higher IQ than did Metternich, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, Beethoven or Da Vinci, or Mohammad.
I am equally certain the no man would lay down his life for Bill Gates or that Mark Zuckerberg will write a brilliant symphony or that a Chinese engineering student will build the Parthenon anytime soon.
''IQ'' is essentially what rationalist, commerce-driven cultures have crafted to replace virtue."
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:52:01.590000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:52:09.661000+00:00)
It's true tbh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T19:52:41.578000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Noice, sauce?
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T19:52:49.397000+00:00)
todays eductaion is focused on making eficient beings
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T19:52:54.582000+00:00)
not imaginative beings
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:05.073000+00:00)
USA education
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:15.390000+00:00)
In Sweden it's focused on distortion of reality
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:19.772000+00:00)
is shit as whole
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:39.308000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> that is everywhere really
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:40.897000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> Some random guy from some forum, all of his wisdom is compiled in here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:53:41.260000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> lemme guess liberal commie professors and teachers
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T19:55:17.889000+00:00)
salo now i want salcici
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T19:56:55.786000+00:00)
Did they name the forum after Salo in Italy?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T19:59:58.323000+00:00)
Nah, they named it after the rye bread topping
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:00:21.405000+00:00)
(salo = slanina)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:00:28.404000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:00:43.699000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:01:49.252000+00:00)
Rye bread?
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T20:01:51.161000+00:00)
i dont like that
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T20:01:54.529000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:02:11.388000+00:00)
You're thinking of MAST, not slanina
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:02:21.870000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-18T20:02:31.952000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:03:05.279000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:03:19.359000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T20:04:01.928000+00:00)
that shit is great
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T20:04:13.582000+00:00)
have it for breakfast every cpl of days
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:04:42.092000+00:00)
why dont we stop <@!331147867035140096> will squirt because of our superior balkan cusine
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:04:50.555000+00:00)
Guys, have you tried radical fence sitting? Jordan Peterson said it's the only way to combat anti fa while giving money to dem programs for the groid kids
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T20:05:24.899000+00:00)
have you guys ever had Bougatsa?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:05:28.825000+00:00)
Cant even post the right Slanina http://vesti-online.com/data/images/2013-11-08/368547_y_iff.jpg?ver=1383928829
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:05:56.660000+00:00)
This one is a bit soapy but it checks out
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T20:05:57.010000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> No but you can link it to me and i look into it
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:00.726000+00:00)
sounds fun
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:23.806000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> No but you can link it to me and i look into it
sounds fun
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:30.993000+00:00)
The city of Serres achieved the record for the largest puff pastry on 1 June 2008. It weighed 182.2kg, was 20 metres long, and was made by more than 40 bakers.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:40.178000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:45.118000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:46.795000+00:00)
beat me to it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:06:59.018000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:07:10.219000+00:00)
Burek u pokusaju
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:07:43.189000+00:00)
This is a distant cousin of burek as I can tell
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:08:54.408000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:09:16.215000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:09:38.450000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:09:49.949000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara%C4%91or%C4%91eva_%C5%A1nicla
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:09:50.682000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:01.737000+00:00)
Stop posting random turkish food ffs
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:10.209000+00:00)
This is a salmon with potatoes server ok?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:14.702000+00:00)
Hnng I want to eat burek now
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:23.031000+00:00)
I havent had it in like...10 hours
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:24.420000+00:00)
wtf is a pork faggot
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:29.378000+00:00)
It's you
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:40.679000+00:00)
Pork faggots are a type of British meat ball
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:44.886000+00:00)
I also want to eat burek now
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:45.310000+00:00)
I wont have burek till monday at work hnnnng
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:48.384000+00:00)
Haven't had it in like... 10 months
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:50.933000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:10:58.946000+00:00)
They're about baseball sized and have a rich meaty gravy on them
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:04.387000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:04.754000+00:00)
slightly spiced but not a lot
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:16.829000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:17.902000+00:00)
only salmon and potato-posting allowed, everything else results in immediate ban
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:23.235000+00:00)
pölsa is okay too
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:27.048000+00:00)
This is why I said we need a cooking channel
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:36.019000+00:00)
and ärtsoppa even though it's disgusting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:42.139000+00:00)
Once cooking autism starts the fat lads go on for hours
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:46.905000+00:00)
more like stjärtsoppa amirite
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:51.026000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:59.006000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I'll mention it to other admins
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:11:59.380000+00:00)
Actually I had this for breakfast today, its not burek with cheese but it checks out, dont read the url the url is a lie http://www.mlinar.hr/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/mlinar-proizvodi-burek-sir-motani-600x380.png
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:12:15.077000+00:00)
Which Nazi state will have the best tendies?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:13:54.331000+00:00)
http://www.domacica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/pile-sa-krompirom1.jpg hnngggg
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:14:13.913000+00:00)
I bet those chips taste better then the chicken
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:14:24.215000+00:00)
Because of all the juices
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:14:41.452000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:14:52.004000+00:00)
They're roast potatoes you goddamn goyim fuck
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:15:01.495000+00:00)
They're one of the best foods ever
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:15:25.093000+00:00)
They're technically krompirici. I thought I was using the britbong term, whats the complaint?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:15:39.210000+00:00)
Boil the taters for 20 minutes, drain them. Put them into a hot pan of oil and then roast them until they're ccrispy on the outside
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:15:44.531000+00:00)
You're using no such thing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:15:55.250000+00:00)
Chips are fried potato
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:17:26.296000+00:00)
British potato cabalism is too esoteric for me anyway. Akshully you just cut them up and put them with the chicken, so they bake with the chicken and absorbe all the J U I C E S, they turn up better then the meat itself smh
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:17:32.697000+00:00)
We're making a food channel
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:17:50.139000+00:00)
These are chips
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:18:02.929000+00:00)
Those are pomfrit
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:18:20.955000+00:00)
These are roast potatoes
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:19:54.275000+00:00)
I roasted potatos whole in a fire oven last wook, turned out great
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:20:10.536000+00:00)
you mean baked potatoes?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:20:24.022000+00:00)
They roasted on fire, idk
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:20:41.841000+00:00)
baked potato
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:20:49.767000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:02.322000+00:00)
They're delicious with cheese and baked beans
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:16.078000+00:00)
Potatos are God's work
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:19.303000+00:00)
only true baked potatoes are ones in coal of rakia maker
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:26.899000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:35.875000+00:00)
They arent bad in smederevac either smh
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:40.655000+00:00)
Best baked potatos need fire works and rain
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:48.844000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:54.545000+00:00)
Go to a fire work show, get cold and wet, then eat a jacket potato to warm up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T20:21:58.532000+00:00)
God, tier, food
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:23:17.357000+00:00)
Move to <#348198091536465921>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:26:02.884000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:28:54.704000+00:00)
no such channel
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T20:30:29.343000+00:00)
8values results https://8values.github.io/results.html?e=49.8&d=8.1&g=2.7&s=9.8
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T20:30:32.826000+00:00)
Anyone else?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:30:39.972000+00:00)
We need a smederevac posting channel https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c4/62/36/c4623654fa9c6af18fe98903c6b9a115.jpg
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T20:31:31.292000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Do you see it now?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T20:33:06.173000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:35:48.224000+00:00)
reliable, we had those in the 1800's, not that version but wooden stoves
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:36:00.495000+00:00)
fail proof, no electricity needed
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:38:36.895000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:38:40.313000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:39:08.998000+00:00)
I would have one today if I could
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:39:26.383000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:39:33.447000+00:00)
You can
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:39:46.151000+00:00)
yeah but not in this apartment
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:40:12.441000+00:00)
they wouldn't be too happy about it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:40:21.961000+00:00)
probably fire rules against it too
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:40:50.556000+00:00)
>not in an appartment
Thats where you're wrong kiddo 👍🏻
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:41:11.311000+00:00)
Hehe, would be great for the coming race war
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:41:22.192000+00:00)
when society collapse you need to be able to cook your food
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:41:23.315000+00:00)
You're not thinking fourth dimensionally https://static.limundoslike.com/originalslika_SMEDEREVAC-TROJKA-5-KW-KAO-NOVO-105847853.jpg
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:42:31.072000+00:00)
I will get one of these instead:
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:42:36.308000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:42:55.622000+00:00)
that is 4d
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:43:13.059000+00:00)
They are in fact used in appartments, illegally yes, but it wont stop you if have DINARICC mindset
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:44:12.194000+00:00)
this is better, you can use it with a tractor:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:45:05.757000+00:00)
and this for backpack:
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-18T20:45:11.375000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:45:33.674000+00:00)
now all we need is potato
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-18T20:45:45.166000+00:00)
and moose
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-18T21:02:34.550000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:02:46.674000+00:00)
we need a spurdo emoji
ansch writes: (2017-08-18T21:03:52.013000+00:00)
gnight goys
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T21:04:40.306000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:09:47.790000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> wasn't totally serious
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:09:55.544000+00:00)
I'd like spurdo emojis but looks off
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:05.307000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:07.401000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:30.994000+00:00)
give some b/w nazi emojis instead
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:36.903000+00:00)
but post in <#338792007570817025>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:37.628000+00:00)
are da finish people asian
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:44.268000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> about as asian as you are turkish
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:56.877000+00:00)
i know
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:10:57.185000+00:00)
you decide what that means.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:11:03.451000+00:00)
thats how he started a vid
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:11:08.780000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:11:15.202000+00:00)
Fingol memes are banned here btw
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:11:25.450000+00:00)
Only Finns are allowed to post them
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:11:33.047000+00:00)
It's their meme.
Liebenflücht writes: (2017-08-18T21:27:23.258000+00:00)
Is Ironmarch down?
Liebenflücht writes: (2017-08-18T21:27:24.154000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T21:30:05.173000+00:00)
it is, can't say why yet, might be just a temp server issue, not a cloudflare thing anyway
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:39:00.738000+00:00)
yea cloudfare looks to work
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:39:50.392000+00:00)
im getting (((bad vibes)))...
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T21:39:51.383000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jaeSHfNTuQ tl;dr no, they're half arab half negroid obviously
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:40:37.698000+00:00)
probably just a cohencidence that ironmarch goes down after all the others. move along goyim
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-18T21:40:55.205000+00:00)
isn't it hosted on cloud flare?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:41:47.053000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> i seen u on old cuckright server before it got shoahc
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:42:20.590000+00:00)
i was there briefly to check it out. i also happened to be in the voice chat when a bunch of real niggers raided it, lol
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:42:58.455000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:42:59.837000+00:00)
they lived up to the memes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:43:03.906000+00:00)
i been there
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:43:10.619000+00:00)
guy tought i am russian
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:43:34.609000+00:00)
cuz of pic
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:43:35.965000+00:00)
generally, americans and geography dont go well together
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:43:45.254000+00:00)
dont forget history
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:44:04.091000+00:00)
Dixieland is where I wanna make my final stand
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:44:35.670000+00:00)
I'm starting to fall in love with midwestern, southern and appalachian America tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:44:38.695000+00:00)
kill me before it's too late
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:07.221000+00:00)
if u go full burger
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:14.357000+00:00)
we can but u down quietly
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:29.617000+00:00)
America just seems so pleasant
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:30.216000+00:00)
i have a problem i want to vent about:
>live in small oven-like apartment
>no air condition
>wants to play NSBM
>has to close all windows
>gets ovened
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:30.840000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:45:42.562000+00:00)
I dont have that problem
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:46:24.456000+00:00)
>live in apartment in ghetto (mentioned on same wiki pages as Rosengård, Husby, Tensta, Rinkeby etc)
>no air condition
>wants to play NSBM/RAC/Mr Bond etc
>open windows
>problem's weren't
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:46:43.783000+00:00)
Never had problems because of it
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:46:47.968000+00:00)
Nobody ever called police or securitas
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:46:53.564000+00:00)
And my immigrant neighbours give me pastry
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:47:17.296000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:47:19.718000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:47:25.595000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:47:41.253000+00:00)
someone has to pay taxes to the refugees huh?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:47:46.857000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:00.869000+00:00)
i meant what work 😁
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:14.244000+00:00)
cuz all my customers are neighbours
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:19.256000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:31.846000+00:00)
b-b-but, thats the best nsbm!
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:33.265000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:37.137000+00:00)
play Ypervoreia
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:48.372000+00:00)
Anyway your neighbours probably wouldnt care tbh
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:48:48.882000+00:00)
im playing Malsaint now
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:10.504000+00:00)
I live in an area like this and never had anyone even look at me strangely
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:21.817000+00:00)
watch it Kebab remover
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:25.965000+00:00)
It's Sweden in 21st century
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:36.337000+00:00)
i seen murdercube files and my face just smiled
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:46.384000+00:00)
it seems to be a ddos attack
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:52.730000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:49:57.228000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:12.696000+00:00)
Is ironmarch down?
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:22.883000+00:00)
It's a false flag
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:29.392000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:30.046000+00:00)
To garner sympathy and donations
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:32.953000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:36.598000+00:00)
100% accurate
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:40.078000+00:00)
I need it to find SIEGE :/
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:46.204000+00:00)
i have it
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T21:50:59.603000+00:00)
The Ironmarch edition?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:01.235000+00:00)
the new 3rd edition book
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:03.462000+00:00)
Dont post it here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:03.875000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:06.519000+00:00)
It's been posted in <#341087865993691136>
dylb writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:10.324000+00:00)
use search function
Þórr writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:12.403000+00:00)
Oh. thanks
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:16.842000+00:00)
i think i did it
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-18T21:51:31.457000+00:00)
im an IT illiterate but how stable is DS current domain? never seen .lol before
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T22:05:04.876000+00:00)
apparently its some very advanced form of ddos attack
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:09:58.232000+00:00)
Shoah happened
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:10:03.763000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-18T22:11:05.377000+00:00)
well this hardly counts as a proper shoah, we didn't lose our host
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:11:29.436000+00:00)
put ddos with cloudfare
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:11:37.254000+00:00)
thats good attack
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:11:48.233000+00:00)
skilled but not to much
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-18T22:46:29.077000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:49:37.814000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-18T22:51:06.316000+00:00)
Serbian ?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-18T22:55:15.317000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-18T23:01:21.403000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-08-18T23:39:51.267000+00:00)
will you guys retaliate the 2 stabbed in finland?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T23:52:57.306000+00:00)
Currently it is outside the scope of our organized activity
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-18T23:54:27.201000+00:00)
But let's hope that someone will (in a way that doesn't get them caught, of course)
LeSwede writes: (2017-08-18T23:57:17.526000+00:00)
should be quite easy to check out his facebook friend etc to know what people he knew¨
LeSwede writes: (2017-08-18T23:58:18.071000+00:00)
how did he entry finland, for what reason and with who
LeSwede writes: (2017-08-18T23:58:47.211000+00:00)
i heard the cop shot his dick off
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T00:34:11.756000+00:00)
Unless you're some kind of federal agent looking for a cheap arrest asking people if they will "retaliate" is grounds for being excluded from most movements like these.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T00:34:32.348000+00:00)
A, if you were planning to do so then you're too stupid to be around if you openly state it on a public discord where any one can see it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T00:35:21.022000+00:00)
B, promoting an act of violence with an intended target and not just joking around makes it very easy for the police to shut you down
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-08-19T00:58:52.128000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-19T00:59:31.115000+00:00)
>implying we shouldn't promote violence because the police is watching us
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-08-19T01:00:25.724000+00:00)
>Not afraid
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-08-19T01:00:27.553000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T02:38:23.049000+00:00)
>Doesn't want to give Discord a reason to shoah the Discord
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-19T02:42:56.028000+00:00)
>implying they won't take down if they really want to
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-19T02:43:34.921000+00:00)
The books being shared on here or some meme they choose to interpret literally is enough for them to shoah the whole thing if they come across the channel
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T02:49:55.839000+00:00)
they're aware of the discord, they decided not to shoah it
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-19T02:52:24.122000+00:00)
Once it gets big enough to make them worry, I'm sure they'll remove it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T02:53:05.264000+00:00)
200 people with an active activist wing is big enough
George Bishop writes: (2017-08-19T04:14:30.908000+00:00)
How's everyone going in here?
George Bishop writes: (2017-08-19T04:15:06.152000+00:00)
Haven't been shoahed by the recent Charlottesville controversy.
George Bishop writes: (2017-08-19T04:15:09.430000+00:00)
Good stuff
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T04:23:08.559000+00:00)
we good bro
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-19T04:57:27.377000+00:00)
have a goodnight, everyone!
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-19T04:57:37.301000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T08:04:03.716000+00:00)
Good day
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T08:06:27.523000+00:00)
It's raining heavily in Stockholm today
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-19T09:23:03.601000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> do you have siege in Serbian?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:01:04.486000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T10:08:27.321000+00:00)
what a fag
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-19T10:08:55.476000+00:00)
So is he going to disavow DS too? <:lol:333298431810338816>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:05.972000+00:00)
kinda must now yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:06.893000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:15.346000+00:00)
and so soon after his podcast with anglin together
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:20.110000+00:00)
well Q&A
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:26.157000+00:00)
wow that break up came faster than i predicted
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T10:09:35.370000+00:00)
Spencer would disavow his own relatives lmao
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-19T10:11:00.655000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:20:55.392000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-19T10:24:28.377000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T10:26:04.472000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T10:43:12.373000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T10:43:32.927000+00:00)
A delegation from the Nordic Resistance Movement is attending a Berlin demo in remembrance of Rudolf Hess
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T11:14:42.495000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> ne
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T11:31:02.485000+00:00)
Hail from Berlin
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T11:31:14.686000+00:00)
Follow the news feed <:wp:330824114086346753>
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:47:28.761000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> You're there for the demo? Cool
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:47:37.078000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:48:30.686000+00:00)
I made a colorization of Hess
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:48:36.406000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:49:47.677000+00:00)
For some reason all the colorized photos of him on Google are really bad
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:50:07.701000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:50:38.412000+00:00)
<@246570695612563457> Post random vids in <#338792007570817025>
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:51:01.756000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Who are those?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:51:11.543000+00:00)
some NS guys marching for Rudolf Hess
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:51:15.844000+00:00)
some anniversary thing
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:51:23.030000+00:00)
heard some of you have went there
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:55:04.635000+00:00)
Yeah we posted about it above
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:55:09.921000+00:00)
meant the screenshot
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T11:55:19.992000+00:00)
Im gonna work on that pic you sent me later
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:55:26.479000+00:00)
some marching women
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T11:55:37.700000+00:00)
i just thought their extra weight was funny
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T12:07:16.568000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> yep
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T12:09:06.348000+00:00)
Apparently we are stopped by someone or something.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T12:16:53.823000+00:00)
Just heard that over 1000 commies sitting on the street and blocking the way
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T12:17:00.181000+00:00)
Police do nothing <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T12:18:22.285000+00:00)
you expect any service from the pigs?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T12:18:54.560000+00:00)
Not really. But we would like to move
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T12:43:16.598000+00:00)
Good day camarazi !
Eken writes: (2017-08-19T13:16:50.011000+00:00)
Thought it could be used for discussion but.. got it!
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-19T13:28:47.352000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T13:33:03.981000+00:00)
Anyone who likes Codreanu here ?
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-19T13:33:41.504000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-19T13:33:50.957000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T13:43:20.983000+00:00)
Guys, we want a peaceful revolution
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T13:43:26.125000+00:00)
I mean, like, you know, peaceful
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T13:43:38.684000+00:00)
So what if anti fa bash our skulls in, we will have the moral high ground
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T13:43:54.257000+00:00)
Then we can have as much butt sex as we want and an ethno state with out Asian communist wives
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T13:44:26.111000+00:00)
-Richard Spencer, at the virgin boys, alt right breaking in event 2017
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T14:03:42.579000+00:00)
http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1503131034236.png Who saw that coming? Letting pakis in the police must turn them pedophiles according to the BBC I guess
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T14:04:04.131000+00:00)
"We showed them so much child pornography that they became pedos. It was clearly a cultural reaction to it!"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T14:18:37.109000+00:00)
i am addicted to Hail The Golden Dawn - Ζήτω η Χρυσή Αυγή song
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T14:25:18.877000+00:00)
I use Folk i gevar as my morning alarm
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T14:31:08.179000+00:00)
<@246570695612563457> If you start a discussion it's fine
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T14:31:12.795000+00:00)
But you should include some text in that case
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T14:33:18.517000+00:00)
Daniel you should ban burgers from Food, they keep posting fast food because they're so proud of their national dish.. Big mac, diet coke and extra large fries.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-19T14:34:19.814000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Of course - He's a saint and was one of my early inspirations.
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T14:34:36.299000+00:00)
I'm glad to hear that 😃
ItsAndrewDickhead writes: (2017-08-19T14:40:03.556000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> don't be mad that we're culinary artists while the U.K. is known for having disgusting and bland food >:D
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T14:52:50.204000+00:00)
Is that why all your famous dishes like thanks giving and christian dinner are directly stolen from British recipes? 👌
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T15:20:16.283000+00:00)
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHbPz5tUAAAzF8-.jpg I know this shop.. I used to shop there as a kid.. All my rage
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T15:23:25.580000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T15:23:31.017000+00:00)
Credit: <@218481804498173952>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T15:25:08.233000+00:00)
National front rally today in the UK
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T15:26:19.560000+00:00)
They banned nazi flags the bastards.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-19T15:27:11.797000+00:00)
Take the British Union of Fascists' signs and flags
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T15:29:44.027000+00:00)
I've already missed it sadly
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T15:30:29.790000+00:00)
http://footage.framepool.com/shotimg/367566913-northumberland-avenue-bobby-oswald-mosley-british-union-of-fascists.jpg Beautiful flag.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-19T15:36:39.269000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-19T15:37:44.131000+00:00)
Fargo used to be a mainly Norwegian community. It still is majority populated by their descendants.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-19T15:46:54.024000+00:00)
Peter Tefft actually joined the server the other day.
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T15:49:38.125000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T15:49:41.676000+00:00)
Credit <@218481804498173952>
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-19T15:50:55.836000+00:00)
<@148835261629988864> i invited him.
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T16:59:33.620000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> I finished that pic
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:01:00.122000+00:00)
how is it?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:01:38.136000+00:00)
this was original
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:01:51.207000+00:00)
Couldn't bother with background
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:01:56.023000+00:00)
very nice
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:10.340000+00:00)
Thanks, I messed up a few times but managed to save it I think
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:20.255000+00:00)
the house were white
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:25.700000+00:00)
with some rotten black on them
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:34.631000+00:00)
Is it a family photo?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:39.330000+00:00)
not really
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:02:52.459000+00:00)
Aight, otherwise you could have provided some info on what colours to use
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:17.981000+00:00)
could you colorize it a bit more
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:28.526000+00:00)
What bits?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:32.408000+00:00)
You mean the background?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:42.935000+00:00)
Or do you mean make it more saturated?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:47.958000+00:00)
you see that thing were the small icon is held?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:03:52.563000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:13.838000+00:00)
my guess is that its a golden bronze color
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:23.828000+00:00)
I thought so too, but was unsure so I thought I'd just leave it like that
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:27.039000+00:00)
I'll edit it
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:40.125000+00:00)
the casing
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:43.894000+00:00)
is propably wooden
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:49.132000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:04:49.475000+00:00)
but we will see what sticks
Speeder N2 writes: (2017-08-19T17:06:34.279000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:03.101000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:04.957000+00:00)
and the chain
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:10.487000+00:00)
make it golden
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:12.304000+00:00)
Ah right
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:22.653000+00:00)
i managed to copy your changes to the original high res image
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:17:33.674000+00:00)
we are going to have a field day with this
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:24:22.320000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:24:29.521000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> There you go.
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:00.526000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:12.697000+00:00)
some reference for the houses
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:18.180000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:26.744000+00:00)
Is it some famous photograph?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:32.477000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:25:38.013000+00:00)
its on the official wiki
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:27:33.827000+00:00)
*A Greek woman sees her son depart for the Albanian front.*
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:27:34.360000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T17:29:51.570000+00:00)
didnt italy failed miserably aggainst the greeks
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:29:59.700000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:41:34.881000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T17:41:52.480000+00:00)
Germany had to help them and the invasion of Russia was delayed
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:48:35.943000+00:00)
tbh if we werent a nuincance to the axis
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:48:44.303000+00:00)
they would propably have won
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T17:49:58.867000+00:00)
i blame the eternal anglo
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T17:51:16.438000+00:00)
Nice photoshoopping
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T18:22:52.849000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T18:28:34.655000+00:00)
muh pr
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T18:29:30.589000+00:00)
Good article
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T18:29:52.456000+00:00)
nice sarcasm
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:31:44.247000+00:00)
on subject matter , we should also allow our fellow european homosexuals and support the cause of Israel, that will sure get us into office!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:33:28.406000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> how is antifa in greece
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:33:50.455000+00:00)
both good and bad at their job
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:34:05.245000+00:00)
either because they are better trained or the incompetence of the police force
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:34:09.424000+00:00)
both actually
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:35:38.719000+00:00)
Faith (((Gold)))
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:35:47.819000+00:00)
(((Rebel Media)))
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:36:48.277000+00:00)
i tought people were tired of commies here but there are active antifa here
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-19T18:37:10.778000+00:00)
That situation is quite hilarious, Ezra Levant holodomoring more or less everyone from his company, wonder why?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-19T18:37:17.612000+00:00)
the police are antifa
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:38:14.979000+00:00)
Greek youth is leftist in ideology
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:38:45.256000+00:00)
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-19T18:38:47.627000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:38:52.672000+00:00)
Antifa are much more militant here than anywhere in europe
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:39:59.998000+00:00)
the youth isnt really leftist , it just hates the "conservative" capitalist establishment that brought us to this mess
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:40:30.091000+00:00)
i mean i used to hate the "right wing" for the economic crisis
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:41:33.344000+00:00)
the thing is, the greek youth is just confused and really in the middle of a divided society
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:41:56.201000+00:00)
one is capitalist right
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:42:01.230000+00:00)
I have 0 faith in our youth
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:42:03.657000+00:00)
and the other is socialist left
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:42:14.670000+00:00)
Its either us or chaos
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:42:14.957000+00:00)
and theres really no visible alternative
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:43:01.214000+00:00)
its not like its not salvagable, but i think the problem is so deep rooted that the removal of population is necessary
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T18:43:18.200000+00:00)
How do they react to GD?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:43:27.950000+00:00)
i really dont know tbh
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:43:29.530000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:43:43.083000+00:00)
Muhh nazis
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:44:13.698000+00:00)
tbh Athens is the biggest shithole
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:44:25.872000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:44:31.888000+00:00)
I wanna nuke it tbh
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:45:05.619000+00:00)
tbh we are like pre civil war Spain
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:45:12.268000+00:00)
at this point
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:45:38.986000+00:00)
Yeah its very polarized
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:45:49.505000+00:00)
How big is GD
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:45:54.356000+00:00)
Thanka democracy
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:03.842000+00:00)
Both the conservative establishment and the old left will get the bullet
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:11.833000+00:00)
for too long they had the moral highground
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:23.490000+00:00)
and i believe the church should as well
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:45.485000+00:00)
Ofc the church needs nukes too
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:51.747000+00:00)
Is baked alaska permanently blinded?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:46:57.951000+00:00)
i dont care
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-19T18:47:01.840000+00:00)
Stöveltramp writes: (2017-08-19T18:47:11.627000+00:00)
he'll be ok
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:47:34.082000+00:00)
GDs youth wing is non existent in Athens
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:48:01.518000+00:00)
tbh even if they had a station there it wouldnt matter
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:48:07.829000+00:00)
Athens is like Weimar Berlin
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:48:15.819000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:48:49.426000+00:00)
I don't care if you care Gre. I'm thinking about wwhat protection is needed if this is what happens at rallies now
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:49:13.722000+00:00)
Guess what ethnicity the psychologist is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:49:29.745000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:49:42.522000+00:00)
it aint that fun in capital here
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:50:01.835000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> wear protective gear
Breen writes: (2017-08-19T18:50:08.360000+00:00)
Does GD have rural support?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:50:45.432000+00:00)
GD peaked in 2013
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:51:21.993000+00:00)
they almost got 10 %
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:51:31.748000+00:00)
of votes
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:51:49.876000+00:00)
tbh if Fissas didnt happen they would be pretty big right now
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:52:22.145000+00:00)
are they broken to the point of no recovery
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T18:52:27.687000+00:00)
or it can be fixed
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:53:00.721000+00:00)
When their leadership got jailed only some 100-200 people showed up to the courts to protest. Meanwhile Anarchists burn half of Athens cos 1 antifag got punched by a cop
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:53:38.469000+00:00)
tbh its mostly cause the police are fags
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:53:40.195000+00:00)
Why would you show up to a court date to protest? It's not going to help anything.
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:53:47.764000+00:00)
not that i like the pigs
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:54:04.571000+00:00)
but they have proved that they have collided with both anarchists and criminals
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:54:13.536000+00:00)
dont expect anything from ZOG puppets
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:17.224000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> alright. If your movements leadership gets jailed stay at home and watch tv.
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:32.423000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:45.469000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:53.176000+00:00)
It won't make a difference if you protest outside a court house, if anything it makes it more likely you will see jail time due to the mob outside
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:54.209000+00:00)
How can I make my server as secure as yours
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:55:59.349000+00:00)
For example when someone new joins
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:07.041000+00:00)
They get sent directly to the verification channel
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:13.142000+00:00)
And they can't see or type anywhere else
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:28.687000+00:00)
go to roles
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:32.327000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> you need to show your strength
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:32.975000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> You're such a nice guy aren't you?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:41.352000+00:00)
Nice mentality you got there
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:45.041000+00:00)
show the system that if it fucks with you it will pay
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:48.724000+00:00)
assign the rooms to be visible only to certain roles
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:56:49.922000+00:00)
What strength? Your ability to stand outside a building and shout?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:17.103000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:18.552000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> if you show up with 10 thousand of people its another story
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:25.188000+00:00)
you should smash shit down
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:40.935000+00:00)
Thanks <@273524703577243648>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:45.689000+00:00)
10 thousand people standing idle isn't going to change anything
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:57:52.699000+00:00)
GD got 600,000 votes. Why were there 150 people outside the court?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:15.302000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> tbh most of their votes were in the countryside
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:27.614000+00:00)
its not like workers and old farmers are going to come to protest
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:36.759000+00:00)
The reason the left have power now is because they use violence to force people to respond to them. Black panthers set up bombs in universities until they opened black history courses and made their members teachers there.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:41.440000+00:00)
Then they dont have a movement
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:52.324000+00:00)
Only some random voters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:58:54.600000+00:00)
It doesn't matter how many people you have if the system isn't worried about you disrupting it
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:21.384000+00:00)
GD incourages passive behaviour
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:24.834000+00:00)
for PR
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:31.077000+00:00)
thats one of the reasons why its bad
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:36.292000+00:00)
Remember all those anti war maeches across the West during the Iraq war?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:41.007000+00:00)
Didn't do shit to stop it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T18:59:51.406000+00:00)
Occupy wallstreet? Lol kikes didn't care
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:01.411000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> have you read SIEGE?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:07.049000+00:00)
of course they wont do shit
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:13.773000+00:00)
"we're not nazis we're greek nationalists nvm my swastika tattoo!!!!
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:15.044000+00:00)
you need to bring down the system
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:22.735000+00:00)
not co-operate with it
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:00:39.722000+00:00)
Fucking sick of these tards
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:01:02.606000+00:00)
Periandros was the best of them
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:01:09.489000+00:00)
and he was right to leave
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:01:16.378000+00:00)
You get what you want in 2 ways. Either you dominate the other person and they give it to you or you trade something they value for it. You have no power to scare them into being submissive to you and you have nothing of value to trade. What are you going to do to that judge who's sentencing the guy?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:01:28.120000+00:00)
Hail Periandros
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:01:48.375000+00:00)
The Only real leader we'll evet have
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:08.423000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Post some info about GD
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:10.993000+00:00)
That we don't know about
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:15.408000+00:00)
ooh boy
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:18.023000+00:00)
its a lot
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:22.664000+00:00)
and most of it is greek
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:24.871000+00:00)
so good luck
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:31.219000+00:00)
Remember in the 1960s and 70s there were huge fascist movements across a lot of Europe
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:32.886000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:46.560000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:55.469000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> me and Gre are going to translate a speech made by Periandros
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:58.048000+00:00)
u talk the talk u better walk the walk
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:02:59.664000+00:00)
They had an entire industry set up, they were in every major town handing out leaflets and recruiting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:04.702000+00:00)
What happened to it?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:06.394000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> thats good
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:12.197000+00:00)
but provide some info about why GD isn't good
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:16.905000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> it didnt matter yo
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:25.591000+00:00)
i think the speech covers it all tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:37.047000+00:00)
I'm sure you have reasons to say what you do, but to foreigners it seems very strange to insult GD.
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:40.440000+00:00)
but we could share some shit
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:03:58.068000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> untill recently NRM was oblivious to how faggy the AR was
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:07.217000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> alt right?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:10.420000+00:00)
what makes you think you arent educated on this matter as well?
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:11.825000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:14.570000+00:00)
Not really, only some people.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:17.624000+00:00)
For all Natsoc
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:17.649000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> It's probably one of the best ideological speeches you can ever listen to
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:17.655000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> It's probably one of the best ideological speeches you can ever listen to
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:17.872000+00:00)
For all Natsoc
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:17.874000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> It's probably one of the best ideological speeches you can ever listen to
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:18.179000+00:00)
For all Natsoc
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:26.333000+00:00)
damn Elusive
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:29.647000+00:00)
Divine Olympic internet connection
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:34.723000+00:00)
"The reason the left have power now is because they use violence to force people to respond to them. " They also use messages which are appealing to the youth and masses.
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:37.980000+00:00)
so fast it's slow
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:50.335000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:04:53.875000+00:00)
Im making lamb skewers again
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:05.557000+00:00)
Dunno whats up im on vacations
Elusive writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:11.235000+00:00)
Anyway im out cya
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:16.686000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:18.124000+00:00)
those messages don't work unless you have a mega phone to shout them through
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:34.464000+00:00)
They took over the education industry through force
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:42.899000+00:00)
and so they got to brainwash kids
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:44.793000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:05:46.989000+00:00)
read SIEGE
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:04.297000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:09.274000+00:00)
everything will make sense
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:11.784000+00:00)
once youre finished
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:16.955000+00:00)
i will link it if you want
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:25.531000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:06:54.671000+00:00)
I've read enough books on this sort of thing to know how this works
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:00.388000+00:00)
They took control of the narrative
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:02.113000+00:00)
Either be disruptive or be ignored
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:08.088000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:08.231000+00:00)
read siege
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:13.704000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:27.924000+00:00)
I'll pass
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:32.850000+00:00)
Sounds like it's autistic as fuck
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:53.442000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:07:55.727000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> How so?
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:08:05.646000+00:00)
It's a great book.
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:08:16.815000+00:00)
If you don't read it because you think it sounds autistic it's probably not for you though
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:08:18.118000+00:00)
Full capital letterd for a title. Clear sign of autism
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:08:25.890000+00:00)
Don't read it then
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:09:04.533000+00:00)
>literaly judging a book by its cover
Gre writes: (2017-08-19T19:09:10.335000+00:00)
you fucking Zigeuner
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:09:58.284000+00:00)
How autistic do you have to be to not be able to use a shift key?
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:10:11.595000+00:00)
This is also a interesting book https://thundermark.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/might-is-right.pdf
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:10:36.996000+00:00)
I think i also have something on GLR
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:10:52.107000+00:00)
SIEGE is really influential, James Mason was a member of the ANP together with William Pierce shortly after the assasionation of GLR
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:11:23.110000+00:00)
i have stormtrooper
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:11:27.037000+00:00)
from IM
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:11:34.253000+00:00)
he's advocating armed struggle against the state as a means of a takeover
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:11:39.312000+00:00)
But didn't their movement fail?
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:11:56.789000+00:00)
It seems to be quite dead
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:12:11.466000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:01.362000+00:00)
he joined or created the NSFL
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:06.455000+00:00)
after ANP
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:12.880000+00:00)
Wouldn't it be better to learn from movements which has survived and succeeded?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:15.033000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:28.710000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:38.065000+00:00)
<@336256336520151042> he didn't stay in the ANP all the time
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:13:47.743000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:14:24.447000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:14:31.368000+00:00)
some of aw posters
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:14:38.213000+00:00)
"Mason grew up in Chillicothe, Ohio. When he was 14 years old, he began communicating with George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party and became a youth member until his 18th birthday when he was sworn into the renamed National Socialist White People's Party. In the 1970s he was involved with the National Socialist Liberation Front. He later went on to form the Universal Order.
He edited, wrote, and published a newsletter titled Siege throughout the early to mid-1980s. Its contents were edited and published by Michael Moynihan as Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason. He advocated leaderless resistance, calling for autonomous action by individuals rather than an authoritarian hierarchical organization.[2]
Writing from Siege was combined and published as a book, (also titled Siege) in 1992. It was first published by Storm Books with an introduced by Michael Moynihan. It was republished, with a new preface by Mason and an introduction by Ryan Schuster, in 2003 by Black Sun Publications.[citation needed]
On 25th July 2017, Mason relaunched Siege as an online newsletter in collaboration with Atomwaffen Division.[unreliable source?]"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:15:53.149000+00:00)
yea they found mason
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:15:57.453000+00:00)
Do we have any nationalist movements that have survived and succeeded?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:16:06.348000+00:00)
Don't we all live in globalist commie shit holes?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:16:47.599000+00:00)
globalist yes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:16:50.302000+00:00)
commie no
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:16:50.605000+00:00)
China? Hezbollah? Tibetans? They seem to be thriving, but they never seem to use words such as nationalism
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:16.902000+00:00)
Yet they seem very united and just growing in power and influence
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:17.390000+00:00)
Hezbollah are terrorist
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:30.311000+00:00)
Asians are bug people
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:34.533000+00:00)
Of course theyre united
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:38.648000+00:00)
They live in a goddamn hive
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:17:44.375000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:18:26.875000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:18:32.007000+00:00)
video interview
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:18:35.229000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:18:41.695000+00:00)
Lets use birds as our inspiration. They fly in a flock so we must be bird people!
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:19:10.966000+00:00)
Our problrm is our problem. We're dealing with something no other people have ever dealt with before
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:19:23.179000+00:00)
True ...
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:19:28.408000+00:00)
The scale, and technology is a goddamn science fiction story
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:19:51.763000+00:00)
We can't roll up with a few pitch forks and a rope.
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:19:51.866000+00:00)
Maybe the only solution is to randomly start taking out influental traitors
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:20:32.400000+00:00)
btw Mecha Dinosaur I forgot to mention it before I went afk
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:20:35.816000+00:00)
not only do you have to reform your own country but you have to reform all the others at roughly the same time
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:20:56.306000+00:00)
If you reform 1 nation it's going to get gang baned by the UN by all the other nations
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:21:27.446000+00:00)
The reason people tell you to read SIEGE is because things you say have been brought up in the book and so people who have read it consider it a waste of time to talk about it from the angle you're looking at it from
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:22:42.702000+00:00)
Yea, I'll read a book that tells me what actually happened wasn't effective. Great plan 👌
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:23:03.527000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:23:13.764000+00:00)
Judging a highly influential book before reading it is moronic
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:23:35.057000+00:00)
Anyway Im going to eat and watch some land nav vids 😎
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:24:48.890000+00:00)
Jerking off to a book to the point where you base your ideology around it rather than what has proven to be effective in the real world is also moronic.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:25:05.050000+00:00)
Look at the Muslim problem
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:25:28.953000+00:00)
Literally terrorists getting what they want because the governments are scared of how disruptive they are
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:25:32.389000+00:00)
just because something didn't succeed doesn't mean that the theory was bad or wrong
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:26:31.711000+00:00)
We have too many theories and not an actual activity at this point. If it was a war of book reading we'd bhave won years ago
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:26:36.785000+00:00)
times were different
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:26:53.606000+00:00)
Activity is certainly needed, I agree fully on that
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:27:03.606000+00:00)
Isnt it quite simple? Organize, Use offensive force and sacrifice, the higher sacrifice the higher rewards
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:28:01.109000+00:00)
Using force incorrectly is suicide
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:28:16.878000+00:00)
Using force correctly means they deal with you rather than play whackamole
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:28:26.379000+00:00)
Well, everyone else with power do not seem to care so much about that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:28:38.021000+00:00)
You should still study James Mason, <@322409738124001280>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:28:52.473000+00:00)
watch some videos/audio excerpts if you can't be bothered reading it
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:30:44.524000+00:00)
Even simple street gangs earn millions/billions through sacrifice, while the alt-right ask for $20 donations on youtube.
DavidDevi writes: (2017-08-19T19:31:06.129000+00:00)
Not entirely true, but you get the point
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:31:09.188000+00:00)
Its funny that loudest anti-Siege ppl are the ones that havent even touched it
Most of the ppl who read it agreed with it and changed their views
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:32:05.331000+00:00)
I've learned in life that anything people circle jerk is rarely a quality product
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T19:32:43.358000+00:00)
It means it's usually very simple but pretends it's very deep. This applies to basically everything
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:34:20.339000+00:00)
I gues Hitler is shit then
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:34:27.470000+00:00)
SIEGE is very deep but pretends to be simple tbh
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:34:52.483000+00:00)
doesnt pretend, Mason just uses simple easy to understand language to get his points accross
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:35:17.254000+00:00)
If you don't read it then people will keep telling you to *READ SIEGE*, because what you're talking about is clearly faulty to people who have read it, and there is no interest in debating for hours about stuff you could figure out by reading SIEGE.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:35:41.402000+00:00)
at one point it gets boring repeating the same arguments so its easier to say READ SIEGE
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:35:45.753000+00:00)
It's not circlejerking as much as it is referencing you to a work that deals with everything you're talking about
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:36:08.191000+00:00)
here, listen to this if you dont want to read SIEGE
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:36:08.768000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:36:15.805000+00:00)
accelerationism doesn't work
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T19:36:16.672000+00:00)
40 min talk
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:36:54.061000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:37:19.988000+00:00)
the only way to wake white people up in masses to to put them in a position to where they either have to fight or they die off
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:37:27.140000+00:00)
the only way to do that is through accelerationism
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:37:38.525000+00:00)
the more racial tensions grow, the better
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T19:39:26.785000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T19:39:39.324000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T19:44:58.869000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-19T19:46:06.416000+00:00)
<@166727865809764352> i sure hope so, doesnt seem to work in south africa.. or maybe they do and just leave the country
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:46:36.680000+00:00)
then they aren't fit for survival
Jason writes: (2017-08-19T19:46:52.048000+00:00)
if a people die off peacefully then they werent fit to begin with
noobtia writes: (2017-08-19T19:49:54.420000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-19T19:52:11.155000+00:00)
if people die off peacefully due to jewish indoctrination does that mean they were never fit for survival, or were they made to be unfit?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T19:54:18.477000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:55:18.009000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:55:21.215000+00:00)
where did you find that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:55:23.990000+00:00)
did you make it
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T19:55:28.293000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T19:56:11.558000+00:00)
nice job
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T19:59:30.930000+00:00)
the answer to why is clear though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T20:00:01.799000+00:00)
should copy the first panel, plaster it over the last two and put into his word bubble "because you f*** just won't listen"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:11:38.904000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:17:47.854000+00:00)
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:21:20.581000+00:00)
question: when you guys go on youtube there is a menu bar on the left that says "best of youtube" , and if you click on news do you get many news related videos showing?
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:23:35.661000+00:00)
...think i am getting shadowbanned by youtube
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:28:14.380000+00:00)
No questions. Read Siege, it has the answer to everything
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:29:18.276000+00:00)
<@276123722987995136> where do you find "Best of youtube", never seen that button/head
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:30:00.623000+00:00)
oh, there
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:06.391000+00:00)
do you get any news related videos when you click on News?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:19.636000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:20.086000+00:00)
I just get some weird message that tells me to Read Siege
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:34.600000+00:00)
just degenerate videos
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:39.192000+00:00)
and this:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:31:42.689000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:32:57.219000+00:00)
i cant find it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:34:20.395000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:36:13.640000+00:00)
Dang youtube on recommended news channels 1st 2 TYT and CNN
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:36:18.465000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfdidRxbB8Qhf0Nx7ioOYw this is what i get when i click on News....
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:36:52.362000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClgRkhTL3_hImCAmdLfDE4g and this is what i get if i click on Movies
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:37:20.696000+00:00)
It just links to mine
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:37:25.729000+00:00)
you need to print screen it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:37:26.203000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:39:01.175000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:42:08.384000+00:00)
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:42:12.311000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:42:18.239000+00:00)
what quality reporting
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:42:20.591000+00:00)
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-19T20:42:28.343000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:43:42.473000+00:00)
Mine is even more degenerate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:44:45.197000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:44:47.794000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:44:49.461000+00:00)
do we have a study on the IQ of midgets?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:44:59.258000+00:00)
i get nothing
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:45:20.055000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:45:20.577000+00:00)
the red pill movie was a feminist expoilting MRAs, fucking funny
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:45:31.776000+00:00)
give moneys so I make movie
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:45:39.408000+00:00)
hurrah feminism
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:45:56.826000+00:00)
oh no feminisms are mean, give more money so I can finish movie
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:46:12.145000+00:00)
hurrah mvie is out, I have money now bye
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:47:35.286000+00:00)
youtube doesnt want me to be entertained with quality adl approved movies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:48:06.831000+00:00)
No Siege the book the movie?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:48:27.564000+00:00)
i dont get any movies on movie channel
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:48:32.863000+00:00)
IQ Short schoolchildren tend to be less intelligent than tall ones, say scientists. It's all down to the level of a hormone which controls height and appears to be linked with IQ.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:48:33.439000+00:00)
jewtube hates me
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:48:57.276000+00:00)
<@239102270677975042> Hitler was 170cm, Mussolini was 166cm?, Franco was like 153cm
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:04.516000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:06.571000+00:00)
I'm short, I have high IQ
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:15.803000+00:00)
ha i am higher than hitler
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:15.957000+00:00)
In the end the average doesn't matter as long as you excel far beyond that
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:20.843000+00:00)
high as a kite
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:22.448000+00:00)
hippie shite
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:26.024000+00:00)
did a psychiatric evalution 😃
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:26.405000+00:00)
i am around 178
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:32.265000+00:00)
average in serbia is like 185cm tbh
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:33.606000+00:00)
so it's accurate
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:38.195000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:40.566000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:41.471000+00:00)
or 182
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:49:51.912000+00:00)
I'm 170
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:07.239000+00:00)
On average, taller people have higher IQs.
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:17.842000+00:00)
Of course there are always exceptions.
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:36.642000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:38.565000+00:00)
I don't m,ean manlets
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:42.662000+00:00)
Dinaric Alps = Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:50:51.660000+00:00)
I mean dwarves, midgets, halflings, hobbits, cum goblins
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:51:08.472000+00:00)
does that mean that chinese and japanese people have lower IQ
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:51:12.487000+00:00)
they're short
Jörken writes: (2017-08-19T20:51:23.584000+00:00)
im tall and i have short IQ
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:51:48.495000+00:00)
On average, good traits like being tall, intelligent, attractive, healthy etc is tied to your pedigree. They're all connected one way or another.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:52:16.236000+00:00)
>tfw no dinaricc genes to make you a lanklet
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:52:17.582000+00:00)
one thing that was always being healthy was my blood
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:52:28.990000+00:00)
never had problem with it
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:52:39.348000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Did I show you that rap song I found
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:52:59.522000+00:00)
You showed me many rap songs you found m88
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:03.625000+00:00)
I mean this one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:06.215000+00:00)
i have hitlers youth manual that makes description of races
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:07.605000+00:00)
Isn't much of that related to what you eat as well
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:20.115000+00:00)
It's not even good in the slightest
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:22.023000+00:00)
He just talks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:24.801000+00:00)
I mean if you eat well, you should be taller, smarter, more attractive and all
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:29.690000+00:00)
I think one of the reasons why im not as confronted with arabs in my educational area is because of my height
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:38.556000+00:00)
feed the kids more protein
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:47.742000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> No, it comes down to genetics.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:53:53.706000+00:00)
"majku jeba slusajuci ovo dođe mi da otvorin prozor i udren rafale po susjedovoj kuci majku mu jebem"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:02.754000+00:00)
According to the prevailing view, we can differentiate
with certainty the following races in Europe and consequently Germany:
The Nordic race
The Phalic race
The Western race
The Dinaric race
The Eastern race
The East Baltic race
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:08.007000+00:00)
My guess is that taller asians are on average smarter than shorter ones.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:14.261000+00:00)
yeah the genetics is the basis, but the outcome of the genes are also due to nurishment
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:15.756000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Pretty sure Phalic race is dismissed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:17.972000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:26.723000+00:00)
I have found a interest for anthropology and sociology
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:32.110000+00:00)
Does someone reccomend any books?
Neo-Heretic writes: (2017-08-19T20:54:53.405000+00:00)
Though it's difficult to compare different races because their brain and bodystructure is entirely different.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:01.427000+00:00)
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand's darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:02.676000+00:00)
The skull of the Nordic man likewise grows narrow, long. The face is small. The
breadth in proportion to length is 3 to 4. The shape of the face is striking, not
unaccentedly round. The nose is high set. In proportion to the rest of the face, it
is likewise small. If it is indented then this occurs in the upper third in contrast to
the Dinaric and north Asiatic races.
The skin is light, rosy-white, and delicate. In contrast to the skin of many other
races, it is distinguished by a lack of pigmentation. The hair is smooth, wavy,
thin, and fine. Its color varies from light to golden blonde. As to eyes, we
distinguish the coloring primarily according to the colors of the iris. The Nordic
race has light colored eyes, blue, blue-grey to grey.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:02.905000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> This is some 2deep4u stuff
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:31.600000+00:00)
post random quotes in <#338792007570817025>
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:40.059000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> how about lepa brena then
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:47.061000+00:00)
not quotes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:52.635000+00:00)
from the book
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:55:56.230000+00:00)
that's a quote.
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-19T20:56:10.153000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:56:26.981000+00:00)
Ugh they're called excerpts, get the pronouns right ugh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T20:57:20.883000+00:00)
i dont fit the description of dinaric race in handbook at all
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T20:57:29.551000+00:00)
I kind of fit the nordic race
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T20:57:35.223000+00:00)
Except i have a bit more thick hair
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:58:05.272000+00:00)
<@125247087809003520> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4fsHBhIri0
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:58:23.104000+00:00)
bad song
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:58:28.584000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:58:50.784000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> we don't allow countrytagging
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T20:59:30.180000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Are you doing any activism these days
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T20:59:58.433000+00:00)
I'm just wagecucking
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:00:16.443000+00:00)
Might approach SA soon
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:00:20.570000+00:00)
"Working a job you hate to buy things you don't need" haha ok.
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:00:33.985000+00:00)
Weren't you a member in the past?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:00:38.233000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:01:05.736000+00:00)
nothing to do this days here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:01:41.152000+00:00)
except curse on vucic and croat lesbian
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:02:50.307000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:03:40.732000+00:00)
I should do a public reading of SIEGE downtown 🤔
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:03.887000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:05.216000+00:00)
on english
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:12.715000+00:00)
take a book by Dimitrije Ljotic and replace all mentions of ZBOR with Ravna Gora and see what happens
Славрос writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:17.055000+00:00)
>Spencer talks to his greatest ally media
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:23.036000+00:00)
most people will not understand
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:04:40.466000+00:00)
I will do it in Vlaski
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-19T21:05:13.451000+00:00)
>nemamo izbora samo ravna gora
hey it works
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T21:07:02.560000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:08:09.433000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> post in <#326845560650858497>
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-19T21:08:37.270000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:09:00.565000+00:00)
That's disgusting though, should be executed.
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T21:11:00.462000+00:00)
>stealing the fashwave i created
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-19T21:11:00.480000+00:00)
weeb text
Viper writes: (2017-08-19T21:11:01.464000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T21:11:04.586000+00:00)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/family/nothing-normal-giving-birth/ ...I hope this bitch is ovened
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T21:14:06.923000+00:00)
police now suspect anti fa are trying to use acid attacks
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:14:33.154000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T21:21:07.711000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-19T21:22:58.072000+00:00)
http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1503156373769.png who saw this coming
dylb writes: (2017-08-19T21:23:53.313000+00:00)
post random stuff in <#338792007570817025> <@322409738124001280>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T21:33:59.429000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> what u talking about they all wiggers
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:25:23.219000+00:00)
Sherry Spencer’s father, being Richard Spencer’s grandfather on his mom’s side, is Richard Dickenhorst (1923-2002). And his mother, being Richard Spencer’s great-grandmother, was Birdie M E (((Eckstein))) (1893-1972) – Jewish! Her father, being Richard Spencer’s great-great-grandfather, was August S. (((Eckstein))) (1859-1929) – also Jewish!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:25:56.906000+00:00)
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-19T22:30:23.728000+00:00)
It's embarrassing people still follow the charlatans associated with the altkike movement
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-19T22:31:27.543000+00:00)
The entire thing is suspect from top to bottom
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-19T22:33:55.308000+00:00)
The fact that the alt right websites got systematically shut down shows that something is going on
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-19T22:34:03.250000+00:00)
the discords and such
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-19T22:34:22.076000+00:00)
RSpencer is very obvious
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:45:12.370000+00:00)
and the old AR discord wasnt shut down by discord but by spencers order
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-19T22:45:29.038000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:45:56.237000+00:00)
i dont know
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:46:02.098000+00:00)
but was his orders
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T22:46:11.343000+00:00)
thats what i heard from them talking
Den Onde Mand writes: (2017-08-19T23:07:44.159000+00:00)
I was saying from the begining that Richard Spencer was a CIA agent
Den Onde Mand writes: (2017-08-19T23:07:51.164000+00:00)
But every American just laughed
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:24:13.222000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> I heard it had to do with BigKk and his degeneracy, smth about making 14yr old boy singing "cummies" song
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:26:47.014000+00:00)
yea he doxxed couple of people
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:26:53.505000+00:00)
and that 14yr old guy
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:27:11.983000+00:00)
now the new server hates bigCuckk
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:27:55.363000+00:00)
guy I know saw him at protest, says he is skinny and walks like a fag
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:28:29.415000+00:00)
did you see stuff about that Fallks guy?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:29:14.378000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:29:23.101000+00:00)
but yea bigkk is furfag
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:29:36.054000+00:00)
you know who I am talking about?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:29:42.759000+00:00)
he was mod
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:29:55.070000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:30:26.263000+00:00)
well he is a literal faggot and into traps
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:30:51.490000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-19T23:31:29.481000+00:00)
enjoy, I am off to sleep
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-19T23:31:58.054000+00:00)
dang son
Snarf writes: (2017-08-19T23:32:10.528000+00:00)
Oh shit I know him
Snarf writes: (2017-08-19T23:32:25.380000+00:00)
Why do faggots think they will fit in with this kind of movement
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-20T00:01:56.614000+00:00)
i know him too
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-20T00:02:01.393000+00:00)
MissX writes: (2017-08-20T00:08:24.928000+00:00)
Wow, who and what is this person?
MissX writes: (2017-08-20T00:08:55.780000+00:00)
How did you get his DMs?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-20T00:12:27.386000+00:00)
Someone used to share a server with him, remembered the person who DMed them (those were leaked by the person previously) and they asked if they can get updated caps and the person DMing them ablidged, also that person was 16 and the Falks guy was early 20s.
MissX writes: (2017-08-20T00:14:05.431000+00:00)
MissX writes: (2017-08-20T00:14:12.265000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:19:43.314000+00:00)
Time for some faggot school
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:20:14.636000+00:00)
Faggots do not think they can fit in with us, they think they can co op us or that we're not serious when we reject homosexuality as a valid life style
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:20:40.918000+00:00)
If the West continues on it's current path then Islam will dominate it, which means homos get free bungie jumping lessons without the bungie cord
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:21:14.758000+00:00)
So you have the cuckservatives who will support homos but are weak, they're no good
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:21:31.143000+00:00)
You have liberals who will throw you under the bus for Muslims.. Also no good
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:21:59.511000+00:00)
This leaves you with only 1 option. The "alt right" will fight the Muslims head on when it comes to it, but maybe.. maybe we won't be serious about day of the rope
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:22:00.439000+00:00)
alt-right is a bunch of christian morons. I got banned from TRS for posting A BOOK that outs christianity as a jewish religion
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:22:19.272000+00:00)
You probably deserve banning for that TBH
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:22:25.068000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:01.552000+00:00)
Because Christianity is a white man's religion and is one of the few ways that people still live good traditional lives
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:19.023000+00:00)
Some of the best members of this "movement" are hardcore christians
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:29.737000+00:00)
Starting a fedora war with them is not helping any one
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:36.214000+00:00)
I don't know any christians in NRM though.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:43.623000+00:00)
Christians worship Jews as "god's chosen"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:23:46.070000+00:00)
They are welcome, but I don't know any.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:24:02.226000+00:00)
Please no American sperg war about abrahamism.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:24:02.920000+00:00)
Jesus also beat the shit out of the kikes for being money whores
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:24:03.985000+00:00)
They believe all non-whites are gods children....it's marxist nonsense
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:24:49.378000+00:00)
Either way, don't counter signal your own side. It's punching to the right and not helping.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:25:25.100000+00:00)
You don't have to be on the same religious path they are, but when they're teaching good things, don't shit on them for teaching it for the wrong reasons
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:25:26.334000+00:00)
My main issue with christianity is that to all christian institutions minus some sectarian churches bodies don't matter but only souls. I've watched Marching to Zion, great tool for debating zionist christcucks.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:26:18.151000+00:00)
If you're anit-homo then the christians are your greatest allies in this
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:26:36.416000+00:00)
modern day christians are 100% accepting of homos
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:26:50.383000+00:00)
Our state church is one of the biggest institutions promoting faggotry.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:26:53.802000+00:00)
The Christians involved with nationalism are far closer to brim stone and terror than lets all be friends with homos, traps and dykes.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:02.874000+00:00)
Christianity is total cancer here, sad to say, wish it was better.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:05.165000+00:00)
I agree with both of you
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:17.269000+00:00)
But this isn't the same bunch of Christians
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:24.771000+00:00)
The Jews created Christianity to destroy the Roman Empire. They were wildly successful.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:34.876000+00:00)
The advent of Christianity led to a 1000 years of the dark ages
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:35.229000+00:00)
We have a no discussion of religion rule in AW for those reasons
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:43.918000+00:00)
In USA at least you have half a million churches, here they are just another organization paid, run and funded by ZOG, another tentacle of the system.
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:48.145000+00:00)
Had a huge divide between christians and pagans
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:27:56.157000+00:00)
One state church and that's it.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:28:35.671000+00:00)
The churches give massive amounts of money (and manpower) to Africa. The result has been devastating. The Africans are breeding like rats and the Christians are having them sent to White nations.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:29:00.152000+00:00)
We welcome all religions minus Islam and judaism to NRM. If you can follow the laws of National Socialism, doesn't matter if you're an atheist or esoteric hitlerite.
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-20T00:29:13.069000+00:00)
how relevant is The International Jew by Henry Ford?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:29:27.943000+00:00)
Christians believe if you do not follow the bible word for word, you will burn in hell for all eternity. It's a very MORBID religion.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:21.455000+00:00)
The Old Testament (which comprises three-quarters of the Christian bible) is all about Jews, Jews, Jews. Regarding the New Testament, nobody really knows who wrote Matthew, Mark,
Luke or John, or who these characters were, but it is common agreement among both Christians and Jews that Saul of Tarsus who became the St. Paul of the Christian movement, was a
renegade Jew. He wrote almost half of the New Testament, the basis of the Christian creed. It is therefore a fair conclusion that Christianity as espoused by St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus) is in
essence Jewish.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:25.058000+00:00)
I agree with you Exitus, but we can't afford to D&C with religion
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:30.662000+00:00)
The kikes want us to infight
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:42.439000+00:00)
>burn in hell for not following the bible
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:44.231000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:31:52.761000+00:00)
Stop spreading lies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:32:14.929000+00:00)
Would it be worth making some anti-charity propaganda? A lot of people are supporting charities like doctors without borders, refugee rescue type shit. Could we encourage people away from them?
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:32:14.978000+00:00)
It is possible for anyone to enter the kingdom of God
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:32:42.618000+00:00)
Donate to nazi, have your own charities like we do.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:32:49.401000+00:00)
We indict Christianity of softening up the White Race for accepting the idea of race-mixing. By such suicidal teachings as “we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord,” and “we are all God’s children,” the entering wedge was hammered into the body of the White Race to accept the inferior niggers and mud races as their equal.
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:32:52.023000+00:00)
Also the Christian roman empire lasted twice as long as the wetsern one
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:02.913000+00:00)
We got it already Exitus.
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:16.343000+00:00)
You got some nice pastas fedora
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:19.239000+00:00)
Bickering about religion gets us nowhere
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:23.963000+00:00)
Shame they're all bullshit
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:32.700000+00:00)
ok, so christians will save us?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:41.606000+00:00)
Around Abrahamics, internet fights.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:46.234000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:46.690000+00:00)
or god will swoop down from heaven and save us?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:57.879000+00:00)
where exactly is heaven? Haven't humans already been to space_
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:33:58.671000+00:00)
what are you on about?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:07.131000+00:00)
Can we go back to discussing food autism please?
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:09.056000+00:00)
But seriously fighting about religion when we are all interested in saving the white race is irrelevant
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:25.559000+00:00)
Doing this is giving Shlomo his daily shekel income
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:33.503000+00:00)
to save the white race we need to understand what is destroying it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:40.260000+00:00)
Exitus, I'm not a christian, farthest thing from one, but this is precisely the sort of burger religion sperging we have successfully avoided.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:40.749000+00:00)
all I can say is that what happened to paganism is happening to Christianity
It lost its energy and motivates basically no one
Its dead in most of Europe
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:42.149000+00:00)
Should we stop fighting about LGBTQ, modern day feminism and marxism and jsut focus on saving race?
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:51.858000+00:00)
Christianity is a poison like the above mentioned, all the same
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:34:58.134000+00:00)
I agree with you
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T00:35:07.457000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:35:10.019000+00:00)
But people who are pagan are greatly outnumbered by Christians
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:35:16.964000+00:00)
We need to all work together
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T00:35:25.009000+00:00)
Same thing with national socialists vs marxists and leftists
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T00:37:50.921000+00:00)
National Socialism is my religion
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:37:55.462000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:38:23.134000+00:00)
What is destroying the white race is that white people refuse to make communities. They're too busy bickering over shit that doesn't really matter and taking flight the moment someone upsets them. One small argument or disagreement and nationalist movements tear themselves apart and make 2 splinter groups. So stop being a fucking pleb, pay attention to your own behaviour and understand that YOU are hurting the white race's chance of survival by being thin skinned and picking fights. The enemy is not at your door, he is in your home raping children, running them over with cars and setting up bombs. Your response is to start fights with your fellow white man over muh deer god, muh kike on a stick and muh fedora. Learn to co exist, you're dead as a single person standing against the tide of shit skins. If you cannot put your fedora away then neck yourself because all you're doing is promoting Islam by destroying any white communities over issues that can be resolved later the same way Europeans have always resolved religious disputes among ourselves.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:38:52.754000+00:00)
We just managed to stop this, don't start it again.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:39:28.900000+00:00)
Was less about religion, more the overall state of nationalism
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:39:40.517000+00:00)
I keep seeing it in the UK where groups splinter ovr the smaller thing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:40:16.537000+00:00)
"He said you use the knife in your left hand when eating steak! I say the right? FUCK 'IM!! I'm going to make my own nationalist group that stands for all the same thing EXCEPT eating steak"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:41:43.576000+00:00)
Yeah, the reason for that is lack of solid ideology and fanaticism and dedication. National Action was a rare bright ray of sunlight from Airstrip One.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:42:33.406000+00:00)
Do you have anything promising at all going on rn?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:42:35.857000+00:00)
National action got very little attention until they were shoahed
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T00:42:59.676000+00:00)
We need to save our people from the horror that is Christianity.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:43:02.443000+00:00)
They were the only nationalist organization consistently growing.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:43:02.660000+00:00)
Absolutely nothing I've heard of, but I'll admit I don't pay attention to groups as much as I should
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:43:35.721000+00:00)
A lot of NA realized they couldn't have a peaceful resolution post banning
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:43:43.810000+00:00)
But they haven't figured out how to move forward
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:44:32.734000+00:00)
what we talking about
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:45:05.252000+00:00)
Got into religious D&C temporarily
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:45:07.749000+00:00)
Having known a lot of people in NA, I very much doubt they had any delusions about a peaceful solution pre or post banning. The viciousness with which the ZOG persecuted them was something so stunning I don't think any other anti-white regime has gone so far in Europe. UK is truly unique in the extremity of its anti hate laws.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:45:24.670000+00:00)
I absolutely love how deformed this guy looks. It was the meme around NA I saw. They were edgy kids and mutants. Made me laugh but their deeds just didn't spread
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:45:42.034000+00:00)
I thought NA was doing pretty good then they got fucked by their government
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:45:57.693000+00:00)
National Action was the only good British group in a long ass time.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:15.232000+00:00)
I was glad to hear good news from them every now and then
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:24.943000+00:00)
The Brits really need a solid movement
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:29.688000+00:00)
They inspired a lot of people around the world.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:31.644000+00:00)
The most common stuff I heard was that it was a honey pot. But that may have just been my circles. I'm not intending to shit on them in any way. I wasn't involved, I don't know, I only heard them on podcasts post-banning
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:44.134000+00:00)
And they demonstrated for NRM as well, it was really appreciated.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:53.432000+00:00)
A lot of people call any IRL group a honeypot
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:46:55.206000+00:00)
Oh fuck off, you were just whining about D&C.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:01.843000+00:00)
Not 5 minutes ago.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:23.859000+00:00)
Did you see where I said that's what I heard but I didn't know if it was true or not?
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:29.782000+00:00)
Their demonstrations were fun to watch
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:33.240000+00:00)
I knew the people, I can guarantee you it wasn't honeypot. Why would MI5 shut down their own operation, anyway.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:49.277000+00:00)
What is national bloc
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:53.906000+00:00)
Unite the right was shut down bu it's own side
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:47:54.914000+00:00)
Infact I own a National Action flag, courtesy of British comrades.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:09.997000+00:00)
Did they send you an assault spoon as well Kombat?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:20.721000+00:00)
Gold plated assault spoon for honourary membership
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:28.400000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:33.457000+00:00)
I almost wished I was in Britain so I could meet those guys
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:35.537000+00:00)
Infact Benjamin Raymond of National Action held a speech in our local HQ.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:39.803000+00:00)
They looked like they had their act all together
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:48:57.349000+00:00)
Thats probably why they were cracked down on
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:19.176000+00:00)
National front here got a lot of attention post banning NA
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:31.055000+00:00)
Anti fa turned up to disrupt their meeting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:39.123000+00:00)
Turned into a full brawl so police were called
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:52.978000+00:00)
Guess who turns up? A goddamn tranny cop.
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:59.311000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:49:59.866000+00:00)
is it true that police in uk doesnt carry gun
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:04.873000+00:00)
They suspect it was a set up by the local police
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:07.135000+00:00)
Yes Kebab
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:19.259000+00:00)
We never had a reason for armed officers until the shitskins moved in
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:22.099000+00:00)
NA guys got raided several times for putting up a sticker and computer and cameras confiscated. Not even Sweden has gone that cucked and extreme in its hatred of whites.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:28.145000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:38.824000+00:00)
Thats because NA got labeled as terrorists
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:43.994000+00:00)
So they have no rights at that point
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:44.494000+00:00)
It was before
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:45.253000+00:00)
Our communities were tight knit enough that if a cop saw you doing wrong he knew who your Dad was and your Dad would kick your teeth in
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:45.905000+00:00)
Some parts of UK police have guns
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:50:48.375000+00:00)
Oh shit really?
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:02.585000+00:00)
Fucking UK man, their government is insane
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:04.998000+00:00)
Yeah, and that's just a tiny bit, you have no idea how much the ZOG fucked with them behind the scenes.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:16.792000+00:00)
I have uttermost respect to all the young guys who went through so much.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:21.621000+00:00)
Police don't carry guns by default, only specialist units (like politicaal guards do)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:22.875000+00:00)
<@263776947266519040> if ya think something is insane try lesbian pm
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:35.273000+00:00)
Other wise they have to get a court order to deploy a unit with firearms
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:38.643000+00:00)
Yeah thats up there
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:46.673000+00:00)
who isnt even born here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:50.014000+00:00)
which will take about 30 minutes to respond
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:53.609000+00:00)
NI have armed police
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:51:57.511000+00:00)
The muslim mayor of London gets me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:07.004000+00:00)
Did you see who ran against him?
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:12.267000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:13.883000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:14.662000+00:00)
Your options were a Muslim or a Kike
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:18.245000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:25.767000+00:00)
all the non-whites voted Muslim, all the whites voted Kike
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:35.093000+00:00)
Either way London gets fucked
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:44.178000+00:00)
Terrorism is everyday life in big city
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:48.756000+00:00)
Part and parcel
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:52:53.336000+00:00)
or he said something on that lines
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:01.416000+00:00)
mayor of london
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:11.013000+00:00)
Either way, look at Eastern Europe, do they have terrorism?
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:19.796000+00:00)
They have some big cities too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:34.414000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:38.907000+00:00)
terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:39.628000+00:00)
2.5 mil capital
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:53:46.163000+00:00)
They just keep the muslims out like sane people
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:54:17.460000+00:00)
Bosnia had lot of people that went to fight for ISIS
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:54:19.220000+00:00)
Do you guys understand the relationship between Londoners and every where else in the UK?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:54:25.002000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:54:52.019000+00:00)
People outside of London hate Londoners, absolutely despise them. Doesn't matter the colour or the class they are, they fucking hate them
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:54:54.617000+00:00)
Aren't they just like most people from any big city in the US, crazy liberals?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:14.506000+00:00)
People in London think London is the best place ever and hate everyone outside of London. Look down on them for not being Londoners
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:25.690000+00:00)
Capital cities are cancer everywhere in the world, worst cities in the country, port cities doubly so.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:25.901000+00:00)
oh i know
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:28.911000+00:00)
same her
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:29.673000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:34.889000+00:00)
Most cosmopolitan places of the nation.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:40.948000+00:00)
Even if London was 100% white we'd still promote nuking it to get rid of the London cunts
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:50.392000+00:00)
Capitals just become mixed cesspools of shit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:55:51.736000+00:00)
here is divide with suburbs and uptown
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:56:05.176000+00:00)
there is something I find strange about UK and marxism
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:56:13.187000+00:00)
DC has beautfiul architecture, but is filled with niggers
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:56:18.528000+00:00)
The UK used to have a lot of class warfare, it's part of out natural character
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:56:35.747000+00:00)
Yeah you guys had a lot of aristocracy type issues right?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:56:38.017000+00:00)
We know our class and we dislike the others. Not as enemies but as rivals
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:57:06.443000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:57:08.491000+00:00)
We stick mostly to our own outside of things like chefs or house keepers but usually we make it work
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:57:27.263000+00:00)
These days class is never discussed outside of "all the poor are niggers, gibs me dats"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:57:47.696000+00:00)
The British culture of Working class > Middle class > Upper class has simply vanished
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:57:51.838000+00:00)
I mean here generally the middle class means whites
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:01.267000+00:00)
I suppose because now the working class means on benefits
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:12.469000+00:00)
and the upper class means no longer live here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:13.729000+00:00)
We had no upper class here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:28.430000+00:00)
here upper class was meant people in cities
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:37.637000+00:00)
where you from?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:49.382000+00:00)
Isnt it obvious
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:55.689000+00:00)
just click on profile
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:58:56.488000+00:00)
Click his icon if it wasn't obvious enough
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T00:59:25.487000+00:00)
Serbia Strong
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:59:45.967000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T00:59:47.098000+00:00)
I thought you guys consiered yourself working class if you haf half a bottle of vodka and needed to buy more. Middle class if it's full and rupper class if you had 2 bottles of vodka and could put off working until tomorrow.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T00:59:58.034000+00:00)
that is memes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:00:10.714000+00:00)
and stereotypes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:00:27.468000+00:00)
here we use rakia
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:02:16.895000+00:00)
here we have tea
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:09:56.786000+00:00)
have youguys seen those fake sci fi travel posters?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:10:11.995000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:10:17.032000+00:00)
whats that
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:11:06.781000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:11:16.422000+00:00)
That style of art would make very effective posters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:11:42.518000+00:00)
I was thinking of making a Rivers of blood poster in that style
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:12:50.091000+00:00)
Enoch Powell was pretty neat
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:14:48.123000+00:00)
He wasn't full on redpilled but he was truly British
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:15:06.513000+00:00)
He was pretty red pilled
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:15:27.829000+00:00)
Did he know of the jews? Thats mainly what I meant
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:15:30.945000+00:00)
He loved India as a place to visit, but didn't want the UK to become India. That's the biggest problem he has. But I think it's reasonable
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:15:44.807000+00:00)
On immigrants and such he was spot on
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:15:48.059000+00:00)
He spoke against all non-natives, jews were included
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:17:45.113000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:18:07.704000+00:00)
there is a meme about india and uk
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:18:31.291000+00:00)
When you get reverse colonized by country u made u
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:18:35.584000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:19:08.530000+00:00)
Don't remind me mate, I hate it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:21:21.707000+00:00)
how many indians are in uk
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T01:22:08.474000+00:00)
There's a load of them
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T01:22:19.310000+00:00)
Lots of pakis as well
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:22:52.508000+00:00)
The only correct answer is "too many"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:22:53.384000+00:00)
dont forget the sikhs
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:23:05.486000+00:00)
They're Indians too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:23:44.093000+00:00)
yea pajeet street shitters are all the same
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:12.386000+00:00)
2015 figures say 795,000 Indians
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:24.617000+00:00)
Which ignores illegals
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:29.761000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:31.792000+00:00)
so you can say a million
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:33.555000+00:00)
Also an estimation
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:42.287000+00:00)
so ~800,000 easily
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:50.875000+00:00)
aint london more nonwhite than whitte
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:50.906000+00:00)
I don't have enough rope for that many!
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T01:24:52.958000+00:00)
still way too many
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:25:05.367000+00:00)
Where do I get more rope!?
Breen writes: (2017-08-20T01:25:12.831000+00:00)
England is fucked tbh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:25:38.018000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Grow Hemp
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:25:50.437000+00:00)
They pay you not to grow stuff in this country
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:26:12.278000+00:00)
It's more profitable to grow completely useless except for burning crops than it is to grow food
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:26:33.054000+00:00)
The super markets go "so, it costs you 5p to make each carrot? Well we'll give you 3p a carrot then"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:26:47.429000+00:00)
And if you don't take the offer your supply will rot and you get nothing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:04.514000+00:00)
So instead farmers grow industrial crops to burn for power stations
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:06.428000+00:00)
Probably tons of illegal non-whites in UK too
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:11.639000+00:00)
the numbers are ALWAYS off
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:17.007000+00:00)
Which no animal can live in because the leaves are razor sharp
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:34.638000+00:00)
and it can't be eaten because it's basically a bamboo cane with knives on it
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:37.502000+00:00)
in the USA arabs are classified as white
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:27:50.215000+00:00)
thats because there are no whites in burger land
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:28:05.740000+00:00)
That's why we call them burgers. They're all mystery meat ground up
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:28:39.742000+00:00)
UK does something similar with indians and pakis
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T01:28:42.052000+00:00)
classified as asian
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:30:56.892000+00:00)
kind of
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:31:06.310000+00:00)
on official statistics they're a unique part
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:31:14.097000+00:00)
But in any reporting it's always "Asian" men
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:31:37.280000+00:00)
Which makes our chinks look pure fucking evil when most of them are just Jewy fuckers who sell you shitty food cheaply
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:33:08.504000+00:00)
we here have 2 % Gypsies and 2,1% Kebabs
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:33:23.460000+00:00)
Gypsies are worse than any other group
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:33:27.829000+00:00)
They're pure fucking cancer
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:33:32.184000+00:00)
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:34:22.195000+00:00)
Are they really worse than niggers?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:34:26.515000+00:00)
You see someone is really fucked up when even pajeet street shiters cast them out
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:34:27.543000+00:00)
We don't have them here fortunately
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:35:15.895000+00:00)
Then why we have on tlc my big fat american gypsie wedding
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:35:36.323000+00:00)
the USA has also been classifying mexicans as white
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:35:44.401000+00:00)
or "white-hispanic"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:37:17.352000+00:00)
yea i seen it on demographic reports
Snarf writes: (2017-08-20T01:38:09.229000+00:00)
Yeah you have to look at non-hispanic whites to get a real count
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:39:15.539000+00:00)
so about 60 %
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:40:07.639000+00:00)
also the population is old
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:40:25.974000+00:00)
if you look at the demographics under the age of 30 whites are a minority
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:42:37.044000+00:00)
in serbia average age is 40 something but on so called republic of kosovo where analbanians breed like niggers average age is 19
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:43:08.809000+00:00)
Baby boomers are propping up all the white percentages
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:43:24.844000+00:00)
the shift in most places is about 10-20 years
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:43:48.298000+00:00)
albanians aint white
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:44:59.299000+00:00)
Neither are you slav 👌
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:45:30.012000+00:00)
You said that from Londonistan
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:46:24.999000+00:00)
are you from belgrade? <@!239096222277828610>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:47:51.221000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:48:01.467000+00:00)
how is it there
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:48:49.762000+00:00)
I've done a 23 and me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:48:54.044000+00:00)
100% European
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:49:11.830000+00:00)
0% kike, nigger, paki or slav
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:49:42.090000+00:00)
meh we had lot of migrants coming trough when the peak of migration was u werent able to pass trough center of city without seeing damn sand niggers
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:49:49.275000+00:00)
post results <@322409738124001280>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:50:02.825000+00:00)
life is good enough
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:50:18.506000+00:00)
going to hive of libtards this october
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:50:22.515000+00:00)
aka college
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:50:40.219000+00:00)
college starts in october ?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:51:08.283000+00:00)
yea 1st year
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:51:21.388000+00:00)
and lasts to sept next year
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:53:31.190000+00:00)
By burger standards I'm a nord.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:53:52.260000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:20.329000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> in that broadly european sure is part slav
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:33.314000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:37.622000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:43.004000+00:00)
i wish i was slavic
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:45.892000+00:00)
and could speak the language
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:54:56.673000+00:00)
nords have slavic dna
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:55:01.484000+00:00)
cuz of mixing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:55:36.744000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:56:02.863000+00:00)
when they went raiding in eastern parts
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:10.764000+00:00)
I can't remember what video it was now, but I found screenshots of a UK nationalist video
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:21.214000+00:00)
They put a bunch of kids in it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:33.852000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:34.729000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:35.699000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T01:57:54.621000+00:00)
Not sure it's worth saving these people TBH..
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T01:58:06.225000+00:00)
hang them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:00:35.266000+00:00)
ITV advertisement completely unedited
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:00:46.890000+00:00)
or sky
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:02:15.740000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:02:34.892000+00:00)
jewgle for ya
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:03:46.034000+00:00)
Now I'm feeling black pilled as shit. Thanks life
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:04:28.746000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:07:45.950000+00:00)
stop it lad. they're all africans there
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T02:08:36.471000+00:00)
the usa is so non-white at this point the google search is accurate
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:09:08.899000+00:00)
but at least irs christian and supports the constitution
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T02:11:05.838000+00:00)
yeah all that matters is the constitution!!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:11:56.807000+00:00)
At least i have my constitution said the last libertarian
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-20T02:13:58.668000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:15:42.448000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:17:32.347000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:17:55.935000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:18:32.130000+00:00)
this is great
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:18:59.139000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:19:39.024000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:21:06.156000+00:00)
Actual screenshot of a Digimon gamr that never made it out of Japan
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:24:29.519000+00:00)
i liked that when i was kid
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T02:24:33.400000+00:00)
the anime
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:44:30.067000+00:00)
Not a bad series. has some good games
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T02:57:34.958000+00:00)
fucking vodka nigger. Go find some white pills
LeSwede writes: (2017-08-20T02:58:49.883000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T08:21:38.544000+00:00)
post all this crap in <#338792007570817025>
Victor writes: (2017-08-20T09:46:02.841000+00:00)
Anyone supriced? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-16/why-was-crowd-hire-company-recruiting-25-hour-political-activists-charlotte-last-wee https://charlotte.craigslist.org/tfr/d/actors-and-photographers/6253305119.html
Victor writes: (2017-08-20T09:46:10.438000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-20T09:52:40.026000+00:00)
((( Adam Swart))) ceo of Crowd on demand https://crowdsondemand.com/who-we-are/
Victor writes: (2017-08-20T09:52:54.404000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T10:25:46.394000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-20T12:28:33.465000+00:00)
that is how all protests are done
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-20T12:28:39.121000+00:00)
from their side
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-20T12:28:43.699000+00:00)
hired whores
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-20T13:27:13.739000+00:00)
saw some ads a while ago how they were recruiting lemmings for some BLM rally or something
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-20T13:27:22.736000+00:00)
20 bucks an hour and stuff
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T13:27:29.040000+00:00)
So why the fuck aren't some of us joining the anti protest and recording it?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T13:27:50.594000+00:00)
Get a pair of go pro glasses, grow a hipster beard and dye it purple
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T13:44:55.612000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T13:46:09.387000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T13:48:36.169000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T13:48:40.902000+00:00)
really makes u think
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T13:48:56.274000+00:00)
😩 🔫
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T13:52:25.982000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T13:52:35.248000+00:00)
i found this browsing twitter
Gre writes: (2017-08-20T13:59:14.967000+00:00)
>Im🅱lying petitions do anything.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T14:07:21.297000+00:00)
dunno if it gets over 100k they have to listen
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T14:07:31.246000+00:00)
i think its law in usa
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T14:08:51.796000+00:00)
doesnt matter
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T14:08:59.478000+00:00)
They don't care about public opinion
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T14:09:34.226000+00:00)
Calling them a terrorist organization would just legitimize them anyway, they want to be like Che Guevara not like the starbucks drinking nerds they are
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T14:13:19.089000+00:00)
in nj they already terrorist organization
Viper writes: (2017-08-20T14:14:01.009000+00:00)
This police chief is pretty cool
Viper writes: (2017-08-20T14:14:05.567000+00:00)
Its still our enemy
Viper writes: (2017-08-20T14:14:09.331000+00:00)
But he is rational
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T14:14:59.864000+00:00)
They don't have to listen
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T14:15:04.082000+00:00)
They have to respond to it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T14:15:11.670000+00:00)
"Lol ur a fagget" is a response
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T14:15:22.311000+00:00)
or "We do not wish to discuss this in public at this time" is also fine
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T16:20:08.034000+00:00)
So have you read SIEGE yet?
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-20T16:20:34.264000+00:00)
I wanna read siege but I can't find a copy
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T16:20:39.647000+00:00)
I'm waiting for the Netflix series
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T16:20:50.613000+00:00)
I don't want to spoil the ending
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:26:43.009000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> physical copy?
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-20T16:27:19.757000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> yes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:28:17.576000+00:00)
AWD are finalizing a for-print version of the IM 3rd Edition, we'll be promoting it everywhere soon as its out, they want to use lulu to sell it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:28:48.794000+00:00)
difference between it and the digital version is that it will include all the pictures from the original physical copy as well as an appendix on AWD and IM
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-20T16:29:25.445000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:30:08.440000+00:00)
>tfw almost done with the freedom of speech article after 4 days
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T16:36:41.494000+00:00)
You're selling Siege now?
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:37:10.432000+00:00)
We will be.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T16:37:28.608000+00:00)
Now the shilling makes sense. Jewing
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:37:30.026000+00:00)
Very soon. Updated copy with new forward, original photos, etc.
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:37:41.264000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:38:04.044000+00:00)
We arent selling it to make money. There have been loads of people that want physical copies.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-20T16:39:29.186000+00:00)
Where will I be able to buy it?
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:39:35.499000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-20T16:40:20.163000+00:00)
Right he already wrote that sorry 😃
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:40:57.465000+00:00)
we have been shilling it for 2 years now
hardcopy sale idea is fairly recent, couple of months
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:01.401000+00:00)
we ever decide on a cover for the book <@316346918806618114>?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:08.947000+00:00)
>jewing what we made available for free online
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:12.661000+00:00)
yeah makes sense
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:24.422000+00:00)
original cover would be the best
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:34.025000+00:00)
black with red letters
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:34.984000+00:00)
it'll have the IM cover
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:45.070000+00:00)
The one with the Maidan photo?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:49.387000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:56.865000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:41:57.811000+00:00)
but IM is just photo, meh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:02.102000+00:00)
you're meh
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:14.673000+00:00)
I know rape was posting some options for covers he was designing
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:15.161000+00:00)
I can make new cover tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:23.045000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:23.441000+00:00)
Had some stylized riot pictures
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:32.666000+00:00)
Alba yes
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:33.786000+00:00)
WHATS IT ABOUT? <@206898373062557696>
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:40.834000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:41.375000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:43.789000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:45.417000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:47.828000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:50.857000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:52.374000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:55.372000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:56.882000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:42:57.443000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:03.074000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:10.071000+00:00)
Freeze peach
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:13.869000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:27.596000+00:00)
>we're both visitors in this server
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:29.855000+00:00)
Freeze speech
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:33.117000+00:00)
I basically argue that it is not a fundamental or absolute value of any sort
Alba writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:39.816000+00:00)
Fair enough
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:43:45.171000+00:00)
instead its a weapon
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:44:00.420000+00:00)
and i heavily base the argument on Yockey's IMPERIUM
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:44:10.493000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T16:44:22.785000+00:00)
though in article I refer to it as Power Politics
Elusive writes: (2017-08-20T17:00:09.115000+00:00)
What's the price gonna be for siege?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T17:13:37.496000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T17:13:39.412000+00:00)
I hope
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T17:13:59.813000+00:00)
but realistically? prolly more than that, its a big book
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T17:18:07.198000+00:00)
http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/julian-cadman-hopes-fade-for-missing-british-australian-seven-year-old-as-father-arrives-in-barcelona/ar-AAql6Pr In what goddamn world is this kid British or Australian? He's got more chink in him than China does
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T17:19:21.007000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> in new britain he's british
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T17:25:58.743000+00:00)
I want to go back to old Britain
Jeff writes: (2017-08-20T17:27:14.736000+00:00)
Jeff writes: (2017-08-20T17:27:23.235000+00:00)
Jag var kallad?
JohannWolf writes: (2017-08-20T17:28:00.406000+00:00)
Where did you acquire my link?
Jeff writes: (2017-08-20T17:28:18.404000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T17:42:30.111000+00:00)
Would it be worth going after Doctors without borders?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T17:42:43.194000+00:00)
I think we could cost them a lot of money if we talked people out of supporting them
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T17:43:05.715000+00:00)
They will patch up literally any one. You could half kill yourself suicide bombing a school and they will give you medical care
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T18:14:17.871000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> another new britain will be formed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T18:25:19.217000+00:00)
I guess it's constitution will be Siege
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T18:29:29.074000+00:00)
I know an Austrian who really wanted to join this server, but he can't due to local laws
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T18:29:40.330000+00:00)
pretty bad
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T18:42:48.627000+00:00)
something same as germanies new law
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T18:44:55.733000+00:00)
or different kind of laws
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T18:49:58.176000+00:00)
how would local laws know
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T18:59:36.294000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:03:45.174000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-20T19:18:01.750000+00:00)
Order 15 are a wacky bunch
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:18:15.014000+00:00)
Who are they?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:18:48.957000+00:00)
staaf get him in here
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:01.072000+00:00)
It's illegal for me to be here
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:14.531000+00:00)
Some rather anonymous people from England who likes to steal bad memes/pictures from other events and put their logo on it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:24.335000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> you don't remember? they just keep rehashing other people's propaganda designs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:38.625000+00:00)
and their own suck
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:46.819000+00:00)
surprised to see they adopted the white sharia meme
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:19:50.433000+00:00)
I recall them being pr cucks
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:22:00.798000+00:00)
Isn't that the only recent meme beyond "lol dead commie"?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-20T19:22:30.171000+00:00)
Is that a thing now?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:22:47.761000+00:00)
Why should I remember them?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:24:51.302000+00:00)
for the most part i like that order15 advocates its to late to save the west. I don't see anyone else suggesting that , Everyone else either thinks it can be turned around with hard electoral work or by the gun. Neither of which for me anyway seem like anything close to reality.
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:25:35.207000+00:00)
You can take Sweden as a fine example The notion it can be saved whole is childish.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:00.405000+00:00)
so the answer is to wait until collapse?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:04.252000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> he's too much of a pussy, not sure what he's scared of to be honest
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:06.375000+00:00)
Who said anything about whole
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:39.327000+00:00)
I said that he didn't have to contribute, but he was scared that if the server collapses he might be prosecuted.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:46.755000+00:00)
Not enough commitment I guess
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:28:54.531000+00:00)
you have to take risks
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:29:23.385000+00:00)
The majority of nationalists say whole .
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:29:41.183000+00:00)
I think most consider some parts of the West lost no matter what. But lost or not we have to prepare for a bleak future. So it doesn't matter if it's lost or not as the solution is still the same. Prep, learn, build local communities to defend yourself
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-20T19:29:58.713000+00:00)
I'd like to save everyone who wants be saved, but as for those who don't, there is unfortunately not much that can be done for them
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:19.249000+00:00)
To remove a cancer you have to cut it off, or in our case amputate a few limbs. The day of the rope wont be only for niggers
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:20.496000+00:00)
You want to wait for the collapse exitus isnt it better to do something constructive now
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:21.282000+00:00)
Every part of Europe can be saved by violence and societal collapse
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:35.267000+00:00)
just cleanse it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:37.070000+00:00)
Your only realistic option outside of Europe is to go to Africa, use force to build an ethnostate
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:45.368000+00:00)
But the UN will fuck you up if you try it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:30:52.141000+00:00)
likely China will give it a go as well
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:12.318000+00:00)
Although I suppose you could buddy up to China, help set up their mineral empire and have an entire state in Chinese run Africa
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:19.461000+00:00)
i think parts of Europe can be saved the east maybe but uk for example France Sweden seem to be well lost already
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:40.271000+00:00)
Nothings lost yet
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:45.267000+00:00)
We still have numbers
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:53.883000+00:00)
That's defeatist mentality
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:56.469000+00:00)
It's lost in 30 years if nothing changes
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T19:31:58.547000+00:00)
Nothing is lost until we are dead
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:18.257000+00:00)
i disagree England is to far gone there is no way you can remove that many people no way and with whos help. British people LOVE non whites
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:28.303000+00:00)
The average citizen is a lemming. He may be wholly degenerate now, but they can easily change, because they have no worldview of their own but just parrot the ruling paradigm.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:30.008000+00:00)
Why are you here then
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:32.973000+00:00)
Maybe some sort of arrangement can be made
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:35.334000+00:00)
what do you advocate?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:48.135000+00:00)
You don't know the British people do you mate?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:51.288000+00:00)
British people love whatever the BBC tells them to love
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:32:55.458000+00:00)
No one likes non-whites where I'm from
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:33:07.842000+00:00)
But no one wants to go postal
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:33:50.612000+00:00)
If we got a real leader instead of civic cucks the working class would rise up and day of the rope. It's just a matter of having that leader
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:34:32.414000+00:00)
well how many people do you know ? because if you pay attention to the electoral results time and time again the majority will always vote for the pro immigration parties. If they dont like immigrants then how come they only vote for the parties who champion it the most
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:35:26.481000+00:00)
look at the state of nationalism in uk its collapsed it hasnt been this bad since the mid 90's
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:35:37.270000+00:00)
Do you understand voting at all in the UK?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:35:46.970000+00:00)
You're utterly full of shit if you think people like the tories
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:05.228000+00:00)
People hate labour and the tories, but there is no third option that stands a chance now that UKIP and BNP are dead
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:22.554000+00:00)
So no one votes "woah I love tories" they vote "fuck Labour, no way in hell do I want them in"
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:23.772000+00:00)
ok so they dont like the tories But the tories have been in power the most and are currently the ruling government. What am i missing ?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:36.313000+00:00)
<@341989303179673603> so what do you propose? If you say that the hope is lost and that nothing can be saved. What's your solution?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:43.028000+00:00)
And the only way to vote against labour and stand a chance of winning is to vote tory
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:47.780000+00:00)
Why are you even here if you've already accepted t hat things are lost
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:36:52.511000+00:00)
The UK votes for "the least bad" not the best.
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:38:39.266000+00:00)
i havent excepted all is lost im just saying in response to order15 bad memes that i liked the idea that they advocate for a different approach than elections and armed struggle. Neither of which are working
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:05.044000+00:00)
That's the only options
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:20.221000+00:00)
<@341989303179673603> You're thinking too democratically, you look at the mindless mass and care about its opinion, when its completely irrelevant and would change when the ruling power changes. Sure, you cant convince that mass that we're right, not while the current system is in control, but we need to focus on building up a revolutionary vanguard, thats all we need
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:22.041000+00:00)
Either you take over the voting system, destroy the system or you go extinct
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:22.748000+00:00)
What other options do we have, according to you that is
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:33.722000+00:00)
the BNP was good for around 30 years the people rejected it on mass time and time again in favour of prom immigration parties
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:45.952000+00:00)
What about this: Let those who want to race mix, do do but only after they have earned the "privilege" by serving the revolution. Their mating partners can then stay while the others are deported. This way, the impact of race mixing is minimized while maintaining the peace. I assume that the number of people who will actually choose to race mix in such a scenario will be very low.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:51.024000+00:00)
Do you know what happened to the BNP?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:53.090000+00:00)
BNP is irrelevant for the struggle
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:54.316000+00:00)
pro immigration
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:39:58.469000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:40:16.714000+00:00)
It got infiltrated by MI5 who tore it apart through corruption and internal corruption
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:40:28.232000+00:00)
Same thing happened to UKIP post Brexit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:40:33.170000+00:00)
it's not irrelevant, if you accept accelerationism
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:40:56.621000+00:00)
Nick Sabotage it just as it was about to grow to a real force
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:41:00.959000+00:00)
Any UK nationalist party that takes off will be infiltrated by spies and "tories" who will fuck it up then go back to the tories as soon as it's destroyed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:41:44.289000+00:00)
British nationalism is probably the weakest of any European country because it's government is so experienced in destroying nationalist movements at this point.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:41:52.422000+00:00)
What's the options if both armed struggle and electoral votes are off?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:41:57.795000+00:00)
wel yes so i think its to late to vote for salvation however it was possible to turn it around in the recent past and the British people firmly rejected the chance to do so
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:42:29.637000+00:00)
Do you think that a mass enlightenment is what will save the countries?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:42:38.670000+00:00)
Is that your only hope
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:42:56.368000+00:00)
Brexit was 100% about migration man
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:43:05.594000+00:00)
It showed the UK people wanted to stop it and change things
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:43:13.964000+00:00)
In the 70s we had active fascist movements
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:43:18.466000+00:00)
Across the entire country
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:43:22.333000+00:00)
O.staaf i dont remember all their points they made i havent read the website in a while but it resonated with me the last time i did read it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:43:38.971000+00:00)
whose website?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:44:21.839000+00:00)
I lied when i said no one else is advocating its not worth trying to save the west. There is a Canadian guy i know he has a micro party up there in Canada but his problem is that hes hated by just about everyone he comes in tocontact with
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:44:37.633000+00:00)
the order15 website
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:44:53.894000+00:00)
I'm asking about your views
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T19:45:05.433000+00:00)
what we talking about
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:45:37.092000+00:00)
sebastian ronin is the Canadian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:45:43.268000+00:00)
If it's too late to save west in any sense, or if we're doomed
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:45:52.469000+00:00)
<@341989303179673603> Common Filth advocates it too
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:45:59.994000+00:00)
lol Seb
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:46:06.343000+00:00)
I would say in this chat that my views are their views if you wish to know those views its better to read the website as im not so good at arguing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:46:14.308000+00:00)
If the west isn't worth saving whats the alternative?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:46:27.901000+00:00)
Didnt that party betray him and defect to TWP
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:46:28.984000+00:00)
i dont like to try to sell something to someone
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:47:17.928000+00:00)
personally though i think the downfall of the BNP was because of one man and one man alone and that was nick
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:47:22.130000+00:00)
So your solution is. "I won't tell you but everything you try won't work"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:47:39.274000+00:00)
Well fuck me, I've got a million solutions then, just give me £500 each and I'll put them all into action
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:47:51.190000+00:00)
and give you £100 of everyone you get to give me another £500
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:48:09.403000+00:00)
if for no other reason than what he did roughly 3 days before the general election when he went to the police with a fake aligation of a muder attempt against mark collett
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:49:14.736000+00:00)
If you mean the Order15, they're advocating accelerationism/societal collapse and power grabbing/civil war and the other option is tribalism/segregation from the main society in favor of parallel societies
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:49:44.363000+00:00)
its a complex argument Mecha im not very good with words but you can read about it yourself
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:50:07.394000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Those two paths arent mutually exclusive
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:50:15.766000+00:00)
In fact they go hand in hand
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:50:21.442000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:50:26.964000+00:00)
but that's how they've lined them up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:51:38.994000+00:00)
So the same thing everyone else is adovcating?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:51:39.366000+00:00)
<@341989303179673603> study James Mason
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:51:42.729000+00:00)
Which one are they for then?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:51:45.388000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:51:45.543000+00:00)
Prep, hope you win the race war
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:02.770000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:06.660000+00:00)
read SIEGE, now only 5.595 on NRM.com!
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:10.031000+00:00)
james mason ? ok thanks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:16.589000+00:00)
more memes <@!195981647605137408>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:31.048000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:57.139000+00:00)
looks like the kinda book id enjoy ill give it a go and let you know my thoughts
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:52:59.294000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:53:10.652000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:53:29.701000+00:00)
I'm waiting to see what host lets the stormer say
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:53:46.122000+00:00)
I need to register a URL. My usual one kicked them off so guess I'll wait and see who supports Nazis
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:54:07.437000+00:00)
Not even anything political, will be 100% hands off removed from political opinions but fuck them
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:54:24.596000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:55:34.397000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:55:58.138000+00:00)
Siege is written by a man wearing hipster glasses
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:56:35.125000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:56:50.654000+00:00)
no he's wearing "Falling Down" glasses
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T19:56:51.989000+00:00)
The better we are organized and prepared the better chance both to succed peacefully or win if it comes to the worst
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:15.042000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:31.790000+00:00)
Remember when he attacked the neo nazi in that movie?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:32.481000+00:00)
all glasses are probably hipster glasses to some now
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:35.406000+00:00)
Other ethnic groups in our countries are currently much better organized to look after their interests
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:41.612000+00:00)
for some reason i cant watch video at the moment but ill defo have a read of the file you sent seems very interesting
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:57:58.281000+00:00)
Can whites form communities now?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:58:23.188000+00:00)
Serious question. Can we get our shit together or does the internet fuck us over where we bond more with aliens than our own?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:58:45.995000+00:00)
its almost impossible it never seems to work out mostly because of lack of money but getting people to move is just about impossible. They will only move when they have nothing to stay for
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T19:58:54.256000+00:00)
The problem with starting a physical commune is that you put a target on your back
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:09.612000+00:00)
you have to offer jobs to get people to move
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:16.185000+00:00)
It's that simple
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:20.643000+00:00)
Got job? I'll move to it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:27.295000+00:00)
No job? Why would I risk mine?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:28.849000+00:00)
Can you post Görings hospital notes here without getting banned
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:39.505000+00:00)
We have media and governments doing their best to break up formation of white communities of any kind
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:47.246000+00:00)
don't want to discredit anyone
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:51.668000+00:00)
I think step one is to spread awareness of what is happening
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:51.754000+00:00)
You can make a commune without making a commune.
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T19:59:59.042000+00:00)
ive tried a few times with a few different groups to form NS type comunties first one was in patagonia I went there i gave it my all but there was infighting and one of the guys a chunk of the money quit because the others didnt like that he smoked pot
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:00:03.688000+00:00)
Live in an area that's naturally white
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:00:50.829000+00:00)
i personally wouldnt want to live with other people on the same property. Im a very private person i hate neighbours
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:00:55.480000+00:00)
Some industries are white exclusive. Just move there, larp as a camping nut, teach others around you to live off the land, shoot, hunt, fish. You will grow a prepping white community just by meta gaming people.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:01:05.907000+00:00)
community village then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:01:18.557000+00:00)
doesn't have to be everyone in the same house
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:01:43.425000+00:00)
that sounds like made to cause infighting without proper leadership
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:01:50.441000+00:00)
I live in an almost all white city, did I win yet
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:10.033000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:16.638000+00:00)
no all moving to the same town or village is what i would be more for. Sadly though i have moved so many times now i cant really afford to do it again at least for many years
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:17.510000+00:00)
I live in a 100% white village
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:25.195000+00:00)
but the villages around me are darekning
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:46.989000+00:00)
Ironically enough where I live the city is whiter then the villages
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:02:48.301000+00:00)
You sound very civic to me lad
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:03:02.354000+00:00)
Have no roots, no where to call home
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:03:15.025000+00:00)
Because the gypos have been exiled into the villages centuries ago
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:03:20.978000+00:00)
so you have no community, no one to stick with and just want to go full dickie spencer or in a woods
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:03:37.727000+00:00)
Mecha you mean me ? as in i sound like a civic nationalist or ?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:04:15.201000+00:00)
You sound like you don't care where you live as long as you're isolated, so muslim land or white land is the same to you as long as you're left alone
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:04:58.633000+00:00)
ive been a farmer for 9 years living very remote
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:05:25.131000+00:00)
i had to quit that life because i wasnt able to find a girlfriend that would live it with me
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:05:38.785000+00:00)
we need a gypsy meme
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:05:50.544000+00:00)
emoticon I meant
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:05:57.698000+00:00)
Can't have gypo memes, they would just be stolen by themselves
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:06:07.224000+00:00)
Stolen and set fire to within a day
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:07:35.785000+00:00)
most of my focus is on having as many children as i can. ive got a 3 month old boy thats my start ill keep going for as long as my girlfriend will allow. I think thats a worthy contribution to the cause as any
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:07:45.983000+00:00)
The way you're expressing yourself Robin makes it sound like you just want to be left alone and you have no loyalty to any community or ethnic group. You would happily live in a civic country as long as you were left to be a farmer in peace.
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:08:18.823000+00:00)
i wont die in any war neither will my children
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:09:13.070000+00:00)
I will make an emoticon
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:09:19.330000+00:00)
So your plan is to run away from the hordes until there's no where left to run and you're the only person left? Sounds like a good plan if you want to get a free tire around your neck
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:10:33.135000+00:00)
how am i running if im already there
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:10:49.893000+00:00)
And war is coming
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:11:00.478000+00:00)
If a collapse happens it means war
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:11:15.059000+00:00)
you can go down in a blaze of glory. ill raise my beer to your memory
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:11:16.826000+00:00)
democracy won't change whats happening now, it's too far gone.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:11:59.909000+00:00)
Running away only works until there is no where left to run. There is already almost no white countries left. Where do you plan to run to if you're not willing to defend any where?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:13:08.980000+00:00)
im focused on my family now i consider it iresposible to raise children in a mixed race community
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:13:23.735000+00:00)
You're dodging the question
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:13:29.340000+00:00)
Where do you plan to run to?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:13:31.180000+00:00)
i want my children to have as best a star in life as possible
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:13:51.347000+00:00)
your children are going to see a hell the likes of which you cannot imagine
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:14:17.503000+00:00)
We're at a turning point in history. Either white people go extinct or battle happens to prevent it.
Tommy Nyberg Rede 1 writes: (2017-08-20T20:14:22.687000+00:00)
By keeping them ignorant Hodd?
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T20:14:26.456000+00:00)
I don't wish to fight any war, but I'll do it if that is the only way to ensure my children will have a future. and sadly it seems more likely for every day that we won't have any other option
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:14:28.910000+00:00)
read siege
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-20T20:15:18.364000+00:00)
i have really enjoyed the conversation but i have to go but perhaps we can continue it another time.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:16:42.554000+00:00)
>TFW you will never have a portable farm so you can grow your vegetables in isolation while you out run the niggers trying to genocide you
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:17:02.637000+00:00)
Your sons will be grown men by the time shit hits the fan fully. You just make sure they be ready
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:17:16.753000+00:00)
only way the solve the nigger problem is to kill the nigger
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:18:13.175000+00:00)
If we have to wait that long for the race war then I'm fucked
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:03.279000+00:00)
Thats a very optimistic estimation smh, I feel you need to have about half half populations to be able to trigger a full Bosnian scenario
Tommy Nyberg Rede 1 writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:13.661000+00:00)
They can kill themselves. Feed em crack and guns and keep them in their ghetto.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:14.814000+00:00)
And thats gonna take time
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:15.934000+00:00)
Looks like a a jew
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:16.848000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> It might not happen in a quick open conflict, in many ways the race war is already underway
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:20.725000+00:00)
Big nose and everything
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:31.432000+00:00)
its da gypsie jew
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:39.850000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:45.578000+00:00)
same same but different
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:48.646000+00:00)
Are Sami white?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:19:58.272000+00:00)
its already starting in America for sure
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:20:32.499000+00:00)
It just needs some people to start pulling guns instead of mace
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:20:51.828000+00:00)
1 BLM protect blood bath or one Richard Spencer gay pride parade blood bath and it'll be on
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T20:22:02.905000+00:00)
You are probably right, still I imagine it would be a kind of low-intensity conflict
Vintir writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:10+00:00)
Escalating through more attacks, starting to hit "innocents" based on ethnicity etc
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:27.387000+00:00)
thats already happening
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:37.922000+00:00)
It's purely a matter of whites fighting back at this point
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:46.454000+00:00)
Blacks are already doing the race war
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:46.877000+00:00)
And they may never do
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:23:52.351000+00:00)
Like in South Africa
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:24:33.015000+00:00)
I think the south afrians feel more like renters than owners, yanks feel like owners
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:24:38.427000+00:00)
bit different but yes it's possible
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:26:39.023000+00:00)
Well white SA have some hope the Suidlanders
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:28:44.845000+00:00)
apparently the BLM shit is taking off in SA
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:28:50.142000+00:00)
they're demanding cheaper college fees
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:28:55.839000+00:00)
then setting fire to parts of the college
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:29:03.157000+00:00)
They seriously don't understand economics
Jörken writes: (2017-08-20T20:29:13.302000+00:00)
they are nigs, what do you expect
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:30:02.133000+00:00)
I expect them to shine my fucking shoes
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:30:19.972000+00:00)
did you guys watched that vid when that one white man scares of hundreds of niggers with a gun in SA
Jörken writes: (2017-08-20T20:30:31.947000+00:00)
hahah yeah
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:30:56.392000+00:00)
I used to know a guy who worked for a PMC in Africa
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:31:09.578000+00:00)
Niggers would get AKs and run down the hill spraying everything from way out of range
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:31:21.851000+00:00)
So PMC guys would just pop them off 1 at a time like it was duck hunt
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:31:30.101000+00:00)
whats PMC
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:32:24.342000+00:00)
private military company
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:32:30.432000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:32:54.865000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-20T20:33:02.838000+00:00)
yeah mercs are in high demand in south africa i can imagine
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:33:14.019000+00:00)
they will be
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:33:46.081000+00:00)
100 k of highly trained white soldiers in south africa can make a difference
Jörken writes: (2017-08-20T20:34:12.856000+00:00)
for sure
Jörken writes: (2017-08-20T20:34:32.613000+00:00)
but wouldnt it be easier to release some bio weapon
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:34:40.568000+00:00)
africans cant fight
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:34:52.400000+00:00)
all they can do is wave attacks like commies
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:35:21.152000+00:00)
zulu 2017 wjen?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:35:25.069000+00:00)
we'll form ranks
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:35:28.658000+00:00)
manlets at the front
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:35:44.252000+00:00)
chads at the back using them as tripods
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:39:44.573000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-20T20:40:03.902000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:41:53.793000+00:00)
seen it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T20:41:56.216000+00:00)
loved that one
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:47:24.387000+00:00)
i like their vids
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:47:29.361000+00:00)
nice style
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T20:48:55.790000+00:00)
yea looks good
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T20:53:28.589000+00:00)
seax shut up
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:54:03.383000+00:00)
do we know of any nazi approved hosting services?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T20:58:15.340000+00:00)
well its done, fucking hyper jewed me on the cover, put all his A work into something else entirely
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T20:58:17.045000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T20:58:37.661000+00:00)
cant click links reading siege
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T20:59:56.332000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> is it burger free
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T21:00:10.910000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:02.843000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:22.872000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Post advertising in <#330039059617546241>
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:36.046000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> THIS GOES FOR YOU ESPECIALLY
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:48.196000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:53.218000+00:00)
how's this an advert
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T21:01:58.966000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:03.405000+00:00)
its a conversation starter
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:04.684000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:08.205000+00:00)
Alright sorry brother
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:09.672000+00:00)
Didn't know
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:17.615000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:26.233000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> It's fine
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:34.501000+00:00)
Articles are fine since you can start discussions around them
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T21:02:39.879000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> It's okay
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T21:15:04.888000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T21:19:22.882000+00:00)
i strayed from that article to boot on ground ones
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-08-20T21:46:40.528000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:11:09.735000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:11:18.376000+00:00)
I know how we can distance ourselves from the Nazis
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:11:27.626000+00:00)
We won't Seig hail, we'll Siege hail. PERFECT
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-20T22:33:54.978000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-20T22:34:12.461000+00:00)
If anyone is bored plz troll these liberals who are doxxing our guys
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-20T22:34:31.672000+00:00)
And report the girls comment who mentioned the apartment he lives in
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T22:42:15.495000+00:00)
i sent my friend siege
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T22:46:25.526000+00:00)
and mein kampf
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:50:31.350000+00:00)
Why even bother with Hitler when you could have Mason?
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:03.228000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> you sure love siege and mason
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:09.244000+00:00)
you can't have Mason without Hitler man
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:15.587000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:20.541000+00:00)
maybe read SIEGE instead of ironically bantering it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:22.373000+00:00)
remake Mount Rushmore
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:28.581000+00:00)
instead of those libshit presidents
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:32.874000+00:00)
Im gonna go to bed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:35.775000+00:00)
make it Hitler, Rockwell, Pierce and Mason
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:41.750000+00:00)
crablord, get him to read SIEGE
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:51:43.585000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:52:35.315000+00:00)
why, is he refusing to?
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:07.464000+00:00)
yeah he keeps talking about how it must be garbage because people circlejerk over it
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:19.646000+00:00)
and that if people mention a book a lot, it must be unwarranted hype
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:26.622000+00:00)
thus he's better off not reading it at all
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:38.249000+00:00)
because if other people think its great, it must be bad!
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:49.546000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:51.711000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:53.910000+00:00)
read it dino
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:53:57.290000+00:00)
I'm already reading it
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:01.096000+00:00)
thats good
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:08.808000+00:00)
I'm on page 30 where he's saying hos great Mansion is
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:20.788000+00:00)
and disappointed he didn't get a little butt love in a private room in prison
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:23.661000+00:00)
ok talk to crablord about it
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:33.197000+00:00)
Im going off
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:43.308000+00:00)
also dont talk about gay shit in regards to NS persnalities
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:54:55.971000+00:00)
we have a ban policy on it since some alt-right guy said GLR was gay
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:55:03.050000+00:00)
well I mean its obvious anyway but yeah
dylb writes: (2017-08-20T22:55:04.707000+00:00)
okay Im off, bye
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T22:55:26.967000+00:00)
i need to make myself to read siege
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:55:46.511000+00:00)
The intro is pretty boring so far
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:56:13.353000+00:00)
sounds like someone is reading it with the express purpose not to like it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:56:53.576000+00:00)
The foreword says it's a collection of news letters
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T22:57:07.158000+00:00)
its difficult to make me read something
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-08-20T22:57:07.477000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:57:09.445000+00:00)
The first 20 pages or so are an autobiography of what groups Mason bounced around
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:57:29.954000+00:00)
Since I don't know who he is, nor care what groups he was a part of, it's a boring intro.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T22:58:06.734000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> 🔫 <:lol:333298431810338816>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T22:59:01.499000+00:00)
I'm just not a fan of e celeb type shit. I want to read the his ideas not his tpersonal life.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T22:59:37.127000+00:00)
>e celeb type shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:00:21.416000+00:00)
frankly no need to say anything, you just need to get the actual newsletters
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:01:05.857000+00:00)
I don't care for person worship in any form.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:02:01.966000+00:00)
>person worship
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T23:02:29.009000+00:00)
It's his ideas that matters
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:02:30.084000+00:00)
this chat needs a facepalm emoji
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T23:02:43.561000+00:00)
do you think people would praise it otherwise
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:03:10.690000+00:00)
no no, everyone praise the guy whom they never seen and nobody has seen in over 14 years m8, clearly
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:03:15.445000+00:00)
wait is that it?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-20T23:03:17.619000+00:00)
it's not some superficial celebrity drool
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:03:28.760000+00:00)
maybe he just doesn't realize the actual context here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:03:32.784000+00:00)
this isn't some new guy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:04:04.052000+00:00)
isn't some guy that got traction and popularity on youtube or anywhere else online
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:04:12.307000+00:00)
he made his name before the internet was a thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:04:57.705000+00:00)
until just a few weeks ago people just presumed him dead too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:05:55.395000+00:00)
also here, donating this one to the chat
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:06:23.884000+00:00)
>it already has some of the emojis I made for IM anyway
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:09:48.701000+00:00)
Maybe you don't realise I don't care who's saying the idea, I care about the value of said idea.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:10:45.347000+00:00)
m8 you don't get what i'm saying, not the other way around
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:11:09.762000+00:00)
I already told you that you need to get to the actual meat of SIEGE, that's literally to your point on value of ideas
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:12:02.149000+00:00)
And my comments has purely been that so far it's a bunch of fluff that isn't interesting.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:12:24.736000+00:00)
I don't need to know how he behaved in school or what groups he bounced between, it literally does not matter
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-20T23:12:30.292000+00:00)
you read 20 pgs dude
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:12:37.092000+00:00)
so skip it then ffs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:12:49.452000+00:00)
your entire thing is being grumpy over nothing
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:13:10.095000+00:00)
Who said I was grumpy?
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T23:13:37.640000+00:00)
are you cranky
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:13:51.408000+00:00)
You tell someone to read a book, they say "It's been shit so far" and you act like it's some emotional freak out
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:14:13.086000+00:00)
mildly perturbed?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:17:36.368000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-20T23:21:55.360000+00:00)
slightly alarmed
Jason writes: (2017-08-20T23:23:55.962000+00:00)
inb4 this turns into roleplay
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:25:54.392000+00:00)
you're pretty gay dude <@322409738124001280>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:32:34.520000+00:00)
Stop trying to recruite me to your Richard Spencerathon
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T23:33:25.020000+00:00)
<@219244779832213505> whats your opinion on Suidlanders
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:33:42.727000+00:00)
They're okay
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:33:48.188000+00:00)
Their site has some cool articles
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-20T23:34:18.710000+00:00)
went trough whole english site
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:34:30.378000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:34:41.345000+00:00)
evacuation is probably the best option at this point
Speeder N2 writes: (2017-08-20T23:41:19.931000+00:00)
http://www.psychforums.com/schizophrenia/topic59417.html - Very interresting reading
Found it via "conspiracy-theories"
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:45:10.386000+00:00)
Siege is a good book. It's not the only book, but it will save you a lot of time doing typical dumb movement stuff.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:45:28.233000+00:00)
It's weird that people treat it as some gospel.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:07.551000+00:00)
Well the reason we place such importance on it is because a lot of people waste time doing dumb movement stuff instead of reading it
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:13.230000+00:00)
<@219244779832213505> What are your thoughts on Jan Lamprecht?
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:27.212000+00:00)
He's okay too
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:39.015000+00:00)
Very informative for non-saffers
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:46.894000+00:00)
So that's a valuable service
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:47:48.705000+00:00)
He takes a critical view of suidlander prophecies and Simon Roche's ANC past.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:48:18.905000+00:00)
I didn't know Simon Roche had a past in the ANC
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:48:23.061000+00:00)
I don't know a ton about him
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:49:10.469000+00:00)
Well from speaking with Jan he mentions that the Suidlanders are big on the van rensberg (spelling?) prophecies.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:49:38.890000+00:00)
I think there's some value to the Van Rensburg prophecies
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:50:30.010000+00:00)
I have a hard time believing any prophesy because they tend to get revised or reinterpreted to fit different needs.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-20T23:51:40.884000+00:00)
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-20T23:52:36.751000+00:00)
I'm going to bed now but I'll look into it tomorrow
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-20T23:58:54.079000+00:00)
How much value in there in using places like youtube and twitter even though you will get shoahed?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T00:19:39.600000+00:00)
You won't reach anyone you disagree with
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T00:22:17.980000+00:00)
Blocking and muting and "terms of service" will limit you
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T00:22:28.245000+00:00)
Great for reaching your own side and such
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T00:39:34.499000+00:00)
don't most people use it to try and get to normies?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T00:50:45.748000+00:00)
You can try, but most "normies" are boomers that just follow back everyone and post Trump shit
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T00:55:26.504000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032>. Ive heard Roche was a cummunist traitor before he jumped on the suidlanders program. I personally thiink hes pocketing the money.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T00:56:43.126000+00:00)
<@307177682314199040> It wouldn't be surprising. There are other "former" intelligence types in the Suidlanders.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T00:57:21.145000+00:00)
He looks rather beady eyed too.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T00:57:54.866000+00:00)
Lots of joos in SA.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:02:38.608000+00:00)
Many strange players all around
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:02:58.272000+00:00)
Chinese, wealthy Indian families, different black tribes
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:03:18.748000+00:00)
Jews of course
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:06:00.091000+00:00)
Currently reading Siege. "I'm sure also that had the pitfalls of having no solid
chain-of-command reinforced and ready for the sudden
challenge of hard success somehow been accidentally
avoided, then still the moment would have been lost due
to a lack of greater direction - a revolutionary plan - when
suddenly called for."
No solid chain of command. We are still afflicted by this.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:07:48.157000+00:00)
You need a vision and a defined plan.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:08:01.576000+00:00)
Pretty sure only NRM has this now.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:11:28.309000+00:00)
Ive been trying figure that out about nrm. Do they actually have a chain of command, or do they just have the office staff and supporting members?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:12:38.380000+00:00)
Well this is their server so you could ask them.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:13:20.864000+00:00)
Ive tried a few times.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:16:08.359000+00:00)
If you put Richard Spencer in command of 200,000 brownshirts, he would use them for protection during his interviews. How is NRM different?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:16:30.406000+00:00)
Does leadership actually lead?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:16:41.347000+00:00)
Why would 200.000 brownshirts follow Richard Spencer?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:16:52.448000+00:00)
Completely hypothetical.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:18:16.167000+00:00)
NRM appears very disciplined and coordinated.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:18:16.354000+00:00)
I am trying to point out that our movement does not have a leader capable of organizing men, or of utilizing the resources they already have.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:18:24.198000+00:00)
More likely 200.000 of this https://www.google.se/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjexcT8k-fVAhVBApoKHaVFCyoQjBwIBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi0.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Foriginal%2F000%2F486%2F017%2Fb57.png&psig=AFQjCNHciDGq-3QJNInH6RjOH5pt9OmrEQ&ust=1503364669212293
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:19:18.443000+00:00)
Link is in foreign language. No pics either.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:19:20.006000+00:00)
Maybe read the Nest Leader's Manual? The guys on Nordic Frontier reference it quite a bit.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:19:44.955000+00:00)
I am in the process of reading it.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:20:25.150000+00:00)
I think the principles of a solid organization aren't esoteric in the slightest. Modern kwan groups are just disheveled messes.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:20:28.660000+00:00)
But if NRM already has organization, why read Nest Manual?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:20:48.098000+00:00)
It sounds like it inspires their structure
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:21:02.102000+00:00)
So read their manual since they won't teach you directly
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:21:34.387000+00:00)
I think it's because you americans follow ppl that are radio talkshow host. You need to find the people that have that natural tendency to be a boss. And he needs to have a plan and a understanding what he want to do and how he's going to achieve it.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:22:11.158000+00:00)
Im currently reading siege. This movement is mostly a bunch of reading, little action.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:22:30.040000+00:00)
Who do Europeans follow?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:23:10.785000+00:00)
Once you grasp that 99% of kwan movement types are hucksters or content creators you're ahead of the game.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:23:38.865000+00:00)
richard spencer cant lead 200 ppl non the less 200k
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:23:50.345000+00:00)
Europeans don't have police states as strong as ours, so they can do more.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:23:51.183000+00:00)
Keyboard commandos.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:24:29.208000+00:00)
Punch a cop in the kwa: get shot
Punch a cop in western Europe: live
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:24:55.621000+00:00)
Well reading insn't wrong, many people have been running around like headless chickens with no aim. I was born to late to be involved with the swedish skinhead movement. But I have been told how destructive it was. Many young men angry at the system but no leaders so all they did was drinking and picking fights with everyone.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:25:35.358000+00:00)
Well here in Europa we have a lot more less rights. We got no guns and no freedom of speech.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:25:45.398000+00:00)
As a kwan myself I'm very envious of the Euro nationalists. Our guns are pacifiers and our speech is a release valve
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:26:00.255000+00:00)
Now is the time to put down the books and follow... Wait. There is no one to follow. Pick up the book again.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:26:20.004000+00:00)
If 2% of American guns got used we'd have a white country
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:26:40.586000+00:00)
In America the capitalists restrict speech, not the government
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:27:06.083000+00:00)
Look at Daily Stormer - free speech but no platform
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:27:16.746000+00:00)
I have been listening to Matthew Heimbach and he comes off as a resonable person. What do you guys think about him? What do you guys think about ironmarch.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:27:45.189000+00:00)
We are afraid to speak up, because we risk losing our job. The massive amount of immigrants here make us easily replaceable.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:28:01.902000+00:00)
Im not sure about him.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:28:02.116000+00:00)
Heimbach has a weird past but he says the right things
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:28:27.974000+00:00)
IronMarch is a cult tbh
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:28:39.001000+00:00)
I havent been on ironmarch much. Now that DS is down, I will probably go there more.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:28:43.876000+00:00)
Whenever I speak with them they just repeat slogans
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:03.073000+00:00)
Ironmarch is great
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:05.943000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> Well don't let that black pill you too much. They will come back. But don't invest to much time on DS. It's job is to convince people about the jewish question in a very hard propagandist way.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:07.029000+00:00)
good groups have come out of IM
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:11.040000+00:00)
and great material as well
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:19.463000+00:00)
some people are autists but overall its a great forum
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:29:52.300000+00:00)
My last discord server was spammed with marchers calling everything gay for not being christian
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:18.133000+00:00)
Is IM mostly Americans?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:18.826000+00:00)
Funny cause majority of IM is becoming EH now
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:21.814000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:27.133000+00:00)
What is EH?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:28.907000+00:00)
admin is russian
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:35.528000+00:00)
Admin is brown
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:35.657000+00:00)
Esoteric Hitlerism
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:38.229000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:59.402000+00:00)
They conflate NS and fascism which is retarded
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:30:59.524000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:07.870000+00:00)
Google slavros
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:14.227000+00:00)
hes an admin off IM
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:16.533000+00:00)
hes half uzbek
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:19.029000+00:00)
He ain't white
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:31.812000+00:00)
that isnt a problem
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:38.839000+00:00)
Oh. I know of him.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:39.494000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> you believe in google
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:41.397000+00:00)
i didnt know white people could be the only fascists
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:31:55.052000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> People call our movement a cult aswell. It's mainly people that don't want to associate with nationsocialist but are traditional nationalist.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:00.866000+00:00)
when u put happy american white couple and they put black people in
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:11.447000+00:00)
how is that reliable
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:13.807000+00:00)
Slavros is a forum admin, not a movement leader
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:15.748000+00:00)
I like NRM because they aren't autistic weirdos
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:26.930000+00:00)
Normal white NS men
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:33.922000+00:00)
I aint white
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:33.928000+00:00)
it would be different if Ironmarch was a movement
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:37.324000+00:00)
its just a forum
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:42.739000+00:00)
and ns
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:53.457000+00:00)
plus if you want everyone to be white
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:32:55.435000+00:00)
go to stormfront
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:08.465000+00:00)
I do want to live in an all White world
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:18.950000+00:00)
that will never happen
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:21.327000+00:00)
Is that so much to ask?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:26.213000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:29.387000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:29.549000+00:00)
because it wont ever happen
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:32.491000+00:00)
yes it is
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:34.127000+00:00)
stop larping
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:35.735000+00:00)
So we need Nazis of color lol?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:39.766000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:33:50.168000+00:00)
you dont understand fascism if you think only whites can be fascist
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:13.376000+00:00)
I don't care about coloreds or fascism
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:15.664000+00:00)
Only NS
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:27.621000+00:00)
NS is the german expression of fascism essentially
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:33.374000+00:00)
No lol
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:37.720000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:50.097000+00:00)
NS is about the folk, fascism is a about the state
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:51.287000+00:00)
are you going to get into economic differences and semantics?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:34:54.504000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> it's also usually people that want to be on the outside but want all the information like we were a political party. And usually they just want to sit back and be deskboard moralist.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:01.065000+00:00)
you must've forgot about late Mussolini then
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:13.225000+00:00)
Mussolini said that the state creates the people, Hitler said that the people create the state
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:33.577000+00:00)
Hitler > brown fascists online
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:40.703000+00:00)
mussolini was pretty mild
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:41.181000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:45.701000+00:00)
too bad Hitler allowed half jews right?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:52.649000+00:00)
Hitler was too much sun.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:56.422000+00:00)
not enough lightning
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:35:57.975000+00:00)
but Mussolini had to be that way because otherwise he wouldn't be able to unite the southern italians.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:36:28.156000+00:00)
I am trying to understand fascism more. It seems that a homogenous population would be ideal, however fascism is strong enough to allow for some admixture? Does that sound correct?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:36:40.751000+00:00)
mussolini had jews in some parts of gov
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:36:40.827000+00:00)
Lol 100k mischlings out of 80 million whites vs a brown guy running your ideology
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:36:53.198000+00:00)
Mussolini fucked a jew for years
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:36:53.795000+00:00)
i'm just pointing out your contradictions
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:07.432000+00:00)
you're butthurt that 1 russian mongrel is running 1 forum
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:24.143000+00:00)
do we have another larping american
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:24.453000+00:00)
but somehow you want the entire world to be white
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:39.481000+00:00)
thats muh burgerland
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:50.547000+00:00)
its pure edgelord
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:52.340000+00:00)
its impractical
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:37:54.275000+00:00)
I would rather have someone who is ideologically pure but not 100% white rather than someone who is all white but tolerates fags/trannies
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:01.678000+00:00)
Do we have more shitskins larping as blackshirts?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:15.289000+00:00)
i'm white
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:17.147000+00:00)
We can have ideologically pure whites
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:24.534000+00:00)
Drop the false dichotomy
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:29.279000+00:00)
Exactly. But if I had to choose
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:31.663000+00:00)
but its sad that a mongrel puts out probably the best reading material in the struggle
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:42.174000+00:00)
I'd choose Slavros over Greg Johnson
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:43.468000+00:00)
and has to write a 150 page critique on why the altright is shit
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:48.877000+00:00)
James Mason and Hitler were mongrels?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:50.818000+00:00)
but your best argument is
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:53.354000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:38:55.310000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:39:18.029000+00:00)
You need a based nigger fascist
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:39:34.578000+00:00)
One could think of the possibilities if you guys directed your time to attack the kikes instead of fighting eachother.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:39:34.983000+00:00)
I am sure that many "White" Americans have some Native American blood in their past.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:39:56.983000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:00.024000+00:00)
the altright is kiked
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:07.283000+00:00)
Is that worse than being half steppe gook?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:07.887000+00:00)
nothing new under the sun tbh
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:33.741000+00:00)
It definetly questions the concept of Whiteness.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:50.853000+00:00)
you have a big tent movement that gets subverted easily because it stands basically on 0 principle other than "we want america to be white"
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:40:55.945000+00:00)
>When you're so fascist that you deconstruct race
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:06.156000+00:00)
but then you have guys in the altright who claim altright who are fags
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:13.891000+00:00)
the american struggle has been shit
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:15.364000+00:00)
Fuck the altright
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:27.330000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:37.565000+00:00)
i just believe in racial hierarchy
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:44.534000+00:00)
he didnt read 🅱 iege
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:41:53.317000+00:00)
Who didn't?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:42:02.798000+00:00)
i'm not an edgelord who thinks anyone who doesnt have white skin needs to be exeterminated
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:42:35.936000+00:00)
Except india
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:42:37.386000+00:00)
Marchers are the ultimate edgelords
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:42:45.892000+00:00)
The alt right doesn't exist
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:42:58.562000+00:00)
The right doesn't exist.
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:03.875000+00:00)
There is no 'right' and 'left'
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:09.149000+00:00)
If you have a group that you can't prove you're part of, nor prove you're not part of it then it by definition cannot exist
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:23.309000+00:00)
Everyone is alt right and no body is, it's basically Anonymous 2.0
Big B writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:34.670000+00:00)
We are legume
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:37.344000+00:00)
its just a big tent term
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:43:37.805000+00:00)
Right and left is a divide and conquer strategy,
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:02.153000+00:00)
It really is a big tent term coined by Spencer who was mentored by the jew gottfried.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:22.901000+00:00)
"Alt-right" doesn't exist without Jewish input
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:27.414000+00:00)
Spencer has no control of it though
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:31.614000+00:00)
Hey guys I'm alt right
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:36.680000+00:00)
I'm not alt right any more
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:39.507000+00:00)
What changed?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:44:47.639000+00:00)
Its meaningless.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:45:01.320000+00:00)
Spencer is only altright when a domain with that name is profitable
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:45:44.651000+00:00)
Whatever happened to Ramzpaul?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:45:55.806000+00:00)
Hes still on twitter
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:46:08.465000+00:00)
He got pissy and disavowed "1488ers"
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:46:16.894000+00:00)
Did ramzpaul have a group?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:46:19.280000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:46:45.675000+00:00)
I know he freaked out but did everyone just walk away when he started taking Jewish women to Spencer's conferences?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:47:05.131000+00:00)
he actually did that? lol
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:47:13.136000+00:00)
a jewess journalist
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T01:47:17.690000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:47:21.993000+00:00)
He looks rather suspicious to me.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:47:34.701000+00:00)
then told everyone no one could decide who he would and wouldn't be fruends with and reeee nazis
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:48:41.649000+00:00)
Ramzpaul took Heimbach's Jewish ex gf to a conference
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:49:19.012000+00:00)
I think he was hiding in Romania out of paranoia for some reason last year
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:49:55.879000+00:00)
RamzPaul fled to Hungary
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:50:03.080000+00:00)
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:50:36.358000+00:00)
I forget exactly why but, it was basically for his safety
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:50:40.243000+00:00)
I guess he got scared
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:50:58.585000+00:00)
Isnt he a moderate?
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:52:02.296000+00:00)
That is certainly a vague term but, Ramz is "pro White" in the weakest way possible
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:52:08.160000+00:00)
Civic liberal.
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:52:21.725000+00:00)
No one is scared of Ramz
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:52:40.673000+00:00)
Ramz is a lanklet that doesn't lift
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:52:57.613000+00:00)
Does anybody else think he looks funny?
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:53:07.169000+00:00)
Yes, he is generally unattractive
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:53:09.322000+00:00)
Everyone does
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:53:19.568000+00:00)
He's goofy af
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:53:24.108000+00:00)
Maybe even jewiness.
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:53:28.513000+00:00)
He has the worst voice
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:54:16.785000+00:00)
Hes probably a NRM member monitoring all this right now.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:54:41.102000+00:00)
If he commits harikari tomorrow, we know why.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:09.919000+00:00)
Ramz just sitting on the toilet crying eating pills after reading this thread
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:11.681000+00:00)
No way, he hates National Socialism
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:21.592000+00:00)
Ramzpaul looked part Jewish to me but he claims his 23 and me disagrees
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:25.704000+00:00)
Yet he made a video with Harold Covington
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:28.196000+00:00)
and this turned in burger conversation
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:40.974000+00:00)
The eternal burger
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:44.806000+00:00)
Burger mystery meat master race
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:53.231000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:54.516000+00:00)
Burger master race
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:55:58.066000+00:00)
A royale with cheese
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:56:01.572000+00:00)
Don't you understand? Burger KING
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T01:56:11.592000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:56:49.807000+00:00)
Burger Kangz. Have it your way, Bitch.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T01:57:03.855000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:58:04.920000+00:00)
That "statue" lasted one night irl
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:58:20.494000+00:00)
It was cheaply made and somebody kicked it over
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T01:58:40.182000+00:00)
Like paper mache
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T01:58:53.791000+00:00)
Talking about why their is no leader or organisation. BAM starts moving the discussion to the topic about a youtuber.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T01:59:39.586000+00:00)
Good point.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:00:08.419000+00:00)
There's no kwan leader because everyone here would rather shuck n jive for donations
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:00:21.241000+00:00)
I've met a lot of anglos and pretty much everyone just loves to talk. Horsing around all the time.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:00:41.680000+00:00)
We also have the worst police state ever
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:01:10.654000+00:00)
Hale, our last real leader, is doing 40 years in ADX florence
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:01:25.952000+00:00)
There is no leader because no one with suitable skills has been found yet.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:01:44.009000+00:00)
Our best leaders work for the enemy
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:01:48.046000+00:00)
Leadership is almost despised in this country. Even in our workforce, soft managers are favored over strong leaders.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:04.970000+00:00)
Mathew Heimbach (not sure on spelling, sorry) is about the best we're got
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:07.355000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032>. Why do you think Hale was a good leader?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:11.074000+00:00)
Amerimwan individualism is poison
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:26.087000+00:00)
Muh democracy, muh liberty, muh individuality is the predominant force in our Jewish empire
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:32.927000+00:00)
Because he was enough of a threat to be taken down by the feds
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:39.904000+00:00)
Whining, it's not going to get you anywhere. I won't sit here and compare our suffering. It's no point, we all have our problems. You have to learn how to work around them.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:02:52.882000+00:00)
Reasons, not excuses
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:03:31.953000+00:00)
He was a leader in his own way, but he had zero experience leading men.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:03:46.880000+00:00)
Everybody starts with no experience
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:05.091000+00:00)
The resumes aren't that great here
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:11.026000+00:00)
Deal with it
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:13.282000+00:00)
He is still there, zero experience leading men.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:26.351000+00:00)
Well if you don't have anyone why don't one of you guys become a leader?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:28.826000+00:00)
🇺🇸 🔫 <:putin:333560834318139394>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:31.854000+00:00)
Even if we got a leader what is he going to do? Collect all our youtube videos on a blog? What do you want from a leader?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:35.200000+00:00)
He's still there, in a cage, with monitored communications
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:45.617000+00:00)
Because not everyone is suitable to be a leader
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:04:58.385000+00:00)
No its not the resumes. Strong leadership is threatening.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:05:28.069000+00:00)
I'm an argumenative little shit, it makes me great for taking apart liberal bollocks and refining ideas but it makes me shit at getting people to work with me. If I tried to be a leader I would do more harm than good
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:05:43.342000+00:00)
Individualism is poison
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:05:49.058000+00:00)
We are poisoned
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:06:09.953000+00:00)
But it also works for calling out BSers
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:06:12.054000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> Will you follow me if I lead?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:07:11.845000+00:00)
Maybe we also have bad followers.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:07:17.742000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Maybe you have to look at yourself and learn to behave. Maybe thats your problem. I know your kind, you and I have probably a lot incommen but I learnd to restrain myself. Maybe you need to sit down and work on yourself.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:08:18.131000+00:00)
I have noticed that <@322409738124001280> is very argumentative.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:08:32.847000+00:00)
One cannot fix their base personality, that's genetic
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:08:43.648000+00:00)
Now imagine 150 million of him
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:08:48.976000+00:00)
I am sure you have your place in society.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:08:57.871000+00:00)
And me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:00.797000+00:00)
The way I think is simply not conductive to leading.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:19.650000+00:00)
Can you follow?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:22.092000+00:00)
I'm a great manager but a bad leader
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:30.883000+00:00)
A leader must see the positives and push towards his ideals.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:48.464000+00:00)
<@!307177682314199040> I have already chosen my leader. I have never worked in a group before I became a member in the Nordic Resistance Movement and you soon learn how important experience is, maybe experience that you can use when you find a better leader.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:09:56.253000+00:00)
Everyone can follow, it's a matter of finding the right incentive.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:10:00.929000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:10:11.048000+00:00)
I'd love to fall in line behind NRM
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:10:28.306000+00:00)
Take orders, complete objectives, etc
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:10:53.607000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Your argument is looking like the one faggots usually use. "Born this way" you can't change me!
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:11:10.591000+00:00)
A leader recognizes the strengths and faults of everyone under his command. And he hands out tasks according to the person's abilities.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:11:14.015000+00:00)
Every group I've tried here was shit
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:11:56.414000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889>. Apparently NRM is not interested in American members.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:12:00.903000+00:00)
My argument is that people have genetic components to their personality. It inclines them towards different responses that they cannot control. Learning to manage your genetics and environment is the best you can do.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:12:15.633000+00:00)
Without naming names every kwan group has one debilitating flaw
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:12:20.375000+00:00)
You can't make a nigger think like a white person no matter what you do
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:12:39.002000+00:00)
If you make him a fascist you can lol <@322409738124001280>
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:12:45.376000+00:00)
If you aren't involved in a group you should ask yourself what kind of things do a political organization need to have and learn that set of skills.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:13:34.247000+00:00)
You mean like my photoshop skills and the reason I joined this discord was to help research ways I could make propaganda for the UK movement and offer any help to the NRM I could?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:14.123000+00:00)
"The future belongs to the few of us willing to get our hands dirty." --Joseph Tommasi
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:16.853000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> I have been attempting to learn how a successful group is ran internally, but my research has produced little evidence of a successful group in existence. NRM seems to be the closest thing.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:25.551000+00:00)
A lot of us aren't willing to get our hands dirty.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:31.522000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Have you even really tried? If you have maybe going independent is the way for you. Analyze every argument the enemy makes and pick it apart.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:41.981000+00:00)
Including me.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:44.915000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> That's an excellent example of what you can do
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:14:45.322000+00:00)
We all could be doing more.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:15:13.376000+00:00)
Are you this naive?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:15:24.156000+00:00)
Since when did it matter if you picked apart the left's arguments?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:15:32.859000+00:00)
The left has never had a valid argument in it's entire existence
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:15:44.513000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114>. If you dont want to get your hands dirty, then we should be making babies.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:16:11.885000+00:00)
I can find you MRAs who completely destroyed feminists all through the 80s-90s. They got no platformed and ignored. Arguments don't matter for shit
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:16:42.620000+00:00)
<@307177682314199040> The most successful groups aren't nationalists but outlaws. Study how they organize.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:16:45.860000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> you there
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:17:12.879000+00:00)
What do you mean by successful?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:17:13.774000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:17:29.142000+00:00)
NSLF was great.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:12.477000+00:00)
Did the NSLF leave us with an organizational structure to follow?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:32.600000+00:00)
Wonder what NSLF would've turned into if Tomassi wouldn't have died.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:40.638000+00:00)
Would love some actual history of NSLF. It's supposed to be incoming with Mason's return.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:47.250000+00:00)
its coming
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:48.773000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Well their still making them and every argument you take apart and learn other people to argue is going to help in the long run. I know that and I totally agree with you. The problem with these people is that they only argue they didn't act. Nordic resistance movement is doing both. As you said before you thought you had a set of skills and couldn't change so I only made some suggestions how you could be useful.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:52.486000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:18:53.658000+00:00)
there will be a short book about NSLF
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:02.898000+00:00)
News paper clippings, photos, info., etc
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:07.743000+00:00)
I am salivating over that
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:32.253000+00:00)
Too much of Siege felt like a reference to a history that wasn't available
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:36.287000+00:00)
What is the ranking system of the NSLF?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:39.090000+00:00)
Yeah I agree.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:46.704000+00:00)
Thats why I'm excited to see everything thats going to be released.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:19:58.231000+00:00)
I know that Mason has a ton of archived shit thats going to be released.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:03.255000+00:00)
I'll make youtube reaction videos to SJWs! That'll save Europe!
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:08.232000+00:00)
He spoke at some college about "gangs and school shootings".
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:13.892000+00:00)
The college thought he was an exgang member.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:17.386000+00:00)
fucking hilarious
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:27.620000+00:00)
I'll read Siege and use it as my source to debunk every word they say!
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:32.411000+00:00)
That's why I'm so critical about "READ SIEGE" because it's so incomplete.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:34.445000+00:00)
Siege Heil!
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:35.988000+00:00)
I thought Mason lavished tommasi too much and didn't really go indepth of what he actually did only what the resultats was.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:20:59.998000+00:00)
i think a lot it has to do with legal shit
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:21:03.794000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I was talking about the jewish talking points.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:21:10.129000+00:00)
because James will never say anything he did or what NSLF did specifically
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:21:56.005000+00:00)
It seems that we are living in situation that Mason wanted to create,.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:22:31.161000+00:00)
Anarcchy, misery, rioting, attacks on cuckservatives, attacks on normies, etc.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:22:49.344000+00:00)
You have to push the whites into a corner before they act
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:22:50.927000+00:00)
Filling the country with non whites will colapse the system sure. But how many whites are prepare for a collapsed sysem?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:22:52.977000+00:00)
Per Mason
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:23:01.696000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> We really don't have a NS youtube talking guy. Deconstructing the other political parties narratives.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:23:14.878000+00:00)
Yea, you can do that not me
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:23:18.306000+00:00)
check my country mate
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:23:43.181000+00:00)
I'd end up between two kebabs with knives at her majesty's pleasure.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:23:56.800000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280>. I am fairly well positioned for a collapse.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:24:35.927000+00:00)
Well learn how to stay of grid. And don't show your face. Learn to act within the law. It's very hard but it's possible.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:24:51.076000+00:00)
Do you know the UK hate speech laws?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:04.087000+00:00)
Anything someone feels is an attack on their identity is hate speech
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:09.634000+00:00)
Not word for word but I have their very hard.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:19.407000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:28.972000+00:00)
So if I say "oi move shortie" to an Asian he can claim I was making a racist insult about his heaight. That's prison time
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:44.625000+00:00)
I would hate to live in the UK. How can you stand it there?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:25:52.078000+00:00)
In some places they made it illegal to "cat call" a woman, including saying hello when unwanted.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:26:02.165000+00:00)
Maybe you should change your residence? <@322409738124001280> I think that last one was an overstatement.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:26:08.092000+00:00)
I hate it here but there's no where else to go.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:26:18.079000+00:00)
Come to USA.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:26:37.699000+00:00)
I had considered that
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:26:38.699000+00:00)
My state is about 92% white.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:27:29.975000+00:00)
There are reasons the US is not suitable for me.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:27:37.763000+00:00)
why would anyone go to the usa?
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:27:43.591000+00:00)
I've talked to guys in the UK that are planning on moving to the US due to how shitty the UK laws are
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:02.051000+00:00)
the UK is whiter
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:07.057000+00:00)
The benefit of the US is space
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:10.632000+00:00)
If you want to live alone in peace the Kwa is nice
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:12.095000+00:00)
<@290601210640203776>. Because the UK is shit.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:18.461000+00:00)
In the UK you cannot live more than an hour away from a paki hive
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:22.768000+00:00)
the USA is shit. Every city is packed with non-whites.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:25.382000+00:00)
In the US you can
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:46.773000+00:00)
70% of the population is obese. It's a backwards place.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:52.777000+00:00)
<@290601210640203776>. Not in my part of the country.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:28:58.001000+00:00)
And what part is that?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:01.786000+00:00)
My state is 90% white and the least obese
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:15.447000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:21.723000+00:00)
Being obese is prepping for the collapse. When the food runs out they will survive long enough to eat the skinny faggots
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:30.889000+00:00)
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:33.264000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:44.833000+00:00)
Ok, so all the states that are the least populated.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:29:52.921000+00:00)
I'm not interested in living in the woods.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:00.204000+00:00)
What do yall think about the butler plan?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:00.302000+00:00)
No trees here.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:04.359000+00:00)
Covington's shit.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:11.317000+00:00)
Butler plan failed.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:11.338000+00:00)
Exactly. You can enjoy the empty white places without getting raped.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:16.474000+00:00)
I've been seeing a lot about it but I haven't looked into it.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:16.977000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Is their any place to look at your work?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:47.676000+00:00)
Covingtons a bad leader.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:30:52.216000+00:00)
how is Billings?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:00.106000+00:00)
No. I keep every community in a bubble. Sorry lad
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:03.875000+00:00)
Cascadians are ok people.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:10.710000+00:00)
Billings is awesome.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:17.763000+00:00)
I dont really care about Covington.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:18.634000+00:00)
I'd rather live in a white city....like in Poland.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:19.359000+00:00)
Billings is a dirty oil town
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:22.853000+00:00)
Is the butler plan reliable?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:37.056000+00:00)
heh..so the biggest "city" in montana is just a dirty oil town
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:37.969000+00:00)
Missoula or Kalispell are the best
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:41.528000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Afraid of being called a natzi?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:31:49.876000+00:00)
poland best place right now
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:11.013000+00:00)
call me whatever you want. I live in a town with active anti fa.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:11.159000+00:00)
Western MT is all pines and mountains
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:13.270000+00:00)
What is stopping ZOG from dropping muds into montana?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:14.068000+00:00)
Hes not giving billings an objective view.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:19.085000+00:00)
I'd rather not get home invaded
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:26.256000+00:00)
BASED POLAND is not taking in muds
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:34.234000+00:00)
What is stopping muds from entering any European country?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:40.294000+00:00)
US white cities get fucked my title 7
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:47.518000+00:00)
Poland will take muds when it's timw
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:32:59.366000+00:00)
Montana will take in muds too.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:01.776000+00:00)
they raise welfare for locals then get told they're racist and must import niggers to spend it on
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:10.391000+00:00)
So fuck Poland
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:16.679000+00:00)
Darkies prefer cities. Not very many cities here, but they are still coming.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:17.833000+00:00)
and if they refuse and give it to their natoves they get punished
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:24.811000+00:00)
We whites need our own cities.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:27.254000+00:00)
Just a shitty Warsaw country
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:35.648000+00:00)
have u been <@190525543505068032>
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:44.626000+00:00)
I've met enough of them to hate it
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:52.232000+00:00)
Have you been to MT?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:33:52.939000+00:00)
Then don't give your opinion.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:03.319000+00:00)
No, I haven't.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:05.665000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I understand that but isn't their any way for you to post some of your work anonymously on the internet?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:09.176000+00:00)
I'm glad Germany killed millions of polez
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:24.709000+00:00)
Don't give your opinion exitus
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:34.063000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> stfu
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:42.687000+00:00)
Fuck off croat
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:42.977000+00:00)
I'd sure as hell take beautiful polish cities over living in shithole america
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:45.183000+00:00)
poland is safest place in europe
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:54.870000+00:00)
he's a serb....
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:57.223000+00:00)
Yes, but any one watching here could link my identity to another username else where and start building a record of me.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:34:57.570000+00:00)
so is hungary
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:35:00.657000+00:00)
Even gayer
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-21T02:35:04.100000+00:00)
Don't flame eachother.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:35:24.941000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> sorry larping burger in town
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T02:35:25.644000+00:00)
I will cool my oven
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:36:03.886000+00:00)
If you moved to yankistan wouldn't you just get WACOed?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:36:16.812000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> I think you are too afraid. Maybe you should work on that. Anyway, can you do online teaching in how to photoshop?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:36:43.734000+00:00)
We dont live out lives in fear of being WACO'd.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:36:57.097000+00:00)
I've been to Danzig it has a really nice town center.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T02:37:01.888000+00:00)
That was in 1993
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:37:41.527000+00:00)
Everything around the town center is socialist functionalist architecture. Very sad.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:37:54.013000+00:00)
You don't know what to be afraid of until it's too late to prevent it
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:38:09.610000+00:00)
as a german said to me, he's glad the various german cities are under polish control. Otherwise merkel would drop a million migrants into them.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:38:24.968000+00:00)
Polish in the UK go paki bashing
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T02:38:57.794000+00:00)
im glad Uk is leaving EU so the Poles can't go and be exposed to the multicultural horror
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:39:23.646000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Maybe you have to learn how to live with the possibility of a death you haven't choosen.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:39:31.141000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> basically most of bashing the nonwhites in eu was done by slavs
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T02:40:17.795000+00:00)
altho i like stocholm subway bashing
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:40:55.026000+00:00)
Fighting the invaders is useful but it's also a bit contraproductive since our leaders are racetraitors and let in five figures of mongrols in your country every year.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:41:05.201000+00:00)
I'm already aware of how little control you have of your fate. It doesn't mean you act like an idiot and leave yourself open to attacks.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:42:16.322000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Making an anonymous account to another forum to link some of your work and expecting to get caught from that is a little paranoid. But that's my opinion.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:42:59.679000+00:00)
I don't want people to know I use an anime avatar okay?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:43:53.201000+00:00)
Every movement should understand that the immigrants are only a symptom not the actual disease. People that are paki bashers is only useful if someone can lead their frustration and anger for a higher purpose.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:43:53.530000+00:00)
Is the EU trying to fuck Poland yet?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:44:23.440000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:44:38.983000+00:00)
making the environment hostile and dangerous is a good insentive not to come to it
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-21T02:48:51.009000+00:00)
If off to bed so I can wörk wörk tomorrow. Take care and remember to struggle against this system every day.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T02:51:49.080000+00:00)
Whats everyone up so late for?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T03:19:16.634000+00:00)
the EU is trying to fuck poland but poland countered by demanding 200 billion euros from germany for war reparations <:troll:333285395259195394>
Exitus writes: (2017-08-21T03:19:28.681000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:07:17.561000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:07:22.664000+00:00)
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:29:24.178000+00:00)
are there any good similar studies with a larger sample?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:30:53.161000+00:00)
you don't really need studies to prove fags are no good
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:31:11.231000+00:00)
doesn't hurt when speaking the normies though
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:31:15.851000+00:00)
to normies*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:32:49.050000+00:00)
the normies are the ones who are least necessary to convince with statistics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:33:46.234000+00:00)
literally only people who care about statistics are your opponents who will never agree, they just demand research to make you look bad, if you have research they'll say its shit even if its solid, or else they'll switch to saying how statistics can't refute the personal experiences of people (anecdotal evidence)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:34:00.115000+00:00)
of course if you provide lived experiences of your own they'll demand statistics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:34:17.266000+00:00)
so its best not to rely on stats at all and hammer the point home using rhetoric
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:34:45.204000+00:00)
not necessarly the one you are in polemic with that you want to see the stats, there's always an audience when discussing publicly, for example on facebook or on other forums
svr writes: (2017-08-21T12:34:45.330000+00:00)
are you referring to sullivans study? the sample he used is large enough for scentific certainty. the issue is that he didn't provide explanation for if the "gay-raised" children really were raised by their gay parents during their whole childhood
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:36:00.702000+00:00)
yeah I know that, and its the audience who will be more impressed by vivid stuff and dominant attitude, not by statistics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:36:20.546000+00:00)
statistics as an argument tool is fickle just for that reason
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:36:29.938000+00:00)
you're not gonna go into them in such a discussion
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:36:55.854000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:37:03.269000+00:00)
^on arguing your opponents
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:37:07.892000+00:00)
good stuff
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:38:39.244000+00:00)
persuasion stuff? Trump, Scott Adams?
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:42:00.002000+00:00)
I don't why you can't be both dominant and still use stats, maybe I will have to read that one
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-21T12:42:15.819000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T12:42:36.373000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> did you have a link to SEIGE?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:43:09.020000+00:00)
you can but it literally goes out the window immediately because they don't actually care if you have stats, they care if you don't, soon as you have them they'll move
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:43:18.743000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> to the pdf? yeah. print is not out yet
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T12:44:08.247000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T12:44:42.615000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T12:49:45.494000+00:00)
"Hammer of the Patriot" sounds interesting
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T12:49:59.772000+00:00)
Not a fan of reading pdfs but ill give it a try
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T13:21:13.089000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T13:27:57.052000+00:00)
I read some more of Siege earlier
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T13:28:23.009000+00:00)
Mason appears to be a fan of satanists and Mansion. I'm getting the impression he's not someone I would enjoy being around
Breen writes: (2017-08-21T13:32:55.024000+00:00)
It gets better
Breen writes: (2017-08-21T13:33:03.758000+00:00)
Shit at first
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T13:38:04.309000+00:00)
Maybe so, I shall read more
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T13:58:22.489000+00:00)
Too many 'right wing' parties are cucking out to women leaders.
Sawilagaz writes: (2017-08-21T14:03:53.658000+00:00)
Manson did literally nothing wrong and is a fine example of somebody actually willing to put themselves on the line
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T14:15:31.029000+00:00)
One might be inclined to believe hanging around satanists and worshipping serial killers might not be the sign of a stable man with a good mind
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T14:26:58.058000+00:00)
I'm pretty sure our comrades who met him must have a pretty clear view of him
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T14:27:03.888000+00:00)
And from what they say
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T14:27:06.258000+00:00)
He is pretty cool
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T14:40:17.851000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T14:40:35.614000+00:00)
Quadroon still makes videos?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T14:47:17.043000+00:00)
>reads some third party book about Nazism
>basically propaganda
>quotes out of context
>message directly contrary to what NS is actually about
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-21T14:47:39.436000+00:00)
Ayn Rand, haha
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-21T14:47:43.074000+00:00)
yeah she's credible for sure
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-21T14:48:20.657000+00:00)
You can't quote a free market jew as a credible source about national socialism
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-21T14:52:36.661000+00:00)
Oh, so we are nihilistic relativists? How did I not know this? :(
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T14:53:38.620000+00:00)
Hey guys it's ya boy Enlightened Centrist, today we are going to learn about Nazism from this book by my favorite Jewish author.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T14:55:12.540000+00:00)
Atlus struggled is Twilight for people who like buying things
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T14:55:22.839000+00:00)
😂 👌
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-21T14:58:43.938000+00:00)
Oh sweet. Ends the video with "nazis are the real sjw".
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T15:00:13.771000+00:00)
Does any one take Sargon seriously any more?
Krogg Rache writes: (2017-08-21T16:05:49.926000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> what'd old neckbeard do now?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-21T16:16:40.300000+00:00)
scroll up <@254246408402632704>
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T16:28:47.427000+00:00)
Well I don't know how he tops raising another man's daughter
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T16:28:56.461000+00:00)
I think that's basically the extreme
Elusive writes: (2017-08-21T16:29:35.745000+00:00)
Damn Sargon is such an idiot ffs
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-21T16:29:47.868000+00:00)
He's a quadroon
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T17:05:53.888000+00:00)
he's only known as he was a good source for GG news. He was never anything useful in and of himself
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T18:16:28.457000+00:00)
Found siege as audio book
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T18:16:31.677000+00:00)
Good stuff
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T18:55:01.938000+00:00)
James Mason really got/gets around the "fringe" to explore new ideas, art, resistance methods, etc.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T18:56:16.942000+00:00)
There's a lot to be learned from Manson, too, if you can get past the drugs and weirdness.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T18:57:09.474000+00:00)
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-21T19:08:02.003000+00:00)
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-21T19:08:23.547000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T19:08:43.592000+00:00)
what a shit video
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T19:08:47.070000+00:00)
They can't even make good propaganda
Nivo writes: (2017-08-21T19:09:03.011000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-21T19:10:05.374000+00:00)
all the more reason to hate kikes
InjecTor writes: (2017-08-21T19:12:38.232000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5lShsePsD0 fuck 'em
noobtia writes: (2017-08-21T19:27:19.305000+00:00)
Lol super shit video by Antifa
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T19:51:03.781000+00:00)
You guys need to temper down the "Read Siege" mentality. It should only be consumed by men mature enough to handle it. There are currently a lot of rookie WNs right now, and their hatred is being enflamed. Siege like books may cause them to go overboard.
I am not invalidating the book, nor am I done reading it. I am just telling you to be more cautious over whom you advise to read it.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-21T19:51:49.820000+00:00)
Im not looking to debate it either.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T19:57:06.240000+00:00)
I get your point but i think there are a lot of people at least in this organisation that are mature enough to handle it.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-21T19:57:52.177000+00:00)
But then again this is a public server with lots of non-members.
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T20:00:52.543000+00:00)
I wish someone would've told me sooner to read the book so i wouldn't have wasted time in shit org.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T20:07:52.884000+00:00)
Nah man, all the guys looking for law and order should be recommended a satanist, Manson fan's book. It's the perfect welcome once they learn that niggers are destroying society
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T20:10:18.427000+00:00)
> when you get hung up on brief mentions of LaVey and parts about Manson ignoring the rest of the author's messages and points
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T20:12:30.126000+00:00)
Are you going to dismiss Hitler because of Nuremberg laws?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T20:13:48.097000+00:00)
It's not about the laws. It's the fact that he seems to be a poster child for a degenerate anarchist so far
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T20:16:53.070000+00:00)
> implying anarchy is objectively bad and cant be used in order to take power
Jason writes: (2017-08-21T20:16:59.429000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T20:18:07.508000+00:00)
<@!307177682314199040> Not really
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T20:18:24.385000+00:00)
SIEGE isn't for everyone, especially people fresh off Stormfront or the alt-right train
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T20:18:32.385000+00:00)
But it's not going to cause anyone to go mental if that's what you're suggesting
dylb writes: (2017-08-21T20:18:59.472000+00:00)
rather the opposite
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T20:25:40.103000+00:00)
maybe they will carve nazi symbols into their foreheads though
Gautrsson writes: (2017-08-21T20:35:35.960000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T21:03:24.265000+00:00)
Siege is the final "pill" if you will.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T21:05:54.933000+00:00)
As in, James Mason is the last extant National Socialist thinker that still writes beyond "yes NS is correct and here's why".
Snarf writes: (2017-08-21T21:06:54.865000+00:00)
He is a living connection to Rockwell as well
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-21T21:07:42.311000+00:00)
His experience with actual NS parties in their heyday is invaluable.
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-21T21:34:29.032000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T22:15:15.495000+00:00)
Just so we're clear here. Rockwell failed. Hitler failed, Mosley failed. Being connected to them is not some kind of auto positive.. They did not succeed and the battles they fought were infinitely different to the battles we're not fighting. "hitler said half jews were okay" or "Mason knew Rockwell" isn't an endorsement for any ideas or paths people should be using.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-21T22:16:23.577000+00:00)
enigmatically conflicted
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-21T22:17:26.835000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-21T22:22:08.994000+00:00)
atleast they tried faggot.
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-21T22:22:39.346000+00:00)
what have you done?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-21T22:22:40.658000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-21T22:22:55.940000+00:00)
>Rockwell was assassinated when he started getting too powerful, the whole world teamed up to stop Hitler and Mosley was imprisoned immediatly in the war.
Alba writes: (2017-08-21T22:23:23.578000+00:00)
Notice how all these men were threats to the system and nobody knows about, or gives a fuck about the countless, faceless moderate idiots since then who thought they could do better?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-21T22:24:52.810000+00:00)
>hurr durr hitler lost
>hurr durr I haven't even gotten off my ass
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T22:25:21.723000+00:00)
I've watched 3 houra of anime today, I am going to become Goku and fight anti fa as an anime nazi thank you very much
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-21T22:28:18.134000+00:00)
All I need is a katana and I could save Europe
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-21T23:20:02.880000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> Which way western man?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-21T23:37:37.257000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-21T23:38:07.196000+00:00)
irl memeing is the cringiest of cringes
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-21T23:38:17.611000+00:00)
9gag tier
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-21T23:45:02.780000+00:00)
Did someone say gas?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T00:43:59.397000+00:00)
IRL memeing is bad. It should get you roped
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T01:02:26.712000+00:00)
i would be 1st to punch him not antifa
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:10:11.866000+00:00)
they want to put a nigger pop singer up in place of the confederate statues
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T01:12:53.119000+00:00)
😁 🔫
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:14:27.760000+00:00)
How long would it take to build a space colony to get away from these niggers?
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:18:44.271000+00:00)
I wantto take http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Up-Zeon-Flag-Banner-90-150cm-Cosplay-/232137580772?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 to a rally
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T01:30:58.606000+00:00)
what u think will they print me this flag if i say its for like alternate history roleplay and stuff
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:36:12.330000+00:00)
depends who's printing it
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:45:10.506000+00:00)
I wonder if yu could "ironically" wear a full SS uniform to a rally if you bought it as reenactment
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T01:47:00.447000+00:00)
if i would wear something on rally that would be riot gear
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T01:47:15.212000+00:00)
unlabeled ofcourse
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:49:35.072000+00:00)
Riot gear seems increasingly vital yes
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:50:34.786000+00:00)
~I'm on stormfront reading the dating subforum
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:50:44.881000+00:00)
"dating and hiding your real views"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:50:52.922000+00:00)
> I find it nearly impossible to find a man who won't be completely turned off if he knew how I really felt.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:50:57.257000+00:00)
By "whiteboywasted"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T01:50:59.124000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T02:00:07.976000+00:00)
oh i am on their too but not posted that much
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T02:08:55.058000+00:00)
It's a ball ache to post
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T02:09:07.760000+00:00)
having to wait for a moderator to approve it makes conversation all but impossible
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T02:10:53.971000+00:00)
I might need to take a break from it all pretty soon. Getting black pilled again
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T02:35:09.819000+00:00)
Do you could as old if you're buying your first shed?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T04:50:28.452000+00:00)
No, but you count as a cuck if you buy a shed
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T05:18:06.371000+00:00)
Cucks buy sheds because the wife forced them out. Men buy a shed because they need a space to do dangerous shit in away from their usual habitat
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-22T06:51:06.092000+00:00)
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-22T06:51:25.240000+00:00)
Look into WHO murdered Reinhard Heydrich
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T09:45:52.246000+00:00)
So to continue the discussion on my thoughts being that elections are out and the gun isnt a option pre collapse. Do people here think elections or armed resistance can work now ?
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T10:34:30.781000+00:00)
Armed revolution is not entirely out of our reach
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T10:35:21.179000+00:00)
Either way, some degree of support from the general populace is required, there is no way around it.
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T10:37:04.801000+00:00)
Elections can be used to gain a foothold once the amount of support is high enough
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:11:48.650000+00:00)
do you see this working anywhere so far ? In the countries already heavily effected by immigration. What gives you hope that it can work
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:16:32.503000+00:00)
Have we tried?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:17:12.363000+00:00)
Why are you so blackpilled
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:17:27.946000+00:00)
Of course it's possible
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:17:46.958000+00:00)
Without will there's no possibility, and you clearly lack will
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:18:59.063000+00:00)
nationalists globally have been trying for 70 years with the same results utter failure
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:19:54.295000+00:00)
as time is not on our side when do you think is the cut off point How low shoudl the white population be before we except we need to try a different path. 10% 5% or should we try to win electorally till the last white man is left standing
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:19:57.955000+00:00)
Frankly, your attitude is dangerous and a threat. This pessimism and passiv nihilism is what keeps us staggered and apathetic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:20:10.570000+00:00)
It's not National Socialistic at all
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:20:31.302000+00:00)
say if the population of whites maes up 10% of the total population of a country. how do you imagine it would be possible to win by a majority
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:21:48.019000+00:00)
Why are you here if you don't believe in neither a democratic take over nor an armed revolution
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:22:08.254000+00:00)
how about south africa do you think the whites can take back the country by voting ? direct question to staaf
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:22:13.104000+00:00)
It's not in the spirit of national socialism to just give up and sit and moan and blackpill others
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:22:29.622000+00:00)
It's not about voting, it's about taking it back through force
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:22:37.780000+00:00)
perhaps more publicity more advertising ? would that help the whie south africans take back the country
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:22:54.182000+00:00)
im asking you to explain how you think it will work
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:23:32.120000+00:00)
given the evidence points to the contrary
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:24:54.929000+00:00)
I've given you the answer already
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:24:58.281000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:25:59.660000+00:00)
Now or after a collapse
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:26:18.753000+00:00)
What I'm opposing is you coming here and moaning about how everything is lost and how there's no way we can do anything about it, you spread a contagious blackpill that contrasts with the spirit and attitude of National Socialism
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:26:29.590000+00:00)
Either of them would work
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:27:00.720000+00:00)
i never said there is no way you made that up yourself to fit your own narrative
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:27:03.356000+00:00)
It'll be easier when everything collapses, but if we have the option, I would say right now
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:28:27.390000+00:00)
do you think it is realistic can you imagine a group doing that and making a success of it ?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:29:03.952000+00:00)
I just think it's detrimental to have your attitude, that's my issue. Sure, lets wait for collapse. But then don't moan about it
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:29:07.647000+00:00)
Normall when a nationalist uses force he manages to kill 1 white person and then get life in jail. the only exception would be anders from Norway
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:29:23.921000+00:00)
It's better than doing nothing
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:29:47.309000+00:00)
Everything that causes ruckus to the system is a win
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:30:24.795000+00:00)
im not moaning or plan to in the future. I was being mocked yesterday for sharing a order15 meme and then asked to give my thoughts on direction. I just wanted others here to educate me on their idea of how we can succeed
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:30:47.021000+00:00)
ok let me ask you who do you think rules the world
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:31:18.284000+00:00)
would be great if anyone else reading this would also give their opinion
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:31:50.491000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:31:52.430000+00:00)
Watch this
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:32:33.038000+00:00)
i dont know why but i cant watch video but i will for sure watch this later
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:32:52.294000+00:00)
you said that earlier as well
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:33:13.977000+00:00)
ok i try to search for it myself in youtube
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:33:23.596000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:33:30.435000+00:00)
Use youpak then
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:33:31.261000+00:00)
but perhaps while im doing that you can give me your thoughst on who you think rules the world
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:33:53.159000+00:00)
The ultra rich and the bankers
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:34:56.171000+00:00)
They are the ones who can put demands on governments and make threats of withdrawing from the countries
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:35:31.403000+00:00)
ok so how do they do it are they using twice as much electoral staff during elections ? are the setting off bombs in opponents HQ'S or what
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:36:11.007000+00:00)
ok this link works i have it on now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:36:18.654000+00:00)
what kind of question is that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:36:20.643000+00:00)
They are threatening the governments of withdrawing from the countries and minimize the tax income by moving to a different country
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:36:53.869000+00:00)
or putting factories elsewhere making workers lose their jobs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:36:59.979000+00:00)
or just jobs in general
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T11:37:57.578000+00:00)
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T11:38:02.839000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:39:40.237000+00:00)
I don't acknowledge foreigners as legitimate voters
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:40:04.425000+00:00)
The media companies do have some role as well, although they aren't as powerful as investment banks, bankers and global companies. As they can spinn the narrative in ways which would be a disaster for the politicians
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:40:43.610000+00:00)
I do however want support from some of my fellow whites, enough to go to war
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:41:04.738000+00:00)
i ask the question because i believe the rulers of the world dont spend their time campaign in election or ever have done. Nor do i think have they used arms. Of course now they use arms to take other countries resources but on a domestic level they dont have have never used arms at home to secure their position. So i was thinking maybe we should model ourselves on how they did it. and are still doing it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:41:41.097000+00:00)
I don't acknowledge the "democratic" elections as legitimate at all, although I will still vote
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:41:42.102000+00:00)
Of course they used arms
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:42:00.212000+00:00)
ok to be fair 9-11 could be considered as a domestic attack to further their position
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:42:12.676000+00:00)
you can't model yourself on how the enemy did it
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:42:13.212000+00:00)
Remember WW2
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:42:18.831000+00:00)
>because it's how the enemy did it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:43:03.455000+00:00)
They've used force, but they've hired others to do it for them
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:43:53.022000+00:00)
<@341989303179673603> here's a simple way of putting it.
A King's castle is under siege by foreign invaders and all the ways in are blocked off, except a secret passage that is known to the enemy. They take the passage and take over the castle. Now you want to reclaim the castle using THAT SAME PASSAGE and expect the guys who used it to take over to have NOT destroyed it OR set traps for you in it?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:43:59.468000+00:00)
And the French Revolution had Rothschilds using their pawns to get the message before others, wars are like the number one thing investment bankers and ultra rich use to further their capital
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:44:14.120000+00:00)
because they can calculate the consequences and rise of demands from war
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:44:22.937000+00:00)
and shortages of other produce
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:44:44.277000+00:00)
im against violence for many reasons but for one reason it the surest way to go to jail in failure. the state has the right so well monitored you can not lift a finger in that direction without them knowing about it. and the news papers are littered with monthly examples of people being caught thinking about doing it.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:44:56.024000+00:00)
Do you think the Arab springs happend on it's own? The French Revolution? The Communist Revolution in Russia? Etcetera
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:45:15.307000+00:00)
Nicarauga, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:45:18.992000+00:00)
you name it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:45:38.160000+00:00)
>against violence
You lost
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:45:45.977000+00:00)
that's because you are a coward and not commited.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:45:55.348000+00:00)
you don't truly believe in national socialism and revolution
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:46:06.549000+00:00)
i did word it to explain i understand in other countries they use arms to get the resources i was talking domestically as im sure no one here is interested in taking the middle east
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:46:21.639000+00:00)
there's no difference
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-08-22T11:46:26.039000+00:00)
I came in and read `against violance` wew
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:46:29.825000+00:00)
you're talking about universal principles here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:46:42.839000+00:00)
violence is always the last resolve ANYWHERE
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:21.172000+00:00)
In Sweden the Aschberg and Nya Banken funded and armed the Russian Bolsheviks
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:22.650000+00:00)
and you are at a stage where its already becoming *the last* resolve, i.e. sole option, no others left
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:32.566000+00:00)
im talking about every time a white man raises arms except anders from norway it ends in utter failure. How about charlottvile was that pro active running down that woman
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:44.382000+00:00)
>every time
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:45.522000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:48.402000+00:00)
is that the sort of violence that you guys are talking about
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:47:55.683000+00:00)
you're an idiot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:48:05.853000+00:00)
UTR wasn't even supposed to be violent
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:48:14.915000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:48:20.257000+00:00)
but the idiots who went there refused to believe that the state would facilitate the violence
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:48:24.152000+00:00)
which it did
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:48:46.525000+00:00)
police purposely made the confrontation inevitable by pushing UTR into the antifa with no police buffer in between them
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:31.694000+00:00)
no but that guy clearly thought doing what he did was worth him going to jail for the rest of his life. what use is he now to the cause and at the same time he gave the worlds media what they wanted
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:37.533000+00:00)
anyway m80 you are simply avoiding thinking in terms of real politik and instead want to try to play the political game of the ruling system WHICH IS RIGGED AGAINST YOU
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:41.396000+00:00)
Robin, you are twisting it to fit your argument
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:52.194000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:58.231000+00:00)
which is what cowards do
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:49:59.220000+00:00)
What Breivik did was for the better in my opinion
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:13.387000+00:00)
very few people even get why breivik did what he did
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:23.510000+00:00)
getting caught was actually LITERALLY part of his plan
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:31.938000+00:00)
so that he could then do more damage to moderates
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:42.439000+00:00)
smth that he talked about well after the trial and the hype was done
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:54.638000+00:00)
We'll never get good PR from media whatever
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:50:58.715000+00:00)
his whole manifesto was a fucking fake out and part of that plan
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:51:02.287000+00:00)
So MUH PR is irrelevant
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:51:35.208000+00:00)
well im not being critical of what he did im just sighting it as a very rare instance where a nationalist type didnt go to jail for just planning a attack or carrying out a attack and it being a total failure from their own political prospective
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:51:50.234000+00:00)
*"St. Anders bombed ZOG offices and shot up an entire communist indoctrination camp, then he proceeded to blame it on the zionist kosher nationalists and has been trolling the liberal Norwegian justice system ever since. And after his plans had succeeded brilliantly and the damage was already done, he openly declared allegiance to Adolf Hitler and came into the court throwing roman salutes. He's basically Bane IRL."*
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:14.716000+00:00)
St. Anders, nice
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:27.912000+00:00)
anders however was pro jew this is accepted by most people
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:39.288000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:43.701000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:47.870000+00:00)
so he cant be deemed a national socialist can he
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:48.772000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:52:54.758000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:53:10.202000+00:00)
reading what you wrote or copy pasted doesnt mean he wasnt pro jew
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:53:26.488000+00:00)
you idiot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:53:37.961000+00:00)
*"From his prison cell, the confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik in January 2014 circulated a letter in which he repudiated all association with the Counterjihad and anti-Islamists. He gloated over how easy it was to fool the Western mainstream media (MSM) into supporting his intended witch-hunt on peaceful anti-Islamists:
"I tried to hint about this double-psychology, by quoting war is deceit x number of times, but I couldnt make it more obvious, as it had to be credible to the aggressive army of 2000 media psychopaths (the MSM-rape-squad). The hug-your-opponents, kick-the-ones-you-love-tactic is one of the oldest in the book.The infiltration of the Freemasons, followed by the publication of the Freemason-pic, was in fact a deliberate and calculated attack against them."
"When dealing with media psychopaths, a good way to counter their tactics is to use double-psychology, or at least so I thought. The compendium was, among other things, of a calculated and quite cynical gateway-design (the 2+?+?=6-approach), created to strengthen the ethnocentrist wing in the contra-jihad movement, by pinning the whole thing on the anti-ethnocentrist wing (many of the leaders are pro-multiculti social democrats or liberalists), while at the same time protecting and strengthening the ethnocentrist-factions. The idea was to manipulate the MSM and others so that they would launch a witch-hunt and send their media-rape-squads against our opponents. It worked quite well."*
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T11:53:47.084000+00:00)
"then he proceeded to blame it on the zionist kosher nationalists "
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:01.508000+00:00)
he pretended to be projew to blame the kosher nationalists
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:11.006000+00:00)
I lived in Norway i knew anders he stopped talking to me because i was critical against his js support for jews
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:19.771000+00:00)
sure you did buddy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:31.913000+00:00)
that's why you bring it up so late into the discussion
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:54.003000+00:00)
no i just dont think its something to boast about
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:54:58.132000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:55:17.309000+00:00)
and I think you talk like a weasel
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:57:28.663000+00:00)
i suggested to him that he start a political party a nationalist one as there was no nationalist political parties in norway at the time. he explained to me that there was and there for no need for one to be started i asked him to send me details of parties he was talking about he sent me links to conservative main stream parties that had pro zionist views. I questioned him about it and we fell out over the subject.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:57:35.084000+00:00)
-Violence can't work
-it does
-didn't work for Breivik
-not the actual example for what we're talking about, but it did work for his purposes still and those purposes were good
-w-well he's a jew lover!
-a lie that was part of his plan
-Nn-no! I knew him p-personally!
-no you didn't
-i-i just don't think i-its something to b-b-boast a-ab-b-out
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T11:59:10.909000+00:00)
and you should all know that nationalism is a small world and its not uncommon for people invloved to know the same people all over the world. Norway is a small country with a tiny nationalist circle if you lived in Norway that time and where involved in nationalism it would be kinda odd if you hadnt at least heard of anders
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-22T11:59:12.248000+00:00)
Getting arrested is only a problem for those who don't take sufficient precautions and willingly leave evidence everywhere
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:59:33.805000+00:00)
I'm calling bullshit because you brought that up only after being proven wrong repeatedly
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T11:59:53.599000+00:00)
who the hell buries the lead on having personally known breivik?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:03.203000+00:00)
in a breivik debate no less?
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:23.771000+00:00)
why lie about it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:26.497000+00:00)
it wasn't your opening argument, it was only something you brought up after I got a direct sourced refutation of your claim
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:31.157000+00:00)
>why lie
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:38.234000+00:00)
to support your nonargument
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:40.015000+00:00)
so you think im lying to help win my argument
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:45.620000+00:00)
you bet I do
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:00:53.449000+00:00)
that's what all cowards do, so it fits the mold
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:01:37.384000+00:00)
like how people come up with retarded stories about what SIEGE promotes, yet all they come up with is stuff that Mason repeatedly refuted as idiocy in SIEGE itself, so they lie about having read it and make up its contents
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:01:49.454000+00:00)
I've seen this done too many times not to be suspicious of this kind of shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:01:59.721000+00:00)
and what you did is a red flag indicative of this being the case
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:02:16.941000+00:00)
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:02:55.601000+00:00)
i only lie for money or for personal safety neither of which are involved here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:02.983000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:05.936000+00:00)
If you are against violence, but you say that democratic options and parliamentary win is not going to be possible, what's your solution then?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:06.789000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:11.145000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:22.014000+00:00)
also that's LITERALLY what you are lying for
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:23.638000+00:00)
the latter
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:26.067000+00:00)
personal safety
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:34.817000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:42.772000+00:00)
violent means do not offer personal safety
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:49.372000+00:00)
cnaboc do you have a job
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:54.621000+00:00)
so its in your interests to lie about ineffectiveness of violent means
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:03:59.518000+00:00)
What does that have to do with it
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:09.829000+00:00)
well we are talking about lying for money
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:10.652000+00:00)
he's weaseling his way out of this again that's what
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:20.460000+00:00)
actually we're talking about lying for safety
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:23.733000+00:00)
so i want to know what job he has where he never has to lie for
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:49.097000+00:00)
we're talking about activism and violence right now m8
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:50.518000+00:00)
You don't have to lie to get money or to do a decent job
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:04:58.313000+00:00)
and it's out of context
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:05:02.725000+00:00)
for example do you think a person that sells houses for a living do you think they would be good at their job if they didnt lie
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:05:27.897000+00:00)
how about a internet provider
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:05:28.273000+00:00)
maybe if you are a scrupulous investor/owner/CEO
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:05:44.823000+00:00)
ok can you give me a general idea of what it is you do for work
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:06:20.596000+00:00)
You just don't bring up the flaws if that's how you want to operate
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:06:26.368000+00:00)
actually its cool dont worry about it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:06:27.632000+00:00)
You don't have to lie
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:06:58.417000+00:00)
okay so the tl;dr on Robin Hodd is this:
-he admitted himself that he'd lie for personal safety
-is against violent means
-makes suspect claims that would support his argument
-when faced with accusation of having lied for cowardly reasons he doesn't put up much resistance, isn't even insulted by the accusation of having lied
-moves on to discuss an entirely different matter to distract from the fact of what had just happened by shifting the discussion into the topic of lying for money at your job
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:07:16.513000+00:00)
ok but you know i realised that like with the left it a waste of time arguing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:07:37.378000+00:00)
maybe you did, maybe you're just saying stuff that is convenient
thissiteisshit writes: (2017-08-22T12:08:11.791000+00:00)
ill leave you in peace to slap each other on the back at how right you where and how i was lying about every thing a jew and all the rest of it i wish you well in you suicide missions
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:08:29.386000+00:00)
you already said too much stuff that sounds like weasel behavior so you can easily make hard to argue general claims that would help you out but I have to now look at them through the potentiality of being a weasily lie
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:10:28.241000+00:00)
FinnBrudal - Today at 12:34 PM
Armed revolution is not entirely out of our reach
Robin Hodd - Today at 1:11 PM
do you see this working anywhere so far ? In the countries already heavily effected by immigration. What gives you hope that it can work
Robin Hodd - Today at 1:18 PM
nationalists globally have been trying for 70 years with the same results utter failure
as time is not on our side when do you think is the cut off point How low shoudl the white population be before we except we need to try a different path. 10% 5% or should we try to win electorally till the last white man is left standing
O.Staaf - Today at 1:19 PM
Frankly, your attitude is dangerous and a threat. This pessimism and passiv nihilism is what keeps us staggered and apathetic
It's not National Socialistic at all
Robin Hodd - Today at 1:20 PM
say if the population of whites maes up 10% of the total population of a country. how do you imagine it would be possible to win by a majority
Robin Hodd - Today at 1:44 PM
im against violence for many reasons but for one reason it the surest way to go to jail in failure. the state has the right so well monitored you can not lift a finger in that direction without them knowing about it. and the news papers are littered with monthly examples of people being caught thinking about doing it.
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:10:54.318000+00:00)
<@125946854662864896> What is ur opinion about this?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:11:29.769000+00:00)
>be a nationalist
>but also a coward
>theoretical debate stage
>violence doesn't work guys
>planning stage
>y-you know, I knew breivik, and this is all wrong
>organizing stage
>a-and overall, I'm actually against violence for many reasons
>is being dragged to the Race War front line
>aaaaa I-I-I AM ALSO A P-P-PACIFIST!!!!!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:12:13.231000+00:00)
Against Armed Struggle, Against Democratic wins = What's the options? Why do you claim to be national socialist if you think everything is lost and not willing to sacrifice anything?
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:00.563000+00:00)
<@125946854662864896> Said that he doesn't support what breivik did.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:02.773000+00:00)
You don't further the goals by spreading blackpills while not advocating anything as possible
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:23.354000+00:00)
the discussion isn't even about breivik
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:27.733000+00:00)
its about political violence
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:36.031000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:46.832000+00:00)
But hans is voting left side.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:13:51.219000+00:00)
the only related part of the breivik topic was how Hodd supposedly knew Breivik personally
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:14:06.570000+00:00)
What was his solution? Corporate domination?
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:14:25.466000+00:00)
<@125946854662864896> Why do you vote left side?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:15:14.279000+00:00)
Money corrupts, how would you be able to make the world national socialist by the means which jewish bankers use?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:15:47.932000+00:00)
Is Hans writing in this channel, if he does I can't see it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:15:57.226000+00:00)
oh, now he is
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:15:57.259000+00:00)
I am extremly right
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:16:28.792000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Do you believe this guy?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:17:57.786000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:18:18.985000+00:00)
Hans, we just had a discussion in private message.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:18:43.866000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> He was just larping, he wasn't willing to commit.
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:18:58.879000+00:00)
Apparently he wants immigrant to have free entrance into Sweden
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:19:30.999000+00:00)
Cus he says its good for our econemy
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:19:39.943000+00:00)
Not sure really what you're talking about, I can't comment on your private conversations
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:19:48.925000+00:00)
It's not good for the economy
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:20:07.832000+00:00)
That's what i said, but he kept coming with the comments ''Immigrants can go wherever they want''
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:20:15.808000+00:00)
Send screens?
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:20:24.222000+00:00)
Sure, will do.
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:20:25.657000+00:00)
i havent wirten that
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:20:33.190000+00:00)
You can't stand up for what you said in here?
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:22:36.908000+00:00)
send screens.
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:22:44.314000+00:00)
Coward, that is what you are.
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:23:30.208000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:23:38.918000+00:00)
It's draining the economy, they have to sell off state owned plots and companies, add hidden taxes, raise the costs for non-immigrants on healthcare , medicine and other subsidies as well as how they want to convert money which is meant to stabilize the currency to give the goverment
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:23:40.082000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:10.160000+00:00)
Please read this Hans.
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:16.264000+00:00)
Might make you understand the problems we have.
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:24.667000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:37.205000+00:00)
Any arguments against this?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:48.487000+00:00)
Send screens if he said something different
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T12:24:52.605000+00:00)
Problem solved.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T12:25:24.025000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:25:30.092000+00:00)
Will do.
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:25:54.932000+00:00)
i'm waiting
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:26:09.132000+00:00)
You removed all messages?
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:26:18.835000+00:00)
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:26:42.871000+00:00)
send pic on your then?
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:26:55.183000+00:00)
Will do, sec
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:26:57.620000+00:00)
Stop arguing in here, it gets schizophrenic
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:27:06.921000+00:00)
i have never writen with you
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:27:30.262000+00:00)
We will take it over to PM.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-22T12:27:55.704000+00:00)
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:28:10.675000+00:00)
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:28:15.428000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T12:29:07.539000+00:00)
What is happening?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T12:29:23.150000+00:00)
Sounds not-mental-healthy conversation
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:29:35.662000+00:00)
We took it over to PM
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:31:02.008000+00:00)
no i have never writen with you
Hans writes: (2017-08-22T12:31:23.882000+00:00)
i think that Septicc is not mental-healthy
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T12:31:28.773000+00:00)
I don't care. I'm going AFK
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:31:37.102000+00:00)
cya dude
Septicc writes: (2017-08-22T12:37:56.154000+00:00)
<@125946854662864896> You there?
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-22T12:55:03.430000+00:00)
Septicc sounds like a a troll
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T13:58:41.014000+00:00)
Afternoon lads
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:03:37.686000+00:00)
Afternoon penguin
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T14:07:31.099000+00:00)
That's sir penguin the third of his lordships line thank you very much Mr. N4
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:09:24.499000+00:00)
Oh right, in case any foreigners don't get it
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:10:04.105000+00:00)
N4 = Näste 4
R1 = Rede 1
It's our territorial divisions of Sweden/Norway, we put it in our usernames so people from our territories can more easily get in touch
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:10:18.669000+00:00)
I don't know what the Finnish word is but I think it starts with an N aswell
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T14:10:58.543000+00:00)
and here I thought it just meant that there are 3 other daniels in here so you had to specify that you are the 4th one
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:11:09.054000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:11:15.898000+00:00)
I'm sure there are more than 4 of us
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T14:13:39.569000+00:00)
you mean 4, and sure, but you are the 4th, so the rest had to take a number after you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T14:13:45.587000+00:00)
Daniel N5, N6, N7 etc
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:13:58.379000+00:00)
Can yall check the website on the Join Us page and tell me if thr format is fucked up
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:14:04.552000+00:00)
Im on mobile
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:14:19.634000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:14:49.660000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> Looks like it was written on a phone
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:07.403000+00:00)
The formating is fucked?
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:13.680000+00:00)
I suppose, if it wasnt intentional
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:15.878000+00:00)
I'll screencap
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:18.038000+00:00)
I didnt do it
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:21.663000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:26.533000+00:00)
I wrote the material
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:41.865000+00:00)
I dont have permission to edit the page
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:15:50.937000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T14:16:03.388000+00:00)
Yeah that looks shitty
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T14:16:35.347000+00:00)
was gonna screen it too. Looks like it was all written in that segment title headliner font
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T14:16:57.597000+00:00)
why do I feel like the Calfornia one is a bunch of spics going "aye aye aye papi, I am more huwhite den you, I have 2 white grandmamis, jew only have 2 white granddaddies. You is spec, I is the new Hitler when I get my new rims!"
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T14:17:52.842000+00:00)
Fucking burger nationalism
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T14:27:52.796000+00:00)
Did you guys see a lot of conspiracytheory podcasts picjed up on charlottesville?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T14:31:42.787000+00:00)
those are as numerous as they are inevitable
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-22T14:34:14.634000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T15:19:25.537000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> well nest = pesä or maybe pesäke in Finnish. But our groups are named by city or area. Pirkanmaa, Jyväskylä etc.
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-08-22T15:32:06.117000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T15:34:15.279000+00:00)
Oh BTW they are running new spying laws in Finland because our terrorist attack
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-22T15:49:36.522000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114>. Is AWD in ND, SD, WY, or MT?
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T15:50:50.831000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T15:50:59.525000+00:00)
We have a couple lonewolf chapters.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-22T15:51:05.169000+00:00)
I didnt think so.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-22T15:52:21.520000+00:00)
So a chapter of one member? Or a chapter of multiple closed cell operators?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-22T15:54:50.309000+00:00)
Your wording is confusing because chapter implies multiple members, but lone wolf is only one man.
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T15:56:39.944000+00:00)
whats the spy law changes?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:01:23.923000+00:00)
They can do basically any surveillance without people knowing about it
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:01:47.599000+00:00)
Changes are mostly for it and tele stuff. Ie now they can install Spyware on devices
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T16:01:53.624000+00:00)
DM me
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T16:02:30.881000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-22T16:02:47.066000+00:00)
Ill be at work ill get back to you as soon as im free
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-22T16:03:16.956000+00:00)
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T16:04:27.346000+00:00)
Did it pass?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:05:04.899000+00:00)
They are going to rush it through
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:05:20.428000+00:00)
Ofc it will pass 😬
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T16:18:48.728000+00:00)
You gonna get britbonged son
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T16:18:52.832000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:19:39.347000+00:00)
Yup. 1984 inc
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:19:55.516000+00:00)
They also can do spying without any concrete crimes related
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:20:15.115000+00:00)
So if you are radical or against humans etc its good reason for spying
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:20:24.389000+00:00)
Surveillance would be better word though
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T16:20:29.789000+00:00)
oy peeps
Mecha Dinosaur writes: (2017-08-22T16:23:17.904000+00:00)
they were probably already doing that TBH
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T16:45:59.684000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> ffs Snowden revealed they spy on Americans like crazy but he also said "what they're doing in Europe is rape compared to the spying in America"
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T16:46:15.771000+00:00)
Assume everything is monitored unless you exchange encryption keys irl
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T16:46:29.641000+00:00)
And even then forget it if anyone has an Intel chip made after about 2006
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:46:36.361000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:47:00.674000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> most likely yes but now everyone knows that they do it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T16:47:02.566000+00:00)
The best you can hope for is hide from the leftards and save the illegal stuff for irl without phones or windows nearby
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:47:40.701000+00:00)
Leftards is not big issue here
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T16:48:29.454000+00:00)
Also never do anything illegal <:putin:333560834318139394>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T16:55:59.399000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:04:05.941000+00:00)
Where are you from?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:04:20.717000+00:00)
Oh uk
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:07:31.903000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> how can a black turtle neck be illegal?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:07:46.637000+00:00)
what's the connotations and what do they frame you for
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:08:52.247000+00:00)
Why do they sell them in UK then?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:08:56.104000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:10:47.796000+00:00)
Like the "Hets mot folkgrupp" law in Sweden then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:11:01.729000+00:00)
it's up to the interpretation of the judge and court
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:11:20.839000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:11:28.592000+00:00)
that one is just ridiculous
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:12:07.723000+00:00)
There's a MAGA hat as an exhibit in a holocaust museum
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:12:10.438000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:12:17.301000+00:00)
If that doesn't mean MAGA hats are illegal, then idk what does
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:12:51.087000+00:00)
Because they hate white people <@322409738124001280>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:12:53.555000+00:00)
It's all logical
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:13:06.638000+00:00)
Btw, what if you're alone and wearing a black turtleneck
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:13:15.927000+00:00)
But it's a Hugo Boss turtleneck <@322409738124001280>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:14:10.962000+00:00)
Saying paki is illegal, too
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:14:12.699000+00:00)
Isn't it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:14:26.654000+00:00)
Two gypsies tried to steal a baby in Denmark
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:14:39.657000+00:00)
they are literally the folklore trolls
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:01.917000+00:00)
Wtf do you think where did the stories come from? <@273524703577243648>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:02.191000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:13.146000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:15.499000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> I already knew it came from gypsies
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:22.780000+00:00)
Also, jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:26.055000+00:00)
just clarifying it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:29.542000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:46.445000+00:00)
for a second there I thought that was the logo for "google 2.0" or some shit
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:15:47.334000+00:00)
Btw, I saw a graph but didn't save it which detailed missing children in the USA by month over a few years and marked when the jewish purim thing is
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:16:27.108000+00:00)
Like, the number goes up before purim and then it drops
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:16:41.695000+00:00)
Almoast as if someone had to abduct them before purim 🤔
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:16:46.704000+00:00)
Some older cases:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:17:04.115000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:17:24.414000+00:00)
Aryan kid turned Gypsy:
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:18:07.341000+00:00)
Btw, you know how they treat their own kids
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:18:14.887000+00:00)
Imagine what they do to those that aren't theirs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:18:30.281000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:18:42.625000+00:00)
ffs a gyppo family sold their own daughter to another gyppo family so they'd have someone to clean the house and their son didn't have to jerk off
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:18:46.229000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:19:02.596000+00:00)
The family that were the purchaser in said story lived in my town
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:19:34.922000+00:00)
they defeacate in the streets, nothing is sane about gypsies
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:20:03.065000+00:00)
Thankfully we're still too "barbaric" so they're too afraid to do that here
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:20:13.762000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:20:42.903000+00:00)
I'm thankful I didn't but it sounds like you ahve a story to tell <@322409738124001280>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:20:52.079000+00:00)
No, wait, that's the checens <@322409738124001280>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:21:41.427000+00:00)
Did they inherit the street defecation from their poo in loo ancestors
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:21:55.118000+00:00)
must run deep within them then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:22:51.751000+00:00)
Another headline:
"Life inside the Romanian gypsy ghetto that is so grim the town mayor sealed it off behind a wall"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:22:53.690000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:24:10.333000+00:00)
so if they can kidnap a girl she's yours
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:24:12.460000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:24:53.707000+00:00)
Nah, gyppos are incapable of systemic destruction of society
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:25:05.010000+00:00)
I think they're aware of their nature as parasites
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:25:23.018000+00:00)
They were offered Madagascar since the jews didn't go there
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:25:31.405000+00:00)
They said no since there's nobody to steal from
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:25:39.160000+00:00)
I would rather have gypsies, they are mostly littering and begging
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:25:56.034000+00:00)
they are a nuiscance but muslims are far worse as a whole
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:26:10.873000+00:00)
they seem themselves as superior than Europeans, gypsies don't
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:27:34.208000+00:00)
That's what happens when you don't kill one here and there (hypothetically) <@322409738124001280>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:27:55.856000+00:00)
Like, a cop asking for riot police here to help with gyppos would be laughed at and fired here
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:28:03.941000+00:00)
You take the stick all cops have and beat them
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:28:29.678000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> that's our arabs and somalis
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:28:45.266000+00:00)
but they are worse than that though
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:28:46.623000+00:00)
That's the kids of local politicians here kek
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:28:52.476000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:29:18.794000+00:00)
Like seriously, those sometimes get out of hand
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:29:38.969000+00:00)
When idiots who have no business having power and are unable to raise kids have power and teach their kids they're better than everyone
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:29:43.300000+00:00)
And also have power to fire cops
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:30:34.939000+00:00)
Things get out of hand and get worse till some reporter does a story, the parent loses the position and the cops can then do their jobs and beat the kid into being normal
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:32:52.384000+00:00)
Not often
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:33:20.362000+00:00)
But once a lawyer's only child was gunned down in the hallway in her building and he stopped being political in the newspapers
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:33:39.637000+00:00)
The alleged killer was found near where I live by a cop who is corrupt as hell
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:33:51.842000+00:00)
The cop would pull you over when you did nothing and ask for petty bribe
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:33:58.821000+00:00)
I'm talking about 2€ worth
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:34:17.525000+00:00)
He'd go to the ATM with you or take some food if you had it on you
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:35:05.882000+00:00)
Anyways, he found some random homeless guy who was happy to be in jail (food and housing) with the gun which was in a plastic bag (almoast as if someone put it there so the prints don't wear off or something)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:35:19.375000+00:00)
The cop worked just outside Zagreb
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:35:34.667000+00:00)
A town which shall rename nameless for this discussion
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:35:40.248000+00:00)
The cop's name is Siniša
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:35:47.908000+00:00)
He got promoted away
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:36:08.281000+00:00)
His uncle is some bigshot in the police, that's why he was never fired for incompetence/corruption
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:37:12.906000+00:00)
The lawyer's last name is Hodak if you want to google a bit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:37:34.233000+00:00)
This is like some story you would hear in the local pub
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:37:43.049000+00:00)
Google it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:37:45.386000+00:00)
That all happened
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:37:52.493000+00:00)
And the cop is like I said he is
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:38:16.791000+00:00)
I only got pulled over by him once and he took 50kn off me which I thought was petty back than (about 7€)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:38:33.383000+00:00)
But I heard him taking a burek or 10kn
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-22T17:40:51.820000+00:00)
>taking a burek
He likes to play with his life, huh?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:41:41.688000+00:00)
I trust you
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T17:41:56.212000+00:00)
i would risk my life ffor good burek
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:43:11.836000+00:00)
What ethnic composition do Moldovans have?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:43:15.188000+00:00)
Slav and more?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:45:22.358000+00:00)
His uncle was a bigshot so he wasn't at risk for losing his job <@!195981647605137408>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T17:46:04.093000+00:00)
As I said, I only heard about that one but I was in the car when he took 50kn to not do an alcohol test
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:46:15.847000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-22T17:47:25.735000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> not talking about jobs fam
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:50:05.391000+00:00)
Why are there niggers in Moldovia?
Viper writes: (2017-08-22T17:51:01.316000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-22T17:51:05.946000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:56:12.102000+00:00)
Haaretz is a crazy site
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:56:26.667000+00:00)
Read this headline: "Israel to High Court: Law Seizing Palestinian Land Is Humane Response to 'Distress' of Thousands of Settlers"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:56:36.451000+00:00)
imagine if that had been Europe
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:57:13.826000+00:00)
Israel is fucked up
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:57:18.686000+00:00)
"Sweden seizes Jewish land as a humane response to "Distress" of thousands of settlers"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T17:57:22.601000+00:00)
they would go nuts
noobtia writes: (2017-08-22T17:57:52.465000+00:00)
Oh and hi Mossad if you're reading this. No offense mates
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T17:58:46.447000+00:00)
say hi to Supreme Commander Rabbi Goldstein for me
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-22T18:12:01.262000+00:00)
>Barcelona's chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel because 'Europe is lost'
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T18:17:30.893000+00:00)
inb4 things get better as a result of that
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T18:20:20.603000+00:00)
What's up
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-22T18:30:29.346000+00:00)
antisemitism <@344159336072871936>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-22T18:35:05.790000+00:00)
we are mocking mossad
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T18:57:13.701000+00:00)
im halfway into siege, good stuff
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T18:57:49.808000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T19:08:26.156000+00:00)
This article was really great:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T19:08:39.302000+00:00)
haha, what a shitstorm
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T19:12:48.004000+00:00)
typical jew behavior
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-22T19:20:39.067000+00:00)
Wow that was some hard proof of Friberg being a jew. Not surprised seeing the lunatic Sinead Mcarthy commenting and agreeing.
Frog writes: (2017-08-22T19:33:14.389000+00:00)
follow the money!
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T19:54:54.779000+00:00)
Who's the author of that blog?
maru writes: (2017-08-22T20:08:52.517000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Retarded article, the proof is just ridiculous. I even remember the demonstration where he encountered Wåg and some other AFA leftists. There was no secrecy, and that twitter conversation proves nothing.
maru writes: (2017-08-22T20:09:08.476000+00:00)
It's just a random smear article by anti-nationalists like Sinead
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:15:08.549000+00:00)
where do you think Friberg, Spencer and the rest of Alt-Right stands on the JQ?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:15:31.129000+00:00)
I think Alt-Right is purely for the money
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T20:16:14.635000+00:00)
I don't know much about the Alt-Right but they sure don't seem to be very revolutionary
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:18:09.801000+00:00)
it's a corporation <@344159336072871936>
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T20:18:52.205000+00:00)
I'm just a bit confused about it all.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:19:11.472000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:19:39.657000+00:00)
highlight "Corporation" in the article
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T20:19:59.993000+00:00)
So what are you guys thoughts on people with distance Jewish ancestors. Do they have any place in the "movement"?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:20:17.870000+00:00)
"By the time an AltRight Corporation board member formally unveiled its creation at a February conference in Stockholm, many Americans thought of Spencer as the racist who got punched on camera during Trump’s inauguration."
maru writes: (2017-08-22T20:21:06.664000+00:00)
Even if you can prove that some of the people in the Alt-Right have economical interests in this, it doesn't change the fact that Alt-Right has been very successful in reaching out to the youth in america, but also in certain european countries
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:21:23.904000+00:00)
If they prove themselves trustworthy, the nürnburg race laws have to apply as a minimum. I would be weary though
maru writes: (2017-08-22T20:21:26.188000+00:00)
It's a movement that has a lot of promise, I think
Conan Mindset writes: (2017-08-22T20:21:49.408000+00:00)
They can be part but, I do not think they can ever be leaders
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:22:07.622000+00:00)
I agree on that Conan
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T20:22:31.426000+00:00)
Spencer was mentored by the jew Paul Gottfried
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:23:11.233000+00:00)
And that's proof of him being jewish?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T20:23:14.455000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-22T20:23:21.935000+00:00)
<@181313292067667968> totally agree on that. <@273524703577243648> can you explain the nurnburg race laws your referring to?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T20:23:37.862000+00:00)
Just that he's more tolerant of jews than say the average commenter here
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:24:27.637000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:24:40.329000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T20:24:40.728000+00:00)
The altright, and seemingly the French new right that Spencer draws heavily from, are more ambiguous in relation to jews
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:24:44.534000+00:00)
Still he's a threat to them, as evident of the blackmailing campaign against his mother
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T20:25:56.671000+00:00)
I think some of it is just rhetoric though. Like when Spencer btfoed that rabbi asking him to study Torah with him.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:26:03.193000+00:00)
less than 1/8th of a jew is allowed
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:27:35.453000+00:00)
Both, of course they saw a chance to profit but still, they all got behind the jew pushing the matter
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:27:48.938000+00:00)
Meaning, that it was, to a quite high degree, political
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:28:40.236000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> you know the IN version of the Third Reich racial laws chart right/
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:28:43.656000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:29:58.155000+00:00)
took quite a bit of work, but its the most complete compilation of Third Reich racial laws in one image
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:30:00.622000+00:00)
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:30:30.621000+00:00)
Well, the thing is, had she been the mother to for example McInnes, I highly doubt this would've happened
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:31:44.901000+00:00)
Thanks, haven't seen it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:01.552000+00:00)
took forever to make
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:24.055000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:25.876000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> what's your opinion about the Alt-Right and wether they are jews or not
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:27.098000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:33.630000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:38.842000+00:00)
issat a srs queshn?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:57.338000+00:00)
I wrote a whole thing about the Altright
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:33:59.125000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:34:53.621000+00:00)
redpill <@125247087809003520>, <@301477300602535936> and <@319899857685053442>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:35:08.562000+00:00)
we have <@248883877991546880> from Alt Right here, Christoffer Dulny
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:35:16.348000+00:00)
they can just read Zero Tolerance?
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-22T20:35:21.736000+00:00)
Most people today alive are jews
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-22T20:35:32.455000+00:00)
we need to kill our innerjew before battling the outerjew
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:07.587000+00:00)
is there any credibility to this site? https://spencergate.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/spencer-cryptojew/
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:22.455000+00:00)
never seen that site before
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:23.251000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:26.577000+00:00)
if anyone is interested
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:48.684000+00:00)
the complete IM chart is open source, as in we provide a psd of it that people can use if they want to translate it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:36:54.796000+00:00)
into other languages
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:37:11.164000+00:00)
"He wants to create a generation of educated, well-dressed, upstanding nationalists and leaders," says Teitelbaum, who knows Friberg personally. "It is about the view that you can't change politics at the polling booth, you have to change the culture, you have to have people who can write, speak and produce art and media to go out and change culture before you have a political movement. That is what he wanted to do."
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:37:16.387000+00:00)
all info here http://ironmarch.org/index.php?/topic/7096-third-reich-racial-laws-master-graphic/
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:37:17.002000+00:00)
about Friberg
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:37:24.523000+00:00)
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:38:04.389000+00:00)
The question was not about Fribergs stances, but the claim that he was of jewish ancestry
Herman Lundborg writes: (2017-08-22T20:38:13.565000+00:00)
Teitelbaum is a pure jewish surname, yes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:38:23.209000+00:00)
Why is a jew financing him? http://archive.is/HyNMQ
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:40:13.613000+00:00)
I just get extra suspicious, when Eckelstein, Friberg (Freiberg) and Dulny all have jews with the name
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:40:56.698000+00:00)
sure, jews steal names, but three of them all have names which also jews share
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:41:27.203000+00:00)
here's the thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:41:49.021000+00:00)
there's plenty to disregard spencer by even if he's not in with the jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:42:13.941000+00:00)
for sure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:42:19.106000+00:00)
because everything he says and does as part of his own self-advertising is enough to call him a soft faggy libshit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:42:24.753000+00:00)
so he's in the trash already
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:42:41.625000+00:00)
figuring out if he has jewties after that is interesting to be sure, but you won't put him any deeper in the trash for it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:43:23.440000+00:00)
but yeah his stances would be ones that are more favorable for the jews
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:43:36.836000+00:00)
btw you seen him on fucking greatest ally tv giving an interview?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:43:40.860000+00:00)
"I'm a white zionist"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:43:48.206000+00:00)
if you are to believe this, https://spencergate.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/nina-kouprianova-%E2%98%AD/
his wife is commie
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:44:01.190000+00:00)
his wife is some dugine bitch
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:44:09.161000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:44:15.397000+00:00)
so that's automatically in the trash too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:44:42.793000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:44:49.806000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:45:27.076000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:46:00.738000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:48:01.694000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Yeah I saw that "White zionist" crap
Victor writes: (2017-08-22T20:48:18.599000+00:00)
You guy's heard about Patric Brinkman the rich pro-sionist who tried tried to infiltrate the swedish nationalist scene ? Well Friberg used to be close to him too 🤔
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:48:28.010000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:03.509000+00:00)
spencer is just a weak, effeminate fratboy dork, that description is so apt for him its honestly incredible
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:29.069000+00:00)
he's the dork of the frat house but he tries to be popular but ends up talking about his dork shit like D&D and startrek
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:33.061000+00:00)
financed by a jew, close to a jew which tried to infiltrate the scene
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:44.001000+00:00)
btw he seriously talked about startrek in that texas uni speech
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:46.252000+00:00)
posing with the founder and leader of antifa Sweden
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:49:46.359000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:11.884000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:16.455000+00:00)
completely unrelated but
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:18.970000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:24.011000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:34.365000+00:00)
like i said completely unrelated but hah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:50:42.155000+00:00)
same folder as the spency in the trash one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:51:01.199000+00:00)
wherever we go, we must purity spiral
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:51:24.240000+00:00)
do they even adhere to "don't punch right" anymore
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:51:48.428000+00:00)
well not after UTR now that they are all shouting "GET RID OF THE NAZIS AND THE SWASTIKAS"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:51:57.693000+00:00)
who's punching right *now* AH?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:52:03.851000+00:00)
and unlike us they really are punching right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:52:12.002000+00:00)
since we're to the right of them when we punch them its to the left
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:52:15.922000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:52:35.235000+00:00)
>but then again left and right is an arbitrary relativist construct so fuck it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:53:02.186000+00:00)
yeah really not relevant scale, but just for the sake of the argument
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:53:09.782000+00:00)
should go full Plato and start asking people instead "Are you in the Cave or in the Sunlight?"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:53:10.255000+00:00)
by their scale so to say
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T20:53:36.823000+00:00)
>well i'm a commie
>i'm conservative
>now wait a second
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:54:27.937000+00:00)
I like that metaphor
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:54:33.748000+00:00)
Always the sun
Victor writes: (2017-08-22T20:54:54.048000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-22T20:55:37.768000+00:00)
Brinkmann is the fat guy on the 2nd right.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:55:55.079000+00:00)
did you see this <@338790534086656030>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:56:10.998000+00:00)
the most sjw reporter in all of Sweden
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:56:38.450000+00:00)
too many coincidences
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:56:57.473000+00:00)
what were you refering to Mecha
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:57:25.561000+00:00)
that she's the most sjw, or who's on his picture
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T20:58:02.706000+00:00)
anyhow boycott arktos
Victor writes: (2017-08-22T20:58:47.818000+00:00)
Oh Yeah i remember that moment. There is something very wrong with miss Pascalidou.
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:01:51.176000+00:00)
its not like people keep top ten lists of 'most degenerate reports in sweden' fam
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:01:58.370000+00:00)
with sources and a bibliography
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:02:27.643000+00:00)
How long before they're calling for interracial children on the news to fight racism I wonder
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:04:48.160000+00:00)
They will with enough time
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:04:56.124000+00:00)
I think FEMEN did it actually
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:05:18.541000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:05:20.328000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:05:21.241000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:05:47.301000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> if you were a Swede you would agree
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:06:13.071000+00:00)
Hint fam, retarded feminist groups is where it starts before bleeding over into the mainstream left
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:06:17.276000+00:00)
she's a bad SJW though, just doing it for the virtue signaling, she doesn't seem to believe it really
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:06:20.980000+00:00)
They did it with fags, non-whites and now pedos
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:07:12.894000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:07:39.558000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> I've seen pics of Brinkmann with some Zionists
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:07:39.916000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:00.769000+00:00)
Saw it a few years ago when I was googling around for him and people he had ties with to see what the identitarian movement in Sweden was like
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:04.598000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:26.466000+00:00)
incestual pedo bestiality prostitution
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:34.607000+00:00)
like in weimar germany
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:48.783000+00:00)
haha, not sure what's left
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:51.556000+00:00)
entire families whoring themselves and their children out to do freak sex acts with animals
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:54.139000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:08:56.414000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:09:11.864000+00:00)
no need to scale them
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:09:15.427000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:09:20.487000+00:00)
it's all equally bad
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:09:28.251000+00:00)
and everyone who engages in it deserves a fair trial 😃
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:09:45.726000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:00.690000+00:00)
I don't even view it as crime and punishment anymore
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:03.924000+00:00)
It's just racial hygeine
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:06.306000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:08.586000+00:00)
Like picking off a scab
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:16.479000+00:00)
Can agree with that
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:32.627000+00:00)
There's no point in rehabilitating someone who rapes a child or sodomizes a corpse
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:11:38.103000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> I think the guys on Nordic Frontier said some liberal party was pushing necrophilia
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:12:18.658000+00:00)
I'm not even sure why there exists so many fetishes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:12:26.051000+00:00)
probably jewish indoctrination
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:12:55.460000+00:00)
I mean these are the worst, plus scat and that type of shit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:07.150000+00:00)
but there are way too many varieties to even make sense
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:13.374000+00:00)
That's a part. I think once you stray from reproductive sex things need to get weirder to stay interesting
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:18.374000+00:00)
Like drug addiction
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:25.883000+00:00)
good point
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:26.779000+00:00)
More work for the same high
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:13:59.125000+00:00)
It's completely disconnected from the biological and the emotional, it becomes like a drug addiction. And like any addiction, you develop a tolerance and need more and more
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:14:58.181000+00:00)
its all satanic af though
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:00.884000+00:00)
Sex connected to biology is pretty fucking great, pun intended.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:07.604000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:09.267000+00:00)
Im very sure Swedish elite are engaged in pedo rituals and shit
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:20.407000+00:00)
Blood Libel fam
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:23.773000+00:00)
'hoax' my ass
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:51.088000+00:00)
Power trip?
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:52.319000+00:00)
>dozens of sources from around the world catalogue jews kidnapping, raping and sacrificing gentile children for passover
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:15:59.233000+00:00)
'anti semitic hoax'
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:16:19.307000+00:00)
Evil elites control you and your kids, they like to steal your role and pervert it
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:16:31.566000+00:00)
Both, it's like an initiation
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-22T21:16:38.232000+00:00)
"Haha goy you can't even save your kids."
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:16:44.869000+00:00)
And an ego thing, you can do the most vile, disgusting things imagineable and get away with it
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:16:52.539000+00:00)
It's both like Alba says
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:03.279000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:04.021000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:15.983000+00:00)
or something
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:28.028000+00:00)
basically aye
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:29.126000+00:00)
It's a path to power because they're satanic filth who are completely devoid of morals and decency, so they have no limits stopping them from just ruining other people for personal gain
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:30.434000+00:00)
You can't leave the group because then they'll out you
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:34.301000+00:00)
And it's like a group self-defence mechanism
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:17:44.295000+00:00)
You can't betray them because of the things you did with them will go public
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:18:13.356000+00:00)
Yeah, and that secrecy and doing depraved shit makes you power mad and raises your self esteem
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:18:17.046000+00:00)
Pretty sure David Cameron shagged a dead lamb when he joined a fraternity in university
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:18:32.843000+00:00)
"We're capable of doing anything, no one can do anything about it"
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:18:36.282000+00:00)
He even admitted it iirc
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-22T21:18:54.305000+00:00)
Was a pig, wasn't it?
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:06.197000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> a kalashnikov can do a lot about it <:dream:333302050979053580>
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:09.055000+00:00)
or just a rope 😄
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:10.444000+00:00)
There was some anecdote from a US army officer that described him accidentally walking in on a giant fag orgy involving various members of British/American high command from WW2
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:20.182000+00:00)
Not sure if I believe it, but it's possible
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:30.626000+00:00)
Richard Nixon went to Bohemian Grove and said it was "the faggiest thing I've ever seen"
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:31.243000+00:00)
Montgomery, Eisenhower
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:34.333000+00:00)
yeah, guess why we can't have power without force of will
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:19:48.452000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:20:40.306000+00:00)
It's some sort of new trend the whole rape play or being into the girl acting like a child
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:20:56.502000+00:00)
oh yeah
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:21:02.158000+00:00)
I'm on tumblr and it's everywhere
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:21:08.329000+00:00)
DomDaddy/LittleGirl fetish
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:21:10.215000+00:00)
not sure even of the term
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:21:13.540000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:22:42.654000+00:00)
sorry im not going to spank my gf while she goes 'UwU daddy unff'
aalbin writes: (2017-08-22T21:22:44.124000+00:00)
sounds highly decadent
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:23:18.284000+00:00)
There was a study a few years ago showing that men get aroused by females only if they weren't gay. While women got aroused by men, females AND animals
aalbin writes: (2017-08-22T21:23:56.431000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:24:30.047000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:24:47.647000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:25:50.307000+00:00)
>women are subconsiously programmed to look for traits that indicate a man is a compentent and good provider
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:25:51.794000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:26:06.139000+00:00)
>men programmed to look for traits that indicate high fertility/easy childbirth
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:26:18.092000+00:00)
Yet one is evil and the other is not?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:26:34.967000+00:00)
For the guys, the findings were straightforward enough: The straight men in the study were physically aroused by women, gay men were aroused by men, and neither group felt any stirrings for the apes. The men's physical reactions (erections) were in agreement with what they reported being turned on by.
The women in the study, on the other hand, didn't react as predictably. While they reported feeling aroused in the ways you might expect (straight women were turned on by men, lesbians by women), measurements of their vaginal blood flow showed that they were physically aroused by all the forms of coupling they saw — even the bonobos. Still, when asked after viewing them to report which images they found titillating, most of them chose only those which matched up with their sexual orientation. Were they lying?
Not exactly. The women in Chivers's study were aroused by all the images — but that doesn't mean they desired to have sex with the people (or animals) they saw. "Women have the capacity to get turned on by a broad range of things," she says. "This is normal and not necessarily a challenge to sexual identity."
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:27:25.099000+00:00)
I never said either was evil, I said disliking women and thinking less of them for that is stupid and bitter
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:27:35.219000+00:00)
And it's fucking weird Staaf
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:27:42.272000+00:00)
Mine gets turned on by me doing yardwork ffs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:28:02.217000+00:00)
Haha, yeah.. I guess I will never understand women
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:28:58.349000+00:00)
Honestly it sounds like you're bitter against nature because you can't stack up to the universal, biological desires of women
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:30:46.354000+00:00)
Ok fine, it's perfectly acceptable to dislike niggers because of that because they are an alien entity and those traits clash with our own. It's not ok to dislike something that is nature-ordained, beneficial and fundamentally eugenicist at it's core because you personally are one of the people that fail to pass the test
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:31:20.703000+00:00)
Yes, because the nature of men and women are different
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:32:13.249000+00:00)
we're not making an ethno state we're making imperium
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:32:23.096000+00:00)
Anyway I dont think women being naturally attracted to superiority is a bad thing
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:32:49.114000+00:00)
Why are you comparing it to Jews engaging in subversion then
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:32:51.611000+00:00)
Then why do you appear resentful to them because of that?
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:01.142000+00:00)
Pfft far from it
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:19.373000+00:00)
Female nature isn't destructive, it's just currently misguided because they're not doing what they should be doing
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:32.356000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:37.518000+00:00)
I'm not against womens choices I'm against the virtues and morality and strive of today for both females and males
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:38.697000+00:00)
>women and men seeking out the best biological and psychological traits in other in order to reproduce
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:41.951000+00:00)
which is superficial
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:43.670000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-22T21:33:48.404000+00:00)
you don't respecc wamen?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:34:22.031000+00:00)
the materialism of today has no good foundation to stand on
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-22T21:34:24.741000+00:00)
>women rants
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-22T21:34:29.338000+00:00)
I'm tired of these
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:34:51.755000+00:00)
<@227243283905118209> eh, still better than theology discussions
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:04.408000+00:00)
Yeah, but we encourage it the wrong way
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:06.077000+00:00)
men exploit women for reproductive access in exchange for resources <@322409738124001280>
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:12.411000+00:00)
Yeah no shit, they want to ensure a good life for their offspring
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:15.459000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:23.005000+00:00)
ofc women will go for men that has resources
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:34.512000+00:00)
Superiority = Resources > Survival = Natural attraction
It's an attraction to superiority, not the resources themselves
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:45.703000+00:00)
That's why I get all the girls, it's my fat stacks of cash.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:35:54.938000+00:00)
partying and advertising on social media isn't beneficial as I see it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:36:08.690000+00:00)
it's delusional
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-22T21:36:32.945000+00:00)
women are not logical creatures
and when given enough freedom like under feminism they do what their vagina tells them
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:36:35.072000+00:00)
if not in moderation, a fraction of what some people do today
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:37:22.642000+00:00)
I mean take Kardashian as an example
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:37:39.717000+00:00)
that's not something to strive to be like, but some women do that today
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:39:01.032000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:39:18.060000+00:00)
is it beneficial for the race?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:40:12.568000+00:00)
that's why I said that the virtues, morality and strive are what's wrong today
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:40:24.147000+00:00)
people get rewarded for the wrong actions
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:41:29.720000+00:00)
who did?
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:42:00.839000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:06.117000+00:00)
how come alba gets canada role but I don't
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:08.794000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:16.955000+00:00)
racist swedes
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:36.269000+00:00)
he's one of your people
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:39.549000+00:00)
an englishman
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:45.472000+00:00)
just seperated by an ocean
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:51.402000+00:00)
have some compassion 😢
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:55.822000+00:00)
Are you canadian?
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:45:58.081000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:00.855000+00:00)
tell a mod about it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:06.557000+00:00)
they'll reassign you
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:09.996000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:15.659000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:20.728000+00:00)
It's a bong, makes sense for being pathologically autistic. Up there with modern germans tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:31.041000+00:00)
The roles are based on geography not nationality
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:33.029000+00:00)
It's for networking
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:38.795000+00:00)
What's up everybody?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:45.217000+00:00)
oh, if he's in US it makes sense
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:46:52.882000+00:00)
i'm not in the US tho
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:09.292000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> not much, eating yoghurt
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:15.324000+00:00)
going to bed soon
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:26.486000+00:00)
there's no difference
Alba writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:29.318000+00:00)
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:38.611000+00:00)
New World = White World
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:54.230000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> What did you do to piss off a minority today?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:55.088000+00:00)
isn't Canada on the way of becoming like Europe anyway
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:47:58.879000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:04.330000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> nothing I guess
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:04.780000+00:00)
i live in chink central
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:12.302000+00:00)
I don't really strive to do that most of the time
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:13.419000+00:00)
going outside is like walking into china
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:20.610000+00:00)
aren't chinks better behaved at least
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:38.430000+00:00)
yeah but they own everything and rent/sell only to other chinese
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:57.982000+00:00)
they raised the chinese flag over the town hall a while ago
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:48:58.144000+00:00)
there were some chinese exchange students screaming on the subway here today, so I'm not sure, at least they weren't all cocky
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:05.434000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> They are pissed that we exist
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:09.885000+00:00)
but they were like 12 so I accept it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:21.017000+00:00)
all staring at their phones playing some anime game
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:26.496000+00:00)
chinese are the kikes of asia
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:26.615000+00:00)
while screaming in chinese
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:40.928000+00:00)
the chinese and vietnamese are the worst
Cannon writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:51.022000+00:00)
japs and philipinos are somewhat better
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:49:58.664000+00:00)
I remember that fake rice thing earlier this year or last year
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:50:12.101000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-22T21:50:17.239000+00:00)
Do you guys see any future alliance's with Asian countries?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:52:23.869000+00:00)
This Jap is cool:
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:52:43.605000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-22T21:52:57.982000+00:00)
Assad did nothing wrong
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:53:26.528000+00:00)
This is basically a Japanese NS tv channel, or ultra-nationalist right-wingers anyway
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:53:33.985000+00:00)
They have 217 008 subscribers on YouTube
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:54:08.799000+00:00)
They generally view the war as a defensive war
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:55:03.229000+00:00)
Hopefully they'll shoot them on sight
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:55:14.153000+00:00)
Weebs who move to Japan or Korea are scum of the west
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:55:20.854000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:55:36.177000+00:00)
He's more of an anarchist
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:56:04.229000+00:00)
Seems like it, he want to erase everything
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:56:16.749000+00:00)
If you want post-war Japanese Fascists the closest you'll get are Sakura TV and the student nationalists of the 1960s/1970s
HMan writes: (2017-08-22T21:56:55.379000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:13.095000+00:00)
I'd rather live in a clean and strong Europe
HMan writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:21.252000+00:00)
you're a clever one though, not using a smug anime girl pfp
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:46.974000+00:00)
Zynkyoku Haku is this Japanese NS
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:47.037000+00:00)
Sure it is
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:49.943000+00:00)
It just takes more effort and dedication
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:57:53.727000+00:00)
like some kind of samurai NS
dylb writes: (2017-08-22T21:58:21.973000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> all NS are samurais in the hagakure sense, in a non-weeb way
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T21:58:41.927000+00:00)
Yeah, I understand the analogy.. I agree
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T22:37:52.807000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T22:37:59.485000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-22T22:38:06.254000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T22:38:45.973000+00:00)
that redneck himself probably
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-22T22:38:53.650000+00:00)
or he might even be too stupid to make it himself
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-22T22:44:15.111000+00:00)
that's weird af
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-22T22:44:36.806000+00:00)
not even sure if that's cucking or just stupidity
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-23T02:57:07.406000+00:00)
what a dumbass tbh
Draug writes: (2017-08-23T03:13:36.232000+00:00)
It is hilarious
Big B writes: (2017-08-23T03:15:17.593000+00:00)
Big B writes: (2017-08-23T03:15:34.042000+00:00)
Vague writes: (2017-08-23T06:58:04.823000+00:00)
Append .link or . to to browse onion urls on the clear web
lifsferill writes: (2017-08-23T06:58:49.020000+00:00)
fbi infiltrator.
lifsferill writes: (2017-08-23T06:59:18.428000+00:00)
most likley not one of us but pretending to be .
lifsferill writes: (2017-08-23T07:00:01.631000+00:00)
lifsferill writes: (2017-08-23T07:00:09.970000+00:00)
just like this
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T07:17:50.917000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Haha how does anyone fuck up the 14 words
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T07:18:14.273000+00:00)
I mean they are the 14 words because the words are 14
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T07:18:24.541000+00:00)
That picture was hillarious 😄
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T07:19:28.439000+00:00)
Is it a joke or is he just a retard?
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T07:22:50.860000+00:00)
It seems like it's serious
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T07:23:04.962000+00:00)
But I don't know
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T07:29:58.133000+00:00)
can't be a joke tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T07:30:10.228000+00:00)
you can identify jokes, including bad ones
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T07:36:35.276000+00:00)
also this poster panic in 'straya is hilarious
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-23T08:13:43.939000+00:00)
Have dick and balls? That'll be $75.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-23T08:13:44.341000+00:00)
austerity writes: (2017-08-23T08:14:49.669000+00:00)
The look on my normie friends when I tell them to google image search on "european people history". Priceless.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-23T08:15:53.463000+00:00)
<@341674343279099904> I did that.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-23T08:15:54.222000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:17:03.713000+00:00)
try google searching for anything
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:17:06.135000+00:00)
white couple
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-08-23T08:18:30.330000+00:00)
What is life anymore.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:22:38.325000+00:00)
yours is better than mine
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:22:47.335000+00:00)
I'll show what I got
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:22:51.629000+00:00)
on white couple
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:23:49.761000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T08:39:30.372000+00:00)
>two white dudes and a black baby
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:42:24.704000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:42:30.227000+00:00)
Top result
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:42:32.230000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:42:38.149000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:42:58.299000+00:00)
"They will never be seen as exotic"
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:43:00.125000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:43:09.396000+00:00)
"Is your baby racist"
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:43:17.870000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T08:46:04.902000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T08:54:46.711000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:58:09.457000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-23T08:58:10.827000+00:00)
austerity writes: (2017-08-23T09:04:24.201000+00:00)
Fuck the poz
austerity writes: (2017-08-23T09:05:29.190000+00:00)
The fact that this is so obviously anti white and people dont see it is more triggering then the actual overt anti whiteness
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-23T09:52:10.304000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-23T09:52:35.433000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T09:57:41.080000+00:00)
I think Granskning Sverige might be on this discord, great stuff. Or the inspiration came from them about this
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T09:57:46.139000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-23T10:49:04.816000+00:00)
I don't think it's google explicitly behind those search results, rather websites using tags
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-23T10:49:42.924000+00:00)
A white woman with a white kid wouldn't be noteworthy to mention the race
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T10:55:45.839000+00:00)
I think so too, the white couples just don't tag themself as such
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T12:26:49.482000+00:00)
Jewgle needs a boycott
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T12:27:19.829000+00:00)
By not using it?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T12:28:02.820000+00:00)
out of principle
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T12:28:21.676000+00:00)
If i have an alternative why not use that instead
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:13:21.356000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:13:30.947000+00:00)
Another speech from 1st of May has been subbed
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-23T15:16:04.208000+00:00)
dat energy
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:23:18.432000+00:00)
James Mason is better than everyone else
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:23:31.639000+00:00)
Respect the hierarchy
Siegurd writes: (2017-08-23T15:23:33.310000+00:00)
Anyone wear thor steinar? Is it very good
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T15:23:38.047000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280>. I don't get that impression at all.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T15:24:19.105000+00:00)
You have a very negative outlook on everything.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T15:24:26.844000+00:00)
He keeps whining
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T15:24:30.503000+00:00)
about everything
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T15:24:32.744000+00:00)
I disagree
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:24:46.230000+00:00)
<@285013344367411200> I prefer Doberman's Aggressive
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:24.637000+00:00)
I hate all the prints and patches
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:39.616000+00:00)
on both TS and DA
Siegurd writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:45.501000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:49.709000+00:00)
I like some of their prints
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:50.437000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:25:55.284000+00:00)
dont like any of the TS prints
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:26:24.485000+00:00)
RusUltras has some great tshirt designs but they dont ship outside Russia
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:26:29.960000+00:00)
not to W. Europe anyway
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:27:11.019000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:29:26.902000+00:00)
They used to have some cool ones anyway
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:30:16.021000+00:00)
yeah I like their stuff too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:30:23.191000+00:00)
>I want that Ivan the Fierce hooligan shirt
Siegurd writes: (2017-08-23T15:32:19.259000+00:00)
Dobermans website spergs out on my phone
Siegurd writes: (2017-08-23T15:32:29.548000+00:00)
But looks rather cool
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:32:38.720000+00:00)
Siegurd go to http://2yt4u.com/
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T15:32:45.142000+00:00)
if your phone doesn't freeze it means you bought a good phone
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:33:22.944000+00:00)
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:33:37.681000+00:00)
Shut up and love these rapefugees, goyim!
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:33:41.220000+00:00)
>AND put under peer pressure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:33:51.664000+00:00)
did they try doing it with peer pressure alone without the drug?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T15:33:57.278000+00:00)
The pride guy at Hess march in Germany had nice rash guard
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T15:34:03.361000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:34:14.036000+00:00)
also as I recall they found that actual racists don't change their opinion at all regardless of BOTH the drug and peer pressure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:05.806000+00:00)
modern experiments are such trash tbh
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:08.670000+00:00)
Great speech by that man. He said he was a former Communist.. Hope he inspires some young Swedes who think the left represents the working class which it doesn't and never did
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:14.872000+00:00)
Hormones are too weak to change truths
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:36.011000+00:00)
we need more experiments the likes of the Third Wave or the Milgram obedience experiment, Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:38.051000+00:00)
you know
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:40.343000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:35:58.196000+00:00)
not giving lemmings drugs and asking them lemming shit while other lemmings look at them
Victor writes: (2017-08-23T15:36:20.016000+00:00)
<@285013344367411200> Link to Doberman? Never heard of it.
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:36:22.994000+00:00)
what kind of experiment do you have in mind?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:36:32.215000+00:00)
well the ones I just mentioned really
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:36:38.150000+00:00)
anything in that style is great
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:36:41.906000+00:00)
but those have been done
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:37:16.301000+00:00)
what kind of experiment do you have in mind and what specific results do you expect and hope to prove/disprove?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:37:22.263000+00:00)
I'm just pointing out a trend of risky experiments that went the wrong way and ruined liberal expectations
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:37:53.313000+00:00)
reality ruining liberal expectations is the norm
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:38:01.777000+00:00)
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:38:03.246000+00:00)
they wouldnt be liberals if they were realists
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:38:10.851000+00:00)
obviously times 2
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:38:20.626000+00:00)
literally addressed that in a recent article
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:39:15.568000+00:00)
That article can probably turned the other way as well
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:39:48.702000+00:00)
the free speech article?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:39:57.858000+00:00)
"Westerners are kinder to national socialists when given the 'love hormone' oxytocin and put under peer pressure, scientists find"
Damania writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:07.863000+00:00)
the article is literally "can a drug dampen or turn off a subjects self-preservation if you pair it with peer pressure?"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:14.384000+00:00)
oh you mean the libshit drug experiment article
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:41.761000+00:00)
Drugs are bad m'kay?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:42.616000+00:00)
"Westerners are kinder to serial killers whe ngiven the 'love hormone' and put under peer pressure"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:45.108000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:40:53.414000+00:00)
I mean, it says nothing really
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:41:09.025000+00:00)
They see it as a victory, because of manipulation
lifsferill writes: (2017-08-23T15:41:24.610000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:41:31.620000+00:00)
and again, unless i'm mistaking, when trying to do that to a person with actual conviction they remained unaffected by either the drug or the peer pressure
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:41:34.568000+00:00)
or rather how they can abuse that finding for control
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:43:14.509000+00:00)
Also, isn't that just the Stockholm syndrome?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:44:17.521000+00:00)
stockholm syndrom isn't a real thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:44:24.064000+00:00)
technically its not a real syndrome
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:44:49.683000+00:00)
Yeah call it effect then
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:47:10.063000+00:00)
stockholm syndrome is not a diagnosable mental disorder, and is actually a contested illness
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:47:23.969000+00:00)
basically its not even a thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:47:27.978000+00:00)
at least not a proven thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:47:34.706000+00:00)
its at most a theory
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:48:26.396000+00:00)
but then again psychological circles have all sorts of shit wrong
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:48:29.426000+00:00)
It's nice to hear that speech, <@!331147867035140096> an old communist/socialist speaking for national socialism with a huge crowd of commie protesters in the background
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:49:16.236000+00:00)
I didn't mean to prove its correctness or validity, I just compared it to their find and how it corresponded to that term
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:49:25.600000+00:00)
>like how the american psychiatric association declassified faggotry as a mental illness in the 70s
>the decision was not made because of any study or even made by psychologists
>it was put to a VOTE of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS
>and it won in favor of declassifying it as a mental disorder by only 2% or some shit like that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:49:35.662000+00:00)
I've not read about it that much so I can't relly comment on it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:50:14.295000+00:00)
Psychiatry is highly controversial as a whole, since the brain is so complex, and they make sweeping generalizations
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:50:22.726000+00:00)
the reason it was put to a vote is because the lgbt harassed the APA doctors all over USA
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:50:38.970000+00:00)
plus they only count symptoms, so you can easily fool psychiatrists
Siegurd writes: (2017-08-23T15:51:22.397000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> someone mentioned it https://aggr.pl/en/menswear
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:51:38.781000+00:00)
I did
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:51:41.743000+00:00)
because its awesome
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:51:49.532000+00:00)
I don't put a lot of trust in psychiatry as it is, I don't believe in some "conditions", like aspergers and adhd, I think they are fully environmental rather than genetical
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:52:53.650000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:52:59.309000+00:00)
one of my all time fav shirt designs they did
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:53:01.729000+00:00)
yeah and that whole faggot/gender shit is bs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:53:30.073000+00:00)
I actually went to uni to study psychology so I'm somewhat familiar with a bunch of this shit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:53:47.203000+00:00)
I've studied it quite a bit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:53:52.920000+00:00)
boy did I hate the medical stuff
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:54:36.295000+00:00)
>physiology of the central nervous system
-C-can't we talk about the Milgram experiment some more instead?
>no, now explain the dopamine nervous system
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:55:07.898000+00:00)
there was this one more practical lesson we had in a sense
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:55:17.705000+00:00)
we learned to do psychological surveys in there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:55:23.907000+00:00)
one time
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:55:42.215000+00:00)
we were studying some basic tells in gestures and expressions and such
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:56:07.577000+00:00)
each student had to stand in front of the group and talk about smth, the rest had to pay attention to all the behavioral stuff and then we'd discuss it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:56:28.537000+00:00)
my turn to come up, so I fucking purposely put my hand in between the buttons of my jacket to look like napoleon
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:56:31.067000+00:00)
and talk
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:56:50.048000+00:00)
and by the end nobody knew any of my tells or signs or anything because everyone were focused on my hand
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T15:57:06.098000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T15:57:41.256000+00:00)
misdirection, one of the fundamental basics of magic tricks heh
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T15:59:00.337000+00:00)
Man siege is a good book
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T15:59:20.576000+00:00)
I can't really see how it's "too radical" for some
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T15:59:35.278000+00:00)
Seems pretty basic tbh
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T15:59:58.072000+00:00)
Lots to learn from it I'd say
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:00.552000+00:00)
a lot of people just don't read it
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:10.553000+00:00)
Yeah I bet
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:15.932000+00:00)
they know that it promotes to take action against the System
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:23.648000+00:00)
so they just come up with retarded assumptions
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:34.323000+00:00)
and then argue that Siege is bad because it has these retarded assumptions
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:35.833000+00:00)
Like people saying me in kampf is horrible us it was written by Hitler. But have they read it? Nope.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:45.917000+00:00)
when in reality SIEGE directly calls out retarded assumptions like that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:46.309000+00:00)
It's scary for normies to encourage violence against the state
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:48.266000+00:00)
Mein kampf*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:00:58.219000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:03.662000+00:00)
its the best thin ever tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:09.794000+00:00)
to put some libshit on the spot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:21.452000+00:00)
by asking them to say exactly what Hitler said in MK
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:23.266000+00:00)
Yeah but THE STATE Is the problem and needs to burn for this bs to end
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:32.502000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:37.933000+00:00)
I agree
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:43.802000+00:00)
some people literally came up with a meme that SIEGE is about killing mailmen
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:01:51.596000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:02:02.979000+00:00)
if you don't kill mailmen (because they are federal workers for the state) then you're not truly SIEGEpilled
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:02:19.417000+00:00)
We don't really need those people anyway, like mason says in the book. They choose whatever side wins
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:02:27.299000+00:00)
Fuck em
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:02:37.005000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:03:20.610000+00:00)
You got to be willing to self-sacrifice, which is hard for some to handle, but then they aren't commited
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:03:42.432000+00:00)
Sure I'd rather have them radicalised then cucked but chanses are they'll rat anyway
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:03:51.644000+00:00)
Yeah. If only the movement in the US took the advice James Mason had to offer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:04:07.737000+00:00)
>if you're so SIEGEpilled then why aren't you killing random niggers in the streets HUH HUH? HUH? TOUGH GUY SIGEMAN?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:04:23.865000+00:00)
literally the kind of retarded stuff we hear from people talking shit about SIEGE
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:06.056000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:07.116000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:25.288000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:27.029000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:42.550000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:05:53.542000+00:00)
Sure you have to be willing to sacrifice but don't be stupid. Remember, ENJOY IT.
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:03.726000+00:00)
Like Mason said
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:06.582000+00:00)
another favorite is how when you propose revolution some people go "THAT'S A LEFTIST TACTIC, WHAT ARE YOU? A BOLSHEVIK?"
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:11.104000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:16.709000+00:00)
>leftist tactic
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:22.647000+00:00)
You're no good to the revolution locked up or dead
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:29.096000+00:00)
they'll start comparing it to ISIS methods soon
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:06:35.969000+00:00)
Exactly Jason
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:01.268000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:06.734000+00:00)
Lol like the nsdap didn't try to make a revolution happen before going for elections
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:09.071000+00:00)
Like that article
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:13.677000+00:00)
Well the left is very, very successful. I don't care if it's a LEFTIST TACTIC. It's about winning
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:20.427000+00:00)
one time one article tried to directly connect AWD and ISIS
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:52.401000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:07:54.629000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> happens all the time in Swedish media. We are the Swedish isis
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:00.912000+00:00)
I remember that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:01.867000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:06.858000+00:00)
and NA is the british ISIS
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:13.657000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:15.200000+00:00)
I've seen a picture comparing NRM to isis
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:23.179000+00:00)
Same shit different flag
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:27.678000+00:00)
Or smth like thay
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:28.042000+00:00)
They compare our movement with isis all the fucking time.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:38.592000+00:00)
It might've been due to the incident with the traitor
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:08:48.834000+00:00)
Regarding AWD
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:09:00.197000+00:00)
Fishy stuff I must say...
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T16:09:18.344000+00:00)
But hey there's agents and retards everywhere
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:09:37.089000+00:00)
no they made that comparison before then
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:10:26.239000+00:00)
You could answer with "i prefer hezbollah tbh"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:10:35.186000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:10:41.543000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:10:52.158000+00:00)
then they'll start talking about how opressive Iran is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:11:06.687000+00:00)
while defending Saud Arabia and Somalia or something
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:11:20.664000+00:00)
maybe not Somalia, they have no real state
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:11:45.081000+00:00)
Then you can say " I prefer the oven instead of beheading for homosexuals"
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:12:33.915000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:12:49.623000+00:00)
Will NA rebrand or reform is some way?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:13:07.807000+00:00)
I miss their content 😢
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:14:41.578000+00:00)
there's already new groups
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:14:55.127000+00:00)
Scottish Dawn and NS131
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:10.635000+00:00)
SD is a proper organization and NS131 is like a workshop thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:21.650000+00:00)
where people can join and learn some propaganda skills
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:26.630000+00:00)
I've heard about SD
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:37.158000+00:00)
They do mostly graffiti and posters right
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:37.950000+00:00)
Ah. Nice
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:15:50.413000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:16:11.412000+00:00)
yeah at least that's what i've seen so far
Elusive writes: (2017-08-23T16:24:49.896000+00:00)
No as in Travis Scott
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T16:25:46.847000+00:00)
fug I was gonna make a joke like that, but was looking for a funny scott to use
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T16:28:05.642000+00:00)
Dude you were just told its made out of National Action remnants, what can they possibly want
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T16:29:24.426000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> https://scottishdawn.com/
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:32:25.061000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-23T16:32:59.378000+00:00)
What's wrong with picking up litter?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:33:26.940000+00:00)
their first event was a public rally
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:33:49.769000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-23T16:35:05.755000+00:00)
Again what's wrong with picking up litter?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:35:17.394000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:35:21.162000+00:00)
which comes first again?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:35:43.486000+00:00)
Who knows, time is cyclical.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:37:03.870000+00:00)
>ecofascist bend
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:37:10.575000+00:00)
>'why are the picking up litter?????'
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:41:01.657000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:42:06.796000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> behold^^^
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:42:11.005000+00:00)
a new contender appears
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:45:03.615000+00:00)
They're concealing their identity.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:45:04.726000+00:00)
>Lack of social awareness and understanding of human behaviour causes autistic british man to mistake obvious joke picture as serious political statement
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:45:21.756000+00:00)
More at 11
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:45:56.367000+00:00)
Woah, how dare they have a bit of fun.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:45:59.109000+00:00)
>Lack of social awareness and understanding of human behaviour causes autistic british man to mistake obvious joke picture as serious political statement
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:46:14.218000+00:00)
Guess I can't use a smiling totenkopf since it's not serious and I'm American.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:46:31.988000+00:00)
I can only use a photo of Ronald Reagan to conceal my identity in a photo.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:47:16.366000+00:00)
Whoa there tyler, is that a statement of Atomwaffen's official support and endorsement of a Zionist Globalist like Reagan?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:47:31.994000+00:00)
Yes. We are actually ZOG.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:48:10.578000+00:00)
Why are Brits outside of explicit, hardline National Socialist circles seemingly the most autistic, useless inept wastes of breath in this scene?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:48:39.807000+00:00)
Eternal anglo
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:49:09.768000+00:00)
Gott straffe England
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:49:21.873000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:50:10.677000+00:00)
Why are they whining and being negative about everything other people do on chatrooms
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:50:43.121000+00:00)
can we toss him out already?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:50:52.069000+00:00)
gotta make the place tidy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:50:57.351000+00:00)
take out the trash
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:51:03.698000+00:00)
I guess NA was bad because instead of killing Arabs they helped out white homeless.
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:51:04.768000+00:00)
>Obese Englishman, unable to participate in groups or indeed formulate political statements consisting of anything other than passive-agressive whining complains about ecologists cleaning nautre
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:51:31.244000+00:00)
what if its not everything else that's shit, but you are actually the shit?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:51:39.133000+00:00)
I mean, if you can do better than them by all means do so.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:51:53.063000+00:00)
We aren't talking about books.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:06.332000+00:00)
Can we get back to the topic at hand?
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:16.967000+00:00)
Because you're incapable of actually criticizing the content beyond whining about the author's tone
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:17.816000+00:00)
You don't have to buy it from him or anyone here
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:18.611000+00:00)
If these groups aren't doing anything why aren't you doing anything?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:28.941000+00:00)
you can buy it independently
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:40.182000+00:00)
>ur trying to sell it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:46.692000+00:00)
You don't even have to buy it. Mason said that doesn't matter and he wants people to just read it.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:47.603000+00:00)
or just read the pdf
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:50.959000+00:00)
Yes, that's why we made a free, updated pdf version of it and have it on the site
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:52:57.792000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:06.737000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:14.309000+00:00)
We want fucks like you out of the struggle
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:21.671000+00:00)
You're a whiney bitch
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:26.437000+00:00)
Have you even read a single word
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:29.278000+00:00)
All you do is whine and complain
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:30.676000+00:00)
>trying to sell that book
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:32.193000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:36.424000+00:00)
we offer it for free
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:53:50.541000+00:00)
and the guys who will be selling it are a different group, the profits will be all theirs
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:04.604000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:05.639000+00:00)
It isn't being selled though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:06.493000+00:00)
srsly why is he even in this chat?
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:07.386000+00:00)
<@322409738124001280> getting copies printed up to sell because people want physical copies and printing books isnt free
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:09.048000+00:00)
great thinking
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:12.270000+00:00)
So, what have you done that's better than SD or NA or the other groups out there?
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:13.687000+00:00)
Alot of people have requested physical copies
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:29.809000+00:00)
Obviously they're no good so you must be chock full of ideas.
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:33.782000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> idk I'll just ban him and if any other admin has a problem with it they can talk with me later because Im trying to eat and dont feel like moderating this convo, and nobody else seems to be moderating int_disc that often
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:35.072000+00:00)
I want a physical copy as well
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:44.601000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:45.201000+00:00)
You wouldn't just sit on the internet doing anything, would you?
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:48.956000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:50.533000+00:00)
let me eat in peace
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:53.108000+00:00)
we're in no man's land here boys
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:53.489000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:55.706000+00:00)
no rules
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:56.152000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T16:54:58.786000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:00.447000+00:00)
this is the wild west of the NRM discord
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:06.905000+00:00)
we can establish our own law here
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:08.315000+00:00)
*boom headshot*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:13.822000+00:00)
*puts on black hat*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:20.395000+00:00)
I make the rules now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:45.613000+00:00)
but srsly at some point people like that aren't worth keeping around
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:55:58.030000+00:00)
he's dismissive out of hand while pretending to give things a chance
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:06.260000+00:00)
endless whining and contrarian for the sake of it while presenting nothing of his own
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:09.427000+00:00)
>i'm 5 articles into SIEGE and it is terrible
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:26.332000+00:00)
Fall in line or stand out of the way
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:28.444000+00:00)
Nigga he didn't even make it through the introduction history
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:33.160000+00:00)
>SD? what is this? I'll give them a chance to the first action they do
>picking up litter
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T16:56:58.516000+00:00)
well he claimed earlier in here to be 5 newsletters into siege
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:57:01.918000+00:00)
Pedowatch and white rescue is bad PR.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-23T16:57:11.814000+00:00)
What was Ben even thinking
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:01:27.424000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Why delete his posts though, I wanted to read the conversation smh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:02:11.118000+00:00)
guess its because of how he banned him
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:02:25.744000+00:00)
when you do that you're prompted if you want to delete his message from x time ago
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:02:38.123000+00:00)
guess he clicked the delete button absent mindedly
Jörken writes: (2017-08-23T17:03:58.335000+00:00)
that dinosaur guy got banned?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:03:59.401000+00:00)
I didnt ask about technicality
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:04:14.426000+00:00)
But the reasoning
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:04:27.676000+00:00)
I know about technicality
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:04:36.014000+00:00)
the reasoning was he didn't have reasoning and did it absentmindedly
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T17:04:47.719000+00:00)
<@223154619516190721> aye thank fuck
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:05:07.760000+00:00)
I know about technicality because I am mod on a theology server
I do it for free
I take my job very seriously
Jörken writes: (2017-08-23T17:05:13.431000+00:00)
yeah he was always complaining about one thing or another
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T17:07:54.781000+00:00)
He is from the UK. Can you blame him for being so black pilled?
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T17:09:04.425000+00:00)
Using the word blackpill unironically eh
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:09:51.066000+00:00)
Atleast he is not a burger.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T17:14:00.149000+00:00)
There is a quite a diversity of people in the USA. I am from an area dominated by Norwegian descendents, farmland, and Republicans. The City culture is where the commies are at.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:14:32.518000+00:00)
So the guy you banned all his messages got deleted to?
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:14:52.709000+00:00)
Cus the conversation looks stupid
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:15:06.049000+00:00)
it was
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T17:15:25.472000+00:00)
Unfortunately, the cities dominate our foreign policy agenda, the entire MSM, and all of hollywood.
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T17:15:37.558000+00:00)
If you're gonna bitch and whine about everything at least provide solutions
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T17:15:45.574000+00:00)
The UK guy didnt
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T17:16:07.227000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> tl;dr of what happened: siege is a stupid book and Scottish Dawn is a stupid group because they pick up litter, here is a meme of mcdonalds workers picking up litter that I plastered "we read siege" text over
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:18:22.215000+00:00)
Sounds very British
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:19:03.769000+00:00)
If you get banned the messages will get deleted
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:19:42.291000+00:00)
Community service is bad PR
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:19:49.417000+00:00)
People like that are too common
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:20:05.851000+00:00)
They are EVERYWHERE in Sweden
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T17:23:26.771000+00:00)
Here in the USA, people like that get antidepressants.
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T17:25:39.167000+00:00)
Youtube is attempting to cleanse anti-chinese videos.
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:27:38.533000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> last 24 hours got deleted
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:27:49.226000+00:00)
Was thinking about banning him for a few days now
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:28:38.703000+00:00)
People can have differing opinions and can argue even for stupid things, but toxic negativity doesn't contribute to anything.
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:31:18.282000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> hurr durr swedistan is dumb hurr durr nrm is poop but I dont do anything anyways
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:32:11.867000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> its joke dont ban plesh
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:32:50.498000+00:00)
<@118489422931951616> BANNED HARD
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:33:11.312000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> nooo pliiiish
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:33:44.395000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> dont send me to the danish discord they are all Copenhagen folk :-(
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:34:05.847000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:34:09.204000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:34:21.491000+00:00)
Or finnish meme discord
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:34:24.019000+00:00)
oh wait you are from Jutland aren't you
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:34:27.116000+00:00)
Dunno if that exists
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:36:30.048000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> I am
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-23T17:36:56.464000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> we are just waiting basicly "secret sleeper cell natziz"
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:36:58.308000+00:00)
I'll send you to the Greenland discord then
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:37:03.510000+00:00)
<@335685998698561538> welcome!
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:37:09.476000+00:00)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:37:40.149000+00:00)
im here to learn and listen.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:37:46.386000+00:00)
😄 nice too meet all of you.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T17:38:10.793000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:38:27.147000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:38:37.816000+00:00)
Lesson 1: Kekistan is a meme by a fat centrist neckbeard who is an enemy of National Socialism
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:01.852000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> ok.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:07.671000+00:00)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:10.617000+00:00)
its still funny.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:13.481000+00:00)
And is overused by basement dwelling degenerates
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:16.076000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:35.545000+00:00)
<@335685998698561538> It stopped being funny the day it was created
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:44.392000+00:00)
I wish there were basement dwelling though
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:52.051000+00:00)
nah, its still good to wave around at antifa events.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:52.617000+00:00)
Lesson 2: Partake in the reading of SIEGE
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-23T17:39:55.566000+00:00)
Because it never was funny in the slightest
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:05.577000+00:00)
Unfortunately they go around outside
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:11.225000+00:00)
"It's still funny" Not really
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:13.594000+00:00)
It's basically ironic nationalism
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:18.679000+00:00)
<@271520696323145729> this
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:18.771000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:37.512000+00:00)
I went to a cuck rally awhile ago and there was a dude with a Kek flag
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:39.061000+00:00)
either way im not here to argue about a imaginative nation.
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:42.388000+00:00)
Fuggin hirt
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:44.916000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:40:48.284000+00:00)
Lesson 3: Spurdo will always be a better meme then Pepe and Kek
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:01.698000+00:00)
Lesson 4: When you evolve past Spurdo you must embrace Gondola
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:09.487000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:24.145000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> <:wp:330824114086346753> <:wp:330824114086346753> <:wp:330824114086346753>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:24.745000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:25.626000+00:00)
Spurdo comes from Ukko's chosen volk, Pepe from the whore of Babylon
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:33.918000+00:00)
Too much redpilles, too fast
Syndexioi writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:36.438000+00:00)
<@335685998698561538> What age were you diagnosed with autism
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:37.875000+00:00)
Spurdo is the best.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:44.196000+00:00)
Fuck off if you disagree.
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:46.124000+00:00)
Spurdo is a result of cross-breeding between American Pedrobäres and Pepes
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:48.776000+00:00)
i was born with it <@316345695521079296>
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:41:59.316000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:42:02.107000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> ty for triggering
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:42:17.601000+00:00)
ancient kuvalauda :DDD
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:42:37.649000+00:00)
I got banned from there
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T17:42:53.173000+00:00)
Can anyone send me an invite link to some good discord servers?
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:08.563000+00:00)
I tried to get banned from ylilauta but its impossible because /int/ is retarded beyond belief
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:14.541000+00:00)
and I dont speak Finnish
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:18.670000+00:00)
i bet i could get banned
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:45.162000+00:00)
<@!335685998698561538> https://ylilauta.org/international/
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:45.648000+00:00)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:43:49.465000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:03.881000+00:00)
I think the regulars left ylilauta and moved to circleboard anyway
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:05.057000+00:00)
It's ylilauta not kuvalauta
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:09.121000+00:00)
I know
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:17.417000+00:00)
post gore plus some realllllly questionable porn.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:22.128000+00:00)
get banned.
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:24.054000+00:00)
that wont get you banned
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:32.486000+00:00)
😄 😦 what?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:36.083000+00:00)
You will
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:43.647000+00:00)
Also police case
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:44.369000+00:00)
What is this place
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:44:56.589000+00:00)
questionable, not illigal
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:11.806000+00:00)
looks like CP but its not. true loli porn.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:16.411000+00:00)
gross af
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:29.134000+00:00)
Dont talk about disgusting decadent shit here
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:38.333000+00:00)
Well, unless it's related to leftism
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:41.127000+00:00)
But that's normal
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:47.781000+00:00)
But you have to criticize it
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:45:49.655000+00:00)
dont even get me started bout them.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:46:03.894000+00:00)
sex changes for like 8 year olds.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:46:20.939000+00:00)
fucking nasty people passing that in government
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T17:46:39.336000+00:00)
Wasn't there some kid in Britain that got castrated 4 or 5 times before the age of 10?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T17:46:53.564000+00:00)
Basically saying he's a girl and a boy and then a girl then a boy etc
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:47:22.904000+00:00)
idk following britan nowadays is insane.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:47:35.910000+00:00)
i follow the muslims there.
Judenstitcher writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:00.559000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:25.786000+00:00)
https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/gage-cohen/kids-can-know-theyre-transgender-two-years-old-univ-calif-mental-health-director >articel by Gage Cohen
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:30.159000+00:00)
>Director of Mental Health Diane Ehrensaft
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:43.232000+00:00)
I love what she did with her hair
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:45.963000+00:00)
Her CURLY hair
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T17:48:58.227000+00:00)
It does wonders to distract you from her possibly HOOKED NOSE
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:51:57.784000+00:00)
his speech is pretty good.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:55:15.069000+00:00)
Why isnt there a Spurdisdan :DDDD meme instead of the shitty Kekistan meme
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:55:35.844000+00:00)
cause its not that good.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:55:53.528000+00:00)
wow man ima link this video around.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T17:56:43.735000+00:00)
Who /dogola/ here
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:56:54.645000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T17:57:09.065000+00:00)
Spurdo is much better than kekistan
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:57:35.439000+00:00)
thats cool.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T17:59:23.700000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> who is that speaker?
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:00:21.037000+00:00)
<@!335685998698561538> Jörgen Kromann, I haven't met him and don't know too much about him.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:00:38.529000+00:00)
"i would rather die standing then crawling at their devilish feet" oh my god.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:00:44.756000+00:00)
i say that every day
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-23T18:01:07.712000+00:00)
Jörgen is an amazing man! :)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:01:13.940000+00:00)
ya he is
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:01:32.383000+00:00)
such powerful statements.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-23T18:01:54.249000+00:00)
I have had the oppurtunity to speak to him on a few occassion :)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:02:05.744000+00:00)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:02:14.390000+00:00)
i can guess what he said tho.
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:02:24.408000+00:00)
im sure he can speak for me.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-23T18:03:09.515000+00:00)
Jörgen can speak for hours 😃
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-23T18:03:55.290000+00:00)
how do you do fellow kekistani meme veterans 😉
Jason writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:09.187000+00:00)
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:14.859000+00:00)
lol sup, im not here for the meme.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:22.241000+00:00)
Shadilay is a good song unironically
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:38.102000+00:00)
Volk ans Gweher > Shadilay
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:47.962000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T18:04:56.695000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:06.243000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:16.540000+00:00)
war chant tbh
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:20.031000+00:00)
^ my fav version
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:26.538000+00:00)
well done alba you ruined my arrow
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:30.566000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:35.855000+00:00)
im always here for you m8
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T18:05:57.937000+00:00)
The Estonian version of Marschiert in Feindesland is simply amazing
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-23T18:06:00.960000+00:00)
<@320722807703076864> ❤
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T18:06:16.012000+00:00)
I'm a big fan of the Latvian and SS-Charlemagne versions myself
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:06:23.398000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Давайте созвонимся is far superior to Shadilay
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T18:06:48.976000+00:00)
Serbs asleep, post Ustaste
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T18:07:00.125000+00:00)
Brilliant song
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T18:07:34.617000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-23T18:08:10.810000+00:00)
I like that one Kolovrat tribuite to the ROA 💯
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:08:14.863000+00:00)
POST MUSIC IN <#327372589024542720>
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-23T18:08:53.500000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:11:17.018000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> And thats how you effectively kill a discussion. Hope you're happy now : ^ )
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:14:28.794000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> I'll be happy when I've skinned and tanned it aswell <:varg:333280265910616064>
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-23T18:17:39.939000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:35:32.981000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:35:38.259000+00:00)
Been a while since I watched this
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:35:53.948000+00:00)
Its still my fav vid to come out of movement propaganda in the last few years
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:38:56.686000+00:00)
Yeah it's good
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:40:09.883000+00:00)
I really despise Futurism though, I don't know why the SKYDAS guys are so into it it's horrendous
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:42:22.253000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> no i cant get banned.
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:42:39.545000+00:00)
<@!335685998698561538> told you so
right wing extremest. writes: (2017-08-23T18:43:00.659000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:46:33.516000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Its pushing hard for le modernism meme
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:47:02.755000+00:00)
Maybe its because their ww2 fascist guys were really into it too
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-23T18:47:48.705000+00:00)
Like our own ww2 movement was 1488% Ortholarp so it colors heavily the modern movement too
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:52:24.137000+00:00)
It is yeah
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T18:52:34.023000+00:00)
Futurism is just ugly af though
noobtia writes: (2017-08-23T19:07:58.534000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T19:11:31.491000+00:00)
Why is crablord down?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T19:11:36.671000+00:00)
I meant Iron March
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T19:17:13.899000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> crablord down is the next blackhawk down
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-23T19:17:40.382000+00:00)
Will we come to rescue him as well
Viper writes: (2017-08-23T19:37:23.174000+00:00)
We need to rescue one man
Viper writes: (2017-08-23T19:37:28.005000+00:00)
And that man is Karadzic
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-23T19:46:34.304000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T20:17:14.951000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T20:17:17.893000+00:00)
Even his name is a lie
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T20:17:21.197000+00:00)
Cause he's old
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T20:58:06.714000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> Because he did nothing wrong
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:00:28.140000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> you ustasa
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:01:12.767000+00:00)
they jews
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:01:33.995000+00:00)
Yes, I ustasa, they jews
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:03.008000+00:00)
If the chetniks weren't being jewish, why did they steal the documents from Jasenovac which could prove that the camp was not used to exterminate the jews in ww2?
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:27.224000+00:00)
pretty sure a serb here isn't going to be chetnik
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:32.967000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:35.915000+00:00)
i hate them
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:37.621000+00:00)
his sympathies are more likely with ZBOR
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:45.344000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:02:53.721000+00:00)
Pavelic wife was jew
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:02.207000+00:00)
Shhh, we don't talk about that
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:03.145000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:03.609000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:12.432000+00:00)
this was about Mladic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:28.067000+00:00)
The man whose ideology pavelic followed was a jew
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:30.294000+00:00)
Pavelic's wife was jewish and the jews were basically left alone in ww2 Croatia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:37.447000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:03:48.617000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> you mean yes?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:04.489000+00:00)
He means nope this isn't about Mladić
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:06.822000+00:00)
they moved to italy
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:06.939000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:08.409000+00:00)
But I may be mistaken
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:10.850000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T21:04:22.411000+00:00)
what was we talking about
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-23T21:05:19.949000+00:00)
We should drink rakija before discussing things
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-23T21:05:21.969000+00:00)
Around balkanites internet fights
dylb writes: (2017-08-23T21:05:24.213000+00:00)
you should check music
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-23T21:43:25.368000+00:00)
balkanites lel
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-23T21:44:07.927000+00:00)
we are cool guys when we dont fight each other for stupid reasons
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T21:51:52.694000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T21:52:06.152000+00:00)
in case someone hasn't already seen this documentary - watch it
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-08-23T22:07:10.241000+00:00)
Hey, there was this thing that i should introduce myself in the verification channel but i cant write in it
Jörken writes: (2017-08-23T22:07:45.787000+00:00)
you're already verified
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-08-23T22:08:44.427000+00:00)
Ok, all good then
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T22:44:16.423000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-23T22:44:50.383000+00:00)
guess who
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-23T22:47:28.365000+00:00)
The jew is anti-human.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T22:47:29.338000+00:00)
i don't understand why people like molyjew at all tbh
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-23T22:50:13.648000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-23T22:51:17.828000+00:00)
He's for people who enjoy listening to a sperg talk to himself for two hours and get rock hard at numerical economic data
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T22:52:28.189000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> The organisation behind him make some good breakdowns on certain topics.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T22:53:17.165000+00:00)
but why does that mean we should like or support him?
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T22:54:48.723000+00:00)
We can like him because some of his concent his good. But we shouldn't waste energy on supporting him at all.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T22:56:23.398000+00:00)
don't need to like him either tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T22:56:32.721000+00:00)
can like the content without liking or supporting the messenger
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T22:56:46.557000+00:00)
hence why i don't get people arguing over him and defending him
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T22:59:30.188000+00:00)
I think you get why people arguing over him and defending him. You just don't like it and want to change what people focus on. Maybe reading SIEGE? 😉
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T23:00:54.978000+00:00)
that would be more beneficial for people than defending molleyjew
Славрос writes: (2017-08-23T23:01:23.458000+00:00)
the whole benefit of irrelevant people doing some moderate benefit is that you can ignore them while they do it and you focus on something far better
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:01:41.410000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T23:03:26.507000+00:00)
Ive watched interviews with rookie WNs, and they talk about their redpill process. Molyneux is usually in that process.
But I agree, he bores me. I can't watch him for more than one minute.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T23:05:18.523000+00:00)
He recently had some currynigger on talking how Nazis are Progressivist or some boomer shit like that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-23T23:05:23.038000+00:00)
Post that Molyneux vid with the Lion soundtrack, that was hilarious
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T23:05:23.894000+00:00)
truly /ourguy/
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:05:53.779000+00:00)
The big problem is that Molleyjew is kind of a an dead end. And he certainly doesn't promote action but for the most talking. I have a little spot for him in my heart, that because I was fed up with classical liberalism and wanted to build something new and I was looking at anarcho-capitalism but he showed me that it was an dead end and isn't plausible. So I moved forward to NS.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T23:06:09.397000+00:00)
he is too wraped itno his materialist rationalist thinking
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-23T23:06:14.823000+00:00)
he will never go past that
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:06:48.901000+00:00)
Maybe if no one is listening to him and he can only find shekels doing NS content.
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:09:40.418000+00:00)
Moldyjew is a gate keeper, he helps redpill normies on basic bitch tier stuff like feminism, immigration and talking about how the state is corrupt and taxation is theft, but then he makes a 180 and tells them to vote for trump, le pen, wilders, etc
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:10:35.299000+00:00)
Also his smug thespian way of speaking is really annoying
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:11:06.664000+00:00)
Well in some regards you are right but last time I checked the whole comment section was filled with people hammering the jew question.
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:12:29.105000+00:00)
That's more in spite of molyneux' content as opposed to anything he brings up himself
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:13:28.146000+00:00)
He's had a video where he tries to rationalize away the JQ by talking about how high IQ ashkenazis are, etc
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:18:51.635000+00:00)
He could erase those comments if he wanted tho. We can find a lot of stuff that would upset us about mollyjew, your example being one of them. But maybe someone in here should have a debate with him. I don't know if he would accept. Here he talks to someone that calls himself a fascist but I haven't been listening to the whole video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DCQRcFNIG8
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:20:11.918000+00:00)
Been a while since I read the post, but I've seen several threads showing comments that molyneux has removed from his comment section in the past
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:22:11.710000+00:00)
Here's one comment in the comment section. Daily reminder :
'' The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. ''
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:22:41.400000+00:00)
"Stop watching porn" is another one
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:22:50.964000+00:00)
That on it's own isn't that damaging to molyneux and his channel though
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:30:07.093000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T23:33:32.781000+00:00)
Has molyneaux been demonetized?
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:34:05.981000+00:00)
lol no
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:34:22.521000+00:00)
Still uses paypal along with bitcoin
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T23:34:55.028000+00:00)
Does he get ad revenue though?
Manimalia writes: (2017-08-23T23:35:32.228000+00:00)
As soon as he names the joos, he will surely be demonetized.
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:35:57.402000+00:00)
He gets enough through paypal and bitcoin donations that he doesn't need the jewtube ad revenue
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-23T23:36:23.489000+00:00)
Those Jews are pretty sneaky
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-23T23:36:28.806000+00:00)
<@202175195069284353> I was checking some old videos. I did a fast sweep in the comment section and I can't find a single comment that explicity calls out the jews. It seems like the fucker have erased those comments. Sneaky little half-jew. You where right <@202175195069284353>
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-23T23:37:11.400000+00:00)
Open borders for Israel
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-23T23:37:20.668000+00:00)
Hail Victory goyim
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:39:41.363000+00:00)
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-23T23:41:50.770000+00:00)
From this you can see molyjew makes good money for his freedomainradio with bitcoin alone
Exitus writes: (2017-08-24T01:22:26.187000+00:00)
Jesus, 678 BTC ?
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-24T04:14:51.953000+00:00)
Fuck the ADL
Jared MI writes: (2017-08-24T04:15:01.537000+00:00)
Fuck the SPLC
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T04:51:55.239000+00:00)
678 BTC is a huge amount, 1 BTC is $4100
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T04:52:18.826000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T05:09:03.891000+00:00)
What the fuck
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T05:09:14.532000+00:00)
Eken writes: (2017-08-24T07:18:48.114000+00:00)
"He's had a video where he tries to rationalize away the JQ by talking about how high IQ ashkenazis are, etc"
Well then this faggot have the antidote for "they are just so damned smart!" ;)
(I say faggot because people a lot of people have an issue with Gregs sexuality and seem to use this as basis for telling people not to listen to what he says. I think that´s a huge mistake. Especially in the case of Greg. So I want to point out that I am aware of that. And I don´t care.)
I am a former Libertarian btw. I have argued several times that Libertarians/Ancaps are the easist group to convert and I recommend focusing on individuals who labels themselves that. They are usually up for rational discussion no matter who wants to have that discussion ("even a 'nazi'").
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T08:06:14.193000+00:00)
I agree with what he says here, he is right
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T08:06:24.069000+00:00)
But when you boil it down, he argues for libertarianism+
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T08:06:44.888000+00:00)
Slavros was right to paint him as a racist liberal who wants no black aids infected dick in his bathhouse
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T08:07:17.758000+00:00)
He sees group strategy as superior to individualist in a free society, and he simply wants to ban others from using it instead of using it for his people instead
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T08:07:35.870000+00:00)
Boerlover69 writes: (2017-08-24T08:35:57.898000+00:00)
Is anyone here acquainted with Claudio Naranjo? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudio_Naranjo He has some merchant descent, but I think he seems like an alright dude. Just wondering if anyone is sitting on any knowledge about this interesting character. I read through the wikipedia article but it doesn't always contain the (((juicy))) details
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-24T09:01:14.454000+00:00)
Greg himself said that alt right is not about social conservatism and that his dream is white ethnostate where we will be still arguing about feminism, abortion etc. BUT JUST US WHITES
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-24T09:28:52.127000+00:00)
Does sound like a racist liberal
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-24T09:52:31.870000+00:00)
White lolbetarianism with borders
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T10:52:34.294000+00:00)
That nose
Diablo writes: (2017-08-24T13:09:39.380000+00:00)
Looks like Gandalf
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T14:25:46.333000+00:00)
<@118489422931951616> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2LwrzozF6M
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:48:47.327000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T15:49:28.887000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T15:50:07.744000+00:00)
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:52:50.062000+00:00)
Yes indeed
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:52:56.887000+00:00)
Gas me if you want
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T15:53:43.667000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T15:54:24.170000+00:00)
checks out
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:07.368000+00:00)
>Admins have the "Visitors" role
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:19.779000+00:00)
that doesn't make sense
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:21.221000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:29.422000+00:00)
They're not admins tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:36.276000+00:00)
Me on the other hand...
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T15:58:45.167000+00:00)
Or is it I? 🤔
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T15:59:41.553000+00:00)
🇪 🇧 🇮 🇳
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T15:59:59.497000+00:00)
Anime = <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T16:04:45.848000+00:00)
🍁 🔫
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:11:57.274000+00:00)
why'd you assume we were admins
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-24T16:13:41.273000+00:00)
everyone has visitors role
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-24T16:14:10.031000+00:00)
N_ZeroFour writes: (2017-08-24T16:14:32.031000+00:00)
I was pointing out that the Admins (red) have the visitors role
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:14:55.130000+00:00)
they are visiting admins
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:15:03.089000+00:00)
as part of an admins exchange program with another server
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:15:08.699000+00:00)
to help foster better relations
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:15:21.229000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> is an exchange admin from an anime server
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:15:29.480000+00:00)
that's why he's lenient with you using anime avatars
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:16:29.194000+00:00)
where are the local finns btw I need their help with smth
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:28:08.362000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:29:11.818000+00:00)
How can I help you <@206898373062557696>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:29:37.648000+00:00)
I've been organizing the IM quotes into named folders
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:29:41.698000+00:00)
can't identify a few finns
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:29:54.195000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:29:54.710000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:30:36.546000+00:00)
gib their names plz
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:30:47.218000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:31:06.366000+00:00)
Adolf Ehrnrooth
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:14.776000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> second is <@225299960529158156>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:28.826000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:32.743000+00:00)
sure thing m8
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:36.293000+00:00)
can't fool me though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:41.400000+00:00)
I've actually met KU in real life
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:33:56.793000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:34:37.721000+00:00)
Is there any actual point in owning a non-winter jacket?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:34:41.186000+00:00)
I guess so too
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:34:52.670000+00:00)
I mean besides from pockets
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:00.439000+00:00)
That was my point
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:05.066000+00:00)
so wait, who's the second guy?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:12.287000+00:00)
No idea
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:17.203000+00:00)
weeeeell fug
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:22.039000+00:00)
I'm bad with these
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:31.539000+00:00)
Maybe Mikko knows
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:31.787000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:32.188000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:35.631000+00:00)
how about these two?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:35:37.215000+00:00)
not finns
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T16:36:24.049000+00:00)
>over 120 people in IM banner
I'd say not remembering who 4 of them are isn't that bad in terms of recollection
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:38:41.072000+00:00)
I'll wear a чоха to next demo
Jason writes: (2017-08-24T16:39:27.226000+00:00)
Trolling hard
Jason writes: (2017-08-24T16:39:29.401000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-24T16:39:38.192000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-24T16:39:52.412000+00:00)
Altrighters are getting upset
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:41:36.707000+00:00)
No idea about those two
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:43:07.885000+00:00)
Probably well known people and quotes but I have no idea
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:44:14.204000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:44:20.021000+00:00)
How do you even develop a folk dress this ebin
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:44:30.799000+00:00)
looks like some assassins creed cosplay smh
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:45:26.831000+00:00)
>he doesn't have a knife in his sock as part of his dress
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:46:04.502000+00:00)
He has a huge dagger in his hand though
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:46:15.960000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:46:25.427000+00:00)
Guy on the right looks like that guy from MillionDollarExtreme
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:47:06.857000+00:00)
Which dress is that? Like where from?
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:47:14.510000+00:00)
Cossack I think
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:47:30.564000+00:00)
I could never figure out what the hell the tubes on their chests are
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:47:40.352000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Georgian
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:47:41.652000+00:00)
Musket rounds?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:48:03.256000+00:00)
The larper in me wants really hard for a non-retarded looking modernized natinal dress to replace the anglo merchant costumes smh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:48:18.467000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> no it's decorations
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:49:13.250000+00:00)
In the past they had musket rounds
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:49:20.131000+00:00)
but now they only use decorations made to resemble musket rounds
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:49:29.422000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Serb national dress for men looks fine except for THOSE FUCKING SHOES
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:49:45.073000+00:00)
Not as bad as greeks tho
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:07.077000+00:00)
We have so many different dresses
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:29.499000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> Samis have the same shoes
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:36.945000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:38.893000+00:00)
The vest can Codreanu-ified to look salvagable but the rest is ugh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:53.160000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:50:54.534000+00:00)
dat sash tho
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:03.262000+00:00)
called masrebi or gaziri etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:06.319000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:08.139000+00:00)
Serb dress is literally fine
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:31.338000+00:00)
I mean it could be worse
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:33.075000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:34.682000+00:00)
much worse
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:51:43.880000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:04.074000+00:00)
Greeks have cool ones too though
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:05.974000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:08.145000+00:00)
That's from Crete
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:17.316000+00:00)
That looks Montenegro smh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:19.511000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:23.468000+00:00)
they have pom poms of their fucking shoes
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:24.940000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:32.384000+00:00)
nothing will ever be cool about that
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:32.794000+00:00)
How does the Swedish one look?
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:39.058000+00:00)
We dont have a single one
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:43.407000+00:00)
Well we have a modern one but it's not good
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:52:55.449000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T16:53:03.979000+00:00)
We have ones for different places
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T16:53:06.778000+00:00)
I think
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:53:10.796000+00:00)
This is for my region
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:53:17.903000+00:00)
We dont have a single one either, because different parts of our ethnic space has been in different empires
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:53:54.429000+00:00)
From neighbouring region
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:54:00.783000+00:00)
So it varies quite a lot
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:54:18.891000+00:00)
Tradition Highland dress is Patrician
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T16:54:24.260000+00:00)
I can't find a good Scanian one
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T16:54:43.655000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:54:55.922000+00:00)
Apparently this is Iceland
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:09.369000+00:00)
I don't know why she has a fountain on her head
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:13.236000+00:00)
Montenegro http://spiritus-movens.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Crnogorska-no%C5%A1nja-mladenci-800x445.jpg
Central and south east https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dd/00/c8/dd00c8697a960324da166215910d9d45.jpg
North http://srpskoblago.rs/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/backa-nosnja.jpg
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:27.433000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:30.722000+00:00)
you had the perfect opportunity
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:33.567000+00:00)
and you messed up
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:51.380000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:53.475000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:55:54.150000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:00.253000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:09.077000+00:00)
Was arkan from montenegro?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:14.289000+00:00)
I dont think so
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:16.617000+00:00)
His family was
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:20.210000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:22.334000+00:00)
from his wedding
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:27.902000+00:00)
His gypsy waifu is from a town just south of here
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:29.803000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:56:52.529000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> His son is from Gothenburg
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:57:26.243000+00:00)
From my home area
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:58:23.479000+00:00)
where is the knife
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T16:58:25.549000+00:00)
and why isnt he in a sauna
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:59:20.293000+00:00)
Current area
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:59:29.662000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:59:46.545000+00:00)
I prefer more workers class dressing and clothing.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T16:59:55.715000+00:00)
Knife, sauna, sahti etc
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:00:21.825000+00:00)
This is the best folk dress in existence though tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:00:22.292000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:00:29.938000+00:00)
Did you hear the Zucc might try to run for president in 2020?
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-24T17:00:43.010000+00:00)
Greenlandic one. Only women wear the dress as far as I know
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:00:59.259000+00:00)
those memes aren't allowed
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:08.504000+00:00)
How are people from montenegro called?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:08.639000+00:00)
Morea local traditional ware http://cdn.trinixy.ru/pics2/20070327/gopota_16.jpg
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:08.858000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:14.762000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:19.111000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:19.362000+00:00)
Was looking for typical finnish man
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:23.569000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:31.329000+00:00)
This is what Google gives
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:01:37.231000+00:00)
As I was saying, what do you call a guy from montenegro?
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:02.558000+00:00)
a serbian spartan
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:03.269000+00:00)
Also, since fingol memes are forbidden, what about "Finland doesn't exist" memes? <@!331147867035140096>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:09.965000+00:00)
Wrong, montenigger
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:13.478000+00:00)
Oh that's the funny thing
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:17.357000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> You call them by shouting from the next hill " OJ DJES RODE MOJ JEBO TE OTAC"
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:36.814000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:45.537000+00:00)
I think it has something to do with Turbonegro
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:52.604000+00:00)
Arent Montenegro just serbia but not serbia?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:02:53.588000+00:00)
They're called monteniggers badum tssss
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T17:03:06.358000+00:00)
They'd shoot you if you said that to them <@118489422931951616>
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:03:35.831000+00:00)
Which adjective best describes a Croat?
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:03:43.839000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:03:57.578000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:05:23.612000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:06:52.489000+00:00)
*It has featured articles on its social media channels critical of the rally for provoking a public backlash*
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:07:01.950000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:07:59.598000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:08:04.032000+00:00)
I need to get some flecktarn kit smh
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:12:33.395000+00:00)
Hatecamp 😃
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:07.294000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:24.594000+00:00)
its a rather flattering article I have to say
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:41.638000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Im looking at the site already tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:46.673000+00:00)
Gonna order a puukko from there
Stefan Olsson writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:58.420000+00:00)
I just saw this clip and it was sure nice to see our American comrades stand up against the red and black scum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thhd-VM6mW4
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:13:58.962000+00:00)
Might aswell grab some Flecktarn while I'm at it
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:15:04.861000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> https://www.varusteleka.com/en/product/terava-jaakaripuukko-carbon-steel/56524
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:15:57.074000+00:00)
I'm interested in the whole "leaderless resistance" idea
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:16:21.011000+00:00)
fairly old NS concept at this point
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:16:30.505000+00:00)
<@344159336072871936> It's a fairly old concept, I can send you some books if you'd like
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:16:56.199000+00:00)
Yes send me books
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:18:34.757000+00:00)
I loved Turner diaries, and after reading siege it just makes sense
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:19:44.095000+00:00)
Turner diaries ftw
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:20:39.411000+00:00)
As far as I understand it, leaderless resistance is a concept for the underground groups.
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:21:20.508000+00:00)
At some point a leader has to emerge
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:21:29.489000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:21:44.957000+00:00)
its a guerrilla warfare tactic
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:22:22.373000+00:00)
multiple spread out cells that act independently of one another but they follow a predetermined set of directions and goals, that allows for full autonomy and maximum group preservation
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:22:57.682000+00:00)
its the best approach during the stage when you want to destabilize the System
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:23:34.827000+00:00)
once the System starts to crash and burn and have issues maintaining basic order you can consolidate the cells into something more of a unified militia with a leader
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:24:13.245000+00:00)
basic difference is that the former has no "front line" and the latter does
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:27:02.354000+00:00)
When I was in the army in read Turner diaries. Good choice <:wp:330824114086346753>
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:29:10.745000+00:00)
I'd suggest you read siege, you can find it as an audio book if you google. <@311554642490294272>
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:30:23.533000+00:00)
I think it's a great book that explains the revolutionary idea
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:30:44.375000+00:00)
It should be obligatory reading tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:07.626000+00:00)
it really should be
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:19.675000+00:00)
the fundamental problem with the movement is how everyone universally refuses to READ
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:34.573000+00:00)
Yes. I suggest people read Turner diaries first to know what's up and then siege as an actual manual almost
Breen writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:49.065000+00:00)
The green book is a better manual
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:50.448000+00:00)
when I read This Time the World by Rockwell I was fucking furious, because it gets gut-wrenching at times when he talks about the personal struggle of it and how it tore his family apart
Breen writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:55.432000+00:00)
Siege doesn't tell you how to do it
Breen writes: (2017-08-24T17:31:59.810000+00:00)
Just why you should do it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:13.414000+00:00)
and he talks and shuts down all the same retarded arguments you hear in the movement today
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:20.819000+00:00)
and they think they know better so they don't read
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:26.310000+00:00)
and thus insult all his work and sacrifice
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:34.031000+00:00)
Well I'm not native English so it's always harder
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:55.474000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> should I read that book?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:32:59.954000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:33:22.947000+00:00)
Do you have a reading order screencap like the Evola one, but for GLR?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:33:32.055000+00:00)
White Power as well, however TTtW first, there is a considerable overlap where Rockwell uses the same portions of text in WP but it also has a lot of important new additions, its a latter book
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:33:46.336000+00:00)
well for GLR is treally just
TTtW and then White Power
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:13.774000+00:00)
"How to get out or stay out of a mental asylum" comes after SIEGE
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:16.305000+00:00)
http://laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/America/George%20Lincoln%20Rockwell%20-%20This%20Time%20the%20World.pdf IM edition of TTtW
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:27.973000+00:00)
ahaha yeah that one is good too
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:34.278000+00:00)
also read his article on propaganda
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:40.180000+00:00)
from privy wall to ivory tower I think
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:48.210000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:34:56.281000+00:00)
good stuff that explains how propaganda has to be used on several levels simultaneously
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:08.200000+00:00)
and identifies the fundamental problem most groups have with propaganda
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:19.041000+00:00)
they make the propaganda THEY want, the type of propaganda THEY LIKE
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:24.772000+00:00)
i.e. they make it for THEMSELVES ALONE
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:31.585000+00:00)
hence why its ineffective
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:42.414000+00:00)
perfect example of this is all of the Identity Evropa stuff
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:45.622000+00:00)
its utter shite
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:35:55.070000+00:00)
but they think its fantastic and that's all that matters to them
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:38:12.039000+00:00)
I'm gonna see if I can find it as an audio book. I wish I was a good reader but audio books seem to work better for me when in English
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:38:44.737000+00:00)
Turner Diaries audiobook read by William Luther Pierce himself is the best thing ever - HE DOES PARODY NIGGER AND JEW VOICES
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-24T17:38:55.020000+00:00)
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:04.373000+00:00)
I need to find the
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:07.695000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:09.742000+00:00)
"Turner Diaries" read in that Nazi Gendalf voice of Dr.WLP - one of the best experiences out there
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:12.588000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:13.899000+00:00)
it used to be on archive.org
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:22.131000+00:00)
Lol link the TD audio book <:nysvensk:328882488585748481>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:27.811000+00:00)
>SIEGE audiobook in Swedish accent
for the love of God pls no
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:39:45.292000+00:00)
but apparently the guy running national alliance is some weird retard who is trying to copyright everything that WLP ever made and have it taken down from the internet
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:40:10.314000+00:00)
hence that audiobook is now missing from archive.org
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:40:45.775000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:40:47.010000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:40:47.838000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T17:40:52.661000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:41:11.791000+00:00)
I swear the best part is literally the parodies
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T17:41:28.613000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:42:04.680000+00:00)
>770mb mp3
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T17:42:06.568000+00:00)
still worth it tbh
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:54:46.969000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:54:50.574000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:55:03.333000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:55:03.712000+00:00)
That might take me half an hour
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:55:05.491000+00:00)
pr cucks btfo
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T17:57:31.910000+00:00)
oi <@344159336072871936> you still looking for a few good discord servers to join? I got one but it's a pagan natsoc/esoteric hitlerist one if that's your thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:57:50.331000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T17:57:53.602000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:58:00.274000+00:00)
Pagan Discord?
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:58:07.438000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:58:16.428000+00:00)
we agreed that esoteric hitlerist discord is for NS people who are legitimately interested in esoteric stuff
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T17:58:17.143000+00:00)
I didn't think there was a ton
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T17:58:26.136000+00:00)
don't just drop invites willy-nilly
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T17:59:39.543000+00:00)
I'm not, guy's a solid NRM mod/higher up I assume
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-24T18:00:20.182000+00:00)
Is it the one ran by the chronic? <@209413388126781440>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T18:00:37.275000+00:00)
the critical emphasis was on "legitimately interested in esoteric stuff"
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:00:44.160000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:00:50.169000+00:00)
and no <@214649490085380096> but he's in it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T18:00:51.849000+00:00)
if he is then super
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:01:47.230000+00:00)
Green is member / activist
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-24T18:02:47.603000+00:00)
I'm interested, send me an invite
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:02:52.505000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:03:16.314000+00:00)
I like your avatar <@209413388126781440>
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:03:21.869000+00:00)
Danke m8
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:03:31.617000+00:00)
You made it yourself?
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:04:24.213000+00:00)
Nope, found it on tumblr. There's a surprisingly decent sized NatSoc community on there
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:04:29.771000+00:00)
Tons of great artwork
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:04:55.561000+00:00)
Strange isn't it?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:05:26.765000+00:00)
Damn never thought natsocs were on tumblr
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:05:45.115000+00:00)
Can u gimme a link to check out the artwork?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T18:05:51.550000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:06:05.956000+00:00)
It's about a 50/50 ratio of men to women as well, something you really don't see in other online spheres
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:06:15.074000+00:00)
I'll try to find some blogs
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:06:44.003000+00:00)
My Serb m8 has this one and it's by far some of the best out there
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:06:44.946000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:06:54.587000+00:00)
You see a 50/50 of men and faggots on TRS tho
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:07:56.496000+00:00)
Oh yeah Hyperborean is a talented guy
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:07:56.604000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:09:03.705000+00:00)
Tumblr is good
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:09:07.768000+00:00)
Haven't been active in Tumblr for ages 😐
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:09:08.456000+00:00)
you have a lot of thots and betas
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:09:14.210000+00:00)
but you can shit all over them
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:09:43.126000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> What is your Tumblr
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:10:23.076000+00:00)
Thanks alba
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:10:29.331000+00:00)
Will check em out
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:10:43.576000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Make an account
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:11:03.962000+00:00)
Tumblr is siegepilled. Its confirmed
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:11:58.880000+00:00)
I met a lot of great people on there actually
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:02.405000+00:00)
Was quite surprised
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:08.164000+00:00)
There's at least 12 guys on Tumblr from the EH server
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:22.543000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> The only people I've spoken to are feds
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:25.370000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:29.620000+00:00)
Very little oc
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:38.210000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:44.165000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:47.294000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:51.799000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:53.149000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:54.919000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:55.869000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:56.993000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:57.632000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:59.781000+00:00)
with axes
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:12:59.957000+00:00)
Take video
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:02.887000+00:00)
I opened the door
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:04.212000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:07.203000+00:00)
they're yelling for my nigger neighbour
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:10.554000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:10.996000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:13.603000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:20.136000+00:00)
<:nysvensk:328882488585748481> <:nysvensk:328882488585748481> <:nysvensk:328882488585748481>
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:13:50.968000+00:00)
They're smashing the door in
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:00.864000+00:00)
Go on international discussion I'll voice stream
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:04.323000+00:00)
Would it be a Jihadi or?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:07.734000+00:00)
He'll blow himself up
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:11.375000+00:00)
Haven't got my mic plugged in but I'll listen
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:11.591000+00:00)
Take cover
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:19.622000+00:00)
>Daniel was about to go full 'Once considered a marked man by the police, proceed to kill as many of them as you can"
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:21.030000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:45.971000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> pahahah is that the police making that noise?
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:49.355000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:14:59.641000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:14.625000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:32.157000+00:00)
Outside with dog. Was listening nf, but prefer this live stream
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:32.794000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:34.056000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:46.508000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:15:52.150000+00:00)
Can't they even break the door?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:02.684000+00:00)
Cucks and women <:varg:333280265910616064>
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:15.497000+00:00)
What has the nigger done?
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:21.514000+00:00)
Nigger things I assume
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:23.578000+00:00)
Being nigger
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:27.516000+00:00)
I guess
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:32.417000+00:00)
That is the most common thing
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:43.728000+00:00)
Missed three consecustive dates for his interracial breeding appointments
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:16:58.957000+00:00)
He didnt want to receive his socialism bux so the Swedish state is forcing him to take it :Kappa:
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:03.008000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:18.931000+00:00)
He actually paid his taxes
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:22.394000+00:00)
Its against Swedish law
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:36.745000+00:00)
Maybe he danced illegally
Alba writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:56.909000+00:00)
that is a shitty axe they're usign
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:17:57.265000+00:00)
Dindu nuffin
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:02.420000+00:00)
rip monkies
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:03.883000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:06.913000+00:00)
Probably blunt tbh
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:07.998000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:10.054000+00:00)
Why can't they just knock
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:10.774000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:12.269000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:19.961000+00:00)
there are four of them
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:22.598000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:30.634000+00:00)
piss on them and declare your allegiance to hitler
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:31.790000+00:00)
Daniel don't get blown up
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:42.647000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> jag hittade din kanal
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:44.286000+00:00)
Daniel go out with a copy of SIEGE and start dancing in front of them
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:18:57.061000+00:00)
Remember to raise your hand
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:02.207000+00:00)
I opened the door first before they started hammering
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:05.249000+00:00)
and looked at them
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:06.043000+00:00)
Hand the cops some nrm propaganda
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:14.753000+00:00)
piss out of the window
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:16.577000+00:00)
we just looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before they said "uh, hey" then left
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:21.732000+00:00)
cops don't even use explosives to breach
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:23.877000+00:00)
pleb tier
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:41.412000+00:00)
is the negro de-
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:42.369000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-24T18:19:54.085000+00:00)
so what did the negro do?"
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:00.126000+00:00)
takes a surprisingly long time to break a door down
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:10.800000+00:00)
ya svart its sweden
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:25.559000+00:00)
The cop trying to break in is the virgin from the virgin vs chad memes confirmed
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:27.825000+00:00)
the cops are probably high on vegan soylent
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:31.591000+00:00)
i remember the same thing happened to my danish buddy, some junkie next door had his door broken down while we were on VC and it took like an hour of banging to get it down
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-24T18:20:32.830000+00:00)
so it takes more effort
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:21:12.826000+00:00)
Here they can get keys from service company
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:21:23.743000+00:00)
No need to break the door
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:00.730000+00:00)
Help them by putting a few bananas infront of the door
Elusive writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:07.052000+00:00)
So the negro comes out
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:13.843000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Are the cops hwite men?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:15.861000+00:00)
Okay gtg
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:23.296000+00:00)
Sweden AF dude
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:24.962000+00:00)
cops arresting a nigger in sweden?? inconcievable
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:53.138000+00:00)
Didn't that one nigger pedophile only get 2 months for rape?
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:22:55.662000+00:00)
five cops now
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:23:00.830000+00:00)
using a crowbar aswell
Viper writes: (2017-08-24T18:23:07.657000+00:00)
Why can't they just shoot the lock
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T18:23:19.216000+00:00)
They have guns?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:23:40.243000+00:00)
They might have water guns
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-24T18:24:17.897000+00:00)
Do you have reinforced doors because of the niggers?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-24T18:24:25.753000+00:00)
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:24:49.825000+00:00)
rip Daniel 😩
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:24:53.116000+00:00)
they broke it down
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:00.531000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:02.631000+00:00)
Svartskjorta writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:06.790000+00:00)
"oh fuck it was my door" - daniel
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:09.875000+00:00)
Keep us up to date
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:16.793000+00:00)
Hopefully they tase the rape ape
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:25:18.699000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:27:11.846000+00:00)
did they not give a warning to the nog or smthng
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T18:27:57.448000+00:00)
>implying niggers are capable of understanding or co-operating
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:00.830000+00:00)
they seem to have closed the door and left
Славрос writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:08.565000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:09.458000+00:00)
lol what
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:18.003000+00:00)
I didnt watch what happened
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:21.353000+00:00)
guess they seized him or smth
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:47.286000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:28:48.902000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T18:29:35.592000+00:00)
Today I learnt it takes Swedish police about 20 minutes to bust down a door
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T18:30:05.973000+00:00)
20 mins is nearly enough for a 5 bodies to be cremated at auschwitz
Jörken writes: (2017-08-24T18:39:32.164000+00:00)
in a single oven
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T19:07:32.906000+00:00)
You could dispose of your hard drive, any/all drugs, all weapons, and set fire to the house in that time
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-24T19:13:54.371000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:14:34.803000+00:00)
Can someone hang Sargon of Akkad, or rather we should torture him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:14:49.842000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:14:53.197000+00:00)
Smug prick
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:18.892000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:23.678000+00:00)
"I read from a book made by a Zionist that said Nazi's are bad so fuck them"
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:25.580000+00:00)
>When you are a Bulgarian.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:38.227000+00:00)
"I don't believe in white genocide"
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:55.489000+00:00)
Fucking shit man
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:15:56.711000+00:00)
My country
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:00.440000+00:00)
Is the worst
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:07.577000+00:00)
25% for 40 years
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:15.080000+00:00)
"Racial subjectivity"
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:15.531000+00:00)
Can't be worse than what we Amerifats are
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:17.671000+00:00)
Are you fucking kidding ghypsies will genocide us!
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:31.219000+00:00)
"Morally inferior worldview" burn him alive
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-24T19:16:31.291000+00:00)
Gypsy death squads
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:17:03.923000+00:00)
<@340958984934653965> at least not replacement
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-24T19:20:13.127000+00:00)
Gypsy death suqaDS
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:22:15.030000+00:00)
Time for some Nordic Frontier:
noobtia writes: (2017-08-24T19:30:27.439000+00:00)
Ah. Takes a while to get back in route with nf. Gotta just walk more ✊
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:58:38.057000+00:00)
Are there any TWP members in this channel/server
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T19:59:15.684000+00:00)
They really need to update their "Our Mission" tab on their youth groups website, it's degenerate now:
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-24T19:59:52.545000+00:00)
Also that eight pointed chaos star that dugin uses for his eurasianist movement
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:03:32.717000+00:00)
TradJewth anime reviews 😂
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:06:28.365000+00:00)
Mail them through the contact tab
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:06:33.141000+00:00)
and tweet them:
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:06:53.225000+00:00)
It's not like they don't know.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:07:20.319000+00:00)
I sent them a mail and tweeted them, I'm curious on their answer
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:08:47.500000+00:00)
More could do it and we can compare their answers
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:08:53.820000+00:00)
see if it adds up or not
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:09:09.566000+00:00)
Why? TWP has never been especially radical and has never claimed to be so.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:09:35.390000+00:00)
they claim to be national socialists
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:09:48.823000+00:00)
They have always been like that.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:09:53.942000+00:00)
you don't have to be radical, but you can't be degenerate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:10:28.858000+00:00)
what I mean by radical is beyond parliamentary
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:10:31.080000+00:00)
As far as I know TWP even accepts "ex-gays". Just because you get interviewed by NRM doesn't mean you're anywhere near their level.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:11:19.681000+00:00)
People have been trying to purity spiral TWP for years.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:11:45.962000+00:00)
What I'm saying is if they claim to be national socialist which they do (not only to NRM) they have to take stances or we should at least distance ourselves from them
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:11:53.687000+00:00)
and bully them/harass them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:12:12.589000+00:00)
I was pretty surprised they were interviewed in the first place.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:13:48.611000+00:00)
We should always be bullying and harassing everyone to be more radical. But Heimbach just believes in the big tent and tolerating moderates, ex-gays and "non-white allies". He's been like this always and has been bullied for it for years, how is this a surprise.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:14:18.214000+00:00)
I've heard it before
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-24T20:14:23.529000+00:00)
Ask your superiors
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-24T20:14:26.953000+00:00)
They also claim to have been influenced by Aleksandr Dugin
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:14:36.427000+00:00)
Of course, Matts are total Putinbots.
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-24T20:14:42.651000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:15:04.697000+00:00)
Look, they probably have their hearts in the right place, but someone really needs to drill into their skulls you'll never get anywhere with half measures.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-24T20:15:49.438000+00:00)
At least we got Atomwaffen.
dylb writes: (2017-08-24T20:18:39.134000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-08-25T03:51:20.700000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T05:03:28.960000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-25T10:04:10.264000+00:00)
At first I was like
dylb writes: (2017-08-25T10:04:10.607000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-25T10:04:30.028000+00:00)
but then I was like
dylb writes: (2017-08-25T10:05:40.248000+00:00)
Who the fug puts an antiracist sticker on a flower pot anyway
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T11:16:24.954000+00:00)
hey NordFront members
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T11:16:34.997000+00:00)
do you sing your Horst Wessel Song irl?
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-25T12:23:40.422000+00:00)
<@218481804498173952> Nordfront is the name of our paper/publication.
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T12:25:16.447000+00:00)
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T12:25:28.941000+00:00)
but w/e do you sing that song "Hall Fanan Hoght"?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-25T12:30:06.962000+00:00)
<@218481804498173952> What kind of question is that
Jonatan writes: (2017-08-25T12:30:36.832000+00:00)
I'm a terrible singer
dylb writes: (2017-08-25T13:41:08.901000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-25T13:41:46.355000+00:00)
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T13:41:56.679000+00:00)
i mean like
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-25T13:42:01.745000+00:00)
in your rallies
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-25T13:42:46.001000+00:00)
Well with me living in the land of Amerifats I can't quite answer that
Der Ewige Sven writes: (2017-08-25T14:00:16.663000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T14:35:56.856000+00:00)
Well we don't sing.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-25T14:40:19.416000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-25T14:40:23.878000+00:00)
Good speech
Славрос writes: (2017-08-25T15:37:47.430000+00:00)
anyone think they can find a verified picture of Paul Krannhals? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Krannhals
Славрос writes: (2017-08-25T15:41:11.418000+00:00)
I also need to find out the original author for this text https://nseuropa.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/the-responsibilities-of-party-members/
Caesar writes: (2017-08-25T16:39:22.721000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> "I also need to find out the original author for this text" Well, there is none. The text is a translation of the original text: "Die Pflichten des Parteigenossen". It might be Herrmann Liese, while he was responsible for the content of the book - "Zusammenstellung und für den Inhalt verantwortlich".
Caesar writes: (2017-08-25T16:40:26.754000+00:00)
There are several authors to several texts named in the book, but for this text there is none..
Славрос writes: (2017-08-25T16:41:00.040000+00:00)
hweeeel fug
Славрос writes: (2017-08-25T16:41:17.995000+00:00)
wanted to add a quote from it to the IM banner but can't do it without a face
Caesar writes: (2017-08-25T16:41:49.268000+00:00)
The book is from 1943 and the title is "Ich Kämpfe".
Славрос writes: (2017-08-25T16:42:30.307000+00:00)
what about Paul Krannhals? any pictures of him at all?
Liebenflücht writes: (2017-08-25T16:56:38.899000+00:00)
Ifall någon vill göra reklam för NMR så kan ni göra det i denna livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4hl-RBOuRg
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-25T17:07:28.005000+00:00)
fuck, the spacing is wrong
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-25T17:07:41.716000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-25T17:08:41.157000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-25T17:08:44.272000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T17:09:24.771000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T17:09:34.561000+00:00)
What a fucking duo
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T17:10:11.182000+00:00)
"wanna do genocide? Yeah sure! Let's fuck our nations in the ass while taking shit ton of money."
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-25T17:11:00.862000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-25T17:12:28.706000+00:00)
If international people doesn't know that's Swedish pm with our lovely finnish pm
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-25T18:48:10.815000+00:00)
austerity writes: (2017-08-25T20:22:34.856000+00:00)
Mumburra writes: (2017-08-25T22:01:53.413000+00:00)
austerity, good video. but imo the christianity parts are cancer. its not our religion, we need to stop worshipping the kike on the stick <:redpill:339777783662116865>
Jason writes: (2017-08-25T23:42:32.230000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-25T23:42:35.889000+00:00)
praise white god
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-26T00:57:37.794000+00:00)
If someone got the video with Christopher Cantwell hosting Weev please send, it was hilarious
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T01:32:07.540000+00:00)
I love it when people that do not even know about christianity say its a kike on a stick religion
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T01:46:41.735000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T01:49:51.001000+00:00)
Every single Christian institution in the West advocates the destruction of whites and has completely surrendered to the jews, even if church fathers 1800 years ago countersignaled kikes.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T01:50:25.318000+00:00)
On the Jews and their Lies is a good book, I own it. It's really symbolic how American Lutherans actually denounced the founder of their own church. For being an antisemite.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T01:51:26.978000+00:00)
Also comments at that "A message from the Alt Right", tons of alt right cuckolds triggered harder than jews by the swastika
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T01:52:45.798000+00:00)
who wants to worship a crucified kike anyway
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T01:56:11.021000+00:00)
Martin Bormann put it wonderfully: "When we National Socialists speak of a belief in God, we do not mean what naive Christians and their clerical exploiters have in mind. ...The power of nature's law is what we call the omnipotent force or God. ...We National Socialists demand of ourselves that we live as naturally as possible, that is to say in accord with the laws of life. The more precisely we understand and observe the laws of nature and of life and the more we keep to them, the more we correspond to the will of this omnipotent force."
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:07:06.742000+00:00)
Do you mean every single protestan institution
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:07:10.727000+00:00)
Protestanism is NOT christianity
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:07:35.406000+00:00)
saying that all you need to do is to believe in order to get into heaven, not even requiring to read the book is complete heresy
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:08:17.943000+00:00)
Lets say martin luther had good intentions: Even then if he really wanted to protest against catholicism he should've gone orthodox
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:08:24.751000+00:00)
which is the true faith anyway
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-26T02:09:08.687000+00:00)
Martin Luther did nothing wrong
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T02:10:08.014000+00:00)
>B U R G E R orthodocks
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T02:10:44.332000+00:00)
Let me guess, another American of anglo-saxon heritage who converted to orthodoxy because its tradical and cool?
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:11:25.671000+00:00)
Completely wrong
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T02:11:30.369000+00:00)
I don't think I have ever met an American orthodox who wasn't 1st generation orthodox.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T02:11:34.670000+00:00)
Oh, actual slav heritage?
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:11:37.907000+00:00)
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:12:29.996000+00:00)
Historically, without Orthodox faith, greeks wouldn't exist today
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T02:14:10.594000+00:00)
Historically, if the Greeks didn't over extend themselves to rule over brown christians, they wouldn't have gotten skullfucked by the Turks
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-26T02:15:34.661000+00:00)
Since when did we overextend?
Victor writes: (2017-08-26T02:38:09.409000+00:00)
What's going with stormfront.org? Been no website access for over 1 day now for me. Did the you know who take it down too?
Big B writes: (2017-08-26T02:54:55.183000+00:00)
-ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔢- writes: (2017-08-26T04:51:47.494000+00:00)
Didn't they move to tor?
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:29:38.115000+00:00)
stormfront and daily stormer got fucked?
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:29:48.512000+00:00)
we are being taken down what the fuck!
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:30:15.981000+00:00)
this attack on our free speech and liberties is annoying as fuck
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:30:21.730000+00:00)
its as if america is no longer american
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:30:46.800000+00:00)
That Cvill rally really fucked us
Horst_Wessel writes: (2017-08-26T05:30:53.672000+00:00)
i didnt think it was going to be this bad
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-26T07:15:08.324000+00:00)
It's almost like someone is opposed to us.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T08:08:34.388000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> so hwat are you then
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T09:16:01.718000+00:00)
A nationalist? Otherwise I wouldnt be here would I? 😊
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T09:28:35.306000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> a nationalist in what sense? Define nationalist
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T09:29:52.635000+00:00)
<@179763868569042953> free speech is not a right, welcome to reality, worse is better, if you can't flap your gums all that's left is to act
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T09:31:57.674000+00:00)
<@179763868569042953> http://ropeculture.org/2017/08/20/the-reality-of-free-speech/
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T10:38:34.644000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> "Historically, if the Greeks didn't over extend themselves to rule over brown christians, they wouldn't have gotten skullfucked by the Turks"
u wot m8
That "overextendition" to rule those browns began during the fucking mithridatic wars and before and was just inhertied from then 😂
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T13:14:12.288000+00:00)
respec women
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T13:48:29.921000+00:00)
Thank you, dudes. :missfaHuG:
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T13:48:48.222000+00:00)
respec women is a meme
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T13:49:49.070000+00:00)
why do you have communist hair
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T13:50:28.602000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T13:50:42.616000+00:00)
and I still want to know your definition of nationalist while sporting that hair
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T13:55:16.326000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T13:56:55.703000+00:00)
There are two demonstrations in Helsinki currently. One against terrorism and one against fascism. About 300-500 people doesn't like terrorism. About 80-140 people doesn't like fascism. (fixed numbers, got new info around media and police)
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T13:58:41.574000+00:00)
Because I have psoriasis and shaving my side helps. And i also like it :) i love my country and want to prevail what's left of it.
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T13:58:53.681000+00:00)
Thats how Im a nationalist.
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T13:59:10.242000+00:00)
http://www.vastarinta.com/juuri-nyt-aktivisteja-mukana-terrorisminvastaisessa-mielenosoituksessa/ our activists are there too. One got harassed by police because he was photographing antifas too close
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T13:59:52.432000+00:00)
Those 200 will make it look like that it is all about Fascism
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:00:02.390000+00:00)
why color what's left of it pink
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-26T14:00:16.874000+00:00)
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T14:00:53.870000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> i get it, you dont like me. Its fine, you cant get along with all people
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:01:10.617000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:01:14.607000+00:00)
but seriously
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:01:21.260000+00:00)
I'm the designated Purity Spiraler here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:01:33.136000+00:00)
scuse me if I get suspect about people looking like feminists
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T14:01:42.679000+00:00)
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T14:02:27.493000+00:00)
Where is the triggered emote when I need it? 🙃
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T14:02:48.723000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T14:02:59.880000+00:00)
Police heiling when capturing anarchist
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T14:03:18.994000+00:00)
wtf i love police now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:04:00.485000+00:00)
>looks like a feminist or scene chick
>plays games on twitch
>"is nationalist"
these stereotypes and that statement don't mix
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:04:14.288000+00:00)
hence the question what kind of nationalist
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:04:35.016000+00:00)
because I can only imagine "civic nationalist" being the applicable answer
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T14:05:49.937000+00:00)
Do you think Hitler was great
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:06:10.462000+00:00)
gotta wait till her glitch in the game works itself out
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:09:17.505000+00:00)
this has the workings of a meme actually
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T14:09:28.772000+00:00)
Even the Finnish police officers look autistic smh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:09:46.282000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-26T14:10:25.662000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> open bob
Tyler writes: (2017-08-26T14:11:19.564000+00:00)
Sent vagene pix
Tyler writes: (2017-08-26T14:11:35.104000+00:00)
Bootiful I want to kiss u
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:11:49.760000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T14:12:11.593000+00:00)
Present thy mammary glands or vacate the premises
Tyler writes: (2017-08-26T14:12:22.635000+00:00)
Sorry it is a part of my culture, don't discriminate.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-26T14:12:28.157000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-26T14:12:34.624000+00:00)
I am an Aryan(Dravidian)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-26T14:13:31.596000+00:00)
*[pretending to be Brahmin to impress kwans intensifies]*
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-26T14:14:03.641000+00:00)
sheer vajina
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T14:15:19.689000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:16:28.701000+00:00)
🙎 🔫 <:ahmoji:333289118371151876>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T14:16:53.104000+00:00)
Did you finally convert to White Sharia, Slavros
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T14:17:13.889000+00:00)
I only hated the name for it
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-26T14:20:37.573000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-26T14:22:19.089000+00:00)
Báleygr writes: (2017-08-26T14:36:40.089000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T14:37:17.707000+00:00)
These are great
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-26T14:41:15.288000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> I have psoreasis aswell. Its easier for guys because having short hair is normal.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T14:50:07.010000+00:00)
You guys are so patriarchal
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T14:50:17.171000+00:00)
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T14:51:18.155000+00:00)
<@118489422931951616> oh yeah. I have to deal with my commy hairstyle FeelsCommyMan
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T14:56:38.456000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> are you in the US?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T14:59:34.534000+00:00)
Please be located within the administrative area of Greater London
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T15:00:20.161000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:01.043000+00:00)
G̑ͭ̅̂L̊͂ͣ̏ͣͧȊ̽T͋ͬCH writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:12.924000+00:00)
Sweden <@316346918806618114>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:25.179000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:40.151000+00:00)
<@114341854723440646> Y DID YOU BAN ME WOMAN
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:43.090000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:44.994000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:04:55.946000+00:00)
>open site
>about page
>*Much lube, Yoshi*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:05:08.680000+00:00)
*"Why do people call you Yoshi?
- Because it's my real name! I changed it from Johanna
since it's been a nickname for many years. "*
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:05:36.421000+00:00)
Male japanese name = Not liberal
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T15:07:09.801000+00:00)
She switched from a semitic name to a H O N O R A R Y one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:08:29.054000+00:00)
she left
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:08:51.242000+00:00)
safety zone activated
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:08:57.181000+00:00)
one of her mods in the stream:
*Jumppogo13: What fucking annoys me about those dicks... is my birth year is 88...*
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T15:09:13.184000+00:00)
You broke her amygdala guise
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:09:27.789000+00:00)
*Jumppogo13: Such "edgelords" did these people* ***just*** *get the internet?*
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:09:29.933000+00:00)
her twitter:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:09:49.261000+00:00)
She doesn't take shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:10:15.337000+00:00)
soon as our guys got in her stream asking about Hitler, sieg heiling they got banned
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:10:24.869000+00:00)
and her modding rules stop people from posting words like NIGGER
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:10:36.559000+00:00)
I have to ask again how the fuck she found her way in here in the first place
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:11:10.229000+00:00)
tired of mudslimes probably
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-26T15:12:12.240000+00:00)
Well u can get banned if you allow those things in the chat
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:12:25.030000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:12:58.172000+00:00)
whatever, Purity Spiraling Death Squad prevails
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-26T15:13:30.336000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:13:35.944000+00:00)
*"that's what I get for trying to get new friends, I get bullshit"* -her in stream
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:13:41.322000+00:00)
>she came here to make friends
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:14:01.547000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:14:16.142000+00:00)
<:varg:333280265910616064> <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
Victor writes: (2017-08-26T15:14:54.953000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:15:15.502000+00:00)
Sad. Somehow
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:11.289000+00:00)
Can I make new friends here? :3
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:46.036000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:50.299000+00:00)
Friendship is communist
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:50.707000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:51.853000+00:00)
She's used to people sucking up to her for being a gamer grill
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:16:59.063000+00:00)
attention whoring
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:17:08.320000+00:00)
Stop me if you heard this one before:
>So a scenechick camwhore walks into a Nazi bar to make some friends...
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:18:00.653000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:18:17.383000+00:00)
Little bit 88 and friendship
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:20:19.042000+00:00)
but can be no friendship without the 88
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T15:20:46.133000+00:00)
you guys couldnt handle her being a woman
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T15:20:52.067000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:21:09.591000+00:00)
Always up for some wololoo but I guess this was lost match before start
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:21:45.088000+00:00)
plenty of women here from what I've seen
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:21:48.766000+00:00)
so can't be that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:22:17.391000+00:00)
maybe just couldn't handle a *strong independent womyn wit pink hair*
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:22:49.663000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:23:01.960000+00:00)
degenerate siblings
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:23:16.145000+00:00)
looks even more like the big red in here
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:04.760000+00:00)
Communists BTFO
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:19.515000+00:00)
oh yeah he had plenty of nigger hating quotes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:23.413000+00:00)
he also hated faggotry
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:37.211000+00:00)
also there's a picture of him clean shaven
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:50.304000+00:00)
looks more like GLR
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T15:24:56.097000+00:00)
why havent i seen any shirts with that quote on it
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:25:05.429000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:25:26.856000+00:00)
I wonder (((who))) produced those shirts
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:25:31.412000+00:00)
used that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:25:38.174000+00:00)
there we go
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:26:16.827000+00:00)
Well then
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:26:42.783000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:26:45.160000+00:00)
I just realized
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:26:59.179000+00:00)
this could be a perfect fake out operation against lefties
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:05.624000+00:00)
make racist che quotes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:14.416000+00:00)
with that clean shaved picture of him
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:18.927000+00:00)
but credit it as GLR
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:32.481000+00:00)
and spread them among leftists like "this fucking biggot"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:39.394000+00:00)
let it spread for a while
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:27:47.973000+00:00)
and then drop the bomb that both the pic and quote are Che
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:28:56.146000+00:00)
Wonderfull idea
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:31:17.495000+00:00)
She's still talking about us
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:31:20.929000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:31:58.428000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:32:07.178000+00:00)
Bigot nazis hate women?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:32:14.897000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:32:42.299000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-26T15:33:04.260000+00:00)
why did you guys bully my waifu out of the server
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:33:37.437000+00:00)
We did not
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:33:38.494000+00:00)
I can't watch her, too much gib me money
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:33:52.430000+00:00)
but that's literally what the whole twitchbitch theme is
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:33:55.554000+00:00)
gimme money
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:07.968000+00:00)
boobs in frame, I play game, gimme money
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:10.757000+00:00)
Jumppogo13: So lemme get this right, your hair colour triggered the fook out of that group you joined?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:11.426000+00:00)
We shit tested her dedication
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:14.967000+00:00)
report her to twitch for being a member of an evil nazi discord <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:38.332000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-26T15:34:56.756000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:35:19.057000+00:00)
Okay what the fuck is that description?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:35:32.322000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:39:02.753000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:44:14.427000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:44:30.410000+00:00)
I missed the bowl cut
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T15:47:27.845000+00:00)
Men with feminist hair cut, what the shit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T15:48:28.997000+00:00)
it probably came up because that's what they were going for
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:10:05.264000+00:00)
joining a nazi discord to make friends while looking like a feminist is the same as going to an oncologists convention to make friends while wearing a "cancer is not a disease" shirt
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:11:12.746000+00:00)
try joining antifa wearing a swastika
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:13:07.557000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:13:16.857000+00:00)
just don't forget to put a red line over it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:15:34.605000+00:00)
I think she just saw the pewdiepie videos about hitler and nazis and thought we were like that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:15:39.900000+00:00)
no deeper knowledge
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:16:04.260000+00:00)
She had made this video, so that's my best guess
Victor writes: (2017-08-26T16:16:53.449000+00:00)
This "chick" is nuts. She was never on our side to begin with. What does she talk about? Feminist nuts.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:19:27.512000+00:00)
the female equivalent of an unrepentant faggot trying to join Nazis
Victor writes: (2017-08-26T16:20:45.668000+00:00)
Looks like I'm banned from her Twitch now forever tho lol.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:20:57.256000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-26T16:21:11.494000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:21:20.453000+00:00)
Probably for the better
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:21:29.647000+00:00)
now you can be more productive 😃
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:22:09.088000+00:00)
you mean to imply watching feminist gamer gurrrls playing games and asking for money is not productive?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:22:21.780000+00:00)
no shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:22:31.489000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:22:33.783000+00:00)
plus it'll turn you into a incel mgtow
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:02.538000+00:00)
srsly though when we dealt with TRS some people literally believed that memes are activism
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:06.975000+00:00)
that you can win with memes alone
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:14.013000+00:00)
and if you did ANYTHING in RL - THAT was larping
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:27.985000+00:00)
because its... real life ergo live action
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:34.005000+00:00)
RL is where it all happens
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:37.516000+00:00)
and if you told them memes can't win
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:42.835000+00:00)
everything else is just containment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:44.197000+00:00)
that you can't win with memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:23:51.391000+00:00)
they would call you a defeatist shill
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:05.691000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:11.745000+00:00)
>just how warped is someone's brain to think like that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:14.701000+00:00)
How do you translate memes into action?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:21.054000+00:00)
you don't
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:21.359000+00:00)
did they answer that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:23.959000+00:00)
memes are the action
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:25.434000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:27.533000+00:00)
with memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:29.445000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:34.586000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:24:50.845000+00:00)
basically if you post enough memes you change public opinion, standards, the whole culture
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:00.539000+00:00)
so they rely on those with power to become nazis through memes?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:05.072000+00:00)
and start working for us
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:18.645000+00:00)
no if you try to do anything in RL you are a larper, remember?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:20.459000+00:00)
memes alone
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:22.335000+00:00)
nothing else
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:50.451000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:25:52.336000+00:00)
well then
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:06.265000+00:00)
and the trump campaigners were larpers?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:13.825000+00:00)
oh yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:17.019000+00:00)
it was the memes baby
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:30.939000+00:00)
Trump did some nice speeches and talked about what people wanted to hear
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:31.069000+00:00)
yeah that's shifted
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:34.079000+00:00)
but it was the memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:26:41.440000+00:00)
they **literally** believe that they got trump elected with memes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:27:19.144000+00:00)
voting is larping, make a meme instead
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:27:21.435000+00:00)
one particular retard would brag about his facebook account having over 5k followers I think, and the account was solely dedicated to posting memes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:27:47.392000+00:00)
"and what have YOU done for the white race? prance around in the woods? LARPER"
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:28:06.755000+00:00)
oh yeah
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:28:13.895000+00:00)
awyattmann, the massive weeaboo mod
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:28:52.250000+00:00)
is rl posters and stickers larping too
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:28:56.541000+00:00)
>heHE larpers, I have a facebook meme page with over 5000 followers and am slowly redpilling them with a ratio of 4 normie memes to 1 alt-right meme
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:31:49.788000+00:00)
all the while he had a thread where he ranked all his top fav animes
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:32:28.068000+00:00)
He would know
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:32:34.674000+00:00)
He's watched 48 seperate anime series
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:33:11.250000+00:00)
that's why he was scared of RL
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:33:26.918000+00:00)
not in touch with reality
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T16:33:49.162000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:33:54.475000+00:00)
self admitted fat, 28 year old virgin that still lived with his parents
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:13.575000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:14.215000+00:00)
to the surprise of absolutely no one
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:15.374000+00:00)
he left trs and alt right
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:26.325000+00:00)
AHAHAHAHAA and whats he fucking doing now
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:28.853000+00:00)
bcs family found out about his views
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:35.044000+00:00)
lemme find the thread
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T16:34:54.048000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:35:16.023000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:35:27.708000+00:00)
some other guy posted it instead of him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:35:41.870000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:35:42.388000+00:00)
I'll never forget the thread where he argued how anime enforces tradtional values and femininity in women with a cum-spattered monstergirl avatar
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T16:36:10.783000+00:00)
>My family found out what I believe and are very upset.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:36:51.692000+00:00)
That is why anime and japanese video games are degenerate
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:02.458000+00:00)
>ideas going forward
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:05.532000+00:00)
people lose touch with reality and lock themselves in their apartment
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:06.175000+00:00)
>-lower tolerance for violent rhetoric.
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:13.148000+00:00)
>-Sue the living shit out of everything.
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:20.088000+00:00)
>-No tolerance for imagery and rhetoric that would hurt the movement.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T16:37:45.303000+00:00)
"Who would have thought it be possible to be betrayed by local governments in such a sickening blatantly unconsitutional and dangerous way?" 💯
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:40:11.486000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:40:13.703000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:40:20.555000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:40:22.838000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:40:28.419000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:42:31.746000+00:00)
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these: "IronMarch was right again"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:44:51.674000+00:00)
It's funny how they call national socialists for larpers, while they are the one larping really
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:45:11.216000+00:00)
using ns symbols because it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:45:14.536000+00:00)
is edgy
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:45:39.422000+00:00)
while not practicing the worldview in rl
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:47:26.552000+00:00)
that was literally THE reason why we engaged against them
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:47:33.250000+00:00)
they used NS memes and symbols
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:47:37.568000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:48:04.287000+00:00)
so we had to go in and investigate why there were our symbols but none of our principles
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:48:26.514000+00:00)
but HAH now a bunch of them are talking about having a >zero tolerance (hahaha) policy against anything NS
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T16:48:39.235000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:49:22.986000+00:00)
the other irony is how often altrighters would point to stuff like GD and NRM to defend themselves from our criticism
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:49:29.951000+00:00)
Neither TWP nor TradYouth has answered my mails regarding their faggotry in TradYouth
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:49:33.909000+00:00)
and my demands
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:49:53.933000+00:00)
well supposedly its old info that they never updated
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:51:01.384000+00:00)
I've heard so to
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:51:12.461000+00:00)
but why give the appearance of being degenerate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T16:51:33.743000+00:00)
don't they have pride in their organization
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:51:34.280000+00:00)
yeah had plenty of time to update it
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T16:52:41.223000+00:00)
Rape talks with Heimbach often, so after hearing what he's like outside the public eye, my opinion of him increased
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T16:56:05.897000+00:00)
Heimbach has helped out AW and the TX guys
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T16:56:14.640000+00:00)
TRS guys were threatening to dox some of us
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T16:56:18.748000+00:00)
and Heimbach put an end to it
Jason writes: (2017-08-26T16:56:29.812000+00:00)
due to the friendship Rape has with Heimbach
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T16:57:25.189000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> <@206898373062557696> "We need intellectual anime vanguard to rule over the stupid skinhead edgelord masses" t. wyattman and ghoul
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T16:57:28.505000+00:00)
*one doxing later*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T16:57:40.537000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T16:58:05.535000+00:00)
Heimbach still needs to step up his purity spiraling game
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T16:58:06.481000+00:00)
I love this quote from ropeculture: "These types think themselves to be the next social elite, whereupon they can occupy stuffy cabinets with leather chairs and sip wine whilst stroking each other’s egos over meaningless yammering coated in complex wording. Well let them dream. Reality of the matter is, however, that history shall repeat itself once again, as these intellectuals will find themselves trampled underneath the jackboots of “low brow” “thugs” (the favored insult towards fascists in the past, all of them, from Hitler and Mussolini to Sir Oswald Mosley and Rockwell, to Codreanu, Italo Balbo, Joseph Tommasi and etc) – the very ones they thought would be doing their bidding."
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:11:05.100000+00:00)
Edgy larping omg
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:11:43.720000+00:00)
edgy indeed, you used hitler seriously instead of ironically
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:11:56.285000+00:00)
Holy shit. Nazis?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:10.615000+00:00)
know what they called nazis on trs?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:13.344000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:17.338000+00:00)
to make fun of 1488
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:19.949000+00:00)
Okay I'm out
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:26.338000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:29.824000+00:00)
"I'm all for the 14 but not the 88" -literally what they say
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:12:55.156000+00:00)
Is this trs big community?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:01.886000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:07.653000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:09.870000+00:00)
one of those "key" altright hubs
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:12.457000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:29.928000+00:00)
so you don't know much about it eh?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:36.531000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:42.582000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:45.579000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:48.339000+00:00)
No idea. Seen the name few times
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:13:50.947000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:05.868000+00:00)
awyattman was the weeb faggot?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:09.038000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:16.638000+00:00)
literally cucked because his family
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:24.908000+00:00)
The telltale sign of a pussy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:29.173000+00:00)
he was already a cuckpussy
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:30.086000+00:00)
I stopped because I got caught
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:32.357000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:36.538000+00:00)
but this just reinforces it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:37.680000+00:00)
stopped what?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:41.474000+00:00)
he stopped going online
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:47.408000+00:00)
he wasn't doing anything else to stop
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:52.038000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:14:53.575000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:01.040000+00:00)
"oh noes the movement will suffer without my 5k followers facebook meme page"
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:06.670000+00:00)
to people like him thats a big deal though
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:13.859000+00:00)
he genuinely sees himself as important
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:15.327000+00:00)
Wyatt Mann is 300lbs 30yo NEET who lives at home, explains so much. Remember when I just earlier told on this very channel the biggest experts of normie opinion are those who often are polar opposites of regular, well adjusted people.
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:20.304000+00:00)
in his circle of faggotry
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:31.280000+00:00)
I remember him crying more about nazis in Twitter than jews due to muhpr
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:41.226000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:47.972000+00:00)
also dante the fag mod
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:15:54.940000+00:00)
and of course mike enoch the admin and his jew wife
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:08.649000+00:00)
also ghoul the inner circle guy with lesbian moms and a tranny he dated
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:17.123000+00:00)
and apparently a kid he was grooming? I'm behind on that one
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:17.291000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:21.995000+00:00)
I told mang
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:22.992000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:16:24.585000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:17:11.717000+00:00)
Damn it's getting cold outside
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:17:25.100000+00:00)
come, sit by the fire and listen to my tales of TRS fuckery
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:18:18.401000+00:00)
Walking with the dog, listening nf. But please continue these nice stories about 14 but not 88 people who dates jews and trannies
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:01.773000+00:00)
I remember we trolled them in like two waves, once last June and again in August, we forced them to make their forum invite only and got bored and left. For MONTHS afterwards they were hyper paranoid and pissed off their userbase with several innane purges by the egotistical supercunt admin SeventhSon
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:07.974000+00:00)
We became a perpetual boogeyman for them
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:43.143000+00:00)
the Fascist Mafia meme was born
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:48.872000+00:00)
and really stays true to this day
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:54.912000+00:00)
we have our tendrils *everywhere*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:19:58.353000+00:00)
*even in NRM*
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:20:00.768000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:20:22.085000+00:00)
I'll never forget the day Awyattmann tried to tell me Hitler used 'meme warfare' to win elections after the Beer Hall Putsch
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:20:26.518000+00:00)
Boy did he get a BTFOing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:20:57.411000+00:00)
there's also that comic artist political one that drew 14 trying to get up a mountain but it was chained to an 88 that just sat there and 6000000 was laughing and rubbing hands at the side
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:10.717000+00:00)
I loved how he got mad at Spencer for being *too* radical.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:19.727000+00:00)
>see we'd achieve the 14 if it wasn't for the 88, 6000000 love the 88 impeding the 14
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:38.017000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:43.549000+00:00)
Seen that meme often
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:54.871000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:21:57.770000+00:00)
there it is
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:22:08.682000+00:00)
Yeah that's known
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:22:15.678000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:22:25.040000+00:00)
But now I know the sauce
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:24:55.083000+00:00)
one of the TRS admins is a "former" libertarian, Mike Enoch, he helped start TRS and the daily shoah, been doing it for years, one time he had his wife on the show for some christmas episode to sing a carol parody she had written about jews
Fast forward to early this year, its revealed that his wife is a jew and not just a jew, but a faghag, she loves faggots and dragshows and on one of her vids on youtube where she recorded a show she went to she had written "i love how we jews hold nothing sacred". She also dressed up in drag as well, this retarded women's drag where they >dress like men who dress like women. IF you can wrap your head around that. So he was married to a jewess the whole time and she was well aware of his views and what he was doing with TRS. >but no its totally okay, he says he's divorced her NOW, after it was made public
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:26:57.924000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T17:28:13.065000+00:00)
Didn't know about the drag part 🤢
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:28:28.233000+00:00)
glad to help you catch up
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:28:40.709000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:28:47.186000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:11.350000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:15.228000+00:00)
that jewish nose
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:24.788000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:35.392000+00:00)
So they got kids right?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:47.313000+00:00)
she even looks better as a drag, and drags are repulsive
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:29:53.347000+00:00)
not that we know of
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:30:03.319000+00:00)
actually think they don't
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:30:35.468000+00:00)
because as I recall that was discussed in the context of mitigating circumstances for them staying married, but no, no kids as an excuse for that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:34:47.483000+00:00)
one of the members of their "inner circle" was this guy ghoul, who was heavily against antifaggotry, would sperg out about discussing it anyway. After Trump won he suddenly decided that the altright had basically won so no need to stay anonymous, he started a jewtube channel where he revealed his face but continued to use his alias. He also got involved in Vanguard America. Suddenly he is doxed and he blames IM because we are the big bad boogeyman that don't fags and Vanguard America, so he insisted that it was us behind it so we should be disavowed.
Turned out that it was a schoolmate of his who saw his youtube channel and secretly sold him out to an antifa website. He contacted that site btw asking for his shit to be taken down - we know this because he privately admitted to having done that, supposedly playing 4d chess against them to have his shit removed (mike enoch tried the same shit when the media contacted him, saying that he and the guy they are looking for are different people). But the antifa revealed this letter and claimed he told them info in exchange for his page to be taken down. Maybe they are lying, but maybe not, because he did admit that he did write them about removing his page. Whole thing blows up in his face so he goes offline into the ether.
Fast forward some months later and it is discovered that he has lesbian moms both of whom he loves very much, and a tranny claimed that they used to date or at least had gone on one date, and later still someone claimed that he was grooming some underage kid
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:36:09.352000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:36:16.629000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:36:37.611000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:36:54.193000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T17:37:02.860000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Nightmare fuel
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:37:17.409000+00:00)
Jimpact is some company enoch's wife worked for
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:37:58.842000+00:00)
Its some business or pr coaching or something, by some black guy called Jim, who branded attending his course as getting Jimpacted
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:38:13.216000+00:00)
The kike wife did a testimonial for it or something
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:38:31.747000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:38:54.845000+00:00)
And it was a sauce of many DANK maymays
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T17:39:22.498000+00:00)
So ghoul is gone, is his youtube channel still around?
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:39:28.810000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:39:38.044000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:40:16.982000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:41:27.650000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:42:50.815000+00:00)
Sweden is so bad that two summers ago, some arabs tried to recruit me to ISIS
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:43:57.639000+00:00)
I wasn't interested, but they tried to convince me to become muslim and go fight for Allah, their arguments were really shit "Who do you think becomes stronger someone who eats chicken or pork?"
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T17:44:49.174000+00:00)
Should've joined
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:10.623000+00:00)
jokes on them, I eat crabs
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:12.673000+00:00)
nothing but crabs
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:20.197000+00:00)
no chicken, no beef, no fish, no pork
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:21.082000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:26.480000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:45:59.317000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Ayo hol up hol up
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:46:02.990000+00:00)
So u be sayin
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:46:23.073000+00:00)
That once my chicken and potatos are done baking I'mma get stronger like real warrior of Allah
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:46:38.731000+00:00)
that's their argument
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:46:58.724000+00:00)
if you eat pork you become weak, chicken makes you strong and manly
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:48:07.827000+00:00)
also "Do you believe in evolution? That men had sex with monkeys and that's why we are like we are today?"
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T17:48:58.131000+00:00)
You can't get reasoned arguments from a people who practiced inbreeding for over a thousand years
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:49:10.120000+00:00)
> humans had sex with monkey which is how evolution made humans
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:49:14.264000+00:00)
no logic
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-26T17:49:43.608000+00:00)
>believes god entered the womb of a woman in the form of mohammed because he wanted to be amongst his creations
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:50:20.002000+00:00)
There was one book some muzzies kept reccommending to me 'Miriacles of the Quran'
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:50:38.556000+00:00)
It read like it was written for fucking children and had things like 'They knew what a fetus was in the 700s'
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:50:44.591000+00:00)
next story is how TRS just always had loads of literal faggots. Ghoul is one, they had for a short while a mod dante who is a fag, they removed him only after pictures of him showing off his gaping asshole surfaced. Also they liked both Spencer and Grindr Greggy of Counter Currents. So we constantly pointed out their soft stance on faggotry and they would just scream back at us "LIES! WE HAVE A HARD STANCE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY!"
And yet during one sit down between myself and zeiger for IM and seventh son and mike enoch for TRS enoch said "urr we'd like to improve relations with IM but if us being friends with greggy is a deal breaker than I guess thats a no go"
>we are against faggotry
>but we won't disavow an open faggot propogating homosexuality as a european cultural norm
They'd later talk about this "IM meme" about them having faggots everywhere in their private facebook group, which we were told is full of faggots. During that convo one guys says "nothing wrong with faggots". Enoch thought he was memeing but the guy told him "no I'm serious"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:51:42.217000+00:00)
When low IQ people engange in religious apologetics its always hilarous no matter what religion it is
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-26T17:52:18.943000+00:00)
Abrahamism is spiritual and mental cancer
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T17:52:21.178000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> "banana was made by god for humans, see how perfectly it fits in your hand? that's god's design right there"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:52:31.241000+00:00)
ISIS plan to take over Europe
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:53:00.262000+00:00)
But muslims do often take the cake , especially with the allah squible shows on some photo randomly miracle
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:53:21.352000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:53:30.869000+00:00)
100% BROOFS 🐔
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:53:43.229000+00:00)
>flick to random page
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:54:00.344000+00:00)
>'In Essence, far-right groups will become the #1 enemy of Islam in Europe'
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T17:54:35.075000+00:00)
>will become
as in, isn't already
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:55:34.205000+00:00)
>first line:
>Europe is returning to the Dark Ages
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:55:47.114000+00:00)
>they're blupilled on the le dark ages meme
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T17:56:07.555000+00:00)
They are outsiders and I don't think you should expect them to truly understand anything about Europe or our history
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:56:38.922000+00:00)
>Europe is returning to the dark ages
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:56:42.252000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:56:45.168000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:56:48.509000+00:00)
"European Muslims allying with Left-wing Activists:
A growing population of left-winged activists (people who are against; human/animal abuses,
Zionism, and Austerity measures etc) look upto the Muslims as a force who are strong enough to
fight against the injustices of the world. It seems from the article below that many of these people
(who are sometimes part of Anonymous and Anarchy movements) will ally with the Muslims to fight
against the neo-Nazis’ and rich politicians. They will give intelligence, share weapons and do
undercover work for the Muslims to pave the way for the conquest of Rome. "
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T17:57:01.221000+00:00)
Meming aside its prolly because they're fellating themselves on the WE WUZ meme of Europe being dark and shit while Islam had its golden age
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:57:06.562000+00:00)
"How will this happen?
If you have ever been at a pro-Palestine / anti-Israel protest, you will see many activists who are not
even Muslims who are supportive of what Muslims are calling for (the fall of Zionism). It is most
likely here that connections between Muslims and Left-wing activists will be made, and a portion
from them will realise that protests are not effective, and that armed combat is the alternative. So
they will start to work together in small cells of groups to fight and sabotage against the ‘financial
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:59:08.311000+00:00)
Daily reminder that if you support deportation of muslims instead of exterminating them, you're a moderate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:59:35.385000+00:00)
"How will European borders be smashed?
Unlike the Middle East whose borders have been smashed by Islamic groups, Europe’s borders will
be smashed not by Muslims only, but by Europe's main enemy - Russia. In the East of Europe is the
war in Ukraine, which some say is caused by a (re)charged Russia. "
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T17:59:48.452000+00:00)
Who wrote that thing?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T17:59:52.898000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T17:59:56.012000+00:00)
Some retarded isis shitskin
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:14.218000+00:00)
They have several books in this series
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:27.018000+00:00)
On the other hand, who knows if this is what they truly believe
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:30.102000+00:00)
It reads like an opposite version of a boomer neoconservative's understanding of the Middle East
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:34.610000+00:00)
This could just be propaganda
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:38.651000+00:00)
These people really are fucking retarded
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:00:48.534000+00:00)
ffs, don't underestimate the enemy
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:01:06.108000+00:00)
For all we know this is what they released so we could read it and laugh at them
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:02:20.049000+00:00)
Sure, you can't guarantee anything, but this is a well known book
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:03:19.797000+00:00)
"As this 3rd generation of immigrant Muslim youth got into their late teenage years, their parents
were able to afford Satellite channels. As a result, this 3rd generation of Muslim youth watched
Entertainment channels with music which would promote gang culture, so they too started to get
involved in ghetto gangs."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:03:24.936000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:05:41.224000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:10:08.084000+00:00)
They release multiple books:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:10:23.364000+00:00)
"Black flags from the Islamic State"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:10:23.907000+00:00)
y. In the early 90s, many went to Belgium (located: North of France)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:10:56.015000+00:00)
Not to be confused with Beligum located south of Madascar
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:13:37.060000+00:00)
Another one, with strategies and all:
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:16:07.077000+00:00)
Again, I would view any publication made by ISIS that they translated from Arabic into English themselves as suspect
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:16:17.668000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> it's meant to attract muslims in the west to join them
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:16:39.274000+00:00)
So, it's a work of propaganda instead of being an actual manual/strategic document
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:16:42.999000+00:00)
sure it could be a fake, or counter propaganda
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:16:54.660000+00:00)
yeah, it's propaganda
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:17:00.739000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:17:22.892000+00:00)
It could be made to focus the idiots who fall for it to attack one place while they gather in another location
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:17:24.278000+00:00)
plus a little point of direction to those who want to work independently
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:17:58.393000+00:00)
remember that they were cocky in 2015
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:18:33.096000+00:00)
Bosnian Jihad:
In the Spring of 1994, suddenly the Bosnian Jihad erupted, and the Muslims in Europe heard of the
cries of the Muslims. In the Srebrenica massacre - 50,000 Bosnian Muslim women had been raped in
camps by atheist Serbs, men would be tied up and shot in concentration camps for no reason except
that they are Muslims (note: many Bosnians were non-practising Muslims and looked almost
identical to other Caucasian [White] Europeans) but the mere fact that they were Muslims made the
Serbs massacre them and Christian Europe watched on without caring.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:18:53.125000+00:00)
and ISIS aren't masters of tactics, they just fierce conviction/zeal plus propaganda/brainwashing and scare tactics to their advantage
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:18:56.104000+00:00)
This is such slander
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:19:14.513000+00:00)
Its not true that 50000 Bosnian women were raped by atheist Serbs
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:19:25.965000+00:00)
They were Orthodox Serbs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T18:19:46.611000+00:00)
It's made to make muslims angry at westerners and feel obliged to join the jihad
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:20:35.971000+00:00)
I'd recommend a site to you, but I'll warn you first
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:20:40.359000+00:00)
It's kinda anti serb
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:20:58.271000+00:00)
But it has some redpills on Alija and his mujahedeen force and how he laundered money for it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:21:23.057000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:22:15.385000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:22:53.196000+00:00)
"Pripadnici libanonskog Hezbollaha, koji su također imali vojno iskustvo, angažirani su da u kampu Pogorelici pokraj Fojnice obučavaju vojnike, policajce i obavještajce u Armiji BiH." Shiiiiiet
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:23:10.637000+00:00)
So much about based Hezbollah
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:25:34.061000+00:00)
>In 1998, the New World Order was beginning to take place
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:29:29.576000+00:00)
" These small groups would be independent and do
their own guerrilla/sabotage attacks to cause instability in enemy territory, and could even do basic
attacks like causing fires (called: wildfires) in forests (as happened in Australia) to waste government
resources and therefore weaken them financially."
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:29:34.508000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:29:37.564000+00:00)
I unironically believe all three sides in the war were entirely controlled by the kikes
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:29:38.133000+00:00)
Also not bad smh
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T18:32:36.486000+00:00)
Slobo was a faggot
Take the Bokan pill
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:32:50.478000+00:00)
Not eager to open a can of Balkanposting but I think Milosevic started out as zogbot but went rogue, our entire internal history of that period was democratic shills who were openly trained by CIA and were supported by and supperted the west trying to overthrow him, and once they won through the help of western controlled media they quickly set to destroying all aspects of our sovereignity
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:33:04.952000+00:00)
He wasnt redpilled or anything but he was Assad/Kim Jong tier
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:35:57.862000+00:00)
Thats why 1999 bombing and 2000 orange revolution/spring happened, the so called October revolution felt like a nation being absorbed into ZOG through and through
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-26T18:37:06.791000+00:00)
ye true
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:41:52.407000+00:00)
They would use the 'freedom of expression' given to them to spread their beliefs. This put the
European governments in a big dilemma...
“They are using our own freedoms against us” - (European politician)
How could they stop an unapologetic version of Islam from being spread in the heart of Europe,
while the preachers stay within the law? They could make the laws more harsher, but then they will
be exposed for preventing 'freedom of speech'. They can make laws specifically targeting Muslims,
but even more Muslims will get alienated and become violent 'extremists.'
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:42:56.838000+00:00)
>power politics "extremists" understand power politics?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:43:20.503000+00:00)
speaking of, you didn't comment on the article akhn, what'd you think of it in total
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-26T18:43:23.151000+00:00)
Didn't the bombing get "accidentally" directed at the chink embassy after you shot down a stealth bomber and the chinks sent a bunch of aircraft experts to their embassy to analyze parts?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:44:44.093000+00:00)
though you can totally imagine some retards using this to say "see IM are muslims!"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:44:49.465000+00:00)
"they use muslim logic!"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:45:14.811000+00:00)
or centrists and rationalists will go
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:45:27.176000+00:00)
"see, nazis are like muslims and commies, they are all just extremists"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:47:14.063000+00:00)
I still think thats its a pointless subject to talk about as its obvious af, but the article is a really good overview of Yockey's explanation of political struggle, you could literally just rename it to review of Imperium smh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:47:26.697000+00:00)
But it made me want to re-read and finish Imperium
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:47:40.055000+00:00)
And get to reading Spengler
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:47:42.430000+00:00)
ergo benefit reached regardless
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:48:07.978000+00:00)
but hey, >race exists should be obvious too, but look at the world
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:48:10.749000+00:00)
And Carl Schmitt
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:48:22.534000+00:00)
we're defending a bunch of basic truths at this point really
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:48:47.054000+00:00)
I *would* like for this article to reach some of these youtube rationalist personas though
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:49:03.316000+00:00)
The article is like on of those youtube click baits that picks a mundane topic but tangents off into some deep philosophy, like film theory or wisecrack
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:49:21.989000+00:00)
i'll take that as a compliment
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:49:44.314000+00:00)
at least the wisecrack part
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:49:52.421000+00:00)
film/game theory is meh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-26T18:50:37.741000+00:00)
its trash but they do the same thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:51:15.165000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:57:03.191000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T18:57:07.609000+00:00)
By early June he was giving full-throated neo-Nazi support to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Bryan’s use of GTKRWN is an acronym for “Gas the Kikes; Race War Now” popularized on Iron March, another neo-Nazi forum.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T19:01:30.697000+00:00)
A groomer of many teens?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T19:01:33.431000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-26T19:01:36.562000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:23:53.770000+00:00)
I get tired from having to deal with alt-righters who think Trump is anti-kike
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T20:27:25.760000+00:00)
how long have you been at it?
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-08-26T20:27:26.586000+00:00)
People call it 'alt-kike' for a reason
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:27:58.915000+00:00)
they pop up on and off
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:28:05.058000+00:00)
but leave as soon as you reveal the truth
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:28:19.419000+00:00)
they have too much invested in Trump to deal with it
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T20:32:25.154000+00:00)
Gorka and Bannon are gone, how can they keep running with that narrative?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T20:36:24.093000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T20:36:37.694000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:37:47.141000+00:00)
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-26T20:37:47.684000+00:00)
Trump is trying to become a centrist
ᛏ Based Kalle 𐌔𐌔 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ writes: (2017-08-26T20:37:53.846000+00:00)
Thats why
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:38:07.686000+00:00)
that's kind of their thinking, it's all a con to bring down zog
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T20:38:23.875000+00:00)
I see Alt-Righters mock the 4d chess meme though. There must be some division in the tent 🤔
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:38:50.876000+00:00)
by having your daughter marry a kike, having endless kikes in your team and the white house. by supporting jews and being a business partner with jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:39:04.863000+00:00)
there is new swabian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T20:39:12.708000+00:00)
not all are trump fanatics
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-26T20:39:13.473000+00:00)
''Hey guys i just pretend to be a Neocohen!''
Alba writes: (2017-08-26T21:28:38.930000+00:00)
I don't even bother with debating them anymore and try to see If I can have them banned
Debiru writes: (2017-08-26T22:08:11.315000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T22:11:45.071000+00:00)
Change avatar <@310876104300822549>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-26T22:11:49.715000+00:00)
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-26T22:13:16.377000+00:00)
satania a shit anyway
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T22:15:54.668000+00:00)
This can be your new avatar <:troll:333285395259195394>
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-26T22:16:49.057000+00:00)
I wouldn't do that
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-26T22:16:52.403000+00:00)
Not enough hair on him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T22:17:09.654000+00:00)
Here's a girl:
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-26T22:17:49.649000+00:00)
This one is cool:
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T00:29:07.539000+00:00)
new thing I made, Werwolf Guerilla
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T00:29:08.487000+00:00)
PiousPuritanical writes: (2017-08-27T01:54:54.154000+00:00)
Hey; where could I donate money to the Nordic resistance movement? 🤔
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-27T04:58:41.738000+00:00)
Paypal donations cannot be received at the moment, the account has been frozen.
PiousPuritanical writes: (2017-08-27T05:51:13.194000+00:00)
Damn, well let me know when its not frozen. Would love to donate to you guys. 👍 <@148835261629988864>
Aleksi writes: (2017-08-27T06:57:57.737000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> you guys have other methods right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T07:45:26.618000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T07:45:28.750000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-27T07:49:12.905000+00:00)
Looks like it's inspired by regnum dei's pieces
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T07:53:23.791000+00:00)
<@264920870961676288> It won't be unfrozen
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T07:53:30.074000+00:00)
that's wishful thinking
noobtia writes: (2017-08-27T08:05:38.171000+00:00)
You can send money to me <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-27T08:06:15.181000+00:00)
You can donate via Swish
noobtia writes: (2017-08-27T08:07:16.350000+00:00)
And plusgiro
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T08:07:56.987000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T08:08:10.415000+00:00)
this is bound to get into all the aussie news again
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T12:31:42.689000+00:00)
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-27T12:54:56.660000+00:00)
Do you think the aussie MSM's gonna share that?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T12:57:12.158000+00:00)
oh yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T12:57:34.649000+00:00)
they already went crazy over the earlier shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-27T12:57:59.899000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T13:11:48.164000+00:00)
and that anti-chinese stuff too 👌🏻
Eken writes: (2017-08-27T14:09:02.699000+00:00)
Rumor - good new platform if needed - anyone who has heard of it?
Japzzi writes: (2017-08-27T15:43:06.419000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> t-shirts when?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T15:43:43.028000+00:00)
I put up other version of it online
Caesar writes: (2017-08-27T16:13:08.925000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-27T16:16:09.035000+00:00)
Greetings from Canada
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-27T16:16:20.467000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-27T16:16:40.800000+00:00)
Hello Karl
Elusive writes: (2017-08-27T16:27:08.582000+00:00)
Bitchute looks decent
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-27T17:29:04.964000+00:00)
Hello Marcus
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T17:44:14.248000+00:00)
Hello amerikaner
Victor writes: (2017-08-27T19:27:26.938000+00:00)
Hello mates.
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-27T19:28:29.441000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T19:31:20.103000+00:00)
Hello to everyone except anglos
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T19:37:48.059000+00:00)
<@217106788074389514> Aren't you Anglo though?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T19:38:41.905000+00:00)
Var hälsad <@217106788074389514>
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:05:06.185000+00:00)
Hello everyone except negroes
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:05:36.156000+00:00)
I bet there are some in here
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:23:44.049000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:24:08.138000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:24:40.956000+00:00)
Lure them with bananas
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:26:38.134000+00:00)
Do you know the difference between black parents approach to raising kids and white parents approach to raising kids
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:26:39.740000+00:00)
The NRM discord is the largest importer of based niggers in the world 😉
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:27:01.368000+00:00)
"i Uppsala finns en import av svartingar som går som smort"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:27:08.282000+00:00)
Black parents raise their kids as if they were pets, while white parents raise their pets as if they were kids
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:27:54.774000+00:00)
Black kids don't have parents.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:28:07.157000+00:00)
They don't have dads, at least.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:28:56.439000+00:00)
there was a nigger couple on the subway today shouting "Quiet" "Quiet" to their like 4 year old son like it was commands to an animal
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:29:50.329000+00:00)
A black kid (probably around 6 years old) randomly yelled at me the other day.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:29:53.307000+00:00)
So that's something.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T20:31:53.473000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:32:21.476000+00:00)
It was like a dog barking at passers-by.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-27T20:33:05.036000+00:00)
It was pretty hilarious
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:51:14.334000+00:00)
Black kids have parent. 😄
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:52:26.166000+00:00)
Black people are based
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:52:37.779000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:52:47.661000+00:00)
Black people are negroid.
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:54:10.096000+00:00)
Do you mean that they're niggers? 🤔
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:54:39.966000+00:00)
Black people are niggers.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:06.320000+00:00)
hi peeps
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:10.370000+00:00)
Haha 😀
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:18.655000+00:00)
cao tebra
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:31.677000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:37.296000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:55:50.231000+00:00)
I dont even know how to say hello in albanian
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:56:01.750000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-27T20:56:02.640000+00:00)
Google translate
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:56:05.481000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:57:00.150000+00:00)
Wait a sec, are you orthodox christian? <@!239096222277828610>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:57:13.565000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:57:36.063000+00:00)
Alright, for some reason I thought you had said otherwise
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:57:44.938000+00:00)
Are you joining Srbska Akcija?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-27T20:58:31.431000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> How you doing Dan
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:58:48.103000+00:00)
i wish but i dunno how
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:59:16.008000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Doing okay, but never again
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:59:30.007000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> There is a member here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:59:38.691000+00:00)
i know
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T20:59:51.459000+00:00)
seen him on ironmarch
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T20:59:59.961000+00:00)
So ask him
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:02:17.308000+00:00)
i will
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:02:19.995000+00:00)
some day
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-27T21:02:47.774000+00:00)
Isn't Zmaj SA? I can't tell the potato rune users apart.
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:17.620000+00:00)
Yeah he is
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:21.340000+00:00)
I meant him
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:26.754000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Why not today?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:41.991000+00:00)
its 11 pm
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:48.501000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:03:56.131000+00:00)
and he even not here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:04:06.439000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:04:26.544000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T21:05:18.397000+00:00)
ye just contact and they will set you up for a meet up
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-27T21:05:28.205000+00:00)
tho msg zmaj too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:07:02.224000+00:00)
still need to read up Ljotic works
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:07:10.209000+00:00)
reading new leap now
dylb writes: (2017-08-27T21:07:33.989000+00:00)
You can contact them before that
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:09:50.531000+00:00)
oh yes i am playing ww2 risk as Zbor Yugoslavia
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-27T21:18:19.077000+00:00)
I have the dude's Discord, you can just hit him up
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-27T21:18:54.523000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Змајевит#8192
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-27T21:19:14.246000+00:00)
i know
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:52:26.901000+00:00)
No I am german. I am only like 1/4 anglo
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:53:04.135000+00:00)
I have far too much of an all consuming urge to kill liberitarians to be an anglo
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:54:26.304000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:54:31.111000+00:00)
Anglo American
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:54:51.596000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:54:55.885000+00:00)
German American
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:55:07.333000+00:00)
Learn the difference. It could save your life!
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T22:55:46.580000+00:00)
Remind me where on a map the American Empire is?
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:56:09.064000+00:00)
Hopefully at the bottom of the ocean soon
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T22:56:32.172000+00:00)
Good response, to be honest
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:58:00.440000+00:00)
I like Benjamin Raymond and national action. I just dont like most anglo things
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T22:58:06.129000+00:00)
Especially liberitarians
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:00:02.294000+00:00)
Libertarianism is incredibly Jewish
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T23:00:09.494000+00:00)
The English working class I have the least general issues with. I don't like american anglos by and large. I don't like the rich english because they are overly bourgeois and jewed and chavs are awful
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:01:28.640000+00:00)
Chavs are disgusting, you're right
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:01:46.995000+00:00)
They mostly come from lower-middle class families
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T23:02:41.803000+00:00)
Did you see the story about how the parents who tried to rescue their kids in Rotherham were arrested for breaking into the pakis house?
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:02:54.626000+00:00)
Don't remind me
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T23:04:58.247000+00:00)
It's astounding
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T23:05:33.261000+00:00)
I mean it's one of those stories where my disgust is temporarily availed by the sheer disbelief
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:07:10.646000+00:00)
if something like that happens to you, how do you not go full Anders Breivik after that
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:09:38.098000+00:00)
The crushing feeling that even if you did, it'd achieve nothing
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:11:34.698000+00:00)
Your daughter has still been raped, the rapist is recieving special treatment, you'd be derided by the media as an evil white supremacist Nazi racist
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:12:36.541000+00:00)
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:13:24.574000+00:00)
If the police, the people who are meant to protect the people and their interests, have turned against you, what can you do?
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:14:16.984000+00:00)
either go insane or dedicate your life to changing this shit
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:15:00.073000+00:00)
i cant imagine going back to living like before atleast
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:16:07.381000+00:00)
Well, I expect you'd try to for the sake of your daughter
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:16:29.577000+00:00)
But that sort of revelation is one that destroys people
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:17:56.546000+00:00)
cant even begin to imagine
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T23:18:15.331000+00:00)
You go out, make a public statement about immigrants then execute sharia laws (fiqh) on him
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-27T23:19:37.878000+00:00)
In the lyrics of Pink Floyd, "Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T23:20:39.787000+00:00)
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:22:59.038000+00:00)
yeah its fucked here too, always "oh he feels so bad so we cant deport him"
Jörken writes: (2017-08-27T23:23:07.479000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-27T23:24:14.090000+00:00)
Dindu nuffin
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-27T23:24:34.910000+00:00)
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-27T23:53:49.848000+00:00)
I recall one of the worse stories was a Swedish girl who was 13 was anally raped and the adult perpetrator got off when he said he didn't understand that no and struggling to get away meant she didn't want it
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-27T23:55:29.060000+00:00)
ye i remember that
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-28T00:06:45.844000+00:00)
The rage pill
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-28T00:07:18.248000+00:00)
I have to actively try and dull the emotions not to go tactical bowlcut
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-08-28T00:07:39.391000+00:00)
Although roof did nothing wrong
Exitus writes: (2017-08-28T03:10:30.727000+00:00)
lmao tactical bowlcut
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-28T05:11:19.753000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-28T05:30:13.646000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-28T05:36:35.512000+00:00)
Huehuehue <:lol:333298431810338816>
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-28T05:49:55.155000+00:00)
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-28T05:50:17.386000+00:00)
This man explains very well
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T10:46:52.844000+00:00)
Good morning from Canada
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T10:57:28.271000+00:00)
>kekistani flag
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T11:00:14.372000+00:00)
>TRS shirt
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:31:42.931000+00:00)
Celtic cross, Mosley, red ensign.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:32:01.207000+00:00)
*blocks your path*
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T11:33:25.683000+00:00)
Shadilay brothers, Kek Vult
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:33:44.143000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-28T11:34:23.159000+00:00)
Hail Trump
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:36:36.179000+00:00)
The altright will shape up and embrace National Socialism or be destroyed.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:36:50.740000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:38:39.259000+00:00)
I disagree, especially if they haven't had the exposure to ns literature or history due to manipulation of the media and the truth in history
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:39:06.842000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:43:04.647000+00:00)
We've had some success in that regard it varies on a man to man basis.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:43:41.668000+00:00)
We need a dozen more Cvilles to weed out the PR cucks like wyattman.
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:44:39.079000+00:00)
Cville was a shitshow, we need Roman battle tactics and bigger Shields and all those commies need to get curbstomped
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:45:26.090000+00:00)
Many in the alt right also have the delusion they can achieve pro white goals without getting called nazis and without naming the jews and bend over backwards due to these delusions. At least they're the most moderate ones likely to fuck off first when they realize Twitter frogs isn't gonna cut it.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:45:37.972000+00:00)
You need police battle tactics, learn how they handle shields in riot control.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:46:05.192000+00:00)
What's the alternative to youtube now that everything is getting shoahed
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:46:08.306000+00:00)
And an actual organizational structure, now it was organized by antifa, no central command, just two dozen different groups, and no one knew what the fuck to do.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:46:23.857000+00:00)
And need to stop sucking cop cock, they're not your friends.
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:46:26.825000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:46:28.159000+00:00)
has any platform been embraced
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:47:19.936000+00:00)
Alright, we'll see who comes out victorious from it
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:47:24.887000+00:00)
Cville was a watershed moment for us
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:47:36.561000+00:00)
There is no room for alt right
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:48:53.577000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> Did you read this AR cuckold, had been countersignaling nazis for almost three years, turned out the movement optics police and expert on normie opinion and political organizing was 28 yo +300lbs anime virgin who lived in the basement of his mom. He had to leave the movement after mom saw him posting on TRS. RIP intellectual vanguard of alt right: https://forum.therightstuff.biz/topic/56651/awyattman-bids-us-farewell/
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:49:19.881000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:49:32.334000+00:00)
It's funny, the people who insist on getting rid of fanatical national socialists are first to cuck out, proving just exactly why they are wrong. Ghoul committed internet suicide a week after shitting on nazis and then getting doxed.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:51:09.127000+00:00)
And this is the dude who was self appointed PR and optics arbitrator, despite of being kept alive by his mom and xanax and admitted to having watched 50 anime series. Every time you're accused of being too radical by a cuckold, it's someone like this posting with an anime avatar.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:51:51.377000+00:00)
they are populists, not idealists
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:51:53.102000+00:00)
These cuckolds can't even stand behind their extremely moderate views, what use could they possible be.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T11:52:09.353000+00:00)
"my family despite disappointment has been very supportive and I am repaying their unconditional support by leaving this group."
If you read this you'd think he discovered he has inoperable cancer tumor embedded in his spine instead of his mom discovering his pepe memes. White revolutionary vanguard of the 21th century.
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T11:53:00.103000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:53:16.985000+00:00)
He had to bow down to them or he wouldn't have had any neckbeard nest to crawl back to
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:53:33.552000+00:00)
that's what you get for being dependent on your parents
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T11:55:28.859000+00:00)
Just be on all of them
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T11:56:25.202000+00:00)
Was reffering to ''has any platform been embraced'' sorry didn't scroll down enough 😄
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:56:28.052000+00:00)
I'm not sure how you can cuck to your parents wish, maybe life is different in the US. But I had numerous heated discussions with both my parents on beliefs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T11:57:26.300000+00:00)
Now they're dead, so whatever, but I wouldn't adapt to them due to different worldviews
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:02:25.562000+00:00)
Anglin also said that "Andrew Anglin" is just persona he came up with it in order to trigger media and the left
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:02:47.074000+00:00)
Anglin is a jester
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:03:00.975000+00:00)
Worth some laughs
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:03:26.106000+00:00)
Bloody hell, this satanist tranny is now having a ''discord server to learn NS''
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T12:03:38.206000+00:00)
>Every alt right site but DS goes down
>kikes radicalize the milder AR cucks and AnCaps into nigger and kikedeath
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:04:02.636000+00:00)
didnt she have it for a while now
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:04:52.214000+00:00)
I think there are mutiple for different topics
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:04:59.847000+00:00)
That one is new
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T12:06:24.090000+00:00)
Keep the floodgates up and locked, they'll all try to flood IronMarch eventually
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:07:10.357000+00:00)
she actually registered on IM
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:07:24.015000+00:00)
made intro and got shat on
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T12:07:36.106000+00:00)
who is this woman you speak on
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:07:39.453000+00:00)
Should i post it here and we rip it apart?
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:01.612000+00:00)
Go for it
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:13.889000+00:00)
post what?
She is some beaner tranny satanist "NS"
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:14.127000+00:00)
Posting invites is allowed right?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:22.139000+00:00)
I guess
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:37.174000+00:00)
Nothing in the rules says otherwise
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:08:56.956000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:09:18.474000+00:00)
>Guy called Serrano
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:09:22.603000+00:00)
>working with a SATANIST TRANNY
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:09:24.324000+00:00)
why oh why
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:09:37.250000+00:00)
Clandestine#0471 is the tranny
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:00.402000+00:00)
Maybe he doesn't know
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:07.025000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:11.369000+00:00)
can't paste the screenshot
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:19.655000+00:00)
Serrano - Today at 7:44 AM
oh ok
Im fine with gays and trannys, I think we should all unite under NS
NS For Everyone
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:42.716000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:10:56.489000+00:00)
wait that from this Learning NS server?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:11:01.215000+00:00)
>learning NS
>trannies can be NS
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:11:51.036000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:02.556000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:05.185000+00:00)
Wut? Beaner tranny ns? Gas
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:17.095000+00:00)
NS is actually Cultural Marxism
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:19.139000+00:00)
hitler had er african soldiers n shit
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:22.913000+00:00)
''This is a serious server, not putting up with bullshit. Time is of the utmost importance. You will be removed if you'll only troll
I will ban you if you continue to troll
i dont care about the image, pls dont send it in this server.
its against the rules to post lies or disrespect to NS. pls stop.
I really don't want to do this, please
all you're doing is trolling, goodbye.''
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:24.649000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:26.733000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:34.386000+00:00)
N - Cultural
S - Marxism
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:12:40.602000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:04.658000+00:00)
Are we sure that they mean National Socialism when they say NS
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:11.012000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:14.681000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:14.999000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:19.887000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:25.734000+00:00)
Marcus Crassus writes: (2017-08-28T12:13:26.963000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T12:14:59.147000+00:00)
Venezuelan military.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-28T12:15:05.811000+00:00)
Look at them, look at them and laugh
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T12:15:22.165000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T12:15:23.559000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T12:33:41.589000+00:00)
I don't think they understand national socialism, hah
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T12:38:22.754000+00:00)
I will lurk there to see what's going on
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:53:41.484000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:53:44.308000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:53:46.880000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:53:52.152000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:54:20.122000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:54:22.832000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T12:54:24.916000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T13:05:34.468000+00:00)
not sure if the majority in that thread is shills or just cucks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T13:05:50.630000+00:00)
I've never read trs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:23.670000+00:00)
I'll tell you exactly what they are
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:25.577000+00:00)
racist liberals
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:27.554000+00:00)
that's it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:39.975000+00:00)
but they used to love IRONIC nazism
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:42.790000+00:00)
not anymore
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:09:46.998000+00:00)
time to come clean eh
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:04.312000+00:00)
"for teh lulz"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:27.156000+00:00)
not even a year passes since I wrote Zero Tolerance
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:35.390000+00:00)
and it just took UTR
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:45.485000+00:00)
to utterly prove it completely
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:55.813000+00:00)
and for them to finally come clean
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T13:10:59.142000+00:00)
fucking faggots
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T13:24:29.516000+00:00)
@Algiz No. They didn't take things far enough.
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-28T13:24:31.743000+00:00)
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-28T14:30:59.343000+00:00)
What is the NRMs opinion on the one-shot wonderstar known as "Vanilla Ice" <@!262875098791411712>
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-28T14:31:17.429000+00:00)
Ice ice baby
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T14:36:55.550000+00:00)
<@179687312311975937> Snow is better
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T14:37:07.286000+00:00)
Vanilla is more of a yellow-ish hue.
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T14:37:34.167000+00:00)
Natt Danelaw writes: (2017-08-28T14:40:23.961000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T15:15:35.219000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T15:15:42.236000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-28T15:16:55.380000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T15:23:19.674000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> ahahaha
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T15:23:27.749000+00:00)
that's ridiculous
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T15:23:42.617000+00:00)
It's about 5 minutes in, in case anyone is wondering
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T15:24:00.593000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-28T15:25:31.782000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-28T15:31:43.372000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:07:41.241000+00:00)
that fucking satanaist tranny server
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:07:51.600000+00:00)
it has an entry exam
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:08:03.232000+00:00)
that is like a fucking inversion of ours
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:14:03.951000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:15:04.455000+00:00)
There's like only one 1 ideological question and its about LGBT, wonder what the right answer is 🤔
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:15:14.578000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:15:18.200000+00:00)
and the rest?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:17:18.166000+00:00)
Answer these questions
How old are you?
What Ideology do you have?
Would you like to help this server in someway, and if yes how?
What are your thoughts on Non-Europeans?
What is your Religion?
What do you think about the LGBT community?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:18:35.193000+00:00)
that's a real shitty test
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:18:57.567000+00:00)
not even a test more like filling out a profile
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:19:37.373000+00:00)
depending on how you answer the last question you'll get a + or - sign in the "HIV status" segment of the profile
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:20:21.376000+00:00)
And if you answer Christcuck you're out of the le esoteric natsoc satanaism safe space
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:20:36.724000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:20:49.846000+00:00)
so what's the acceptable answer on non-europeans?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:20:54.512000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:10.085000+00:00)
considering that tranny was mexican or smth?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:23.246000+00:00)
Its said in an other place that non-whites can be natsoc too as many fought for hitler, or rather that the server is for other races too
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:32.055000+00:00)
She called herself white in the chat there
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:43.575000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:45.725000+00:00)
"an ethnic home for every hurace"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:51.747000+00:00)
Oh wait it is a she
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:53.782000+00:00)
well it is a she but she thinks she's a male
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:55.261000+00:00)
If its the one from IM
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:21:58.216000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-28T16:22:00.296000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:22:29.193000+00:00)
and one of out guys got her to post her picture
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:22:31.678000+00:00)
she aint huwite
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:23:55.094000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:23:59.131000+00:00)
New song can be heard in the background
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:24:28.276000+00:00)
there it is
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:24:28.984000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:24:36.159000+00:00)
the satanist he-tranny
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-28T16:24:45.188000+00:00)
What is this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:25:07.519000+00:00)
its a dumb cunt who thinks she's a man and is a "satanic lgbt national socialist"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:25:13.010000+00:00)
its juanita el diabolo
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-28T16:26:24.036000+00:00)
How did you find this thing
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T16:26:33.592000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:27:33.297000+00:00)
"I think we should all unite under NS" eh, that goes against NS tbh
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:27:38.085000+00:00)
At least in the tranny sense
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T16:28:08.183000+00:00)
She edited her post but from what we can see, her answer was something different than ''im white, im american not from europe''
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:28:37.270000+00:00)
that's some Aryanism tier bullshit
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:28:51.671000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Vid got limitted?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:28:52.053000+00:00)
Aryanism in a nutshell: "to be aryan is to be noble, so anyone can be aryan, even nigger trannies"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:01.970000+00:00)
^that was literally their tagline basically in one article
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:09.172000+00:00)
But their SPIRITUAL RACE is hwite
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:11.030000+00:00)
You see
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:25.688000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> What do you mean?
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:34.329000+00:00)
I think it's got an age lock but that should be all
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T16:29:46.603000+00:00)
Oh nevermind, yeah
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:30:10.262000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:30:13.626000+00:00)
crazy idea
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:30:47.046000+00:00)
but imagine pitching to that dumb shit the idea that all ns trannies and gays should add something to their discord names so they can identify each other and talk
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:30:57.176000+00:00)
>make them wear a pink triangle
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:16.848000+00:00)
>find out just how many faggots there are in the altright and supposed NS servers/groups
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:19.857000+00:00)
>expose them all
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:32.829000+00:00)
that would be real neato
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:36.237000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:42.757000+00:00)
daily reminder
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:31:58.800000+00:00)
oh yes, they used literal anime shit in their articles
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T16:32:15.375000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> ns tranny awareness month
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-28T16:32:24.638000+00:00)
>sailor moon trannies are heroes next to a quote by adolf hitler
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T16:32:26.878000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T16:34:41.410000+00:00)
this is why purity spiraling is important
Jason writes: (2017-08-28T17:01:14.956000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T17:20:55.370000+00:00)
Nice video
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-28T17:21:47.502000+00:00)
Hello !
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:22:07.259000+00:00)
Pictures from "Nordendagarna"
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:22:22.750000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:22:32.065000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:23:02.294000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:23:21.444000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T17:23:44.409000+00:00)
Last one is really viking
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:23:54.368000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:23:57.951000+00:00)
Winner of the contest
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:24:01.433000+00:00)
<@331852091750481921> 😄
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:24:23.433000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:24:33.255000+00:00)
Test run of *Studio Nordfront* web TV
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:24:45.827000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:24:53.771000+00:00)
Visitors singing a new song
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T17:25:08.533000+00:00)
There are more pics and related articles on Nordfront.se
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-28T17:38:30.894000+00:00)
Is it true that the Golden Dawn has a discord ?
noobtia writes: (2017-08-28T17:46:43.878000+00:00)
Nice <@331147867035140096>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-28T17:54:31.357000+00:00)
Very high quality photos <:wp:330824114086346753>
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-28T18:22:17.672000+00:00)
Looks like an amazing day of training and recreation <:party:333315059902054402>
noobtia writes: (2017-08-28T18:31:37.349000+00:00)
And really nice amount of people and few Finns too!
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-28T19:00:56.516000+00:00)
Under aryanism I could be white !
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:05:42.800000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:05:50.669000+00:00)
>anglin vs grindr greggy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:06:00.520000+00:00)
>whole thing is like a tea party rather than a debate
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:06:07.257000+00:00)
"I disagree with carrying Swastika flags" -t.Anglin
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:06:13.720000+00:00)
>"swastikas are bad because it makes us look like an alien force" t.Anglin
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:06:19.783000+00:00)
>nothing less cool than people with nazi flags t.Anglin
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:06:29.887000+00:00)
>I want something like uniforms, best example is NORDFRONT for this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:07:29.638000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-28T20:09:31.979000+00:00)
Any mention of faggotry?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:11:30.942000+00:00)
thanks for the link
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:13:50.915000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:13:53.548000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> If it was legal we would use swastika flags
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:13:58.070000+00:00)
I would anyway
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:13:58.162000+00:00)
at least none from where I started listening
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:11.432000+00:00)
that was my point as well
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:25.655000+00:00)
>doing a debate with greggy
>not just saying "YOU BELONG IN THE BOG" repeatedly at him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:30.212000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:32.008000+00:00)
When you tear down commie stickers and you put them on your table when you get back home for a pic, only to realize one of them was accompanied by a gigantic hair
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:38.244000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:14:59.080000+00:00)
I just throw them in the nearest trash can
Jörken writes: (2017-08-28T20:15:03.498000+00:00)
gg you now have commie aids
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:15:04.662000+00:00)
but t hat makes no good photos
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:15:15.838000+00:00)
is there any other kind of aids
Jörken writes: (2017-08-28T20:15:42.591000+00:00)
yeah thers nigger aids and commie aids
Jörken writes: (2017-08-28T20:15:48.347000+00:00)
often they are combined
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:17:00.806000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> I want to make a collection
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:17:07.687000+00:00)
I think <@300684838040502286> has one?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:18:29.726000+00:00)
Here's all the liberal stickers I've taken down:
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:18:52.338000+00:00)
Damn I just realized
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:19:03.778000+00:00)
I covered an AFA sticker, should have tore it down first
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:19:07.382000+00:00)
Never seen one before
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:19:57.451000+00:00)
If they are vinyl I tear them down
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:20:08.481000+00:00)
because paper stickers wither and then you can see the plastic one again
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:20:25.528000+00:00)
but covering it works if you are in a hurry
Tunnis writes: (2017-08-28T20:20:50.867000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:21:52.751000+00:00)
This is a new version from them. I felt sick when I saw it
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:21:59.823000+00:00)
Forgot to post this pic from the Nordendagarna
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:22:10.850000+00:00)
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-28T20:22:20.108000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:22:24.455000+00:00)
"pull my finger"
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-08-28T20:22:24.746000+00:00)
That's gotta hurt
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:22:49.724000+00:00)
Nordisk Ungdom has some new stickers
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:10.968000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:11.786000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:18.118000+00:00)
Two or three people started bleeding from blows to the nose, one guy's mouth got busted and another person ended up with a broken rib iirc
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:27.989000+00:00)
I've been putting up these
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:28.607000+00:00)
<@300684838040502286> You should post
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:23:33.325000+00:00)
Though maybe we should move to <#341150018092138496>
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:24:17.396000+00:00)
I have an assignment for school due in an hour or so, only did like 1/3 of it <:nysvensk:328882488585748481>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T20:24:54.592000+00:00)
Good luck
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T20:45:07.809000+00:00)
Just watched that AtomWaffen Division video, peak aesthetics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T20:47:47.810000+00:00)
>don't dress up like nazis -t.Anglin
That's his closer, amazing
hugin writes: (2017-08-28T20:50:37.874000+00:00)
IntegralCymru writes: (2017-08-28T20:51:26.831000+00:00)
massive disappointment with anglin
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-08-28T20:51:35.539000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-28T21:04:05.122000+00:00)
🇸 🇺 🇵
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T21:09:23.530000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> soup?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-28T21:09:45.695000+00:00)
are you paying for it
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T21:10:10.219000+00:00)
no, there's an albanian in it
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-28T21:19:06.478000+00:00)
Could you guys please link the atomwaffen video
dylb writes: (2017-08-28T21:20:01.461000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHfTmHHmff4
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-28T21:25:27.181000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-28T21:31:13.332000+00:00)
Oh shit that guy is serb 100 %
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-08-28T21:42:42.843000+00:00)
Oh shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T22:40:58.902000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-28T22:58:32.142000+00:00)
Andrew Anglin vs Greg Johnson video is gone
Славрос writes: (2017-08-28T23:03:34.346000+00:00)
yeah the bitch that did arranged the whole thing did say it'd be gone but would be on her bitchute or whatever youtube clone
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T23:04:51.983000+00:00)
Kim Jong starts the race war
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-28T23:05:07.623000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-28T23:05:20.647000+00:00)
my shitty PS skills
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T01:36:20.507000+00:00)
Varg finally accepted Jesus into his heart...Gun Jesus, that is:
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T01:45:45.469000+00:00)
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T06:37:38.923000+00:00)
Ian is the gun jesus.
Aleksi writes: (2017-08-29T08:06:30.206000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T08:17:26.385000+00:00)
Why the hell is everyone freaking out about Stormfront?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T08:17:44.286000+00:00)
It's a victory to me (however irrelevant that shit site may be)
Viper writes: (2017-08-29T08:50:29.783000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-29T08:50:38.720000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-29T08:51:03.273000+00:00)
Saw these too
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T08:56:10.641000+00:00)
>anti-homophobic action
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T08:56:13.060000+00:00)
>bavaria flag
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T08:56:15.473000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-29T08:59:02.393000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> can you give translations of these stickers?
Gre writes: (2017-08-29T08:59:10.574000+00:00)
Nevermind I'll do it myself.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T09:43:27.521000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> nais picture
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T09:43:47.809000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:55:39.655000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:55:44.777000+00:00)
It doesn't say that much
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:55:49.974000+00:00)
First one is anti isis
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:56:12.756000+00:00)
second one is antihomophobic action
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:56:31.005000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:56:50.073000+00:00)
I've been photographing a lot of those marxist and liberal stickers
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:56:53.816000+00:00)
before tearing them down
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:56:57.898000+00:00)
it's all in that mega
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T09:57:44.550000+00:00)
All of those stickers etc are in Helsinki.. so I sadly cant be tearing them down in Finland
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:59:20.911000+00:00)
They've been putting up finnish commie stickers here
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T09:59:28.613000+00:00)
a swede makes them I think
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:01:14.550000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:13.831000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:26.839000+00:00)
Where are you white wolf?
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:31.247000+00:00)
Oh ffs tear it down
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:34.939000+00:00)
I did
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:37.420000+00:00)
Im in Oulu
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:40.105000+00:00)
Ok good
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:41.484000+00:00)
what does it mean
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:46.763000+00:00)
I just know it's commie
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:02:52.188000+00:00)
but I can't tell what it says
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:03:04.549000+00:00)
Speak your own language. Stickholms guerrillas
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:03:15.749000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:03:35.785000+00:00)
anti assimilation 😄
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:03:55.256000+00:00)
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:05:31.933000+00:00)
But why in Finnish in a place where Swedish is the most widely spoken ...
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:09.867000+00:00)
a lot of finns in Sweden
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:19.900000+00:00)
most of them speak good Swedish, but some refuse
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:32.963000+00:00)
I know for a fact that this is commies that put them up
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:42.003000+00:00)
Yeah but Stockholm...
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:44.464000+00:00)
otherwise I wouldn't care so much
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:06:57.136000+00:00)
no idea
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:07:23.337000+00:00)
Why not Luleobårg however u write it?? Or Haparanda
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:08:06.936000+00:00)
no idea
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:08:12.046000+00:00)
more Finns in Stockholm though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:08:14.781000+00:00)
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:08:35.058000+00:00)
Haparanda is literally just over a river
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:08:38.840000+00:00)
brb taking a shower
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:13:32.796000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:13:41.282000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:13:54.445000+00:00)
🏳️🌈 <:rope:328882488770428931>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:14:00.440000+00:00)
they mistook BELTS for fucking NOOSES
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:14:15.573000+00:00)
Erm what?
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:14:40.674000+00:00)
Well its Daily Fail
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:14:55.225000+00:00)
what, you're not up to date on the Antifag Poster Panic Down Under?
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:15:11.985000+00:00)
No news on that in Finland...
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:15:56.407000+00:00)
we posted plenty about it in this very chat tho
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T10:16:22.376000+00:00)
http://ironmarch.org/index.php?/topic/8239-im-antifag-poster-panic-down-under/&page=1 have a read of the complete chronicle, it gets progressively funnier
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:16:30.890000+00:00)
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:18:41.100000+00:00)
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:18:43.340000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:24:44.513000+00:00)
Hehe, nooses
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:25:25.471000+00:00)
I need to get a laser color printer so I can print some nice posters and put up in town
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:25:41.656000+00:00)
but I would prefer one with a scanner as well
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:25:50.518000+00:00)
Would be nice
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:25:58.802000+00:00)
not sure which one to get though
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:40:38.058000+00:00)
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:40:42.233000+00:00)
saw this in organizaiton
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:40:54.314000+00:00)
does it say revolt against the modern world?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:42:15.293000+00:00)
Revolt against the perpetrators
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:43:07.854000+00:00)
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:43:12.221000+00:00)
and the quote?
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:43:23.517000+00:00)
is it hitler's quote
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-29T10:43:27.253000+00:00)
about revolting?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T10:44:19.278000+00:00)
"If a government uses it's own power to deliberetly lead a people to it's demise a revolt is not just a right, it's also a duty for every citizen"
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:49:02.634000+00:00)
Is it rare to see fully white class of students in Sweden?
Joakim Wenell writes: (2017-08-29T10:51:34.239000+00:00)
Yes, very rare
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T10:52:07.764000+00:00)
The fuck has happened to Sweden
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-29T11:55:50.093000+00:00)
Same as every other place, jews in control of the media.
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T12:02:06.183000+00:00)
Well at least in Finland everythings 10x better than in fucking Sweden
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T12:02:24.998000+00:00)
Dunno about the capital of Finland tbh...
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-29T12:26:29.159000+00:00)
Well in Finland they are going trough the backdoor. (EU) Correct me if I'm mistaken but isn't the new party leader for the True Finns a sionist?
White Wolf writes: (2017-08-29T12:37:33.541000+00:00)
Idc about PerusS so.. Dunno rly
Viper writes: (2017-08-29T12:54:08.627000+00:00)
I have never been in a all white school
Viper writes: (2017-08-29T12:54:15.440000+00:00)
But then again im from the south
noobtia writes: (2017-08-29T13:44:23.451000+00:00)
Yep True Finns leader is zionist. And pro Israel
noobtia writes: (2017-08-29T13:44:41.579000+00:00)
And we're fucked anyways, but none knows it yet
noobtia writes: (2017-08-29T13:46:53.592000+00:00)
Since they'll try to ban us, get 1984 laws accepted, stating that hate speech and liking things on social media is more crime than supporting terrorist organizations like isis
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:04:59.271000+00:00)
So the same as in here in Sweden then with the pro Israel party Swedish Democrats. They're exactly the same. I belive they will try to make all the true opposition illegal the day the that Sweden Democrats get the majority of the votes in the election.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:10:41.770000+00:00)
They merely exist as a false hope alternative so people wont revolt. Let them get elected and fail. Then there won't be an alternative left and people will see NRM as the only real alternative.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:13:01.332000+00:00)
Until then have all natsocs of the north unite under your banner so the fundamentals of the mass movement will be built
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T16:13:46.919000+00:00)
I don't think that there is one right wing populist euroskeptic party in europe that isn't completly kosher
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:14:31.695000+00:00)
Ditching parliament is the best option aswell. Every time Nationalists entered Greek parliament they became part of the system
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:16:13.463000+00:00)
I belive they're all controlled by the same tiny minority in one way or another.
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:22:33.219000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> I think you must be true to yourself from the begining to begin with. Like the Golden Dawn. They seems to not be in that categori from what iv'e seen.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:24:03.409000+00:00)
Golden Dawn are a systemic party with no clear ideological view on ANYTHING.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:25:55.171000+00:00)
They're merely a vote grabbing facility nothing else
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:28:33.197000+00:00)
I'll begin translating Periandros Androutsopoulos 2015 speech very soon, ex-subleader of GD and most loyal National Socialist in Greece. Might make some confusion vanish.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:29:33.428000+00:00)
A 1h30min speech every Natsoc needs to see, with huge ideological refference.
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:31:45.408000+00:00)
Okey. interesting looking forward to that hmm.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T16:32:51.681000+00:00)
interesting indeed because from what I *have* seen GD makes overt connections about being NS here and there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T16:32:58.867000+00:00)
but language barrier etc
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:33:35.474000+00:00)
GD has 30 years of pro-NS articles written on their newspapers
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:34:05.738000+00:00)
and as soon as they entered parliament they werent men enough to admit their own fucking signature
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:34:50.024000+00:00)
Daily reminder that Illias has tatto CHETNIK on his torso
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:34:50.110000+00:00)
One may call it tactics, I call it cowardice
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:34:52.415000+00:00)
based GD
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:03.994000+00:00)
that's his brother
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:08.190000+00:00)
is ti?
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:09.901000+00:00)
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:16.281000+00:00)
BASED black man
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:24.328000+00:00)
which one has the swastika tat
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:32.541000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:51.481000+00:00)
as BASED as being an anti-fascist when you're in parliament accusing liberal right winger that THEY ARE THE REAL FASCISTS
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:35:57.462000+00:00)
I dunno, if thats his brother, they are like copy-paste
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T16:36:11.282000+00:00)
twins do exist zmaj
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:36:31.565000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:36:39.773000+00:00)
I believe in clones
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T16:36:40.040000+00:00)
BASED Conservative calling Liberals Da real Fascists
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:36:42.173000+00:00)
not twins ok?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:37:00.489000+00:00)
That's pretty much GD Karl
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:37:34.830000+00:00)
And then the Communist leader said ''These men arent brave enough to admit their own ideas"
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:37:39.935000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:37:49.026000+00:00)
>based GD
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:37:53.842000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:02.592000+00:00)
meh, L'SNS is still No.1
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:09.780000+00:00)
>42d chess
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:11.867000+00:00)
L'SNS > GD tbh fam
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:21.932000+00:00)
1000d chess
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:31.601000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:48.661000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:38:53.692000+00:00)
dunno what the laws are in Greece
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:39:06.013000+00:00)
maybe because they in EU its illegal to ID as fash or nazi
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:39:22.387000+00:00)
Here we only have ban on Nazi flag and swastika
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:39:54.362000+00:00)
Anyway, you'll see Periandros ranting for an hour about Golden Dawn's demise
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:40:21.206000+00:00)
Everything he mentions you can check yourself and confirm
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:41:27.564000+00:00)
I might translate it into 10min parts
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:42:09.134000+00:00)
so it wont take me 3 months to get that 1h30min speech with huge and complicated ideological language translated
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:42:13.162000+00:00)
hope you guys bear with me
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:42:38.399000+00:00)
No problem😄
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:42:49.186000+00:00)
>act like a nazi
>refuse to admit you're a nazi
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:43:07.149000+00:00)
even when the police find a nazi museum in your home
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-29T16:43:09.086000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Isn't it weird for GD to cuck out even tho majority of greeks are anti semitic?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:43:21.511000+00:00)
or a swastika tattoo on your arm
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:44:38.950000+00:00)
<@202294945770373129> When eternal ideas as ours are represented by weak individuals then no it's not weird.
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-29T16:45:32.152000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Isn't orthodoxy also compatible with anti-semitism?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T16:45:34.815000+00:00)
well tag us when you make it m8
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-29T16:45:43.682000+00:00)
It just seems to me that GD has a golden opportunity
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-29T16:45:50.667000+00:00)
to become natsoc germany V2
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:46:03.189000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:46:21.791000+00:00)
If this happens we're done for good
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-08-29T16:46:32.490000+00:00)
I bet there are laws in Greece that forbid them going all out public with it
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:46:35.560000+00:00)
their incopetent to run a movement
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:46:43.539000+00:00)
they wont be able to run a country
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:47:27.829000+00:00)
Okey but besides what you said. GD seems to be pretty none existent these days what happend?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T16:47:48.097000+00:00)
Oh yeah haha it's the laws! That's why they vote for reducing the taxes of huge capitalists in Greece!
Victor writes: (2017-08-29T16:49:11.383000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-29T17:09:54.974000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Will you post it when you're done?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T17:26:17.228000+00:00)
Gah, can't handle people who claim to be NS but tell me to tone down the violence
Andreas N3 writes: (2017-08-29T17:36:24.107000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSp_hwk1nRw&t= Based José
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T17:42:32.995000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T17:49:00.522000+00:00)
<@337677829577637889> Yes I will, of course
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:32:26.773000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> lol I am here now
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:32:36.837000+00:00)
you can chastise my peaceful ways now
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:35:49.932000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> It's unfortunate for these kikes that just a few months ago the US supreme court agreed that "hate speech" exemptions to the first amendment are unconstitutional. What most people don't realize however is that the US intelligence apparatus has absolute authority due to the "war on terror" to justify overturning the constitution, and only do not do so publicly because it would cause a mass rebellion from the burgers.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:36:13.008000+00:00)
In a state of war in the USA, the constitution can be ignored.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:40:23.293000+00:00)
the constitution has already been ignored for centuries
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:40:40.353000+00:00)
arguably started in 1850 after Jackson got whacked
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:41:10.840000+00:00)
Current 'government' is a corporation and is not bound by it. It's window dressing. The "real" de jure government is dead
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:41:16.820000+00:00)
48 is when the (((deep state))) consolidated power with the national security act
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:41:26.829000+00:00)
1948 I mean
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:42:35.929000+00:00)
deep state = top bureaucrats and institutions
shadow government = jew
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:42:51.895000+00:00)
Yes, the BIS shareholders essentially are the jews behind the MIC.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:43:04.729000+00:00)
Bank of International Settlements
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:43:14.525000+00:00)
in charge of over 100 central banks in the world
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:43:27.461000+00:00)
indirectly of course
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:43:38.381000+00:00)
direct enough for me
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:46:01.031000+00:00)
I was arguing with that other guy, that our best play as white nats, Nat Soc etc. is to bait our enemy into making a stupid aggressive move now. Basically to piss them off as much as we can, without doing anything violent that spooks the normies. Kinda how Bannon stepping down got the jew media to write blatantly anti white shit.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:46:18.640000+00:00)
like this
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T18:46:52.394000+00:00)
So we should hate crime nigs so they chimp out?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:09.313000+00:00)
no we do shit like what Trump did, bait the left into attacking founder monuments
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:15.998000+00:00)
or bait antifa into doing increasingly more stupid shit
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:19.596000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:26.893000+00:00)
Is that a creator we have here
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:36.186000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:43.504000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> no its a meme
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:51.123000+00:00)
It's an AW meme
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:52.177000+00:00)
>no we do shit like what Trump did, bait the left into attacking founder monuments
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:47:53.627000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:00.493000+00:00)
I'm not saying Trump is ourguy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:01.908000+00:00)
far from it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:02.477000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:12.567000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:15.607000+00:00)
just that it baited the retarded libshits and niggers into making whites more ethnocentrist
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T18:48:18.352000+00:00)
So we need to piss antifa off?
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:01.767000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:02.005000+00:00)
bait antifa into continuing into doing what they do to demonize themselves into irrelevance, then rise above them with idea sharing to prove the media horseshoe theory contrast false
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:08.078000+00:00)
We need a system collapse
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:11.462000+00:00)
'rise above them'
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:15.678000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:22.533000+00:00)
Your 'peaceful' narrative is lost
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:35.149000+00:00)
So we should throw up swastikas
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:38.268000+00:00)
I am by no means a peaceful person lol. I just think right now it is the right move.
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:39.201000+00:00)
To upset them
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:49:40.909000+00:00)
you will ALWAYS be labelled as a violent thug, no matter what.
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:50:03.691000+00:00)
People aren't going to vote for NS en masse.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:50:05.556000+00:00)
But of course, violence isn't a bad thing 😉
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:50:12.579000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> ofc
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:50:16.895000+00:00)
violence is good or bad in the correct context imo
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:50:23.203000+00:00)
we have to do what is optimal for the race
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:00.739000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:35.917000+00:00)
Normies will continue watching TV Shows as the last monument is being pulled down
They will care only when there is no food anymore
Caring what normies will think is dumb, they don't matter
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:45.934000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:48.530000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:50.903000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:53.064000+00:00)
Though I wouldn't say "normies", sounds like an imageboard term
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:58.554000+00:00)
normies do matter, the system will not make a violent move against you if you have the backing of normies
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:51:59.559000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:03.964000+00:00)
That's rude
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:04.985000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:05.340000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> No, they don't
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:08.137000+00:00)
you delusional fool
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:14.215000+00:00)
what will normies do
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:16.423000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> Yes they will
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:20.190000+00:00)
Why would the system care
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:20.443000+00:00)
Lemmings will never have your back
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:27.056000+00:00)
Normies don't matter even one bit
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:30.013000+00:00)
ok yes they will, but eventually, not right away
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:37.014000+00:00)
you are right the jews will attack when other options fail
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:45.022000+00:00)
but then we look like the heroes of the story
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:45.819000+00:00)
They will only matter when they stop being normies and join an actual fascist movement.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:48.329000+00:00)
and they look like the aggresors
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:54.878000+00:00)
Who cares for the lemming?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:52:57.110000+00:00)
Why would we care as long as we win
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:03.389000+00:00)
normies are not idealistic, they care about safety first
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:07.448000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:17+00:00)
We will ALWAYS be the minority
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:20.625000+00:00)
the MINORITY make the change
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:22.876000+00:00)
many of us were once lemmings, hell I was apolitical 4 years ago pretty much
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:26.222000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:39.902000+00:00)
You do no represent society
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:40.392000+00:00)
Doesn't matter what you "were", it matters what you are.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:41.844000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> <@!316318241230159873> <@!245616114061672448> quaint display names.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:53:59.140000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:04.856000+00:00)
I never even heard of it before
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:09.531000+00:00)
I bet it's some weird Belgian book
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:12.657000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:13.400000+00:00)
about French paganism
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:17.733000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:17.978000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:28.642000+00:00)
lol what is this creator meme
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:34.357000+00:00)
It refers to the Creativity movement
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:38.252000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:39.577000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:43.685000+00:00)
oh the youtube fags
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:54.631000+00:00)
Ned Stark was a CREATOR
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:54:55.253000+00:00)
<@!245616114061672448> 😉
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:55:01.248000+00:00)
We need a yoba emoji here
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:55:16.974000+00:00)
I will add one later
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:55:19.371000+00:00)
Ned Stark was a CUNT.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:55:53.257000+00:00)
I think we do need normies. Obviously not as normies, but we need their passive support at least to navigate political sphere more openly. If they view us as the aggressors, the senate will try to name us terrorists
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:02.991000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:06.673000+00:00)
they've already done that lol
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:12.165000+00:00)
yes, but officially I mean
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:14.287000+00:00)
Daily reminder that Stannis is kalki, and the jews killed him on the show for shits and giggles
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:16.273000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:50.763000+00:00)
They're going to name us terrorists either way, what we want is to provide ample evidence that we are not. So when they do, the normies see we are the ones being attacked and not the other way around
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:56:53.066000+00:00)
that's my position
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:05.003000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> That's a very strange conclusion
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:06.697000+00:00)
and then?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:25.069000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> you really must be dimwitted to think that will work after 50 years of repeated failure
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:28.140000+00:00)
they see that and then what?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:30.228000+00:00)
Well the Third Reich had a Propaganda ministry
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:33.645000+00:00)
pr is important
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:35.367000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> read the bible
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:38.674000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:39.501000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:57:54.308000+00:00)
we govt nao
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:00.369000+00:00)
yes, but they are the most successful movement of this ever
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:00.411000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> no I dont want to
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:06.694000+00:00)
Lol a new guy on Iron March just said he's a faggot in his introduction
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:15.723000+00:00)
is he Swedish?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:19.542000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:21.109000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:24.588000+00:00)
we are not govt now tho
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:55.292000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:58:58.536000+00:00)
This is the second one this fortnight.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:05.679000+00:00)
Read up on all the assets the central banks have at their disposal
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:06.655000+00:00)
I saw that earlier, I was sure it was some mentally ill person based on the way he wrote the thread
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:08.428000+00:00)
At this point I think IM should be privatized.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:09.901000+00:00)
to defeat them in battle is unrealistic
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:24.334000+00:00)
we need more numbers
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:26.869000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> IM is owned by the FSB
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:33.913000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:35.650000+00:00)
more numbers = attracting normies
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:48.591000+00:00)
not by cucking on ideology mind you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:56.464000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> SSHSHHHHH
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T18:59:56.895000+00:00)
just making it attractive to normalfags and transform them into men
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:02.997000+00:00)
*wipes sweat off forehead*
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:03.477000+00:00)
Slavros was a KGB agent when he was a child. It is known.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:06.417000+00:00)
we gonna have great battle
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:10.440000+00:00)
yes, but it was easier for them to gain power
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:18.519000+00:00)
their opposition was nowhere near as powerful
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:18.794000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> H-HEHE Y-YEAH THAT WAS J-JUST A JOKE!
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:19.546000+00:00)
as ours
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:24.894000+00:00)
*don't mention the Kremlin funds*
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:28.543000+00:00)
why do we need normies, tell me that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:29.066000+00:00)
>transform normalfags into men
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:35.057000+00:00)
what will normies do for us
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:36.512000+00:00)
>thinking transforming is real
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:00:39.854000+00:00)
we need numbers to eventually kill all the kikes and their assets lol
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:02.238000+00:00)
nigga give me a gun and some ammo and i can single handedly kill hundreds of them
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:04.467000+00:00)
There's no way to transform normies into men. People are BORN men.
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:05.654000+00:00)
we dont need normies to kill
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:14.303000+00:00)
I kinda wish we were really sponsored by Russia, maybe they'd send us borscht
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:18.278000+00:00)
we need canon fodder then
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:20.802000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:37.046000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:37.755000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:40.122000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:42.816000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:43.452000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:43.625000+00:00)
1000 Breiviks are worth more than 10 mil normies
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:44.322000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:48.921000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:50.169000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:52.122000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:53.129000+00:00)
It's borscht.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:55.297000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:56.955000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:01:59.398000+00:00)
srsly t at the end is french spelling
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:00.691000+00:00)
Well, both are correct.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:02.028000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:03.561000+00:00)
Borste sounds right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:04.241000+00:00)
its silent in french
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:08.591000+00:00)
Borscht, borsch, borschch, borsht, bortsch.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:11.498000+00:00)
Borste probably
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:15.673000+00:00)
All are correct.
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:21.469000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:22.984000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:27.014000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:29.375000+00:00)
so what we don't need numbers is what you guys are saying?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:37.538000+00:00)
we need quality
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:39.340000+00:00)
quality > quantity
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:40.421000+00:00)
not quanitity
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:41.124000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:47.325000+00:00)
borscht > borsch
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:51.916000+00:00)
100 fanatics are worth more than 1000s of lukewarms
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:55.036000+00:00)
I study how the deep state works and I understand the level of financial power they have backing them.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:02:58.951000+00:00)
when you use numbers as the primary criteria you are damning yourself to shit
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:00.259000+00:00)
You could have 10,000 commando type guys
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:02.820000+00:00)
and you'd still lose
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:08.473000+00:00)
Thule, fucking read SIEGE!
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:09.543000+00:00)
no one is talking about open field battle
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:09.797000+00:00)
you need millions
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:12.523000+00:00)
>I study how the deep state works
In that case I study how lemmings work
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:19.895000+00:00)
well ya
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:21.079000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:21.266000+00:00)
pretty much
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:34.704000+00:00)
Adopt the SIEGE mentality.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:03:36.331000+00:00)
and my knowledge of lemmings informs you that quantity is shit
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:01.619000+00:00)
What will numbers do when a portion of them don't agree with your radicality?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:05+00:00)
we need canon fodder to defeat them, theri own intel agencies did estimations and they need ~5% in open rebellion to defeat them
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:07.913000+00:00)
that's 15 million people
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:28.478000+00:00)
you need at least 10% in my estimation
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:42.329000+00:00)
How did Hitler get over 50?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:50.166000+00:00)
it can be done
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:55.069000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:04:55.979000+00:00)
you kno nuttin
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:00.646000+00:00)
System is rotting, as time goes on it degenerates more and more
it wont last forever
especially with raising racial tensions
in 10 years we will have 100 times worse situation in Europe than we have now
state wont be able to handle it
it will start crumbling
policemen will start leaving their jobs in huge numbers, daily chimpouts etc.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:17.609000+00:00)
normies wont matter then
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:29.007000+00:00)
only fanatics
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:30.781000+00:00)
Your "Hitler had millions of supporters" arguments are fucking stupid.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:32.275000+00:00)
Yes, the situation isn't looking good for the jews, but we have to anticipate their next move.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:05:55.918000+00:00)
normies will coem to your side bcs you will give them protection from nigger gangs
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:17.806000+00:00)
normies function on most base instincts of getting food and safety
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:33.415000+00:00)
This is true, but the kikes wont let go of power without a fight
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:35.612000+00:00)
they wont care for your swastiak flag
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:42.997000+00:00)
well yeah
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:50.234000+00:00)
and for thta fight you will need fanatics
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:06:56.181000+00:00)
ppl ready to die
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:02.057000+00:00)
lemmings don't fight, idiot
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:10.644000+00:00)
Moderates in the ranks don't have the guts to fight.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:11.764000+00:00)
average Joe will run and hide
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:12.269000+00:00)
only when they are drunk at a bar they maybe do
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:12.936000+00:00)
So why do we need them?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:15.143000+00:00)
they do if the system of the jews has less to offer than we do
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:43.254000+00:00)
because even if you defeat the kikes, if you have a population of lemmings which thinks you're the devil ruling you, you are setting yourself up for potential rebellion and kike subversion from afar
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:07:49.764000+00:00)
lol no
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:08:09.650000+00:00)
well my point is we have to bait the jews into playing their hands too openly more
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:08:15.017000+00:00)
to prove to the lemmings they want their families dead
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T19:08:17.291000+00:00)
So what are you guys talking about
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:08:17.457000+00:00)
Moderates will turn to the Jews rather than the fascists faster than you can say "gas the kikes".
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:11.062000+00:00)
I think even lemmings have a breaking point
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:13.944000+00:00)
>i study le deep state
>we will surely trick them into looking like the baddies with this one easy trick of being passive cowards
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:24.561000+00:00)
I never said being passive cowards
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:25.908000+00:00)
"Breaking point"
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:33.679000+00:00)
They're already broken. That's why they're fucking lemmings.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:38.011000+00:00)
I don't believe in le peace utopia
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:43.045000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> Well in this case <@!316318241230159873> 's username is actually pretty relevant. You should read it if you haven't since it touches on stuff you seem to be into.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:09:57.055000+00:00)
Lol, no way that's gonna happen
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:09.861000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:16.810000+00:00)
it wont happen, but we can make them more racially conscious at least
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:20.824000+00:00)
Also subscribe to the continued SIEGE newsletter.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:24.454000+00:00)
that was the natural trend of human beings for centuries before this
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:25.134000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Why does everyone have those types of profile pics
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:34.214000+00:00)
Because they're cool nowadays, mkay?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:44.808000+00:00)
They're ancient
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:45.376000+00:00)
Hitler with a skullmask, pretty neat eh?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:10:57.603000+00:00)
Join the B/W high contrast crew instead
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:07.538000+00:00)
actually I think this is thresholded
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:10.594000+00:00)
If only Goebbels actually said that quote, we would've won
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:23.611000+00:00)
is this discussion still going?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:25.606000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:37.593000+00:00)
i didnt recall the dots
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:41.474000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:42.913000+00:00)
It'll keep going until that guy reads SIEGE.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:44.354000+00:00)
give him the lemming image
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:47.913000+00:00)
All propaganda efforts should be pushed towards raising racial tensions
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:11:57.643000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:06.240000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Do you have any infographics to accompany the Bhagavad-Gita?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:13.190000+00:00)
Like for the Evola books
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:16.646000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:23.143000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Agreed here
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:26.707000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:35.404000+00:00)
but not raising ideological tensions between left/right dichotomy the kikes created
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:36.945000+00:00)
Closest I could find to an Indian emoji
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:40.415000+00:00)
should be racial
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:12:44.135000+00:00)
not ideological
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:07.069000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:15.076000+00:00)
^check that
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:45.916000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> this is assuming you have the numbers and power rn to defeat the state
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:48.398000+00:00)
which we sadly do not
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:51.941000+00:00)
I mean not to blackpill
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:51.987000+00:00)
Oh hey that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:13:59.534000+00:00)
you didnt even read it faggit
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:01.326000+00:00)
I think I first saw it on UP
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:04.867000+00:00)
I have seen it before
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:27.280000+00:00)
so you don't understand it then
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:43.457000+00:00)
I understand that last part relies on the fact that a force could defeat the state
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:44.514000+00:00)
We don't fucking need the numbers. That's the entire point of this discussion.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:14:49.706000+00:00)
We need hard, radical men.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:05.832000+00:00)
*Boldly stand erect*
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:06.035000+00:00)
I know, that came out wrong. But my point still stands.
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:19.391000+00:00)
No Im just joking
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:19.696000+00:00)
but do you imagine the jews will back down if we fight them? they will throw everything they have
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:24.687000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:26.226000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:26.234000+00:00)
for them it is a matter of survival as much as us
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:29.381000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:43.552000+00:00)
they will use their entire intel operation (over 2 million) and possibly the military (another 1 million)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:48.012000+00:00)
You overrestimate the Jews a little bit tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:50.667000+00:00)
read SIEGE then
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:15:56.826000+00:00)
that explains how to apply force
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:02.185000+00:00)
nein, I will never underestimate those fucks
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:09.984000+00:00)
Better to be pleasantly surprised
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:12.188000+00:00)
than to get btfo
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:12.847000+00:00)
Right now the best they can do is hide in the shadows and spread more lies.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:22.876000+00:00)
So they won't break their reputation.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:16:59.172000+00:00)
read SIEGE you fucking NA mongoloid.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:17:28.519000+00:00)
Also for the love of god, get rid of that pseudo-german name.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:17:40.447000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:17:54.648000+00:00)
Yeah I raised an eyebrow at that too
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:17:56.553000+00:00)
What do you mean?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:04.501000+00:00)
north american
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:08.355000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:21.934000+00:00)
Negro Aryan too
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:23.881000+00:00)
could be
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:32.281000+00:00)
<@!245616114061672448> Language.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:45.020000+00:00)
excuse me
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:18:52.082000+00:00)
NA = Northren Americana
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:20:13.320000+00:00)
NA is indeed North-American
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:20:38.821000+00:00)
The name stays. I still don't agree letting the kikes paint us with this "muh horseshoe theory" shit is a good idea. Lol can mock NA all you want, but controlling the US is key to controlling the world pretty much. No other country matters rn.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:20:59.896000+00:00)
We need men like this.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:21:01.060000+00:00)
US military can bully the other cucked nations into bending.
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:21:02.367000+00:00)
Destroying the US is key to victory
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:21:05.331000+00:00)
the death of the USA is all that matters
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:21:12.272000+00:00)
Not "men" like this.
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:21:34.907000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:22:04.629000+00:00)
Heimbach is a good speaker, but should stick to radio. He's not camera friendly. Also his organization has too much affiliation with those 90 IQ plebeian types in America who larp as National Socialists.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:23:18.253000+00:00)
Sure, Heimbach may be good at speaking. But the shit that comes running out of his mouth is beyond retarded.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:23:50.209000+00:00)
like? I haven't seen many videos of him tbh
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:24:14.414000+00:00)
Shit like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU1JmMUkP84
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:24:14.969000+00:00)
For every "wow Heimbach made a good point" talk there are ten "holy smokes how can he be that retarded" moments.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:24:18.527000+00:00)
For example.
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-08-29T19:24:40.737000+00:00)
Nice post about lemmings.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:24:46.387000+00:00)
Remember his speech about becoming Avalonians?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:26:16.844000+00:00)
Appropriating Avalon triggers me
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:26:27.677000+00:00)
He's trying to rebrand Nat Soc a bit too much, which I agree is not a good idea.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:26:45.992000+00:00)
You can't rebrand truth
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:26:55.449000+00:00)
He looks more Persian than Avalonian tbh
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:27:00.289000+00:00)
No but you can give it a worse logo
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:27:08.615000+00:00)
He needs more people to bully him in the right direction.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:27:34.280000+00:00)
When I first discovered about him he unironically hated Hitler.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:28:35.051000+00:00)
Lol guessing you guys hate Spencer then
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:28:36.528000+00:00)
Yes I am
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:28:41.039000+00:00)
but not egalitarian Christian
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:28:42.338000+00:00)
Do you like Spencer?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:28:47.155000+00:00)
not really
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:29:06.810000+00:00)
Well he does have a cross in his name.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:29:14.670000+00:00)
I just picked something. I'm already known by this name, so I wont change it.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:29:18.820000+00:00)
Pretty oxymoron tbh
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:29:53.448000+00:00)
It's getting really dificult watching my language
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:30:39.928000+00:00)
Or you can change your faith in general.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:30:42.131000+00:00)
The story of Ultima Thule is not necessarily incompatible with Christianity.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:30:45.637000+00:00)
Join the EHs, boi
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:30:51.415000+00:00)
Yes it is incompatible
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:30:52.802000+00:00)
Please don't
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:18.033000+00:00)
I don't want him to join, tbh
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:28.800000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> Sieg Heil
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:35.800000+00:00)
The only bible I need is the white mans bible
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:42.847000+00:00)
How many Jews will we gas today!!!
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:55.234000+00:00)
6 gorzillion, I believe
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:31:58.706000+00:00)
Retake the middle east because we love sand deus vult
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:04.371000+00:00)
it's 20 gorillion now
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:06.122000+00:00)
don't you know
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:07.029000+00:00)
Anyway, I will leave now
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:07.205000+00:00)
hecc yea
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:10.215000+00:00)
More sand for the church
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:11.716000+00:00)
Good luck
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:19.718000+00:00)
SIEGEpill that coon
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:32:19.767000+00:00)
more gibs goys
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:04.215000+00:00)
people have been talking about this siege shit in these circles for decades
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:17.008000+00:00)
yet nobody has done anything
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:23.394000+00:00)
talking about siege doesn't make anyone brave
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:33.078000+00:00)
what do you think SIEGE is
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:41.223000+00:00)
People have been PR cucking too
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:41.570000+00:00)
what does it imply
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:48.884000+00:00)
guerilla warfare tactic of cutting enemy's supply instead of direct attack
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:33:51.262000+00:00)
Being a faggot isn't a novel idea
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:34:25.811000+00:00)
>cutting enemys supply
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:34:29.988000+00:00)
What does that mean?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:34:37.635000+00:00)
lol you imbecile, you don't think that letting them brand you terrorist is giving them what they want?
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:34:53.043000+00:00)
Theyre already doing that
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:34:59.471000+00:00)
I don't believe in voting
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:04.203000+00:00)
They're calling IE terrorists ffs
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:07.395000+00:00)
I believe in doing the opposite of what the enemy signals
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:29.944000+00:00)
the media is now demonizing the antifa, and they are baiting us into behaving like them to frame us both as terrorists
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:32.810000+00:00)
no you stop
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:45.729000+00:00)
lol no it isn't
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:52.670000+00:00)
You need a structured argument to back your claims
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:54.594000+00:00)
no you stop, you should read SIEGE before you open your mouth again
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:55.828000+00:00)
not "read this book"
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:35:59.482000+00:00)
Antifa are "anti-racist" protesters in the media
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:36:43.177000+00:00)
No, I make money and I donate to the organizations which share ideas. And will continue to do so as long as this is effective. When it ceases to serve any utility, then I might agree with your "siege"
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:36:50.232000+00:00)
The argument is in the book you clown. You are just too sheepish to confront some truths that will shatter your patheticc world view.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:13.281000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:21.418000+00:00)
right, I'm going to dox that online and get cataloged
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:22.332000+00:00)
wew lad
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:27.315000+00:00)
Should there just be a siege sticky that everyone can point to?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:47.345000+00:00)
Maybe a Siege discussion area?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:37:59.799000+00:00)
Everythwere is SIEGE discussion area
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:01.543000+00:00)
ppl keep saying read SIEGE because we have been having this arguments for the last 3 years and it got exhausting tbh
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:15.024000+00:00)
see you guys are larping, none of you are going to do shit and you fucking know it
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:22.532000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:22.793000+00:00)
every fucking decade we have this shit
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:25.988000+00:00)
>read this book bro
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:29.471000+00:00)
>it has all the answers
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:29.620000+00:00)
yes we do
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:37.698000+00:00)
rockwell talked about it
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:42.106000+00:00)
he had the same pr cucks back then
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:46.010000+00:00)
raising as much money as I can, and being as excellent as I can in my field to gain influence in society
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:50.134000+00:00)
his own altright
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:38:58.053000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> You'll never subvert the system
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:01.697000+00:00)
You're wasting your time and energy
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:03.417000+00:00)
It's every decade the same >let's be respectable guys, SUITS AND TIES, moderate oneself, show that they are the real racists hmm checkmate
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:06.296000+00:00)
Based NSRP
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:09.542000+00:00)
Influence in a hostile society won't be effectivr
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:28.501000+00:00)
it can be to a certain extent
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:36.301000+00:00)
I agree it wont be as effective as a kike trying the same thing of course
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:43.529000+00:00)
>everywhere is a Siege discussion area
Nobody discusses it, they just say "read it"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:49.092000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:51.833000+00:00)
form an argument
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:55.995000+00:00)
You refuse to confront your shitty ideas and measure them up to people with actual experience.
You refuse to even tell what gay group you aid, because you know that we will shit on it for being just as gay as your arguments
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:56.882000+00:00)
why is "siege" the way to go
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:39:58.908000+00:00)
explain your position
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:01.331000+00:00)
Do you think you'll win with your methods? <@297184952079089665>
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:04.034000+00:00)
It's a great book btw
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:17.402000+00:00)
What you guys fighting about now.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:23.516000+00:00)
same old KU
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:23.586000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:24.614000+00:00)
same old
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:24.845000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> bcs ive been having these discussion for the past 3 years, got boring fam
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:25.827000+00:00)
still the same thing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:29.435000+00:00)
people never learn
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:30.090000+00:00)
PR cuckery
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:32.046000+00:00)
PR cuckery?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:33.518000+00:00)
Knew it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:37.631000+00:00)
frankly this is why its easier to shoot people than argue
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:38.243000+00:00)
No, but I can help the movement into the stage where warfare becomes relevant. This is done by baiting the system into unjustifiably attacking us.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:38.562000+00:00)
Oh, oh
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:44.481000+00:00)
Then they look like the badguys
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:47.384000+00:00)
and we the heroes
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:50.183000+00:00)
that's the point
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:52.349000+00:00)
I don't sit and watch the thread all day to monitor for Siege readings
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:54.580000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:40:59.242000+00:00)
Read the damn book
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:01.699000+00:00)
i just love that almost every big face in alt-right is talking about getting rid of NS symbolism
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:04.172000+00:00)
there's no such thing as heroes
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:07.315000+00:00)
It the One Easy Trick to bringing NS to America not naming the jews, not being racist, wearing suits or not using violence or all of them?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:10.562000+00:00)
but the lemming thinks there is
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:11.108000+00:00)
>we need the System to punch us so we look weak and pathetic and people rush to protect us
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:23.513000+00:00)
Yes, there is such a thing as heroes. You just never will amount to one
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:28.342000+00:00)
no, not weak, just that we are being unjustifiably targeted
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:28.461000+00:00)
Heroes aren't cowards
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:28.965000+00:00)
I c u follow the Spencerian school of activism
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:31.991000+00:00)
*suddenly millions of lemmings show up on streets to support us*
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:33.162000+00:00)
ye nah
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:39.591000+00:00)
Read Siege because it's really helpful for curing you of stupid right wing fantasies
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:48.073000+00:00)
The TWP got a huge surge in interest when all those reds got stabbef
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:53.607000+00:00)
lemming support is powerful, even if lemmings themselves have no real utility
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:55.515000+00:00)
Read Siege because James Mason is a gifted author
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:41:59.775000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:02.083000+00:00)
Remember this cuckold?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:03.820000+00:00)
lemming support is useless
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:12.998000+00:00)
How did any government in the world get into power?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:26.705000+00:00)
not with lemmings
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:27.918000+00:00)
Violent revolution?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:31.847000+00:00)
you wanna get voted in?
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:36.783000+00:00)
"If you let your enemy kill you, you win"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:39.342000+00:00)
I don't believe in total pacifism. I believe in being practical.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:49.099000+00:00)
>getting punched is practical
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:55.809000+00:00)
and being practical is wanting useless ppl to follow you?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:42:59.217000+00:00)
no, baiting the enemy into demonizing themselves is practical
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:00.909000+00:00)
Hitler didn't win by acting weak to the system in place at his time
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:05.727000+00:00)
So TL;DR what's your New Idea to bring about national socialism?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:06.007000+00:00)
If you get punched in the face, you will show the lemming that you are the victim and will sympathise with you.
t. Spencer
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:08.804000+00:00)
I never said we show mercy to the kikes
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:10.890000+00:00)
t. you
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:25.709000+00:00)
don't mistake my intentions, every single one of them dies
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:29.117000+00:00)
>make the enemy demonize themselves by getting punched
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:31.631000+00:00)
but it takes time to get there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:42.964000+00:00)
not with your way
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:45.698000+00:00)
How do you suggest making the enemy demonize itself?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:51.503000+00:00)
so far the idea sharing stuff is working
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:43:59.074000+00:00)
we are gaining a voice on the political sphere
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:03.314000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:06.040000+00:00)
sure you are m8
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:07.441000+00:00)
when it ceases to work, then I will agree
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:14.922000+00:00)
we president nao
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:19.594000+00:00)
its already not working
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:21.587000+00:00)
no obviously not that lol
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:35.035000+00:00)
>Bannon gets booted
>w-we are winning the political game guis
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:37.714000+00:00)
then how do you explain lemmings taking more to racial ideology?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:37.900000+00:00)
are you one of those that believe alt right memed Trump into presidency
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:43.736000+00:00)
lol no
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:45.348000+00:00)
they are?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:44:56.725000+00:00)
are they? they're not
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:14.793000+00:00)
Ok just to clarify. My end goal is the total extermination of the jewish parasite, and its pets. Just to be totally clear. I have absolutely no intention of showing them or their children any mercy at all.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:18.523000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:22.547000+00:00)
they moved from cuckservatism to r/donald faggotry
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:23.008000+00:00)
but I just think we need to be strategic
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:27.235000+00:00)
which is like 1mm to the right
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:34.422000+00:00)
no you don't
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:40.397000+00:00)
or you're delusional
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:41.261000+00:00)
you can't even into strategy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:46.851000+00:00)
implying our method isn't strategic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:45:47.626000+00:00)
So what do you suggest, you're not suggesting anything concrete, just some vague optics game?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:00.794000+00:00)
dude, you can't even argue your point outside of "Read this book maaaan"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:04.197000+00:00)
how is that an argument
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:08.652000+00:00)
convince me then if your pov is so correct
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:19.065000+00:00)
arguing is pointless
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:19.714000+00:00)
It's more of an argument than the nonsense you are spouting, kiddo
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:21.295000+00:00)
go read the book
HMan writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:22.480000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:27.534000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> What are you exactly suggesting
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:43.720000+00:00)
>I'm not reading a BEWK, BEWKS are not STRATEGY
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:46:54.768000+00:00)
Shut up Alex, I wanna hear it.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:01.175000+00:00)
I did suggest something concrete. Continue to tailor to a legitimate image until the state becomes enraged at our lack of reactionary dissent and starts irrationally attacking us by naming us terrorists when we clearly demonstrably are not.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:02.997000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:07.200000+00:00)
You just don't want to confront your delusions and measure them up to a MAN who knows what he is talking about
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:07.388000+00:00)
Then we have the justification for your siege
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:10.483000+00:00)
and can grab more numbers
dylb writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:12.736000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> People tell you to read the book because it provides every answer and every argument, hence they don't want to waste time on discussing it for the six millionth time
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:23.802000+00:00)
>continue to tailor to a legitimate image
PR Cuck, done deal
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:24.851000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> What is this "legitimate image"
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:35.948000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:54.936000+00:00)
Amren is an example. Or the npi fags. Obviously they are not the end goal, but they can be used.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:47:58.955000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> I know you're right, but I wanna see him put his PR idea into concrete suggestion.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:01.069000+00:00)
Oh jesus.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:03.548000+00:00)
No dude.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:07.692000+00:00)
Amren is shit
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:09.594000+00:00)
Actually, we just had a discussion about this.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:09.872000+00:00)
Look I get you want the kike's blood
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:10.879000+00:00)
I do too
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:15.790000+00:00)
but we need to make sure we can win first
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:23.187000+00:00)
"Jews are huwhyte"
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:23.304000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:27.047000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:28.762000+00:00)
I can just copy my reply in its entirety, these people are like virtual copies of one another
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:37.142000+00:00)
"It's one thing I've also seen connect the PR fags: They feel they've discovered this new and grand idea of "hey, let's be nazis but not call it nazism" as if that spineless cuckery hasn't been tried since Rockwell's days, which they would know if they actually read. And if anyone disagrees with them, why, it can be only because they're hollywood skinhead kkk trailer trash who can't think for themselves and see the greatness of this One Easy Trick to bring NS to USA. Because they're massive autists, they don't even know what real respectability, it's like a cargo cult of respectability for them, they think they'll magically gain respect points by adopting outer signs associated with respectability like suits, ties and suitcases. They might claim to hate GOP but they'll do everything to imitate them as closely as possible. Real respectability is strength and having a spine."
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:40.259000+00:00)
lol I know I know, they are not our ideal platform, they are cowards
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:42.673000+00:00)
but they can be used
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:47.778000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:48.894000+00:00)
groups can be used for our goals
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:48:51.767000+00:00)
You are a coward
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:07.623000+00:00)
>charging into battle with no army and barely any allies is bravery
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:09.633000+00:00)
it's stupidity
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:13.660000+00:00)
you need more power first
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:16.440000+00:00)
power is what we need
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:17.487000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:19.636000+00:00)
political influence
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:21.805000+00:00)
billions of dollars
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:31.547000+00:00)
i'm honestly not even srsly engaging, its tiring at this point to have the same argument with the same pr cuck for the 6,000,000th time
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:37.521000+00:00)
Oh boy, whats going on here.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:44.297000+00:00)
what's that sound? oh right the sound of a moron who has no argument so he invents one for the opposition
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:47.278000+00:00)
I'm not a cuck mate, you know my position on the fucking kikes
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:48.779000+00:00)
how can they be used when they constatly shill against NS
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:49.135000+00:00)
AmRen and NPI aren't us, they're not NS, they're afraid of naming the enemy, Spencer cucks to the cops and his entire existence depends on the goodwill of ZOG, they have no business doing anything outside of their irrelevant dinner discussions behind closed doors.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:49.563000+00:00)
PR cuckery
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:54.683000+00:00)
>you have no argument
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:49:58.748000+00:00)
you are a cuck
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:02.203000+00:00)
you have NO argument
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:03.971000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:04.367000+00:00)
>proceeds to not make arguments
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:08.158000+00:00)
I do, I just explained.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:13.852000+00:00)
you wanting to gas the kikes is not what defines you as a cuck in this context
bjornulv writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:18.766000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:27.220000+00:00)
your end goals are not what is being discussed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:50:54.138000+00:00)
frankly if your end goals were different there'd be no discussion
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:00.514000+00:00)
I have no interest in not killing the system eventually mate. I just think we need to time it right is all. Jeez.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:08.701000+00:00)
"Many right-wingers are sincerely concerned, I know, about my battles with men such as Maguire, Snowden, Welch, Hargis, et al., and my revelations of what they really are. “They are doing good,” I am told, “why not let them go about their business their own way. They are helping. Don’t hurt them”.
I maintain they are only giving the appearance of helping-but are actually hurting.
Before a mass of people will rise up and do anything effective and forceful about a tyrannical situation, there must be built up a certain emotional pressure. A firecracker has not the force of a rifle bullet because it explodes harmlessly in all directions. But the gas from a rifle bullet cannot escape, except by forcing the bullet out at terrific speed, because it is confined, directed into useful channels.
As long as Welch and all the rest of his ilk, rich and poor, can give themselves the illusion of “fighting the Jews” by exploding the pressure inside of them verbally and harmlessly, in all directions, and without ever hurting a Jew traitor, they keep the pressure we need to get mad and fight from ever building up.
The Jews know this, and permit these hundreds and hundreds of harmless rightwing organizations to spout endlessly in silence behind the Jewish “paper curtain”. They don’t reach any significant number of people outside their own group. Even when they do, their approach is so feeble and so psychologically wrong that they win only a few rare types.
They never, never get out into the public, into the streets, and reach the masses with an inspiring and driving masculine movement, which alone can win the hearts of the masses! They pass literature and talk only to each other.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:13.037000+00:00)
Stop fucking whining
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:14.251000+00:00)
the right time is now m8
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:15.261000+00:00)
If just one tenth of the money which pours every year, year after year, into such “fire-cracker” movements were to be contained, directed, and used behind an ideological bullet forced out by fighting men, the Jews would stop at nothing to crush and destroy that deadly “bullet”. Even without that money, with only a few grains of “powder,” but confined and directed with force, we have already earned the all-out hate of the Jews, the only sure sign that we are not firing the eternal rightwing “gas” at them, but the deadly bullets which they know will eventually destroy their illegal, tyrannical power." - George Lincoln Rockwell
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:24.060000+00:00)
All this has been tried, and it has been a failure.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:32.652000+00:00)
inb4 he mistakes what I mean by now
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:41.337000+00:00)
and makes a lengthy retarded reply
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:44.127000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> Here is over 500 pages of arguments on why you are a moron, a coward, and delusional, mister faux-german name
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:46.238000+00:00)
now read it already
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:51:48.379000+00:00)
and the dance continues
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T19:52:08.664000+00:00)
Discussing how bad Europe is, is whining not activism.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:52:20.529000+00:00)
AmRen's whole approach of being more moderate is a failure in itself, DailyStormer, while not a total fan of the site is more successful and better, over a hundred times so, than Taylor and his virtual cuckshed. There's no argument to be made in their defense.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:52:24.997000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> time is so fucking cyclical at this point that every 8th conversation is the same pr cuck but with a different face, we had this debate yesterday, the day before, etc
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:03.139000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> I know, right? It's like, we've reached a point where it's the literally same discussion in loop. Did you see the fag who said Hitler wouldn't have named the Jew if he lived in 2017?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:16.553000+00:00)
<@!245616114061672448> Psst what is this insolence? Who the fuck do you think you are speaking to me this way. An ally of the movement. I am not countersignalling your ideas, just your timing is all.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:28.622000+00:00)
I agree that siege can be very effective.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:34.072000+00:00)
>trapped in the most narrow timeloop imaginable of having the same debate with the same idiot but in a different room with a different face
Is this hell?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:44.822000+00:00)
>I agree that siege can be very effective
You didn't fucking read it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:56.909000+00:00)
It's just Thule, we have had this exact discussion 88th time this week so do forgive us if it gets a bit tiresome for some.
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T19:53:56.915000+00:00)
>An ally of the movement
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:10.942000+00:00)
It's fine I get it.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:16.357000+00:00)
You are countersignalling these ideas constantly, kid
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:19.914000+00:00)
Stop lying
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:23.235000+00:00)
I'm tired of this system too and want them dead just as much as you do.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:26.377000+00:00)
And deceiveing yourself
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:29.034000+00:00)
Don't be such a paranoid cunt.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:54:56.364000+00:00)
I have no nefarious intentions
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:55:07.265000+00:00)
Stop lying. Liars are not my ally
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:55:33.327000+00:00)
I copypasted my response already. PR cucking like AmRen and Taylor will only handicap you and make you seem like a liar, while speaking the truth and acting on it projects strenght and certainty in your ideas, best possible "optics".
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:55:40.184000+00:00)
Ask anyone who knows me if I support kikery in any way. From the very beginning my position has not changed, but if evidence is shown to me that we can in fact win, then by all means.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:00.616000+00:00)
Your words already betrayed you do support mental kikery
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:11.799000+00:00)
People are telling you to read Siege because it effectively goes over your arguments and provides historical evidence to show that tactics you are offering fwere tried countless times and failed.
Rockwell talked how right wing had 50 years of constant failure. That was in 60s. So now we have 100 years of it.
Download the pdf and read some of it every day. Not that hard tbh.
Also listen to This is the Plan by Zeiger, short podcast on SIEGE tactics.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:16.823000+00:00)
And your problem is that your delusional position doesn't change
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:17.357000+00:00)
I'll make a meme to commemorate this timeloop
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:18.615000+00:00)
It's not like they're some sort of "gateway drug" into nazism any more than basic bitch conservatism.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:25.581000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> yes, but you said the lemmings do not matter, so why even bother to say the truth at all? why not simply ignore the lemmings entirely and focus on the deep state?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:56:51.680000+00:00)
Ok I will read Siege then come back to this discussion.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:01.746000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:01.818000+00:00)
we tell the truth so that tiny minority of those who matter will hear us and join us
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:03.692000+00:00)
But don't mistake my intentions. I am being constructive, not destructive.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:13.850000+00:00)
You are being delusional, stop teh pretense
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:14.618000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> While morons try to get mass attention to themselves via propaganda to create a mass movement, we use propaganda as a wide net – we try to maximize its spread not in order to get everyone who hears it on our side, but so as to call out to those few, who are already receptive to our message and just need that last incentive to take the plunge. It is a beacon with which we attract those with potential, and thereafter we vet them for those who are real hopefuls, weeding out losers, fakers and larpers.
We cast a wide net, we call out to the few and then distill those numbers even further, until we get only people who can change the world. The fanatics, the uncompromising believers in our cause, in our struggle. We use propaganda to attract quality, not quantity, because an active, dedicated minority has always been the real source of any revolution and societal change, for better or worse. Meanwhile those who misunderstand propaganda think that it will change the way people think to the core and give them a mass movement with which they could then force the System to negotiate terms and only then consider a confrontation against it. Wishful thinking of the worst kind, one that will leave its practitioners holding the bag alone, with not one lemming ready to stand by their side when push comes to shove for their failed movement.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:57:56.709000+00:00)
Cville was one of the greatest things for alt right in the sense it weeded out some of the worst fakers and hangarounds who were just racist liberals.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T19:58:05+00:00)
As both Rockwell and Savitri Devi said, one does not become NS, one is born NS and realizes it at one point in his life that he has always been one.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:58:06.186000+00:00)
Not far enough though.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:03.024000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Do you think it would be worthwhile to create some sort of copypaste response since we get so many of these people and it's kind of unproductive to say just read fucking SIEGE as true as it is.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:09.894000+00:00)
Hmm what we need is an intelligence agency. That would be nice to have.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:14.068000+00:00)
And the discussions are always identical.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:16.076000+00:00)
problem is these cunts monitor everything we say online
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:26.270000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> what like Zero Tolerance?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:33.412000+00:00)
I mean, it literally covers all of this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:36.168000+00:00)
that was why I wrote it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:39.734000+00:00)
in part
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T19:59:54.365000+00:00)
or any of the Rockwell quote images I made?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:00:32.553000+00:00)
Sort of, but maybe more concise and limited, since you know the arguments are always exactly the same. It feels like being stuck in a limbo. FB, skype, discord, doesn't matter, the talk is always the same.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:00:42.433000+00:00)
It's almost a bit eerie.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:01:10.033000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> This has been my existence on other servers teaching normalfags about the JQ. I have convinced a few.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:01:20.352000+00:00)
Always the same topics, and I have found a formulaic way to be quite convincing.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:04.766000+00:00)
how the hell did this chat not get taken down on the discord "Nazi" boycott? My chat almost did.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:19.586000+00:00)
they prob just went by the symbols and the names
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:27.166000+00:00)
nordfront doesn't really sound "raycis"
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:40.459000+00:00)
yeah it sounds like an unknown band hangout lol
noobtia writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:46.966000+00:00)
Just read like 400 messages. What the hell
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:02:48.130000+00:00)
I'm pan-antisemite, I learn about all the possible ways to be antisemitic from NS, nationalist, christian, pagan, doesn't matter, all perspectives, so I can reach more people. Everyone has a reason to hate the jews, you just gotta find the right approach. The one that touches them personally.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:01.773000+00:00)
suggestions work best
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:02.585000+00:00)
I went from basically neutral to demanding an actual Holocaust in a few hours when I discovered Jews have been attacking veterans in the Baltics and those who commemorate them and demanding the Baltics instead start worshiping the Red Army and "righteous among the nations" instead of their own veterans.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:09.518000+00:00)
you let the normalfag come to the conclusion himself
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:10.763000+00:00)
and guide him
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:21.286000+00:00)
the discord censorship has been a Godsend tbh
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:26.055000+00:00)
easiest way to show jewish censorship
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:41.173000+00:00)
It works well for Finns in general, telling them how they spit on our veterans and Israel acts as safe haven for communist warcriminals. Even basic bitch patriotards get fucking furious.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:04:54.981000+00:00)
You need to tailor the jewpill depending on the personality and nationality.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:05:04.332000+00:00)
But everyone's got a reason to hate the jews, it just varies a bit.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:05:55.138000+00:00)
this incident was also a freebie they gave to us
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:06:15.090000+00:00)
they changed it to "white flight"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:06:22.957000+00:00)
which is probably worse since lemmings don't know what goy means
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:07:45.473000+00:00)
It's the hypocrisy that made me hate the kikes with burning passion. They demand normal veterans be thrown in prison along with those who respect their memory, meanwhile they have a shitton of NKVD veterans, mass murderers torturers and assassins from commie shithole countries they refuse to extradite, while they demand we put Auschwitz nurses and dishwashers on trial.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:08:06.963000+00:00)
Jews really are satanic and collectively psychopathic and represent absolute evil.
Alec writes: (2017-08-29T20:08:42.202000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:08:50.069000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:09:06.645000+00:00)
Alec writes: (2017-08-29T20:09:08.698000+00:00)
But don't forget, there are some that didn't lie about Auschwitz
Alec writes: (2017-08-29T20:09:29.806000+00:00)
Or converted
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:09:35.378000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> If I knew this was so regular on here I would have just dropped the convo and read Siege then returned to talk about it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:09:44.909000+00:00)
didn't mean to beat a dead horse into Tartarus
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:10:14.421000+00:00)
However what do you think about my idea that we should have our own intelligence agencies
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:10:31.800000+00:00)
why would you even call them that
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:10:44.688000+00:00)
because that would be their function?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:10:45.111000+00:00)
And they will always stand up for their blood, even the otherwise "liberal" jews will fight to the death for the honor of kike partisans. I think it was Forward who wrote glowing article about jewish partisans who burned goyim alive and smashed their heads with the rocks and wrote how incomprehensible it is the goyim don't worship them, but want to punish them.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T20:10:55.352000+00:00)
I just read through all this autism
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:17.214000+00:00)
each movement should have its own "intelligence agency" without ever calling it that, and there should be no such group that does exclusively this
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:32.262000+00:00)
yes, decentralized structure
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:41.224000+00:00)
that wasn't what I said at all
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:51.540000+00:00)
>He moved to Israel in 1989, just before the collapse of the Soviet Union.[2] In 1996, now-independent Lithuanian prosecutors opened a criminal case. He was investigated for nine counts of repressions against the Lithuanian partisans.[4] However, Israel refused to cooperate and did not respond to Lithuanian requests to question Dushanski as a witness or to extradite him on the grounds that the case stemmed from anti-Semitism.[5]
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:52.350000+00:00)
I get the implication
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:11:58.560000+00:00)
It's our moral obligation to make Holocaust real.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:24.255000+00:00)
bio engineered dna targeting virus maybe lol
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:39.375000+00:00)
could backfire, they do share some dna with us with the ashkenazim
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:41.478000+00:00)
Reverse Samson Option in self defense.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:44.990000+00:00)
dear fuck did jewtube chane its layout again?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:51.562000+00:00)
Every nation of the world nukes Israel.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:12:54.960000+00:00)
it fucked my stylish application so its all white again
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:13:14.645000+00:00)
limited nuclear exchange with Israel is basically guaranteed if we took power of the USA's military assets
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:13:24.109000+00:00)
or possibly even China
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:13:40.459000+00:00)
considering the BIS controls the People's Bank
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:14:16.305000+00:00)
I wouldn't be surprised if Israel launched as the chaos was happening
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:14:24.626000+00:00)
to try to put down the infrastructure before it was gained control over
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T20:16:51.628000+00:00)
oh nooo
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T20:16:55.083000+00:00)
what a shame
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T20:18:18.559000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> no need to be hostile to me guy, I am not a pacifist by any means I just disagree on strategy so far
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T20:18:50.574000+00:00)
im not being hostile
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T20:19:02.944000+00:00)
stop reading so *deeply* into my messages
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T20:24:01.341000+00:00)
By reading through this chat, I can safely say: what the fuck is Thule on about?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:24:54.037000+00:00)
huh, they are going broader earlier than one would've assumed
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:25:04.943000+00:00)
rebel media website was shut down
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T20:25:25.972000+00:00)
By antifa?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T20:25:33.353000+00:00)
by their domain provider
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T20:26:08.910000+00:00)
People really need to start getting their own domains.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T20:26:50.226000+00:00)
Maybe ezra just wants to jump on the censorship train
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T20:43:44.129000+00:00)
Ezra had been bleeding writers and had a major scandal going on like last week or something
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-29T20:52:00.370000+00:00)
Hello people
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T21:06:23.920000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke9Mgis5N2I SHIFTING THE OVERTORN WINDOW WITH OUR GAY BLACK NS COMRADE <:troll:333285395259195394>
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:30:27.121000+00:00)
>can gays be Nat Soc
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:30:27.574000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:30:32.024000+00:00)
they're an abomination
Elusive writes: (2017-08-29T21:31:23.538000+00:00)
the fuck did i just watch
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:31:52.225000+00:00)
e celebs are the most ridiculous fad
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:32:01.341000+00:00)
they're literally just nobodies sharing their opinion
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:34:29.733000+00:00)
<@342018405894979585> Apparently I care too much about building a large army lol
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T21:37:31.488000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> You just watched a Gay Black NS telling you that you can't be degnerate and NS <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:39:11.259000+00:00)
based nigger in an ss hat amirite pedes?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:39:28.504000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T21:42:47.902000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> The problem being you want that army to be made up of soft, irradical scum.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:43:24.877000+00:00)
canon fodder
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:43:29.207000+00:00)
the leaders would be hard men
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:43:43.179000+00:00)
Modern US army is filled with plebs too
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T21:43:57.933000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T21:44:06.227000+00:00)
You just don't get it, do you?
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T21:44:14.874000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:44:23.826000+00:00)
lol I am going to read it tn
Þórr writes: (2017-08-29T21:44:31.092000+00:00)
Good lad
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:55:36.589000+00:00)
I mean I get the theory behind it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:55:48.910000+00:00)
that lemmings wont budge because they have so much provided for by the system
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:56:11.908000+00:00)
which is why the perception that the system wants them dead (which is also the truth) is valuable
Karel Anker writes: (2017-08-29T21:58:17.580000+00:00)
you don't get the theory behind it, you haven't read it yet, you dunce.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T21:58:41.846000+00:00)
lol you're a snarky cunt aren't you
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T21:58:58.843000+00:00)
You need to be openly National Socialist to recruit fanatical NS who make a difference, and being openly NS is defiance of the Jews and System as well, showing they cannot intimidate us, and as people see hundreds of open national socialists out there, they realize the System is not all powerful, and we can stand up to this. I mean, we preach open hardcore national socialism and we still get a ton of moderate people here, if we started preaching even more moderate line I can't imagine how much worse it'd get.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T21:59:37.462000+00:00)
Rest assured none of the AmRen readers will be punching commies, in Cville just as everywhere the ones doing the punching and defying the system are the most hardcore nazis.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:00:49.434000+00:00)
Yes, but observe how the system is backing antifa. Police are ordered to stand down when dealing with antifa. The more these antifa faggots cause mayhem, backed by the US government, the more the lemmings will realize that state has now become hostile to them.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:01:07.896000+00:00)
Just a few more antifa attacks on random normies, and they will start asking "is this system really worth it"
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T22:01:20.093000+00:00)
No they won't
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T22:01:25.938000+00:00)
Then they are not lemmings though
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T22:01:33.113000+00:00)
Europeans still love moslems
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:01:44.415000+00:00)
Europeans can be bullied once the USA is controlled
Breen writes: (2017-08-29T22:02:10.352000+00:00)
USA lemmings are different huh
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:02:38.063000+00:00)
Police has been attacking us far longer than they have been attacking the AR. You have to preach hardcore nazism, people won't wake up on their own. I mean, your country is barely majority white, if they woke up on their own, they already would have. A ton of whites get brutalized by shitskins all day every day.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:02:51.912000+00:00)
The burgers have always been revolutionary people. They've just been kept fat and happy for a while.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:02:53.141000+00:00)
They were talking about "waiting for things to get bad enough" decades ago.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:03:01.297000+00:00)
But there's only so much debt they can prob up this shit system with
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:04:22.445000+00:00)
When USA had its last revolution we were part of Sweden. USA has been worldwide center of spreading pacifying liberalism around the world if there ever was one. EU's ruling class takes its cues from across the Atlantic and tries to imitate it as closely as possible.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:05:01.904000+00:00)
System won't fall on its own, and kikes won't relinquish power to the "morally superior" side. If there is a catastrophe, it has to be used to attack the system, not wait for it to fall on its own.
Alba writes: (2017-08-29T22:05:22.218000+00:00)
'Do not wait till strike when the anvil is hot, but make it hot by striking'
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:05:26.393000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:05:41.770000+00:00)
Then they name us terrorists and place a target on all our backs. And considering they outnumber us like 100 to 1, how do you expect to defeat them without numbers?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:06:25.803000+00:00)
Nazis have been called terrorists for years, nothing has changed. "White nazis and ISIS are different sides of the same coin"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:06:43.171000+00:00)
Yes, but what changes is they officially start attacking us directly.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:06:47.695000+00:00)
And normies are retarded enough to cheer it
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T22:06:57.285000+00:00)
Are you gonna read it or go full circle?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:07:02.122000+00:00)
The only way to defeat the system is by preaching revolutionary national socialism, AmRen people won't ever defeat it, not even if there were 20 million of them.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:14.453000+00:00)
"Yes, but what changes is they officially start attacking us directly."
What do you mean changes? This has been happening all the time.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:19.393000+00:00)
The newspapers have always attacked us, they have always called us terrorists, and they are gonna call us a whole lot worse, you cannot base your actions on how jews react to them. If they attack you, GOOD, people who listen to the jews are worthless, but people with even a bit of intelligence are gonna view it only as a good thing.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:19.534000+00:00)
And you assume we will get the numbers by being revolutionaries in a hedonist age?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:20.317000+00:00)
The system HATES us.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:26.614000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T22:08:51.037000+00:00)
AWD is revolutionary and we've been getting an influx of people who want to join since we're offering a real solution.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T22:09:05.717000+00:00)
Not these half-measures or ways that have been tried and failed in the past.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:09:06.259000+00:00)
>And you assume we will get the numbers by being revolutionaries in a hedonist age?
What sort of question even is this. Berlin was a hedonist center of the world before it was cured. You don't base your actions on the status quo.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:09:32.492000+00:00)
>and you assume we will get the numbers by being revolutionaries in a hedonist age
literally fucking btfo yourself with that - YOU WANT TO GAIN NUMBERS BUT ALL YOU WILL GET ARE HEDONISTS
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:10:43.080000+00:00)
if they follow orders who gives a shit?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:10:49.572000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> "The practice of mixing Truth with lies in an effort to formulate something that the sick masses might accept without much struggle has resulted in the Right having built for itself an insurmountable obstacle of self-imposed hang-ups and restrictions."
-James Mason, SIEGE, 9.6
The NSDAP must not be a follower of public opinion, but must become the master of public opinion. It must not be the masses’ servant, but their lord.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, V2, Ch6
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:10:56.830000+00:00)
why would hedonists follow your orders you idiot
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:01.318000+00:00)
why would they do anything
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:03.209000+00:00)
Literally every one of the PR cucks think they've come up with something new.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:03.480000+00:00)
they are hedonists
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:05.911000+00:00)
in a hedonist age
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:07.786000+00:00)
they love it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:14.745000+00:00)
>hurr I seen your graphic before
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:20.929000+00:00)
clearly didn't read it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:21.059000+00:00)
“The moment the plan’s creator attempts to consider so-called “convenience” and “reality” instead of absolute truth, his work will no longer be a star seeking humanity and will become nothing more than an everyday procedure.”
“[Man] must understand the fundamental law of necessity rules in Nature’s domain, and realize how completely his existence is subject to these laws of eternal battle and the struggle for dominance.”
-Adolf Hitler
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:40.210000+00:00)
I'm not so much about "pr"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:47.773000+00:00)
more so that I don't think we're ready to defeat the deep state
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:11:50.215000+00:00)
it is very powerful
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:06.612000+00:00)
Why would you want to recruit the AmRen people who shit their pants when they should name the Jew, I mean, people who are so afraid to speak will NEVER act for the benefit of the white race.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:14.976000+00:00)
well clearly *you* are not ready to defeat it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:25.526000+00:00)
again, do we have the numbers?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:26.745000+00:00)
the guns?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:30.966000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:31.974000+00:00)
the leadership?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:33.264000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:37.152000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:45.034000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:50.673000+00:00)
this isnt stalingrad smh
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:51.296000+00:00)
effective ways to screen out spooks
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:12:54.967000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:10.001000+00:00)
this is why you are not ready to win
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:12.205000+00:00)
When you show people there's a radical, functioning alternative, those who are useful to you will come to you. See, NRM. You could make the same dumb argument "It's not worth preaching NS in Sweden its too hedonist", while the reality is totally different.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:24.170000+00:00)
None of the moderates are able to get even a fraction of our numbers to the street.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:31.669000+00:00)
It is worth preaching NS
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:33.498000+00:00)
Because they lack the will and fanaticism to challenge the system.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:34.092000+00:00)
I never said that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:13:37.147000+00:00)
you think like the enemy, in a materialistic way, you don't value quality, you think everyone are of equal worth hence numbers matter
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:14:01.793000+00:00)
I really don't, but you need soldiers to win wars
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:14:09.580000+00:00)
>i really don't but
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:14:20.523000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:14:24.047000+00:00)
in the trash
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:14:30.082000+00:00)
We do. And only by preaching the most radical message are you able to get those who FIGHT
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:15:14.028000+00:00)
Who is ready to die for IQ pie charts and infographs? No one. But millions will die for their race and nation.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:15:30.357000+00:00)
Indeed, but you cannot defeat the cia with a couple thousand people
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T22:15:43.087000+00:00)
The US army can't even defeat Sandniggers in the Mid East who are armed with Cold war era weapons
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:15:53.565000+00:00)
army isn't the threat
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:15:55.725000+00:00)
it's the cia niggers
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:02.480000+00:00)
>can't defeat the cia with a couple thousand people
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:07.038000+00:00)
they're probably in here right now tbh
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:18.382000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:20.767000+00:00)
wave and smile to the cia guiz
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:23.001000+00:00)
not saying you guys are them
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:24.056000+00:00)
wave and smile
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:27.487000+00:00)
but they might be monitoring lol
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:29.638000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:36.805000+00:00)
then fuck
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:39.018000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:41.053000+00:00)
we're already dead lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:44.537000+00:00)
And you can not get national socialists ready to fight the system and risk injury and death if you preach moderate message you think is likely to attract "more people". People who are offended or scared by the Truth or words will never do anything in either case.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:48.131000+00:00)
you for sure are dead
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:51.803000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:56.877000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:58.511000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:59.503000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:16:59.936000+00:00)
Hello I'm CIA
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:01.243000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:02.054000+00:00)
👋🏻 <:dream:333302050979053580>
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:21.575000+00:00)
You will need both a combination of numbers and quality to make things work. Of course, to divert your attention only in numbers, creates the necessary conditions for only a mob to be formed, but to divert your attention fully on a self perceived sense of "quality", creates unecessary elitism, and quite frankly, an echo chamber of intellectual circlejerking that doesn't even count as making a difference between esoteric membership or an exoteric one.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:25.509000+00:00)
Who here has a gun with a non-regulation barrel?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:59.107000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> you've been pranked by the new hit reality-tv-show "intelops troll discord nazis!" we set up this entire fake NRM discord to lure you in and PRANK you! You are going to Guantanamo Bay now!
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:17:59.360000+00:00)
Yes, quality and quantity
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:07.175000+00:00)
>North America has freedom to wave swastika, (as historically demonstrated) places where you can just disappear and live from the prying eyes of gubmint and the largest amount of guns and loose laws
>"This is a pepe badge it stands for meme-" slugged by literal shit eating cuckold
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:14.311000+00:00)
oyy veyy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:17.307000+00:00)
I dindu nuffin
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:20.600000+00:00)
Quality embedded in medium quantity
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:21.626000+00:00)
dis is anudda shoah
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:42.237000+00:00)
well we need more numbers, and by numbers I mean people who agree with you
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:44.305000+00:00)
that's my point
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:49.230000+00:00)
not some fat normalfag magapede
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:50.101000+00:00)
It's frustrating how USA has the most freedom to preach national socialism and stockpile guns and they refuse to use them. If we could campaign for the legalization of execution of jews I'd be so happy.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:52.469000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:18:54.433000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:19:35.139000+00:00)
I wish gen z were this radical tbh
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:19:42.454000+00:00)
People are willing to be educated if you take enough time into doing that. Willpower and courage are way more important than people who are "aware" of certain things. If you fing people who are determined to act, the rest will come easily
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:19:43.555000+00:00)
Alex, some concise reply to PR faggotry would be great, just spamming meme arrows and READ SIEGE is counterproductive. I know it's the same discussion over and over but still.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:19:56.085000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:19:58.144000+00:00)
And I know you're right, but if just for the benefit of people following this talk
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:20:17.462000+00:00)
eh... Dunno where to even start with that r/n
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:20:33.030000+00:00)
I can vividly recall answering these exact same questions a few days ago.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:20:38.051000+00:00)
I'm going to read as much of it as I can tn
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:20:46.200000+00:00)
but I doubt a single book will change my pov
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:20:48.478000+00:00)
especially in one day
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:16.932000+00:00)
>one day
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:18.299000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:19.880000+00:00)
SIEGE is an experience, just that. I do recommend people to read it, but it is outdated.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:21.768000+00:00)
You might think so, but it sheds light into how the exact thing you are proposing has been tried and failed. Gives perspective. It's got that timeless sort of truth, just like Mein Kampf.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:23.866000+00:00)
there's lots of factors to consider if you want to fight someone as sophisticated as the deep state
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:27.594000+00:00)
m8 SIEGE can't be read in a day
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:38.186000+00:00)
I read fast
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:39.877000+00:00)
>muh deep state
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:40.301000+00:00)
how many pages?
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:44.294000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:51.015000+00:00)
Consider reading Revolution and how to do it by Kai Murros
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:51.078000+00:00)
ok maybe not then
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:21:51.623000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:22:06.759000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Murros is a cool dude, met him IRL a few times.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:22:10.568000+00:00)
There you have a section dealing with "Direct action". Read that and you will have read what we must avoid.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:22:26.581000+00:00)
Oh and thats cool
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:22:51.142000+00:00)
To give a concrete example, ETA operated on a basis of direct action, and we all know where that lead them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:22:51.395000+00:00)
Even crashed at his place once.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:16.852000+00:00)
He had a picture of his grandpa who was in the SS, looked just like him but a few decades younger and in an uniform.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:24.417000+00:00)
what about infiltrators
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:31.397000+00:00)
how would they be minimized in such a movement?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:36.848000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:39.271000+00:00)
Didn't know that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:40.146000+00:00)
I srsly hate you
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:49.679000+00:00)
You sound low IQ
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:51.961000+00:00)
you want the fastfood experience
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:54.687000+00:00)
how about you actually fucking argue
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:55.622000+00:00)
>just gib me dis and dis
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:23:58.429000+00:00)
Alex, seriously.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:04.996000+00:00)
KU, seriously
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:26.534000+00:00)
Infiltrators are avoided as long as the leadership of a movement can detect them. As long as the vetting is strict, as long as the structuring of an organization is tight and well thought
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:37.575000+00:00)
May I humbly recommend hare and fmri testing
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:38.494000+00:00)
we've had this shit so many times and while some shorthand image or whatever to shove at these people would be nice I have no idea right now for one
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:44.494000+00:00)
hare is a test for sociopathy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:24:49.748000+00:00)
which they usually look for in agents
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:25:17.465000+00:00)
This also opens a very important discussion. What kind of vetting should movements have, and if it must have a value of 0 internet presence. Which i think it must have
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:26:10.250000+00:00)
This isn't Ironmarch, consider that these people haven't necessarily read any nationalist stuff ever. What is obvious to us as the color of the sky is something they couldn't have even comprehended. I know it's frustrating just repeating the same shit, but patronisingly BTFO them instead of meme arrowing and stuff. Even if just for the benefit of people around.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:26:43.637000+00:00)
Iron March specializes in shoving people away from them
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:26:46.389000+00:00)
I am well versed into National Socialism. I have not admittedly read Siege
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:27:07.354000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> I don't know any US movement that has vetting of any sort. They should have like bikers a prospect period and full membership. That would already pretty much wipe out all the cranks and idiots.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:27:09.434000+00:00)
well there you go KU
>consider that these people haven't read anything ever
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:27:37.581000+00:00)
Most of the US organizations just do like you do and want to have EVERYONE, begging for members instead of demanding quality, and that's how you get idiots.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:27:44.450000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> What do you think about IQ testing for leadership? Kind of how the Reich did to create minimum requirements for high positions.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:27:55.497000+00:00)
And that is something that must be avoided.
IQ is not everything. Its a meme by now
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:05.521000+00:00)
Eventually you will know who is a retard and who is not
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:14.481000+00:00)
Unless you want to make philosophers out of everyone
Alba writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:15.743000+00:00)
You should have the social skills to determine who's an idiot and who gets it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:21.080000+00:00)
I don't want everyone no. That's wrong. I never said I wanted all normies actually working with us, just their passive support. I know normies wont do shit to help.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:37.211000+00:00)
Sounds very autistic and dumb, to make it to leadership you have to be a member for years, and during that time it becomes obvious who are fit to lead and who aren't.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:40.812000+00:00)
And what Alba said.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:28:44.298000+00:00)
>IQ obsession
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:29:09.107000+00:00)
It's not an obsession it's just a general filter to avoid imbeciles getting into positions of power
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:29:14.245000+00:00)
guys like Spencer who led the alt right into a trap
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:29:21.485000+00:00)
no its an obsession
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:29:24.598000+00:00)
we've seen this before
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:29:35.672000+00:00)
repeatedly, from people making the same types of arguments
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:30:05.307000+00:00)
you do have your crowd see, of people who think and argue *exactly like you*
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:30:11.524000+00:00)
Spencer led the alt right into a trap because Duginism
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:30:41.551000+00:00)
Perhaps, but you do a poor job of dissuading. Perhaps you should listen to your colleagues and recognize I am on your side. <@206898373062557696>
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:30:46.905000+00:00)
Not because of normies spewing memes
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:30:57.235000+00:00)
Well, he got tricked in by that Kessler guy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:04.465000+00:00)
who had a questionable past
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:06.327000+00:00)
Remember what Adolf Hitler said about geniuses? The Jew is more afraid of a willful person of moderate intelligent than a timid genius. And I've discovered this as well. I know bunch of people who aren't geniuses necessarily, but have indefinitely better character than people I'd consider much more intelligent.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:21.095000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:31.111000+00:00)
You get it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:32.430000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> I would prefer a willfull genius to a willfull mediocre person.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:51.841000+00:00)
Intelligence isn't everything.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:31:55.070000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> if you hadn't noticed I made my point that i'm not even trying, because i'm sick of the same debate and the same shit. I wrote an entire book-sized article so I can just disprove all this shit at once, but frankly the fundamental problem in this movement is singularly this: PEOPLE REFUSE TO FUCKING READ
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:05.243000+00:00)
I disagree, it is why the parasite has been two steps ahead of us for nearly 75 years.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:18.416000+00:00)
They are undeniably clever bastards. And they utilize the smartest of us who cuck for them.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:25.711000+00:00)
if people would just read Rockwell, Hitler, Mason, literally ALL the figures of our movement we wouldn't have any of these debates at all
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:44.695000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:46.702000+00:00)
I have listened a lot to Rockwell, I have read Mein Kampf and have listened to most of Hitler's speeches
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:47.014000+00:00)
here you go
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:59.550000+00:00)
then there'd be no need in writing articles or coming up with cookiecut ready to go images for the same old arguments
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:32:59.698000+00:00)
Thule you would do well to read what has been linked.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:21.096000+00:00)
>listened a lot to Rockwell
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:42.691000+00:00)
I am upset about these arguments because each time I remember what I read Rockwell go through in his own words and it PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:47.898000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:48.530000+00:00)
Intelligence is obviously not the only filter
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:52.835000+00:00)
They fear an impotent, weak-willed genius less than they fear a forceful nature with only modest intellect.
-MK, V1, Ch2
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:33:56.052000+00:00)
Here's the exact quote.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:34:03.733000+00:00)
morality and talent and of course will should be considered as well
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:34:08.304000+00:00)
basic traits of natural nobility
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:34:37.974000+00:00)
"What we lack is men of great, strong character, whom the weak-willed intellectuals will disregard as “dumb” “muscle” that requires their “guidance“. For our enemy doesn’t fear the intellectual, someone who deals with rationalizing all their life is easy pray for coopting and molding into something that can be worked with or even outright ignore, whereas a man of character will stand on principle no matter what and will not accept anything less than the complete satisfaction of the compulsory demand in his blood"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:35:04.205000+00:00)
Yes, hence filtering for morality is necessary as well.
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:35:52.460000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:36:03.792000+00:00)
So much neckbeard
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:36:04.365000+00:00)
That is why i don't usually reason anymore.
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:36:18.652000+00:00)
Forsaking words of men who died and literally offered the solutions.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:36:20.545000+00:00)
How can you keep going Thule
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:36:37.751000+00:00)
Solutions are there.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:03.311000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> Ha, please. I'm just having a discussion, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with everything everyone is saying.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:03.887000+00:00)
read half of the discussion, lost interest after that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:14.429000+00:00)
just take their advice
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:15.460000+00:00)
I'm not reading it.
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:36.452000+00:00)
All I know is the movement continually keeps repeating the same fucking mistakes over and over again.
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:45.648000+00:00)
Its aggravating.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:37:59.704000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Do you have that Hitler quote, I think it was from Plattenhof, where he said that he was often said that they would join NSDAP if only they removed this or that one point or rule, and Hitler replied "It won't be removed, because it is there solely so you don't join!"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:38:08.609000+00:00)
It was so brilliant, wish I had the exact quote.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:38:29.503000+00:00)
Time really is cyclical, it feels everything we discuss has been discussed already. And surely it has been.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:38:31.286000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:38:40.877000+00:00)
no I don't, but now I wish that I did
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:38:52.749000+00:00)
muh respectability cargo cult, if only we had enough ties we'd be the president
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:39:14.555000+00:00)
we are just larpers
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T22:39:41.164000+00:00)
As if trying to appeal to the masses and "outjewing the jew" hasn't been tried at all.... 🤔
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:39:42.487000+00:00)
"muh mass movement", "muh public appeal", "muh big tent alliance", "sneaky nazis"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:40:08.852000+00:00)
You don't give advice to a priest on how to be a priest do you?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:40:49.223000+00:00)
People with more experience and better insight and amount of studying should just point out what to study
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:40:53.506000+00:00)
That's why reading Hitler and the OG nazis is so rewarding, they put into words everything you have been thinking better than you could.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:41:01.437000+00:00)
you shouldn't argue on new ideas with them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:41:13.486000+00:00)
"If only you didn't name the Jews I could join."
- "Good!"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:41:17.180000+00:00)
especially not in an authoritarian system
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:42:21.544000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> "People who tell me, “Look, you can’t do that by force, you have to do that with the intellect”, that is, the people who possess the least amount of intellect themselves, who were never in a position to solve the problem themselves, capitulate before the slightest hullaballoo. As far as I’m concerned, they forget that there is enough strength in our people to start immediately taking care of such common riff-raff, who combined political with criminal ideology, and drive them off.
In just a few years, I succeeded in driving these people completely off the streets, but only because of a new leadership corps, when I told them: nobody gets into this party just because he’s got a business, or can show that he’s got a certain amount of money or high-class parents. Rather, in this party you rise to leadership if you’re able to lead, nobody cares where you come from, and this leadership ability is in demand and further trained. "
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:42:22.921000+00:00)
- AH
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:42:31.808000+00:00)
Hitler stressed it himself, in Mein Kampf, why reading for just the sake of it is counter-productive. How you must approach at reading books on a level of being able to extract what is valuable, for future endeavors.
I do think that is important, but i do think reading and not misinrepreting is way more important.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:42:35.388000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:43:11.330000+00:00)
Not the bit I was looking for but good one as well
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:00.301000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:01.761000+00:00)
Here it is
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:06.549000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> **People have often told me: “Why do you use such a radical tone in your program?” “Because I need radical people!” They told me: “Look, if you leave out this one point, then I’ll become a member right away”, and [my answer is] that point is in there, so that you can’t become a member, because I don’t want you!”**
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:34.028000+00:00)
What I meant was, you can't change stuff, if you have no deeper knowledge of it prior. As said earlier as well, either you have it in you or you don't
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:34.803000+00:00)
I read the article. Good stuff.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:44:51.002000+00:00)
I also agree. IQ shouldn't be the only selector.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:45:05.957000+00:00)
There must exist several kinds of selectors
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:45:30.279000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> double thx, these are going in the new batch of IM banners
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:45:31.620000+00:00)
Yes, IQ, morality, faith in God, will to act, talent in respective field.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:45:32.870000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:45:57.875000+00:00)
Ehhh, faith in god. Now there you go at one of the most dangerous things that have divided this movement for long.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:46:08.598000+00:00)
faith in a higher ideal then
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:46:16.332000+00:00)
Thats more appropriate
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:46:30.263000+00:00)
only criteria SS had on the issue was "no atheists"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:46:38.415000+00:00)
that's what we're talking about here basically
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:46:40.200000+00:00)
Atheists are cancer, so i agree with that
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:47:06.460000+00:00)
As I recall Liebstandarte picked based on IQ and other factors
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:47:16.922000+00:00)
another example
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:47:27.515000+00:00)
It's not the only important thing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:47:33.216000+00:00)
but I think it's necessary at the top
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:47:33.513000+00:00)
Agnostics should not be left out though. To deny god entirely is one matter, to explore is the other.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:48:04.399000+00:00)
Liebstandarte did things in their way, now its time for us to do it differently
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:48:39.344000+00:00)
"Its neither here nor there anyway - IQ tests determine the ability for persons to discern patters in data and assimilate these things into meaningful structures. It doesn't really tell us anything, other than that people with extremely low IQs tend encounter terrible difficulties in adapting to modern society.
I am certain that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or a Chinese grad student at MIT has en exponentially higher IQ than did Metternich, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, Beethoven or Da Vinci, or Mohammad.
I am equally certain the no man would lay down his life for Bill Gates or that Mark Zuckerberg will write a brilliant symphony or that a Chinese engineering student will build the Parthenon anytime soon.
''IQ'' is essentially what rationalist, commerce-driven cultures have crafted to replace virtue."
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:48:43.412000+00:00)
I see no reason why not to use similar selectors for the elite of such a movement. Obviously intelligence should not be the only selector. Loyalty is infinitely more valuable.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:18.180000+00:00)
Zuckerberg and Gates higher than Hitler or Da Vinci?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:21.330000+00:00)
there's no way'
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:25.818000+00:00)
capitalist hacks
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:39.282000+00:00)
Muhammad? maybe
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:45.162000+00:00)
after all he was a sand nigger
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:49:51.732000+00:00)
There werent IQ tests in ancient times and ppl had no problem electing their leaders
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:50:05.045000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Martin Bormann put it wonderfully: "When we National Socialists speak of a belief in God, we do not mean what naive Christians and their clerical exploiters have in mind. ...The power of nature's law is what we call the omnipotent force or God. ...We National Socialists demand of ourselves that we live as naturally as possible, that is to say in accord with the laws of life. The more precisely we understand and observe the laws of nature and of life and the more we keep to them, the more we correspond to the will of this omnipotent force."
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:50:13.992000+00:00)
IQ is literally a rationalist thing through and through
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:50:30.919000+00:00)
It's not the only thing that matters
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:50:39.447000+00:00)
but there's mountains of evidence for why it's important
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:50:48.447000+00:00)
rationalism fetishizes intelligence into intellectualism, but it loves to quantify things, ergo IQ tests become ways of handing out intellectualist currency
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:51:01.975000+00:00)
Which is why it should not be the only factor
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:51:03.212000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Excellent
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:51:12.730000+00:00)
intellectuals who spend their minds cucking for jews are worthless
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:51:45.966000+00:00)
That is rationalism on the extreme.
Plus, in ancient times, people actually knew how to differentiate themselves and be noticed. Hard to accomplish that today.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:52:01.648000+00:00)
I mean, people PROVED themselves
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:52:05.677000+00:00)
In one way or another
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:52:19.016000+00:00)
Are you willing to risk the survival of our race on romanticism?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:52:41.561000+00:00)
What sort of question was that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:52:44.365000+00:00)
>said the guy risking it on numbers
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:00.354000+00:00)
Why concentrate only on particular, isolated aspects?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:05.662000+00:00)
I'm considering it to be the only factor. I am saying we need to be highly practical and rational to win. Doesn't mean abandoning ideology (since our ideology is what reality is anyways) but I'm merely speaking to the tendency for people to romanticize real life events to the point of losing clarity about the potentials of threat from losing objectivity. Example: romanticizing anglos and letting them live at Dunkirk
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:06.880000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:20.071000+00:00)
Well the topic in general is how to properly screen and vet
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:23.434000+00:00)
it's just a discussion
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:28.105000+00:00)
I'm offering ideas and hoping to debate is all
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:28.534000+00:00)
People who distinguish themselves with their leadership qualities by default are intelligent so IQ tests are not needed
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:38.420000+00:00)
People are much more qualified to make the call who should be leader than some mechanical tests.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:50.816000+00:00)
But do our times actually give us the chance to distinguish ourselves properly?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:53.716000+00:00)
muh polemics
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:54:54.917000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:00.729000+00:00)
I thought this is what we are attempting to destroy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:10.949000+00:00)
is that all?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:16.135000+00:00)
Challenging notions is productive.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:19.253000+00:00)
we're just in this to destroy democracy?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:20.371000+00:00)
It is a test to the self
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:23.467000+00:00)
fucking hell guys
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:24.591000+00:00)
save our people
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:29.945000+00:00)
kill the parasite
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:31.108000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:33.371000+00:00)
I thought this was pretty much a Holy War
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:37.970000+00:00)
but apparently its about systems
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:45.790000+00:00)
also numbers and IQ
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:51.349000+00:00)
straw man
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:55:54.338000+00:00)
a cheap one too
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:56:05.738000+00:00)
You know damn well that's not my position.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:56:13.126000+00:00)
Ah, the Evolian rhetoric has appeared.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:56:38.312000+00:00)
it was always here *wink wink*
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:56:47.138000+00:00)
With you, i am sure it was
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:56:53.526000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T22:57:15.975000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:57:28.362000+00:00)
So you think IQ is utterly worthless?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:57:37.496000+00:00)
despite all the scientific evidence that it is in fact not?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:57:50.291000+00:00)
They are saying that IQ isn't the main factor
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:57:50.544000+00:00)
I think you're an IQ obsessive fetishist
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:04.983000+00:00)
because no matter what you insist on pointing to IQ
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:11.197000+00:00)
you can't compare it to a retard due to that
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:13.228000+00:00)
Because I fear being outsmarted by kikes
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:17.143000+00:00)
I don't underestimate them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:19.015000+00:00)
This is a really dumb discussion.¨
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:21.500000+00:00)
>yeah yeah totally guys, totally, all this other stuff is important too, yeah
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:42.618000+00:00)
But you agreed with all my other criteria, not sure why this one is so controversial.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:46.740000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> you appear more and more as a fedora neckbeard
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:51.953000+00:00)
what other criteria
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:57.787000+00:00)
No real life organization qualifies or disqualifies people based on an IQ test, never has, never will.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:58:58.744000+00:00)
you don's use other criteria
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:03.131000+00:00)
you bring it up in the rear
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:13.258000+00:00)
The SS did?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:13.985000+00:00)
every time all your focal dedication is on IQ
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:32.932000+00:00)
and only AFTERWARDS do you award some due lip service to other criteria
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:34.406000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:40.799000+00:00)
the SS did it last, not first
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:45.433000+00:00)
but you agreed with me on the other criteria
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:54.892000+00:00)
so why discuss what we already agree on?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T22:59:57.033000+00:00)
m8 you're arguing backwards
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:08.256000+00:00)
you're the one who doesn't value the other criteria
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:12.183000+00:00)
I'll take a low IQ skinhead powerhouse over a high IQ intellectual armchair commander.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:13.985000+00:00)
that is my point
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:18.519000+00:00)
Now you have mind reading powers?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:20.861000+00:00)
True that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:34.358000+00:00)
its in you arguments m80
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:00:58.694000+00:00)
What's the point on trying to master a debate like this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:01:01.996000+00:00)
you obsess over the IQ being front and center and dismiss the rest as "other criteria, yeah, those are also good, we don't disagree there right? yeah BUT IQ DOE"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:01:05.040000+00:00)
it's a discussion really
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T23:01:13.568000+00:00)
<@172809042299715584> Why are you shilling your server to me?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:01:17.868000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> You're willfully twisting that, they tested people weren't terminally retarded, retards were sterilized, they didn't have a dozen nerds take IQ tests and picked the guy with the highest points to lead.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:01:23.332000+00:00)
I want to know people's opinions and I take their opinions seriously
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:19.933000+00:00)
I'm not in favor of nerds in this movement. But you need intelligent people to outsmart all the MIT hired nsa and cia faggots who will undoubtedly try to destroy you at every turn is all.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:22.313000+00:00)
Look, to rise to leadership position, you have to be member for years, and during that time people become more and better aware of your qualities than any test ever could.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:47.958000+00:00)
IQ doesn't mean anything when a bullet is piercing your enemy's skull.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:49.702000+00:00)
Stop, you look like a fool
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:55.638000+00:00)
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-29T23:02:59.287000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:03:09.960000+00:00)
I do suggest people with Asperger's Syndrome are barred from membership though.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-29T23:03:42.418000+00:00)
Autism is our greatest weapon
Karl Frewer writes: (2017-08-29T23:03:55.180000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:07.251000+00:00)
What if you faked it to abuse the system
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:21.520000+00:00)
If you faked Aspergers?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:22.684000+00:00)
Not sure if that would happen
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:25.642000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:27.020000+00:00)
Spergs, no matter how high IQ, are unable to relate to normal people and thus make good calls about how people will react and act under different circumstances.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:31.310000+00:00)
As we have seen over and over.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:04:36.220000+00:00)
I agree there.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:05:40.820000+00:00)
Tyler, not sure if possible, but I think it could be done for the money
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:10.646000+00:00)
To all of the idiots who think I'm bashing your beliefs, I am merely playing devil's advocate to strengthen arguments in a lot of cases. I agree with like 90% of what is said here.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:17.668000+00:00)
psychology in Sweden is a joke from what I've read
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:23.909000+00:00)
Nobody cares about arguments.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:30.277000+00:00)
I would say, spergs could act in some complementary way, if they figured out anything philosophical, beyond that i would not give a lot of attention to any other contribution.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:32.923000+00:00)
Why the fuck should we argue with the people who want us dead?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:48.575000+00:00)
nobody here cares if you are bashing beliefs or not thule
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:49.320000+00:00)
We don't argue, we don't beg - we take control.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:06:54.002000+00:00)
Lemmings don't want you dead, and not all lemmings are useless.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:03.916000+00:00)
Yes they do, and yes they are.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:05.124000+00:00)
Debating the left is useless though
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:14.208000+00:00)
>not all lemmings are useless
I think you missed the definition of lemming
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:33.046000+00:00)
Further discussion is useless as the last 30 minutes has been totally pointless larping about basing leadership on IQ points
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:34.428000+00:00)
I've "radicalized" many a normie. It does work if you know how to deprogram them. Although I agree with the belief that only a small % of lemmings are susceptible.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:41.275000+00:00)
I can't take this, I'm out
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:41.754000+00:00)
Anything that is a threat to their comfort is seen as a negative. If we, Nazis, are taken out and stop poking and prodding at the foundation to destroy their comforts it's a good thing to them.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:43.569000+00:00)
good night
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:07:44.017000+00:00)
No, that was not the only basis
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:08:01.064000+00:00)
>strengthens our arguments by playing devil's advocate
On who's fucking behalf? PR cucks? ffs
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:08:16.389000+00:00)
What does 'radicalizing' a normie mean? Are they actively participating in any National Socialist groups or are they just posting online about muh white genocide?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:08:25.951000+00:00)
>pr cuck
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:08:28.643000+00:00)
It's just pointless and impractical.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:09:27.249000+00:00)
Tbh, if you look closely at lemmings, it is a postmodern phenomena, more so than in any other period of history
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:09:47.096000+00:00)
As SS did it, weeding people out at the absolute bottom level, maybe, but beyond that, nah. And we got better technology to weed out defectives these days, anyway.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:09:54.293000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> This is a point I raised before
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:00.506000+00:00)
And you are right
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:03.108000+00:00)
lemmings weren't always this cucked
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:10.439000+00:00)
so why should we assume they are completely hopeless?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:12.153000+00:00)
lemmings are whatever the society is
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:22.548000+00:00)
Lemmings are whatever the era makes them to be
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:28.246000+00:00)
and suppose we win power, how are we going to treat our race if we perceive the vast majority of them as lemmings?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:29.287000+00:00)
ergo the lemming phenomenon is just a basic reality of life
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:37.976000+00:00)
lemming phenomenon is basically just conformism
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:38.147000+00:00)
how is that any different from the fucking kikes who hate the majority of people they rule over?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:40.430000+00:00)
It is not an entirely independent phenomena
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:53.109000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:10:58.134000+00:00)
i fucking
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:00.847000+00:00)
You know the saying, spare the rod, spoil the child?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:06.954000+00:00)
i cant
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:08.173000+00:00)
its like
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:09.553000+00:00)
Obviously we just line them all up and shoot all of them.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:13.785000+00:00)
Every lemming dies.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:14.503000+00:00)
Kikes want to destroy us, we want to slap the white race out of stupidity so it can save itself.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:16.265000+00:00)
If you dissect it, its just a matter of mass-communication consequential phenomena
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:30.947000+00:00)
Dr William Luther Pierce coined the term lemmings and he explained all this shit and answered the question you just asked thule
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:47.400000+00:00)
which is why I am upset each time this happens
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:53.353000+00:00)
your ideas are old and debunked
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:57.245000+00:00)
your questions are already answered
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:11:58.104000+00:00)
Just link the lemmings video, now this is a pointless discussion.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:06.470000+00:00)
Since the literally exact thing has been explained.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:07.254000+00:00)
I've seen that speech
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:20.698000+00:00)
or heard
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:21.492000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:22.727000+00:00)
Watch it again and internalize it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:32.305000+00:00)
>seen it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:39.294000+00:00)
>doesn't know the answer to his question
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:12:49.704000+00:00)
so either you didnt see it or you're incapable of getting the message
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:00.800000+00:00)
There's nothing wrong with going back and trying to understand things.
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:04.061000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:06.964000+00:00)
we dont see lemmings as kikes see us gentiles
we simply accept that they are the way they are, they uphold the values promoted by the elite
they always will
today they will wave rainbow flags
tomorrow when we winn they will wave swastika flags
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:16.304000+00:00)
I've gone back and read Siege a lot and everytime I feel like I take away something new.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:32.630000+00:00)
Samething when I was going through Mein Kampf.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:49.438000+00:00)
sure, but what about people who don't get ANYTHING from the first reading even?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:13:55.781000+00:00)
It has existed as a psychological definition before Pierce
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:14:00.982000+00:00)
you keep getting something EACH time you read, first, second etc
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:14:13.293000+00:00)
you're basically successfully squeezing water from a stone
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:14:28.261000+00:00)
but what is there to be said of people who can't squeeze water out of a wet sponge?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:15:14.817000+00:00)
give them a bit of gentle persuasion
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:15:52.058000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:16:17.511000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:16:59.786000+00:00)
direct actions as in what exactly?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:17:07.214000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:17:14.791000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:17:19.901000+00:00)
Look at the way they acted
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:17:54.752000+00:00)
Also look at those who consider 90% of the population to be some "lemming" mass of pre-programmed computers who are not able to think for themselves
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:18:48.306000+00:00)
well they are pre programmed
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:18:51.478000+00:00)
but they can be de programmed
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:18:56.819000+00:00)
I've done this myself irl to friends
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:19:04.238000+00:00)
it is a subtle but formulaic process
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:20:04.403000+00:00)
It is a determined trait of the system itself, to give shape to the new generation of lemmings. But once you understand the way of how to break up this chain reaction, you have figured out the way of getting people to your side.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:20:39.208000+00:00)
Lemmings have always existed and will exist. Its just the fortitude of their creators that changes things
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:20:47.204000+00:00)
Controlling media to bring out accurate information is paramount imo.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:21:01.693000+00:00)
In some historical periods lemmings have been less than they are today, and so on.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:21:28.685000+00:00)
Hitler said that if the Jewish media didn't attack you today, you wasted the previous day. If the jew media cheers you, something is terribly wrong.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:21:31.775000+00:00)
Taking control of even a small portion of the media would be very beneficial.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:21:31.850000+00:00)
The behavior remains the same, but the way it is manifested changes.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:21:40.864000+00:00)
That is simply an impossible mission
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:22:15.255000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> The most we get attacked, the more we attract attention. Personally i would like for things to continue this way
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:22:31.819000+00:00)
Me too, and it will.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:23:38.281000+00:00)
Besides, if you get attacked by the Jew Media, it serves as a certain seal of approval. You can't cuck out so hard the jew media will praise you, not even if you were to the left of Trump.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:24:03.026000+00:00)
New media is on youtube, but they have hedged that by censoring anything that they dislike.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:24:22.723000+00:00)
The jew media attacks everyone slightly opposed to them. It is certainly a compliment to be in their headlines.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:24:59.029000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> So you agree with me that a certain % of the lemmings can be turned?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:13.721000+00:00)
It will require lots of money to control portions of the media though.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:16.124000+00:00)
You still don't get it, do you.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:25.805000+00:00)
I'm just going to copypaste myself
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:27.748000+00:00)
Are you really so certain of your point of view?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:39.099000+00:00)
While morons try to get mass attention to themselves via propaganda to create a mass movement, we use propaganda as a wide net – we try to maximize its spread not in order to get everyone who hears it on our side, but so as to call out to those few, who are already receptive to our message and just need that last incentive to take the plunge. It is a beacon with which we attract those with potential, and thereafter we vet them for those who are real hopefuls, weeding out losers, fakers and larpers.
We cast a wide net, we call out to the few and then distill those numbers even further, until we get only people who can change the world. The fanatics, the uncompromising believers in our cause, in our struggle. We use propaganda to attract quality, not quantity, because an active, dedicated minority has always been the real source of any revolution and societal change, for better or worse. Meanwhile those who misunderstand propaganda think that it will change the way people think to the core and give them a mass movement with which they could then force the System to negotiate terms and only then consider a confrontation against it. Wishful thinking of the worst kind, one that will leave its practitioners holding the bag alone, with not one lemming ready to stand by their side when push comes to shove for their failed movement.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:46.442000+00:00)
Of course, i have agreed and i will.
But i don't agree that trying to control the media is a good move. Its practically a waste of time and money
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:53.626000+00:00)
Yes. You say you have read but nothing really supports that.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:25:54.665000+00:00)
All of you seem autistically devoted to a specific set of beliefs. My concern is saving our race from extinction. Following with the extinction of the jewish race.
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-29T23:26:00.718000+00:00)
https://youtu.be/YeIcQSnepig?t=4m17s My favorite William Pierce video, especially the jewish part 4.17 sec
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:26:06.672000+00:00)
I have, I simply do not agree entirely with you
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:26:11.163000+00:00)
although I agree almost fully
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:26:52.107000+00:00)
>My concern is saving our race from extinction. Following with the extinction of the jewish race.
Same as mine, but you seem to think you'll have wider appeal if you go more moderate, while in reality you just get weaker material, less people, more useless people instead of fanatics who make the difference.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:02.806000+00:00)
And you keep repeating it over and over.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:16.741000+00:00)
No, I don't want to be more moderate, I want to push the moderates where you guys are
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:20.388000+00:00)
You do this with media control.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:32.843000+00:00)
I am not moderate myself lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:37.251000+00:00)
And you do that by being as radical as you can be, cucking to the media is the worst possible choice.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:27:52.750000+00:00)
Doesn't matter what you are in thought if you're a moderate in action.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:01.537000+00:00)
Yeah, if only right thinking saved the white race.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:26.821000+00:00)
>Are you really so certain of your point of view?
>All of you seem autistically devoted to a specific set of beliefs.
Things said by commies to capitalists and vice versa, by racists to anti racists and vice versa and literally everyone ever
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:27.767000+00:00)
If your pov is so effective
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:31.239000+00:00)
Imagine those who think one day they will be able to go fully 14/88 on a talk show
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:31.588000+00:00)
why are we still in this hell?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:36.832000+00:00)
Pierce and others have tried this for many years
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:38.154000+00:00)
because of people like you
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:39.115000+00:00)
where is their success?
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T23:28:51.840000+00:00)
You aren't going to be able to eliminate well funded ZOG media corporations with some sort of national socialist media. You could use media to spread your message but media in itself will not lead to victory
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:29:19.453000+00:00)
Web media has accelerated our potential
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:29:21.389000+00:00)
you gonna start shittalking the Champions of our Worldview and there'll be a real problem here
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:29:32.175000+00:00)
Nah, you're totally wrong again. What you suggest has been tried, and it has failed. WLP failed because they were unable to keep his organization together. Only now we are getting rid of PR cuckoldry and trying to recipe for success, hardcore national socialism, again. WLP was much more successful than AmRen or NPI or any similar cucksheds.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:29:52.753000+00:00)
Dude lmao Hitler died he's not even succesful.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:29:57.861000+00:00)
We're at the point in discussion where I just have to tell you to read SIEGE since you keep looping those same disproven points.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:27.358000+00:00)
>why didn't Pierce succeed
Because PR cucks said "fuck this we need to outsmart the jew and get the masses on our side and also appear the victims and talk about white geNOcide and and and"
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:31.654000+00:00)
Post the "WHY WON'T IT READ" meme, please.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:32.688000+00:00)
and ruined his work
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:38.939000+00:00)
We are at this point because the majority of people in this movement have thought like YOU since GLR.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:42.468000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Fine, the moderate attempts failed sure, but where is the evidence your mentality succeeds in the long run? We still lost ww2. Largely due to romanticism if you ask me.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:43.318000+00:00)
Rockwell didn't succeed because the System had to kill him to stop him
Jason writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:45.794000+00:00)
Hence why this has gone NO WHERE.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:30:54.856000+00:00)
Hitler didn't succeed because it took a world war to stop him
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:03.028000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:06.450000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:07.421000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:08.430000+00:00)
Had we not shown mercy to the anglos, Hitler might have won
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:18.655000+00:00)
Just read dude.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:49.095000+00:00)
>labeling New Right as a fail
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:49.792000+00:00)
*>"but I already did read!"*
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:31:54.759000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:32:34.983000+00:00)
tfw I agree with you guys 99% but you still hate me
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:32:38.228000+00:00)
Also, anything that isn't hardline radical national socialism IS a failure.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:32:41.014000+00:00)
No shit.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:32:45.345000+00:00)
We want 100%, no compromise.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:32:54.148000+00:00)
no you don't
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:33:01.063000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:33:20.400000+00:00)
The New Right continued on the stead of the Conservative Revolutionary movement. It is a fine addition to our age's right wing thought
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:33:40.196000+00:00)
to hell with the right wing
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:33:50.515000+00:00)
Rockwell, you're not getting my point
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-29T23:33:58.190000+00:00)
We need to start with ourselves to make a change, chad nationalism now!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:02.401000+00:00)
>tfw I agree with you guys 99% but you still hate me
Can't get romantic here 😉
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:03.822000+00:00)
These new reactionary movements only are fuel for us
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:13.915000+00:00)
You can't be a conservative and revolutionary.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:20.181000+00:00)
You can. Spengler.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:23.707000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:24.290000+00:00)
Ok leaving aside the siege related stuff, since you want me to read the book. You do at least agree with me that mercy was the wrong play during ww2 right?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:25.320000+00:00)
Also fuck the right wing and fuck the left wing.
DJ Rosenberg wizard writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:26.378000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:42.420000+00:00)
I mean Hitler was a great man no doubt at all, but he had a soft spot for the damn anglos I don't understand.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:56.319000+00:00)
To seek ideological consolidation is good, but to go 101% muh fanaticism and shit, its just pointless elitism.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:56.516000+00:00)
how is that relevant to what we're talking about
Johan Olsson writes: (2017-08-29T23:34:59.542000+00:00)
Mosley was a nice guy
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:02.701000+00:00)
are you just changing the subject?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:18.449000+00:00)
If you aren't 100% then why are you even bothering?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:26.825000+00:00)
Im 100
But im not 101
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:31.298000+00:00)
No you aren't.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:31.777000+00:00)
>to go 101% muh fanaticsm and shit is pointless elitism
Hitler disagrees
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:34.213000+00:00)
Benoist, Faye and others did absolutely nothing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:34.375000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> You're not exactly a welcoming guy are you lol
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:46.950000+00:00)
I'm very suspicious of wording
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:48.337000+00:00)
and all these movements like GI that fap to the are absolute shit
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:50.164000+00:00)
and yes
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:35:51.801000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:00.398000+00:00)
Benoist and Faye actually gave a contribution to the actual arena of events.
They still do contribute.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:08.041000+00:00)
>he thinks I am afraid of fanaticism
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:08.094000+00:00)
what did they do
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:10.727000+00:00)
write books
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:11.067000+00:00)
Hitler was Hitler, at his time.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:12.866000+00:00)
have you read anything I typed?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:19.423000+00:00)
Write books, open new think tanks.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:21.716000+00:00)
Yes you PR cuck and talk about IQs.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:27.309000+00:00)
>Hitler was Hitler, at his time
Scuse me, hwat?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:37.837000+00:00)
>have NS
>nah, lets come up with some new dumb shit
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:36:47.364000+00:00)
Give new ideas. Try to get in with the times.
Its not 1933 goy, you cannot afford that kind of rhetoric anymore
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:07.916000+00:00)
>some dumb shit
Ever actually read any of their books?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:12.610000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:15.476000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:15.600000+00:00)
Conservative Revolution was basically underdeveloped NS thought that contributed some aspects of the worldview understanding, its pointless to separate it as some independent thing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:41.661000+00:00)
Yes, NS is rigorous traditionalism.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:43.242000+00:00)
Evola was closer to the Conservative revolution than he ever was to fascism so im very surpriosed you are saying this.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:44.802000+00:00)
Archeofuturism, but this was like 4 years ago, On Pagan by Benoist but not the whole thing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:37:52.365000+00:00)
With a few scientifically oriented tweaks for eugenics
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:00.238000+00:00)
Evola was NS/Fascist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:06.342000+00:00)
Archeofuturism is a good idea if you ask me.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:07.355000+00:00)
his criticsm of them was for their betterment
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:19.589000+00:00)
Still I don't think being attached to political ideology is as useful as being attached to the axioms of "what is best for the race"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:24.577000+00:00)
and what ended up happening to them is what he wanted to facilitate
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:30.883000+00:00)
but since it happened organically on its own
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:31.476000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:34.193000+00:00)
On a basis of ideological thought i meant. Not regarding his book on fascism or on the third reich
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:36.470000+00:00)
it just proves that this was their destiny
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:37.403000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:37.702000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:38.366000+00:00)
its nothing new unde the sun
Reich was built upon ancient ideals but was technologically going forward
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:42.617000+00:00)
Evola was NS/Fascist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:46.113000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:38:48.830000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:00.084000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> careful who you threaten, I'm not some fucking normie, nor did I say NS was a political ideology only
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:00.338000+00:00)
He was a philosopher of the perennial school of thought
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:04.376000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:08.248000+00:00)
and that's also NS
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:13.999000+00:00)
The perennial school of thought is not NS
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:16.754000+00:00)
Oh no I'm so scared of the PR cuck.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:24.590000+00:00)
yes it is
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:34.902000+00:00)
Their entire way of thinking is so massively reactionary, you cannot even label it as normie traditionalism
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:40.270000+00:00)
Has Zero Tolerance been linked already?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:45.129000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:46.363000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:47.375000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:48.359000+00:00)
Its basicalle De Maistre on steroids
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:48.860000+00:00)
You think because you disagree with me on timing I am not on board with nat soc?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:51.407000+00:00)
Should be pinned, tbh.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:54.849000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> http://ropeculture.org/2017/01/13/zero-tolerance/
First thing, read this
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:39:58.281000+00:00)
You clearly aren't.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:07.158000+00:00)
Faster than reading SIEGE.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:08.919000+00:00)
Just do it.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:10.397000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:14.383000+00:00)
Do you have some perception of the Third Reich as being a monolith? The high command constantly argued with each other about what was best for the volk
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:52.413000+00:00)
This isn't the third reich.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:40:55.851000+00:00)
this is modern day.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:07.709000+00:00)
several arguments going on at once at this point
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:21.839000+00:00)
I'm not going to argue, I'm just angry.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:35.633000+00:00)
i'm angry/tired
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:40.762000+00:00)
I have seen that picture and many others.
Thing is, involution was not a part of the NS worldview.
And the massive fetish the perennial philosophers had for symbolism and "universal prime movers", truth, sodmic orders and so many others, are just you trying to fit their way of thinking into the plane of fascism.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:41.926000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> I am National Socialist though, we merely disagree on small matters tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:42.295000+00:00)
because its the same thing everywhere all the time
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:41:46.964000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:05.613000+00:00)
Fascism is traditional, but it is not part of the perennial traditionalist school
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:06.907000+00:00)
I'm not trying to fit anything in anything
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:11.460000+00:00)
I read actual sources
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:15.211000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> Just read it, it's based entirely on NS quotes, you won't find anything you can disagree with.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:24.782000+00:00)
and Fascism/NS fully coincide with perennial wisdom
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:28.964000+00:00)
As have i, i have under my sleeve nearly all the books of Evola and Guenon
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:39.954000+00:00)
ALL you say eh?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:44.867000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:46.527000+00:00)
Except the magic stuff
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:49.685000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:52.061000+00:00)
Someone trying to out-evola Alex?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:42:55.565000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:03.828000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:10.165000+00:00)
Whats the difference between us?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:10.315000+00:00)
I bet you read a Handbook of traditional living and then jumped up from there
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:15.111000+00:00)
hey at this point I'd be excited if someone had something to add to my collection
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:19.049000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:19.805000+00:00)
that 1% is still 1% compromise.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:22.483000+00:00)
did you just
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:25.383000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:33.703000+00:00)
You just crossed the line bud.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:34.048000+00:00)
m8 did you just assume me to be some newfag to evola?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:47.402000+00:00)
I assumed you to be a pseudo intellectual
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:48.544000+00:00)
He's read even the evola sex magic books.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:43:59.072000+00:00)
Ive read the metaphysics of sex mind you
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:08.788000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:09.345000+00:00)
Crabman is actually Evola but hiding the fact.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:12.198000+00:00)
here you go m8
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:18.782000+00:00)
if you got something i'm missing plz do send it my way
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:37.643000+00:00)
>psuedo intellectual
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:44:45.891000+00:00)
fucking hell what a day its been
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:04.898000+00:00)
School the Albanian. Evolaite metal cage death match.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:15.718000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:36.343000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:39.919000+00:00)
Most of those are articles though. But anyways, back to our little banter.
How would you say involution fits to the Fascist worldview
Please, you cannot even throw that at me as an argument. You are literally an uzbek. Let us not resort to calling each other non white
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:40.150000+00:00)
>Hyper is typing
Tyler writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:40.870000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:42.082000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:55.047000+00:00)
>most are articles
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:55.248000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:45:58.459000+00:00)
>How would you say involution fits to the Fascist worldview
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:04.487000+00:00)
you know its stupid to lie when I gave the file to everyone
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:16.688000+00:00)
Are emojis and meme arrows your only forms of debating someone?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:18.199000+00:00)
There's literally the involution graph
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:30.845000+00:00)
I'm just enjoying the show.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:32.425000+00:00)
I have seen the graph
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:36.123000+00:00)
Albanians are to be crushed, not debated
t. Serb
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:42.308000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:44.363000+00:00)
Carry on
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:54.944000+00:00)
If this is the most you can muster, i can only be amused
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:56.545000+00:00)
I'm not even here to argue, Alex is hands down the biggest Evolasperg in the net, I'm just want to watch the massacre.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:46:59.219000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> oh you misunderstand, I am not against purity spiraling, we merely disagree on matters of how to best gain power is all
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:06.600000+00:00)
you sound like such intellectual fart lmao
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:15.015000+00:00)
bah I'm too tired to do a full on fucking thing of this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:17.416000+00:00)
and besides
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:21.958000+00:00)
>if people would just reaaaaaaad
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:24.526000+00:00)
ahh if this is all you can muster then i wont be bothered ahhh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:28.175000+00:00)
send him Next Leap to read
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:31.632000+00:00)
Please do, we wasted hours with Thule, you can do this one.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:43.052000+00:00)
Brb on like 10 mins, i expect a full set of 50 messages of calling me "an albanian"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:44.301000+00:00)
I didn't want to waste hours on thule either
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:44.779000+00:00)
Carry on
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:47:47.760000+00:00)
He might have actually read something thus BTFO'ing is indefinitely more rewarding.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:06.437000+00:00)
oh come one
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:08.827000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:17.706000+00:00)
I'm giving him the benefit of doubt.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:27.665000+00:00)
>fascism is traditionalist but not perennial
>when perennialism is literally THE authority on tradition
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:31.920000+00:00)
I'm overwhelmingly nice.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:37.336000+00:00)
Yeah that was really dumb.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:38.318000+00:00)
what's there to argue even
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:38.960000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:46.515000+00:00)
But perennial philosophy is the next level
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:49.995000+00:00)
and i also heard people argue that its modernist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:48:57.727000+00:00)
Leave that to ETF retards
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:02.044000+00:00)
I do not go with that
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:24.124000+00:00)
question though: do you think Fascism/NS are different things?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:26.228000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> You do realize I agree with you right? There are only tiny nuances we disagree on in terms of how to gain power. To apply the doctrine of National Socialism being true doesn't necessarily mean that your ideas of how to implement it at all points in time are true. Do you see what I am trying to say?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:31.659000+00:00)
I am discussing strategy, not the ideology itself
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:35.438000+00:00)
I have no qualms with the ideology
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:36.341000+00:00)
you don'
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:40.199000+00:00)
don't have to win me over
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:49:52.766000+00:00)
>tiny nuances
>we agree you realize this right?
you are sucking up hard to get very important stuff overlooked
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:05.604000+00:00)
I can only say to you that read SIEGE. We're now watching Albanian/Uzbek death match
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:13.351000+00:00)
FYI, i have read Next Leap too. And A Squire's Trial.
Anyways give me 5 mins, if this chat wasnt full of conversation, id actually want to pass this on to private.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:26.691000+00:00)
lol slavs
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:29.238000+00:00)
so what's your confusion then, if you really read them
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:38.200000+00:00)
5 mins, brb
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-29T23:50:43.221000+00:00)
i got something
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:51:10.195000+00:00)
Fascism/NS are contemporary forces in time for the restoration of the Cosmic Order in human affairs, it is a force in time against decay and involution, heralding the next Golden Age
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:51:19.449000+00:00)
they are these things by virtue of everything in their nature
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:51:42.720000+00:00)
the specifics practices in Fascist Italy and NS Germany are particular temporal manifestations of the same worldview in action as a force against time
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:51:52.018000+00:00)
He's gonna do quickie with a goat 😂
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:04.424000+00:00)
in reality they are one and the same, fight for the same, and the defeat in WW2 brought about a cleansing of all the temporal factors
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:15.564000+00:00)
if we take the hindu view, we still have like 7000 years or something like that left of the kali yuga
Alba writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:16.318000+00:00)
what do serbs do quickies with then?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:17.188000+00:00)
leaving only the doctrine of truth for the new age
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:31.020000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> cabbage
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:33.999000+00:00)
>runs to the bookshelf and flips through the pages of Yoga and Grail in panic
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:41.432000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:44.331000+00:00)
you missed an opportunity to say romanians there
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:50.478000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:55.787000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:52:56.744000+00:00)
literally all NS figures talk about the same stuff and all their reasoning coincides fully with perennial wisdom
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:22.423000+00:00)
its frankly ridiculous to claim that involution doesn't exist as a narrative in Fascism/NS
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:22.895000+00:00)
and with new reich books we will release that will be reinforced x 1000
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:37.740000+00:00)
when their entire premise is about rising again from the ashes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:41.900000+00:00)
national rebirth
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:44.534000+00:00)
cyclical history
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:48.734000+00:00)
from best to worst
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:51.772000+00:00)
ergo involution
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:53:57.157000+00:00)
its the same mechanism in every regard
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:54:28.105000+00:00)
all NS figures talk about adherence to an absolute truth that is either spiritual or observable in nature
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:54:41.913000+00:00)
and how this truth defines the true order of all things
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:54:55.525000+00:00)
and hence the object goal of NS/Fascist movements is to restore that order
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:55:24.381000+00:00)
and the claimed goals of NS/Fascist states/movements is anagogic
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:55:38.074000+00:00)
which is a perennialist understanding of the ideal state goal
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:55:46.272000+00:00)
what the stat exists for in the first place even
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-29T23:56:02.625000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:58:05.385000+00:00)
I think the problem is that people are too hung up on liberal academia style categorization of things tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:58:28.156000+00:00)
>this is perennialism
>this is NS
>and never shall the two meet because we have put them in different categorical boxes
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:58:48.409000+00:00)
whereas if one actually reads the principles behind both they will see a clear cut connection in every single aspect
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-29T23:59:23.584000+00:00)
i should be sent to an asylum for reading this +500 message discussion in its entirety
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-29T23:59:44.819000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> same
Славрос writes: (2017-08-29T23:59:52.893000+00:00)
the other issue is that people take on that same liberal mindset and think that things require to be inspired by one another in turn, ergo if NS didn't expressly state anywhere its direct inspiration from perennialism then they are not related
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:00:07.712000+00:00)
which is debunked by the same thing: look and study their values, they clearly connect
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:02:37.037000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:02:50.735000+00:00)
did Thule go?
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-30T00:03:04.192000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:03:33.742000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> remember how vlad once argued that libraries are for niggers?
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:04:31.580000+00:00)
Did somoene awake the Crab?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:04:38.418000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:05.893000+00:00)
"I bet you read a Handbook of traditional living and then jumped up from there"
Famous last words.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:15.197000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> lol I'm not a burger
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:22.150000+00:00)
An albanian pretender to the Crustatian Crown of Evolian Wisdom thinks to dethrone me from my Book Throne <@316346918806618114>
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:30.683000+00:00)
I'm reading the article posted
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:39.885000+00:00)
yeah that shit was amazing tbh
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:49.290000+00:00)
Whoever wins will be declared 100% Nordic.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:57.573000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:05:59.708000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:06:16.970000+00:00)
📖 🦀 🗡
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:06:21.688000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:41.412000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> >we do not engage in alliances
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:42.071000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:42.487000+00:00)
snab snab
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:44.951000+00:00)
what is Japan?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:55.203000+00:00)
reading from the article
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:07:55.714000+00:00)
oh dear fuck did you srsly
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:15.086000+00:00)
You obviously didn't. Don't even dignify it with a response. I want to see the Evola fight.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:27.544000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:29.020000+00:00)
Yeah I'm amazed at this Evola debate.
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:32.858000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:34.467000+00:00)
By the power invested in me by NRM and Lindberg, you shall be 100% Nordic.
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:35.892000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:08:36.990000+00:00)
if it ever gets here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:09:13.630000+00:00)
I better literally turn blue-eyed and blond-haired when that happens KU, otherwise I'm staying up for nothing
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:09:41.613000+00:00)
That instant a golden, bushy beard shall start sprouting from your face.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:10:11.111000+00:00)
Anyway brb cig, I'll leave you two to it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:10:21.402000+00:00)
clearly the treasure at the end of this quest is worth the journey
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:10:57.223000+00:00)
>have e-fight
>literally turn into Don
<@207544163737141258> gonna usurp all your dreams real soon
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:11:36.263000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:11:38.201000+00:00)
I just finished my quickie with the goat.
Now, you can expect me to write novel-long messages here but anyways.
Lets begin.
I will try to outline quickly here why Fascism as a whole is traditional, but not traditionalist on an Evolian/Guenon sense.
The generation of the trench comes first.
Ernst Junger claimed that the trench had purified the souls of those partaking on it. So it was indeed something that moved certain people, and nations, away from conceptions of a purely bourgeois existence.
This is the first exclamation.
From here, we move to why every fascist movement in history saw the return to traditional values as meaningful, and why this was not in any way related to perennialism.
The Prime Mover, call it the initial principle or anything else, in perennialist philosophy it is that which dictates all the laws of existence, but i guess you already know that.
And i am outlining here the historical conditioning which led to the birth of these movements, not to categorize anything in little boxes.
The Traditionalists clearly explained that this first, primordial principle could not be explained easily. Or could not be explained at all.
Now, the fascist movements all had something in common. The idea of adherence to folkish fundamentalism.
They were directed to the mass man in general. The emergence of this mass man is a consequence of the industrial society.
Therefore this mass man was molded in this era. Did exist before though as a different class, but not as exposed as the proletariat of modern times.
So here is a modern aspect of every fascist movement. It did not stem from some sort of heroes endowed with highly spiritual values that denied materialism only because they felt a higher calling to Tradition. It came as a result of the forming of new class relations which then dictated the way of action, of a certain people in a certain area.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:11:47.488000+00:00)
inb4 marxist dialectics but thats not my point.
Nationalism, also, is a fairly modern phenomena. The calling of a people of the same stock, to fight for the future together. And perennialism always had in mind the Empire, instead of nationalism. It had the idea of Tradition, flowing through different stocks of people but with one higher purpose in mind. That of spiritual values over material ones.
These people, had no idea of involution when they first designed this worldview. They had the idea of what mid-modern phenomena had brought into their lives. It was not any fall of an eastern character of doctrinal value.
Or of any massively reactionary attempt to label modernism as just the beginning of a dark age. They had the idea of denying and attempting to slow the process of degeneration started by the workings of a rapid socio-economic change that could only partly be labeled as modernism. They wanted to give shape to modernism, according to their own ideas, not destroy it. They wanted to usher the world forward on an exceptionally modern setting, but also having a spiritual foundation that went not necessarily "Pre-Enlightenment", but traditional, in the sense of their own historical development, that ultimately had a folkish, national foundation.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:11:54.840000+00:00)
It is not the fall they were trying to reverse. They were trying to continue forward with also passing on what once existed. In a fundamentally traditional basis, but not Perennialist, as i would say to you, nothing can go back on that level without demolishing every technology known to man.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:12:11.954000+00:00)
Take your time before spewing "HOLY SHIT" and meme arrows
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:13:39.420000+00:00)
*meme arrows*
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:13:45.033000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:15:36.909000+00:00)
Now I do
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:15:43.404000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:15:45.608000+00:00)
i just went out for a cig and asked a nigger and his antifa mate to punch me. i can almost see the victory and the smoking gas chambers in the horizon ✨
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:15.763000+00:00)
Nice <@293828878865268737> did they walk away?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:16.800000+00:00)
My timezone limits me, so if you're writing a novel like i am, better continue this in private.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:26.956000+00:00)
It will get lost when i get to answer it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:33.831000+00:00)
nobody is doing this in private m8
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:37.257000+00:00)
Go on
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:40.549000+00:00)
only reason I agreed at all is for a public btfo
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:46.861000+00:00)
Go on, by all means
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:17:59.355000+00:00)
Since you're so sure of yourself
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:18:40.249000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> after beating me down, they bent forwards, gently patted my forehead and said: "victory shall soon be yours, bold aryan tactician master!"
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:18:54.368000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:19:41.899000+00:00)
were they big guys for you
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:20:01.759000+00:00)
And i checked yout list of readings. You should read that article on Neo-Pagans, bent to give you a lot of info why he saw today's /closer to earth and nature/ paganism
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:20:02.420000+00:00)
fuck it im bored. in fact, i once wrote a lengthy article (maybe even IM worthy, who knows) on the topic we discussed before, but its in swedish. maybe ill have it translated someday, if someone is willing to be put up with the task
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:20:12.521000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:20:54.475000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:21:14.051000+00:00)
Too good, discord exists, or id have to find slavros by going through his elitism on iron march, and thats simply too time consuming for me
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:21:28.909000+00:00)
ironmarch is cool
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:21:37.614000+00:00)
Has some good topics here and there
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:21:44.590000+00:00)
its pretty cold tho
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:21:56.582000+00:00)
Mainly by the people inhabiting it,not the kingpin of course
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:12.424000+00:00)
And god do i love that "if you dont beat women you are not a real fascist" thing
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:25.358000+00:00)
wait what
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:29.021000+00:00)
I find a lot of its users to be hypocrites who aren't pure themselves
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:33.661000+00:00)
i thought if you beat women you arent a fascist?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:44.032000+00:00)
One of better IM advertisement
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:44.419000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:22:47.061000+00:00)
Because Evola thought that whipping women in public somehow asserts the mystical dominance of men over women
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:01.081000+00:00)
And thats an inherently fascist thing
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:05.938000+00:00)
who said that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:08.388000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:12.850000+00:00)
whoever did should write an essay
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:18.988000+00:00)
The best fascist according to Slavros here
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:34.949000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:36.313000+00:00)
yea but i dont think anyone on IM thinks that tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:41.023000+00:00)
I said that he was a Fascist
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:44.146000+00:00)
i do
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:49.147000+00:00)
but i'm an AnCap
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:23:49.486000+00:00)
didnt' quality him as best or worst
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:24:03.237000+00:00)
Since you try to fit his shit into fascism all the time then of course you do
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:24:28.265000+00:00)
>try to
If the puzzle piece fits and the image is coherent...
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:24:40.086000+00:00)
inb4, you're a jew for doubting THE TRUTH
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:24:47.384000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:06.865000+00:00)
IM is not antisemitic
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:09.617000+00:00)
please stop
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:21.509000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> ancap, fo reels? <:hitler:347424257543897089>
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:27.512000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:28.971000+00:00)
i was memeing
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:31.401000+00:00)
Reactionaries aren't Fascist they get the bullet too even Evola....
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:45.589000+00:00)
too bad, because i wanted to spam my ancap folder
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:50.149000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:25:52.689000+00:00)
Truth basically being the expression of tradition in the world, and lies/falsehood, being le falls up to the modern world
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:14.843000+00:00)
I think IM has some spergs autists and other fags
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:19.581000+00:00)
but what forum doesn't?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:29.689000+00:00)
Tfw Evola designed a solution similar to that of the heroic individual fighting through kali yuga to assert his own dominance
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:34.409000+00:00)
i had a blast on DS when it was up
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:35.120000+00:00)
Tfw absolute individual
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:46.369000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:48.054000+00:00)
Azzmador banned me for being antiwhite
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:26:57.984000+00:00)
because i said mike enoch is a spiritual jew
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:27:03.273000+00:00)
Tfw nationalism and volkisch ideas are modern
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:27:05.863000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:27:27.992000+00:00)
Mike literally has a Jewish child he is a Jew
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:27:28.032000+00:00)
Tfw movements centered around the common folk are modern
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:27:30.273000+00:00)
What do
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:00.901000+00:00)
Tfw ideals to that of a Roman Empire can only befit multiethnic/racial entities
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:08.444000+00:00)
Romanticism is modern screw it muh nig
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:10.457000+00:00)
Tfw Hitler hated the Habsburgs
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:25.128000+00:00)
Tfw our movement is heavily romantic
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:28.511000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:47.547000+00:00)
i just want the entire power grid of the united states to go out for good
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:28:52.364000+00:00)
is that too much to ask for?
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:29:04.544000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:30:28.984000+00:00)
Tfw romanticism relied heavily on passion and somehow people mistake that to be some heroic virility
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:30:41.694000+00:00)
Really makes you think
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:30:48.947000+00:00)
I do but I wish to retain all the land because I wanna destroy Russia.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:31:50.942000+00:00)
OHHH BOI, thats certain to have Slavros here happy on that trigger finger
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:02.021000+00:00)
Papa Stalin is coming to get you
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:15.393000+00:00)
i just want the US to fall
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:30.580000+00:00)
dont really care about other countries rn
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:33.550000+00:00)
Kill one empire, replace it with another
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:38.951000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:43.480000+00:00)
I want the US and Russia dead
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:32:46.336000+00:00)
the US is killing itself
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:33:08.785000+00:00)
Russians are all guilty for the rape of Germans they must be eradicated.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:34:06.059000+00:00)
Goy, by this rate, i can only answer at you tomorrow
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:34:28.819000+00:00)
I said write a novel, not an entire history book
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:36:58.488000+00:00)
Not also mentioning the historical cycles of Evola are all borrowed from Bachofen, and Bachofen's theories have been disproved for a while now
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:37:39.062000+00:00)
So i guess, Le solar morality against the lunar one can also be debunked
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:38:13.816000+00:00)
Although i wont go at that, the simple idea that symbolism is the expression of a higher order of things is cancerous
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:38:32.986000+00:00)
savitri devis esoteric views is as autistic as Scientology
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:38:39.697000+00:00)
Hahaha forgot to mention that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:38:44.270000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:39:48.832000+00:00)
Too convinced esotericism is only worth of autistic retards who havent seen the sunlight for years
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:26.679000+00:00)
i'm EH i get plenty of sunlight
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:29.006000+00:00)
what is this RUBBISH
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:35.737000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:41.329000+00:00)
Its not enough goy, you have to be a solar warrior
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:49.074000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:52.870000+00:00)
i bet i get more sun than you
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:40:57.951000+00:00)
Nordic Resistance actually sells Savitri Devi's books, all I have I've gotten from NRM. Good shit, Hitler truly was 9th avatar of Vishnu, behead all those who deny.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:41:15.081000+00:00)
Top de la kek
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:41:35.917000+00:00)
Hitler is the 9th avatar of Vishnu destined to bring an end to the kali yuga
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:41:39.605000+00:00)
you should see my Hitler shrine
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:41:41.880000+00:00)
Oh wait, thats another story
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:41:43.516000+00:00)
its pretty based
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:11.442000+00:00)
>Hitler is the 9th avatar of Vishnu destined to bring an end to the kali yuga
Yes and...?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:17.616000+00:00)
Well, not Hitler.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:19.379000+00:00)
But Kalki.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:22.480000+00:00)
Tfw the purity spiral of iron march still hasnt achieved shit, some fucking alt righters with their fancy memes actually got to protest something for a change
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:22.978000+00:00)
Do you know the native South Americans have indo European ancestry do to the indo European sun god because it relates to muh esoteric symbol we literally atlantean's
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:23.958000+00:00)
10th avatar
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:42:48.085000+00:00)
We're literally Hyperboreans
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:01.806000+00:00)
muh meme magick
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:02.310000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:09.009000+00:00)
Praise kek xddddd
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:10.642000+00:00)
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:10.718000+00:00)
man i love memes
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:17.789000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:26.083000+00:00)
my memes and faggot kike leaders will lead us to total aryan victory
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:32.048000+00:00)
9 hours later
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:39.152000+00:00)
tfw ppl still think IM is a movement
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:43:52.138000+00:00)
Oh i forgot, its internet alma mater of fascism
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:08.276000+00:00)
oh you forgot a lot of quality groups have come out of ironmarch
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:11.943000+00:00)
so fucking neck yourself faggot.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:18.928000+00:00)
you are so damn salty, did you get banned from IM?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:21.557000+00:00)
Designed to educate you with outdated crap, philosophical theft, and also many, many others
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:25.426000+00:00)
I never was in iron march
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:29.680000+00:00)
I never bothered to
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:31.619000+00:00)
>philisophical theft
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:33.127000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:47.045000+00:00)
Its just that im sooooo ideologically a fanatic, that i get triggered over simple things
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:49.953000+00:00)
Just like you
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:56.385000+00:00)
salt mmmmmm
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:56.488000+00:00)
And thats a good thing
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:44:57.949000+00:00)
sorry for believeing in absolute truth
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:19.784000+00:00)
Mind the language against eachother please.
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:19.904000+00:00)
>hah, they called me a retard, TRIGGERED MUCH?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:23.420000+00:00)
I'll be a faggot moderate like you
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:27.905000+00:00)
and let everything be up for debate
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:33.579000+00:00)
I believe in the natural order. I don't need to attach fancy labels to it that date back to metaphysical principles that are not even explained
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:51.783000+00:00)
>calling me a moderate
Dont you understand im nothing like a moderate if im debating this shit?
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:45:53.769000+00:00)
Great groups have come out of IM
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:09.598000+00:00)
and a lot of guys in other solid groups like IM
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:18.158000+00:00)
Understand that the membership of IM is of quality. The kingpin though, not of such
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:18.925000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:20.783000+00:00)
make room
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:26.486000+00:00)
Fire on
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:27.148000+00:00)
Well Orsin like myself do believe in Natural Law i'e natural order. It's just most of you are degenerative hypocrites.
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:29.866000+00:00)
crab fuhrer bout to bury a nigga
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:31.386000+00:00)
well the first few parts are literally just you stating something and then saying "but its not traditionalist/perennial" without presenting an actual argument.
Traditionalists do not say that it cannot be explained, they say that it can be only truly known in the only way that matters (the only true knowledge) and understood empirically via transcendence. However transcended individuals created doctrines to pass down certain wisdoms including HOW to transcend, these provide teachings that exist as a schematic knowledge towards understanding that very prime mover and how the whole of reality operates, both in the physical and metaphysical planes, these teachings have elaborate symbolic languages doing just that - these are the "explanations".
mass man - yeah that's the inevitable state of things in the Kali Yuga. You can read the Greek Anacyclosis on this as well. See all political struggle by definition of its nature is associated with the Left Hand teachings, that is the nature of what we call struggle against time, Fascists are Men against Time, as we have to deal with material realities of the age we live in we utilize its force in the pursuit of Truth, its analogical to the Left Hand notion of turning poison into medicine. Just because Fascism relies on modern realities doesn't make it modernist if it takes them into the direction of restoring tradition.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:31.914000+00:00)
I know "haha youre Albanian" is a shit non-argument, but I can guarantee you there are tons more Scandinavian EHs taking part in rallies and activism than there are Albanian even normie nazis doin anything so
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:33.947000+00:00)
Uh oh
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:34.510000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:37.960000+00:00)
And Fascism DID stem from "some sort of heroes endowed with etc" who do you think all these people that we call Champions are? Hitler to start with. He called it Providence. Rockwell followed suit after him, Codreanu was doing God's will, same thing really, and those fascists that argued about adherence to Nature did so from the viewpoint that Nature is a manifestation of Life's eternal laws which is again same thing as the Prime Mover, David Lane's 2nd precept was literally expounding on this very point and earlier in this same chat KU provided a Borman quote I think.
And the new class relations forming - again, entirely per involution, anacyclosis. Kali Yuga, where such people by necessity appear, is the age that demands action and makes action absolutely inevitable same as how violence is always the last resolve when all else fails.
Yes Perennialism is about empires, but not at the expense of nations and races. Evola specifically argues how Nationalism is defined as either a negative or a positive depending on the age and the process involved. In involution where everything is being broken down inevitably to just individuals nationalism is a step towards that process, but in an age where nationalism brings people back together for what would later become an empire it becomes a positive force. Modern as it is, it likewise serves that same Left Hand methodology, and you cannot have a hierarchy of hierarchies without it, the negative of nationalism is only when it becomes a force of dissolution.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:38.656000+00:00)
feels like I'm about to witness a rape
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:45.893000+00:00)
And different nations can all strive towards the Truth, the Prime Mover, and they can do it in the formation of Empires as well, nationalism is not always simply about just MY nation being on top of all others, Third Reich germanic supremacism was already on its way out in favor of pan-european imperialism as Evola attests, referring to a Himmler speech on that very issue. Mosley worked towards Europe a Nation which is again an Empire made up of fatherlands, not at the expense of nationalism but to its credit, and Francis Parker Yockey likewise supported the same concept.
If you want to claim that Fascism/NS only had material values then pfffffffffff check Mein Kampf quote on the real nature of NS and how its a worldview and not a set of policies, again all these figures talked about God, Providence, Laws of Life and Nature, etc, these are all just different ways of addressing the Prime Mover, One, God(s), Absolute/Universal Truth, Cosmic Order etc.
>no idea of involution
I already proven that they did, maybe they didn't imagine it on the same scale but ultimately many of them witnessed for themselves this very process, just check MK Hitler quotes about how the movement flag was chosen and why the old imperial flag wasn't chosen. Again, and I likewise already addressed this, they don't have to claim direct lineage and reasoning or inspiration from perennialism, but they do in effect follow its principles, because its easy to follow objective truth if that's what you seek and you don't need to necessarily need to first tap into certain sources about it. By your logic two scientists cannot discover the same phenomenon independently of one another, one has to source the other.
>evola borrowed historical cycles from X
So then did the greeks and hindus and other cultures also "borrow" the cycles from Bachofen?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:46.898000+00:00)
Denying the slow process of degeneration? Ride the Tiger is literally accelerationism, making the decay go faster so we reach the start of a new cycle sooner, and this coincides with plenty of these same spiritual teachings. I'm starting to think that you are confusing perennial wisdom for how some perennialists chose to imagine a proper reaction to said wisdom. And the idea of shaping modernism to your needs can be likewise taken as a Left Hand approach, again, turning poison into medicine.
You're also confusing spiritual matters and scientific progress. Modern setting accounted for by advances in science is one thing, maintaining spiritual health in spite of the changed setting is another. Make new tech, keep old ways, this is fully in line perennial wisdom as it does not deny the advance of material science, just warns of what happens when it runs rampant.
Traditional teachings likewise don't think they can turn back the clock, only go forward, but since it is all cyclical forward means returning to the beginning, a new golden age, which was the direction and goal of Fascism/NS as well. Frankly the entire dominant Fascist Italy narrative was one of restoring the glory of Rome.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:50.789000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:53.532000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:46:58.790000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:47:12.877000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:47:22.434000+00:00)
Its shorter than mine so i can read it
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:47:30.174000+00:00)
TL:DR you're gay
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:47:36.476000+00:00)
well yours was filled with a bit of fluff you know
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:47:58.028000+00:00)
EH Uzbek pain train about to crush a cryptoturk.
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:48:25.385000+00:00)
Knowing you guys are degenerates like Wagner who was literally a race traitor.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:48:33.605000+00:00)
Im actually writing this in word, so i can answer to you properly
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:09.275000+00:00)
discord really isn't the platform for multi-paragraph arguements tbh
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:17.800000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:22.283000+00:00)
Thats my point
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:23.746000+00:00)
i'm not even really interested in a prolonged debate here, KU just gib beard already
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:27.916000+00:00)
niether is youtube comments alba
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:34.759000+00:00)
Ill answer to you dont worry
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:39.938000+00:00)
i'm not worried
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:43.185000+00:00)
because i dont care
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:47.489000+00:00)
Unless you want to cower away from it
Alba writes: (2017-08-30T00:49:53.835000+00:00)
ruh roh
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:00.796000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:05.232000+00:00)
m8 you failed on some of the starting premises
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:20.105000+00:00)
<@182894420163559425> who r u
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:28.337000+00:00)
I will elaborate
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:33.447000+00:00)
A random on the internet
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:34.703000+00:00)
He used to be Vanguard, he was at the UTR thing.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:35.402000+00:00)
You still havent gotten the core of it
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:47.976000+00:00)
He was in the IE KKK server
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:48.979000+00:00)
If you want you can take this to <#326864142491189249>
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:50:49.461000+00:00)
oh your core was simple
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:07.984000+00:00)
>perennialism means returning back in every sense including material and technological
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:11.565000+00:00)
is your basic point
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:12.490000+00:00)
My core is that the metaphysical model of history you follow, is contradictory to the workings of fascism
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:12.738000+00:00)
I would like this BTFOing to be immortalized.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:20.460000+00:00)
except that its not
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:24.803000+00:00)
it fits it perfectly
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-08-30T00:51:40.981000+00:00)
EH is unequivocally true. Mainly because Esoteric Hitlerists will rape anyone that says different
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:52:00.822000+00:00)
and some of the arguments you made are ones I preemptively took down before you even made your initial wall of text
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:52:35.814000+00:00)
you can make this easier on all of us and just do bulletpoints really
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:52:59.715000+00:00)
My basic point is that, the universal prime mover is natural order, but only if you let it flourish, if you depend on an absolute return to perennial tradition you will have to go through some socio-economic processes that ultimately, could not be able to let us pass on that knowledge before distorting the fabric of reality
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:53:13.700000+00:00)
And that is not what the fascists intended to do
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:53:19.541000+00:00)
Anyways, back to my wall of text
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:53:28.918000+00:00)
*Fascism is modernist and wants traditional values but goes forward with modernism
*Perennialism is bad regressive backwards looking thing that wants to go back in time *literally*
*and cyclical history is not real
Did I isolate your basic points right?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:54:08.074000+00:00)
>prime mover is natural order but only if you let it flourish
M8 you wat, it doesn't "flourish" it just IS, same as how laws of physics just ARE, you don't let them "flourish"
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:54:46.316000+00:00)
pal your wall of text is largely irrelevant if your fundamental premise and basic points are flawed
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:14.840000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> <@!197084060542173184> has the proof
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:24.657000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:29.806000+00:00)
I rape nonwhites too
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:33.354000+00:00)
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:37.762000+00:00)
i dont have anything on anything
Ryan AW writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:39.356000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:43.813000+00:00)
Sup Lieb
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:47.973000+00:00)
<@!197084060542173184> silence woman
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:49.255000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:50.622000+00:00)
I said its traditional. But not TRADITIONALIST
It wants to integrate traditional values in a modern setting, basically continue with the acceleration of technological rapid changes, without letting several traditional aspects get lost. In this case, natural order.
Only that you forget, the advancement of history gets us away from letting natural order flourish correctly. Outside of us it can, but not in the way we mirror it, unless we certainly implement it in our ideas.
Its a false equivalency, that of your laws of physics and laws of nature
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:55.061000+00:00)
In implementation
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:55.861000+00:00)
nm, saw a familiar name
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:57.549000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:55:59.477000+00:00)
DM me now
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:00.268000+00:00)
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:01.222000+00:00)
leave me out of this
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:02.696000+00:00)
https://twitter.com/V_of_Europe/status/902597033978146817 also hi peeps
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:05.504000+00:00)
no woman
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:26.664000+00:00)
My entire wall of text, will come in exactly 10 hours, since i have work tomorrow and the timezone simply is not promising
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:30.446000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:36.985000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:38.648000+00:00)
Forgot, im albanian goy?
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:41.275000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:46.271000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:48.262000+00:00)
Timezones are not in our favor today
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:49.211000+00:00)
Wanting to integrate traditional values into a modern setting is the definition of perennialism m8, material conditions change, Truth does not.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:52.728000+00:00)
<@!197084060542173184> what do you know about Serrano?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T00:56:55.127000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Im not looking to fight
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:57:05.684000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:57:12.540000+00:00)
are you illiryan
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:57:29.857000+00:00)
Who is Serrano
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T00:57:36.549000+00:00)
Alfred Rosenberg > Evola
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:57:42.579000+00:00)
and "the advancement of history gets us away from letting natural order flourish correctly" - this is called involution
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:58:13.296000+00:00)
"Its a false equivalency, that of your laws of physics and laws of nature"
How is it a false equivalency m8?
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T00:58:13.651000+00:00)
serrano is a demon in the bedroom
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T00:58:27.672000+00:00)
Hitler was ILLYRIAN
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:58:43.717000+00:00)
We wuz 1st
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:24.440000+00:00)
however advance of history doesn't actually interfere with natural order
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:27.324000+00:00)
its part of it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:32.769000+00:00)
involution is part of natural order
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:40.529000+00:00)
and the process is always retrograde
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:41.896000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:44.236000+00:00)
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:57.452000+00:00)
jesus christ
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:57.917000+00:00)
dang burgers
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T00:59:59.719000+00:00)
can you stop posting this
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:01.070000+00:00)
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:02.338000+00:00)
its literally not me
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:28.328000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:30.527000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:37.901000+00:00)
Material conditions also give shape to how a certain people perceives tradition to be, and how a certain people will implement said traditions. To give full value to your perceived set of traditions, it would need for a total reversal of socio economic conditions which cannot happen.
Because you are comparing laws of the workings of the world, outside of our perception, to laws that have been designed by us, to understand and use reality to our advantage.
That would heavily be contradictory. If involution is part of the natural order, than material advancement would have never corrupted what once was "pure" and "true"
This philosophy in itself was a product of a reaction against modernity but on modern grounds
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T01:00:52.536000+00:00)
And you are simplifying involution here.
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:10.290000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:11.590000+00:00)
delete that
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:12.421000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:34.038000+00:00)
Don't type, await tomorrow. Ill ping you here before i send it
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:37.636000+00:00)
Noight goys
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:52.460000+00:00)
😩 🔫
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:01:53.969000+00:00)
Yeah, I already posted my graphic on how different races/ethnicities perceive the Truth in different ways through that racial/ethnic prysm, however that doesn't change its core nature, just the language in which it is expressed, while temporal conditions only dictate the means by which the Truth can be reestablished.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:02:20.290000+00:00)
And >total reversal of socio economic conditions
You'd have to elaborate on this one though in some detail
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:02:31.757000+00:00)
considering how that's the kind of thing Fascism/NS aims for
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:02:54.077000+00:00)
so presumably your argument is that they have a different extent of "reversal" in mind
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:03:14.481000+00:00)
>Because you are comparing laws of the workings of the world, outside of our perception, to laws that have been designed by us, to understand and use reality to our advantage.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:03:31.768000+00:00)
I compared immaterial laws in their fundamental nature with material laws
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:03:42.265000+00:00)
and they are the same because the latter is a projection of the former
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:03:50.714000+00:00)
or are you now saying that we DESIGNED gravity?
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:04:07.907000+00:00)
we don't actually defy the laws of physics you know
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:04:18.054000+00:00)
we didn't get planes to fly by turning off gravity
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:04:30.034000+00:00)
we got them to fly by following laws of physics, not defying them
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T01:04:50.813000+00:00)
He went to bed best for tomorrow when he's up
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:04:54.602000+00:00)
and yes involution is part of the natural order, same as death, same as the changing of the seasons
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:05:09.774000+00:00)
no I'll finish typing and stop giving fucks thereafter
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:06:11.021000+00:00)
involution talks about spiritual matters, not material ones, something I already highlighted repeatedly, yes technological and scientific advancement goes forward, that doesn't disprove involution though because it operates in a different field
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-30T01:06:53.114000+00:00)
if i didnt start next leap i wouldnt understand this
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:07:20.652000+00:00)
if anything there is an inverse correlation, the more tech advancements the more degeneracy sets in as people's lives are made easier and hence spiritual decay progresses, however this reaches a culminating point when it becomes unsustainable and an upheaval takes place which must restore the spiritual connection and values
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:07:45.999000+00:00)
and the new people revived with that spiritual essence can utilize the same advanced tech but without falling pray to the negative effects
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:07:57.529000+00:00)
which doesn't cover all scientific progress of course
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:08:12.896000+00:00)
shit like transhumanism is something that must be absolutely denied
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:08:27.299000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:08:46.591000+00:00)
> If involution is part of the natural order, than material advancement would have never corrupted what once was "pure" and "true"
pretty much ultimate proof you don't know what you're talking about
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T01:09:21.370000+00:00)
At least Alex can just copypaste this if he has balls to bring up Evola again.
Exitus writes: (2017-08-30T01:09:22.897000+00:00)
It's difficult to say...this tech revolution is happening all the while we are under Marxist/ZOG systems
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:09:53.074000+00:00)
>if involution (growing spiritual ignorance) is part of the natural order then material advancements (which help the growth of spiritual ignorance) would have never corrupted what was once pure and true
So... growing spiritual ignorance aided by factors that accelerate this ignorance WOULD NEVER CAUSE IGNORANCE?
Exitus writes: (2017-08-30T01:10:14.591000+00:00)
if under the proper government having this tech wouldn't cause us to become degenerate
Exitus writes: (2017-08-30T01:10:51.518000+00:00)
that's just my opinion, anyway
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:11:03.643000+00:00)
>This philosophy in itself was a product of a reaction against modernity but on modern grounds
Clearly you're confusing what some perennialists considered to be a good reaction to involution for actual perennial wisdom which explains involution
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:11:22.466000+00:00)
just by calling it philosophy he already shows that he's confusing two different things
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:12:41.254000+00:00)
>And you are simplifying involution here.
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:13:05.986000+00:00)
guy doesn't even understand what involution is and wants me to use the more complex explanation of it
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:13:54.340000+00:00)
this one still kills me:
> If involution is part of the natural order, than material advancement would have never corrupted what once was "pure" and "true"
>if death is part of the natural order then disease would have never corrupted a healthy organism
Славрос writes: (2017-08-30T01:14:35.987000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> give me my beard already i'm clearly kicking a dead horse
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T01:18:00.117000+00:00)
I'll send you some hair dye in the mail.
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:19:09.109000+00:00)
Does anyone @here know of any place that will print banners in the US with the Windmill of Peace on it?
8x12 feet
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:22:48.861000+00:00)
Plenty of places.
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:22:51.707000+00:00)
Just call and ask
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:29.917000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> I read the article.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:33.331000+00:00)
Interesting stuff
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:39.892000+00:00)
<@207551125035941888> where specifically?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:40.754000+00:00)
was moving
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:52.713000+00:00)
Local print shops
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:27:54.045000+00:00)
call and ask
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:28:01.325000+00:00)
"Do you guys "NOT" do things"?
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:28:03.295000+00:00)
Or order them from China
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:28:07.227000+00:00)
The Chinks don't give a single fuck
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:28:27.171000+00:00)
China, South America, Eastern Europe.
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:28:40.282000+00:00)
Pretty much any none NATO nation.
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:29:56.235000+00:00)
>Be a nationalist group
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:29:59.139000+00:00)
>use the swastika
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:30:09.470000+00:00)
>Claim to want to protect the white american working class
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:30:16.494000+00:00)
>Orders banners from China
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:30:36.389000+00:00)
Oh if you're in America
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:31:00.083000+00:00)
then you're fine
Another American writes: (2017-08-30T01:31:00.222000+00:00)
Just call shops
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:31:15.140000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T01:42:11.809000+00:00)
<@210140432020144128> you have a bunch of flags here
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T01:43:27.206000+00:00)
lol i once ordered a third reich dagger replica from them. was the worst quality imaginable and to top it off, it stood 'made in china' on the blade
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-30T01:45:04.838000+00:00)
Thanks <@293828878865268737>
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T11:24:48.974000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T11:24:53.437000+00:00)
>Orders stuff from NSM
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T11:24:55.348000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T11:26:21.867000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> sup T
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T11:54:59.794000+00:00)
NSM has a lot of stuff there that's relating to Nazism. Hell they had some of kamaedzitca's albums awhile ago.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T11:59:00.278000+00:00)
National socialism* are you thick
Trisse writes: (2017-08-30T12:05:02.349000+00:00)
hey dude
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:05:57.612000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:06:45.550000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:34:49.177000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> Where is one angry Hitler reaction when you need one? :3
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:35:30.937000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:35:32.537000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:35:54.378000+00:00)
I'll get some
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:36:35.899000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:36:36.351000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:37:01.096000+00:00)
Thanks. The admin here needs to put on in the smilie section tho.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:37:33.952000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:37:35.906000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:37:38.293000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:37:42.654000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:38:13.285000+00:00)
Idk if you can post gifs
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:38:31.102000+00:00)
Trying to.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:41:28.722000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:41:39.346000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T12:41:46.875000+00:00)
Just use Nazism you autistic goober.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T12:42:10.715000+00:00)
It's easier to say, Commander Rockwell even used it.
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:42:15.844000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T12:42:24.221000+00:00)
In reference to an earlier comment
Tyler writes: (2017-08-30T12:42:59.610000+00:00)
"Uhhm.. ackshully I'm not a nazi I'm a national socialist"
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:43:31.905000+00:00)
Okey. I think you should not even if he did.
Victor writes: (2017-08-30T12:44:59.964000+00:00)
It's a mockery word.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:48:27.951000+00:00)
Nazi is a Marxist Jewish phrase
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:48:40.553000+00:00)
True national socialists deny the word.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T12:48:49.283000+00:00)
Some may not know of it.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T12:53:39.115000+00:00)
Why did Goebbels use it
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T12:53:47.918000+00:00)
Named his booklet Nazi-Sozi
Misanthrope writes: (2017-08-30T12:58:43.799000+00:00)
I also prefer the term NS but sperging over NAZI is retarded imo
Kevin writes: (2017-08-30T13:05:30.455000+00:00)
I call myself NS but 'nazi' doesn't offend me
Kevin writes: (2017-08-30T13:05:39.463000+00:00)
and I sometimes use that as shorthand
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-30T13:11:59.306000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T13:21:07.220000+00:00)
It's also because most who use it are either kekistani twats or kids under a phase. Or both.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T13:21:36.340000+00:00)
It's annoying. After all Hitler never used it. The term is almost an insult.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T13:22:28.671000+00:00)
And people have made it very clear that it's a made up term.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T13:22:35.457000+00:00)
In this chat
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T13:23:16.140000+00:00)
I pretty sure the official shorter version the party used was Nat-Soc
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T13:23:26.335000+00:00)
who tf cares
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T13:23:39.006000+00:00)
all of the words that the kikes use to insult us are OUR words
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T13:23:48.065000+00:00)
stop living according to their rules and standards
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T13:24:43.435000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-08-30T13:26:14.903000+00:00)
I know what you mean, the types that explisively call themselves nazis are often those that don't understand the worldview at all, and are boyd rice 'just doing it to be edgy' tier
Kevin writes: (2017-08-30T13:26:21.068000+00:00)
that said, don't let it get to you, man
Kevin writes: (2017-08-30T13:27:14.652000+00:00)
It's very freeing to go 'yeah, sure man'. It's like when someone calls you a racist, or a homophobe, or whatever else. Just think 'Yeah, sure man'
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T13:45:13.447000+00:00)
"muhh nazi is an insult"
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T13:45:30.534000+00:00)
Goebbels used the word "Nazi"
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T13:45:55.352000+00:00)
Also "Sozi" for social democrats.
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-30T14:01:57.820000+00:00)
ooooh no not the word nazi :c
Seaxneat writes: (2017-08-30T14:02:03.629000+00:00)
that gives bad PR
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T14:10:31.262000+00:00)
I honestly just hate the way "Nazi" sounds. That's why I normally don't use it for me at least.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T14:10:36.792000+00:00)
The party experimented with taking "nazi" back for a time but abandoned it.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T14:11:45.496000+00:00)
I wish there was a better contraction available. "NatSoc" in English sounds terrible.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T14:12:04.443000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T14:12:06.834000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T14:12:29.621000+00:00)
tfw no nigger pope to save Evropa
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-30T14:14:49.541000+00:00)
Feels like everyone is a better candidate than the current one, yes?
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T14:15:57.608000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> I believe that's why people say NS
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T14:17:26.456000+00:00)
It's not terrible but it's far from great. I like the ring of "fascism" but don't use it for many reasons.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-30T14:23:05.905000+00:00)
Nat Soc in Swedish sounds like Nachos almost
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-30T14:23:09.020000+00:00)
it gets weird
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T14:33:10.891000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T14:33:44.314000+00:00)
Just say in Swedish "Nazist" if you're looking for a shortened version of the word.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T14:33:45.703000+00:00)
Or NS.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-30T14:36:19.451000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-30T14:44:04.723000+00:00)
Kansallissosialismi anyone? <:lol:333298431810338816> KanSos? Looks and sounds like a bad idea.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:48:24.578000+00:00)
Im three hours late
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:48:50.456000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-30T14:48:59.563000+00:00)
round 2?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:49:02.101000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:49:05.578000+00:00)
Where is he
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-30T14:49:30.838000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> oi
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:50:01.084000+00:00)
When he responds ill write my response, it may get lost here if i do it now
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:50:31.896000+00:00)
And, a true german national socialist you are? Rare
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-30T14:50:43.331000+00:00)
better do it in <#326864142491189249> if you do
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:50:56.115000+00:00)
Good idea.
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-30T14:53:10.942000+00:00)
What's the debate about?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:53:35.580000+00:00)
Evolian/Guenon Perennialism and its relation to Fascism
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-30T14:54:25.371000+00:00)
I see
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T14:56:15.550000+00:00)
I think the best thing Iron March ever did, was to say that Fascism transcends any known political spectrum and dichotomy. At least spares us from endless subversion from political wings.
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-30T14:59:11.466000+00:00)
I've not read much on legionarism
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T15:01:31.825000+00:00)
Alex wrote a long ass response last night, scroll just a bit up, there haven't been that many messages since. Should be hard not to see the wall of text.
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T15:02:37.205000+00:00)
<@150652179642843136> do you mean the Iron Guard or Silver Legion?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:02:39.564000+00:00)
I have written my own response to that
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-30T15:02:47.313000+00:00)
Iron Guard
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:03:07.138000+00:00)
And my wall of text is huge, 2000 words
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T15:03:24.357000+00:00)
Just read For My Legionaries and the officer pamphlet they used.
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T15:03:35.205000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:04:06.319000+00:00)
Take into consideration, that i have absolutely nothing personal against you guys. And this must remain on a non personal approach. My concerns are purely ideological. Or to relation to the weltanschauung.
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-08-30T15:05:33.379000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:05:39.900000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:05:45.876000+00:00)
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-30T15:14:17.239000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Yes, the whole discussion would be better to have in deep discussion. Things get less buried there.
Bergstedt writes: (2017-08-30T15:14:55.086000+00:00)
Ah, just saw you went there, nvm :)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T15:32:41.283000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:33:18.479000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:39:34.026000+00:00)
Shame that there birth rate is fucked
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:39:52.610000+00:00)
My own take is that the interwar movements like NS & Fascism were all expressions of palingenetic ultranationalism as a response to decadence, despair, (((international capital))), etc. but the divergences were greater than perceived by Iron March
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:40:46.688000+00:00)
The Iron Guard were actually fanatical Orthodox Christians, the Germans were actual Aryan blood religionists, and the Italians were literally, um, Italians sadly.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:41:45.345000+00:00)
Nordicist Aryan expansionism is not an expression of the same cosmic truth as Orthodox Christian revival.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:42:20.122000+00:00)
They were all volkisch in the deepest sense
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:42:32.925000+00:00)
Take for example Estado Novo of Salazar. Would you consider that to be Fascist?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:42:42.662000+00:00)
Or Franco?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:42:43.429000+00:00)
Awaiting the inevitable chimp out and sleek graphics dump lol
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:42:49.086000+00:00)
Yeah kek
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:43:01.412000+00:00)
Franco was a Carlist that usurped the sacrifices and titles of Rivera
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:43:16.118000+00:00)
There you have it!
He was not a fascist on any level
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:43:18.128000+00:00)
I haven't studied francoism. What's different?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:43:44.966000+00:00)
He let the Falange bleed itself dry before taking power and plastering the yolk and arrows over his lame throne and altar monarchism.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:43:48.689000+00:00)
He was simply a conservative dictator in some sense, tradition meant god for him but not the interests of the volk on a substantial level.
Only that.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:02.385000+00:00)
Salazar was similar, but he at least fought for his people in Angola.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:06.439000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:16.845000+00:00)
His deeds are way closer to these "Perennialists" than the deeds of Hitler and Mussolini
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:23.746000+00:00)
I don't like most cuckservatives.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:44.710000+00:00)
Today's conservatism lacks
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:48.943000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:51.206000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:44:52.169000+00:00)
Conservatism with nothing to preserve
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:45:02.849000+00:00)
Its just political ramblings
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:45:23.120000+00:00)
I'm too modern for Evola to speak to me
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:45:56.935000+00:00)
So trying to discover the grand unified theory of Evola has always turned me off from IM
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:05.785000+00:00)
You're alright
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:33.064000+00:00)
Once you say volkisch,you have said modern.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:39.479000+00:00)
Have you guys heard about the Scottish dawn?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:46.005000+00:00)
They look cool
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:51.876000+00:00)
Once you consider the masses as mobs of idiots, you have said tradfaggotry
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:54.253000+00:00)
Very similar approach as NA
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:46:59.890000+00:00)
Imo they will die out in a few years.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:47:04.183000+00:00)
I hope not though
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:47:16.644000+00:00)
The worst thing that worries me about the movement is hypocrisy
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:47:26.069000+00:00)
I don't draw a sharp distinction between the masses and whatever we call ourselves
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:47:41.703000+00:00)
In the end we are part of the masses. We are working class people.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:47:49.319000+00:00)
Hitler's base was a radicalized middle class and ex-soldier class.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:48:06.152000+00:00)
Those ex soldiers were purified in the fires of war
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:48:21.377000+00:00)
Of a war of a different scale. Mass war. Man considered simply as fodder.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:48:37.238000+00:00)
Lemmings can be of any class or quantity
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:48:42.388000+00:00)
I know elite lemmings
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:48:50.558000+00:00)
Nothin was honorable about that war.
Aye, indeed.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:49:28.280000+00:00)
The interests of empires spawned it. And it was ultimately the death of empires in the classical monarchic sense
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:49:35.735000+00:00)
Eventually your core of radicals must expand to include the masses, simply because officers need soldiers.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:49:42.383000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:49:45.058000+00:00)
Of course
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:50:02.194000+00:00)
Let me guess, NK is one of them
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:50:08.271000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:50:22.354000+00:00)
North Korea is the only one 2017.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:50:37.739000+00:00)
Man, Juche has degraded so much. I was reading the writings of Kim il Sung the other day, and they're like day and night compared to this idiotic fattie today who calls himself "great leader"
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:50:49.489000+00:00)
North Korea is the only good country currently tbh
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:06.750000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:24.789000+00:00)
Is the situation in Sweden as bad as in the news?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:45.699000+00:00)
Its.. Like you will see it.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:49.062000+00:00)
What do you mean lolno? No jews, flawless racial policy, FASCISM.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:56.567000+00:00)
Well shit
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:51:58.844000+00:00)
If you live here you will see it. You will witness it.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:04.014000+00:00)
North Korea is an underpopulated ant hive of gooks
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:08.931000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:18.756000+00:00)
Are ants fascist? Sure. Who cares though?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:19.116000+00:00)
Juche gone wrong
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:25.002000+00:00)
This is not what they envisioned
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:52:52.571000+00:00)
Quick question. Were the integralists fascist?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:53:05.607000+00:00)
Tfw you have to point to a gook hive of racist monarchy leninism to find fascism irl
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:53:12.117000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:53:22.774000+00:00)
You're right it's not what they envisioned. But it hasn't gone wrong, it has gone right. They envisioned a marxist "utopia", but it turned into a national bolshevik funland instead ❤
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:53:26.366000+00:00)
I mean if North Korea isn't a threat then who cares
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T15:53:46.359000+00:00)
nazbol gang
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:54:25.168000+00:00)
They've established a Socialist country.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:54:46.164000+00:00)
Nazbol Funland is a backwater pitbull that China props up for shits and giggles
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:55:26.445000+00:00)
Real Politik isn't fun but here we are
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:56:06.374000+00:00)
How can only millions defeat billions?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:56:24.672000+00:00)
Does Kim post on fascist forums though?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:07.372000+00:00)
"Mono-ethnicity is something that our nation and no other on earth can pride itself on. [...] There is no suppressing the nation's shame and anger at the talk of a 'multi-ethnic, multi-racial' society [...] which would dilute even the bloodline of our people" - WPK daily newspaper
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:16.982000+00:00)
What would you call IJA, politically?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:24.794000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:29.183000+00:00)
based gooks
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:31.177000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:35.757000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:42.738000+00:00)
NK is still a shithole
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:57:50.712000+00:00)
Filled with gooks
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:58:00.631000+00:00)
Yeah those fucking uniforms too
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:58:09.330000+00:00)
They wear untucked 70s pants
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:58:21.863000+00:00)
aesthetics are very poor yes
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:58:36.851000+00:00)
IJA would be an actual Organic State or close to it
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T15:58:59.212000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:01.710000+00:00)
There was no fascist March on Tokyo
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:10.921000+00:00)
Why would you give a fuck what's inside North Korea? They're enemies to the (((US))) and the Jews in general. To top it off, they're fascists.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:31.379000+00:00)
It arose from the interests of a divine emperor and his military
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:35.065000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> They're not Fascists in the real sense tbh
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:40.473000+00:00)
How so?
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:48.185000+00:00)
I don't care if gooks are fascist
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:51.005000+00:00)
Fascism = NS not authoritarianism
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T15:59:54.627000+00:00)
DPRK = not NS
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:01.959000+00:00)
Imperial Japan was waaaay healthier than DPRK
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:05.097000+00:00)
You're making it sound like fascism is a political ideology, daniel.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:14.278000+00:00)
No, thats what I meant you were doing
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:16.453000+00:00)
Which is why America nuked it
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:25.044000+00:00)
In part
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:29.359000+00:00)
Fascism = NS?
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:00:42.317000+00:00)
They're not Fascist because they dont base their state on Fascism, they just base it on politics similar to the politics of previous manifestations of Fascism
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:01:10.916000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Yes
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:01:19.447000+00:00)
"Everything I like is fascism."
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:01:27.275000+00:00)
New policy
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:02:26.263000+00:00)
The DPRK still uses Red symbols so I'll still give them rope if I could
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:02:43.207000+00:00)
Isn't it like
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:26.809000+00:00)
"Everything that is third position is fascism"
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:30.149000+00:00)
New policy
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:34.635000+00:00)
niggas taking the "DPRK nazbol xd" meme seriously
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:35.570000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:36.019000+00:00)
Third Position is a meme
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:48.512000+00:00)
Glorious sun banner will bayonet Koreans once more for honor of emperor
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:50.169000+00:00)
no one really thinks they are NS
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:03:58.551000+00:00)
No one in their right minds would
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:01.693000+00:00)
I honestly try not to use that tag it's for Strasserist scum
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:22.690000+00:00)
No one seriously believes it, no need to point out how they are not NS
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:28.625000+00:00)
<@134294938056654848> They're basically the same as Soviet Union during Stalin era but with more explicit ethnocentrism
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:29.527000+00:00)
Gas the strasserites party purge now
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:31.034000+00:00)
Inb4 strasserists be like: Hitler more like SHitler
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:43.067000+00:00)
Rohm more like fucking dead
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:48.662000+00:00)
Dead Sodomite
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:04:50.357000+00:00)
Hail Stalin Comrade Furhrer
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:00.109000+00:00)
Italian fascism believes in supremacy of the state while national socialism believes an end to all means. Survival of people and race. And never an end in itself.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:00.645000+00:00)
Comrade Fuhrer hahaha
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:01.962000+00:00)
Dead sodomite conspiring with jews and Frenchmen
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:06.057000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> No
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:08.437000+00:00)
It's the exact same thing
HMan writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:08.738000+00:00)
NK is cool tho, i hope they nuke the US
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:17.092000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:20.221000+00:00)
It's not the exact. It's similar though
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:26.258000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:27.118000+00:00)
The first Kim had potential
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:28.483000+00:00)
It's the exact same thing
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:33.273000+00:00)
2nd poop
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:34.194000+00:00)
Kim if you're listening Hollywood is close
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:37.638000+00:00)
3rd meh
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:37.912000+00:00)
You have to differentiate between the worldview Fascism/NS and the historical political manifestations of the worldview in Italy and Germany
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:38.409000+00:00)
Read Karl Dietrich Bracher's The German Dictatorship
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:05:58.615000+00:00)
The Social Revolutionary movement
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:05.954000+00:00)
It shows how NS was there before it was there
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:16.635000+00:00)
Why would you hate DPRK if they reject (and are enemies to) kikes, multiculturalism, multiracialism and the US tbh
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:33.239000+00:00)
It's just Otto Von Bismarcks State Socialism modified for the current time really
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:35.290000+00:00)
Also, anybody here who would like to translate an early NS book from german?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:45.862000+00:00)
It has never been translated
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:06:53.346000+00:00)
Even Spangler in Prussian Socialism points this out
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:07:10.936000+00:00)
DPRK is a rump state that would be vaporized if it ever actually nuked anyone
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:07:20.113000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:07:36.424000+00:00)
Class collaboration literally is the only thing that would count as having a lesser traditional vocation, regarding its multiple expressions in every fascist ideology
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:07:51.014000+00:00)
I don't hate it, but it's not some existential threat to ZOG or an exemplar of fascism.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:07:57.514000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:07.842000+00:00)
And i say lesser because i compare it to Perennialism from a traditionally conservative pov
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:17.507000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> National Socialists/Fascists have always made a lot of mentions of "Worldview/världsåskådning/weltanschauung", political ideologies don't do this because don't go beyond politics. Fascism/NS is as the term implies something that manifests in everything, not just politics, that essential worldview is the same in NS and Fascism.
In Italy, Germany, Spain, Romania etc you had political ideologies if you will, which were manifestations based on that worldview adapted to the blood and soil of those folks.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:19.029000+00:00)
Carlyle n friends
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:37.761000+00:00)
I dmed you
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:55.926000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Yes and the answer is still "It's the exact same thing"
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:08:58.068000+00:00)
Read my explanation above
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:09:27.550000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:09:34.437000+00:00)
If it wasn't a threat to ZOG they wouldn't be constantly put on the news and demonized as "a threat to America". It may not be a huge threat, but they can still make a difference.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:09:48.569000+00:00)
Manifestations of natural law.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:09:59.930000+00:00)
Or of adherence to a self perceived sense of natural law
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:02.713000+00:00)
Hell America had a nearly Fascist system at one time called the American system that wanted protectionism,end class struggle,racial views,national bank and an anti British mind set from its founding for about 8s
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:03.721000+00:00)
Yea ZOG never lies
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:04.974000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> shqipidishqip
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:12.817000+00:00)
are you diaspora?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:19.782000+00:00)
No, i live in Albania
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:23.500000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:25.777000+00:00)
Unfortunately Hamilton failed
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:28.366000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:38.898000+00:00)
Couldn't establish the Dictatorship
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:42.952000+00:00)
ZOG would never hype you up over some shithole for ratings on CNN or as a distraction from real problems
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:45.644000+00:00)
Diaspora fags don't have any sense of the calling of the homeland
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:47.268000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:10:59.159000+00:00)
Thoughts on Serbia/Kosovo and Greece/Epirus
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:06.766000+00:00)
Are you illyrian? kek
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:11.583000+00:00)
Macedonia is irrelevant
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:23.146000+00:00)
Id rather not go there. Massive flame wars would erupt.
Im here to contribute to the discussion. Not try and advance my cause.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:30.109000+00:00)
It would be pointless in an international server
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:32.875000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Im interested though
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:43.817000+00:00)
It's extremely rare to encounter Albanians who are into NS
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:11:59.836000+00:00)
I have a retarded kosvoar who liked Hitler
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:12:05.358000+00:00)
Because he killed gypsies and jews
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:12:08.250000+00:00)
According to him
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:12:28.484000+00:00)
Actually, many albanians in Albania are fascist. Commies are literally some old dudes who are dying.
And we have no anti nazi laws or anti holocaust. You could sieg heil in the streets and nobody would give a damn
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:12:40.829000+00:00)
Albania should be split between Greece and Serbia, and then all the Albanians should be sent somewhere far away tbh
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:12:55.025000+00:00)
R a v n a G o r a
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:00.918000+00:00)
In that sense, i am happy we are a poor country
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:04.055000+00:00)
S r p s k a m o r a
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:06.355000+00:00)
Nobody cares if we are nazi or fascist
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:20.524000+00:00)
>nazi or fascist
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:21.470000+00:00)
same thing
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:29.654000+00:00)
On the manifestation plane
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:42.405000+00:00)
Create greater Croatia with Ustasha and kill the Serbs
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:49.846000+00:00)
So Mussolini was an Aryan racialist when he fucked a jew for years? Because NS and fascism are the same.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:56.118000+00:00)
Croats are just Serbs with a different label though
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-30T16:13:56.148000+00:00)
I know some bosnian who did the roman salute in class and carved a swastika into his gloves. He also clearly broke the HMF-law towards jews and negroes all the time<@263074483340967937>
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:14:10.708000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:14:11.242000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:14:19.739000+00:00)
However if we are here to scream "Kosovo is Serbia" and vice versa, then i don't get it why make it an international server
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:14:38.103000+00:00)
Amerikaner, tell me: what is the difference between nazism and fascism?
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:14:50.584000+00:00)
Core values same different policy do to organic needs of the nation
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:15:07.296000+00:00)
Nazism is explicitly concerned with guarding the Aryan race at all costs.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:15:10.055000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> "Fascism doesnt care about race and is authoritarian while nazism is racist and totalitarian" -lmao
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:15:16.910000+00:00)
legit read that in a school book once
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:15:50.597000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:01.414000+00:00)
My clay thief senses are tingling
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:04.337000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:11.188000+00:00)
There is a fundamental difference between Italian Fascism and German National Socialism
The Italians built a myth around themselves in a very Sorelian sense
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:32.944000+00:00)
NMR was mentioned in one of my recent schoolbooks
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:36.021000+00:00)
Was it a difference on manifestation grounds? Well yes
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:42.132000+00:00)
Really ?
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:42.826000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:52.058000+00:00)
We are going to have a school election type of thing
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:55.869000+00:00)
And im gonna vote NMR
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:16:56.023000+00:00)
Mussolini was quite occupied with keeping the Med and Alp Aryans pure.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:08.671000+00:00)
When i first read Our Path of NRM, i sat and told to myself "A true national socialist movement in Europe"
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:18.786000+00:00)
Mussolini made Zog submit to him, Hitler didnt
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:21.591000+00:00)
I was actually going to donate to you guys
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:23.028000+00:00)
Again, they're externally similar and are responses to the sams stimuli but to just say "Aryanism is a different manifestation of the Italian drive for a new state" insults both beliefs.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:32.194000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> Join and tell them "I'm a member"
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:34.923000+00:00)
Was hitler nordicist?
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:37.471000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> Nais, hope you don't get singled out for it
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:38.407000+00:00)
Lmao Mussolini was literally Enoching it up
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:41.244000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:45.659000+00:00)
I hope not <@299994626205679616>
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:47.664000+00:00)
Rosenberg was the nordicist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:57.454000+00:00)
(its not a jewish last name)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:17:58.679000+00:00)
Most Germans back then were. <@263074483340967937>
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:03.411000+00:00)
Glen Beck thinks NRM and GD are part of the alt right 4th Political Theory plan from Dugin to dominate all of Europe
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:10.267000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> Nice
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:12.108000+00:00)
If you read Faith and Action
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:17.527000+00:00)
If you read the Hitler Youth primer, NSDAP admitted that Germany was half Nordic and would breed to that ideal in the future
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:25.732000+00:00)
Lmfao, NRM 4pt
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:32.125000+00:00)
Just remember that voting is a fraud and you need to revolt against the school administration and throw erasers at your local mailman
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:33.251000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> Should do that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:40.759000+00:00)
That directed to Glenn Beck
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:52.815000+00:00)
Pretty sure that racialism of that time conflated Nordic with Germanic
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:18:53.219000+00:00)
I showe my friends nordfront.se and they are about the same as i but a bit watered down
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:03.555000+00:00)
They like it because its "real news"
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:24.449000+00:00)
What does this server think of Der Dritte Weg
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:28.530000+00:00)
No, Nordic referred to a specific subrace of Europeans found throughout Europe
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:37.364000+00:00)
Pretty sure nordicism of that time didnt mean that everyone was literally scandi
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:42.458000+00:00)
Explain to them that Avpixlat etc basically do the same as us but with less depth and they don't say it as it is, while we put it out there
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:52.994000+00:00)
Concentrations varied by country
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:53.753000+00:00)
Hans.Fk Gunther made a good anthropology book
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:56.109000+00:00)
I might buy it
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:19:59.929000+00:00)
Read that
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:01.095000+00:00)
Its nordicist
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:09.219000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> I'm reading *Religious Attitudes of The Indo Europeans* rn
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:12.861000+00:00)
Yes read it
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:36.988000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:37.244000+00:00)
"No, Nordic referred to a specific subrace of Europeans found throughout Europe" <@190525543505068032> yeah and thats all the germanic peopls
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:43.211000+00:00)
Myth of The 20th Century > everything
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:53.092000+00:00)
The racial elements of european history?
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:56.366000+00:00)
Generally speaking Nordic can refer to non-Germanics
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:20:59.617000+00:00)
Yes <@251832418837725195>
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:04.571000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> That one is great as well
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:06.877000+00:00)
You can be a Nordic Slav or a Nordic Iranian
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:11.868000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> If they're rape babies sure
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:16.062000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> No
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:22.288000+00:00)
Hitler Youth Manual stated that significant alpine admixture was present in Germany
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:28.134000+00:00)
I don't know much about Der III. Weg. But Lindberg managed to make good relations with them, starting with a speech in Germany. <@251832418837725195>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:30.697000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Yes
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:45.197000+00:00)
Nordics were just generally spread out and outside of core areas they formed aristocratic minority stratas
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:21:58.520000+00:00)
There were non-Germanic Nordics in China
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:00.969000+00:00)
Thank you!!!! ^^^
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:03.253000+00:00)
Yes, and therefore their descendants are rape babies
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:12.227000+00:00)
Nordics spread out everywhere
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:26.873000+00:00)
I only know the European nordics
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:32.134000+00:00)
Such as kelto-nordid etc
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:43.462000+00:00)
Rape baby = Having foreign genetics due to being conquered and ruled by a foreign people
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:22:53.579000+00:00)
You should remove the space between rape and baby
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:23:03.600000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:23:44.779000+00:00)
tbh all humans have degraded a lot through the last few centuries
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:23:59.157000+00:00)
will probably take millenias just to recover
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:05.810000+00:00)
Through the last two centuries the most
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:15.145000+00:00)
The world wars for sure
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:18.676000+00:00)
Most Balkan countries have lots of Turkish blood
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:24.175000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Not really
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:31.024000+00:00)
It's pretty irrelevant there
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:36.917000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Lel, its the other way around
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:24:57.904000+00:00)
I think Balkan admixture in Turkey is pretty irrelevant aswell but I'm not sure, don't care about Turkey
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:02.541000+00:00)
Turk tv shows are full of people with lots of white genetics
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:03.142000+00:00)
muh janissaries
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:10.394000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> = Nordic ruling strata
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:15.921000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:24.502000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Slav bloodtax babies
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:28.856000+00:00)
Greeks have actually done very good not being outbred
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:37.529000+00:00)
Living next to turkey and all
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:25:56.788000+00:00)
Prolly some greek bloodtax babies too, but those cant be distuingished by skin color : ^ )
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:28.397000+00:00)
There's a Turk in my class with blue eyes
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:32.525000+00:00)
Turkish military class seems whiter than the general Turkish populace. May explain purges
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:41.300000+00:00)
Those kind of turks are very rare
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:41.579000+00:00)
Had a Syrian in my class before who had blue eyes and pale (non-tanned) skin
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:44.439000+00:00)
Turk Roach supremacy
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:26:54.067000+00:00)
Syrians are another story
Zoltanous writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:00.113000+00:00)
Larps as Golden Dawn
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:12.399000+00:00)
Also used to know an Albanian from Kosovo with blue eyes
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:33.685000+00:00)
Albanians, or at least from Kosovo, usually look brown to me
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:40.827000+00:00)
You will find many blue eyed people in mountainous regions in Albania
Especially on isolated villages or towns
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:44.820000+00:00)
but Ive never seen a Jew with blue eyes.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:45.071000+00:00)
In the north
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:47.902000+00:00)
Could be due to genetic errors, but yeah, you're right.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:27:54.358000+00:00)
oh wait
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:03.516000+00:00)
Werner whats his last name I think he has blue eyes
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:07.578000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> I think Ashkenazim are mostly mixed with central Italians
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:07.796000+00:00)
Kosovo is the most kebabified albanians, the other ones are whiter from what I know
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:11.715000+00:00)
There are mischlings with blue eyes
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:20.393000+00:00)
One of the Kristol neocons has them
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:22.121000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:25.540000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:27.974000+00:00)
Werner Goldberg
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:39.306000+00:00)
He was 1st degree, right?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:40.345000+00:00)
How the fuck didn't they already know he was a kike from "Goldberg"?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:47.827000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:28:58.391000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Kosovo is kebabified religiously
The filthy turks are pouring their money there in local political parties daily. And you have abominations like BESA stepping up and claiming "islamic heritage"
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:29:06.379000+00:00)
Slavros had a pretty sweet Nuremberg laws graphic
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:29:39.860000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> are you catholic
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:29:57.569000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Agnostic. personally. But my family is catholic
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:01.688000+00:00)
Discord won't let me search image folders on mobile so I can't find it.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:18.739000+00:00)
Nuremberg laws are obsolete anyways
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:19.960000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Do you believe in Greater Albania?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:27.642000+00:00)
I think we have a good mix of pagans, christians, catholics, and athiests.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:30.080000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Define greater
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:32.887000+00:00)
I always thought it was odd that Albanian Muslims glorified an Orthodox Christian ruler who fought against Islam
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:33.284000+00:00)
As long as we dont have satanists,
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:46.948000+00:00)
Having Greek Epirus in it
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:47.256000+00:00)
You mean Jews?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:54.395000+00:00)
I think they work just fine until Aryans own a gene testing company <@195981647605137408>
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:30:55.224000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:03.578000+00:00)
satanists you know those extremely edgy people who listen to black metal
Viper writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:08.501000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:22.521000+00:00)
As long as we dont have **atheists
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:25.959000+00:00)
isn't the golden one only a nationalist?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:32.415000+00:00)
some athiests are very annyoing
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:33.834000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:39.946000+00:00)
What's to stop jews that own 23andMe from lying to any known racists?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:47.935000+00:00)
Only Chameria
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:31:52.746000+00:00)
Im not an atheist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:03.458000+00:00)
Atheists deny god categorically
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:06.531000+00:00)
I am still exploring
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:06.858000+00:00)
Nuremberg laws are too lenient
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:26.809000+00:00)
Allows too high admixures
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:28.643000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Won't happen 😉
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:29.159000+00:00)
Okay but can you do a gene test now without a jewed company handling it?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T16:32:35.652000+00:00)
Northern Epirus is Greek
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:00.836000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> We'll see
If you're here for pointless internet territorial wars, there is nothing to say anymore
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:24.613000+00:00)
Obvious things like half and quarter kikes are bad but it gets hard to reliably test for generations without a Jewish company.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:25.214000+00:00)
oh and
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:29.512000+00:00)
Quite frankly having you here is like having a Turk in here who claims to be NS
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:36.705000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> The laws are about family histories, they're for when you have known jewish or non-german grand parents, great grand parents etc
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:33:56.245000+00:00)
those kekistani fags who somehow claim to be ns but like trump. How did that happen
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:34:05.721000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Autism
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:34:25.994000+00:00)
How do you handle people like Emil Maurice?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:34:33.105000+00:00)
Thats a good question
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:34:38.047000+00:00)
yeah anyone with a kekistan profile picture is banned from a chat im it, It runs so smoothly.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:34:53.948000+00:00)
but this is a movement and I would see damage in doing so...
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T16:35:05.399000+00:00)
except most arent even actual members lol
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:35:36.539000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> You gas them. As for other races, they can contribute on their own continent
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:35:40.767000+00:00)
What's the percentage cutoff for a proven loyalist? Even though they'd be rare as hell
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:36:42.694000+00:00)
Lets say if none of your great-grand parents were full Jews you can be let off with a warning smh
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:36:58.143000+00:00)
Its too much of a risk to rely on a Jew to be a based Jew
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:37:11.824000+00:00)
We know from history that Jews can act to be loyal for generations
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:37:18.215000+00:00)
And then they backstab you
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:37:20.618000+00:00)
Like in Spain
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:38:31.113000+00:00)
"Hitler was too merciful" -Mahatma Gandhi
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:40:03.534000+00:00)
Jewish bloodlines dont need to be bread out as per Nuremberg laws, they need to be cleansed from the Earth
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:40:47.625000+00:00)
Thoughts on holocaust denial?
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:41:16.069000+00:00)
"I don't believe in the Holocaust" -Simon Lindberg, leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:41:28.800000+00:00)
(that's a real quote unlike the gandhi one)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T16:42:09.114000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> Didnt happen but it should'ave
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:42:37.679000+00:00)
I believe it did but the numbers can be disputed.
Actually i celebrate it.
Should have killed them all
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T16:43:00.207000+00:00)
inb4 edgy
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T16:51:33.719000+00:00)
Don't kill them
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T16:51:41.664000+00:00)
Peacefully relocate them
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T16:51:46.105000+00:00)
To the Sun
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:52:28.697000+00:00)
I wish the holocaust happened
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:53:16.527000+00:00)
What did happen was mostly pit-shootings in the East
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T16:53:41.820000+00:00)
Even Yad Vashem only has 3 million names
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:54:13.478000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> what the fug man
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:54:17.919000+00:00)
I turned this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA4ftjPVI-s
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:54:26.262000+00:00)
my cat was in my lap and froze when he looked at it
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:54:45.721000+00:00)
I touched him and he scratched the hell out of me and jumped over my shoulder and ran away
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T16:57:24.137000+00:00)
>having a cat
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T16:57:26.238000+00:00)
U gay
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T16:58:28.521000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> why
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:04.274000+00:00)
Cats are marvelous wyd
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:05.333000+00:00)
Cats are for youtubers and single women above 30
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:12.070000+00:00)
Sick burn
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:18.853000+00:00)
Dogs is where it's at
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:23.212000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> I have both
José Churruca writes: (2017-08-30T17:00:38.405000+00:00)
Understandable have a good day
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:12:33.771000+00:00)
"Fascists today need to remember the roots of the movement.
Fascism was never blind traditionalism or an incarnation of Christian morality. It used the energy of the national myth to advance the nation; it did not seek to completely recreate past societies. It used Christianity for political expediency but neither Mussolini nor Hitler believed it was a beneficial influence on the European psyche.
Large parts of the movement today get lost in shouting about objective morality and in fantasies of the pre-Enlightenment era. To be serious for a moment and to get beyond the jokes and the shitposting, ETF must remind people that fascism is passion and beauty. It is not monarchism or traditionalism. It is love for your nation, but it is also art and emotion, rooted in the past but with hope for the future.
Fascism is more D'Annunzio than it is de Maistre."
Does this declaration rustle your jimmies? Because it certainly rustles mine
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:18:13.198000+00:00)
Some futurist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:19:13.007000+00:00)
To deny objective morality is a very unpleasant thing
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T17:19:37.369000+00:00)
Endorses Randists to label Fascism as some kind of racial subjectivism/irrationalism
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T17:51:22.021000+00:00)
That kind of a futurist is the retarded cousin we dont talk about
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T17:51:32.739000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T17:51:39.826000+00:00)
I love this part at 4:44 So well edited.
liebling writes: (2017-08-30T17:56:01.131000+00:00)
<@332062765273579522> How are you today
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T17:57:18.981000+00:00)
I wish he just nuked London to end the war
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T17:57:24.635000+00:00)
There's some evidence to assume they had the atom bomb
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T17:57:44.053000+00:00)
The UK is a spiritually and morally dead society anyways
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-30T17:59:45.054000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhGQrryQPfM& This is also very good, especially the editing at around 0:50
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:02:22.267000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:02:30.791000+00:00)
How do you do my fellow nazis
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:04:11.300000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> moi moi
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:05:35.832000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:05:51.081000+00:00)
Came back from activism not 5 minutes ago.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:08:09.074000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Cool, did it go well?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:10:18.836000+00:00)
Had a sports tube bag full of newspapers and spread them all. Basic stuff.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:11:31.158000+00:00)
About to get back into working on articles, laptop's just been fucking fried, have to reinstall OS or something and save up shekels.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:12:05.416000+00:00)
I know that feel kinda
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:12:14.798000+00:00)
Need to switch to Linux cause Windows keeps getting worse and worse
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:12:37.935000+00:00)
But I need PS and other Adobe stuff plus Sony Vegas and I dont know how to manage that with Linux
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:12:52.787000+00:00)
Might not be a bad idea, even Discord barely works. I use phone these days more than computer, but makes writing anything longer very hard.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:13:51.431000+00:00)
Yeah, just need to set aside the time and effort to actually do it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:14:00.404000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:14:06.750000+00:00)
Would have to move files and shit to external drive first
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:14:33.556000+00:00)
Would have to get usb with image or something, already got external drive for files.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:14:35.457000+00:00)
I haven't cleared my recycle bin in months because I keep thinking I'll recover some good files from it first
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:14:52.767000+00:00)
I have 926 items there
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:15:01.542000+00:00)
And my desktop is like a boomer desktop
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:15:08.108000+00:00)
Btw, did you follow that EH talk yesterday.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T18:16:13.091000+00:00)
Feel known, still got half a million photoshop projects on desktop in case I need to get back to them and fix something minor. Once had to redo everything to fix one letter or something, kept all project files since.
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:18:39.526000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:18:39.979000+00:00)
Why not have a folder for that?
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:18:43.580000+00:00)
I do have one
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:18:46.223000+00:00)
"save random shit here"
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:19:01.123000+00:00)
I need to change wallpaper aswell
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:19:25.309000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:19:27.630000+00:00)
my recycle bin is hidden by dozens of other files on the same spot
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:19:38.834000+00:00)
"Reccam bin"
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:20:11.433000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> What EH talk?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:01.627000+00:00)
This is a desktop
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:02.855000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:21.059000+00:00)
looks cluttered
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:23.369000+00:00)
you should fix it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:26.083000+00:00)
The gap at the top is for mega which i uninstalled today
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-30T18:21:37.310000+00:00)
And the bottom is incomplete, I need to install some shit
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:24:51.073000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:24:57.131000+00:00)
that part with the German singing Erika
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:25:53.013000+00:00)
So thankful we have good editors
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:29:27.580000+00:00)
I'm open for video ideas since my channel is dying cos I have no ideas.
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-30T18:30:15.145000+00:00)
Make some propaganda videos for the upcoming demo in Gothenburg
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:30:32.381000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T18:30:58.623000+00:00)
Hmphmhp Im not sure where my limits are at in editing, but It wont be bad
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T18:45:52.785000+00:00)
Typography which has factors of uniformity in its essence, and which proclaimed continuity in the full sense of the word, brought a cultural vector of force forwards, and made it possible for old and complex oral relations, typical of a feudal society to be overcomed and so, nationalism, of an inherently particularistic form was born
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T18:45:58.011000+00:00)
Do you agree with this statement?
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-30T18:52:34.485000+00:00)
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-30T18:53:00.706000+00:00)
<:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> <:jude:339808729581092865> <:bonnier:328882489768542210>
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-30T19:02:25.684000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Footage to use? In that case there are several videos from previous demos and from altercations with the left
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T19:08:27.515000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T19:08:30.163000+00:00)
what the hell happened here
noobtia writes: (2017-08-30T19:15:10.427000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> if need help/parts for laptop just send pm <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T19:16:32.132000+00:00)
Cops just chimped out on us for nothing. They had been fucking mad at us all day because of our shieldwall earlier on the square where we held speeches, they couldn't do anything to push us back so at an opportune moment when we moved they just attacked us out of the blue. They pushed us forward from behind with horses and whatnot, and the cops in front told us to stop, which we couldn't do, so they got an excuse to chimp out. They smashed a dude's camera in his hand who was standing right next to me.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T19:16:34.227000+00:00)
will do fam
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T19:18:28.485000+00:00)
...Of course.
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-30T19:25:47.198000+00:00)
I liked the part at the endpoint when people realized afa was in the backalley and hundreds of us ran towards the street
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-30T19:29:06.409000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T19:30:24.698000+00:00)
Yeah, it was great. The guys with shields were commendable, didn't budge an inch despite of cop batons. The reds were a joke, turned around and started running the fuck away before they were even close to us.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T19:32:56.570000+00:00)
This movement needs the strength of those huge football parades.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T19:33:19.336000+00:00)
Though organized, but strong.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T19:34:26.343000+00:00)
These actions give me hope for the future
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T19:35:15.993000+00:00)
See you all at Göteborg.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T20:36:16.008000+00:00)
Im so damn glad alt-right fags want to purge NS from their ranks
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T20:36:16.666000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T20:38:03.685000+00:00)
Do you guys expect Goteborg to be your biggest rally yet in terms of numbers?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T20:38:35.014000+00:00)
Isn't Brett Stevens an admitted mischling?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T20:43:15.431000+00:00)
"Hey goy don't be a National Socialist be a moderate white nationalist." becomes "Hey goy don't be a moderate white nationalist be an alt right identitarian." will become "Hey goy those identitarians sure are poisecuted by the media be a coinservative republican." will become....und so weiter.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:44:08.555000+00:00)
>Written by Brett Stevens
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:44:11.487000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:44:35.240000+00:00)
Isnt he the guy who promotes nihilist traditionalism?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:52:50.357000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:53:08.202000+00:00)
Also the author of these. It's Colin Liddell's site, guy's a massive faggot and one of the worst PR cucks.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:53:42.326000+00:00)
Amerika should have sticked to writing about miniscule things like alienation of labor
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:53:52.930000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:53:58.808000+00:00)
When the alt right speaks about national socialism, my jimmies get extremely rustled
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:54:21.249000+00:00)
"boohoo you're some worthless larpers"
How about fuck off
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:54:36.671000+00:00)
Is that Greg the sodomite?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:54:53.623000+00:00)
Liddell preaches the virtues of PR centrist cuckoldry to less monthly visitors than DS has comments in one article. Or even IM. Every single post he's ever made centers around raging about being permacucked by popular nazis. Must be high school all over again for him. He's married to a chink and lives in Asia too as well. 14 words goy. I don't know why anyone would take him seriously.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:55:27.591000+00:00)
I don't understand why supposed racialists still get a hard on for chinks
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:55:35.549000+00:00)
Take black pidgeon speaks for example
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:55:45.551000+00:00)
Full pessimism on the way
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:55:46.033000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:55:48.154000+00:00)
that's why
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:02.708000+00:00)
Too much anime I guess.
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:03.757000+00:00)
working with the jews
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:04.607000+00:00)
B-but they're traditional
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:06.362000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:08.824000+00:00)
"We need to save the white race - not me doe"
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:12.434000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:35.130000+00:00)
I actually had a self proclaimed weeb fascist tell me that anime is traditional
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:56:42.393000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:57:42.074000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T20:58:21.788000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T20:58:49.469000+00:00)
Deconstruction is the easiest thing in the world - that's why autists love writing about how Harry Potter/Game of Thrones/My favorite anime is totally fascism/communist. So watching anime and writings reviews about it is actually activism 😉
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:01:30.687000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:02:05.058000+00:00)
But seriously, looking at simple entertainment as the reflection of higher structuring is the real autism
I watch this because im this, i watch that because im that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:03:01.464000+00:00)
They're poor substitutes of anything meaningful
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:05:29.317000+00:00)
Not being able to understand politics except through your favorite popculture fandom is top autism. And pretending you're making a difference by writing about your favorite "redpilled" anime. Look nigger, you got all the time in the world to airbrush Hellsing characters into white people after RaHoWa.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:05:58.049000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:06:10.036000+00:00)
Counter productive, a waste of time
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:06:17.983000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:07:04.010000+00:00)
Typically these kinds of people will address to your analysis as "NO FUN ALLOWED"
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:07:12.790000+00:00)
Another exaggerated reaction
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T21:08:32.492000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Goal is +1000 participants
dylb writes: (2017-08-30T21:08:41.147000+00:00)
protip is to post in <#337342251749605377> so it doesn't get obscured by other messages
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:10:27.548000+00:00)
I remember Alt Right server's admin's BigKK's clique defending him with the exact same reasoning, "What's wrong with fursuits, it's just good fun, NO FUN ALLOWED"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:10:49.612000+00:00)
For some incomprehensible reason the PR cuck-animefags are always first ones to tell how nazis are making them look bad.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:11:08.491000+00:00)
>Whats wrong with fursuits
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:11:10.220000+00:00)
TRS' awyattman was epitome of this, had anime avatar, had watched like 50 anime series, lived in his mothers basement, was virgin at 28 and was constantly complaining how nazis are "destroying" alt right and making it look bad to "normal people".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:11:19.996000+00:00)
And weighted some 300lbs.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:11:44.407000+00:00)
>implying you'll ever achieve anything except with a violent revolution
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:11:50.596000+00:00)
Hear hear.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:12:17.892000+00:00)
Why is it that the self-appointed optics cops of alt right are always the farthest thing imaginable from normal people, but still feel qualified to tell what normal people feel and how to organize politically.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:12:42.837000+00:00)
Every PR cuck and anime fag ever.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:13:38.262000+00:00)
It's funny, the people who insist on getting rid of fanatical national socialists and who constantly countersignal them are first to cuck out, proving just exactly why they are needed. Ghoul committed internet suicide a week after shitting on nazis and then getting doxed. And this guy had to leave "the movement" after his mom saw him lurk TRS.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:15:11.429000+00:00)
"People who tell me, “Look, you can’t do that by force, you have to do that with the intellect”, that is, the people who possess the least amount of intellect themselves, who were never in a position to solve the problem themselves, capitulate before the slightest hullaballoo. As far as I’m concerned, they forget that there is enough strength in our people to start immediately taking care of such common riff-raff, who combined political with criminal ideology, and drive them off...People have often told me: “Why do you use such a radical tone in your program?” “Because I need radical people!” They told me: “Look, if you leave out this one point, then I’ll become a member right away”, and [my answer is] that point is in there, so that you can’t become a member, because I don’t want you!”
- Adolf Hitler, being prophetic as usual
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:18:01.700000+00:00)
What a fucking weak faggot
>But the last article on the woman was too much
It was enough and i enjoyed it
More death and chaos, please.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:18:45.845000+00:00)
Ghoul comitted internet suicide once his sodomite preferences were widely exposed
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:19:16.085000+00:00)
Yeah. And still some TRSodomites hugbox him.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:19:32.593000+00:00)
TRS is a joke
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:20:16.415000+00:00)
I remember some fags who were trying to say "Faggotry is acceptable because judeo christianity excluded it and judeo christianity is bad mmmkay"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:20:41.445000+00:00)
And he was telling how nazis make alt right "look bad" and AR needs to adopt bland and moderate appearance to get support.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:20:44.349000+00:00)
Yeah, Greg Johnson
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:20:55.117000+00:00)
It's one thing I've also seen connect the PR fags: They feel they've discovered this new and grand idea of "hey, let's be nazis but not call it nazism" as if that spineless cuckery hasn't been tried since Rockwell's days, which they would know if they actually read. And if anyone disagrees with them, why, it can be only because they're hollywood skinhead kkk trailer trash who can't think for themselves and see the greatness of this One Easy Trick to bring NS to USA. Because they're massive autists, they don't even know what real respectability, it's like a cargo cult of respectability for them, they think they'll magically gain respect points by adopting outer signs associated with respectability like suits, ties and suitcases. They might claim to hate GOP but they'll do everything to imitate them as closely as possible. Real respectability is strength and having a spine and standing proudly for what you believe in.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:21:39.685000+00:00)
Implying the left will ever call you less than a nazi, whatever you do, whatever you wear
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:22:42.061000+00:00)
If you feel you can make or even should make the Jew media to respect you, you're hopeeless.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:23:23.850000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:23:28.361000+00:00)
This is your brain on PR cuckoldry
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T21:23:30.385000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:24:14.171000+00:00)
Thats your brain on a lack of revolutionary vocation
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T21:25:43.783000+00:00)
You can take the redpill pretty easily nowadays.
The internet gave us the platform of expansion. The perfect platform.
Convergence of communicative capabilities.
It is OUR age.
Jason writes: (2017-08-30T21:42:33.675000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:09:36.152000+00:00)
Is it true that Ghoul doxxed his fellows to avoid the wrath of antifa or was that a psyop?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:13:26.706000+00:00)
I haven't heard of that
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T22:14:04.425000+00:00)
He was a faggot so I woudn't be surprised
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:14:15.763000+00:00)
Only that VA had other coups after the Ghoul one, and in my opinion, a movement that experiences coups on a regular basis didn't have much going for it since the start
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:14:28.293000+00:00)
Ddoxing people is fucked up
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:14:49.322000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:15:03.395000+00:00)
What limits do internet warriors have
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:15:06.416000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:15:38.170000+00:00)
Curiously enough, doxxing seems to be a phenomena that affects big nations, or spheres. Where i live, it doesn't even matter, even if people do it, its no deal, or crime
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:16:08.987000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:16:35.191000+00:00)
But I wouldn't want someone having my address and looking at my house daily.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:16:49.529000+00:00)
On Google earth
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:17:20.809000+00:00)
Doxxing is for people who have no backbone of challenging ideas and instead go straight for the person
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:18:07.837000+00:00)
In big countries, people are more atomized so they don't build social networks and get isolated easy by being a nazi
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:18:22.406000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:19:05.155000+00:00)
Although i guarantee you, you can't get fired here if you're a nazi or a fascist. But you can get fired for being a communist
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:19:17.118000+00:00)
Those pros of being a post communist country
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:19:34.433000+00:00)
National Socialist* let's sepeterate from Skinheads and hooligans who ruin our self image by going by the true name.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:19:59.279000+00:00)
Seriously dude it's a forum of like minded NS people
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:04.163000+00:00)
Media calls us Neo Nazis.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:04.243000+00:00)
Nazi is our word
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:12.672000+00:00)
Only we can say it
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:15.344000+00:00)
Media calls us many things
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:24.387000+00:00)
I've been an open nazi since before I joined the movement, there's ton of pics of me in Nordfront and I write articles for it with my own name, been doxed before, had exactly zero effect. Being an open nazi is very liberating.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:20:40.805000+00:00)
Can confirm, i am open about it myself
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:21:05.836000+00:00)
I've been open before and never faced any problems
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:21:24.394000+00:00)
Would be introduced as the "Nazi" at parties
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:21:32.387000+00:00)
Also, what is this bullshit of families disowning sons and daughters because of their political views?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:21:40.595000+00:00)
Cowardice and signaling
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:02.845000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> not sure boomers and gen x are even worth harvesting
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:03.379000+00:00)
Daily reminder that you never had a family in the first place if they disowned you for that shit
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:11.681000+00:00)
But if we win the election. The bankers will destroy us.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:11.912000+00:00)
they are putrid generations
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:17.789000+00:00)
It seems to mostly be a middle class Christian thing tbh
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:20.952000+00:00)
There will be no election
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:38.704000+00:00)
Middle Class Christian here haven't been disowned yet
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:22:40.787000+00:00)
Only pure, violent revolution
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:03.924000+00:00)
Well the altrighter that was disowned came from a middle class Christian family
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:07.913000+00:00)
"If millions of people kept reading in the Jew press about a man who was not only an ‘anti-Semite’, but an open Hitlerite, a Nazi – and survived as such – the myth of Jewish invincibility would be smashed. The timid little people all over the country who have been silently and fearfully reading all this material designed to ‘wake them up’ all these years would begin to creep out of their closets. While the Jews were desperately busy combating me, the little fellows would become bolder and would begin to act more like their American forefathers." - GLR
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:14.195000+00:00)
did you read any SIEGE yet <@297184952079089665> ? in that case you wont receive as much 'READ SIEGE!!!!1' spam as yesterday 😉
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:21.673000+00:00)
And middle class Christian whites have been my biggest opponents IRL
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:22.377000+00:00)
I read some of it
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:28.269000+00:00)
I agree mostly
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:23:35.884000+00:00)
just a bit weary about the potential for a war with the cia
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:09.276000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> I assume old or middle aged?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:11.496000+00:00)
Rothschilds will find a way to ruin us.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:18.458000+00:00)
People are afraid of going out of their little bourgeois boxes
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:18.770000+00:00)
So we need
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:18.775000+00:00)
Your opponents that is
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:20.086000+00:00)
So hit them right away
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:20.740000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:24:52.851000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> The age distribution has been pretty even
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:03.614000+00:00)
revolution is much more viable in the UK or Germany or something than the USA, the systems there are much weaker
Breen writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:13.803000+00:00)
Must be a American thing
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:20.205000+00:00)
I hope so
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:36.529000+00:00)
Revolutions are viable in small countries
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:38.795000+00:00)
November 4th 2017.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:42.658000+00:00)
America only has capitalism and Christianity, and racialism challenges both
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:25:47.697000+00:00)
Is it the 4th?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:26:40.580000+00:00)
I will defend my nation off
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:26:53.833000+00:00)
taking burgerland would be very difficult
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:26:55.687000+00:00)
but not impossible
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:18.592000+00:00)
The importance lies in filling the power vacuum once burgerland switches sides.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:25.923000+00:00)
if they do
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:30.182000+00:00)
If they do of course
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:37.742000+00:00)
No need to replace one empire with the other
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:42.597000+00:00)
Like Duginists want to
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:27:51.640000+00:00)
ya Spencer is retarded to peddle that shit
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:28:28.346000+00:00)
Spencer is basically a master's student that is too lazy to clarify his ideas in writing and get a doctorate degree
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:28:33.960000+00:00)
Based russian beard will save the west totally out of his good intentions
If there isn't a more elaborate fairy tale than this
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:29:10.570000+00:00)
Dugin in another video:
"I want to make it clear that Putin has nothing against jews and muslims"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:29:13.472000+00:00)
he has made some progress to be fair
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:29:29.652000+00:00)
but it's just prolonging the cancer to not be as anti materialist as they can
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:29:34.602000+00:00)
spencer is mostly a liberal
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:29:50.112000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:10.683000+00:00)
A lot of people strawman Spencer or take him out of context, but I'm not going to defend him past that. He's still a Duginist after all.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:29.201000+00:00)
Just ignore him until he gets abused on camera again.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:30.520000+00:00)
Japan surprised me today
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:43.318000+00:00)
one of their top officials sympathizes with Hitler
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:43.767000+00:00)
In 2003, during a television broadcast with President of Russia, random Russians on the streets asked him questions. One of the elderly man asked Vladimir Putin what his and his party's stance on "Russia for Russians" slogan was. Putin responded that those who shout and act upon such slogan are "either idiots or provocateurs" (придурки либо провокаторы), who "don't understand what they do and shout". Putin also mentioned that such people want to weaken Russian Federation, composed of many nations and cultures, by inciting racial and national hatred which ultimately would lead to the Federation's dissolvement. Putin also warned that the law enforcement agencies should act as soon as possible against such people who threaten public order.[23]
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:30:46.330000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:03.923000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:09.179000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:17.326000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:23.568000+00:00)
Discussion worthy of kekistani fags
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:45.968000+00:00)
Why Anglin shilled for him I'll never know, unless it was ironic
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:31:48.425000+00:00)
To be fair in his Oliver Stone interviews he did say that he is happy the Russian white majority is gaining more numbers. Not saying he's the sacior or anything
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:32:00.610000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:32:22.750000+00:00)
With Anglin, you never know what is ironic
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:32:45.793000+00:00)
Putin strikes me as a basic steward of his empire. By not attacking his own race every day he gets mistaken for being "our guy"
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:32:55.852000+00:00)
That's how low the bar is
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:03.455000+00:00)
<@190525543505068032> DailyStormer has zero influence in slav politics, so it makes more sense mocking the retarded russia kookspiracies than giving an accurate impression of what is going on in slavlands. The Ukraine situation has so much nuances it's just easier to say "RUSSIA = REDPILLED, UKRAINE = EU & JEW" even though it has virtually zero basis in reality.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:19.144000+00:00)
yes sadly the bar has gone underground
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:30.788000+00:00)
Do you think Ukraine is jewed though?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:33.473000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:36.523000+00:00)
their pm is literally a jew
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:33:58.676000+00:00)
Ukrainian nazis don't support their ZOG anymore than we do ours, it's a totally dumb premise,.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:09.295000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:09.797000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Good, Slavs deserve better than a funny news site that got preachy. I don't touch Ukraine v Russia for the reasons you described. Too much hunky BS.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:20.159000+00:00)
Tbh ive always supported Ukraine
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:26.516000+00:00)
But unlike us, nazis have pretty much free reign and kikes cannot do anything to punish them since they have to rely entirely on the nazis keeping the border together.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:38.328000+00:00)
The Novorossiyan ambitions must be halted
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:43.321000+00:00)
Me too.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-30T22:34:55.894000+00:00)
If Azov is actually doing good and isn't funded by jews they're okay lads.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:11.398000+00:00)
Had an actual ukrainian the other day tell me
"But Ukraine is jewed"
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:19.832000+00:00)
Protip: He's diaspora
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:22.775000+00:00)
sorry to break in but since we speak about Ukraine, will any of you go to see this?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:47.239000+00:00)
Well some Ukrainians did back Germany during the war
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:51.417000+00:00)
absurd AND goatmoon
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:35:56.009000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:18.075000+00:00)
I do like how Russia handles shit though
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:19.766000+00:00)
Azov and Right Sektor are doing a good job
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:22.382000+00:00)
naer mataron lol
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:22.780000+00:00)
No bullshit
Elusive writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:33.810000+00:00)
parliamentary black metal
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:40.409000+00:00)
"B-based Russia"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:53.907000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:54.965000+00:00)
Russia is anti fags
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:36:59.770000+00:00)
which is one good thing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:01.045000+00:00)
I suppose
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:04.485000+00:00)
Based Russia removes kebab but also lets Kadyrov roam free
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:08.156000+00:00)
Russia is full of shitskins and they have harsher hate speech laws than EU.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:12.785000+00:00)
Poland though
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:21.720000+00:00)
Russia is full of mongols, especially in the eastern part
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:43.473000+00:00)
That's why eastern Russia is useless lol
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:52.106000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:37:53.424000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:38:05.515000+00:00)
Weak as shit and a waste of space
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:38:07.752000+00:00)
Putin smacked all the poor nigs in Siberia and else. Keeps them there oppressed and poor
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:38:19.143000+00:00)
Putin is self centered
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:38:25.423000+00:00)
strikes me as another opportunist politician
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:38:30.777000+00:00)
He is
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:39:11.674000+00:00)
We need another Simo Hayha
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:39:40.455000+00:00)
what do you guys think about the plutocrat pets turning on antifa in the media?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:39:47.220000+00:00)
what's their game?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:39:51.818000+00:00)
There was a German who killed 1000 Americans
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:40:06.214000+00:00)
On Omaha beach.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:40:09.778000+00:00)
Machine gunner.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:40:19.712000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-30T22:40:26.471000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:40:31.024000+00:00)
It's a false dilemma: Ukrainian nazis don't support their ZOG any more than we do ours. They just picked the only choice that doesn't fill Ukraine with shitskins. They have never supported EU, but no nogs will come through it anyway due to lack of gibs, the only way they're gonna get any is through the buryats and central asians coming through rebel territories commanded by the rebel jew Kofman. Russia sentences people to prison for 4 years for racist VK pages, and BASED Tesak was just sentenced to over 10 years in prison, while in Ukraine the ZOG is powerless to do anything about the nazis, since without them the front collapses in a day, and they can pretty much do whatever they want. Once the integrity of the borders is secure once more, they'll turn their guns against the Kiev jews and then they shall have nation totally controlled by nationalists as well. Ukrainians view Russia like we view EU: Philosemitic multicultural empire choke full of muslims. Russia is like 80% white and armed forces are approaching 50% muslim, while Ukraine is like 99,99% white. Every nationalist should support Azov.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:00.503000+00:00)
>In Russia: Go to prison for 4 years for internet racism
>In Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQJP9mFNPtU
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:03.275000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> guy from my server will
lucky bastard
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:24.945000+00:00)
How many members does nordfront have though
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:28.756000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:52.693000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:41:53.990000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-30T22:42:39.273000+00:00)
B-but ZOG
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:43:21.156000+00:00)
This really warms my heart as not much in the world angers me more than the kike hypocrisy of shielding sadistic communist mass murderers while they demand rest of the world prosecute and imprison their upstanding veterans.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-30T22:43:30.298000+00:00)
Manstein used der glocke to get to France
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T22:45:16.452000+00:00)
Double BASED!
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:45:27.601000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> if you want you can send his discord nick in PM if thats ok with him
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:45:44.211000+00:00)
itd be fun to gather as many as possible
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-30T22:46:09.999000+00:00)
<@207930692057694209> this is him
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T22:56:37.149000+00:00)
thanks, i wrote him a PM
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-08-30T23:11:46.129000+00:00)
anyone knows if DS is up at another domain? dailystormer.al is kiked
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-30T23:12:50.246000+00:00)
Check https://gab.ai/AndrewAnglin for updates
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:12:44.215000+00:00)
My prediction: The media is bashing antifa in order to stage another false flag attack blaming "nazis" and will push to try to name both antifa and "nazis" (mostly alt right) terrorists. This will most likely spectacularly backfire when the cia realizes they are not fighting sand niggers with 92 IQ's, but whites with comparable intelligence and organizational skills.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T00:30:21.629000+00:00)
I don't follow that logic at all.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T00:30:25.971000+00:00)
What was the first false flag?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:37:06.676000+00:00)
Charlottesville imo
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:37:16.146000+00:00)
even if the guy was legit, they pretended it was a terrorist attack
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:37:31.702000+00:00)
which it wasn't, it appeared that the driver got spooked and stepped on gas
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T00:41:23.271000+00:00)
If CVille proved anything it proves that working with the system or attempting to play by their rules is worthless
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T00:42:10.786000+00:00)
How was it false flag.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-31T00:43:46.350000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:43:55.006000+00:00)
They tried to edit footage to make it look like a terrorist attack
Tyler writes: (2017-08-31T00:44:06.479000+00:00)
Fields is a hero.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:44:14.435000+00:00)
then the pedophile politicians claimed it was terrorism
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:44:50.440000+00:00)
Observe. I believe this is the reason why this is happening. It's not to put down antifa, who they are allied with.
Tyler writes: (2017-08-31T00:45:52.291000+00:00)
But I thought Trump was our guy
Tyler writes: (2017-08-31T00:46:02.416000+00:00)
He's arming them to kill niggers and antifa tho lol
Tyler writes: (2017-08-31T00:46:17.403000+00:00)
He dogwhistles secretly he supports us
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T00:46:54.469000+00:00)
Of course they're trying to call everything we do terrorism. They called that antifa's head splitting in Helsinki terrorism. I still don't get how it's false flag, more like false reporting as always by ZOG media.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:48:05.592000+00:00)
Trump has jews in his family
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:48:07.883000+00:00)
he's not ourguy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:49:13.602000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> In a sense it works in our favor. The US government thinks it can put down white nationalism like they shoot down sand niggers in the middle east. Their arrogance will be their undoing.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T00:50:09.496000+00:00)
Like they're not even looking for white nats though, they'll be targeting National Socialists first
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T00:52:26.232000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T01:19:47.200000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-31T02:19:39.405000+00:00)
ugh please tell me none of you watch porn
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T02:21:31.719000+00:00)
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-31T02:43:12.547000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> that video of ukrainian army forces marching
Are they all nazis?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T03:17:31.302000+00:00)
They're based and explicitly NS, once held a demo that they'd be willing to trade separatist POWs for Russian NatSocs in prison. A massive chunk of them are Russian natsoc volunteers anyway.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T03:18:41.501000+00:00)
To dumb it down, Yarosh and Right Sector are patriotards while Azov is based NS.
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-31T03:27:51.490000+00:00)
Thats pretty fucking awesome
Iwillwinevrythng writes: (2017-08-31T03:28:01.160000+00:00)
I just might get a plane to Ukraine lmao
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T04:10:37.552000+00:00)
There's also the fact that this is one battalion and there was some Ukrainian general who said for the news that the kikes run Ukraine
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T04:11:54.646000+00:00)
It's actually entire regiment, not battalion.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T04:12:29.879000+00:00)
Anyways, not the whole army and the leadership of Ukraine is suspect (technically every country's leadership is suspect)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T04:15:30.778000+00:00)
Leadership is suspect, as with all ZOGs, but NS regiment is based and NS have pretty free reign so it's pretty cool, since if the jews attacked the NS the borders would crumble and they'd turn their guns against Kiev rn.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T04:15:31.623000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T04:16:29.771000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T04:16:36.968000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:13:32.673000+00:00)
Our first video is up, enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDViX-Lwtt8
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-08-31T08:22:29.504000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> i like azov aswell, but what is the deal with ihor kolomoisky and azov?
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-08-31T08:23:15.096000+00:00)
Its said that he would fund azov 🤔🤔🤔
FaderFrost (Uppsala) writes: (2017-08-31T08:31:10.600000+00:00)
Are u allowed to fly the swastika in Australia?
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:33:57.614000+00:00)
It's legal, strictly speaking, as in it's not a criminal offence
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:34:29.474000+00:00)
in reality we have 'vilification laws' which means that if someone is 'offended' by something, they can drag you through the courts
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:35:55.888000+00:00)
and there have been a few high profile, ridiculous occurances of this, where some normie gets dragged through the courts and harrassed by the media for years because he questioned why there was a computer room at his university that only aboriginals were allowed to use
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:36:39.727000+00:00)
and just like every other white country, our judges and law system is pretty much 100% marxist, so there's no hope of fairness from them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T08:42:55.226000+00:00)
<@349980771756539924> http://rozum.info/news/2015-06-18-403
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T08:52:41.208000+00:00)
<@304352666715160577> it's the same in Sweden, it's not illegal but if offends someone it's illegal
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T08:53:35.904000+00:00)
"Agitation against ethnicity" is the laws name
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T08:54:54.147000+00:00)
although they always change the definition of terms, so "folkgrupp", "ethnic group" can mean "cultural group" as well
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T08:55:20.106000+00:00)
so you can't offend muslims and other non ethnicities
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:55:53.319000+00:00)
yeah, its pretty obscene
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:56:22.659000+00:00)
it's illegal to make fun of their pet groups like faggots etc as well
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:56:58.177000+00:00)
they can and do twist the already vague and leftist laws to push anything
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:57:30.205000+00:00)
and if they can't get you legally (and even if they can) they'll still mess up your private life, including physical attacks on you or your property
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T08:57:35.705000+00:00)
it's the same the world over
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T08:59:53.634000+00:00)
that happend here earlier, but it has pretty much died out
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T09:00:35.523000+00:00)
antifa isn't a threat really anymore, they'll gather people at demonstrations but more than that it's just doxxing
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T09:00:51.880000+00:00)
too many middle class kids in it
Kevin writes: (2017-08-31T09:40:44.347000+00:00)
They're a threat here occasionally, but mostly they're just fags, trannies, women, and soyboy beta males, and they're almost all middle class uni students or cafe workers
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-08-31T09:50:19.486000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> ty
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-31T11:57:41.265000+00:00)
Rodobran writes: (2017-08-31T11:57:57.612000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T12:05:45.501000+00:00)
Siege is now in paperback and hardback if anyone is interested
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T12:28:46.909000+00:00)
I'm enjoying The Stormtrooper more than i had anticipated
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T12:32:39.897000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:06:18.089000+00:00)
NRM take lessons on ideological mutation and learn from it. Never change what you believe in for PR.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:06:48.458000+00:00)
Golden Dawn in the 80's
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:07:02.958000+00:00)
Golden Dawn Today
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:11:33.821000+00:00)
No mercy to PR cucks.
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-31T15:15:44.359000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-31T15:15:44.372000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-08-31T15:15:45.932000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:19:48.042000+00:00)
"I have a swastika tattoo? Nah! It's clearly an ancient Greek symbol you dummies, GD would have fought against the Germans in 1941!1!11!
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:21:03.927000+00:00)
"An article written by me in the official GD newspaper in 1990 hailing National Socialism? Nope that's not me! "But here's your signature sir" Nope that aint me, dunno what ur talkin about.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:22:26.523000+00:00)
GD members giving a roman salute? NOPE! That's an ancient Greek salute mate, we don't support nazis, k!??!?!
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:22:39.956000+00:00)
I can go on for an hour
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:23:01.448000+00:00)
NEVER become this miserable condeming your past
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:24:49.303000+00:00)
If that isn't PR the HIGHEST level possible I don't know what is.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:24:50.506000+00:00)
Cringe if true. When you see radical people cuck out at the chance of grasping power you really understand how wrong the cucks suggesting we should go moderatereally are. If you start compromising even before you begin the struggle for power, you're left with nothing at the end.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:25:01.221000+00:00)
all of this is 100% true
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:25:43.951000+00:00)
Didn't doubt, just a figure of speech.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:25:49.032000+00:00)
Go on though, out of curiosity.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:26:54.275000+00:00)
Earlier this year this video leaked
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:26:55.792000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:27:17.335000+00:00)
What are you going to answer once you have a microphone in your face and you're told you're a Nazi?
If you answer, "Well, obviously we're nazis, duh," then it really doesn't matter which symbols you chose, does it? Since they will be immediately associated with nazis henceforth.
If you answer "No, we're not nazis," then you're not going to fool anybody. But you'll be known as cucks from then on, and like the countless pretenders before, your movement will be doomed to obscurity.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:27:18.705000+00:00)
2005-2006. GD's response: This is a video montage.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:28:35.602000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:29:02.630000+00:00)
That was their official stance on it
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:29:17.292000+00:00)
We're Greek Nationalists, not NS!11!1!!1111111
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:29:45.258000+00:00)
But here's your leadership sieg heiling and shouting Hail National Socialism
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:29:52.306000+00:00)
"That was in our past"
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:29:59.199000+00:00)
But.. this was in 2006
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:30:03.390000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:31:40.832000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:32:45.841000+00:00)
Ilias: "I showed this video to my 8 year old nephew and he said, "but one video is collored and one is black and white". These two videos are obviously montaged together!
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:33:38.647000+00:00)
"And the people shown inside the circles are not GD's leadership"
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:34:33.226000+00:00)
You can clearly see Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Germenis, Panagiotaros in the video
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:34:43.192000+00:00)
And he still insists in not US1!!1!!!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:35:15.388000+00:00)
sec, flash not working
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:36:18.583000+00:00)
I mean how LOW can you fall lying like that
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:36:26.096000+00:00)
Who does he think he's fooling?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:36:33.933000+00:00)
All for VOTES
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:38:32.478000+00:00)
And then people wonder why so many Greek NS are anti-GD. You just lack information because you're outside of Greece
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:39:44.961000+00:00)
Vids not workin rn, but I get it, if you say that you're not gonna fool any cuckservatives but you're gonna drive away genuine ideological people and are left with nothing.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:40:07.458000+00:00)
Has already happened on a big scale
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:40:18.594000+00:00)
But it's OK they say. We get votes.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:40:36.217000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T15:40:37.279000+00:00)
never again
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:41:11.835000+00:00)
Any non-cuck Greek group around?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:41:49.114000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:41:53.337000+00:00)
Hes in Greece
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:41:58.783000+00:00)
Ask him about GD
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:01.183000+00:00)
Gre couldn't really give a coherent answer.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:08.618000+00:00)
Language barrier and lack of involvement.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:13.310000+00:00)
I mean, he says GD is cucked as well
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:16.740000+00:00)
I know.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:22.122000+00:00)
Shut up KU
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:24.541000+00:00)
Ill kill you
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:35.653000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:36.513000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:42:52.207000+00:00)
I mean nigga's name is GREek
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:05.232000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:09.660000+00:00)
Was I pinged?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:11.915000+00:00)
He mentioned some group that stickered and posted some google translate wall of text from their site
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:17.827000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:18.577000+00:00)
Slavros says that there are GD members on IronMarch, ask him
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:25.181000+00:00)
If he knows them he should have info about the group
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:33.615000+00:00)
Sammy has friends in GD iirc
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:36.993000+00:00)
Hes sleeping i think
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:43:47.871000+00:00)
I was asking Elusive specifically
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T15:44:02.979000+00:00)
I didn't refer to a specific question of yours
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T15:44:10.027000+00:00)
I said to Jason
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T15:44:21.268000+00:00)
How deep does the rabbit hole go 🤔
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:45:23.600000+00:00)
I'm just saying this.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:45:37.687000+00:00)
GD has called it's opposition fascist in the past.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:49:45.685000+00:00)
As for no cucked groups
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:50:14.162000+00:00)
We follow any group that Periandros Androutsopoulos endorses.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T15:56:30.772000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Should compile all this stuff and make a thread
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:56:43.760000+00:00)
We are already doing it.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:56:46.048000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:57:01.988000+00:00)
Even translating a speech from a betrayed ex members
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:57:08.448000+00:00)
Whom I mentioned above
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:57:17.221000+00:00)
He tell it all
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T15:57:22.927000+00:00)
Everything you need to know
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T15:58:33.796000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:04:41.994000+00:00)
The fact that golden dawn sucked Donald Trumps cock before his attack on Syria tells a lot, they even ignore how jewed Putin is, they are just hardcore conservatives and bad at that.
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T16:05:06.646000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> language
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:05:36.632000+00:00)
In fact, Kasidiaris himself gave an interview on a radio show saying how he doesn't he doesn't mind that nigger basketball player waving the Greek flag with pride.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:06:26.376000+00:00)
He even said that he is okay with fags as long as they keep it private. And that he has been approached by fags saying they voted for his party.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:08:19.268000+00:00)
They bitch and moan about ethnic displacement but I've never seen them condemn mixing in any of their memos and speeches.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:08:37.932000+00:00)
Hell even some of the members had affairs with Bulgarians.
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:09:39.273000+00:00)
They also said they won't deport any alien that came here "legally"
Amerikaner writes: (2017-08-31T16:20:22.436000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Just ordered it. It'll feel good to have a beater copy to highlight. Wouldn't want to ruin my signed hardback.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T16:23:59.194000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> gib thread
noobtia writes: (2017-08-31T16:25:10.306000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> when is that photo of anti nazi GD photo taken? With the crossed swastika?
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:25:30.293000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:25:43.035000+00:00)
<@195981647605137408> thread with their cucked actions?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T16:25:57.411000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:26:05.018000+00:00)
We will
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:26:06.776000+00:00)
In time
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:26:17.466000+00:00)
Have loads of articles to translate
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T16:28:49.592000+00:00)
<@311554642490294272> 2013 - 2014
noobtia writes: (2017-08-31T16:31:06.797000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-31T16:33:20+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T16:50:38.938000+00:00)
>tfw you cuck your guts out and you still get 10 precent...and they still call you a Nazi
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-31T17:22:54.591000+00:00)
<@203572971795644416> Its because GD cucks out is that they are unsuccesful
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-31T17:24:17.897000+00:00)
Greek people are very anti-semitic
therealMedWhite writes: (2017-08-31T17:24:32.090000+00:00)
GD is either incompetent or they are controlled op
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:32:31.622000+00:00)
Well, there's also the possibility they lie
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:32:48.209000+00:00)
You guys do know there was one movement that even accepted fags
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:32:57.941000+00:00)
They just killed them off when they took over and didn't need them anymore
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:33:17.726000+00:00)
The event even has a name, I can't remember precisely what it's called 🤔
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:36:36.332000+00:00)
<@202294945770373129> They're not controlled op, but they sure as hell are incopetent and the only thing they care about are votes.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:38:55.382000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> Of course they lie. They lie to the public that they are not NS for their strategic purpose of getting more votes. The thing is they are still called neonazis and they make themselves look dumb and weak by refusing to admit their ideology.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:39:13.604000+00:00)
Or, it could be illegal in Greece to say that
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:39:38.168000+00:00)
For instance, in Croatia you'd have to say you're national socialist by stating your ideology point by point but you wouldn't be allowed to advertise yourself as such
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:39:40.563000+00:00)
To say that you're a NS?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:39:41.011000+00:00)
Or else jail
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:39:47.584000+00:00)
It isn't illegal
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:40:14.733000+00:00)
Actually, if you even advertise too many points you're "endangering the constitutional order" and that might not be 40 years in prison level treason but it isn't far
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:40:44.231000+00:00)
They've sworn to respect the constitutional order
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T17:40:56.133000+00:00)
Croatia is more cucked than Sweden? Damn.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:00.504000+00:00)
NS would fuck the constitutional order
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:04.857000+00:00)
That's the way to become a recognized party by the state
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:05.981000+00:00)
You can do it when you're in power
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:28.554000+00:00)
Technically calling for a referendum to change the constitution could be that same thing
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:37.890000+00:00)
It's a big gray area which the kike judge decides on
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:41:47.401000+00:00)
And guess which side he will err on if you say you're a NS
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:42:16.682000+00:00)
So, I'm not a NS, I just agree with every single point
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:42:27.514000+00:00)
That's basically what's legal to say here
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:42:53.030000+00:00)
Also, if you use too many symbols you'll also get a big fine which you won't be able to pay which means jail time
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:43:09.544000+00:00)
But they don't enforce that one because we don't have enough jails
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T17:43:09.724000+00:00)
GD doesn't have the excuse of living in Croatia, besides, the International Jew already attacked against them big time.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:43:33.987000+00:00)
Anyways, there might be some obscure law they know about but you don't
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:43:43.184000+00:00)
So, I wouldn't be too quick to judge
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:43:48.578000+00:00)
Doesn't justify their cuck game
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:44:05.102000+00:00)
It's beyond redicolous
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:44:17.376000+00:00)
I'm saying I can't judge them because I'm not a Greek lawyer
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:44:26.580000+00:00)
If it's legal then they're cucks
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:44:40.805000+00:00)
IDK if it's legal
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:44:50.012000+00:00)
Heck they stated to be holocaust deniers in parliament
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:03.374000+00:00)
We have hardcore stalinist communists in parliament aswell
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:23.261000+00:00)
Oh, holocaust denial laws
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:24.074000+00:00)
And there are 30 years of pro-NS articles
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:37.361000+00:00)
We don't have a holocaust law but you can't lessen any genocide victims which includes that
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:40.365000+00:00)
Based shitaly
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:44.618000+00:00)
As soon as they entered parliament they cucked on everything
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:45:58.116000+00:00)
muh ancient greek swastika tattoos
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:46:03.926000+00:00)
yeah fuck you coward
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:46:06.780000+00:00)
state what you are
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:46:30.597000+00:00)
Well, you use any method available and if they think they'll get more done by lying, good on them
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:46:47.932000+00:00)
You could contact their current and former members who don't like cucking and make GD+
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:46:51.565000+00:00)
Platinum Dawn
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:47:02.685000+00:00)
D O I T <@98850939644952576>
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:47:30.271000+00:00)
There's already 2 organizations
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:47:45.295000+00:00)
There's no need for more
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:48:00.014000+00:00)
And who said I want to be a leader anyway?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:48:01.530000+00:00)
What's the other one and is it cucked?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:48:16.559000+00:00)
It's not about what you want, it's about if you can do it and if there is someone else who can do it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:48:32.948000+00:00)
If you can do it and everyone else is cucking, it's your duty to drag your unwilling nation to glory
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:49:23.878000+00:00)
I don't disagree, but there's already 2 good NS organizations
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:49:34.387000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:49:40.351000+00:00)
Why are there two?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:50:00.531000+00:00)
They're both loyal to Periandros
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:50:09.289000+00:00)
and friendly to eachother
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:51:13.302000+00:00)
Maybe a stupid question, but who/what is Periandros?
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:51:49.430000+00:00)
I won't write down his whole biography
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T17:51:49.823000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:51:59.106000+00:00)
ex-GD subleader
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:52:12.073000+00:00)
most loyal and respected NS in Greece
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:52:17.605000+00:00)
betrayed by gd
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:52:20.248000+00:00)
pretty much
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:52:52.444000+00:00)
if you need more info to on IM under 'Personalities'
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T17:54:49.452000+00:00)
In that case, why are there two separate organizations instead of one organization with two branches?
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T17:56:50.016000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:56:50.300000+00:00)
AME are mostly ex-Golden Dawners who were thrown out or left 'for being too radical'
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T17:56:53.504000+00:00)
He wrote ex-leader
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T17:57:13.291000+00:00)
It's a former regional leader as I understand it, of course there'd be a separate organization
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:57:17.696000+00:00)
APELLA formed after Periandros 2015 speech
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:58:04.677000+00:00)
Daniel he wasn't a regional leader he was #2 in hierarchy
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T17:59:11.846000+00:00)
Does Slavros know about all this?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T17:59:26.021000+00:00)
Im sure if he did, IM wouldnt be supporting GD
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T17:59:57.118000+00:00)
I'm not trying to turn anyone against GD btw
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:00:08.039000+00:00)
im just stating stuff non-Greeks don't know about
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:00:40.298000+00:00)
Nah, there's two organizations kinda being led by a guy who left GD <@!331147867035140096>
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:00:44.867000+00:00)
If you decide if it's bad do what you wish, I've already chosen what to do
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:00:45.943000+00:00)
Which is why I asked why are there two
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:01:32.661000+00:00)
You think thats bad
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:01:41.439000+00:00)
So many groups in the US
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:01:42.124000+00:00)
Btw, on that Croatia being cucked more than Sweden with not being able to shout from the rooftops you're a NS, we used to be under communism and most of the laws remained
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:10.458000+00:00)
Yeah, America is full of controlled op, fed infiltrated etc and you can't tell which is which there <@316346918806618114>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:15.934000+00:00)
From what I gathered
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:23.843000+00:00)
Oh definitely, its hard
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:33.152000+00:00)
The controlled op is easy to spot
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:41.371000+00:00)
Btw, didn't you used to have AW at the end of your name?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:47.217000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:02:52.132000+00:00)
Why no more?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:00.476000+00:00)
Thought it looked gay
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:01.052000+00:00)
Kicked out for being Canadian?
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:04.482000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:11.642000+00:00)
And i dont like being like Ryan
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:25.263000+00:00)
I was going to ask if he got tired of all the people with earpieces kek
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:25.407000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:33.756000+00:00)
Who is Ryan?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:03:54.644000+00:00)
Someone who doesn't mind looking gay from what I've gathered
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:04:02.282000+00:00)
Ryan is cool
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:04:13.637000+00:00)
Sounds like a Kevin to me
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:04:13.646000+00:00)
I was just memeing
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:04:22.817000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:04:31.904000+00:00)
Me too, I know who it is
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:05:10.899000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:05:16.950000+00:00)
This is Periandros btw
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:05:26.164000+00:00)
most people dont even know how he looks like
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:05:42.784000+00:00)
we're translating his 2015 speech, will take a while
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:06:37.681000+00:00)
after that whoever asks "why dont u support gd m888'? will have no excuse to do so
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:08:23.105000+00:00)
All the radicals in the US are looking for a spearhead group which AW is becoming
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:08:41.380000+00:00)
We've been growing like crazy since CVille
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:10:14.942000+00:00)
Don't take this the wrong way, but did you have a purge after the muslim incident?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:10:20.465000+00:00)
And how are you vetting people?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:12:03.632000+00:00)
Yes. Heavy purge.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:12:08.603000+00:00)
New leadership.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:12:14.126000+00:00)
The problem wasnt vetting.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:12:49.103000+00:00)
Devon converted while he was in AW. Only a select few tolerated his place in AW. Majority of us made it known we wanted him gone.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:12:55.904000+00:00)
We even bullied him a ton.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-31T18:13:04.493000+00:00)
Rape is the leader of AW currently, right?
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:13:09.264000+00:00)
We have 3 phases of vetting now.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:13:14.720000+00:00)
Yes, him and Khim.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:13:19.036000+00:00)
Wraith on IM.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:13:36.670000+00:00)
Nah, vetting for the feds
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:14:15.692000+00:00)
>had members stockpile explosives (I know they were primary but demonstrate willingness to do stuff)
>had a member become a radical muslim who tried contacting ISIS
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-31T18:14:47.623000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-08-31T18:14:49.488000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:15:03.299000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:15:09.542000+00:00)
Rape has dealt with feds irl
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:15:17.138000+00:00)
Also, on the bullying, a south african guy got patrician into a voice discord chat where I said that his mudshit arguments were all logical but I may need a brain injury to truly accept them
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:15:19.321000+00:00)
We've dealt with them before
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:22.745000+00:00)
We have chat vetting, then if they pass, voice vetting, if they pass we move to IRL vetting
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:26.345000+00:00)
>daily stormer
>someone writes how to spot fbi shills
>same someone who works on a site which has weev on it
gotta be great advice in that one
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:38.659000+00:00)
Our vetting process is pretty long.
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:39.510000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:45.137000+00:00)
>smh reading serbian law on fascism
>an org can be fined 10.000 eu if a member does something fascist
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:16:57.903000+00:00)
What is something fascist?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:17:03.423000+00:00)
If you walk too orderly?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:17:07.828000+00:00)
Fascist symbols or ideals
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:17:16.157000+00:00)
Don't fuck a dude
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:17:22.123000+00:00)
That's a fine right there
Tiwaz writes: (2017-08-31T18:18:00.066000+00:00)
Or: take all their money away and throw them in a bog.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:18:12.961000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> Is weev a fed too now?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:18:21.812000+00:00)
I'd say since forever
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:18:26.689000+00:00)
Don't you know his story?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:18:33.904000+00:00)
I know it very well.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:19:20.216000+00:00)
How man feds usually hide in a deep Slav shithole
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:19:25.664000+00:00)
But 99,99% of the complaints I've heard about weev have been PR cucking like "2 radical he's really paid by zog"
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:19:33.863000+00:00)
t. sinead
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:20:22.227000+00:00)
He's probably a literal jew, was an anti white shill, actually had a hand in making the "jews did 9/11" into a joke before "finding his way", escaped prosecution in a way they let informants go (someone fucked up some evidence chain or something) etc etc
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:20:46.433000+00:00)
Yeah I'm not taking that seriously at all.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:20:57.442000+00:00)
>Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”
t. weev
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:21:09.237000+00:00)
He once stated he was a jew in his online dating account but im guessing that was a troll
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:21:40.178000+00:00)
He also said it once in an interview
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:21:42.024000+00:00)
IIRC he's like Irish Scots or something and lived in Appalachian trailer before the ZOG kidnapped him,
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:21:50.818000+00:00)
He was also associated with Gay Niggers of America.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:02.614000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:13.725000+00:00)
He was the leader of it
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:24.616000+00:00)
GNAA are good dudes
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:25.099000+00:00)
But GNAA was simply a hax squad
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:28.343000+00:00)
>Recently, someone who is known as the ultimate sleaze persona of “the Internets”, a Jew by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka Weev, has been been making the rounds as advocate for White ethnicity. Much of this is simply a fraud: Weev was one of the most notorious “anti-Semite hunters” of the early to middle 2000’s.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:35.621000+00:00)
Yeah and he's a gay nigger too dude.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:43.879000+00:00)
>He and his gang of Internet stalking an cyber-harassing trash were one of the more effective trolling gangs who collaborated or worked within large media websites for the express purpose to shut down political discussion of Jewish involvement in 9-11 and political power structures in general.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:22:52.005000+00:00)
Now is he a jew or is he not
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:21.241000+00:00)
He might be but he was actively anti white while also claiming he's a jew before doing a 180
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:22.266000+00:00)
He's the most beneficial federal agent we've had if anything.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:24.602000+00:00)
I think he's not, personally
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:30.495000+00:00)
So, inconclusive but I wouldn't trust the man
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:32.548000+00:00)
He's not.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:42.353000+00:00)
You never know what to take seriously and what to not, with weev
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:23:57.729000+00:00)
He's still aligned with TRS
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:02.602000+00:00)
I've followed him since before he was in prison, always digged the dude.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:14.664000+00:00)
Thats the worse I can say of him
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:33.145000+00:00)
Considering weev is living in shitty Ukraine while people like David duke have become very wealthy because of the movement
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:38.202000+00:00)
I'd say he's genuine
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:42.066000+00:00)
Really? He was shitting on Spencer hardcore for cucking in Cville. He's always been the first one to tell people not to fucking trust cops.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:24:49.154000+00:00)
But then again so is Benji "The Big Tent aint big enough yet" Noyles
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:02.003000+00:00)
Weev is alright
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:02.989000+00:00)
When some bluelivesmatters or "c-cops are our friends" cucks would show up Weev and I would gang up on them.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:09.496000+00:00)
But i dont care for daily stormer
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:17.792000+00:00)
They ride the trump train too hard
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:26.676000+00:00)
And the Putin train
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:36.852000+00:00)
Weev put out a good article about AW after the incident
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:39.462000+00:00)
Weev is 100% Putinpilled.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:46.518000+00:00)
Yea I know
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:47.681000+00:00)
Daily stormer is fine humor, only that. There is some trolling here and there, but the site is not to be taken seriously at all
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:48.235000+00:00)
So im not gonna trash Weev
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:50.750000+00:00)
Not Anglin though
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:57.069000+00:00)
I enjoy it only for the keks
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:25:57.377000+00:00)
Anglin is different
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:08.416000+00:00)
> claims to be EH
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:19.996000+00:00)
Anglin's Putinfagism > Weev's jewkropism T B H S M H F A M A L A M
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:25.311000+00:00)
> writes an article denouncing National Socialism essentially
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:34.073000+00:00)
Doubt he's EH
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:35.988000+00:00)
DailyStormer has zero influence in slav politics, so it makes more sense mocking the retarded russia kookspiracies than giving an accurate impression of what is going on in slavlands. The Ukraine situation has so much nuances it's just easier to say "RUSSIA = REDPILLED, UKRAINE = EU & JEW" even though it has virtually zero basis in reality. I genuinely don't know how much is him taking memes seriously and how much is just trying to push the simplest possible narrative.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:42.512000+00:00)
EH's prolly a shitpost to him
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:44.114000+00:00)
He isnt EH
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:26:51.893000+00:00)
He just probably googled it
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:27:02.128000+00:00)
Most likely yea
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:27:23.034000+00:00)
Also weev has been promoting Ukraine and Azov and fighting retarded putinbots of DA circle which is cool too.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:27:32.075000+00:00)
Eh, Anglin tries to latch on anything considered evil by the MSM so he can do agree and amplify to the max
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:10.258000+00:00)
Probably the most putinpilled around there. Most Americans just take those retarded white savior memes at face value. But he actually lives in whiteopia of Ukraine.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:15.928000+00:00)
I know Anglin hates Azov as well
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:26.539000+00:00)
Ive seen comments hea posted about Azov
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:32.835000+00:00)
Thinks they are jewed
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:54.975000+00:00)
Azzmador is a faggot tho
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:58.629000+00:00)
I hate him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:28:59.074000+00:00)
Yeah, it's retarded, you know what I think about Azov and Ukraine.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:29:53.904000+00:00)
It is a war of interests. They scream to their audiences "its jewed", but they themselves don't believe it
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:30:06.563000+00:00)
>le its ok to fight for eu jews because putin is a jew meme again
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:30:31.399000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:30:55.892000+00:00)
What are Ukraine nationalists supposed to do?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:00.374000+00:00)
You did not just imply nazis support ZOG.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:02.435000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:18.577000+00:00)
It isn't okay to fight for neither side but what can people do when there are literally two superpowers in charge and one of them wants to swallow your homeland? Give your homeland away?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:35.703000+00:00)
No true nationalist would do that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:51.630000+00:00)
I'm just gonna copypaste this wall of text again since this is waste of time
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:31:54.532000+00:00)
It's a false dilemma: Ukrainian nazis don't support their ZOG any more than we do ours. They just picked the only choice that doesn't fill Ukraine with shitskins. They have never supported EU, but no nogs will come through it anyway due to lack of gibs, the only way they're gonna get any is through the buryats and central asians coming through rebel territories commanded by the rebel jew Kofman. Russia sentences people to prison for 4 years for racist VK pages, and BASED Tesak was just sentenced to over 10 years in prison, while in Ukraine the ZOG is powerless to do anything about the nazis, since without them the front collapses in a day, and they can pretty much do whatever they want. Once the integrity of the borders is secure once more, they'll turn their guns against the Kiev jews and then they shall have nation totally controlled by nationalists as well. Ukrainians view Russia like we view EU: Philosemitic multicultural empire choke full of muslims. Russia is like 80% white and armed forces are approaching 50% muslim, while Ukraine is like 99,99% white. Every nationalist should support Azov.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:32:00.224000+00:00)
Small countries, small politics. Big countries, big politics. A global rule.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:32:49.132000+00:00)
The rebel jew kofman even said that there are some ethnic nationalists on rebel side, but when he meets them he always manages to make them give up racism.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:33:02.111000+00:00)
muh imperial identity is colorblind
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:33:20.168000+00:00)
Some people don't know the difference between actual nationalism and shilling for empires
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:33:49.566000+00:00)
Empires always have subjugated their compartments for the sake of one central overlord
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:34:05.536000+00:00)
Thats how it has always bern
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:34:08.393000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:34:42.529000+00:00)
And in the end, that multiethnic tension inside it, has been the death of empires
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:34:55.401000+00:00)
>Eh, Anglin tries to latch on anything considered evil by the MSM so he can do agree and amplify to the max
Anglin and weev are both fucking jokes. One is a kike, just look at him, junkie and a retard. The other a race mixer edge boy
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:15.337000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:20.076000+00:00)
Every chance they get they push white sharia or some other anti white shit and pretends they're edgy
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:20.419000+00:00)
Azov is dope
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:42.248000+00:00)
They even held a demo saying they'd be willing to exchange rebel POWs for imprisoned russian natsocs in Russia.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:46.105000+00:00)
I know some guys there.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:35:58.714000+00:00)
Azov is dope but "let's fight in a ZOG staged fight that's meant to weaken us" is kinda retarded
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:36:12.904000+00:00)
They're against all odds and they still fight
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T18:36:21.934000+00:00)
That is the passion of the nationalist
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:36:54.036000+00:00)
That was the passion of the nationalists in Croatia, as well in the 90s
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:02.967000+00:00)
They literally have it better than anyone, they get a free reign to have armed militias and ZOG can't crack on them.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:06.804000+00:00)
But the economy got sold to the jews for pennies while we were distracted
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:18.502000+00:00)
The ZOG can crack on them but doesn't
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:20.492000+00:00)
I wonder why?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:29.709000+00:00)
both sides are zog
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:30.822000+00:00)
Because otherwise Ukrainian front collapses.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:31.751000+00:00)
Russian speaking parts of Ukraine arent Ukrainian homeland, they're fighting a for shill state and a shill identity propped by commies. Nobody is saying that Hoborussia is fascist, but its one group working for a kiked government accusing an other group of working for a kiked government lel. Either way, fascists from Serbia fought for Donbass too
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:44.111000+00:00)
Russia = ZOG, EU = ZOG
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:37:51.171000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:01.105000+00:00)
Again, why not just go home and hang a few jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:05.963000+00:00)
They gain popularity from fighting don't they?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:09.657000+00:00)
That's more productive and useful for Ukraine than fight a shill war
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:10.856000+00:00)
win win
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:32.551000+00:00)
>Once the integrity of the borders is secure once more, they'll turn their guns against the Kiev jews and then they shall have nation totally controlled by nationalists as well.
Also this is a pipe dream
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:38.664000+00:00)
No one is fighting for EU, if they turn around now the integrity of their homeland is instantly compromizes and they'd have a tiny rump state after kicking out the kikes.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:56.826000+00:00)
>I wonder why?
Well it's no secret that they've got Jews among them.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:38:57.387000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:39:03.559000+00:00)
That's exactly what happened in Croatia ffs
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:39:27.062000+00:00)
We had a minority move in over the course of 10 years and mass weapons while the military stockpiles in Croatia were depleted
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:39:52.062000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:39:52.162000+00:00)
Then we had a 5 year war while the kike commies got the kike capitalists ownership of the economy
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:00.813000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> I remember when you invited me to /r/european a few years ago
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:04.967000+00:00)
Jews want to ensure that the US gets their cordon sanitair. Hence they'll back anything to make it happen. It's in their interest. Listen to the jew himself explaining it all
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:05.911000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:27.987000+00:00)
Yes, the glorious neo-ustashas exiled a few hundred thousend peasants and now Croatia is a glorious national socialist reich within the EU with gay unions and shit
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:30.912000+00:00)
>studies the jewish history and sees they like to start wars where they control both sides
>guy, look at Azov, they're so cool and anti kike interests
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:33.369000+00:00)
Above is a good watch for anyone wanting to understand the current European mess
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:40:51.825000+00:00)
Ffs you dimwit, I just said both sides were kiked <@!195981647605137408>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:03.801000+00:00)
thx Rambo
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:08.930000+00:00)
Didnt Thompson write some song about how the homeland was kiked or something
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:12.020000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:12.084000+00:00)
And you have a lesbian PM and are on the way to join the EU
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:33.707000+00:00)
Ukrainian nationalists have never supported EU, neither have Finnish or Swedish ones.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:41.707000+00:00)
Yea so both sides are kiked what should Ukranian nationalists do?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:44.178000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> Nah Milosevic went rouge, though his regime was still extremely kikeish
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:41:47.560000+00:00)
The purpose of NATO: To keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:42:24.634000+00:00)
No matter what Milosevic wanted, the end result benefited the kikes <@!195981647605137408>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:42:35.840000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> Yes, and thats what will happen in Ukraine
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:42:37.964000+00:00)
The problem we have is that most people hop on board anything that waves a NS agenda. Not giving two shits about the people involved, behind the scenes etc. The fanboys of Anglin, Weev, Azov have almost never taken a moment to sit and think. Nor have they taken the time to understand the broader geopolitical game in Europe.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:42:48.288000+00:00)
It's not about your intentions if you're a retard and walk into the same trap every other goy in the 2000 years before you did
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:42:56.887000+00:00)
Alex wrote a good Azovpost just some time ago on this channel, copypasting
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:05.609000+00:00)
"1. Azov - formerly the Social National Assembly, formerly the Social National Party, this shit goes decades back and there's tons of their materials out there in Ukrainian and Russian, I actually translated some stuff into English and if you read it it's clear that they are NS and started out and acted as a smaller scale movement, somewhere in between NA and NRM. Biletsky was in prison when Maidan happened over trumped up charges. When he was released he and the core of the SNA formed Azov in Kharkov. They were joined by Russian hardline NS until the Russian NS made up practically half of the entire Battalion. They got a lot of donations to fund themselves with uniforms and even equipment and vehicles, i.e. some people just outright bought them vehicles, they started out in different uniforms and shit until the state started giving them funding as well because at the time they would fund fucking anyone who fought against the separatists. They got integrated into the Internal Affairs Ministry but they also have so much of their own infrastructure now (civil corps, political wing, officers academy) and wide popular support that they are poised in a perfect spot to take on the state and gain power for themselves, however they can't do that because of a larger geopolitical issue."
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:11.381000+00:00)
2. the entire conflict is a proxy geopolitical war of influence between USA and Putin, USA funds the thieves and jews in Kiev to advance their agenda, and Kiev then just blindly gives out money to whomever will keep them in power and stop the separatists, Kiev's entire support hinges on talking shit about Russia because otherwise THEY HAVE NOTHING, they go to absurd lengths to talk shit about Russia including how the Russian army would be using fucking YANDEX MAPS ONLINE to plan the invasion of Ukraine proper and avoid TRAFFIC JAMS TO KIEV FOR THEIR TANKS - its fucking retarded but they banned Yandex based on that, they have to spew this kind of rhetoric 24/7 to both please USA and keep groups like Azov at bay, because the second Kiev drops its strict opposition to Putin and the separatists Azov will be front of the line to kick them out under the slogan of "they are selling our country to Putin". This is what I mean: Azov needs a legitimate excuse to take power in a way that does not provoke either Putin or USA to take them out for having done that. Big fat irony is that USA doesn't care if its nazis in power so long as they are against Russia and Putin in reality likewise doesn't care if its nazis in power so long as they are against integrating into the EU, however if the takeover happens by force without a good reason to justify it, both sides will be compelled to go in against it, USA would scream muh democracy and Putin would scream "evil nazi COUP".
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:16.292000+00:00)
3. About Yarosh. Yarosh is the leader of the Trident group which was the core for the Right Sector alliance of nationalist groups, however he's more of banderovite in his presentation than NS. ALSO before the maidan, during one of his group's outings they had a special guest - the former head of the ukrainian security service (SBU) under the pro-EU preisdent before Yanukovich, I forget his name right now. During his time in that position he had open CIA advisers, and he shows up to be friends with Yarosh and trident while he's out of office? And then he's suddenly appointed to that position AGAIN after maidan? He's out of that post now again, meanwhile Yarosh had successfully left Right Sector and left it to fend for itself to form his own thing, hadn't followed his story since.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:18.324000+00:00)
moral of the story is: Kiev leaders are opportunistic thieves and jews out to sustain their power just long enough to fill their pockets, Yarosh is not trustworthy or explicitly NS, whereas Azov are, however Ukraine is a geopolitical battlezone for USA and Putin, hence they cannot act until the opportunity presents itself to take power in such a way that it does not give either USA or Putin an excuse to roll over them.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:40.648000+00:00)
You think the Croatian soldiers fought for fag rights and the EU 25 years ago? Well, that's what they got <@225299960529158156>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:43:53.881000+00:00)
You can have the best of intentions but if you're retarded you'll end up in hell
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:03.535000+00:00)
Like what happened here
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:03.931000+00:00)
Yeah, you fucked up and didn't have any serious ideological forces.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:17.561000+00:00)
Well, Azov isn't the whole of the Ukrainian military
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:32.836000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:59.743000+00:00)
Also, if Milosevic was anti kike why didn't he publish the Jasenovac archives your guys stole which would prove there wasn't a holocaust in Croatia? <@!195981647605137408>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:44:59.890000+00:00)
Just read the post
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:45:08.667000+00:00)
Instead he kept it under lock and key
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:45:37.231000+00:00)
It doesnt matter how NatSoc they are if they're based on a divide and conqeur shill fake national identity. I dont care fascist ukrops are when their shit is about dividing the tripartite Russian identity. Its like caring about how fascist Israel or Albania are, or how well the Bosnian, Montenigger or Macedonian national identity are fought for
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:45:48.512000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> He kept them locked with the Stargate to Sirius B
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:45:58.028000+00:00)
The Serb ancestral homeland
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:14.063000+00:00)
>Fake national identity
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:14.720000+00:00)
>I raise a real point
>you meme
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:23.617000+00:00)
>I dont care fascist ukrops are when their shit is about dividing the tripartite Russian identity
All of Russia is rightful Finnish clay as Rurik was Finn, stop dividing rightful Finnish imperial identity.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:31.944000+00:00)
How is Ukrainian not a national identity?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:34.581000+00:00)
Would you like a free vacation? <@!195981647605137408>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:44.487000+00:00)
This is their party program:
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:46:51.669000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:00.729000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Rurik was a swede actually
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:06.669000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:10.251000+00:00)
>How is Ukrainian not a national identity?
Beats me <@273178980679417856>
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:22.130000+00:00)
Azov is expanding it's infleunce, has youth camps, Evola pills its soldiers, has good equipment and when things in Europe becoem really really shitty they will be ready for anything that happens.
Gas the Moscowites, Great Kiev Empire now.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:32.697000+00:00)
Also, you need mental help, since you think Belgrade archives are beyond the stargate on Sirius B <@!195981647605137408>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:47:49.880000+00:00)
Ukraine IS Russia, its more Russian then racemixed fingolites of Moscow
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:04.382000+00:00)
Okay how is it Russian?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:13.075000+00:00)
Well for one being Russian was invented there
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:13.682000+00:00)
You can't just pull identities out of your ass on this channel and use it as an argument.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:36.582000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> The geographical location and the state of Ukraine will ensure that Ukraine will as it's been throughout history be the ball that changes hands. Sadly for the people of Ukraine they'll never see true independence unless they get nukes and the rest of Europe is under NS rule.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:39.262000+00:00)
It's Russia original while Russia today is Russia new <@273178980679417856>
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:42.391000+00:00)
So then Russia should be incorporated into Ukraine?
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:50.120000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:54.956000+00:00)
Great idea
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:48:57.405000+00:00)
Kiev Empire now
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:02.030000+00:00)
gg, that won't backfire
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:03.222000+00:00)
No way
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:15.479000+00:00)
Let's all be in the same empire and move freely within it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:16.833000+00:00)
Oh, wait
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:18.795000+00:00)
Can't go worse than Balkans
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:22.101000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Yes, once they stop with the ustasha mentality of German cock sucking
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:30.127000+00:00)
Kyiv = Parking of the ships in Icelandic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:40.066000+00:00)
Haha, it's named after a ship parking lot
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:46.518000+00:00)
pretty nice
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T18:49:50.948000+00:00)
Well, I think it has a river port
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:50:04.076000+00:00)
Icelandic clay on Ukraine confirmed
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:50:04.205000+00:00)
"Gradually, the space from the Baltic to the Black Sea became, in a sense, a part of the Scandinavian oikumen. Interestingly, the Icelandic language, due to its isolation, retained the ancient Scandinavian name of Kyiv - Kænugarður. This name can be translated as "parking of ships", "ship" (by analogy with the flight), "ship-park". Since the settlement of Iceland came from Norway in the 9th and 10th centuries, we can assume that at that time, the city was conceived by the Scandinavians as an important point in their geographical perception of the world."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:50:32.775000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:50:39.309000+00:00)
Damn Icelanders
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:51:05.292000+00:00)
@O.Staaf#6988 if you read that in Swedish it almost sounds like Konungadörr
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:51:06.234000+00:00)
icelanders weren't there
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T18:51:15.259000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:51:17.212000+00:00)
just that their language didn't change
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T18:51:32.492000+00:00)
Very true
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:52:24.331000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:52:39.151000+00:00)
It's the opposite day.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:53:27.518000+00:00)
I say hang him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:53:48.609000+00:00)
Yeah, in a just world they'd torture him to death like he did to all those nationalists when he worked for NKVD.
Elusive writes: (2017-08-31T18:54:06.606000+00:00)
ZOG doesn't respect 90+ year old Wehrmacht or SS veterans either
noobtia writes: (2017-08-31T18:54:10.096000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T18:54:21.080000+00:00)
That's hilarious
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:54:49.523000+00:00)
It fucking makes my blood boil how the kikes shield communist mass murderers in Israel and praise partisans who burned alive civilians as heroes worthy of worship while they spit on European veterans and demand they be prosecuted.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:54:54.629000+00:00)
This is just a gigantic whitepill
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:55:42.735000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-08-31T18:55:45.269000+00:00)
But 6 million
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:56:31.097000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:56:36.570000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:57:52.727000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:58:21.118000+00:00)
"I'm telling you one more time - go to hell, kikes" 😂
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:59:03.169000+00:00)
To bad they can't do shit. Because jew lovers Putin and Trump will put an end to it fast.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T18:59:24.545000+00:00)
Our hour will come, comrade.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:59:41.285000+00:00)
It will. But not before we have at least one NS state with nuclear weapons.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T18:59:51.294000+00:00)
Until then we're sitting ducks for the zionists.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:09.014000+00:00)
We need to hit up our fam in NK
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:21.287000+00:00)
Whenever I think of Herberts Cukurs it makes my blood boil <@225299960529158156>
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:27.611000+00:00)
And then I remember that he's just one of MANY
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:38.115000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:47.453000+00:00)
Like god damn
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:49.553000+00:00)
And funny enough:
USA --> Zion central
Russia --> Zionist Putin
UK -- > Zionist Labour and Tory
France --> Cucked to no extent
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:00:59.178000+00:00)
Leader of Vad Yashem was jewish partisan in WW2 and took part in massacring civilians, after that he brainwashed goyim into feeling bad about the six billion.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:01:05.657000+00:00)
Kikes really are collective psychopathic
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:01:20.422000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:01:29.028000+00:00)
Even looks fucking satanic.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:01:37.087000+00:00)
All jews do
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:01.043000+00:00)
The best evidence that they were never made into lampshades or soap is that they're too filthy and ugly for it
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:11.907000+00:00)
"he never stood trial, though there are eyewitness accounts linking Cukurs to war crimes.
The Mossad agent Künzle, who killed Cukurs, and the journalist Gad Shimron wrote a book The Death of the Executioner of Riga in which they called Cukurs the 'Butcher of Riga'"
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:15.667000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:22.744000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:34.242000+00:00)
>not sentenced for anything
>"eyewitness accounts" = useless
>kill him and then make money off defaming him
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:02:42.484000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:03:06.737000+00:00)
> Jewish partisan, Stalinist official and an accused war criminal. Immediately after the end of World War II, he became commander of the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice.
>In July 2005 this request was again formally refused by the Israeli government. The response rejected the more serious charges as being false, potentially part of an antisemitic conspiracy,
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:03:21.141000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:03:26.609000+00:00)
Yeah, this is exactly the shit that redpilled me about the satanic nature of kikes. They're psychopathic and hypocritical.
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:03:31.537000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:04:18.188000+00:00)
A.C Cuza put it perfectly though, anti-semitism is a science but the Jews make it out to be an irrational hatred, a mental affliction
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:04:27.119000+00:00)
It's a very rational hatred
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:04:48.565000+00:00)
What redpilled me was this fucking book we were handed at school. I think it was this one
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:04:50.077000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:04:52.951000+00:00)
And there are so fucking many, like the kikes refused to extradite bunch of NKVD agents because muh antisemitism, but if you washed dishes in Auschwitz you need to be put in electric chair pretty much.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:05:03.666000+00:00)
Was in 90s
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:05:09.853000+00:00)
so I guess thats some new version of it
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:05:11.813000+00:00)
same shit though
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:05:52.764000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:06:02.161000+00:00)
Kikes are the bigger fucking dindus than niggers ever could be.
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:06:23.568000+00:00)
I don't understand how Western Europeans are so tolerant though.
I'd much rather have my own people commit atrocities and be succesful than have my people be tolerant and lose because of it. We should just be superior, brutal and destroy anything that goes against our goals. Middle Easterners embrace this logic but in Western Europe some weird Christian morality has destroyed that mindset.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:06:41.443000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> kikes are 10 times worse than niggers. Problem is that they're actually intelligent enough to get shit done while the negro wanders aimlessly looking for gibs
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:07:27.423000+00:00)
Of course, I meant in the sense that they can burn alive accursed goyim and smash their heads in with rocks and claim to be innocent and demand to be worshipped by the lowly bigoted goyim.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:07:28.835000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:07:53.702000+00:00)
> Israel refused to cooperate and did not respond to Lithuanian requests to question Dushanski as a witness or to extradite him on the grounds that the case stemmed from anti-Semitism.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:08:40.310000+00:00)
>Christian morality
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:08:46.144000+00:00)
The only morally just thing to do is throw all jewish veterans into woodchippers.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:08:49.438000+00:00)
Wetsern Europe isn't very Christian
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:08:59.761000+00:00)
>The holocaist was real... in my mind.
– Herman Rosenblat
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:09:09.150000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:09:12.877000+00:00)
The attitudes of the people living in all of Europe have been largely transformed by Christian philosophy
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:09:46.461000+00:00)
And now subjective secular morality changed that
Gre writes: (2017-08-31T19:09:51.171000+00:00)
Liberalism is Christianity without God.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:10:02.038000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:10:06.765000+00:00)
Try again kid
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:11:31.989000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> And Christian philosophy has been largely transformed by the people living in all of Europe, especially in the west
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:11:51.571000+00:00)
>Liberalism is Christianity without God.
Nah mate. Liberalism (US liberalism i.e. leftism) is marxism and as such it's anti religion
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:11:52.076000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:06.016000+00:00)
Hi. Trying to read 'Siege'. The format I have seems to be a loose collection of essays on various themes. I expected some kind coherent/structured world view like Mein Kampf. This seems to be like table diaries. Do I have the right book?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:10.706000+00:00)
All christian institutions are 100% jewified and only help facilitate the ethnic destruction of Europe so it doesn't make much sense to hugbox christianity anymore.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:17.611000+00:00)
Certainly never met a christian nationalist.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:21.721000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> It's made of up of articles
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:22.028000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> SIEGE is a newsletter edited into a book
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:32.642000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> Because Siege is a collage
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:48.210000+00:00)
I won't countersignal christianity due but I won't promote it either.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:49.771000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> Never met a pagan one
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:55.728000+00:00)
Ok, so I have the right thing. That's great. Thanks
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:12:55.854000+00:00)
>Certainly never met a christian nationalist.
I've never met a non-Christian one IRL
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:11.201000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> Do you even have any nationalist activity at all in Ireland?
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:19.717000+00:00)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:21.063000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:21.372000+00:00)
Organized, racial activism.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:30.120000+00:00)
No NS groups
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:35.034000+00:00)
But Nationalist ones yes
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:40.101000+00:00)
I don't mean like patriotards, everyone's got them.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:46.861000+00:00)
I mean like decent.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:13:47.597000+00:00)
Ethnic nationalist
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:14:04.140000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> if you want something better than Siege and more authentic NS from the men who actually made it a reality I recommend Ich Kampfe
Greg88 writes: (2017-08-31T19:14:19.915000+00:00)
A solid half of nazis I've met have been bagans
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:14:36.553000+00:00)
Read SIEGE first tho, RR's book isnt bad either though.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:14:48.227000+00:00)
SIEGE is very accessible.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:14:59.610000+00:00)
Great read, pretty much bible of vanguard action.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:01.859000+00:00)
Ich Kampfe is great
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:02.391000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> Thanks I will add it to the list
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:05.682000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> tbh I think SIEGE is overrated.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:18.944000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:27.969000+00:00)
Siege is good as an addition to 4GW
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:33.841000+00:00)
You are entitled to your opinion but it's easily in my 3 favorite books ever.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:45.777000+00:00)
SIEGE is for America alone i think
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:15:46.888000+00:00)
Imo Siege is something one should read only after you truly understand national socialism.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:04.228000+00:00)
Well that's true
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:11.017000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:21.436000+00:00)
Not really, the most valuable thing in SIEGE is the mentality it instills, the absolute anti cucking anti system attitude all NS absolutely NEED to understand.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:30.320000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:30.718000+00:00)
Most people who call themselves NS haven't even read Mein Kampf or Zweites Buch. It's like a communist that hasn't read Das Kapital (all three of them)
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:38.170000+00:00)
Yea its not a manual on armed struggle
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:16:51.979000+00:00)
As long as there are far right cucks in the world the shilling for SIEGE must go on
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:17:20.967000+00:00)
And if you ask me. Turner Diaries has the same message in it as Siege but more enjoyable to read as it's wrapped into a story line.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:17:22.370000+00:00)
If everyone knew SIEGE by hear, there wouldn't be PR cuck problem or patriotards choking on cop cock, or any of that mess.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:17:48.177000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> If everyone knew basics of NS they'd not believe in muh PR either.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:17:59.635000+00:00)
Not really, Turner Diaries is fictional, SIEGE has actual stuff you can apply in real life.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:00.985000+00:00)
If only.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:10.893000+00:00)
As much as I like TD
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:15.544000+00:00)
And most of those who that have read MK fall into the categery Hitler talks about, of people that cant fucking grasp books and integrate their content into their worldview
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:23.305000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> good example
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:24.561000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:18:54.886000+00:00)
Dont have to redpill me about AR, been working with Ropeculture since it started.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:14.535000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:14.673000+00:00)
Btw, time for daily Noose whoring
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:19.546000+00:00)
Wasn't redpilling. Merely pointing out that you don't need Siege to get it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:20.415000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:22.997000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:52.258000+00:00)
"Too many people believe that combining the strength used by the groups traveling down different roads into one unified journey would be more certain to bring success and bring it faster. But this is not the case. Nature herself, using pitiless logic, decides who succeeds by putting the various groups in competition with one another and forcing them to struggle for victory.
At this time, all those leaders who could not stand on their own feet united into these worker coalitions in the belief that eight lame men, arm in arm, would create one big gladiator. If there were one healthy man among the lame ones, he needed all his strength to keep the others on their feet and ended up paralyzed himself.
It must never be forgotten that nothing truly great in the world has ever been achieved by an alliance. It has always been through the triumph of the individual. The very origin of joint forces carries with it the germ of its own later decay. Great intellectual revolutions that shake up the world are only conceivable and only possible when they are monumental struggles by individuals and never when they are enterprises of coalitions."
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:19:57.230000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> That Hitler guy sound like some purity spiraling edgelord that is dividin R movement
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:00.811000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> That is a good read. I have it as mandatory reading on my server. Have them hand in an essay on it. If they fail I boot them out.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:13.844000+00:00)
I like you.
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:20.158000+00:00)
I think SIEGE is magnificent
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:27.601000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> there's no such thing as bad purity spiral.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:33.281000+00:00)
gonna save up money for harcopy
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:47.943000+00:00)
Any word on the cost?
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:54.262000+00:00)
Every article has a breath of fresh air in it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:20:58.190000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> "People who tell me, “Look, you can’t do that by force, you have to do that with the intellect”, that is, the people who possess the least amount of intellect themselves, who were never in a position to solve the problem themselves, capitulate before the slightest hullaballoo. As far as I’m concerned, they forget that there is enough strength in our people to start immediately taking care of such common riff-raff, who combined political with criminal ideology, and drive them off...People have often told me: “Why do you use such a radical tone in your program?” “Because I need radical people!” They told me: “Look, if you leave out this one point, then I’ll become a member right away”, and [my answer is] that point is in there, so that you can’t become a member, because I don’t want you!”
- Adolf Hitler, on PR cucks
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T19:21:22.757000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> 17 for softcover and 35 for hardcover
+ shipping
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T19:21:24.211000+00:00)
So many books are just repeating the same stuff that's been said six million times, SIEGE is great in that it offers a new perspective.
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:21:32.616000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T19:21:56.047000+00:00)
i think its the lowest price possible
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-31T19:21:57.154000+00:00)
What's the thing with purity spiraling
Breen writes: (2017-08-31T19:22:11.459000+00:00)
Yea price is good
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:22:35.998000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> got exact source for that quote. I've been looking for it
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:22:45.856000+00:00)
Yes I do, a second.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:22:50.478000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:23:18.468000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:23:30.986000+00:00)
<@218481804498173952> Its people with no standards complaining about people who do have standards for attacking them for not having standards
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:23:39.147000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> thanks mate!
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-08-31T19:24:23.720000+00:00)
I always love reading Hitler's writings and speeches, since it feels like everything I have been thinking about, he's put into words much better than I ever could.
Jason writes: (2017-08-31T19:24:26.804000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:24:33.370000+00:00)
>carolym yaeger
That name seems familiar, re-redpill me on her
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T19:24:54.883000+00:00)
Is that the holocaust granny from Canada or is it someone else
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T19:26:58.214000+00:00)
Speaking off quotes. My absolute favourite one from Adolf:
>Then they acted out of boundless love for Germany When someone came to join the movement then, One could only say to him: Now you must give up everything, since you will be laughed at and ridiculed and persecuted. You must be aware that you will lose your job, that you will be thrown out of every place you go. You cannot be sure of anything, except perhaps... your own death.
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-31T19:27:10.684000+00:00)
But wait a sec
DacianFalxman writes: (2017-08-31T19:27:21.854000+00:00)
What about that kampfbund
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T19:59:03.705000+00:00)
What I miss is a scouts manual for the NS man. The nearest I have found is a short story called the Squire's trial. Are there others? Also books for children which are not overt and guides for parents
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:00:35.845000+00:00)
Faith and Action?
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:01:20.891000+00:00)
Is that a title? Or a choice?
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:01:41.266000+00:00)
a title
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:02.143000+00:00)
That I have not heard of
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:02.320000+00:00)
By the same people who made A Squire's Trial
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:45.628000+00:00)
We didnt write Faith and Action lel
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:47.834000+00:00)
Or well nevermind
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:48.761000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:02:53.536000+00:00)
I meant the release
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:03:12.297000+00:00)
I'll upload it in <#341087865993691136> <@340537126078775297>
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:03:51.063000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> boo
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:03:51.115000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:03:54.072000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:04:22.157000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> There's a spelling mistake in one of your FB posts
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:04:29.730000+00:00)
on the rain pic
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:03.273000+00:00)
I will take a look. Thanks again
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:11.064000+00:00)
It appears you've done it again fam
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:17.551000+00:00)
Because I havent made any rain posts
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:30.842000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> 🤔
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:35.059000+00:00)
You all look the same what the fug
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:45.532000+00:00)
Can't you just be Russian or something?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:47.959000+00:00)
Unless you're stalking some post of mine from 2009 or something
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:05:48.709000+00:00)
Would make it easier on me
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:06:07.653000+00:00)
Does your name begin with S ?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:06:27.196000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:06:32.398000+00:00)
ah ok
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:06:35.451000+00:00)
yeah I thought it was M
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:08:06.603000+00:00)
We're all dindus now!
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:08:28.582000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:08:41.278000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Nah I'm Stefan Zlatanovic
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:09:06.699000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> I know
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:09:24.366000+00:00)
Why are you posting that openly though <:varg:333280265910616064>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-08-31T20:09:49.527000+00:00)
Meh, who cares
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:10:32.295000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:10:37.543000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:12:31.563000+00:00)
>What I miss is a scouts manual for the NS man.
<@340537126078775297> you don't need anything but this. https://volafile.org/r/djjqctx0
dylb writes: (2017-08-31T20:13:42.390000+00:00)
I clicked and became a virus
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:13:55.632000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T20:17:49.526000+00:00)
got that one in hardcopy
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T20:17:52.592000+00:00)
breddy gud
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:27:00.190000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> What is "this"?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:29:13.296000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> says it in the name
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-31T20:34:03.032000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> SAS Survival Handbook
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:34:51.180000+00:00)
<@178237610949476352> ah, yes. Ok that I already have somewhere
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:35:27.245000+00:00)
<@340537126078775297> I sent you an invite to our library
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:35:28.477000+00:00)
Well, plenty to be getting in with
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:35:28.929000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:35:38.063000+00:00)
Yes, I saw
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T20:35:46.911000+00:00)
more than enough for you to read there
lofi writes: (2017-08-31T20:41:12.142000+00:00)
Most definitely! See again next year 😂
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T20:46:03.503000+00:00)
anyone have that lemmings pic?
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T20:46:07.986000+00:00)
trying to redpill some goy
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T20:58:44.731000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-08-31T21:00:16.116000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T21:01:39.970000+00:00)
Jeff writes: (2017-08-31T21:03:17.777000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Tjenare
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-08-31T21:05:18.364000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> thanks
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T22:14:46.371000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T22:15:01.052000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-08-31T22:17:59.777000+00:00)
Revolution is the only Solution 🤔
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T23:00:00.864000+00:00)
Shit how will we ever defeat these leftists?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-08-31T23:00:01.963000+00:00)
Heinrich Himmler writes: (2017-09-01T00:08:24.204000+00:00)
Heinrich Himmler writes: (2017-09-01T00:08:34.868000+00:00)
I don't know man
Furor_Tuetonicus writes: (2017-09-01T01:12:02.670000+00:00)
Man i really like the Nordic resistance version of horst wessel
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T05:28:37.504000+00:00)
Great song
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T05:28:40.654000+00:00)
no matter the language really
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T05:58:07.966000+00:00)
Finnish version also nice.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:07:30.393000+00:00)
none of them are black in the first video
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:07:58.393000+00:00)
they're going to the black socialist party to end their own existence
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:08:01.069000+00:00)
just kill yourself
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:27:14.411000+00:00)
Have you guys seen this shit?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:27:45.685000+00:00)
(((Eli Mosley))) is the new leader of Identity Europa
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:29:15.693000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-01T08:30:09.330000+00:00)
I just read nathans statement https://www.identityevropa.com/2017-08-27-press-release.html
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T08:37:28.087000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T08:37:45.075000+00:00)
Just Jewish things <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:38:29.815000+00:00)
AltRight Corp
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T08:38:39.343000+00:00)
it's all a big fake
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T08:38:54.008000+00:00)
It isn't, they're just being more open than usual that their goal is to make money
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:15:12.967000+00:00)
IE was always absolute shit
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-09-01T09:18:05.149000+00:00)
49:30 in that interview "If you have Andrew Anglin telling you to tone down the nazism, you should tone down the nazism, there's really nothing else that needs to be said."
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:19:24.381000+00:00)
Anglin went full gay
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:19:30.421000+00:00)
Not saying otherwise
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:19:39.144000+00:00)
just pointing out the new stuff
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:19:59.140000+00:00)
"Anglin was just persona I created to troll media tehe, its all memes guys"
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-01T09:20:00.624000+00:00)
ffs is there anyone clean in there?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:20:13.898000+00:00)
>trusting anyone but your closest comrades
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:20:21.282000+00:00)
all e-celbs are by default shit
ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛁᚱ writes: (2017-09-01T09:25:15.951000+00:00)
54:12 "Hitler himself wouldn't want you using his icons and using his imagery, he would want someone to make new things"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:37:35.432000+00:00)
antifa doxxed Elliot "Eli Mosley" Kline
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:37:36.143000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:01.354000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:04.753000+00:00)
Fucking kikes.
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:10.064000+00:00)
No surprise.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:13.025000+00:00)
He's a jew
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:14.833000+00:00)
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:16.403000+00:00)
It's America.
Another American writes: (2017-09-01T09:38:22.609000+00:00)
It's to be expected.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:51:36.157000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T09:52:22.900000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T09:54:48.555000+00:00)
Fruktfluga writes: (2017-09-01T10:20:15.176000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T10:35:18.445000+00:00)
Just name one jew who is doing good work for white nationalist or ns movement
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T10:35:21.081000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T10:41:01.356000+00:00)
Really makes me think
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-01T10:43:35.801000+00:00)
I'd imagine there are lots of Jews working for WN movements.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T10:44:18.478000+00:00)
Probably. But not for good
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T10:49:24.349000+00:00)
Enoch's wife
she did skits and supported him in between going to drag shows and synagogue
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T11:30:18.890000+00:00)
I never believed that whole wife divorcing of Enoch after we found out she was a kike, if he had ever cared for his audience that much, he would have never gotten a kike wife in the first place. Personally i think they are still together and that divorce was just a facade
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T11:37:41.599000+00:00)
well he got her in his libertarian days, years before TRS
but he should've left her the moment he "took the redpill"
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T11:39:04.497000+00:00)
I guess the pussy got to him
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T11:39:39.911000+00:00)
Funny how many self proclaimed "fascists" break before the sight of shitskin pussy, or that of gooks
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T11:58:13.373000+00:00)
He also said a few times "as a jew" and "amongst other jews"
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T11:58:20.283000+00:00)
So, he may also be at least part jew
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T11:58:52.802000+00:00)
Also, to quote anon from the IE thread: "What, you're going to warn me about TRS next?"
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T11:59:03.119000+00:00)
Because IE was cucked
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T12:31:01.803000+00:00)
Hello. Where can I begin to learn facts about what hitler really did in World War 2?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T12:40:28.968000+00:00)
Watch the greatest story never told
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T12:40:34.646000+00:00)
For starters
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T13:15:58.491000+00:00)
Victor writes: (2017-09-01T13:35:34.653000+00:00)
This is a good speech about what really happend during the ww2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rx1Rj6fHCNE
Victor writes: (2017-09-01T13:37:15.116000+00:00)
David Irvings videos might be a good idea to look up to.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T14:00:21.455000+00:00)
read this book
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T14:00:22.006000+00:00)
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:11:09.272000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> IE is/was cucked beyond your wildest dreams
Jörken writes: (2017-09-01T14:13:25.010000+00:00)
sorry but what is IE?
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T14:13:40.705000+00:00)
Identity Evropa
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T14:13:51.724000+00:00)
I know <@190525543505068032>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T14:13:57.855000+00:00)
Which is why I'm comparing it to TRS
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:14:20.619000+00:00)
In some ways it was much worse than trs
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:16:48.743000+00:00)
Banning of discussions concerning NS, stupid uniforms, how the group became more about dear leader's girlfriend...
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T14:38:57.787000+00:00)
Heard every ex-IE member complain about the same cuckoldry.
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-01T14:40:38.789000+00:00)
You can't even mention weapons amongst them
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T14:41:58.370000+00:00)
What's the complaining about Flamingo's gf, I've heard several guys say the same thing.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:49:44.631000+00:00)
The organization more and more became a vehicle to get her on camera
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:50:16.221000+00:00)
IE had a gun chat when I was in
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T14:50:31.155000+00:00)
you were in IE?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:50:34.037000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T14:50:40.789000+00:00)
how did you become more radical?
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T14:50:44.748000+00:00)
or what made you become more radical?
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:51:12.124000+00:00)
I was radical going in, someone convinced me that the leadership was secretly radical
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:51:25.213000+00:00)
They weren't, or the ones that were got purged
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T14:51:48.223000+00:00)
I wonder how could IE attract anyone with their college GOP tier aesthetics, especially when they are equally radical.
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T14:52:21.583000+00:00)
Damigo's bookshelf is full of radical literature he read in prison
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T14:53:40.453000+00:00)
"In either case, what is read shouldn’t simply be stored in the memory like a list of facts and figures. The facts, like bits of a mosaic tile, should come together as a general image of the world, helping to shape this world image in the reader’s head. Otherwise, there will be a confusion of information learned, and the worthless mix of facts gives the unhappy possessor an undeserved high opinion of himself. He seriously believes he is “cultured and learned” while thinking he has some understanding of life and is knowledgeable simply because he has a stack of books by his bed. Actually, every piece of new information takes him further away from the real world, until often he ends up either in a psychiatric hospital or as a “politician” in government."
-MK, V1, Ch2
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T14:54:02.156000+00:00)
MK truly is a holy book
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T15:00:44.460000+00:00)
Why did you leave <@190525543505068032>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:02:12.866000+00:00)
Weren't there plenty of reasons already?
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:09:27.036000+00:00)
Ffs Eli Mosley is an Elijah Moses. What is it with Jews and white presenting names
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-01T15:11:01.369000+00:00)
About that other guy, his name is fucking (((Mike))) (((Enoch))), it doesn't take a genius to guess what race he is.
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:11:18.823000+00:00)
Mike is just Mikael
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:06.606000+00:00)
I just realized though
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:12.730000+00:00)
Enoch = Cohen if you rearrange the letters
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:27.958000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:30.178000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:42.381000+00:00)
"Was Hitler a nazi?!"
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:45.869000+00:00)
Mike the kike Cohen
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-01T15:12:47.579000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:13:10.457000+00:00)
Well, Enoch is better than Peinovich.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:13:16.733000+00:00)
At least less suspect.
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-01T15:13:56.113000+00:00)
Enoch is also from the Torah, though.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:13:58.330000+00:00)
I.E. has lost all integrity then...when we learn
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:06.749000+00:00)
When will we learn
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:19.658000+00:00)
It's almost planned
Славрос writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:26.068000+00:00)
when did IE have integrity?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:26.963000+00:00)
It's not like Enoch is his real name anyway.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:32.767000+00:00)
I can see the headlines already
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:35.170000+00:00)
*when did IE have integrity?*
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:51.176000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> I saw how they treated my friends
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:51.521000+00:00)
At least on the face of it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-01T15:14:52.276000+00:00)
Kike Eunuch is a better jab
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:15:47.093000+00:00)
Maybe Damingo has done his job
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:16:11.830000+00:00)
Set up a straw man and then give it to a Jew to discredit
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:16:14.751000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> What is Peinovich even patronymic of? Peino, Pein? Never heard of a Peinovich before.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-01T15:16:26.819000+00:00)
neither have I
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:16:31.899000+00:00)
Have we not been here before with the Jew WN?
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:17:49.454000+00:00)
I checked out Peinovich. It was definitely Serbian/Croat/Balkan
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:02.518000+00:00)
When he got doxxed
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:02.982000+00:00)
It was pretty weak before Eli Moses or whatever
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:17.869000+00:00)
Who is he, anyway?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:24.039000+00:00)
I was wondering the original name it is derived from.
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:26.777000+00:00)
Who cares of Enoch is a fucking racial jew.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:28.992000+00:00)
I was disappointed in his whole Jew wife thing
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:32.176000+00:00)
He is a spiritual kike no matter what.
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T15:18:50.107000+00:00)
And then the altright was like, "HES DONE SO MUCH FOR THE MOVEMENT!!!!"
Славрос writes: (2017-09-01T15:19:15.746000+00:00)
there was plenty to be disappointed in before the jew wife thing, the jew wife thing just proved him untrustworthy on top of everything else
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:19:21.002000+00:00)
Can he be a spiritual hwhite
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T15:19:33.275000+00:00)
That's how the altright works - every leader pretends to be a secret NS to get money from the base
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:20:11.059000+00:00)
Who needs enemies...
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T15:20:37.582000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> https://www.instantcheckmate.com/people/alexander-peinovich/
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:22:06.746000+00:00)
What have we busted?
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:22:43.241000+00:00)
She seems nice
Славрос writes: (2017-09-01T15:23:16.805000+00:00)
its a stock photo wtf are you even commenting on
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:23:46.381000+00:00)
I know that xactly where tat is taken as it happens
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-01T15:26:50.090000+00:00)
who's alexander peinovich
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T15:28:58.517000+00:00)
We are all wondering
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:14:36.948000+00:00)
Oh... the people over at TRS just banned me even though I was extremely vetted and I have been posting honest commentary for over year. Simply for passing this thing about Ely Moses on..which I stated was a rumour and not necessarily a fact
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:15:02.761000+00:00)
What kind of reactionary shit is that?!
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:15:26.357000+00:00)
yeah i disagree with that decision
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:15:33.881000+00:00)
Just wanted it to be cleared up
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:15:35.605000+00:00)
echo chamber shit
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:17:31.276000+00:00)
I did some nice effort posting, took my time to write them etc. No chance of defending myself etc. No chance of taking down the post etc. Never win anything just by shooting from the hip.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:17:38.822000+00:00)
Totally disappointed
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:18:44.342000+00:00)
Where is the court of appeals ffs
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:19:44.042000+00:00)
Is boatsinker on here?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:20:25.523000+00:00)
You're "punching right" obviously
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:20:58.420000+00:00)
I was just passing on what I thought might be important info
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:21:13.531000+00:00)
Why would you want to go back
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:21:54.712000+00:00)
I invested time in quality posts
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:22:13.286000+00:00)
No justice to be expected
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:22:52.142000+00:00)
Of course I can just go back to the easy quiet life before the pill
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:23:23.255000+00:00)
If they are going to make that easy for me
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:23:55.421000+00:00)
I actually have read the books ffs. I've been following the movement for 4 years +
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:10.388000+00:00)
Who cares about some internet forum?
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:10.743000+00:00)
I know stuff
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:10.906000+00:00)
Build your own platform?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:25.725000+00:00)
Internet posting isn't activism.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:41.282000+00:00)
TRS is Sven and Mike blowjob club
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:55.363000+00:00)
Yeah that's true
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:24:56.174000+00:00)
You used to get banned for saying Donovan was gay lmao
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:12.539000+00:00)
All quality people got banned a few years ago I guess.
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:12.822000+00:00)
Just join a nazi group
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:15.525000+00:00)
Zeiger & co
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:16.184000+00:00)
they like to keep the things impure
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:27.288000+00:00)
Quantity over quality
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:25:58.270000+00:00)
>Of course I can just go back to the easy quiet life before the pill
How is that life functionally different from what it used to be, minus internet forum?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:01.546000+00:00)
what can you expect from ppl taht excused the main host having jewish wife and keeping it secret
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:19.624000+00:00)
lol yeah
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:23.789000+00:00)
that was pretty suspect
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:23.860000+00:00)
Yes but there are a lot of young people over at TRS that think they are going to get an ethnostate by reposting memes
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:34.748000+00:00)
They need to be educated a little
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:43.170000+00:00)
its time to get off internet safe spaces, joing groups in your local area and do some shit
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:55.107000+00:00)
create a business to finance your political goals
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:26:57.816000+00:00)
Yes I know
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:02.266000+00:00)
get the message out there
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:14.870000+00:00)
Cultural jamming which stopped becoming serious discussion, nothing more. Their ridicule of jewish efforts only remains a joke at the end of the day
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:33.739000+00:00)
Same with the alt lite if there is any reaction to jew media
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:40.512000+00:00)
Although i haven't seen any
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:47.119000+00:00)
is TRS still up i thought it got Shoah'd
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:27:53.610000+00:00)
along with DS and stuff
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:28:10.987000+00:00)
Forum is up..if you can get in lol
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:28:20.952000+00:00)
If you don't go into the the real world, you don't really even factor in or exist in a meaningful sense. Kikes can always just pull the plug and that's that.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:28:42.885000+00:00)
One step at a time.
Stairs are climbed one by one
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:05.772000+00:00)
I'm out in the real world all the time practicing 'ontological terrorism'
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:17.092000+00:00)
Dropping small red pills
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:24.924000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:32.472000+00:00)
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:34.600000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:36.618000+00:00)
> 'ontological terrorism'
You have to dumb it down.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:29:52.235000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:30:16.531000+00:00)
I know
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:31:22.267000+00:00)
It's just the idea that you have a model in your head and that the only way to change your mind is to introduce inconsistencies that destroy your present world view, so that a new idea can take hold
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:31:37.279000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:32:06.425000+00:00)
Keep dumbing it down. What is it that you actually do?
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:32:07.416000+00:00)
thats the hardest part about the redpill for normies is everything theyve always seen the world as, will to a certain extent, collapse
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:32:36.895000+00:00)
Yes and you can't collapse it on day one
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:32:53.043000+00:00)
yeah they have to be given to them in small bits at a time and allow them to process the information
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:32:59.290000+00:00)
What about normies who take the pill out of trauma
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:33:06.199000+00:00)
You drop small things that slowly eat at their normie view in their sleep
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:33:06.337000+00:00)
wtf are u talking about
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:33:31.804000+00:00)
Trauma of experiencing the shallowness and superficiality of the world
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:33:48.737000+00:00)
I know many who have become NS like that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:34:02.273000+00:00)
>You drop small things that slowly eat at their normie view in their sleep
So literally nothing?
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:34:24.770000+00:00)
Telling people niggers are stupid is activism
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:34:29.117000+00:00)
nah if you go all out on a normie about JQ and nat soc and all this neo-marxist cultural bullshit in our society all in one sitting
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:34:34.832000+00:00)
they will think you are crazy
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:34:57.957000+00:00)
it has to be done step by step, and they need to ask themselves questions and we must provide them with answers
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:35:21.264000+00:00)
Letting them be pushed out of their comfort zone is the best way
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:35:21.865000+00:00)
the goal is we introduce the ideas by the end of it they must convince themselves, you cannot force people to accept your ideas
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:35:38.230000+00:00)
Renders concern for oneself in relation with basic commodities useless
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:35:50.991000+00:00)
Just put this up
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:35:54.099000+00:00)
yes theuy will leave the comfort zone even after a small bit of information that contradicts their world view
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:03.954000+00:00)
Not necessarily. It's not like conservatism or civic nationalism is a gateway drug into nazism like the Jews claim.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:11.811000+00:00)
The method is easy. You have a normal conversation about normal things, then some shit comes up about refugees, or debt or something else and for example you know they have kids. Then you say ' you know it's going to be much more expensive for the government to treat our kids/pay our pensions " etc
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:21.544000+00:00)
Just saying "heh, aren't those liberals silly" isn't gonna affect it in conceivable way one way or the other.
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:37.986000+00:00)
i was a right wing libertarian once and got redpilled through the alt left, then i went and explored ideas even further to the right and redpilled myself
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:47.655000+00:00)
Talking about politics isn't activism
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:52.925000+00:00)
What's the alt left
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:36:59.092000+00:00)
I went from nationalist to national socialist. Pretty simple
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:01.718000+00:00)
Especially if you're not even advocating anything real.
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:08.077000+00:00)
its basically civic nationalists
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:14.857000+00:00)
how is that left
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:22.041000+00:00)
theyre to the left of us
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:25.499000+00:00)
Once they normalise that ( by testing it in another conversation) you drop the next thing and so on. Eventually they start to say shit Lord things and you keep agreeing
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:29.925000+00:00)
but in the modern culture theyre considered to the right
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:33.332000+00:00)
oh, ok
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:38.211000+00:00)
Ok you guys win. Siege is the way. I was skeptical at first
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:43.724000+00:00)
but it can be done
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:47.827000+00:00)
I thought alt-left today was antifa and blm
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:54.388000+00:00)
like in america and Canada you have the media calling Proud Boys nazis
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T16:37:55.800000+00:00)
That was fast
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:00.767000+00:00)
and they are just civic nationalist cucks
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:07.077000+00:00)
I was already close to agreeing tbh
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:07.159000+00:00)
Proud Boys are nazis
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:09.577000+00:00)
i will read siege too
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:16.446000+00:00)
Everything right to me is nazi
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:23.312000+00:00)
They're the new C18
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:29.390000+00:00)
Gavin McInnes is their leader and he shoved a butt plug up his ass on live stream
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:37.188000+00:00)
they are fucken fags
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:37.329000+00:00)
Commander McInnes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:43.103000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:44.654000+00:00)
The arguments about defending truth no matter what are undeniable. If we take a softer approach it will just be disingenuous.
Jörken writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:46.063000+00:00)
arent proud boys gay
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:54.385000+00:00)
They're very gay
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:54.995000+00:00)
He went to Israel ffs
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:38:57.552000+00:00)
they like their "based black guys"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:39:04.767000+00:00)
McInness is a douch shabbas goy
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:39:15.701000+00:00)
Proud Nigs
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:39:30.639000+00:00)
he left Rebel Media who knows if he changes, I could see Ezra having a jew leash put on him
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:40:13.448000+00:00)
the one thing we have going for us is the media and the Left are redpilling normies for us
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:40:26.608000+00:00)
for calling white people racists and anybody who disagrees with them nazis
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:40:37.073000+00:00)
I love that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:40:44.737000+00:00)
We need more
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:40:52.282000+00:00)
Bad publicity is the best
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:07.131000+00:00)
The left eats itself
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:14.518000+00:00)
yea they eat themselves and they redpill for us
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:19.076000+00:00)
its beautiful
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:20.119000+00:00)
If your friends will cast you out for saying anything more radical than some mild cuckservative talking points, they aren't your friends. Weev wrote about his R.A.C.E system in an article called "I sing the song of racewar - rapid conversion to white supremacism". Lofi is right that you need to heighen the contradiction, like Mao put it, but you don't heighen it by spewing the same old tired boring cuckservative bullshit, what sort of self respecting white young guy would even care or be interested, you heighen the contradiction by radically pointing out these contradictions. I really recommend looking up "Song of racewar"
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:46.690000+00:00)
we should bait niggers into attacking white people tbh
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:41:52.530000+00:00)
yeah unfrotunately the big cities here are all liberal shitholes
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:42:05.378000+00:00)
just set up a robert e lee statue in black neighborhoods
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:42:28.786000+00:00)
proud boys went to an anti canaada day protest that was going on on Canada day, they talked to these Injuns and left the park peacefully and it made national news for months
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:42:34.135000+00:00)
Pushing some conservative talking points isn't activism, even telling your friends about pure nazism isn't really activism. I don't say this to shit on you, just put things into proper perspective.
lofi writes: (2017-09-01T16:42:42.424000+00:00)
Sorry people New baby screaming her head off ..laters
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:42:56.051000+00:00)
All you really need to do is convince whites of their superiority.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:00.044000+00:00)
Easiest thing you could ever do.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:10.611000+00:00)
It's entirely emotional, really.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:10.667000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> What do you think about baiting niggers into chimping out and redpilling more whites?
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:19.152000+00:00)
I like redpilling people useing race realism arguments
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:21.519000+00:00)
they are the easiest to bait
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:37.489000+00:00)
Just call them niggers and they'll chimp on their own
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:39.317000+00:00)
JAred Taylor has really good ones
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:48.391000+00:00)
just take away their EBT and welfare
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:55.002000+00:00)
they will chimpout like they did during the Houston floods
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:57.097000+00:00)
niggers are the deep state's biggest weakness
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:43:58.594000+00:00)
looting like fucking animals
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:06.138000+00:00)
using them to further our agenda is key
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:19.751000+00:00)
Don't even talk race
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:25.612000+00:00)
Statistics rather
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:27.727000+00:00)
deep state wants to keep niggers down too
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:30.435000+00:00)
You show them the greatest European symphonies or architechture versus african mudhuts, who could ever deny? Put them in a fucking spot. Weev advocated adopting Ray Comfort's preaching system, it's ingenious really <@340537126078775297>
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:32.736000+00:00)
it's easy to make niggers chimpout
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:37.725000+00:00)
they have them completely dependent on the government
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:37.902000+00:00)
we could even manipulate them into attacking jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:38.554000+00:00)
just push them to escalate their behvaiors and mindset
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:41.815000+00:00)
Whenever you see a nigger doing stupid shit
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:50.532000+00:00)
Point out its a fucking nigger
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:53.129000+00:00)
and their culture is absolute garbage, 70% single motherhood rate <:troll:333285395259195394>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:44:55.438000+00:00)
rouse them til they riot
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:08.021000+00:00)
direct the riot at jewish neighborhoods
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:09.130000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:19.049000+00:00)
have them fuck cities up
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:24.935000+00:00)
lol yeah redpill blacks about the jews and have them riot in their neighborhoods
Jörken writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:31.679000+00:00)
turning the kikes weapon against themselves <:handgnuggande:338748966059638787>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:32.799000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> It's dumb, there are already million examples of niggers chimping and raping daily, more of them aren't gonna redpill them, we just need more people advocating out and out racial pride.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:41.890000+00:00)
no but I mean massive chimpout
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:47.254000+00:00)
the likes of which we have never seen chimped
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:53.466000+00:00)
it's a strain on the system
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:57.304000+00:00)
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:45:58.789000+00:00)
the left deflects these chimpouts by saying it is a prodocut of white supremacist institutions in the US
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:04.984000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:06.291000+00:00)
if state protects niggers, and niggers attack lemmings
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:09.192000+00:00)
lemmings will defy state
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:09.853000+00:00)
and theyreby instilling white guilt in whites instead of rage for the fact they rioted
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:38.851000+00:00)
and the best part of it is the jews can't spin it as some "ebull natzi" thing
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:49.085000+00:00)
because they've been telling people Nat Soc Germany wanted to genocide niggers
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:46:53.649000+00:00)
even though they didn't lol
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:47:27.888000+00:00)
if state sides with niggers state will be hated by lemmings who are targeted by niggers
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:48:15.847000+00:00)
Can't find the written version but this should be the right one, great for anyone planning on any redpilling: http://podblanc.guru/i-sing-a-song-of-race-war-interview-with-weev_045bee793.html
Now this is 'ontological terrorism' <@340537126078775297> <@297184952079089665>
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:48:43.253000+00:00)
tfw it's not even terrorism to bait niggers though
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:48:46.865000+00:00)
Reconnect whites with their heritage, give them something to give a fuck about, not some old tired Republican crap.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:48:47.783000+00:00)
you're just baiting niggers
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:49:23.707000+00:00)
I'm actually surprised I didn't think of this before. The gaping weakness in their plans is their pet negroes.
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:49:34.448000+00:00)
Who are dumb enough to fall for practically any social engineering
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T16:49:39.737000+00:00)
including turning them against the jews
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:52:56.598000+00:00)
<@297184952079089665> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Relationship_Between_Blacks_and_Jews
This is actually surprisingly woke book for having been written by a nigger
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T16:53:02.085000+00:00)
Rockwells homies in NoI, no less
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T16:53:36.202000+00:00)
Yeah I saw that book
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T17:02:54.325000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> yes, releasing this info to nigs (who are prone to conspiracy theories anyways from all the pot smoking) could work
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T17:02:59.473000+00:00)
not saying it's a conspiracy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T17:03:04+00:00)
but just saying they'd be more receptive
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T17:03:40.096000+00:00)
I mean if you can convince niggers in droves of flat Earth, this should be easy
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-01T17:04:05.694000+00:00)
if they're willing to believe absurd lies, then the truth should be relatively easy to show
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T17:05:12.929000+00:00)
Jews did control slave trade tho.
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T17:07:51.170000+00:00)
Getting niggers to riot more is a good idea
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T17:08:15.393000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T17:08:30.101000+00:00)
Fan the flames
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T17:09:58.200000+00:00)
Paraphrasing my favorite quote: "We prefer a paralyzed enemy to a well criticized one"
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T17:10:29.374000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T17:12:49.604000+00:00)
1. Convince people niggers are dumb
2. ???
3. Revolution
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T17:15:24.482000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T17:41:37.848000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-01T17:45:09.263000+00:00)
Zoltanous writes: (2017-09-01T18:13:17.783000+00:00)
Thomas Storck argues: "both socialism and capitalism are products of the European Enlightenment and are thus modernizing and anti-traditional forces. Further, some distributists argue that socialism is the logical conclusion of capitalism as capitalism's concentrated powers eventually capture the state, resulting in a form of socialism. In contrast, distributism seeks to subordinate economic activity to human life as a whole, to our spiritual life, our intellectual life, our family life".
Amerikaner writes: (2017-09-01T18:15:05.599000+00:00)
It's funny that IE's green triangle logo is similar to the camp badge for habitual criminals
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-01T18:29:16.811000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-01T18:34:30.389000+00:00)
where was that
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T18:36:51.991000+00:00)
lol that video clib was great
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-01T18:37:03.090000+00:00)
remember when i first saw it i died
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T18:38:33.791000+00:00)
Make this a thing again
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T18:38:53.906000+00:00)
Coalburners need to be marked 😃
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T18:39:08.035000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-01T18:39:15.046000+00:00)
Won't the hanging be clue enough for people?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T18:40:00.904000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T18:40:11.113000+00:00)
You'll start the hanging
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-01T18:40:18.521000+00:00)
I'll use this in the meanwhile
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T18:42:49.555000+00:00)
We need to respect our traditions and bring back bogging.
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-01T19:09:38.295000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> dunno some fucking alt-kike event
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T19:14:22.105000+00:00)
Isn't that the jewess from the rebel media
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-01T19:16:23.713000+00:00)
<@!315896512338984960> yeah
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T19:17:31.435000+00:00)
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T19:17:46.152000+00:00)
That guy was so confused
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-01T19:18:50.704000+00:00)
Dat Nose
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-01T19:19:10.743000+00:00)
>That guy was so confused
More like disgusted I'd say.
Tyler writes: (2017-09-01T19:20:09.386000+00:00)
It looks like an overcooked pointed corndog
Jani writes: (2017-09-01T20:15:54.180000+00:00)
When it comes to creating self-hatred in Europe. This scene is a perfect example of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1CB-D1TtXc
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T20:17:49.893000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-01T20:17:50.792000+00:00)
Anglos will be anglos
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T20:19:30.381000+00:00)
"Some people hate the English, I don't, they're just wankers. We on the other hand are colonized by wankers! Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by."
dylb writes: (2017-09-01T20:19:48.270000+00:00)
Gott straffe England
Jani writes: (2017-09-01T20:20:29.052000+00:00)
Well, to be fair. Sounds like the EU overall
Jani writes: (2017-09-01T20:21:46.304000+00:00)
Internationally owned by wankers when it comes to the econom part of it, and morally by the media
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T20:59:36.582000+00:00)
So there is new password breach?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:00:59.653000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:02:52.593000+00:00)
where? <@228561082594099208>
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:03:32.543000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:03:45.395000+00:00)
My twitter account was there with my password
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:04:49.807000+00:00)
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:14:53.397000+00:00)
@everypody check if you are on this list!!! It has lots of passwords and emails. Mine Twitter account was on the list
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:15:41.058000+00:00)
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:17:15.401000+00:00)
lol. Donate money to support someone hacking nazist's when it's just a ideology. Are they retarded? Go to north korea please. Who hacked you?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:17:57.926000+00:00)
Mine wasn't <@228561082594099208>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:05.018000+00:00)
Clear too
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:12.940000+00:00)
Ok good
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:21.398000+00:00)
this needs to spread around
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:26.325000+00:00)
But i need to sleep
Sammy writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:27.575000+00:00)
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:47.358000+00:00)
Can you accept bitcoin as a payment? It's anonymous and can't be taken down.
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:18:57.399000+00:00)
For donations and so on?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:20:03.119000+00:00)
Set it on announcement?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:20:52.734000+00:00)
Mine either. Mine's never been released, it's like they don't even care ;__;
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:22:13.558000+00:00)
Protip, when they're cracking passwords they basically use dictionary lists of words, so having any single word + 14/88/1488 is really simple to crack. I guess it pays off to have incomprehensible 50 letter passes everywhere.
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-01T21:22:15.959000+00:00)
Are you guys on Steemit? You could post content there and generate some cryptocurrency
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:23:58.178000+00:00)
I've been an open nazi for several years, but I get not everyone is yet. Wonder if antifas comprehend its really counterproductive outing total normies as nazis, then they've only got one course of action, becoming open nazis for life.
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:23:58.180000+00:00)
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:24:07.490000+00:00)
Don't use a bad password and use linux.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:24:43.491000+00:00)
I did nazi that one coming <@225299960529158156>
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:24:51.152000+00:00)
I mean even patriotards use our shop, if they get outed as nazis, oh well, might just as well become a full on nazi for good.
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:25:16.287000+00:00)
Exactly. This just make us grow more.
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:25:19.347000+00:00)
Yep. What idiot's antifa are. Why do they hack you if you don't do any bad
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:25:50.491000+00:00)
I guess I should be mad but I'm not, I mean, it has zero effect on open nazis, but it pushes the more moderate people over the line.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:26:01.371000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:26:09.600000+00:00)
Get your sec in order tho
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-01T21:26:16.873000+00:00)
Qxin writes: (2017-09-01T21:26:44.268000+00:00)
Here's a good password d6EQA4Y_4}
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:26:46.693000+00:00)
Btw, who's in charge of kadulle.com <@225299960529158156> <@!311554642490294272>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:53:27.039000+00:00)
<@262741174144598029> website or business?
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:53:49.307000+00:00)
business. because I'm interested in ordering from the site. :)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:54:04.135000+00:00)
And I live in Sweden
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:54:19.784000+00:00)
I guess <@228561082594099208> can help you
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:54:35.878000+00:00)
Alright. Thank you kameraden! :)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:55:10.807000+00:00)
Np. Get our new stickers <:wp:330824114086346753> and Bellum jacket
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:55:33.023000+00:00)
I want the black and the white shirt with the tyr rune ;)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:55:40.840000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:56:35.950000+00:00)
So much new stuff every week
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:56:47.713000+00:00)
Can't keep up with it 😃
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T21:59:30.384000+00:00)
Mathias N2 writes: (2017-09-01T21:59:46.725000+00:00)
Awesome <@!311554642490294272>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-01T22:07:20.877000+00:00)
Didn't know about that article
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-01T23:27:24.587000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-01T23:27:36.853000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T00:35:40.347000+00:00)
oh yeah
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T00:36:03.165000+00:00)
that must've took ages to write though
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T00:36:24.400000+00:00)
whats with people writing such long articles about something that they've already proved in the first paragraph.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T00:36:34.201000+00:00)
errr its almost like the 10 minute youtube videos
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T01:49:00.253000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-02T01:53:23.267000+00:00)
gonna download the discord cuz browser version STINKS
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T01:53:32.747000+00:00)
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T01:54:30.095000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-02T01:54:52.983000+00:00)
brb, need to download this in the turdcomputer
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T01:56:51.920000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dklji5wM9Lg <@207628442923958272>
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T01:58:07.446000+00:00)
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T01:58:25.381000+00:00)
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T01:59:11.693000+00:00)
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T01:59:40.070000+00:00)
What about Stöveltramp
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T01:59:42.605000+00:00)
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-02T02:00:48.598000+00:00)
Janni writes: (2017-09-02T02:01:25.780000+00:00)
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T02:02:10.265000+00:00)
I heard my name <@207628442923958272>
waz up
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T02:02:25.184000+00:00)
Oh I can't RN
Agrippa writes: (2017-09-02T02:34:17.763000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T05:06:30.255000+00:00)
Janni? Is that a fucking tattoo I'm seeing on your hand?
Sammy writes: (2017-09-02T05:55:28.804000+00:00)
Fyren writes: (2017-09-02T08:15:54.292000+00:00)
GuideToOblivion writes: (2017-09-02T08:44:49.938000+00:00)
👍 😌
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:03:31.859000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:03:34.858000+00:00)
That's pretty dope
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:03:49.622000+00:00)
Didn't think Kadulle/Bellum made knives
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:12:18.040000+00:00)
She has a tattoo though
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:12:50.658000+00:00)
Aren't we against tattoos?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:13:04.591000+00:00)
Uh I guess I'm just too much of a Hitlerist.
Victor writes: (2017-09-02T09:13:44.290000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Not bad indeed. Every north man or women should be equiped with one those these days. For their own security.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:14:07.002000+00:00)
But are we against tattoos?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:14:15.662000+00:00)
I mean that's a fucking star wtf
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:14:48.367000+00:00)
Lol richard is too soft on fags and Jews
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:14:54.891000+00:00)
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:15:07.280000+00:00)
This is one of the leaders
Victor writes: (2017-09-02T09:15:23.996000+00:00)
Stars my female friends used to tattoo these back in the school days lol. Looks horrible to be honest on the same level as tribal tattoos in my option.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:15:36.108000+00:00)
We aren't anti Semitic, were anti zionist. Though most Jews are Zionists there are a few honorary Aryans
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:16:09.521000+00:00)
I feel like I'm too much of a Hitlerist to talk for Nordfront but
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:16:37.482000+00:00)
If we deport all Jews to Israel they'll just infoltrate countries and fuck us
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:16:53.842000+00:00)
Reminder Jews have been expelled from countries 369 times throughout history
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:16:58.932000+00:00)
They keep coming back
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:00.701000+00:00)
We can't deport Jews when they basically run everything
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:23.451000+00:00)
They find another host or use there already existing ones
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:28.933000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:34.828000+00:00)
Somehow deport's the richest families
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:50.391000+00:00)
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:50.910000+00:00)
Kek it's long term thinking whatever
Victor writes: (2017-09-02T09:17:59.809000+00:00)
The jews should be sent to the moon.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:05.073000+00:00)
Are you from pol?
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:07.462000+00:00)
Most important right now is inspiring white/national pride
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:24.961000+00:00)
Aaaaa Pol is so cucked I mean so many maga faggots
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:27.388000+00:00)
And stopping white replacement and globalist shills
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:36.977000+00:00)
And hooligans
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:47.008000+00:00)
Pol is just a sperging forum
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:53.263000+00:00)
Ruin our self image
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T09:18:58.408000+00:00)
It has its moments I guess but not to be taken seriously
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:19:56.166000+00:00)
Maybe. But so many of those wannabes go to national socialist chats with their frog pfp.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:20:21.209000+00:00)
And say praise kek every 5 seconds. I like that they got antifa arrested though.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:20:43.475000+00:00)
But there's so much division in national socialism
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:21:19.196000+00:00)
We got those Ukraine larpers
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:22:37.280000+00:00)
I don't know what you mean about being *too much of a Hitlerist*, if you're not a Hitlerist you're not a National Socialist, and we are National Socialists.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:24:17.334000+00:00)
Strasserists and Hitlerists seem to divide.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:24:41.517000+00:00)
But we're against tattoos right?
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:25:40.719000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Strasserists aren't national socialist by default
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:26:07.191000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:26:26.276000+00:00)
We're not against tattoos, it's subjective. I don't like tattoos on women and I wouldn't get tattooed myself, but I can appreciate tattoos.
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:26:46.728000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:27:16.319000+00:00)
Uh I'm used to a very strict national socialist discord.. this will take time to get used ro.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:27:18.029000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:28:37.064000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> What do you mean?
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:28:50.998000+00:00)
I think you misunderstand national socialism if you think it says that tattoos are 100% haram
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:29:16.876000+00:00)
You seem you are bit on the spectrum side friendo
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:30:10.950000+00:00)
This is what's stated in my other chats doctrine
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:30:13.556000+00:00)
Present yourself in a respectable manner at all times, with cleanliness and sobriety. That means: no tattoos, no piercings, no odd haircuts or other indications of belonging to a trashy subculture.
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:30:34.002000+00:00)
You can have tattoos without it being subcultural
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:31:05.544000+00:00)
I don't mind a few tattoos but when it gets all over the body.
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:31:40.141000+00:00)
People should just advice new guys against getting tattooed so this trend dies off in our scene
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:31:51.960000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:31:53.674000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:32:34.685000+00:00)
One tattoo on a spot where it isn't visible when havinv clothes on isn't the end of the world but neck to toe tattoos are degenerate af
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:32:55.018000+00:00)
I've seen a few shaving their head in this movement. Please tell me what I'm thinking isn't true?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:33:01.694000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:33:19.764000+00:00)
Cos if we have fucking skinheads... Man oh man.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:33:22.272000+00:00)
Oh no, the head shaving
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:33:35.541000+00:00)
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-02T09:33:38.435000+00:00)
Skinheads aren't necessarily bad
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:34:16.949000+00:00)
east slav countries have shitton of straight edge ones
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:34:34.707000+00:00)
Just keep a 70/30 majority of people with hair and you won't look like a skinhead group
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-02T09:34:36.920000+00:00)
They're not addicts and alcoholics like many seem to believe
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:35:07.665000+00:00)
They re like punks
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:35:16.852000+00:00)
But right winf
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:35:19.580000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:36:12.105000+00:00)
What if they go bald? 🤔
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:36:26.884000+00:00)
Then obviousky
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:36:29.754000+00:00)
Ever heard of hair transplants?
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:36:34.691000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:37:00.869000+00:00)
Pull a Wayne Rooney
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:37:35.364000+00:00)
Instead of using money to buy leaflets and posters, use it to get your bald comrades some hair on their heads
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:37:45.922000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:37:55.852000+00:00)
wew lad you make me the xd again
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:38:10.035000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:38:20.677000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> long term investment for longterm pr rep 😄
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:38:44.576000+00:00)
When you close your eyes and See Hitler
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:23.538000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:36.326000+00:00)
While I am not fan of skinhead look I don't have problem with them, ofc if they are not druggies and alcoholic
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:36.920000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:43.507000+00:00)
Want more?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:46.496000+00:00)
Hold on
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:39:59.315000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Same
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:11.812000+00:00)
Is this rare?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:12.965000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:26.071000+00:00)
I never saw it before
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:28.125000+00:00)
Never seen it before
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:31.807000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:40:34.694000+00:00)
Though I kind of accidentally fall into the skinhead aesthetic line, cause I buzz my hair and like milsurp and British fashion.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:00.809000+00:00)
Just get an undercut smh
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:08.097000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:36.667000+00:00)
Lol this is memeable
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:44.149000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:46.248000+00:00)
This is
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:41:54.912000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Can't bother wasting money on getting my hair cut when I can just buzz it
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:15.028000+00:00)
Isn't that expensive
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:19.360000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:28.510000+00:00)
Tattoos are not a problem. Of course when you don't overdo it and they have a deep meaning to you
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:28.664000+00:00)
I go to a barber twice a month 10euros each.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:32.698000+00:00)
And you look like a good Aryan slave to zionisn
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:35.704000+00:00)
Barbers are expensive as fug in Sweden
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:43.170000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:47.114000+00:00)
Go to a small town
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:48.749000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:53.660000+00:00)
Cheap as fuck
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:42:58.700000+00:00)
Really? It's cheap over here
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:00.886000+00:00)
Costs money to get there
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:13.070000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Barbers in Sweden range from €20 to €40
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:13.327000+00:00)
That's why I exploited the systen
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:19.689000+00:00)
And kidnapped one
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:28.176000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:36.177000+00:00)
that much for haircut??
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:37.242000+00:00)
I'd rather just buzz it for free
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:39.582000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:44.012000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:50.438000+00:00)
So cut it every 2 months
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:51.748000+00:00)
here its 2e
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:43:56.727000+00:00)
I remember Turks were cutting hair for 5€ in Germany
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:06.259000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Then I'll look good for a few weeks and then look awful for a month
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:23.926000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:31.439000+00:00)
What the fck
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:31.732000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:32.626000+00:00)
Take a private jet to China every month to get a haircut
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:41.944000+00:00)
local barber
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:59.762000+00:00)
probably more expensive in city center
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:44:59.783000+00:00)
A coffee costs 3€
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:04.384000+00:00)
In greece
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:09.110000+00:00)
Im jealous
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:09.614000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:26.311000+00:00)
That's why I drink my coffee black.
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:34.301000+00:00)
A coffee can cost €6 in cafes in Sweden
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:41.749000+00:00)
I could probably live like a king with 1000e salary here
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:45:50.708000+00:00)
Gas station coffee usually costs €2 - €3
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:00.913000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:06.628000+00:00)
I went there once
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:16.766000+00:00)
And I got hot water smh
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:23.309000+00:00)
Is coffee with cinnamon good?
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:27.103000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:30.347000+00:00)
It is
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:36.631000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:40.465000+00:00)
I'll try it sometime
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:46.911000+00:00)
What you northerners need is cold coffee
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:46:52.232000+00:00)
my only expenses besides food is 16e for gym and books from time to time
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:03.990000+00:00)
I got scammed so many times with hot water instead of coffee.
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:08.581000+00:00)
I think I pay €80 per 3 months for my gym card
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:18.162000+00:00)
and that's pretty cheap
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:18.873000+00:00)
Thats ok
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:23.309000+00:00)
That's good
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:42.861000+00:00)
I pay €2,5 per day for bus tickets to get to and from school
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:47.200000+00:00)
Coffee with cinnamon sounds disgustig
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:47:54.991000+00:00)
I ride a bike
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:01.699000+00:00)
Better for yoy
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:03.208000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:06.781000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:13.572000+00:00)
I prefer a motorcycle though
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:19.943000+00:00)
But I've never tried so it might be good
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:21.963000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> Sounds good to me tbh, think about it. It has a warming flavour, and is just tree bark.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:26.030000+00:00)
I live in Norrbotten. It's cold and summers are cold but it's so worth it.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:41.413000+00:00)
Lucky you
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:42.488000+00:00)
I can't bother buying a bike, costs too much. Might try to get a used one on Blocket
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:43.975000+00:00)
bus ticket that lasts 90min is 0.75e here
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:52.320000+00:00)
I think average was like 10c
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:48:57.887000+00:00)
Bus ticket here is €1,2 and it lasts 60 minutes
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:11.407000+00:00)
and the busses are filled with freaks
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:14.521000+00:00)
superior serbland
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:17.754000+00:00)
Bus tickets vary on time lengths?
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:18.041000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096> But would it fit the bitter flavour of coffee? That's what makes me doubt it
Elusive writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:26.552000+00:00)
Bus and metro tricket at 1,4€ for 90mins
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:28.596000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> There's a Serb living in Sweden in this server
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:31.546000+00:00)
Joined yesterday
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:38.396000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:39.472000+00:00)
<@299994626205679616> Yeah, it would sweeten it.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:46.675000+00:00)
d i a s p o r a
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:51.088000+00:00)
Im going
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:57.200000+00:00)
He's a member of Srpska radikalna stranka though
Victor writes: (2017-09-02T09:49:59.380000+00:00)
Buy a cresent bike they last forever and costs like nothing.
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T09:50:08.464000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> bye
Victor writes: (2017-09-02T09:50:17.519000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T10:54:59.633000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T10:55:01.132000+00:00)
Look what I bought
noobtia writes: (2017-09-02T10:55:57.267000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T10:56:17.181000+00:00)
At the Viking market
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T10:56:29.643000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T10:56:56.849000+00:00)
The only ones selling nice jewellery ever are from Latvia and Estonia
GuideToOblivion writes: (2017-09-02T10:58:17.103000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-02T11:03:28.728000+00:00)
There seems to be an awful lack of diversity <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196>
GuideToOblivion writes: (2017-09-02T11:05:54.875000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T11:11:39.839000+00:00)
<@352938009424953354> Post random pics in <#338792007570817025>
GuideToOblivion writes: (2017-09-02T11:59:12.634000+00:00)
<@331147867035140096>oki, sorry
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T12:16:25.963000+00:00)
Yes it was terrible
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T12:16:33.423000+00:00)
No diversity at all
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T12:17:04.220000+00:00)
Even though it was located by the "no-go"
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T13:36:20.705000+00:00)
Would anyone here be able to help a Romanian movement with their emblem ?
We don't know anyone who is a good editor that could make a "wallpaper" for our emblem so if you could help us or know anyone who can please let me know
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-02T18:21:00.209000+00:00)
How 'bout a swastika?
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T18:29:44.371000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-02T18:31:33.832000+00:00)
is it illegal?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-02T19:05:28.008000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-02T19:05:53.496000+00:00)
You don't happen to sit on the exact number of public referendums that Hitler held during his rule
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-02T19:06:01.314000+00:00)
I can't find the number but I remember it was many
Славрос writes: (2017-09-02T19:06:47.246000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-02T19:07:25.438000+00:00)
Þórr writes: (2017-09-02T19:09:35.773000+00:00)
At least 5
Þórr writes: (2017-09-02T19:09:49.477000+00:00)
The last referendum was in 1938 I think
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:03.611000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Do a swastika
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:26.860000+00:00)
Or do you already have a symbol?
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:36.388000+00:00)
We have one
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:45.383000+00:00)
We just wanna make it look like a wallpaper kinda
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:50.275000+00:00)
Our movement it's called
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T20:18:57.490000+00:00)
The National-Christian Front
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-02T20:20:42.266000+00:00)
Well I can't help you unfortunately, I was just curious
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T20:20:47.635000+00:00)
No worries
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:41:45.043000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Is the swastika illegal to display in Romania?
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:44:00.768000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:44:36.592000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Use some old Romanian symbol then
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:44:49.073000+00:00)
That's what we're trying to find
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:44:53.629000+00:00)
A good one
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:04.704000+00:00)
We're not NatSoc
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:17.836000+00:00)
We're legionnaires
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:21.776000+00:00)
That's the exact same thing
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:26.217000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:29.029000+00:00)
It isn't
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:31.476000+00:00)
Yes it is
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:50.964000+00:00)
It's not German NS but it's NS
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:45:53.572000+00:00)
It's the same worldview
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:17.090000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:19.360000+00:00)
Codreanu was just as NS as Primo de Rivera was NS or Mussolini was NS
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:20.117000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:27.136000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:29.011000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:32.405000+00:00)
National socialism
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:35.492000+00:00)
Has nothing to do
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:38.259000+00:00)
I dont care about politics
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:41.375000+00:00)
NS = Worldview
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-02T21:46:41.529000+00:00)
With the Iron Guard
dylb writes: (2017-09-02T21:47:09.413000+00:00)
Yes it does because they adhered to the national socialist worldview which has to do with a helluva lot more than politics
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-02T21:50:02.392000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Is a monk less Christian than a priest?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-02T21:50:18.375000+00:00)
They only focus on different aspects of the same doctrine
Rotmistrz writes: (2017-09-02T22:02:32.496000+00:00)
i like that book for my legionaires
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T23:47:53.434000+00:00)
Legionarism is a part of the Worldview of Fascism as expressed under the unique conditions and circumstances of Romania. <@255018103723786241>
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-02T23:48:05.225000+00:00)
Is this not codreanu? https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.counter-currents.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F07%2Fcodreanu-crowning-260x195.jpg&u=https://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/codreanu-crowning-260x195.jpg
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-03T00:10:50.168000+00:00)
Nothing to do with NS!!!!
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-03T00:10:55.499000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-03T01:59:08.316000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T02:13:41.384000+00:00)
>ancient Aryans of asia
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T02:13:44.107000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T02:13:53.713000+00:00)
It's an ancient European symbol, m8
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-03T02:34:50.493000+00:00)
I wonder why it says that. It's true that it was a hindu symbol but it was also a pagan symbol.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-03T02:34:54.417000+00:00)
Hence why he used it
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T04:12:02+00:00)
Mfw I have a friend who wants to make a phone and isn't lying.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T04:12:22.509000+00:00)
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T04:12:36.797000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-03T05:54:01.634000+00:00)
Hohe muskel writes: (2017-09-03T06:12:09.607000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-03T06:41:59.507000+00:00)
Monarchist? ^
Victor writes: (2017-09-03T08:48:57.155000+00:00)
<@!126025971311575041> I'll order a phone from your friend😀
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-03T08:57:48.173000+00:00)
If you didn't see it already
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:10:26.735000+00:00)
<@117583555873210369> Post random vids in <#338792007570817025>
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:47:38.823000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Stop crying about the word "nazi". Seriously. It wasn't "coined" by anyone as a derogatory term for national socialism. The word actually comes from 1903, meaning "national social", though not being related to national socialism.
Several members of the NSDAP used the word "nazi" for short, including Goebbels.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:48:46.999000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Where are you getting the 1903 bit from?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:50:40.375000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:50:53.647000+00:00)
Sorry about the German
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:52:22.362000+00:00)
"The shortening 'nazi' referred to 'national social affairs', coined by Friedrich Naumann in 1903."
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:52:28.017000+00:00)
Or something along those lines
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:55:12.046000+00:00)
Yeah but when used to refer to NS it says
*Für den Nationalsozialisten im gegenwärtigen Sinne wurde Nazi vermutlich erstmals belegt bei Kurt Tucholsky 1923.*
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:55:32.757000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:55:59.348000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:56:34.178000+00:00)
Still using "nazi" for short, though.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:56:55.343000+00:00)
Historically it has been used to slander NS so it's not a good term, but I agree that there's no point in being fussy over it.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:57:45.037000+00:00)
I mean, it's a lot easier just saying "German Nazi Party" than "National Socialist German Workers' Party"
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T09:57:56.864000+00:00)
It's easier to say NSDAP
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T09:58:04.065000+00:00)
Or that, I guess.
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:07:50.605000+00:00)
Rockwell named his party nazi
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:07:55.645000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:09.223000+00:00)
It's just fucking semantics, doesn't matter if it started out as slander
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:28.611000+00:00)
Goebbels titled his book 'the nazi-sozi'
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:30.707000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> That was for propaganda purposes though, he didnt refer to himself as a nazi
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:47.767000+00:00)
Sperging about muh national socialism instead of nazi is pathetic, autistic, and most of all **weak**.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:50.306000+00:00)
Goebbels tried to subvert the term but failed and stopped using it
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:11:52.581000+00:00)
Let's also not forget that Manson literally calls himself a "neo-nazi"
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:12:20.169000+00:00)
So we'll subvert it now
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:12:38.007000+00:00)
If asked 'are you a nazi?' just say yes
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:13:12.760000+00:00)
I would say "Yeah, a national socialist" and then leave it at that, getting fussy about it isn't beneficial but clarifying it is fine
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:13:36.346000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> You mean Mason not Manson. Mason calls himself a national socialist
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:13:44.987000+00:00)
Nope, I mean Manson... -.-
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:13:57.530000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:04.206000+00:00)
How is he relevant?
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:04.756000+00:00)
Also nazi can be good for marketing purposes
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:17.044000+00:00)
How is he irrelevant?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:21.237000+00:00)
<@304352666715160577> Yeah, that's what I meant GLR did, but he called himself a national socialist internally
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:39.383000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> He's not really a national socialist persona, universal order aside
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:46.655000+00:00)
Yeah, as you would, since NS is the better term
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:51.599000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T10:14:57.685000+00:00)
I just don't get butthurt about the word nazi
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:00.344000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:08.299000+00:00)
nazi is just shorter
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:14.833000+00:00)
easier to say
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:16.512000+00:00)
I say NS for a shorter term
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:32.037000+00:00)
I don't since that is a railway company over here
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:44.224000+00:00)
NS can mean a whole variety of things
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:44.767000+00:00)
who get shit on even more than nazis
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:48.581000+00:00)
Nazi means one thing
Kevin writes: (2017-09-03T10:15:54.329000+00:00)
I mean yeah sure it may be used as a slur but if you let the word bother you, then it's succeeding
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:16:04.129000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> what?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T10:16:19.751000+00:00)
Guys, I'm a nazi and you're being offensive right now
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:16:50.732000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> aren't you a janissary
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:17:14.685000+00:00)
NS could mean national syndicalist 🤔
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:17:48.765000+00:00)
NS could mean Nova Scotia, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, and a bunch of other shit
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:17:56.113000+00:00)
Not when used by NS though
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:07.994000+00:00)
*Spoorwegen* Spårvagnar?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:15.047000+00:00)
A dutch railway company.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:17.729000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:22.500000+00:00)
What a börk börk language
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:34.613000+00:00)
NS = Neonazi white Supremacist
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:41.149000+00:00)
Dutch sounds like what Sims speak
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:18:41.477000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:19:03.336000+00:00)
Dutch has a lot of Norwegian
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:19:05.952000+00:00)
Dutch is like 60% English 40% German basically
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:21:57.186000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:22:04.921000+00:00)
Sounds very odd
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T10:22:11.412000+00:00)
Spoorwegen is easily in the top 5 words I learned this week
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:22:18.597000+00:00)
Sounds like a Danish guy speaking gibberish
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:22:21.925000+00:00)
Oh wait, that's just Danish.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:22:43.196000+00:00)
Oh wait I should have posted this instead
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:23:34.543000+00:00)
Why do they sometimes say R using their throat like in other Germanic languages, and other times use air like in English?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:23:55.228000+00:00)
I don't know, they have weird consonants
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:24:15.983000+00:00)
We have different R sounds in Swedish aswell though
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:25:49.831000+00:00)
you fuckers
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:04.430000+00:00)
Same in Norwegian, but it's depending on the dialect.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:10.939000+00:00)
Aren't you Frisian anyway?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:17.754000+00:00)
Here in the south it's just the throat way.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:20.753000+00:00)
Same thing
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:54.516000+00:00)
Tbh the Netherlands should be annexed by Germany and then Germanified.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T10:26:56.774000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Is that a tranny at 3:00
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:27:17.709000+00:00)
This time we will annex the BRD
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:27:21.520000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:27:35.034000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> I think it's just an American
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:28:08.288000+00:00)
She sounds Jewish
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:28:13.363000+00:00)
Tbh Flandes should be annexed to the Netherlands
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:28:28.348000+00:00)
And then to Germany.
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:28:49.977000+00:00)
Dutch literally started as a dialect of High German until it degenerated into this crap
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:29:00.468000+00:00)
All the way to the Somne is Dutch clay
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:29:10.663000+00:00)
That's really wrong tiwaz
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:29:17.239000+00:00)
High German has NOTHING to do with Dutch
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:29:20.286000+00:00)
The entire world is Nordic clay <:heil:331491634229411840>
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:04.172000+00:00)
Make the Netherlands Spain again
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:08.466000+00:00)
OldDutch = what the Frankish Merovingians spoke and was identical to Old Saxon
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:27.733000+00:00)
>Spanish LARPers appropriating our cross
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:41.284000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:42.581000+00:00)
You barely held on to those lands for a century or something
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:30:52.817000+00:00)
you have no right to the Bourgoundic cross
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:00.369000+00:00)
took you 80 years to get them back
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:26.502000+00:00)
you mean it took 80 years before you realised you were beat
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:34.575000+00:00)
This scares the Dutch man
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:41.175000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:43.430000+00:00)
All those former Portuguese colonies (and the portuguese mainland) should be given to Spain tbh
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:31:50.844000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:08.267000+00:00)
lol what
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:13.388000+00:00)
We should annex Portugal
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:17.826000+00:00)
as if the spanish took good care of their own colonies
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:24.611000+00:00)
"Portugal should annex Spain" - José Churraca, 2017
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:38.978000+00:00)
I didn't say that
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:32:56.003000+00:00)
Spain should have finished the job on turning the Philippines 100% spanish
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:33:01.491000+00:00)
now they're a disgusting mongrel nation
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:33:15.526000+00:00)
They succ American kok, they get fucced
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:34:37.274000+00:00)
<@194143442157305856> How does the racial makeup differ between southern, central and northern parts of Spain?
Qxin writes: (2017-09-03T10:35:02.353000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:35:55.497000+00:00)
everywhere the spanish go they can't keep their dick in their own wamen
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:36:36.588000+00:00)
implying most people in the world right now can't keep their dick in their own wamen
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-03T10:36:56.277000+00:00)
implying that's an excuse
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:38:04.802000+00:00)
Whatever, you speak Sim language
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:39:02.184000+00:00)
"Gorgle harknoorgen paartfnaargen" -ancient dutch proverb
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-03T10:39:22.123000+00:00)
Frisian is dialect of Serbian
few know this
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:39:45.109000+00:00)
Frisians are just Wr.Aldaist Serbs anyway
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-03T10:40:12.829000+00:00)
Wr. Alda is Serb and he will protect us
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:40:50.618000+00:00)
Only unity will save the Frisians
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-03T10:41:13.820000+00:00)
Serbian missiles are guided by Wr. Alda
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:02.768000+00:00)
Qxin writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:03.665000+00:00)
It was joke
Qxin writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:07.367000+00:00)
Don't mute me
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:23.488000+00:00)
Muta honom 😄
Qxin writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:35.752000+00:00)
Tiwaz It was joke
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:37.149000+00:00)
<@216530256146857984> Du skriver i fel kanal
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:48.698000+00:00)
I don't even know what you're talking about Qxin
Qxin writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:51.353000+00:00)
Daniel N4 Okay sorry. Tiwaz it's only english here
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-03T10:42:59.022000+00:00)
But when people beg to not be muted, they usually should be muted kek
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T10:43:08.308000+00:00)
Skriv i <#339744781938851840> om du är i den röstkanalen
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:45:28.445000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> It's very shuffled
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:45:34.965000+00:00)
Racial differences, that is
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:45:51.407000+00:00)
There is a gypsy community all around
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:45:59.986000+00:00)
But they don't count as Spaniards
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T10:46:18.808000+00:00)
The North West is mostly celtic
Siegurd writes: (2017-09-03T12:34:23.818000+00:00)
Siegurd writes: (2017-09-03T12:34:42.898000+00:00)
First time I ever agreed with the socialist party...
Tidsmaskinen writes: (2017-09-03T12:44:18.701000+00:00)
What happend to the right-wing in wallonia belgium, i heard the communists are now the biggest party. Is there still any resistance?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T13:02:39.523000+00:00)
<@!298908306074894338> Post random pics/vids/etc in <#338792007570817025>
JohannWolf writes: (2017-09-03T13:21:34.592000+00:00)
That's not random. That is something for political discussion as it is news that effects several nations <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T13:22:42.964000+00:00)
<@!298908306074894338> It's still random if you're just posting the pic without it contributing to an existing convo or using it to start a new one
JohannWolf writes: (2017-09-03T13:23:09.391000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T14:39:26.593000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T14:39:29.263000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-03T14:45:07.170000+00:00)
Gah, this is so fucked up
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-03T14:45:25.045000+00:00)
Feminism and (((Femen))) is fucking up the world
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-03T15:02:36.160000+00:00)
Complete garbage
Jason writes: (2017-09-03T15:02:51.676000+00:00)
destroy every living kike
Jason writes: (2017-09-03T15:03:08.556000+00:00)
and hang every traitor
Jason writes: (2017-09-03T15:03:30.715000+00:00)
until our people receive their due justice
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:05:28.308000+00:00)
It has hit iceland too?
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:05:28.576000+00:00)
Fuck me
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:14:20.392000+00:00)
That's ancient though
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:14:43.118000+00:00)
Iceland is as bad as Sweden in this regard, innit?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:14:47.460000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> Iceland is one of the most gay countries imaginable
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:06.168000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:16.375000+00:00)
I rarely hear anything about the country
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:21.981000+00:00)
I thought it was relativly untouched
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:29.745000+00:00)
That's what people think about Sweden
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:35.447000+00:00)
Or well, used to think until 10 years ago
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:49.379000+00:00)
I remember when Sweden was known for Ikea blondes and Abba
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:52.698000+00:00)
I guess that time is over
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:15:58.758000+00:00)
Yeah that's what I mean, Iceland is the same
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T15:16:10.826000+00:00)
The don't have as big of a demographic issue but they're gay af
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:16:51.998000+00:00)
for now
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:16:58.107000+00:00)
are the Faroe the only sane place now?
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:17:13.177000+00:00)
The faroe lacks women
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:17:22.796000+00:00)
So they import thai women
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:17:30.618000+00:00)
I'm moving to Germanistan next year
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:17:42.954000+00:00)
But I'm hoping to move to Faroe some time in the future
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:17:55.957000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T15:18:33.547000+00:00)
I have my own wife already (full Germanic-Baltic), so no problem
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T15:23:05.368000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:11:31.263000+00:00)
<@332484308445167630> whatsup
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-03T16:12:34.613000+00:00)
Are you German?
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:13:50.579000+00:00)
Can't you use the right button on your mouse?
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-03T16:14:11.397000+00:00)
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:15:22.068000+00:00)
So why do you ask
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-03T16:17:38.121000+00:00)
Because Brazilian could mean anything
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:17:59.925000+00:00)
I could be Germanic, but not German.
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:18:31.194000+00:00)
and here I thought that the German language was very descriptive and detailed
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-03T16:19:04.668000+00:00)
😄 no worries
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:19:21.271000+00:00)
its just a prank bro
UndergroundOddity writes: (2017-09-03T16:20:06.342000+00:00)
but, yeah, I do have German ancestry.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:04:02.780000+00:00)
hi people
Bergstedt writes: (2017-09-03T17:10:07.369000+00:00)
Hello Kebab man!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:15:37.526000+00:00)
how you guys doing today
Mumburra writes: (2017-09-03T17:15:41.862000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXuf9pjciMc very interesting video if you're interested in what once was.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:39:10.205000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Cao tebra
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:39:30.723000+00:00)
I heard you were arguing with an Albozerg on a language learning server
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:40:01.771000+00:00)
oh yes about 2 weeks ago
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:40:35.548000+00:00)
who did you heard it from
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:41:32.709000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:42:46.787000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Polack in the same server
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:43:00.612000+00:00)
He told me a Serb and Albanian argued there, I asked "What's the Serbs name?" and he said "Kebab something, very memey" and I said "Official Kebab Remover?" which he confirmed
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:43:12.189000+00:00)
I am on a different server with him
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:43:48.068000+00:00)
oh yea he start talking their illyrian pure bloodline and dna
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:44:34.480000+00:00)
whenever i proved him wrong 1st was serbian propaganda and 2nd time it was greek propaganda
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:45:36.317000+00:00)
it was fun he tried to spell illyrian pureblood in his name but he did it hastly and spelled it wrong
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:45:47.693000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:45:55.908000+00:00)
There's an Albanian on this server
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T17:46:21.048000+00:00)
Oh and a few days ago a Serb in Sweden joined the server
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T17:47:28.709000+00:00)
Vranje e shqiperia
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T17:49:00.468000+00:00)
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-03T18:02:52.723000+00:00)
What do you goys think about forming companies which are focused on revitalizing architecture in the west back to traditional styles?
Jason writes: (2017-09-03T18:16:37.834000+00:00)
i'll think about that when the system is smashed
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:34:36.871000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:34:58.274000+00:00)
It's a nice idea in theory but I don't think it's a good time for it
Bergstedt writes: (2017-09-03T18:35:08.817000+00:00)
We absolutely need more beauty in architecture, of course.
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:36:40.354000+00:00)
We need more beauty in lamp posts <:varg:333280265910616064>
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T18:37:01.947000+00:00)
A bit more of Nordic Classicsism
Bergstedt writes: (2017-09-03T18:37:24.601000+00:00)
But generally speaking, when someone brings up 'revitalization' or 'bringing back' they do so by nostalgia or a reformistic line of thinking. There will be a time for it 😃
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:37:27.379000+00:00)
Some more ropes <:varg:333280265910616064>
Bergstedt writes: (2017-09-03T18:37:54.275000+00:00)
Classic Thule Braid.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T18:38:49.067000+00:00)
Neo-mudhutism > neo-classicism
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:39:12.355000+00:00)
Neo-Croatianism > Classical Serbism
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T18:39:23.223000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T18:40:27.953000+00:00)
Neo-Shiptareism > Neo-RavnaGoraIsm
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:41:30.597000+00:00)
ravna gora didnt really have much to do with shqips
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T18:41:54.840000+00:00)
Yeah idk i felt like it sounded stupid
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:42:18.416000+00:00)
Neo-Ljoticism > Vulgar Drazaism
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:42:44.351000+00:00)
What is this convo even supposed to be about 🤔
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T18:43:11.171000+00:00)
Better architecture?
Viper writes: (2017-09-03T18:43:14.015000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:43:51.965000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T18:45:25.973000+00:00)
Neo-Asenism > Everything that is not Bulgaria
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:45:55.225000+00:00)
Bogomilism > True Orthodoxy
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T18:46:06.989000+00:00)
Wait you're not even orthodox are you?
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-03T18:49:06.231000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T18:59:45.801000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Wot?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:01:20.441000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> are you orthodox
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:01:24.304000+00:00)
Oh right
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:01:27.714000+00:00)
I keep confusing you for someone else
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T19:03:46.092000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:14:07.074000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> THUNGUR HNIFUR
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-03T19:35:20.349000+00:00)
Discuss this
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T19:42:33.638000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:49:29.706000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Everybody loves that song
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T19:50:26.565000+00:00)
"Panteli panteli"
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:08.649000+00:00)
there is an albanian on this server?
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:16.550000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> Yes, for some reason
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:21.060000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:31.656000+00:00)
I forgot his username
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:34.038000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:43.631000+00:00)
I piss on Albanian identity
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:53.618000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:50:54.425000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:02.763000+00:00)
There's a Serb in Sweden here aswell
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:08.744000+00:00)
Who is a member of Srpska radikalna stranka
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:16.300000+00:00)
Whoever that is
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:24.138000+00:00)
he is a cuck, degenerate and I piss on him too
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:49.053000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> be respectful penguin
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:58.707000+00:00)
"We are for unification fo all Serbs, orthodox, catholic, muslim and atheist"
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:51:59.732000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:52:03.351000+00:00)
fuck off SRS cucks
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:52:20.611000+00:00)
One Faith, One God, One Fatherland
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:52:40.269000+00:00)
There should be a King in there somewhere but we are kinda lacking on that one
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:52:51.130000+00:00)
One Faith, One God, One Fatherland, One Pope
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:52:55.939000+00:00)
got you covered
dylb writes: (2017-09-03T20:53:02.982000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-03T20:53:46.805000+00:00)
>one pope🤢
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-03T21:02:26.129000+00:00)
one patriarch
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-09-03T21:17:18.260000+00:00)
School is starting soon. The schools are enemy controlled but we can get in to them through young people using discord for gaming. In these channels volunteer to do their homework for your native language's class and what you write will end up in classrooms without you having to go there.
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-09-03T21:19:32.080000+00:00)
<@!148835261629988864> <@331086676841463832>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T22:12:31.619000+00:00)
All papophiles need to be put to death
Victor writes: (2017-09-03T22:31:56.448000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Is that a new group i've not heard of?
Japzzi writes: (2017-09-03T22:46:16.947000+00:00)
<@239096222277828610> <@207526231854415873>
Is Roki what you call turbo folk? Or is that a other genre entirely?
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T22:53:50.113000+00:00)
<@338790534086656030> Nah it's just for shits and giiggles.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T22:53:55.169000+00:00)
But I cannot believe he's serious.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T22:54:08.533000+00:00)
He actually thinks this idea is sane.
Bad Goyim writes: (2017-09-03T22:54:18.211000+00:00)
Lets see what happens I suppose.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-03T23:12:56.450000+00:00)
most papophiles aint even in europe
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-09-04T01:38:31.538000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> <@!245616114061672448> <@206898373062557696>
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-09-04T01:39:11.048000+00:00)
Dickie Sphincter is getting worse for each day
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T02:02:00.191000+00:00)
Dickie Spencerstein you mean
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-04T03:23:22.918000+00:00)
Spencer panders way too much to e celeb subhumans
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-04T03:23:33.941000+00:00)
He is gen x though
Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] writes: (2017-09-04T03:23:38.716000+00:00)
don't really expect much from oldfags
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T06:02:04.158000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-04T06:09:36.201000+00:00)
as someone pointed out about Spencer:
talking to a mulatto -> ok with mixed race people
talking to a jew -> I really like zionism
talking to a gay -> homosexuality is part of european civilization
talking to a nazi -> psst I'm just like you
Славрос writes: (2017-09-04T06:10:18.871000+00:00)
but yeah spencer exposing himself as a colossal faggot? imagine my lack of shock
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T06:12:20.021000+00:00)
Again, didn't his gf he was screwing on the side have communist symbols on her bag and said pretty bolshevik stuff?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-04T06:15:50.036000+00:00)
what gf he was screwing on the side?
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T06:30:13.779000+00:00)
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T06:31:02.875000+00:00)
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T06:31:06.842000+00:00)
Gre writes: (2017-09-04T06:52:52.638000+00:00)
His wife is a Stalinist
Gre writes: (2017-09-04T06:53:05.743000+00:00)
And Spency has agreed with something Marx said
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T06:56:11.836000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-04T06:57:52.795000+00:00)
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T07:09:43.418000+00:00)
Andreas N3 writes: (2017-09-04T07:46:04.253000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3A915Y2eAQ 300db
Rodobran writes: (2017-09-04T07:53:51.958000+00:00)
Random fact bois.
General Hristo Lukov from Bulgaria.
He reformed the Bulgarian army after WW1 and brought its former glory back after the Defeat in WW1.
He was leader of Union of Bulgarian Nationalists who were fascists.
He was murdered in 1943 by 2 communists infront of his 8 year old daughter.
Those two communists were jewish.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T07:58:12.349000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T07:58:17.649000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-04T08:01:32.306000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:18:27.805000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> you need to post these in <#338792007570817025>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:18:33.361000+00:00)
if you don't debate it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:18:44.495000+00:00)
or comment properly on it
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:20:20.856000+00:00)
Nobody, but it's the rules
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:20:37.869000+00:00)
Who are you?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T08:21:37.458000+00:00)
Haha, what an attitude
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T08:21:47.631000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> Post random pics in random
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T08:22:09.163000+00:00)
Thats what the random channel was made for
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T08:32:08.882000+00:00)
Or in voice channel if related to discussion there
Jonathan Asplund writes: (2017-09-04T08:33:00.664000+00:00)
this stream is funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcz1uU4vFNY
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T08:48:48.760000+00:00)
issues settled. please continue having fun
Rodobran writes: (2017-09-04T09:28:59.980000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:25:08.469000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:25:21.784000+00:00)
Finnish Antifa is awesome
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:26:28.966000+00:00)
They have article about Göteborgs bombings and claims that our thing is assaulting babies.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:30:01.801000+00:00)
And we are throwing molotov cocktails etc. Priceless
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-04T10:32:29.290000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> what do think about gay peoples?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:37:29.152000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T10:38:14.629000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> Worse than vegans tbh
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:41:31.342000+00:00)
https://varisverkosto.com/2017/09/goteborgin-pommi-iskuista-tuomitut-pvl-natsit-ylistivat-suomen-johtoa-vakivallan-hyvaksymisesta/ if someone wanna read finnish or use Google translate
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T10:42:15.503000+00:00)
Also there will be finnish Antifa in 30.9 demo! At least they will try to mobilize busses etc
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-04T10:47:58.869000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> omg you here
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-04T11:14:43.514000+00:00)
<@293828878865268737> Yeah, Spenstein is a huge faggot. Surprise, surprise.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T11:38:59.970000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> I don't waste my time with subhumans
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T12:07:39.703000+00:00)
<@251832418837725195> <@207526231854415873> <@207544163737141258> <@195981647605137408> FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T12:08:26.220000+00:00)
I don't waste my time on Albanians either
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T12:09:28.432000+00:00)
Good. I don't believe our differences can be solved in a discord server. Lets wait for the day of the battlefield. Both sides.
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T12:09:57.907000+00:00)
Which one are you, Tosk or Gheg
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T12:10:22.257000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T12:12:48.192000+00:00)
Sucks, huh
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T12:12:55.107000+00:00)
Not at all
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T12:30:06.252000+00:00)
Dunno why albanians are even allowed in here
Gre writes: (2017-09-04T12:35:54.295000+00:00)
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T13:07:13.234000+00:00)
Albanians are a part of the indo-european race. , and albanian is close to the proto-indo-european language. sadly like bosnians islam is a common religion though.
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:07:53.487000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:08:03.257000+00:00)
Oh man, Swedish humor, am I right?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T13:08:58.762000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> I cross my fingers for finally seeing proper opposition, so far it's been a total joke, only cops have made a half serious attempt at stopping us. Although even if they bussed every single antifa from Finland and Norway to Göteborg that'd still be like 20 people.
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T13:09:06.426000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:10:15.340000+00:00)
Hey, good news guys, niggers and semites that know at least one European language can stay!
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:10:34.009000+00:00)
Hungarians and Finns on the other hand can fuck off, they are a no no for Europe
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T13:11:02.074000+00:00)
what are albanians mixed up with
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T13:11:07.978000+00:00)
what's their genetic make up
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:11:56.280000+00:00)
everything and everyone
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T13:11:57.544000+00:00)
"Hittites were White. I don’t know how far the Hittites were Aryans, or have Aryan mixture. I don’t know. Their language may be Aryan, but that doesn’t mean to say that they were. Many people speak an Aryan language. Negroes speak English today. Who doesn’t? That doesn’t mean they are Englishmen. Anyhow, White does not mean Aryan." - Savitri Devi
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T13:12:14.086000+00:00)
Finns are one of the peoples that are most intact from the early europeans though. and hungary is not an correct link to just make a Hunns=hungarians. the blood of hungarians isnt really hunn
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:12:29.289000+00:00)
But for the most part they look like gypo-turk hybrids
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T13:12:32.720000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:12:49.745000+00:00)
Tho i don't claim our Albo friend here is not a shitskin piece of shit
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:13:02.696000+00:00)
there are a lot of albanized aryans, known as Arbanas
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:13:27.679000+00:00)
Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, even some Italian colonists, assimilated into albo blob
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T13:14:04.646000+00:00)
it looks like Albanians have a lot of turk, some slav, some italian/spanish/french mixture
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T13:14:17.391000+00:00)
as their genetic line up
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:15:56.514000+00:00)
theres a book by a Bulgarian historianTeodora Toleva, about creation of Albanian nation
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:16:42.967000+00:00)
basically a mish mash of local people into one nation to block certain part of the adriatic from other balkan powers
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:21:52.281000+00:00)
hello people
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T13:28:49.435000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> varis says that there will be 10k Antifa xdd
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:42:37.059000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> Ridiculous theories.
First of all, Arbanas are a community of Albanians in Croatia which migrated there hundreds of years ago. After the State of Skanderbeg fell
They are mostly Kastrioti
And as about religion. Cultural religion runs rampant in the Balkans, as both sides know. For a clear definiton
"Cultural Muslims are religiously unobservant, secular or irreligious individuals who still identify with the Muslim culture due to family background, personal experiences, or the social and cultural environment in which they grew up"
This is the state of Albania. Of Bosnia also, and of Kosovo to some extent.
The 2016 Report on International Religious Freedom, US Department of State found out this to be religious components of Albania
Orthodox: 6.8%,
Other: 0.1%
Sunni: 56.7%,
Bektashi: 2.1%
"The Bektashis do not cover
women, allow women in Khabes (the equivalent of a church or mosque), and do not pray in Arabic.
The Holy See of World Bektashism is established in Albania."
This can once and for all extinguish the "le albania has 80% muslim population xddd" meme
That "Other" are atheists or agnostics which are the result of the Enver Hoxha communist regime.
We can deduce from this 58% of albanian muslims, many that identify as "cultural muslims", or muslims by heritage. This comes mainly from families trying to preserve their traditions during the imposed atheism regarding the communist regime. I know plenty of families myself that have acted like this. Historical conditioning, ottoman rule, and/or foreign invaders have contributed to this.
Also, after the communist regime fell, our industries were destroyed, our economy fell to the ground especially after year 1997 when the pyramid schemes appeared. This led to a dependence from foreign investitors, especially of a Gulenist type which raised their own institutions and schools here.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:43:22.994000+00:00)
This Cultural Islam is why you also don't have crazy radicals running around and succumbing to Wahabbist crap
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:44:32.912000+00:00)
Zero shits given what religion you are
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:45:04.840000+00:00)
Ah, good then. We have finally cleared that.
SInce Serbia always pretends to wage "holy war" upon its neighbors.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:45:15.567000+00:00)
I wonder if the war with Croatia was "holy"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:45:36.892000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:45:43.191000+00:00)
Tho, the fact majority are muslims means majority of albanians were cowards who renounced Christ for Ottoman privileges
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:46:03.845000+00:00)
just like some Bulgarians and Serbs did, ethnic trash
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:46:09.363000+00:00)
they were mainly orthodox
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:46:13.787000+00:00)
before ottomans
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:46:29.660000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:48:08.560000+00:00)
If you study the massacres conducted over the centuries upon albanians, you would see we did not do it for privileges.
Also, Albania had no support at all neither from the Orthodox Church, but to some extent from the Catholic one, especially in the times of Pope Clement VII
But, religion as you said is a facade. These are not wars done in a religious context.
And, never forget Moravian Serbia in the Battle of Nicopolis. Albanians might have been converted, but we never rose up arms against the west.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:49:51.875000+00:00)
1st orthodox church aint in hand of one guy as catholic one is
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:50:26.243000+00:00)
The only massacre over Albanians I care about is one during Balkan Wars, mainly because we did a poor job at it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:50:34.678000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:51:27.287000+00:00)
Albania surely did a good job during world war 1
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:51:35.596000+00:00)
Forget the Golgotha?
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:51:53.058000+00:00)
Moravian Serbia was just one out of several Serbian states at the time, a vassal shitty state at that
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:52:17.057000+00:00)
A vassal state that rose arms against the west
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:52:27.250000+00:00)
You guys forgot if it werent for western powers you wouldnt have a state
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:52:34.351000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:53:08.166000+00:00)
>rose arms against the west
>the same west that turned a blind eye when Ottomans steamrolled over Bulgaria and Serbia
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:53:29.069000+00:00)
We had a state since 1912, by our own will and power until the westerners interfered with their famous conferences
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:53:46.815000+00:00)
Since you are too preoccupied with christianity that is
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:54:03.145000+00:00)
"The holy warriors of Europe"
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:54:27.507000+00:00)
You had a state since 1912 because some autistic fuck in Vienna decided it would be a good idea to have a retard based state to fuck shit up in the region
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:54:37.844000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:55:25.973000+00:00)
A Balkan argument, interesting
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:55:49.022000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:56:15.067000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:56:15.420000+00:00)
You seem to forget Cerciz Topulli and Ismail Qemali, they made it possible. Not some autistic fuck in Vienna
And, quite more interesting is how Serbs pretend to care about race. If Serbia ever cared about the white race, then it wouldn't have killed 8000 bosnians just because of "religious reasons"
White Bosnians, or are you going to say they are not white now?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:56:47.785000+00:00)
You say white genocide? I say Srebrenica.
It was never about religion or race. It was about the war mongering interests of Serbia alone
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:56:58.972000+00:00)
There is no higher ideal in the Serbian people.
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:01.373000+00:00)
I wish Srebrenica was a real thing
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:11.328000+00:00)
I wish our boys slaughtered whole city of muslims
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:20.518000+00:00)
Ohhhh, there you go again with that alternative history bullshit
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:32.083000+00:00)
I bet you believe in holocaust aswell
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:41.510000+00:00)
Shifting the narrative
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:57:54.381000+00:00)
literally the same
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:58:21.775000+00:00)
Quite not. The importance of the Holohoax was too much to escape the attention of jews.
Srebrenica literally had no importance to be faked
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:58:34.790000+00:00)
there is ton of nato evidence that it didnt happen
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:12.836000+00:00)
whats the point in you lot arguing
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:17.611000+00:00)
neither side is gonna convince the pther
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:18.141000+00:00)
>Nato evidence
Literally everyone from NATO does not deny it
What do you have to say about Dimitrije Ljotić?
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:19.462000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:20.615000+00:00)
Holocaust is used to break German people, Srebrenica to break Serbian people
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:32.945000+00:00)
one is to portray Jews as ultimate victims, the other for muslims
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:39.162000+00:00)
<@!316318241230159873> Im saying these for people of non serbian origin here to witness
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:49.810000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:52.381000+00:00)
What does Ljotić have to do with this
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:55.400000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T13:59:58.171000+00:00)
Ljotic loved jews
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:03.518000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:16.741000+00:00)
Wasnt your 1st king named Zog
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:21.673000+00:00)
He was persecuted for antisemitism among all other things
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:36.438000+00:00)
Zog in our language means bird
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:40.724000+00:00)
Imported Balkan turf wars in Swedish discord. Now this is authentic multiculture.
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:55.304000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:00:57.465000+00:00)
It was never a war though, im just stating
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T14:01:15.679000+00:00)
no more brothers wars?
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T14:01:28.155000+00:00)
sins of our fathers....
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:02:02.911000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:02:07.159000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:02:10.873000+00:00)
I wish Nick was here
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:02:34.373000+00:00)
Thats what happens when you spend centuries without war
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:03:56.738000+00:00)
Albanians in Sweden has a bad reputations from all other immigrants
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:04:12.605000+00:00)
both muslims and people from balkan
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T14:04:22.752000+00:00)
"albanians" or albanians?
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:04:44.971000+00:00)
The Serbian people never cared about "brotherly attachments", as witnessed in the wars with Croatia and more.
If it were only their governments that propagated this kind of shit, i would have no quarrel with the people themselves. But the people are deep into these wars as well
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:04:50.355000+00:00)
I don't think it's personal, just that they hate the culture/people
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:05:06.282000+00:00)
not real muslims, but not real slavs neither
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:05:09.375000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> I can explain the immigrant thing too and its causes.
lifsferill writes: (2017-09-04T14:05:10.602000+00:00)
yeah i know of bad reputation . just in hindsight are they really albanians or romas?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:05:21.086000+00:00)
Eternal wars around south slavs
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:05:31.533000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:06:44.645000+00:00)
Keep in mind that many Romas count as "albanians" in civil law.
The earlier types, the recent roma populations don't count as either albanians or roma in civil terms.
They have no representation at all.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:06:57.341000+00:00)
Helps them steal and kill here to their own bidding
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:07.301000+00:00)
>Croat en mass fight against Serbia in WW1
>Serbian pardons them and gives them Slavic homeland
>Croats en mass fight against Serbs in WW2
>Serbs forgive them
>hurr durr Serbs are not brotherly
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:24.245000+00:00)
no, we are retards for thinking papist filth is more closer to us than Bulgarians
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:26.246000+00:00)
>Serbs forgive them
Lmao when has that ever happened
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:40.922000+00:00)
after ww1
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:45.047000+00:00)
and after ww2
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:07:57.841000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:05.570000+00:00)
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:11.362000+00:00)
Jevgs, arixhi, those are the names
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:26.411000+00:00)
Romas are divided in indian populations, and egyptian ones.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:29.207000+00:00)
Bear tamer, is a funny name for them
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:40.951000+00:00)
Hahaha we have some of those here.
HerrExterminator writes: (2017-09-04T14:08:50.819000+00:00)
They are really known for taming bears
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:09:41.454000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:09:53.847000+00:00)
White geNOcide tier shit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:10:49.822000+00:00)
you know romas are bad when even pajeet street shitters casted them out of india
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:01.407000+00:00)
say this to a gypsy who speak romani - "Jeg som bek" I think it is
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:04.267000+00:00)
Gyppos are worse than niggers.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:13.549000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:14.155000+00:00)
it means "I'm the devil/satan"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:27.443000+00:00)
I need to try that sometime
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:29.784000+00:00)
gypos stole my bike and a tool kit
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:11:34.105000+00:00)
"I may shit on the streets and swim with corpses but at least I'm not a gypsy"
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:12:13.086000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:12:16.398000+00:00)
it's "Me som bek"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:12:24.658000+00:00)
In their "sacred" river there is over 3000 bodies found in that river
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:12:36.731000+00:00)
and they still bathe in that water
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:12:49.446000+00:00)
thats why they have those mutant people
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:13:05.437000+00:00)
they bathe is shit corpse water, eat rat foods and shit on the streets
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:13:11.065000+00:00)
and they have nuclear weapons
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:13:26.464000+00:00)
Hygiene is an eurocentric social construct.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:13:28.073000+00:00)
not good chemistry
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:13:52.012000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:09.285000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:20.307000+00:00)
turks answering yes due to shame
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:28.743000+00:00)
scandinavians being totally honest
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:32.093000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:33.022000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:57.966000+00:00)
Turanic peoples confirmed for most European, meds confirmed for barely European
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:14:59.124000+00:00)
It's like those "self reported penis size" stuff
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:15:24.568000+00:00)
Africans over estimate their penis sizes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:15:37.730000+00:00)
they can probably not even measure stuff
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:16:33.764000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:16:52.826000+00:00)
Turks are steppe people, they don't belong in their Country
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:17:14.488000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:17:21.834000+00:00)
Would you consider yourself related to the turks, <@225299960529158156>
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:17:24.537000+00:00)
Clear border between faggots and people
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:17:30.667000+00:00)
since you used Turanic
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:17:51.607000+00:00)
Turks are not turanic, not anymore
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:18:09.718000+00:00)
they are shitskin mongrels like americans are white mongrels
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:06.926000+00:00)
I want to know how Harvey is progressing killing burgers
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:19.362000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:21.667000+00:00)
not cool
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:28.570000+00:00)
there are white brothers and sisters suffering
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:28.574000+00:00)
"The earliest documented Turkic peoples appear as nomadic tribes on the plains of the Far East north of the Great Wall of China, which was constructed as a fortified border essentially between Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) China (though started earlier) and the Xiongnu."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:19:46.825000+00:00)
Wall turks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:21:53.994000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T14:22:01.093000+00:00)
They've migrated a long way
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:22:13.572000+00:00)
<@207526231854415873> http://www.telegraf.rs/vesti/svet/2890704-hajde-harvi-budi-drug-pa-obrni-jos-jedan-krug-sramotni-komentari-iz-srbije-na-katastrofu-koja-se-sprema-amerikancima-foto
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:37:42.621000+00:00)
Lol we have big ass demonstration at local refugee center. Police just did raid inside. Something like 20 police there. Couple our local soldiers of Odin guys also there.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:38:14.389000+00:00)
Nignogs nig and nogging a lot
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:39:18.019000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:40:20.819000+00:00)
Yeah. Afghans are demonstrating against deportations, they are fighting each other etc. Just complete cluster fuck. They also surrounded 2 police few hours ago which is why the police operation is now on.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:40:43.028000+00:00)
bring more updates
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:41:05.582000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:41:09.691000+00:00)
Riot police there
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:41:37.100000+00:00)
They are blocking the road
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:00.555000+00:00)
Local Odins there too
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:07.553000+00:00)
why dont you guys use your guns
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:12.503000+00:00)
or baseball bats
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:15.360000+00:00)
Guns in Finland?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:19.870000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:20.288000+00:00)
Not gonna happen
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:45.341000+00:00)
As far as I know now nrm guys there. I just got out from work
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:42:52.604000+00:00)
4. Finland is 45.3 for every 100 people.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:43:03.650000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:43:27.997000+00:00)
Yeah but we can't use them and they are hard to get
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:43:57.817000+00:00)
Our police don't even use force with those goatfuckers
Johan writes: (2017-09-04T14:44:23.763000+00:00)
Ive not read so much about Charles Manson but many NS seems to almost idolize him... why?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:44:30.674000+00:00)
I mean if our organization had similar "demo" we all would have been taking to jail and gassed
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:44:53.701000+00:00)
Because on some videos you can see how Arabs are blocking the police.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:45:03.971000+00:00)
And police is like: can't do anything.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:45:34.216000+00:00)
Our guy get spat on streets and he reacts to that -> gas and baton time
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:45:39.821000+00:00)
Number of Privately Owned Firearms
The estimated total number of guns (both licit and illicit) held by civilians in Serbia is 3,050,000
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:46:50.007000+00:00)
<@155412995332112385> Charlie Manson was a revolutionary, he was as close to free from the system as possible and was separated/not a part of it. Plus he's one of the smartest men alive today. I wouldn't go as far to idolize him, but I think that he is an excellent example of total system drop out.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:47:05.743000+00:00)
Our media is now crying about this deportation. "taleban will kill this family instantly if they go back"
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:47:41.367000+00:00)
tfw my house doesn't own any guns
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:47:56.194000+00:00)
am I even a real Serb 😦
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:02.331000+00:00)
me too
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:08.468000+00:00)
No guns here too.
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:17.399000+00:00)
No guns?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:17.733000+00:00)
we could have guns in house but mom said no
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:21.825000+00:00)
hahaha - the burger wins again
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:23.646000+00:00)
I'm a shit Serb then
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:40.400000+00:00)
were yours involved in war?
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:47.762000+00:00)
if yes, you have a gun
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:52.461000+00:00)
or at least a granade
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:48:53.331000+00:00)
uncle yes
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:49:06.982000+00:00)
your uncle probably has sever tank granades
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:49:17.503000+00:00)
my father could have one when he got out of military but mom said no
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:49:45.645000+00:00)
when shtf, we gonna smuggle some from bosnia
Johan writes: (2017-09-04T14:50:10.873000+00:00)
<@315896512338984960> thank you for the answer. ... but was his killings "justified"(?) ?
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:51:03.442000+00:00)
Wasn't his killings, but Sharon Tate deserved everything she got.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:51:06.032000+00:00)
my grandma did that
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:51:12.536000+00:00)
All hollywood actors deserve the same though, tbh.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:51:18.420000+00:00)
she smuggled handgun inside of bread
Johan writes: (2017-09-04T14:51:51.835000+00:00)
<@315896512338984960> ok. I feel you bit disegrer
Johan writes: (2017-09-04T14:52:09.130000+00:00)
* but disegree
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:52:35.443000+00:00)
based baba
Tyler writes: (2017-09-04T14:52:50.600000+00:00)
These hollywood actors knowingly accept these roles in propaganda that is harmful to our people. In my book, that is a death sentence.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:53:25.502000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:53:54.110000+00:00)
to bad it was during the Storm
Johan writes: (2017-09-04T14:54:06.302000+00:00)
Im more for sending them to workerCamps
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T14:56:13.773000+00:00)
God bless RSK
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T14:58:35.182000+00:00)
God bless RSK
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:12:19.226000+00:00)
Cops used pepper spray, got few people out and operation seems to be over.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:12:59.186000+00:00)
Sad none got hurt. <:gaddafi:333578769346330634>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:13:51.954000+00:00)
why you guys have gaddafi emoji
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:19:31.019000+00:00)
<:bonnier:328882489768542210> 🔫 <:gaddafi:333578769346330634>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:11.737000+00:00)
That's why
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:14.349000+00:00)
Gaddafi nationalized Libya's central bank and didn't want to be part of the global banking system.
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:15.877000+00:00)
Cuz he did nothing wrong?
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:33.928000+00:00)
So the Rothshilds told the US to get rid of him
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:46.431000+00:00)
Gaddafi didn't suck USrael cock and worked as the cap on the bottle full of niggers that is Africa. He was p woke
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:47.988000+00:00)
i have nothing wrong with a guy
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:55.018000+00:00)
he was awesome
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:21:57.064000+00:00)
Now Libyas central bank is part of the global banking system, mission accomplished
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:22:01.455000+00:00)
he was our student
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:22:07.296000+00:00)
Haha friend just sent voice msg from refugee center. Cops are just standing there, no balls to do anything
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:22:54.029000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:23:54.858000+00:00)
>part of the indo-european languages
>but is its own very separate group with nothing remotely close to it in the indo-european languages
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:24:20.716000+00:00)
you late
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:24:25.412000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:25:01.226000+00:00)
build a wall around the slav
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:25:14.231000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:25:15.107000+00:00)
You can be a pessimist and say that I'm late for the session of balkanposting or be an optimist and say that I'm super early for the next session of balkanposting. I know which one I choose
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:27:53.503000+00:00)
There wouldn't be much balkanposting if Albanians and Skopjans didn't exist
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:29:49.317000+00:00)
Let's build a separate internet to everyone south of Hungary. We eliminate the European butthurt belt and mudraces and Israelis completely.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:29:52.899000+00:00)
It's foolproof.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:30:04.481000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:30:08.630000+00:00)
We have the technology.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:30:14.466000+00:00)
You'd still get butthurt Trianon posting
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:31:01.795000+00:00)
>mudraces and Israelis completely.
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:31:13.382000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:31:27.993000+00:00)
I'm willing to deal with Polish and Baltic butthurt, piece of cake. A tiny small sacrifice.
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T15:31:56.477000+00:00)
I didn't think you would actually FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT but I am not going to read through all of this
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:32:28.874000+00:00)
Just split Albania and Skopje among Greater Greece and Greater Serbia
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:32:32.699000+00:00)
And we good
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:32:39.874000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-04T15:33:17.484000+00:00)
What would you do with the excess few million albanians in your population
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:33:23.364000+00:00)
I would go as far as to give Bulgaria a piece of the cake for good future relations
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:33:50.439000+00:00)
>split Skopje
The region of Macedonia has already been split three ways in 1912, and the FYROM is the Serb part of that split. Now you want to split the Serb part again? 🤔
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T15:33:57.537000+00:00)
Split Split
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:34:15.350000+00:00)
Give me the Southern part of it
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:34:19.408000+00:00)
you keep the northern part
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:35:51.835000+00:00)
Banana Split
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:36:29.878000+00:00)
What do we do with albanians and skopjans tho?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:36:30.120000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> no
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:09.782000+00:00)
left pic is the best
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:11.382000+00:00)
we do Albanocaust
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:22.007000+00:00)
Skopjans will be reassimilated into Serbia, Albanians will be assimilated into the Adriatic
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:34.878000+00:00)
keep dreaming 😄
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:45.386000+00:00)
tbh, fyrom will probably be divided among bulgars and serbs
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:48.711000+00:00)
maybe greeks too
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:37:58.769000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-04T15:38:15.412000+00:00)
welcome to reality kid
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:38:20.497000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:38:35.076000+00:00)
Albanians will be assimilated into the Adriatic
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:38:39.761000+00:00)
You mean into the Atlantic
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:38:40.631000+00:00)
Anyone that tries will get Bulgar'd
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:07.843000+00:00)
If you're willing to ship them there
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:10.124000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:10.730000+00:00)
But you're right
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:23.493000+00:00)
we do Albanocaust its simple
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:27.139000+00:00)
it's sad that your greatest ruler is 1/2 bulgarian
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:28.110000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:40.513000+00:00)
Adriatic is a holy tomb of the Serb soldiers of ww1 that died in Greece, it should not be defiled by Albanian flesh
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:39:43.018000+00:00)
aint bulgarians just tatars
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:40:03.383000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-04T15:40:39.099000+00:00)
tatars lol
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:40:39.961000+00:00)
bulge aryans
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-04T15:40:41.201000+00:00)
Bulgarians should kick Turkey off Europe tbh
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:41:20.978000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:41:26.276000+00:00)
I only want that much
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:42:22.110000+00:00)
I want Northern Epirus too
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:42:29.251000+00:00)
and im good with the balkans
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:42:47.492000+00:00)
then I'll march east
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T15:42:49.315000+00:00)
Smh daimly remidner that Serb colonization went all the way to Solun but then those were assimilated into Greeks, but yeah something like that would be acceptible
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-04T15:45:50.296000+00:00)
keep dreaming that anything depends on insert balkan state name
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:47:38.546000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:48:34.505000+00:00)
Same stuff happens over here too <@!311554642490294272>
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:48:44.888000+00:00)
We don't give em enough gibs so they chimp out
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T15:49:31.234000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T15:56:40.153000+00:00)
https://youtu.be/-dOofBT91Po finnish Antifa
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:56:41.486000+00:00)
Too bad the opposite happens
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:57:28.027000+00:00)
sataaaana perkele
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T15:57:33.215000+00:00)
what a bunch of fags
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:04:17.651000+00:00)
Their physical violence is not that serious threat <:lol:333298431810338816>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:04:52.920000+00:00)
They're shouting things like eat shit, fuck off or just mindless screaming. Intelligent <:wp:330824114086346753>
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:05:51.981000+00:00)
Here they are doing armed patrols in the Exarhia area in Athens
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:06:27.391000+00:00)
Oh police has taken two guys from riot at refugee center.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:06:29.645000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:06:51.711000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:08:13.894000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> What happened to your nigger neighbour who got police squated like 2 weeks ago?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:08:20.761000+00:00)
didnt they kill 2 GD members
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:08:25.620000+00:00)
<@98850939644952576> Nothing
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:08:36.309000+00:00)
Yes they did
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:09:01.141000+00:00)
Cowards, why didn't they try to their leadership?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:09:14.217000+00:00)
oh hi <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:09:22.269000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> cao tebra
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:09:53.571000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:10:02.459000+00:00)
its our special masonic greeting
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:10:06.165000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:10:36.636000+00:00)
I am a mason in the 88th grade
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:10:43.240000+00:00)
I am a James Mason
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:11:16.396000+00:00)
No, you're Marilyn Mason
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:11:24.469000+00:00)
That's Manson not Mason
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:11:32.926000+00:00)
Shit you noticed
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:11:44.959000+00:00)
Your own personal Jesus
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:12:12.929000+00:00)
I like the Depeche Mode version of it
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:12:34.177000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:12:39.472000+00:00)
Better than Marilyn Manson
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:13:21.945000+00:00)
Avril Lavigne is like some weird mix of Britney Spears and Weezer, it's really annoying
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:13:41.898000+00:00)
Damn that song sparks some childhood memories
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:13:47.592000+00:00)
btw if you search Marilyn Manson on YouTube it gives "Marilyn Monroe" and "Charles Manson" as two of the top three "similar artists"
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:13:57.743000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:07.108000+00:00)
avril lavigne is brutal death metal
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:16.573000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:21.934000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:25.149000+00:00)
Avril Lavigne is the queen of NSBM
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:26.289000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:14:43.651000+00:00)
she's a skinhead, just look at the tartan tie
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:15:37.799000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:15:53.791000+00:00)
Im thinking about going to Serbia in autumn or winter
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:15:55.320000+00:00)
Not sure though
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:10.149000+00:00)
Remember to remove kebab
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:21.536000+00:00)
I'll remove kebab and eat cevap
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:28.913000+00:00)
cevap rocks
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:41.392000+00:00)
What is the cevap?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:43.152000+00:00)
It does yeah
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:46.820000+00:00)
Did I hear you guys wanna remove Bulgaria and Albania ?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:49.665000+00:00)
Serbian kebab?
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:16:58.395000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> Absolutely
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:02.501000+00:00)
Not Bulgarias
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:07.189000+00:00)
Rather Skopje
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:09.312000+00:00)
Fuck Bulgarians
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:12.884000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:14.636000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:16.416000+00:00)
And Skopje
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:19.603000+00:00)
And Albania
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:23.370000+00:00)
Enough balkanposting for today
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:24.794000+00:00)
Cevapcici / Cevapi is a type of ground meat dish, you take mixed ground meat and roll it into "log" shapes and eat it with kajmak (dairy product), ajvar (paprika relish), onions etc
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:29.477000+00:00)
bread, french fries, sallad whatever
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:29.889000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:38.111000+00:00)
It's delicious
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:45.791000+00:00)
Oh okay. Sounds good.
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:50.009000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:54.906000+00:00)
Romanian traditional food
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:56.469000+00:00)
I've had it at a few different restaurants in Sweden and at friends' homes etc
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:57.531000+00:00)
Is there vegan version of it?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:17:58.697000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:03.211000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:05.516000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Hopefully not <:varg:333280265910616064>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:34.349000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> vegan cevapi you are worse than albanian
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:36.104000+00:00)
Who's Serbian here ?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:46.895000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:55.065000+00:00)
Oh what the fck?
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:56.275000+00:00)
He's a Vegan Serbian
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:18:57.037000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:03.147000+00:00)
Fucking kike.
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:05.673000+00:00)
Divide and conquer
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:07.173000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:15.931000+00:00)
Albanians are thracians
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:21.434000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:22.680000+00:00)
Albanians are Romanians
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:26.227000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:26.961000+00:00)
No they're not
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:29.924000+00:00)
Albanians are niggers.
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:30.353000+00:00)
Thracians are Greeks
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:37.483000+00:00)
they are gypsies
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:40.044000+00:00)
Finns are Greek
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:44.491000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:50.528000+00:00)
Why does Finnish sound like Greek then
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:19:55.045000+00:00)
It doesn't
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:00.862000+00:00)
Mykkälolikos Pekkaläliakos
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:02.228000+00:00)
Finngolian babies
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:04.293000+00:00)
Romanians are Palesgians>Thracians>Dacians>Vlachs ( what they used to call Latin speakers in Eastern Europe )
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:09.065000+00:00)
Nice try Daniel
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:13.444000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:36.434000+00:00)
Albanian language is close to Romanian
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:20:39.989000+00:00)
Our language is closer to Hungarian
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:00.683000+00:00)
Cos you're part of the same tribe that split when they came to Europe
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:04.864000+00:00)
Tbh most people think I speak Italian or Spanish
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:08.118000+00:00)
Khanty and Mansi
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:10.870000+00:00)
when I speak Greek
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:17.280000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:27.635000+00:00)
you get the ladies then
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:21:52.172000+00:00)
All the southern Slavs should unite and go back to Russia
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:05.958000+00:00)
Of course it's a good technique to place my Southern seed in Northern wombs
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:08.919000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:10.440000+00:00)
Romanians are very similar to other Balkan populations though
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:15.646000+00:00)
I'm joking 😉 wanted to see if you'd get triggered
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:26.455000+00:00)
Serbians done more for us than any neighbour
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:27.203000+00:00)
Codreanu was Ukrainian though
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:41.052000+00:00)
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:43.805000+00:00)
Elusive writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:45.064000+00:00)
He was an Aussie
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:22:53.177000+00:00)
Australians are all Lebs anyway
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:23:17.535000+00:00)
Leb is bread
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:23:23.156000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:23:28.406000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:25:14.643000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> dont romania have fastest average internet in the world
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:23.242000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Yeah, because the ISPs are forced to compete quite intensely
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:30.848000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:33.745000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:34.060000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:38.767000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:44.050000+00:00)
they aint welcome here
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:50.788000+00:00)
You can't tag country roles
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:57.813000+00:00)
You do it then
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:26:58.445000+00:00)
To prevent stuff like that
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:27:09.458000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:27:17.491000+00:00)
There are no Croats online
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:27:42.638000+00:00)
I tought you guys went liberal allowing albanians here
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:27:54.990000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T16:28:04.325000+00:00)
Fucking unfrozen bread from the freezer smells like shit
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:28:52.111000+00:00)
^ serb life
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:29:31.388000+00:00)
I bought some rye bread yesterday, thinking about maybe making kvass
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:30:04.670000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:30:10.048000+00:00)
I've seen that
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:30:28.980000+00:00)
I don't have any yeast though
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:30:48.081000+00:00)
buy it
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:30:55.305000+00:00)
I will probably
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:31:01.861000+00:00)
Or I could just order bottled kvass from Malmö but that's lame
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:31:27.234000+00:00)
Malmö <:lol:333298431810338816>
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-04T16:31:30.737000+00:00)
What's kvass?
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-04T16:31:34.591000+00:00)
Is it any good?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:31:43.557000+00:00)
<@117583555873210369> Very good
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:32:12.364000+00:00)
It's a "semi-"alcoholic East Euro drink
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:32:19.448000+00:00)
Tastes like a very light beer mixed with a coca cola or smth
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:32:35.353000+00:00)
Usually around 0,8% to 1,4% iirc in stores
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:32:58.965000+00:00)
So I don't really consider it to be an alcoholic beverage, and in the Baltic countries kids can buy it in stores
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-04T16:33:25.475000+00:00)
Should try
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:34:47.907000+00:00)
It's hard to come by in the Nordic countries, unfortunately, but if you're ever in Estonia or smth you should give it a try
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T16:35:07.294000+00:00)
Klaker > kvas
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:35:45.124000+00:00)
what the fug is Klaker
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:35:48.432000+00:00)
sounds german
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:36:30.642000+00:00)
I've never encountered a Serb who liked Kvass for some reason
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:39:02.142000+00:00)
we drink real beer
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T16:40:12.061000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> kvass isn't a beer though, it's what you drink when you're not drinking alcohol but still need alcohol to survive because you're slavic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:40:55.711000+00:00)
most beer i got to drink in one night was about 5 l
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:42:30.407000+00:00)
for the liquor was 1 bottle of whiskey
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:42:45.088000+00:00)
My coworker drink that amount of beer in Friday and Saturday evening.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:43:04.558000+00:00)
good man
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:43:08.239000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T16:43:13.320000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T16:43:15.145000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T16:58:07.516000+00:00)
That is actually correct. I just had a beer with a friend named Šime who came back to college from home <@!195981647605137408>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T16:58:19.015000+00:00)
So, there is truth to that meme
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:05:20.900000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:05:24.393000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:05:42.403000+00:00)
Some American put a banana peel on a tree because he couldn't find a garbage can, niggers saw it and started crying because they thought it was offensive
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T17:09:39.082000+00:00)
Niggers get offensive about everything
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T17:10:03.724000+00:00)
Think everything is racist and offensive
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:10:23.616000+00:00)
Well I suppose it's Americans in particular
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:10:33.818000+00:00)
The white(?) guy who put the banana peel there issued an apology
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:12:16.296000+00:00)
For people using gab https://gab.ai/a/posts/11607086
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:12:27.198000+00:00)
Gab going the route of twitter already?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:13:52.550000+00:00)
<@348913252240982046> What was the post about?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:14:02.228000+00:00)
I can only see Torba's post
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:14:17.249000+00:00)
he replied to this post https://gab.ai/AndrewAnglin/posts/11401497
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:14:46.553000+00:00)
That doesn't violate their guidelines anyway
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T17:15:01.246000+00:00)
But yeah I'd just steer clear of any website that isn't hosted by NS for the purpose of housing NS
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:15:25.037000+00:00)
Yep, sad to see this over and over again on "free speech" platforms
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:16:00.498000+00:00)
Especially when it's just jokes haha
Nivo writes: (2017-09-04T17:25:29.414000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:36:28.308000+00:00)
He's a jew, what did you expect
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:36:33.820000+00:00)
I've said it all along
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:37:25.301000+00:00)
Never trust a jew, they'll lie without limits in order to gain money
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:37:31.833000+00:00)
it was the whole idea from the start
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:40:27.451000+00:00)
No, no. He's a Christian so there's nothing to worry about.. He's a cryptojew
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:43:27.129000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:45:00.626000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:45:58.566000+00:00)
Torba is a slavic word
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:22.918000+00:00)
Sure, but it's also a name amongst jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:26.557000+00:00)
they might have stolen it
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:31.811000+00:00)
They have
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:40.842000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:42.725000+00:00)
Not saying he's not a jew though, idk
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:46:52.182000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:47:12.277000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:48:12.209000+00:00)
It's an arameic word
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:48:44.715000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:49:33.100000+00:00)
Its Turkish apparently
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:49:56.631000+00:00)
Strange that it spread to Poland though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:50:45.725000+00:00)
The Turks went all the way to Poland I think, or at least the Poles were at war with the Turks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:51:18.819000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:51:58.925000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:52:03.210000+00:00)
This one is good
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:52:17.667000+00:00)
They obviously picked it up in Czechia or Poland
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:53:31.756000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:54:45.301000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-04T17:55:12.855000+00:00)
Torba and Torbica occur amoung Croats and Serbs in Krajina too, because torba is our word for bag, picked up from the Turks
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:59:22.985000+00:00)
maybe they were jews first
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T17:59:31.039000+00:00)
but not anymore
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T18:01:07.373000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T18:01:26.219000+00:00)
"According to my etymology dictionary, Polish torba has been borrowed from Turkish and Turkish borrowed it from Persian."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T18:02:00.671000+00:00)
"An interesting word! Polish toyra, “haversack*) hung around the neck of a horse”, probably entered Polish through the now extinct Turkic language Kipchak. The “Kipchak Turkic lexical traces of Ottoman heritage in Rumanian and Balkan languages” have recently been investigated by Maria Mina Lazarescu-Zobian. I don’t know why she calls it “Ottoman heritage” as long as Kipchak linguistic influence came to the Balkans (and especially to today’s Rumania and adjacent areas) through the Golden Horde of which Kipchak was the lingua franca. Ottoman linguistic influence came through Anatolia – Kipchak came through the open land north of the Black Sea and left many curious traces, f.ex. the Turkic language spoken by the Jewish Karaim minority in Poland and Lithuania, now nearly extinct."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T18:06:48.077000+00:00)
so it came with the jews
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:48:38.114000+00:00)
Does anyone have stats on what the total number of asylum seekers and illegal migrants in Germany is currently?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:49:41.575000+00:00)
Like million per year <:lol:333298431810338816>
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T18:49:49.739000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T18:50:09.978000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:51:27.951000+00:00)
For eu.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:51:53.911000+00:00)
Almost 1,4 million on 2014
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:52:54.182000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:12.403000+00:00)
Almost 750k in Germany on 2016
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:26.190000+00:00)
I mean total
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:38.684000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:40.241000+00:00)
Some millions.
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:42.190000+00:00)
A guy called me on on faceberg for this chart
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:53:56.979000+00:00)
And I idiotically posted it without knowing the source
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:54:31.077000+00:00)
So, I did some paint magic to come up with this (it's in Croatian but you should get the gist of it)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:55:25.835000+00:00)
So, this chart says there's about 4.5 to 5 million of something in Germany right now
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:55:47.852000+00:00)
Could that be total foreign born or am I fakenews?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:56:23.653000+00:00)
It's possible. Because turks and this refugee shit storm
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:57:30.282000+00:00)
If it counted Turks it would also count their kids
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:57:35.561000+00:00)
Which they have lots of
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:58:07.089000+00:00)
Then it would be more than 5million I guess <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:58:19.481000+00:00)
Close to 20 <@!311554642490294272>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:58:22.046000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T18:58:27.594000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:58:59.855000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:59:13.233000+00:00)
Btw, there's the possibility that they count the mixeds as German
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T18:59:20.417000+00:00)
In which case it's probably closer to 30
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T18:59:46.634000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:01:21.459000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:01:33.231000+00:00)
But <@214649490085380096> remember the 6 million
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:01:45.416000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:02:13.812000+00:00)
source https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/76095/umfrage/asylantraege-insgesamt-in-deutschland-seit-1995/
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-04T19:04:16.403000+00:00)
like 40% of kids in germany under 3 I think or 5 cant remember are foreign born
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-04T19:04:46.977000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:04:48.535000+00:00)
Paris went over 50% couple years ago
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-04T19:05:32.801000+00:00)
so in 15-20 years 40% of young people will be migrants
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T19:06:06.127000+00:00)
rip germany
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-04T19:06:13.383000+00:00)
more acutally if we count those whose parents lived there already
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T19:06:30.258000+00:00)
even here they starting to give em everything free
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-04T19:06:34.957000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:02.644000+00:00)
Btw, I'm angery, angery about the Serbian minority in Croatia
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:20.022000+00:00)
TFW I only now realized the leader of the minority is a fucking kike, not a Serb
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:24.236000+00:00)
Everybody is angry
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:29.208000+00:00)
That fucker is really amping up the hate
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:33.730000+00:00)
Everybody is angry about Serbs being minority in western Serbia
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:12:39.770000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:13:38.370000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:14:43.722000+00:00)
Well, yeah
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:14:53.391000+00:00)
But what about northern Serbia? <@!331147867035140096>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:15:09.299000+00:00)
Or the sky Serbia
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:15:22.167000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> sky serbia is ruled by god and he is a serb
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:16:00.176000+00:00)
You pleb! <@!331147867035140096>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:16:05.315000+00:00)
You always have to mention the angels
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:16:10.382000+00:00)
If you don't it's just memeing
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:16:29.840000+00:00)
angels are montenegrins
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:16:43.512000+00:00)
purgatory is serbian sparta
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:17:31.112000+00:00)
You misspelled it
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:17:35.159000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:18:03.444000+00:00)
heaven's choir only plays turbofolk and they are conducted by 2pac
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:18:16.147000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:20:41.098000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:20:47.822000+00:00)
Caught you there
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:20:53.777000+00:00)
Choirs don't play turbofolk
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:21:33.072000+00:00)
Was ist turbofolk?
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:22:21.488000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:22:24.679000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:22:40.283000+00:00)
Don't do it <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:24:20.356000+00:00)
why would I spam
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:24:25.104000+00:00)
oh right we were talking about turbofolk
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:24:26.976000+00:00)
just a sec...
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:24:58.674000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:25:14.079000+00:00)
better than turbofolk
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:25:37.962000+00:00)
That's a whore
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:25:39.656000+00:00)
Not a slut
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:25:47.470000+00:00)
that's a hrvatica
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:25:47.868000+00:00)
Actually got money through divorce for the fuckening
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:26:14.231000+00:00)
the more I delve into turbofolk the more disconnected I get from reality
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:26:39.359000+00:00)
this is the only acceptable turbofolk
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:27:27.020000+00:00)
Oh wait, did you see that Panteri Mauzer video that Akhnaton posted yesterday? <@214649490085380096>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:27:56.989000+00:00)
Isn't Arkan a literal drug dealer?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:28:01.810000+00:00)
he's a literal corpse
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:28:13.770000+00:00)
He died in 2000
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:28:27.465000+00:00)
Wasn't he*
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:28:54.230000+00:00)
I dont think so, he was probably more into extortion and smuggling cigs/booze/cars/weapons/etc
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:02.215000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:07.171000+00:00)
watch that 😄
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:32.068000+00:00)
Well, if you go by money/difficulty of smuggling, I'd be surprised if he didn't at least smuggle drugs, if not outright handle dealing
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:36.956000+00:00)
Thanks for turbofolk
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:40.313000+00:00)
the original song has +1m views
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:29:42.877000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:02.421000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> why would he handle dealing when he was one of the richest and most powerful men in Yugoslavia
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:13.671000+00:00)
As in, have dealers
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:20.440000+00:00)
Of course he didn't go around in a trenchcoat
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:22.197000+00:00)
ah okay, yeah we were on different pages
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:29.997000+00:00)
He owned a football club
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:32.250000+00:00)
"Hey, do you need something?"
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:35.079000+00:00)
FK Obilic
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:41.489000+00:00)
"I got some uppers and downers, bre"
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:52.310000+00:00)
First club in like 50 years to win championship aside from CZ and Partizan
ϟϟ • Herr Kommandant writes: (2017-09-04T19:30:53.512000+00:00)
Poate sa bata vântul și ploaia eu fac bani și in Himalaya
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:31:04.302000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgNkJfTfHa4 <@!195981647605137408> <@207544163737141258> member this one?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:31:56.290000+00:00)
<@255018103723786241> https://youtu.be/pLN3lue9xuo
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:32:54.121000+00:00)
We should move this to <#327372589024542720> or change topic though
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:33:27.430000+00:00)
Well, we're discussing music
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:33:29.626000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:33:53.532000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> that's still music smh
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:34:06.825000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:34:55.857000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:22.172000+00:00)
Is it Bellman or Linné?
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:31.458000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:35.440000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:40.263000+00:00)
No idea who he is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:41.177000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:35:48.062000+00:00)
It's Adam Weishaupt.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:36:09.617000+00:00)
Bellman was a good guess though
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:36:14.091000+00:00)
Oh, Illuminati
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:36:42.353000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:36:49.065000+00:00)
Some resemblance
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:36:53.644000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:37:08.376000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:37:08.918000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Well it's not really a well-known persona
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:37:36.642000+00:00)
True, true.. but George Washington or a Rothschild?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:37:54.744000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:37:58.225000+00:00)
They all look the same
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:39:32.901000+00:00)
It is the Pandora's Box that was opened by the Free Masons.
And one that our Youth will not stop.
For they have been accepted the evils of the Pandora's Box we tried to close.
Cultural Marxism rules supreme to this day.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:40:06.144000+00:00)
> Btw one of my friend said his teacher said Hitler was a Freemason.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:41:10.479000+00:00)
Illuminati and the Freemasons aren't one and the same
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:42:08.551000+00:00)
The Freemasons area bigger problem than Illuminati, but the biggest problem is the jews and their influence on various parts of society
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:42:17.954000+00:00)
Freemasons has a lot of jewish inspirations
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:42:23.806000+00:00)
All secret societies get the gas
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:42:26.506000+00:00)
I have a good friend who I get this from btw. He's very dedicated & passionate into National Socialism, he finds and writes so much, he lives in Venezuela.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:13.433000+00:00)
I feel bad for him too, I mean Live in Sweden or Live in Venezuela 🤔
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:14.819000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:15.464000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:42.135000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:45.507000+00:00)
my point
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:43:52.303000+00:00)
they are intertwined
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:44:08.627000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:44:25.174000+00:00)
All secret societies are based on the same Jewish mentality anyway
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:44:32.798000+00:00)
Not sure how relevant this is, or accurate. But if you want to look into it yourself
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:45:40.776000+00:00)
I dont like pdf files. Not only that they're pronounced pedophiles, but they always fuck up my photos.
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:26.433000+00:00)
I like pdf, better than epub and txt and whatnot
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:27.457000+00:00)
In some part of masonry only jew can get in
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:33.665000+00:00)
>pdf files = pronounced pedophiles
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:35.707000+00:00)
Can't unsee
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:37.708000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:39.997000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:44.505000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:50.097000+00:00)
I also think that way but it's not really pedophile it's just p-d-f
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:46:54.327000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:47:13.476000+00:00)
I always see a chocolate chip cookie when I see this emoji <:macabre:353973345055932416>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:47:31.528000+00:00)
"The Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses, are not only styled the Great Lights in
Masonry, but they are also technically called the Furniture of the Lodge; and, as you
have seen, it is held that there is no Lodge without them. This has sometimes been made
a pretext for excluding Jews from our Lodges, because they cannot regard the New
Testament as a holy book. The Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of a
Christian Lodge, only because it is the sacred book of the Christian religion. The Hebrew
Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a Mohammedan one, belong on the
Altar; and one of these, and the Square and Compass, properly understood, are the
Great Lights by which a Mason must walk and work."
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:47:34.262000+00:00)
<:nysvensk:328882488585748481> same whenever I see tihs.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:47:39.217000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-04T19:48:29.587000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:48:38.219000+00:00)
btw, whats the Golden ones Ideology
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:48:45.099000+00:00)
I've NEVER seen him say it.
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:48:48.466000+00:00)
Natcap lmao
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:02.975000+00:00)
A lot of the Moral and Dogma is just jewish stuff
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:17.639000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:20.784000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:22.532000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:24.848000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Nothing
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:27.263000+00:00)
He's just a nationalist
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:28.024000+00:00)
lol unsubscribes*
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:32.852000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:36.748000+00:00)
I thought so
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:40.025000+00:00)
FOUR is expressed by the square, or four-sided right-angled figure. Out of the symbolic
Garden of Eden flowed a river, dividing into four streams,--PISON, which flows around
the land of gold, or light; GIHON, which flows around the land of Ethiopia or Darkness;
HIDDEKEL, running eastward to Assyria; and the EUPHRATES. Zechariah saw four
chariots coming out from between two mountains of bronze, in the first of which were red
horses; in the second, black; in the third, white; and in the fourth, grizzled: "and these
were the four winds of the heavens, that go forth from standing before the Lord of all the
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:47.331000+00:00)
Ezekiel saw the four living creatures, each with four faces and four wings, the
faces of a man and a lion, an ox and an eagle; and the four wheels going upon their four
sides; and Saint John beheld the four beasts, full of eyes before and behind, the LION,
the young Ox, the MAN, and the flying EAGLE. Four was the signature of the Earth.
Therefore, in the 148th Psalm, of those who must praise the Lord on the land, there are
four times four, and four in particular of living creatures. Visible nature is described as the
four quarters of the world, and the four corners of the earth. "There are four," says the old
Jewish saying, "which take the first place in this world: man, among the creatures; the
eagle among birds; the ox among cattle; and the lion among wild beasts." Daniel saw
four great beasts come up from the sea.
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:50.087000+00:00)
It's very shallow and material, I dislike his vids
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:49:56.416000+00:00)
I dislike him as well
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:04.431000+00:00)
I only watch.. maybe a few
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:05.119000+00:00)
I see him as a Paradise Hotel nationalist
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:11.500000+00:00)
I watch his videos for the comic value
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:13.408000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:20.504000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> He's like that girl you posted about in general_discussion
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:26.101000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:40.130000+00:00)
another girl who ruin our image is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:41.461000+00:00)
If nationalism was in a reality show, they both would star in it
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:42.507000+00:00)
Greed by default is absent of honour
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:49.752000+00:00)
Evalion, She's a /pol/ user.
dylb writes: (2017-09-04T19:50:59.705000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:03.800000+00:00)
She's a lesbian jew or something
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:12.589000+00:00)
She's a camwhore
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:18.761000+00:00)
mhm ^
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:21.537000+00:00)
She was in the CoM chat
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:25.868000+00:00)
A guy brought her in
HMan writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:26.517000+00:00)
she's married to an autistic strasserite
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:37.915000+00:00)
I hate /pol/ so much.. Those fucking kids think national socialists are magapedes
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:39.935000+00:00)
Later said she camwhored for him after going out with her bf at the time
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:45.422000+00:00)
And sent him a camera so they could skype
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:51:52.712000+00:00)
They were kicked for degeneracy
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:00.983000+00:00)
but thats a problem we have today in national socialism
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:03.852000+00:00)
He posted some pictures of her as proof
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:09.236000+00:00)
Most movements are so fucking different.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:24.493000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:32.082000+00:00)
Hence why I'm a little.. wtf
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:52:42.426000+00:00)
Hence why I'm a little unused to this chat
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:05.606000+00:00)
Saw a way longer version of that and also a less clothed version
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:10.130000+00:00)
She really has problems
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:11.939000+00:00)
I hate to say it but this chat has a mix of newcomers who dont understand national socialism well.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:27.183000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:30.854000+00:00)
Even I am learning but I know a lot about it.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:53:42.220000+00:00)
But you always learn in politics,
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:54:20.160000+00:00)
I know <@214649490085380096> from last year, you seemed more hardcore then
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:55:42.169000+00:00)
In my other chat I'm in it's filled with national socialists who know a lot about it, and those who dont have a "currently learning" roleset. With such a system we can make sure our members learn well. Since this chat is bigger maybe it's harder but you get what I mean.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:55:58.952000+00:00)
If everyone knows what they're talking about we make a bigger impact.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:09.552000+00:00)
We have a lot of hardcore people here as well
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:17.423000+00:00)
but the userbase is larger
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:17.905000+00:00)
yeah, I know
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:42.206000+00:00)
so there's bound to be curious but not dedicated people
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:44.052000+00:00)
It's GOOD. It's really good but I think it's too easy to get in. You should have to fill out a form or some shit, I'll show you.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:56:58.389000+00:00)
This isn't one of those chats
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:17.119000+00:00)
Vetting is fun
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:20.603000+00:00)
There's no need for extensive vetting
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:22.503000+00:00)
Welcome to The Nordic Resistance Movement ' name ' mention a Mod, Admin or Inspector in #interviews with the following:
Gender (M/F - no multiple gender fags allowed):
Branch of your Ideology (Strasserist NatSocism, Hitlerist NatSocism etc):
Also answer these questions
What is the Jewish Question to you?
What is your opinion on holocaust?
How long have you been a NatSoc/Fascist for?
What is your age?
Explain your ideology
What is your opinion on the decay of Europa?
What is your opinion on race mixing and other art such as porn, modern music and hollywood?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:23.614000+00:00)
Yeah this is Public
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:24.831000+00:00)
like that.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:32.640000+00:00)
It's easy,
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:39.335000+00:00)
But we don't need it
HMan writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:46.968000+00:00)
dont get spergy with the vetting
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:54.725000+00:00)
Just one problem <@231593611928535042>
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:57.536000+00:00)
Gender does not exist
HMan writes: (2017-09-04T19:57:59.577000+00:00)
like some servers that ask for a picture of your wrist to prove you're white
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:58:01.771000+00:00)
People come here to find out similar minded people, meet nrm members, activists and leaders
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:58:06.560000+00:00)
Gender is a linguistic category in some languages
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:58:13.737000+00:00)
It does not apply to anything else
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-04T19:58:30.754000+00:00)
You have biological sex which is what it was called before John Money made gender up
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T19:59:07.265000+00:00)
Also people come here to learn more about nrm
HMan writes: (2017-09-04T19:59:08.844000+00:00)
>Branch of your Ideology (Strasserist NatSocism, Hitlerist NatSocism etc)
Anyone that answers Strasserist gets an instand ban
HMan writes: (2017-09-04T19:59:10.046000+00:00)
i hope
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T19:59:41.668000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-04T20:00:06.841000+00:00)
Its easy, it takes 5 mintues.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T20:00:22.354000+00:00)
Sure, but why would it be needed here?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T20:00:54.679000+00:00)
Seaxneat writes: (2017-09-04T20:02:39.338000+00:00)
If someone from the public wants to infiltrate, they'll infiltrate
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T20:03:48.552000+00:00)
Hi Mossad, Cia, local communist cunts, säpo, Supo and other dicks <:heil:331491634229411840>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:01.673000+00:00)
just don't post coup plans here 😄
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:17.051000+00:00)
obviously a joke
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:26.018000+00:00)
The deal with best Korea?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:36.937000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:40.633000+00:00)
Oh shit
noobtia writes: (2017-09-04T20:04:57.669000+00:00)
BRB gotta microwave phone and hammer hdds
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-04T20:07:36.231000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-04T23:20:40.782000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-04T23:21:22.253000+00:00)
>so far have pretty much just put up posters, stickers, written articles and gone on camps/hikes
Kevin writes: (2017-09-04T23:21:43.096000+00:00)
>"these people should be banned as TERRORISTS"
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-04T23:59:25.179000+00:00)
Posters and stickers are just 3 steps away from another holocaust
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:01:11.722000+00:00)
it's not just randoms on the internet either, an MP is calling for us to be banned
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:01:20.015000+00:00)
making waves, at least
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:01:46.763000+00:00)
how did these people even get elected?
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:55:26.251000+00:00)
this was mentioned in the article
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:55:57.424000+00:00)
"Former Neo-Nazis have reached out to the young men filling the chapters of Antipodean Resistance.
Robert Örell is a former member of a violent Swedish white power group, and today runs Exit Sweden, which helps Neo-Nazis leave the movement.
"They see the double standards in the movement, they feel fed up with the lifestyle and they're also very fed up with the mindset of hate," Mr Örell said."
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T00:56:34.297000+00:00)
who's this guy? @ swedes
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T01:40:55.271000+00:00)
Anyone who thinks Christian religion is founded by jews I suggest you watch this pretty red pilling on the evils of zog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rues1gVr338
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T02:59:35.514000+00:00)
>Rabbi Yeshua
The most white and redpilled religion of all. <:varg:333280265910616064>
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:03:47.355000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> http://www.faithfulwordbaptist.org/transcript_interracial_marriage.html
lol this sure is a 'based' pastor <:macabre:353973345055932416>
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:13:30.962000+00:00)
"Now, there's nothing in chapter that rebukes Moses for what he's done or corrects Moses for what he's done. In fact, I'm going to show you from the bible this morning that there is nothing in the bible from Genesis to Revelation that condemns so-called interracial marriage, nothing in this whole book. "
"Now, the bible does talk about there being nationalities, talks about there being families. It talks about kindreds and tribes, but it does not ever talk about there being a race. You say, "Well, what's the difference, Pastor Anderson?" There's a big difference, and I'll show you the difference."
"It wasn't ever about race; it was about the fact that they were worshiping the Lord."
"Not only that, but my parents, both my parents got their DNA checked. You want to know the truth about my ethnicity? You want to know what I really am? I am a Black, Chinese, White, Indian, I mean, a Moroccan, Arab, Jew. That's what I am. Honestly, I've got a certificate hanging in my office to prove it. "
"Seriously, I mean, when I checked my ethnicity on my dad's side, my dad is where I had a lot of Black African on his side. "
". I've spent this whole sermon preaching that it's okay for people to marry whatever nationality because we're all mixed. Did I not preach that this whole time? So does anybody think that I'm some White supremacist up here, some racist because I'm not. "
<@325448332363169795> this is literally the guy you are using as a source
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:16:44.267000+00:00)
<@231976661858516993> I'm not using him as a source his documentary on Jews is great
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:18:09.340000+00:00)
He is a pro-race mixing Pastor that justifies his beliefs and enabling interracial marriages in his community because of your spiritual semitism. <@325448332363169795>
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:18:14.049000+00:00)
<@231976661858516993> Miscengation is forbidden in the bible
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:18:43.177000+00:00)
<@231976661858516993> It's a documentary about the evils of Jews
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:18:58.069000+00:00)
Lol it's really not and anything of that was aimed towards the original audience ie Jews.
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:18:59.317000+00:00)
I don't see anything wrong with the documentary
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:19:18.130000+00:00)
<@231976661858516993> yeah it is and black people are cursed in the bible aswell'
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:19:59.155000+00:00)
Are you referring to the sons of Cain?
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:05.707000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:07.169000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:07.811000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:09.946000+00:00)
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:55.341000+00:00)
"This is a great example right here where we have Moses marrying an Ethiopian woman. "
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:20:57.143000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:21:03.747000+00:00)
yeah okay sure
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:21:08.934000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:21:19.881000+00:00)
You guys havent actually studied the bible
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:21:21.473000+00:00)
it shows
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:21:59.963000+00:00)
btfo me den
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:22:03.211000+00:00)
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:23:09.134000+00:00)
Yeah and I guess every christian, christian church, church entity, church organization, and christian sect besides like Christian Identity haven't the studied the bible <@325448332363169795>
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:15.590000+00:00)
<@231976661858516993> they use the term Whoredom for interacial couples
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:20.135000+00:00)
It's forbidden
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:25.758000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> read the Bible Cover to cover twice. Been through Christian private schooling. Have led bible studies. The more I got into it. The more I recognized it was Semetic filfth
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:34.712000+00:00)
You got that butt hurt
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:38.809000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:40.830000+00:00)
over a documentary
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:24:48.808000+00:00)
"Coburg's coat of arms, honouring the town's patron Saint Maurice, was granted in 1493."
Based and Godly Nigger ofc <@325448332363169795>
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:03.076000+00:00)
*mup da do ditte wu wuz n sheet*
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:11.259000+00:00)
What are you some Atom Waffen faggots
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:11.271000+00:00)
I actually enjoyed that documentary. It's just a fundementally Semetic religion
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:25.883000+00:00)
What are you some identity Evropa Faggot?
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:31.078000+00:00)
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:31.210000+00:00)
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/Coburgerwappen.svg/441px-Coburgerwappen.svg.png <@325448332363169795> why would any self-respecting european religion make some african their hero
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:47.187000+00:00)
How's it feel to have Muslim members in AWD
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:52.965000+00:00)
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:53.988000+00:00)
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:25:56.471000+00:00)
I'm not AW
Alba writes: (2017-09-05T03:26:52.517000+00:00)
What denomination of Abrahamism do you subscribe to again Jared?
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:27:27.597000+00:00)
I'm Orthadox
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:27:41.657000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:28:29.506000+00:00)
So you goys would bantz Heimbach and League of the South for their beliefs?
BootParty18 writes: (2017-09-05T03:29:22.599000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T03:29:55.364000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T03:30:06.449000+00:00)
<@325448332363169795> You should've confronted this guy at Charlottesville
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-05T03:30:22.729000+00:00)
Heimbach is definitely larping as an orthodox Christian. The only reason orthodoxy exists in America is because it's a degenerated nation.
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:30:26.279000+00:00)
He was crying for milk
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T03:31:27.298000+00:00)
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:32:14.467000+00:00)
Anybody who fell for the Baked Alaska hype should have known better
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:32:28.042000+00:00)
You see a lot of back tracking since Cville
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T03:32:59.833000+00:00)
I never heard of him before the event. Sad to know some of those on "our side" at the event were miserable marxists like him.
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:35:49.159000+00:00)
There's a lot more honestly
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-09-05T03:36:18.434000+00:00)
did he turn blind or was it just a meme?
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:37:31.152000+00:00)
I think it was a meme more or less
Jared MI writes: (2017-09-05T03:41:16.184000+00:00)
It's the same with the Matt guy he hung out with he pretty much did the same
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T03:52:58.630000+00:00)
"Baked is blinded! plz send donations thx"
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T05:20:23.468000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T05:20:50.802000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-05T05:20:55.221000+00:00)
Exitus writes: (2017-09-05T05:34:44.708000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:32:56.461000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:33:28.045000+00:00)
This guy in my other chat said he was gay
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:36:50.709000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:37:06.178000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:37:12.855000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T06:47:34.638000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T06:49:56.240000+00:00)
he was a brony too
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T07:43:50.455000+00:00)
So you had literally faggot brony in some nationalist server?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T07:44:41.241000+00:00)
in interviews
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T07:44:43.833000+00:00)
trying to get in
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T08:12:17.936000+00:00)
But why? <:varg:333280265910616064>
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T08:12:55.938000+00:00)
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:21:42.527000+00:00)
is it true that Swedes oblige Finns to speak Swedish?
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:21:58.122000+00:00)
Like Aland Island?
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-05T08:26:19.028000+00:00)
Finns will be executed if they don't speak Swedish
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-05T08:26:26.817000+00:00)
Publicly hanged
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:27:23.898000+00:00)
I sent it in private for you, but you answered here. excuse me
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:27:28.282000+00:00)
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:27:53.601000+00:00)
So do you agree
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:27:55.482000+00:00)
with this?
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:28:47.287000+00:00)
Finland belonged to mother russia so loong
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:32:45.992000+00:00)
<@!300684838040502286> ?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T08:35:26.143000+00:00)
Finns will be shot for winning against Sweden in Hockey
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T08:35:42.569000+00:00)
look what happened to Selane
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:36:38.208000+00:00)
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:36:43.425000+00:00)
and fotball too
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:36:50.503000+00:00)
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:38:04.119000+00:00)
João Ávila - SP writes: (2017-09-05T08:47:38.862000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T09:38:43.539000+00:00)
The golden one
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T09:38:45.863000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T09:38:46.540000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T10:31:40.511000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> Finland was part of Sweden for several hundreds of years, while it was part of Russia for about a hundred years, it's more Swedish than Russian
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:28:49.254000+00:00)
<@300684838040502286> this is true
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:29:08.686000+00:00)
They force us learning Swedish. That's why many Finns doesn't like language
Tidsmaskinen writes: (2017-09-05T11:29:12.610000+00:00)
I think people like james allsup and baked alaska wants america to remain as it is. A bit like the nationstate nationalists in sweden, except they send back most minoritites. They want to get white birthrates up and stop non-white immigration but still keep minoritites in the country.
Tidsmaskinen writes: (2017-09-05T11:30:53.567000+00:00)
I think many american and swedish nationalists wanna turn the time back to the 60's. This will just repeat the same problem that caused us to be in this mess in the first place though. The solution could be NMR's Nordic State, or for americans a white ethnostate. In order to survive we have to create something new.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:32:27.023000+00:00)
Well our 2nd official language is Swedish. So if you speak only Swedish you can get public services with your language.
Nah writes: (2017-09-05T11:33:30.112000+00:00)
4 guys from national action have been nicked in the UK <:macabre:353973345055932416>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:33:55.991000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:03.786000+00:00)
I linked it in <#326845560650858497>
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:08.645000+00:00)
for those curious
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:20.071000+00:00)
Did you know them <@340847845617958912>
Nah writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:38.169000+00:00)
Nah I didn't mate
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:53.679000+00:00)
they got siegepilled
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:34:56.989000+00:00)
Nah writes: (2017-09-05T11:35:16.697000+00:00)
Lol I'm curious as to what this "terror plot" bs is
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:35:36.320000+00:00)
Same, I bet it's something minor
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:35:42.259000+00:00)
or rather hypothetical
Nah writes: (2017-09-05T11:36:13.840000+00:00)
They state in most of the articles that it's just for being members
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-05T11:36:31.300000+00:00)
*A police spokesman added: "The arrests were pre-planned and intelligence-led; there was no threat to the public’s safety."*
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-05T11:36:35.076000+00:00)
I bet it's nothing
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:37:09.851000+00:00)
"An Army spokesman said: "We can confirm that a number of serving members of the Army have been arrested under the Terrorism Act for being associated with a proscribed far right group."
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T11:37:11.598000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:37:52.148000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:38:10.382000+00:00)
Since Na is terrorist organization they can use that term for basically anything.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-05T11:38:30.378000+00:00)
If they planned meet up of some propaganda, that's terrorism
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:12:54.942000+00:00)
What do you guys think about the war in eastern Ukraine
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:13:05.804000+00:00)
Do you support that swedish volounteer that went there.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:18:25.946000+00:00)
I support Azov and Nordic volunteers in general but Skillt is a PR cuck.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:24:11.026000+00:00)
Because i know a norwegian guy that is going there
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:24:17.473000+00:00)
He is gonna join this server i think
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:24:54.819000+00:00)
Which side?
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:25:30.485000+00:00)
The one that is filled with national socialist and such
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:25:34.468000+00:00)
Im not well read into the war
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:26:27.969000+00:00)
I meant which side as in separatists or ukrainian nationalists but I guess that means Azov.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:26:49.823000+00:00)
Pro ukraine then
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:27:05.663000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:27:12.015000+00:00)
Pretty jelly not gonna lie
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:28:19.029000+00:00)
I will be joining him on the 8th of July, I have already purchased the plane ticket. We currently own an apartment in central Kiev, and are working towards buying another one. Our plan is to get together a group of pro-white people who aren't afraid to take up arms for what they believe in, people who aren't content with just shitposting on /pol/.
We will form our own division, with a considerable degree of autonomy from the Azov Batallion. We will be sorting out our own expenses, our own goals and our own plans.
.Quote from a guy that recently passed away.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:28:46.092000+00:00)
A anglophone version
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:29:37.688000+00:00)
So its not azov but a similar
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:29:56.810000+00:00)
I sort of knew one English Ukr nationalist volunteer who just died, during last few days. I wonder if it's the same guy.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:04.202000+00:00)
Dead moor?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:07.370000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:09.939000+00:00)
Small world.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:21.484000+00:00)
Yeah sure is
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:22.383000+00:00)
So they checked his corpse and all?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:26.014000+00:00)
It's confirmed?
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:28.399000+00:00)
I can fetch a quote
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:30:45.467000+00:00)
I know the story but the last update I got is them heading to the morgue.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:31:29.037000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:31:40.236000+00:00)
They were led in too deep by faulty intel and stumbled righ tinto a bunch of ruskies and traitors to the Ukrainian cause. Then they took refuge in a burnt out commie block and took up positions in the stairwell windows.
Moor stayed behind to provide suppression fire and draw away the russians while the others got away, but they got to him before he himself could have gotten away. I dont want to go into detail btw but his corpse was desecrated. I dont know if it was torture or after he died, but it looked pretty bad.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:33:01.197000+00:00)
Oh yeah, I heard that he had gotten lost behind the lines or something along those lines, they were pretty sure he was dead even then as no one could get in contact with him, the volunteers or the locals.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:33:56.771000+00:00)
Moor wasn't even that radical of a dude, but indefinite respect for standing up for his race and actually fighting. I know so many more well read people who aren't willing to go and fight, but he still did.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:34:10.457000+00:00)
A good man
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:34:32.312000+00:00)
Ostfront, that was the group, right?
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:34:36.714000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:18.203000+00:00)
<@150652179642843136> <@149199028788133888> <@232491323616264193> <@185850410412670986> <@132466980681809920> <@190734562655993856> any of you lads on plebbit?
Brian writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:37.937000+00:00)
Brian writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:40.136000+00:00)
I'm not gay
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:43.712000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:47.018000+00:00)
So back to the thing i was talking about.
[THE WALL] writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:49.308000+00:00)
Why me?
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T14:35:57.660000+00:00)
<@150652179642843136> because you're British so I asked
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:36:03.299000+00:00)
A norwegian guy that was supposed to join Ostfront had some problems
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T14:36:06.303000+00:00)
I need brittbong that's NS who's on plebbit
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:36:44.281000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> I know the security services deported one volunteer out of Norway as a threat to state security.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:37:00.115000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:37:17.651000+00:00)
No i mean moor tried to buy a ticket for him but failed
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:37:28.473000+00:00)
Its hard to explain
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:37:31.491000+00:00)
I rather have the guy here
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:38:04.674000+00:00)
Hmm. Well if ZOG hasn't caught up with him but it's something else then great.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:39:23.851000+00:00)
Seems like the only time the ZOG cares about borders around here is if nazis are about to cross them. Seen that too many times.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:39:35.896000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:41:03.361000+00:00)
That's the deported dude. PST was saying he organized camps for local nazis to kickstart the race war but I'm skeptic.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:41:56.745000+00:00)
I don't believe it, its def the media thing
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:42:06.758000+00:00)
He is a nationalist
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:42:54.545000+00:00)
Well, Ostfront can do it for real once the Ukraine situation wraps up.
Viper writes: (2017-09-05T14:43:19.198000+00:00)
Haha, yeah they might
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-05T14:43:23.749000+00:00)
Basic and advanced RaHoWa courses.
Manimalia writes: (2017-09-05T17:12:07.193000+00:00)
Does anybody follow Mikolaswed on Twitter? I cant view his tweets anymore. He was a Swede fighting in Ukraine.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-05T17:37:42.997000+00:00)
We need to migrate to Hoborussia, take it over from inside and use it as basis to expand the Evolian Slav Empire, Dontetsk = 4th Rome
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-05T17:41:28.032000+00:00)
great idea
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-05T17:49:41.348000+00:00)
What about staying where we are, kicking the kikes out and building our countries back up? <@!195981647605137408>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-05T17:51:37.528000+00:00)
<@214649490085380096> 🤔
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T18:03:26.547000+00:00)
RamblinRambo writes: (2017-09-05T18:03:28.932000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T19:26:16.366000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-05T19:26:17.160000+00:00)
corell writes: (2017-09-06T00:17:54.169000+00:00)
corell writes: (2017-09-06T00:18:03.629000+00:00)
Payback time?
corell writes: (2017-09-06T00:19:20.910000+00:00)
Islamic propaganda through 20 years does this
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-09-06T02:08:51.873000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> was the guy who passed away the same guy who was promoting the battalion on discord?
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-09-06T02:09:03.402000+00:00)
at one point saying they didn't receive armor and they crowdfunded it and bought it themselves?
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:03:23.498000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> I just don't like Israel haha
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:05:44.256000+00:00)
Usually I wouldn't care about struggles in the Middle East
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:06:30.585000+00:00)
But since Israel and USA are making trouble there, and it affects us, I think they should fuck off
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:07:00.877000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> All of them
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:07:15.851000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:08:43.237000+00:00)
35 😄
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:08:53.651000+00:00)
No jk, I don't know really
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:09:03.102000+00:00)
As many as possible
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:09:24.001000+00:00)
My future husband needs
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T05:15:34.728000+00:00)
Support Palestine, fuck Israel <:heil:331491634229411840>
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-06T05:17:38.127000+00:00)
Well if she would like to be a home-wife
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-06T05:17:58.448000+00:00)
I mean that was easier back in the days
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T05:19:26.153000+00:00)
Berghäll✠ writes: (2017-09-06T05:19:50.615000+00:00)
It depends on how many children the wife is planning to have ofc
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:33:48.077000+00:00)
Yes maybe I'll work, maybe not, depends on our economy
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:34:25.097000+00:00)
But "good profession to support them all" is not what I'm aiming for
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T05:35:28.939000+00:00)
If I need to work I will, but my major goal is to take care of my children 😃
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T05:49:50.790000+00:00)
I doubt after your first kid you will want more
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T05:49:56.862000+00:00)
Unless you own a farm
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T05:50:21.121000+00:00)
A farm with 6 kids is great
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T06:32:06.732000+00:00)
<@231593611928535042> Why?
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T06:32:42.851000+00:00)
In a city there's more chaos
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T06:32:56.178000+00:00)
Much harder to control kids.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T06:33:50.461000+00:00)
In a farm you know they can't go anywhere. If you have 10 kids in a city there's a big chance they can go missing. Not only the difficulties in caring for them. Getting them in school.
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-06T06:34:24.586000+00:00)
The fighting inbetween them. Which happens all the time no matter how good the parenting is.
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T06:57:19.161000+00:00)
You aren't even nordic
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:00:27.829000+00:00)
National socialists are not capitalists
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:00:42.259000+00:00)
what does your money have to do with it
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:02:35.640000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:02:50.464000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> here you go 🍹
You seem thirsty
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:03:16.739000+00:00)
jesus christ m8
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:03:42.849000+00:00)
Haha, I hope you get banned honestly.. stop wooing her
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:04:03.685000+00:00)
he isn't wooing anyone with those genetics
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:04:57.358000+00:00)
are you really a national socialist
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:05:10.762000+00:00)
you don't seem to understand the worldview
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:05:28.046000+00:00)
talking about money, talking about gene changing, not caring about ethnicity, thirsting over a woman on the internet
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:05:42.867000+00:00)
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:05:44.313000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:06:39.826000+00:00)
this is a joke
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:06:41.267000+00:00)
You aren't Italian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:07:07.473000+00:00)
no you weren't
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T07:07:20.843000+00:00)
anyway, afk
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:08:56.930000+00:00)
and your pure bred Nigerian immigrant brothers have citizenship there too
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-06T07:12:24.454000+00:00)
Argentinians have a white complex, they are really salty when doubted
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:12:43.207000+00:00)
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-06T07:14:30.885000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:15:55.482000+00:00)
nordics aren't greater than all races, thanks
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:16:13.782000+00:00)
besides, they won't stay nordic by mixing with 'italians'
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:16:34.887000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:18:24.164000+00:00)
😒 not with musims either
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:18:36.081000+00:00)
swedes can only stay swedes by being with... swedes
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:18:41.985000+00:00)
what are you, a yank?
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:18:58.613000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:19:34.922000+00:00)
he is WHITE PURE argentinian, Kevin
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:20:57.870000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:22:07.601000+00:00)
what are you on about, spic?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:22:21.418000+00:00)
per capita GDP is 5 times higher than yours 😂
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:06.695000+00:00)
What the actual fuck is happening?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:14.970000+00:00)
Since when money is everything?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:19.983000+00:00)
idk, some new retard from the americas
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:36.765000+00:00)
Was thirsting for some wamen
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:47.996000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:50.744000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:23:52.268000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:24:03.024000+00:00)
Just saying
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:24:11.501000+00:00)
all that money and you are still racially lower
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:24:12.610000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:24:24.862000+00:00)
>m-my family is richer than yours
so you are a spic kiddie who has no money of his own
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:24:46.735000+00:00)
I out-capitalism you
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:25:35.540000+00:00)
what the fuck are you doing in a National Socialist discord?
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:25:41.599000+00:00)
honest question
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:25:41.881000+00:00)
Okay this is not creative at all
Kevin writes: (2017-09-06T07:25:47.955000+00:00)
you seem to not understand anything
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:25:58.489000+00:00)
It doesn't matter if nordic guy have money or not
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:26:25.294000+00:00)
If that guy can give something to our race and for his family it's enough
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:26:29.145000+00:00)
You aren't here to learn
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:26:53.235000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> to be honest, attacking back with money thing is not really clever thing to do at Ns server
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-06T07:27:09.261000+00:00)
You are here to thirst over female members and try to woo them with your daddies pesos to compensate for being subhuman, hombre
Svenbjorn writes: (2017-09-06T07:27:28.338000+00:00)
Mongrels can't learn, they are eternally damned.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:28:41.425000+00:00)
<@309862876024274954> yes?
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:30:36.517000+00:00)
Okay now I get the joke, I think.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:30:58.913000+00:00)
But money stuff is jew so it's not cool <:varg:333280265910616064>
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T07:48:22.842000+00:00)
What did I miss
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T07:49:23.836000+00:00)
Nothing really.
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-06T07:53:01.655000+00:00)
Ok cool
Viper writes: (2017-09-06T08:21:31.518000+00:00)
Yeah <@203655684422762506>
(H) Sterie Ciumetti writes: (2017-09-06T08:22:54.367000+00:00)
Happy 6th of September, day of Legionary Victory!
José Churruca writes: (2017-09-06T10:04:01.384000+00:00)
>claims he's white
>can't speak English properly
bjornulv writes: (2017-09-06T10:13:28.295000+00:00)
BUDAPEST, Hungary — The European Court of Justice says it has rejected efforts by Hungary and Slovakia to stay out of a European Union scheme meant to relocate refugees.
Speeder N2 writes: (2017-09-06T14:41:35.041000+00:00)
Speeder N2 writes: (2017-09-06T14:48:44.073000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-06T15:21:51.731000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T15:51:17.732000+00:00)
That's fake news, sadly
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T15:51:29.129000+00:00)
Or misunderstood news actually.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-06T15:57:53.003000+00:00)
no, it's totally real, Jeb! just payed big bucks to countersignal it as fake news
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T16:06:54.477000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-06T16:07:22.572000+00:00)
Well there was a memo which included that option. But there will be no changes <:serious:339111386330431489>
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:22:47.020000+00:00)
Did ahlmendal veckan go allready?
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:23:00.765000+00:00)
If so, anyone got video of NRM guys in there?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T20:27:51.439000+00:00)
do you want full videos
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T20:27:57.073000+00:00)
or the short versions
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T20:28:03.927000+00:00)
there was long livestreams
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:28:36.960000+00:00)
Preferably something in english
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:28:44.383000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T20:29:03.349000+00:00)
I'm not sure if there is any
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:29:29.971000+00:00)
Kk, if you would have short ones i could take a look
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-06T20:31:28.226000+00:00)
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T20:45:40.370000+00:00)
Wotanwehr writes: (2017-09-06T20:49:36.875000+00:00)
Hello fellow gentile goys
Jason writes: (2017-09-06T20:54:49.387000+00:00)
Hello cattle
Wotanwehr writes: (2017-09-06T20:55:52.953000+00:00)
So discord are shutting down any "extremist" channels?
Aleksi writes: (2017-09-06T21:08:26.623000+00:00)
Do we have a similar group to NRM in Canada?
Karelian_RaHoWa writes: (2017-09-06T21:11:49.609000+00:00)
<@!213052375638736910> yes
DagonGreyjoy writes: (2017-09-07T01:19:50.334000+00:00)
Anyone want to do VC?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T05:25:31.683000+00:00)
<@81581570758017024> No
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:13:46.379000+00:00)
The existence of God. Now, people like to believe in logic, but then claim logic says god isn't real. This tells me they are not logical, rather persuaded by material. We all know every action (A) has an Origin (O) and every action has a Reaction (R). This is something we've known for so long, and so simple. However, to many. Once you tell them this applies everywhere their only idea is the big bang theory. Well, if it really was the case, what created it? What made the gasses? Nothing cannot create. God would be an Origin. What he created is the Origin of all things. We obviously no matter what, could never know the Origin of God. For God simply is origin. This is the only logic that would truthfully make sense. Rather than the preposterous idea that nothing can create something. If G = O = A = R = A = R and so on. We must also understand N (Nothing) cannot create. S (something) can't be made from nothing. N cannot produce S. We must also remember everything in the Universe is limited, but limited things did not make limited things in the very origin of all existence. Only an infinite being could create, and BE the Origin of all. It's illogical to claim something limited created. Limited can only replicate. Infinite is the only force that can create.(edited)
Hebrecca writes: (2017-09-07T06:19:01.553000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:19:30.887000+00:00)
"Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation." Galatians 6:15 <@!331137932721389570>
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:20:58.500000+00:00)
" For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh" Romans 2:28 <@!331137932721389570>
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:21:25.437000+00:00)
"For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh" <@!331137932721389570>
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:21:32.056000+00:00)
Philippians 3:3
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:25:14.226000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:25:18.148000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:29:01.640000+00:00)
what do you think about national socialists who aren't Christians
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:30:07.164000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:30:10.617000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:30:42.388000+00:00)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 3:9
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:30:49.078000+00:00)
But what if you don't need Christianity as a national socialist
Hebrecca writes: (2017-09-07T06:30:52.213000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:31:11.700000+00:00)
it provides everything without a christian god
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:32:08.419000+00:00)
Hitler was Christian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:32:13.134000+00:00)
I believe in the sun
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:32:16.404000+00:00)
Hitler said his movement was Christian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:32:28.206000+00:00)
not everyone was Christian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:32:54.827000+00:00)
I believe in the blood of my ancestors
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:33:00.568000+00:00)
and the sun
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:33:42.010000+00:00)
the blood of your ancestors is Christian
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:33:47.457000+00:00)
Europe is Christian
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:33:52.999000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:34:18.892000+00:00)
All that you love from Europeans stems from Christ Jesus Our Lord
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:34:21.886000+00:00)
I would rather go to the vedas for support than the bible if I had to choose
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:34:53.265000+00:00)
you know the funny thing about the vedas
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:34:55.206000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:35:02.096000+00:00)
they speak of the coming of Christ your lord and saviour
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:35:55.307000+00:00)
I can't confirm or deny that
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:36:05.296000+00:00)
some think Jesus was an incarnation of Krishna
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:36:27.174000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:36:29.876000+00:00)
read it yourself
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:36:41.711000+00:00)
How do you combine christianity with natsoc?
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:15.203000+00:00)
National socialists put the struggle and their people above everything else, while Christians do the reverse
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:16.413000+00:00)
whatever do you mean
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:18.713000+00:00)
god comes first
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:25.444000+00:00)
Of course G-d comes first
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:48.285000+00:00)
And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:49.698000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:51.096000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:57.766000+00:00)
Matthew 23:9
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:37:58.796000+00:00)
If you put god before the struggle and your people, that is inompatible with natsoc
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:07.637000+00:00)
g-d <-- jewish abbreviation
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:10.333000+00:00)
Which denomination of christian are you?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:13.923000+00:00)
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:20.798000+00:00)
orthodox jew?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:26.601000+00:00)
it is out of respect for our Lord in heaven
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:29.874000+00:00)
Orthodox write "God" w
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:37.075000+00:00)
most do
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:39.985000+00:00)
I choose not to
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:42.163000+00:00)
so you're special
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:50.204000+00:00)
Afaik only jews censor god
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:53.843000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:53.928000+00:00)
he's following the examples of the jew
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:38:56.530000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:12.280000+00:00)
You all need to read the Bible for once in your life
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:18.079000+00:00)
something I doubt any of you have ever done
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:18.709000+00:00)
I have
Suecorum Rex writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:22.497000+00:00)
I have
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:28.245000+00:00)
I bet you all believei in evolution too
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:29.381000+00:00)
I read a part of the bible once, it was pretty boring
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:33.178000+00:00)
don't see the hype
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:39:43.533000+00:00)
evolution and national socialism goes together
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:40:05.170000+00:00)
Deuteronomy 32:8
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:40:10.991000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:42:35.212000+00:00)
How can you believe in the evolution of man if you don't believe in evolution?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:42:46.438000+00:00)
>still believing the jewish evolution meme
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:43:08.533000+00:00)
Evolution is part of national socialism
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:43:16.695000+00:00)
and it is wrong
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:43:27.683000+00:00)
Evolution was invented by Jews
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:44:58.055000+00:00)
start by watching this from the time I set
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:44:58.970000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:18.555000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMA41EVDhqw only if u watch this
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:28.158000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:31.428000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDfpL-1GkzQ&t=551s or this since it is shorter
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:36.033000+00:00)
you're both wrong
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:45.611000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:45:48.471000+00:00)
what's the answer Crablord
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:46:00.134000+00:00)
ckya blyat
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:46:02.186000+00:00)
I actually talked about this before somewhere
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:46:46.470000+00:00)
it's cyka blyat
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:48:19.336000+00:00)
for one thing evolution can be absolutely seen as god's will, the main error comes from the qualitative interpretation of how it works because muh progressive linear history thinking and from trying to apply it to humans when there can very well be an alternative to the monkey origin side to it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:48:56.726000+00:00)
evolution can be totally legit its just that the mainstream hyped understanding of it is shit
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:49:32.717000+00:00)
as is the mainstream modern "christian" understanding of christianity
which is mostly just liberal lemmings trying to turn christianity into a justification of their liberal bullshit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:49:47.675000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:49:57.852000+00:00)
evolution has no qualitative mechanic to it from worst to best in that ultimate qualitative sense
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:50:10.475000+00:00)
its just change, horizontal and not vertical
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:50:55.448000+00:00)
I don't see it as that neither
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:51:09.554000+00:00)
that it leads to perfection automatically
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:51:13.874000+00:00)
and if you look at nature/creation as the work of god then all its laws are his and all the mechanics of evolution are his, if you choose to use the god interpretation instead of an impersonal force or whathaveyou
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:52:13.146000+00:00)
I had this argument with a fag apologist who tried to use evolution in some roundabout way to justify faggotry on the premise of it being a fail-safe against overpopulation, we really went into the evolution debate and his understanding of it was literal plasticity, like any living organism can turn into any other on a whim
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:52:37.228000+00:00)
I told him change is built on inherited genetic material and he totally denied it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:52:55.146000+00:00)
and ultimately evolution can be said to be a highly deterministic process
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:53:09.918000+00:00)
because it has to follow the set rules of creation
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:53:20.317000+00:00)
which forces it down specific paths as all others lead to evolutionary dead ends
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:53:25.134000+00:00)
yeah, thats my biggest issue with Christianity, it's an outside force without, I believe that we ourselves have to treat us as gods
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:53:30.367000+00:00)
hence you can call evolution a form of god's will
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:53:49.897000+00:00)
>we have to treat ourselves as gods
awful idea tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:01.544000+00:00)
that's literally how modern degeneracy started
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:03.020000+00:00)
is Putin Orthodox
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:10.190000+00:00)
who cares?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:13.712000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:16.176000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:16.617000+00:00)
Yeah, it was badly worded
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:22.422000+00:00)
Putin is an enemy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:33.172000+00:00)
who cares if he's seriously orthodox or only culturally orthodox
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:54:48.226000+00:00)
he can be delusionaly "seriously" orthodox
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:01.836000+00:00)
like how most christians today aren't really christians but libshits
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:07.211000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:20.657000+00:00)
what's that picture supposed to prove?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:23.897000+00:00)
that is becuase the Roman Catholic church is full of heretics and jews
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:31.656000+00:00)
and Protestants are misguided and modernists
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:32.258000+00:00)
by the by the church nowadays is largely slaving away for the State
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:55:57.666000+00:00)
yeah but how does any of it have anything to do with my question why does it matter what putin is
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:56:01.619000+00:00)
he's the enemy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:56:11.405000+00:00)
he's a kike shill like all other politicians
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T06:56:17.217000+00:00)
I would respect putin more if he was an Orthodox Christian
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:57:06.056000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T06:57:08.130000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:14:08.606000+00:00)
Goodnight everyone
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:14:41.690000+00:00)
As they say in Sweden: Allahu akbar <@!331137932721389570> <@!300684838040502286>
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:03.164000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:17.763000+00:00)
Is that not a Swedish phrase ? <@!300684838040502286>
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:25.521000+00:00)
It is
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:27.305000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:39.451000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:15:51.088000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:22:39.933000+00:00)
Esoteric Hitlerists>☦
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:22:56.712000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:23:21.756000+00:00)
Esoteric hitlerist was the biggest meme of 2016
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:23:58.648000+00:00)
But I'm glad that you're at least orthodox instead of protestant.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:24:29.419000+00:00)
Protestants are all about muh Sola Scriptura yet they do not even follow scripture
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T07:25:38.146000+00:00)
Svenska kyrkan > all other christians
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:25:55.474000+00:00)
Is that an Islamic name? I'm not too familiar with Arabic <@!300684838040502286>
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:26:35.530000+00:00)
That was a zinger
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:26:50.971000+00:00)
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T07:26:52.889000+00:00)
Female lesbian bishop > orthodox
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:27:00.764000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:27:08.150000+00:00)
>svenska kyrkan
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:27:08.703000+00:00)
Females can't be bishops silly
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:27:09.871000+00:00)
pls tunnis
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T07:27:31.139000+00:00)
didn't you say goodnight?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:28:37.101000+00:00)
He got carried away with swedish arab memes
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:31:09.935000+00:00)
Did you not *
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T07:31:34.198000+00:00)
Now I go sleep 😴😎🎃🐝😡👌🏻☦️☦️
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T07:31:46.602000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T08:46:35.952000+00:00)
<@106947099299418112> dunno if provocation to say that Europe was Christian.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T08:46:41.571000+00:00)
Triggered me though
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T09:28:21.953000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T11:30:35.015000+00:00)
путин хуйло
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T11:48:31.294000+00:00)
хуйло это ещё мягко сказано
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T11:49:42.678000+00:00)
Bois, English.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T11:50:31.306000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T11:50:39.698000+00:00)
you poofter
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T11:51:08.589000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T11:51:13.207000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T11:51:18.834000+00:00)
l2cyrilic nigger
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T11:51:22.518000+00:00)
the future is now
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T11:51:51.289000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T11:52:51.468000+00:00)
future isn't just now, it also belongs to us! Будущее принадлежит нам!
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T11:53:39.677000+00:00)
Бъдещето ни принадлежи!
Gre writes: (2017-09-07T12:00:55.049000+00:00)
i legit believe that modern science is fake
Gre writes: (2017-09-07T12:01:14.083000+00:00)
lies being wrapped in made up statistics for the lemmings
Gre writes: (2017-09-07T12:01:24.474000+00:00)
sincee the majority of the population isnt that smart
Gre writes: (2017-09-07T12:01:28.991000+00:00)
they gobble anything
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T12:12:03.958000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T12:12:10.657000+00:00)
Good shit
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T12:58:46.421000+00:00)
man, those places are dead at night
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T12:59:05.926000+00:00)
in Australia, those sorts of areas always have people around
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T12:59:15.781000+00:00)
even at 2am on a monday morning
Kevin writes: (2017-09-07T12:59:45.270000+00:00)
also them putting up stickers wonky triggers muh autism
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:01:40.649000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> no it wasn't meant to poke at u
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:07:51.249000+00:00)
It was just a fact
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:08:02.007000+00:00)
Europe for most of its history was and is Christian
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:08:15.725000+00:00)
Paganism accomplished nothing but living inside mud huts
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:09:25.606000+00:00)
well that's objectively not true, what are you, that nigger spencer argued with? "while we wuz kingz europeans lived in caaaves!!!"
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:16:37.817000+00:00)
<@106947099299418112> You sound just like that moron on IM that claimed that Hinduism is the reason India is a *literal* shithole.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:26:15.861000+00:00)
Tell me then
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:26:23.304000+00:00)
What did paganism do for europoors
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:26:27.124000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:29:20.744000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:29:35.096000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:29:39.706000+00:00)
all of the things
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:29:53.003000+00:00)
Name more than 3 things
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:29:53.751000+00:00)
do I have to explain what everything means?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:30:04.380000+00:00)
Tribal thinking
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:30:25.846000+00:00)
Brainstorm guys I know you can do it
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:01.177000+00:00)
1. Filosophy
2. Mathematics
3. Tragedy and Comedy
4. Family Values
5. Natural Inclinations
6. Aversion for Kike Slaves
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:04.946000+00:00)
want more?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:11.799000+00:00)
Name three things that disproves that all Abrahamic religions stem from Judaism.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:14.768000+00:00)
philosophy lmfao
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:15.953000+00:00)
Burger larping as orthodog
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:17.640000+00:00)
Math too?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:18.610000+00:00)
I mean, if you just let go all the christian propaganda regarding paganism and who our ancestors were you might understand
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:21.331000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:29.889000+00:00)
Pythagoras wasn't a christian you know
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:39.585000+00:00)
Plato and Aristotle weren't either
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:45.428000+00:00)
Logos is a pre-christian concept
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:46.228000+00:00)
t. Men and women having orgies worshiping trees and imaginary gods.
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:31:52.587000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:32:39.769000+00:00)
Yeah and those people were also not nordcucks, most philosophers in human history were either Christian or Muslim same with mathematicians
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:32:40.089000+00:00)
If Christianity is so great and amazing for Europe as opposed to paganism, why isn't Christian Africa lightyears ahead of Muslim Africa, clappistani larper?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:32:52.081000+00:00)
this argument is fundamentally retarded
>what did paganism achieve
>meanwhile look what christianity achieved by taking over what paganism achieved and going forward with it
>meanwhile look what atheism achieved by taking over what christianity achieved and going forward with it
WHAT IS THE ACTUAL SUBJECT THO? material progress? largely irrelevant because then see the last point on atheism. social progress? history has been objectively regressing in that sense rather than progressing so can't be THAT. Ethics and morality? Is that the actual question?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:04.290000+00:00)
if its ethics and morality then they've actually both done about equally well
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:21.259000+00:00)
Regardless of what you THINK pagans achieved most of European history is Christian whether you like it or not
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:22.304000+00:00)
and equally failed in their decline
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:28.897000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:31.306000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:41.996000+00:00)
you just moved the goalpost you disingenuous fuck
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:48.379000+00:00)
What morality did pagans have?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:54.011000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:34:59.306000+00:00)
>what did it achieve
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:12.127000+00:00)
Also hello <@273178980679417856> Catholic man
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:15.902000+00:00)
Some parts of Europe haven't even been Christian for 1000 years, some historical knowledge you have, yank.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:23.408000+00:00)
hello ortho man <@106947099299418112>
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:28.880000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:29.500000+00:00)
<@106947099299418112> Do you even have any Greek or Slavic blood
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:37.814000+00:00)
I am Greek yes <@!236616466907004938>
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:41.465000+00:00)
Ah, the meme folder comes out
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:45.925000+00:00)
The look of a man who lost
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:35:47.747000+00:00)
Not Slavic tho
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:05.059000+00:00)
Seriously though what morality did pagans have
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:11.053000+00:00)
Then why would you spit on your Hellenic Pagan ancestors like that? 😛
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:20.023000+00:00)
What a silly argument
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:28.089000+00:00)
> what morality did pagans have
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:35.511000+00:00)
Just asking a question
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:36.836000+00:00)
What morality does the pope have?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:41.348000+00:00)
I'm curious
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:47.504000+00:00)
Kissing nigger feet?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:36:56.219000+00:00)
Embracing immigration?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:01.747000+00:00)
Why do you not answer the question?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:04.014000+00:00)
Such a retarded argument.
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:11.548000+00:00)
I am not a pagan.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:28.110000+00:00)
>what morality did pagans have
What kind of retarded question is that?!
What's the next question, do we have to explain the definition of the word "the"? If you want to argue, at least do some rudimentary homework
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:32.894000+00:00)
I'm only pointing out how stupid that argument even is if it can even be considered an argument.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:43.188000+00:00)
No answers huh
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:46.388000+00:00)
Fuck off with the sealioning. It's disingenuous
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:53.236000+00:00)
I. Am. Not. Pagan.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:37:53.821000+00:00)
Not very christian behaviour
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:23.046000+00:00)
Legitimately interested in what morality they had
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:26.502000+00:00)
so if Pagans had no morality
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:33.531000+00:00)
then everyone before Christ are in hell?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:38.224000+00:00)
Not saying that
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:38.616000+00:00)
except that's not what Christianity teaches
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:45.199000+00:00)
Just asking what was their morality
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:38:52.715000+00:00)
as it talks about moral pagans who lived before Christ
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:00.271000+00:00)
and how they go to purgatory I think?
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:12.647000+00:00)
You aren't actually interested in the answer, so drop the act.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:18.852000+00:00)
I am
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:20.208000+00:00)
well your question is facetious is my point
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:44.767000+00:00)
because it demands that we go in depth over every different kind of paganism in Europe to talk about their respective narrative myths
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:39:54.862000+00:00)
or we have to go directly to Perennial root of their morality
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:02.229000+00:00)
but that root is the same as the one of Christianity
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:03.252000+00:00)
Breen your only reason for asking that question is to make yourself look intelligent.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:07.336000+00:00)
You said Christian morality and pagan morality achieved the same amount
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:41.065000+00:00)
"if its ethics and morality then they've actually both done about equally well"
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:43.407000+00:00)
Here we go
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:40:52.964000+00:00)
Can you back that up?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:41:33.830000+00:00)
how do you want that backed up, with measuring tape?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:41:41.209000+00:00)
I have returned from my shower let me catch up on chat
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:41:51.778000+00:00)
you know the whole concept of judging the tree by its fruit yeah?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:41:52.413000+00:00)
No just explain why you believe that
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:42:05.964000+00:00)
How fucking fast do you shower lol
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:42:10.940000+00:00)
pagan societies existed and prospered long enough to validate as having a healthy tree to bear healthy fruit
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:42:29.680000+00:00)
So they haven't answered the question yet I see <@273178980679417856>
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:02.027000+00:00)
Why is the pope such a nigger loving fag?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:13.446000+00:00)
Because it's a pointless and stupid fucking question, asked only to make himself look smart.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:21.241000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:22.126000+00:00)
The real question is what Jason just asked.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:28.743000+00:00)
we haven't?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:30.074000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:34.989000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:36.528000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> I don't know I don't care for the pope I don't acknowledge papal supremacy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:42.335000+00:00)
you ignoring points is not deflecting
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:49.032000+00:00)
I am not a pagan i could care less about what you have to say about paganism.
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:52.053000+00:00)
What points?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:43:56.493000+00:00)
Nigger feet meme
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:01.867000+00:00)
wow amazing
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:10.047000+00:00)
However I will say saying >hurr durr Jew pope
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:12.226000+00:00)
I just wanna know why you claim the moral high ground when christianity and its leaders have turned to shit.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:16.737000+00:00)
Does not answer the question
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:24.738000+00:00)
Even if it was "moral" in the first place.
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:46.399000+00:00)
Your beloved pope is a jew loving globalist.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:47.347000+00:00)
<@316346918806618114> except my Christianity is forever unchanged the Orthodox Church has had very little changes since it's founding
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:44:47.356000+00:00)
Christianity still teaches morality
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:04.111000+00:00)
But for some reason priests can't keep their dicks out of kids.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:16.981000+00:00)
That's a catholic issue <@!236616466907004938>
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:21.095000+00:00)
modern christianity doesn't really teach morality anymore, save for some possible tiny vestiges
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:25.380000+00:00)
Yea sure there's bad people everywhere <@!236616466907004938>
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:30.213000+00:00)
nvm, read it wrong
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:31.131000+00:00)
modern christianity is too preoccupied with keeping up with temporal shit
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:39.013000+00:00)
That's Protestants
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:52.611000+00:00)
no that's most all christians nowadays
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:45:52.909000+00:00)
You people probably don't even know differences in any denominations
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:08.172000+00:00)
Yes i do.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:10.770000+00:00)
what's there to know, Orthodoxy and Catholicism are legitimate, everything else is heresy
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:25.180000+00:00)
I was a christ cuck for awhile.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:25.471000+00:00)
yeah you can go into the details of heresy >but why
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:43.115000+00:00)
I like some of the teachings of Christ.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:45.161000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> orthodoxy is legitimate everything else is blasphemy and heresy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:46.382000+00:00)
I was anti kike-on-a-stick for a while but not anymore
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:46:58.899000+00:00)
nobody was asking you Justin Glassin
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:03.684000+00:00)
I'm not one to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:07.168000+00:00)
we can already guess all your opinions on this
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:11.473000+00:00)
You made a claim
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:19.635000+00:00)
A false claim
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:22.965000+00:00)
So I responded to it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:30.632000+00:00)
well I say your claim is a false claim
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:34.746000+00:00)
so i countered
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:47:38.923000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:02.684000+00:00)
where's florian anyway I gave him an invite to NRM to talk to you
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:02.940000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:18.890000+00:00)
the one expert on the subject
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:22.126000+00:00)
Whats the even argument about
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:28.450000+00:00)
nothing much
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:29.783000+00:00)
Florian has been missing in action for a while
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:32.644000+00:00)
they are sea lioning
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:48.931000+00:00)
pretty retarded stuff <@207544163737141258> these guys are being facetious as fuck
>well what morality do pagans have, what did they achieve, how do you figure they've done equally well as christian morality?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T14:48:50.091000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Just some moron shitting on everything but orthodoxy
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:49:06.978000+00:00)
Florian would tell you too Catholics are heretics why do you think he converted from Catholicism to Orthodoxy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:49:26.484000+00:00)
well its not like i'm against zealotry <@!236616466907004938>
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:49:33.409000+00:00)
A simple question imo
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:49:40.997000+00:00)
<@106947099299418112> you obviously didn't talk to him much
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T14:49:47.304000+00:00)
He doesn't think it's heretical
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:50:00.774000+00:00)
The term ‘Roman Catholic’ refers to the heresy formed around the person of the Pope of Rome (who broke away from the Orthodox Church in 1054 A.D.), which strives to subject the world to the incontrovertible doctrinal and decretal authority of this man, declared to be the “substitute [vicari] of the Son of God”, “Christ on earth”, etc. This is the fundamental and only truly unchanging doctrinal aspect of this sect and its essence; all other characteristics may be changed or ‘developed’ in new directions, of which history already records many examples.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:50:45.844000+00:00)
That questions is so fucking retarded
Whole Europe today has Greco-Roman pagan world as its foundation
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:50:46.347000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> and you had your answer
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:04.720000+00:00)
<@207544163737141258> Greeks>Nordcucks
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:12.540000+00:00)
Well nigger feet is the answer
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:18.017000+00:00)
how is the greeks vs norducks relevant to the point being made?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:18.341000+00:00)
apparently ^
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:26.671000+00:00)
<@273178980679417856> no, I gave the answer
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:33.542000+00:00)
which had nothing to do with nigger feet
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:35.983000+00:00)
Breen you and I both know pagans don't have answers beyond shitposts
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:43.925000+00:00)
I made a point on judging the tree by its fruit
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:51:48.899000+00:00)
What that the civilisation survived?
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:00.268000+00:00)
I see
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:04.534000+00:00)
>you think christian civilization survived?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:08.952000+00:00)
its been dead for a while now
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:21.113000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:24.923000+00:00)
just because the formal institutions remain doesn't mean the original teaching is still alive
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:26.316000+00:00)
catholicism will exist for couple of more centures in beaner world
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:38.439000+00:00)
most christians today are literally libshits who are only "culturally" christian
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:42.856000+00:00)
and you damn well know this
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:50.176000+00:00)
Orthodoxy is going down too
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:51.149000+00:00)
Most Prots are sure
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:51.916000+00:00)
Many are yes
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:52.840000+00:00)
where do all these christiasn who support faggotry come from otherwise?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:57.481000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:52:58.279000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:53:04.316000+00:00)
the predominant majority in the west
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:53:17.758000+00:00)
Vatican is ZOG #2
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:53:38.192000+00:00)
and since its the predominant majority it means that christian civilization isnt' alive there because its not alive in the people
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:08.895000+00:00)
>love is love
they literally fuck the bible every which way to justify faggotry and other forms of degeneracy and moral relativism
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:14.091000+00:00)
What is Christain about Europe today?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:23.391000+00:00)
>the cathedrals
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:25.009000+00:00)
Mostly prods who do that
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:31.340000+00:00)
Some caths as well sure
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:33.821000+00:00)
>except the ones torn down in France
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:44.704000+00:00)
we're not even taking prods into account
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:47.002000+00:00)
Leader of Caths is on par with those prots
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:54:48.859000+00:00)
they're heretical to begin with
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:55:16.950000+00:00)
we're talking about the only two denominations that matter, the rest is already relegated to being unchristian which only further coincides with our point
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:55:29.585000+00:00)
christianity is experiencing the same issues late paganism had
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:55:51.836000+00:00)
i.e. perversion of the original doctrine that coincides with justifying social decay
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:56:17.527000+00:00)
How does Catholic perversion have anything to do with the question Breen originally asked
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:56:36.498000+00:00)
I already answered his original question we moved on since then
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:56:41.789000+00:00)
stop moving goalposts faggit
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:56:49.693000+00:00)
literally all you've done in this convo
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:56:57.600000+00:00)
you never really answered it but alright
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:03.105000+00:00)
>what has it achieved
>well it doesn't matter anyway cuz christianity was around longer
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:15.252000+00:00)
yes I have
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:19.704000+00:00)
I never even conceded the point either
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:24.843000+00:00)
Pagans dindu nuffin
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:32.528000+00:00)
you are the niggers of european history
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:33.693000+00:00)
get over it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:41.614000+00:00)
again I say: judging the tree by its fruits, its actually a christian concept yet you ignore it
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:57:57.824000+00:00)
m8 literally only you have to get over yourself here
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:58:02.163000+00:00)
i'm not even antichristian
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:58:14.451000+00:00)
I know you are not as you have said it before
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T14:58:33.323000+00:00)
Niggers are your brothers in Christ man, dont be racist come on
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:58:57.899000+00:00)
I can get behind zealotry cuz I purity spiral too, but your being facetious and moving goalposts is what is annoying
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:59:24.745000+00:00)
idk if im the one being facetious
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T14:59:34.079000+00:00)
have you seen the replys from most of pagans here?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T14:59:41.240000+00:00)
at least make zealous arguments instead of this facade of intellectual debate where you turn up your nose all snooty as shit
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T14:59:58.416000+00:00)
Who is most pagans?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:00:03.425000+00:00)
non Christians
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:00:21.582000+00:00)
so your point is that you don't need to be serious if some of the opposition isnt
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:00:36.754000+00:00)
in which case might as well not have the fucking argument to begin with
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:00:46.887000+00:00)
I never said that but sure man if thats how you want it to be
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:00:52.833000+00:00)
just shove your thumb up your ass and toot your own horn without actually responding to anyone
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:00.818000+00:00)
>how I want it to be
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:06.957000+00:00)
m8 that's how you're treating this
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:28.211000+00:00)
>i'm not facetious, THEY ARE FACETIOUS so your serious engagement is irrelevant!
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:42.679000+00:00)
You did not have serious engagement to begin with
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:43.658000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:01:44.356000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:02:11.907000+00:00)
well you're full of shit once again
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:02:22.170000+00:00)
Славрос - Today at 9:34 AM
>what did it achieve
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:02:29.537000+00:00)
literally your first response was a shitpost
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:02:38.653000+00:00)
stop being a psuedo intellectual
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:02:40.807000+00:00)
keep quoting me, that should be fun
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:03:00.044000+00:00)
you'll inevitably either have to bring up my serious posts or pretend they didn't exist even though the log of them is *right there*
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:03:04.672000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:03:11.884000+00:00)
making yourself look like a disingenuous cunt
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:03:17.006000+00:00)
so if that's your goal fine
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:03:54.237000+00:00)
serious post? You mean your judge the fruit by the tree ?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:06.701000+00:00)
>arguing with jews
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:17.236000+00:00)
>first response was a shitpost
That was my mocking of YOUR shitpost
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:26.159000+00:00)
I'm back from an actually NICE discussion with an Italian fascist
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:30.534000+00:00)
<@106947099299418112> what you don't believe in that christian notion?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:30.726000+00:00)
And holy shit, this is a shitstorm
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:52.923000+00:00)
what's wrong with it, is it catholic and thus heretical or smth?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:04:54.366000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> I am asking you, was that your serious post?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:05:18.961000+00:00)
Yeah that was my serious response in terms of evaluating the morality of a doctrine, or rather the validity of said doctrine
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:05:44.925000+00:00)
that what is true yields good fruits, once it stops being true it yields rotten fruit
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:05:45.199000+00:00)
Ok, and what about Luke 6:43-45
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:05:57.392000+00:00)
you misquote the bible if thats what you think it says
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:08.996000+00:00)
“For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit."
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:12.973000+00:00)
that is luke 6:43
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:40.800000+00:00)
and how is that a misquote?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:50.066000+00:00)
read what my quote says and read yours
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:51.569000+00:00)
my paraphrasing is a misquote because I didn't say it word for word?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:06:52.836000+00:00)
That's definitely not a misquote
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:07:02.672000+00:00)
says the same thing
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:07:27.122000+00:00)
but go ahead i'd like to see your intellectual deconstruction of it that will mean the opposite
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:07:49.654000+00:00)
No it does not but alright, tell me how this answers Breen's question
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:07:59.323000+00:00)
so wait
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:01.696000+00:00)
it does not
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:05.878000+00:00)
but you won't explain how
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:07.842000+00:00)
He asked you where does pagan morality come from
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:15.228000+00:00)
you're a disingenuous faggot
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:21.268000+00:00)
explain how its not what it says then
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:24.361000+00:00)
instead of moving goalposts
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:28.192000+00:00)
still deflecting his original question I see
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:39.191000+00:00)
ill come back when you wanna actually answer it
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:43.703000+00:00)
have a good day ruski friend
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:44.776000+00:00)
he didn't ask me where it comes from he asked me how is it on par with Christian morality
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:08:51.842000+00:00)
>I'm deflecting
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:09:12.310000+00:00)
>while you refuse to explain how my use of the Tree/fruit verse is wrong
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:09:28.201000+00:00)
fucking imbecile, toss him out of here and don't hand him his coat
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:10:23.995000+00:00)
Pagan morality comes from the fact that it's a faith that believes in cosmic law. Happy now?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:11:03.097000+00:00)
I actually did a whole episode of Mysterium Fasces with Florian and Doc Savage on this very subject
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:11:25.994000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:11:29.531000+00:00)
and pretty much ended it on a common consensus
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:11:41.978000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> lets see
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:12:02.030000+00:00)
So Pagan morals come from the fact that it is a faith?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:12:10.038000+00:00)
What does this faith teach? <@!236616466907004938>
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:12:22.591000+00:00)
tiwaz you made a shitty point tbh
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:12:31.077000+00:00)
badly worded at least
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:12:56.556000+00:00)
and >what does this faith teach
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:13:12.301000+00:00)
I'm not even a pagan lol
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:13:14.223000+00:00)
what, like at its perennial root or a particular pagan faith in its respective manifestation?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:13:33.050000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Then why are you speaking for them
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:13:54.229000+00:00)
You are an esoteric hitlerist yea?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:14:11.840000+00:00)
I'm speaking against your retarded fucking arguments.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:14:22.183000+00:00)
Ill wait
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:14:28.345000+00:00)
And yes.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:14:52.661000+00:00)
So where do your morals come from then as an EH
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:15:27.106000+00:00)
>moves goalposts
>is facetious
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:15:49.901000+00:00)
you literally act like a know-it-all conceited atheist tbh
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:00.061000+00:00)
Wew, fucking more of this. How about, where do YOU believe morals come from?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:12.952000+00:00)
>so where do you get your morals from?
>Tell me, how can 2 of every animal fit on a boat
>I'll wait
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:21.688000+00:00)
From our Lord Jesus Christ
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:46.892000+00:00)
So you're saying that before your "lord" Jesus Christ, there were no morals?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:52.752000+00:00)
well big surprise pagan teachings come from the same place as what you call your Lord Jesus Christ
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:16:55.443000+00:00)
ditto for EH
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:17:07.250000+00:00)
That's kind of a broad statement.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:17:24.521000+00:00)
Christ Jesus is Son of G-d , His morals are G-d's morals <@!236616466907004938>
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:17:38.690000+00:00)
> G-d
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:17:59.192000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> now replying to your shitpost the Story of Noah is literal yes
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:18:32.637000+00:00)
dear fuck you idiot
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:18:40.118000+00:00)
did you even read the context?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:18:45.979000+00:00)
my point was that its how YOU SOUND
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:19:01.273000+00:00)
you argue like a conceited pretentious atheist
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:19:11.458000+00:00)
Your answer was the exact fucking same as mine, in different words.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:19:15.230000+00:00)
I made that post hoping you'd reach some self-awareness but apparently you are too dense
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:19:48.079000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> No actually it was not
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:19:58.505000+00:00)
What's the difference then?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:03.516000+00:00)
even your boyfriend ruski here agreed your post was idiotic
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:08.086000+00:00)
Jesus is God.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:30.552000+00:00)
I said badly worded
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:36.321000+00:00)
and then I said my point
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:39.594000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:41.036000+00:00)
which he echoed on later
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:49.617000+00:00)
Instead of being a rude little bitch, tell me: what's the difference?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:50.789000+00:00)
which was indeed that the morals come from the same place as yours
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:20:59.532000+00:00)
I am the one being rude?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:04.535000+00:00)
That is funny
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:10.124000+00:00)
I said it comes from the cosmic law, you said it comes from Jesus.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:17.883000+00:00)
Which is not the same
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:26.840000+00:00)
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:27.443000+00:00)
If you thought it was the same
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:34.914000+00:00)
So what's the difference?
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:35.109000+00:00)
you would have said it comes from Jesus
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:48.044000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Heil Hitler friend, how goes the vetting in <#326448145754226690> ?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:21:57.693000+00:00)
you're the one being a disingenuous, pretentious and facetious goalpost moving snooty christian intellectual (never thought I'd combine those two words)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:13.575000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:14.124000+00:00)
not rude in that outright insult tossing manner
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:20.486000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:21.615000+00:00)
No, I wouldn't have said it comes from Jesus, because I'm not a fucking Christian.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:23.190000+00:00)
but rude in your general outward behavior
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:29.610000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Quite well so far.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:29.772000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> So how is it the same
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:33.978000+00:00)
frankly open insults are less rude than what you're doing
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:49.809000+00:00)
Instead of larping as Hindu and being an EH you should know that your beloved Hitler was a Christian
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:22:52.140000+00:00)
Because Gods and Cosmic Law are synonyms.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:08.410000+00:00)
>larping as hindu
Don't even go there m8 you literally don't even know what you're gonna be arguing against
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:21.425000+00:00)
Do you not think that a Divine Law can reveal itself in different forms but ultimately be traced back to the same origination?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:25.592000+00:00)
and the jury is out on how Christian Hitler really was considering all the conflicting policies that existed
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:32.850000+00:00)
I can use the same argument for you
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:37.505000+00:00)
and how Christians didn't even make up the real support base for Hitler's coming to power
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:37.867000+00:00)
>ou should know that your beloved Hitler was a Christian
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:23:38.396000+00:00)
Your beloved Jesus followed Judaism.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:00.461000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Jesus called Judaism the Synagouge of Satan
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:07.618000+00:00)
Positive christianity is heresy
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:34.082000+00:00)
According to catholics and orthodox followers
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:41.412000+00:00)
And furthermore, the "Hitler was a Christian" argument is so fucking stupid and overused
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:47.460000+00:00)
Have you read Table Talks?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:24:47.517000+00:00)
So why would you call Hitler a christian? 🤔
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:02.503000+00:00)
He himself claimed to be
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:10.499000+00:00)
I never claimed otherwise.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:21.813000+00:00)
well table talks are questionable
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:21.991000+00:00)
You said he WAS a christian
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:28.031000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:29.093000+00:00)
Choice of words
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:35.890000+00:00)
then He cowardly offed himself
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:39.270000+00:00)
the sheer amount of pagans and pagan materials he allowed in the Party though
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:42.534000+00:00)
He was baptised as a catholic, that doesn't make him a devout catholic.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:54.195000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:55.200000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:25:56.616000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:03.641000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:04.597000+00:00)
Should ban him for calling Hitler a coward tbh
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:06.450000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:08.762000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:14.431000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:18.253000+00:00)
kys kike
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:19.131000+00:00)
1928 lmao
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:23.940000+00:00)
1928 ha
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:27.393000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:29.465000+00:00)
whoever so called christian
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:30.518000+00:00)
Just Glassin, blaspheming against Hitler the 9th avatar of Vishnu is a gassable offense.
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:31.006000+00:00)
cant be a neetsoc i guess without denying facts
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:36.352000+00:00)
Gonna quote early Mussolini?
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:36.650000+00:00)
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:40.972000+00:00)
banhammer incoming
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:49.275000+00:00)
Just gonna ban this faggot for that
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:51.280000+00:00)
kk here it comes
Just Glassin writes: (2017-09-07T15:26:53.346000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:00.912000+00:00)
banhammer would be much better if he first had a talk with florian
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:03.258000+00:00)
and got btfo'd
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:07.144000+00:00)
What do you expect?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:08.197000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:10.318000+00:00)
on a purely christian grounds argument
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:14.299000+00:00)
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:14.573000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:15.952000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:21.133000+00:00)
This is what they always do
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:23.734000+00:00)
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:31.924000+00:00)
End up calling champions cowards
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:41.273000+00:00)
"Cowardly offed himself"
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:42.780000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Tiwaz lad, you can ban people for being retarded but not for being Christian (even if you think that's synonymous)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:54.087000+00:00)
That's not what I banned him for.
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:56.578000+00:00)
And begin insulting the very thing they claim to love
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:57.067000+00:00)
well that wasn't the case here
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:27:58.593000+00:00)
What was it then
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:04.479000+00:00)
nobody had an issue with him being christian
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:06.291000+00:00)
I dont follow convos very much
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:07.339000+00:00)
He blasphemed against Hitler.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:09.984000+00:00)
issue was that he really is a retard
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:11.869000+00:00)
Okay, good
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:13.152000+00:00)
He called Hitler a coward
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:13.239000+00:00)
and that
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:19.139000+00:00)
He called Hitler a coward near the end of this discussion
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:27.472000+00:00)
Nevermind then, give full gas
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:28:28.692000+00:00)
Which is intolerable
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:07.158000+00:00)
I can't stand this sort of attitude
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:19.305000+00:00)
that pretentious looking down your nose attitude
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:31.881000+00:00)
>go on, tell me your LIES
>I'll wait
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:37.755000+00:00)
I keep being surprised by alt lite cucks thinking they're making any friends with nazis by shit talking Hitler.
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:51.536000+00:00)
I hear there be infidels about
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T15:29:53.091000+00:00)
What he get banned for?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:30:01.916000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T15:30:04.515000+00:00)
Blaspheming against the 9th avatar.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:30:12.949000+00:00)
calling Hitler a coward
Breen writes: (2017-09-07T15:30:16.849000+00:00)
Just Hitler is fine <@225299960529158156>
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:30:32.727000+00:00)
He called Hitler a coward after giving a few hints of shittalking before that
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:32:41.089000+00:00)
it was sort of out of nowhere too
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:12.477000+00:00)
>christianity argument ongoing
>well hitler was christian
>okay relevant to the discussion in a way
>and also a coward who killed himself
... so what were you trying to prove then?
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:21.576000+00:00)
You come to a National Socialist server and call Hitler a coward.
Jason writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:28.525000+00:00)
What did he expect tbh?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:46.349000+00:00)
only logical reasoning to say that is if you don't respect Hitler in any capacity to begin with but you're okay with him being christian
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:49.096000+00:00)
which makes sense
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:33:54.874000+00:00)
he had the same attitude about putin yesterday
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:34:05.792000+00:00)
>hey is putin orthodox, that would make me like him more
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:35:34.777000+00:00)
you'd think he was trying to say that NS is inherently Christian by bringing up Hitler, but instead it turned out to be a "well your false idol who was a coward was Christian" which is an inherently spiteful thing to say, the goal is to just presumably destroy all foundation of the beliefs of the person you're arguing again, he was neither what you think he was but also a coward
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:35:52.730000+00:00)
so he wasn't even NS
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:35:56.531000+00:00)
how did he get in here?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:36:38.271000+00:00)
Maybe he was a Strasserite and thought they were tolerated on most NS servers.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:37:04.661000+00:00)
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T15:39:22.367000+00:00)
All Strasserites Are Bastards
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-07T15:41:46.896000+00:00)
Strasserites are just moderately racist commies
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-07T15:41:55.680000+00:00)
Materialist to the core
Misanthrope writes: (2017-09-07T15:41:58.825000+00:00)
They are gay
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:42:48.366000+00:00)
>waiting on that akhn post
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T15:43:41.606000+00:00)
Why was Just Glassin kicked?
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T15:43:49.480000+00:00)
I didn't follow the convo
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:43:56.111000+00:00)
So I see the part of the argument was about Christian vs pagan morality. Well you could say that pagan morality and old testament morality are roughly on the same level, but Christian morality far outweights them both, as it is a much more demanding system. Pagan and Isralite are worldly political ethical systems made for general society and general law, while Christianity is about fully devoting yourself to Christ, its about submitting the totality of your being to this revealed Truth, so that "you no longer live but Christ lives in you". Its a complete radicalization and fanatization of the previous system, that calls for a total renouncing of personal interest and a total and complete devotition to service, sacrifice, and struggle for others. You could say that its kind of a totalitarian cult as opposed to a mere social norm like the laws of Israel and everyone else at the time. Paganism wouldnt get anything close to that until fascism
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T15:44:29.061000+00:00)
What about national socialist morality?
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:45:19.383000+00:00)
<@!300684838040502286> Out of nowhere, he said something along the lines of "Hitler was a coward who offed himself"
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:08.036000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> but you can say that early paganism was more totalitarian as well
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:22.769000+00:00)
<@!300684838040502286> he was kicked for calling Hitler a coward
Tunnis writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:42.443000+00:00)
Jameson writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:44.973000+00:00)
Catholics bring that meme up a lot for some reason
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:52.766000+00:00)
he was an ortho
Jameson writes: (2017-09-07T15:46:58.502000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:47:06.675000+00:00)
an ortho that refused to spell God and instead spelled it "G-d" like some kike
Jameson writes: (2017-09-07T15:47:14.940000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:47:58.310000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> Sure but not to that extent, you cant really build a society as a whole on that kind of morality, its esoteric by definition as it can only be fully lived by a true believer, ie what we regard as a saint
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:48:35.343000+00:00)
so its not to the same extent but then you say you can't have everyone be a saint
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:49:01.685000+00:00)
so you think there's a pagan level, above it a christian level and then the idealized saint level that isn't really attainable?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:49:27.496000+00:00)
my own point being the paganism was like that as well originally but then fiddled out into decay and more materialist shit
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:49:40.540000+00:00)
Saint level is attainable, only Christ level isnt
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:49:51.464000+00:00)
Attainble by few that is, not attainable by a lemming
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:49:59.171000+00:00)
agree there
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T15:50:02.622000+00:00)
<@!300684838040502286> Too many people coming on here and blaspheming, must be the Jews' fault<:macabre:353973345055932416>
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:50:42.388000+00:00)
Also east asians strain have something close to Christian levels of devotion I guess, western paganism much much less
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:52:00.788000+00:00)
or rooted entirely in late stage western pagan decay
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:52:03.667000+00:00)
or most likely both
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:52:10.342000+00:00)
eeh dunno, I think the perception that western paganism had lesser levels of devotion is a skewed image presented in modern narratives
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:52:17.087000+00:00)
ffs discord
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:52:26.610000+00:00)
read that eeeh dunno post first, it didnt come through
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T15:53:11.740000+00:00)
Now that the Nordic Resistance Movement is building branches in Denmark and Iceland, we should get to Estonia as well
HMan writes: (2017-09-07T15:53:51.520000+00:00)
Yes, the baltics will be Swedish again <:whocanitbe:336984099757490196> 🇸🇪
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:55:06.668000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:55:39.182000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> By the time recorded history began in the west the west had no brahmin caste to speak off, and no ascetic above time orders that devoted themselves fully with union with the absolute. Glow in the dark faustian snow niggers did the same thing to indo-european religion that they did later to Christianity with protestantism
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:56:06.586000+00:00)
well then you agree with my point
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:56:40.333000+00:00)
that at one point, in its origins, paganism had the same type of devout nature to it that Christianity did at its origin and for some generations thereafter
Conroy writes: (2017-09-07T15:56:49.184000+00:00)
Ah damn, I missed the argument where that retard called Hitler a coward.
Conroy writes: (2017-09-07T15:57:21.834000+00:00)
What started it anyways?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:58:08.117000+00:00)
it was a christianity argument at first
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:58:26.485000+00:00)
or rather an argument over how that guy was facetious/pretentious/conceited/disingenuous in his contempt for everything other than orthodoxy
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:58:53.851000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:58:57.510000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:12.567000+00:00)
why did my text turn red
Conroy writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:15.261000+00:00)
And then he just randomly flat out called Hitler a coward?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:21.199000+00:00)
if it turned red then it didnt send
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:27.365000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> To a great extent sure, but that too was a relic of the primordial union of man with God at the start of history smh
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:30.052000+00:00)
Hitler wasn't orthomeme
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:32.645000+00:00)
sent again
Greg88 writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:36.731000+00:00)
Tf bad
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T15:59:46.143000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> well sure, I'm not arguing that though
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T16:00:30.382000+00:00)
Also his content for anything other then orthodoxy is justified, while a bagan might whine about oy vey semitic intolerance, it is what Hitler modeled his purity spiraling on, in part
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:00:30.744000+00:00)
<@280003789849755648> he tried to say Hitler was christian first, and THEN out of nowhere said "and also a coward who offed himself"
Conroy writes: (2017-09-07T16:00:50.945000+00:00)
Well then... I didn't know what else he'd expect other than the banhammer.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:00:59.298000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> his contempt I have no issue with, I repeatedly said in the argument that I'm all for zealotry
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:01:15.170000+00:00)
my issue with him was that he wasn't making zealous arguments
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:01:27.411000+00:00)
he was making faux snooty intellectual arguments and moving goalposts
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:01:51.959000+00:00)
its just fucking disingenuous and absolutely unnecessary or even incompatible with zealotry
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:02:14.492000+00:00)
if you're a zealous purity spiraler you don't start acting like a pretentious atheist
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T16:02:28.146000+00:00)
Sounds like CommonFilthism smh
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:02:40.444000+00:00)
your arguments are not intellectual-condescending but hammer to the face rather
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:03:01.399000+00:00)
just say HERESY because objectively heresy according to all the foundations of why christianity calls it heresy
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:03:07.871000+00:00)
instead he wanted to have it both ways
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:03:23.414000+00:00)
to take a step back to the broader comparative argument and then retreat back into dismissal
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:03:51.704000+00:00)
its annoying and disingenuous, that's not zealous behavior, that's weaselly behavior
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:05:07.604000+00:00)
He was sea lioning as a base of operations, demanding obtuse explanations and broke down into general intellectual dishonesty.
Ending with shittalking Hitler and NatSoc in general.
He was not genuine from the start
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:05:21.069000+00:00)
Why are we still talking about him even though the discussion is over and he's banned though
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:05:47.573000+00:00)
That's what always happens. An afterbirth/debriefing
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:05:54.151000+00:00)
well we went back to the original discussion real quick with Akhn and I think its good to show what a proper discourse looks like compared to what that fag was doing
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:06:07.542000+00:00)
namely because there's actual engagement
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:06:23.774000+00:00)
and not dismissive goalpost moving and snooty behaviore
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:07:01.545000+00:00)
It was quite irritating to discuss with him tbh.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:07:05.003000+00:00)
I made that point to him too:
*you literally act like a know-it-all conceited atheist tbh
>so where do you get your morals from?
>Tell me, how can 2 of every animal fit on a boat
>I'll wait*
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:07:40.179000+00:00)
All the same stupid arguments and the smug "I'll wait"
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:07:42.743000+00:00)
this isn't a genuine argument/debate, it's literally an "AHA GOTCHA" thing
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:07:59.956000+00:00)
which you can keep tossing out all day long
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:02.164000+00:00)
Who got banned?
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:06.071000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:10.101000+00:00)
What was his name again
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:15.832000+00:00)
justin glassin smth
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:18.945000+00:00)
just glassin
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:19.712000+00:00)
Just Glassin
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:20.513000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T16:08:32.225000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:09:34.296000+00:00)
Just Glassin
Just got gassed
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:09:52.117000+00:00)
Just Gassin Justin Glassin
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:22:07.709000+00:00)
Just glassed
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T16:25:35.363000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696> ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? <@163387936480428033>
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:25:50.952000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:25:55.021000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> welcome
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:26:04.491000+00:00)
this is where most of the action happens
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:26:26.621000+00:00)
you already missed today's action but will tag you next time another christianity argument starts up
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T16:27:55.230000+00:00)
Tag me too
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:29:32.546000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:29:36.536000+00:00)
yeah ok
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:29:37.039000+00:00)
Ey Florian
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:29:41.120000+00:00)
hey lads
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:29:45.719000+00:00)
how's it going?
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:30:07.943000+00:00)
I'm honored to be here, I've got a lot of respect for the NRM
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:30:23.507000+00:00)
Well https://www.nordfront.dk was just founded
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T16:30:27.095000+00:00)
So yeah, pretty well
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:30:36.637000+00:00)
Denmark chapter
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T16:31:11.525000+00:00)
Sup Florian
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:32:19.381000+00:00)
So are all the locations set now?
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:32:32.887000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:32:57.617000+00:00)
Whats left the faroe haha.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:05.369000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:12.437000+00:00)
I hear there are problems with racemixing in faroe
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:18.994000+00:00)
like a lot of thai and philly wives
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:30.951000+00:00)
true or false?
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:50.819000+00:00)
Its true
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:33:56.237000+00:00)
They are actually lacking women there
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:34:07.164000+00:00)
So the men go there to fetch
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:34:19.189000+00:00)
sad state of affairs
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:34:23.165000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:34:26.843000+00:00)
can't they go to poland or ireland like their ancestors?
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T16:34:41.320000+00:00)
I don't know, i wish they did.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T16:35:26.476000+00:00)
ello peeps
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T16:35:46.726000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T16:36:04.417000+00:00)
i havent read siege yet
The ϟalty ϟaxon writes: (2017-09-07T16:36:33.494000+00:00)
hey lads
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T16:38:08.866000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> Are you *the* Florian Geyer of podcast fame?
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:38:15.707000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T16:38:17.028000+00:00)
Same guy.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T16:38:21.048000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Shame
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T16:39:16.661000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> Ive listened to a lot of you. Its an honour
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:39:26.715000+00:00)
you flatter me
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:39:37.002000+00:00)
but I appreciate your support
Manimalia writes: (2017-09-07T16:40:18.653000+00:00)
My download of siege wont pull up. Can someone link me to it?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T16:41:07.094000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-09-07T16:41:37.674000+00:00)
<@225299960529158156> thanks
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T16:42:18.867000+00:00)
>linking version without the new foreword
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:42:32.586000+00:00)
Manimalia writes: (2017-09-07T16:42:37.992000+00:00)
I already read that part anyway.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:42:43.377000+00:00)
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:43:20.815000+00:00)
http://laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/America/James%20Mason%20-%20SIEGE%203rd%20Edition.pdf third edition guiz c'mon
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:43:36.322000+00:00)
but yes the print copy of 3rd edition actually has bonus stuff unlike the pdf^
Manimalia writes: (2017-09-07T16:44:08.398000+00:00)
<@206898373062557696>. You should pin that in the book channel.
Славрос writes: (2017-09-07T16:44:38.096000+00:00)
well I can't pin anything I'm not a mod here
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T16:48:09.877000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> I am moving more to Spreaker are you there yet with Misterium?
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:49:00.689000+00:00)
no, I'll stay on soundcloud until they shoah me
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:49:06.970000+00:00)
I have my shit backed up so
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T16:49:19.016000+00:00)
I can transfer to Spreaker or whatever when the time comes
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T16:56:37.848000+00:00)
Your podcast is probably difficult to shoah since its full of eastern othordox material.
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T16:58:20.841000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> Have you done anything on Rosenberg from the othordox perspective?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T16:58:22.247000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> What happened to the Swedish guy on your podcast? I've heard he turned to fatalism
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T16:58:37.591000+00:00)
I haven't listened to the podcast, as Im not a fan of podcasts in general, but know a bit about it
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T16:59:12.324000+00:00)
Greve Hans ragequit because he got sick of talking politics
Tyler writes: (2017-09-07T16:59:27.281000+00:00)
He was sodomized too hard.
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T16:59:32.720000+00:00)
who doesn't hate talking about politics
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:00:24.393000+00:00)
well, he was a co-host of a political podcast
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:00:51.870000+00:00)
NS isnt politics tbh
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:01:01.023000+00:00)
I hate talking about politics, can't think of anything more boring, but NS is lovely
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:01:05.630000+00:00)
philosophy is great too
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:01:30.526000+00:00)
I met Gravy Hands in Borlänge
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:02:17.080000+00:00)
I guess he is locked up in an orthococks monastery or dreaming about it.
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:02:36.406000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:03:19.150000+00:00)
Is that the Icelander's profile pic?
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:03:19.507000+00:00)
I remember we used to mock orthococks burger larpers with him a ton, and he posted vids of those swedish speaking orthodox finns in Sweden as a joke, and then one day someone told me he converted to orthococksy.
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:03:20.652000+00:00)
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:04:23.355000+00:00)
He's gone CommonFilth bigtime.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:05:34.859000+00:00)
No we havn't discussed Rosenberg yet. Greve Hans decided to extract himself from politics and focus on his life.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:05:51.991000+00:00)
Greve Hans converted to Orthodoxy when he found out Luther edited the Bible
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:09.440000+00:00)
He concluded that ideologeee is sodomi
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:25.856000+00:00)
Yeah I think it's for the best
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:28.165000+00:00)
So what's up with him these days.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:31.117000+00:00)
That Greve stay out of politics
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:40.307000+00:00)
well, he's got a girlfriend, got baptized
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:45.511000+00:00)
going back to school
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:46.963000+00:00)
good things
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:06:52.421000+00:00)
We used to talk a lot but then he locked himself in a monastery.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:10.791000+00:00)
lol he just went to Romania for a few weeks
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:23.692000+00:00)
He did release a podcast semi-recently where he shittalked anyone who believes in an ideologeee
Kombat-Unit writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:30.504000+00:00)
Yeah he posted pictures of churches, top tradical.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:40.223000+00:00)
William Luther Pierce famously said he respected only two Christian groups. The Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Church Abroad
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:46.224000+00:00)
because they didn't cuck on Jews
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:07:51.626000+00:00)
<:heil:331491634229411840> <@!331147867035140096>
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T17:09:12.623000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> is the pope a heretic?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:09:20.093000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Cao tebra, sta radis? <:nysvensk:328882488585748481>
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:09:29.556000+00:00)
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T17:09:52.658000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:09:57.793000+00:00)
nice baby
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T17:10:17.929000+00:00)
Sitting here with my daughter
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:11:08.457000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:11:35.494000+00:00)
why you using google translate <@!331147867035140096>
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:11:45.220000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Im not, Im using multicultural experiences
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:11:53.240000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:11:54.666000+00:00)
google translate would give cyrillic results
lofi writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:01.411000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> Thanks!
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:02.783000+00:00)
and it would translate as brate instead of tebra
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:08.919000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:18.244000+00:00)
so how are ya
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:31.160000+00:00)
Im kinda tired and exhausted by school
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:12:43.233000+00:00)
mine start at oct
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:13:30.091000+00:00)
School is easy and I'm not even studying for classes but still getting best possible results, but classmates aren't the kind of people I like to hang out with. The only guy who seemed cool changed schools.
Teachers are mostly retards, except one or two who (despite being cucks) are still normal decent human beings.
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:13:39.767000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:13:43.621000+00:00)
how will that be
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:13:54.057000+00:00)
You're going to fakulteta?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:02.792000+00:00)
without a
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:09.157000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:11.010000+00:00)
Go to the one where Roki works, sing Panteri Panteri every time you see him in corridors
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:18.731000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> it depends on conjugation
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:44.375000+00:00)
i am already in
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:45.553000+00:00)
That would be declination actually
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:14:56.242000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:00.667000+00:00)
Just waiting for it to start at oct 1
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:09.998000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiD8lzoBxbQ
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:14.294000+00:00)
Can you like not
Doxxxx me an shit
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:16.433000+00:00)
I love this video so much
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:22.702000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> you posted your full name here once
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:25.294000+00:00)
and said it was ok
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:35.500000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:15:47.538000+00:00)
panteli panteli 😂
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:16:00.204000+00:00)
i got new smart tv and i blasted it on yt on it
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:16:19.504000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Its ok when I do it
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:16:25.277000+00:00)
its not
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:16:40.497000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> croat
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:10.009000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:14.931000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:15.233000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:32.516000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> ustase are jews
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:38.933000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:49.458000+00:00)
no like that litteraly jews
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:54.381000+00:00)
My bro and I listened to a lot of Turbofolk on the beach this summer
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:58.623000+00:00)
It's beach music for me now
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:17:59.061000+00:00)
ideology was written by jew
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:03.627000+00:00)
When real Serbs meet Stefan and find out his name is Stefan
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:09.437000+00:00)
Was ante a kike?
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:10.256000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:16.099000+00:00)
his wife was
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:21.926000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:40.359000+00:00)
And ideology that ante followed was jew written
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:53.970000+00:00)
lot of officers in their army were jews
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:18:55.965000+00:00)
The pope hates the serbs
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:19:03.238000+00:00)
He also had bosnians
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:19:08.070000+00:00)
lot of party members were jews
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:19:33.908000+00:00)
lot of high ranking people had jew wives or had jewish connections
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:19:34.158000+00:00)
in crna legija
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:13.567000+00:00)
ustase were never anti jew but anti serb
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:25.864000+00:00)
Remember Jasenovac
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:28.110000+00:00)
main conc camps nibbas were juden
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:42.757000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:46.013000+00:00)
Didn't he insist the croatians were goths
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:20:56.120000+00:00)
ustase ideology was written by this buy
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T17:21:06.926000+00:00)
Jews everywhere <:bonnier:328882489768542210>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:21:27.849000+00:00)
Frank was born into a Croatian Jewish family
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:21:57.248000+00:00)
Ustase were also traitors to the SS
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:22:09.486000+00:00)
Weren't they a puppet?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:22:10.014000+00:00)
<@!245616114061672448> Go on
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:23:09.746000+00:00)
I forgot to save the screenshots. Maybe Hyper has them saved. But SS officers were lamenting giving them so much equipment which they either stole for themselves or simply left behind for the enemy to pick up.
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T17:23:22.210000+00:00)
those were bosniaks
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:23:25.544000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:23:32.351000+00:00)
Karel Anker writes: (2017-09-07T17:23:35.360000+00:00)
close ebough
Hyperborean writes: (2017-09-07T17:24:06.495000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:27:14.292000+00:00)
lol look what i found on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Roki-Vulovic-Digital-Music/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A163856011%2Ck%3ARoki%20Vulovic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:27:21.631000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:28:04.363000+00:00)
Look what I found on Russian internet
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:28:05.199000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:28:14.158000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:28:58.135000+00:00)
there were lot of Russians that were volunteers on our side
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:29:00.255000+00:00)
A fucking action figure?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:29:07.566000+00:00)
so i am not surprised
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:33:24.570000+00:00)
and i bet <@!331147867035140096> is ordering it rn
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:33:56.768000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> Russians also have Mauzer, Mladic etc figures
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:34:02.852000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> Im not, though I would
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:34:14.290000+00:00)
I found that figure over a year ago, but too much of a hassle to buy it
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:34:24.553000+00:00)
I want a Miro Semberac figure
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:12.844000+00:00)
Miro Semberac was cool enough to go to prison for war crimes then become a normie meme
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:22.740000+00:00)
I actually found his facebook once
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:25.010000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:31.258000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:32.547000+00:00)
I want an Adolf Hitler figure that is 1:1 scale, realistic, and alive and is actually a reincarnation of Hitler in the form of the Kalki Avatar come to cleanse the world of filth
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:32.870000+00:00)
wonder how much it would cost
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:39.580000+00:00)
He has an accordion in his profile picture
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:42.779000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:35:56.959000+00:00)
Vojislav Djajic, the "Remove kebab" accordion guy, was also sentenced for war crimes
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:17.360000+00:00)
He died in germany 2013 think
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:19.832000+00:00)
If i remember
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:23.998000+00:00)
No wait, his name is Novislav Djajic
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:46.903000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:53.857000+00:00)
Apparently he was sentenced to four consecutive life sentences
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:55.846000+00:00)
in Germany
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:36:58.208000+00:00)
god damn krauts
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:03.182000+00:00)
Him and Semberac look the same
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:07.298000+00:00)
You can see in his gaze
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:16.387000+00:00)
His will for uprooting foreign invaders
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:33.029000+00:00)
all dinaric serbs look like that
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:49.429000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:37:59.173000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:03.163000+00:00)
why does Semberac look like a meth addict
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:09.806000+00:00)
I think this is "Valter", some yugoslav TV figure that was popular in China
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:20.213000+00:00)
they all look the same
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:21.400000+00:00)
or is that what all serbs look like when they grow old
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:45.645000+00:00)
Does he look dinaric?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:48.724000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Dinarics have pronounced facial characteristics, if they are slender they get more pronounced as they get older
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:38:57.502000+00:00)
<@263074483340967937> I think he's American
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:39:10.618000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:39:21.380000+00:00)
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:39:52.267000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:40:35.324000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> >I think this is Valter
are you trolling?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:41:24.755000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> I dont have a clue
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:41:25.966000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:41:29.678000+00:00)
This is the average Serb male
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:41:38.132000+00:00)
but they usually have shorter hair
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:41:40.569000+00:00)
I never noticed Djajic singing along here https://youtu.be/U-EQJA8Ahac?t=81
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:42:12.798000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> He's not singing along, he's invoking esoteric death curses upon Alija Izetbegovic
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:42:30.131000+00:00)
And the Turks and the Ustasha.
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T17:42:47.138000+00:00)
Oy Alija
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:43:25.198000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:43:37.128000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> i do have shorter hair
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T17:43:39.369000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-07T17:43:40.849000+00:00)
why has Republika Srpska stopped shooting
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:43:49.899000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Jews
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:45:04.280000+00:00)
<@!236616466907004938> Dayton
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:45:12.941000+00:00)
It will resurface soon
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:48:38.275000+00:00)
Are you nibbas familiar with Baja, or are just Roki memers
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:48:46.914000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Well obviously
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:49:07.239000+00:00)
Bozic je, pucaju prangije~
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:49:31.176000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv5CHV1QEjE
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:49:42.424000+00:00)
what the fug
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:50:03.154000+00:00)
Sweden still renowned and relevant 😏
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:50:05.204000+00:00)
humanitarian superpower
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:50:21.138000+00:00)
Sounds awful though
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:50:30.461000+00:00)
This is Mirko's best song
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:51:01.374000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Dont insult MC Wolf, I hear he's very dangerous man
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:51:07.288000+00:00)
Check Mirise na kisu
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:51:11.663000+00:00)
Very different from most of his songs
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:51:30.346000+00:00)
<@179687312311975937> Knows him, he's veeery dangerous
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:52:08.324000+00:00)
This is great too though
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:52:11.429000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:52:29.920000+00:00)
I think a Serbian friend of mine translated that song once
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:52:34.335000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:53:13.642000+00:00)
Lel, I know about both of them 😂
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:53:39.226000+00:00)
I bet you haven't heard this though
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:53:39.725000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:53:46.288000+00:00)
My second favourite after "Mirise na kisu", maybe tied
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:54:03.418000+00:00)
This live vid is much better than the studio version, feels more genuine
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:55:00.006000+00:00)
Thats a very reused melody though
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:55:21.251000+00:00)
I bet there are 100 Nordic non-members (and members) lurking this convo and wondering why the hell an admin on a Nordic nazi server is posting weird slavic folk music
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:55:56.608000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> Thoughts on this group? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrH-ydYC19w
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:56:09.786000+00:00)
I like some of their songs. I think they played at NS venues in Russia
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:56:25.443000+00:00)
I have a cassette by them
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:56:32.594000+00:00)
When they were still just Trip at Sedam
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:56:56.732000+00:00)
I also have a Direktori cassette 😂 🔫 😩
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T17:56:57.980000+00:00)
Yeah they have some good songs, but there's talk singer is a junkie or something I dont know
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T17:57:29.424000+00:00)
I always preferred cassettes over vinyls back in the day when I collected music
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:04:45.864000+00:00)
i think my folks still have some
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:05:43.021000+00:00)
We have tones of them
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:11:11.085000+00:00)
Okay listening turbofolk now.
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:11:15.952000+00:00)
I don't know how to react
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:12:38.315000+00:00)
Finally had time and headphones close. Definitely better than current mainstream radio jewcrap
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:08.827000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> Turbofolk is great, you get used to it
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:25.578000+00:00)
It's quite varied though, some is just plain folk while some songs are just pop with an accordion in the chorus
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:46.729000+00:00)
Check this song
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:49.642000+00:00)
It has over 2 million views
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:55.178000+00:00)
I guess I started with pop side
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:13:56.084000+00:00)
So good entry level turbofolk
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:14:24.523000+00:00)
I know this song
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:14:32.653000+00:00)
When you're in a car with comrades and the guy driving plays Ceca on AUX <:macabre:353973345055932416>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:14:35.814000+00:00)
YouTube my mix has played this for me few times
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:14:43.730000+00:00)
What have we become...
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:15:33.296000+00:00)
Try this then if you knew the other one, it's by a singer who usually does pop songs (Bora Drljaca)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:15:43.681000+00:00)
I still prefer rechtsrock than this <:putin:333560834318139394>
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:15:47.084000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> top tier song <@!239096222277828610>
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:15:54.407000+00:00)
sounds almost greek
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:01.316000+00:00)
to me anyway
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:42.261000+00:00)
I don't get the dance thing
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:48.648000+00:00)
the circle dance?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:49.951000+00:00)
yes daniel
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:51.825000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:16:56.576000+00:00)
It's traditional Yugoslav dancing, "kolo"
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:00.152000+00:00)
kolo = wheel
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:21.024000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:38.526000+00:00)
Daniel gonna be our Balkan diplomatic person when our movement gets the power
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:42.120000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:43.784000+00:00)
sandzak is a predominantly muslim region of serbia btw
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:45.730000+00:00)
looks turkish
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:17:52.945000+00:00)
they also do that stuff
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:01.772000+00:00)
and jews aswell
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:09.672000+00:00)
<@!311554642490294272> I'd happily be that, imagine living at a nazi embassy in Belgrade and eating burek made by Albanians all day
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:10.586000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:21.082000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:23.870000+00:00)
I mean would be cool to do that for 5 years or so
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:40.523000+00:00)
we make you ambassador for life
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:41.329000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> It's just a customary folk dance, they have the same thing in Bulgaria and Romania etc
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:56.115000+00:00)
we have it around the maypole
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:18:56.922000+00:00)
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:19:04.915000+00:00)
Enough turbofolk for today <:varg:333280265910616064>
noobtia writes: (2017-09-07T18:19:34.638000+00:00)
But hey, finnish rac on Saturday!
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:19:44.759000+00:00)
turbofolk is shit expect 90s war music
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:20:03.540000+00:00)
I think this is Codreanu doing a similar dance at his wedding
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:21:24.528000+00:00)
Coolest wedding garment of all time
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:21:47.482000+00:00)
yea they have kolo
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:21:52.145000+00:00)
the romanians
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:24:51.964000+00:00)
<@273524703577243648> try this Bulgarian one <:macabre:353973345055932416>
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:25:28.924000+00:00)
Oh hey, they have those Greek-style skirt outfits
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:25:45.796000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:25:54.673000+00:00)
This is getting out of hand
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:04.877000+00:00)
Sympathisers will be confused and think we're some immigrant party
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:11.636000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:13.670000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:22.323000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:42.963000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-07T18:26:53.305000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx5U8oCOrwc this is made by nordicized dinarids
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:27:19.311000+00:00)
This is me when balkanposting gets out of hand in my nordic server
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-07T18:27:39.967000+00:00)
I don't read scribbles
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-07T18:28:05.393000+00:00)
But I get the gist of it
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:28:07.033000+00:00)
its not scribbles its vatnikrunes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:28:33.945000+00:00)
it's alright, the music just feels foreign
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:28:35.866000+00:00)
when croat volunteers in ukraine have to read cyrillic 😂
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:29:36.550000+00:00)
zirinovski is russian seselj
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:29:52.413000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> >Председник СРЈ Слободан Милошевић командант ВЈ
Why you gotta link that channel to me
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:00.058000+00:00)
Why you gotta remind me if my childhood
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:08.497000+00:00)
i can do that
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:15.139000+00:00)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7_FYq2VXwQ 99 never 5geti
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:26.028000+00:00)
<@!195981647605137408> haha
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:28.355000+00:00)
That channel is great
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:30.288000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:38.318000+00:00)
<@!239096222277828610> you misunderstood him
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:30:53.152000+00:00)
i did
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:31:05.351000+00:00)
my grandparents still have his pics
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:31:47.833000+00:00)
Do they vote for Vucic
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:32:06.234000+00:00)
yep sadly
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:32:09.665000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:32:14.156000+00:00)
Zirinovskiy is Seselj if Seseljs nose was big because of jewish ancestry instead of alcohol addiction
Alba writes: (2017-09-07T18:33:05.073000+00:00)
hello i heard there was a pedophile here
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:33:43.364000+00:00)
and he interupted it typical NA
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T18:34:09.080000+00:00)
>be 6
>sit in front of tv
>glorious governement plays this on tv
>you feel proud
>you want to kill shiptars and americans when you grow up
that was the childhood
and what do kids these days have, youtube?
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T18:35:00.391000+00:00)
jewtube yes
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:35:48.020000+00:00)
<@209413388126781440> go to general discussion
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T18:45:11.627000+00:00)
Swedes insulting notorious Danish terrorist MC Wolf? Typical foolish civilization behaviour.
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T18:45:42.639000+00:00)
MC Wolf has been arrested, and is currently being by at least three different national security agencies in three different prisons for 'terrorism'
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T18:46:02.358000+00:00)
I would watch your tongue <@!331147867035140096> SWEDE <@179687312311975937> can verify
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:53:36.610000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> well
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T18:54:48.023000+00:00)
I like OA
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T18:59:45.748000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> are you Florian Geyer from the Mysterium Fasces?
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:00:58.647000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:01:51.278000+00:00)
Cool, I've listened some to the podcasts
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:02:08.128000+00:00)
glad to hear it
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:02:20.147000+00:00)
Hope you found them edifying
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:03:27.004000+00:00)
I liked the one where you shit-talked on some norweigan pedo/gay
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:03.869000+00:00)
fucking haalvor raknes
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:05.008000+00:00)
Abraxxas or whatever
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:06.249000+00:00)
piece of shit
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:07.020000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:36.907000+00:00)
that episode was fun
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:04:55.559000+00:00)
For reference to everyone Name: Halvor (Raknes)
Nationality: Norwegian
Address: Herregårdsveien 6K, Oslo, Norway
Email: a22112216@yahoo.com
Phone: none
Age: 52
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:03.820000+00:00)
This guy is an open pedophile and satanist
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:17.236000+00:00)
Who believes that by sodomizing young boys he grows closer to God
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:20.619000+00:00)
google this guy
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:43.696000+00:00)
Anyone in Norway who is able to rebuke him in all legal fashions ought to do so
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:46.403000+00:00)
>sex economist
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T19:05:48.226000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T19:07:25.241000+00:00)
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:07:40.792000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> did he pose as a fascist?
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T19:07:43.133000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:08:03.414000+00:00)
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T19:08:04.814000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:08:10.925000+00:00)
thats him
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:08:20.804000+00:00)
Okay, that's good to hear
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:10:11.734000+00:00)
how can he be symphathetic to the NS movement if he's a pedophile
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:10:31.920000+00:00)
maybe suicidal
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-07T19:10:54.443000+00:00)
I remember him, spamming our comment section and pretending to be a member
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-07T19:11:12.682000+00:00)
Or at least pretending to be NS
O.Staaf writes: (2017-09-07T19:11:13.179000+00:00)
visit him <:dream:333302050979053580>
Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-09-07T19:11:39.882000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-07T19:12:25.950000+00:00)
Why does he have only one set of parentheses in Raknes?
New Swabian writes: (2017-09-07T19:13:04.573000+00:00)
There is a video on his youtube channel about Zionist control of the Vatican and another one called ''Teen boys kissing after peer pressure'' <:thinkrope:333580826593722370>
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T19:16:12.006000+00:00)
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-07T19:18:41.970000+00:00)
Is he pretending to be a Satanist as well?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T19:24:04.154000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> Speaking of Serbian punk, a local band manned by some members of my movement released a new song recently, its about diaspora man returning home because of feels
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:24:59.317000+00:00)
Noice, I'll check in a bit when I have time
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:25:04.086000+00:00)
busy with something atm
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:25:08.168000+00:00)
<@163387936480428033> >legal
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:25:10.413000+00:00)
haha okay
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-07T19:42:33.494000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:45:35.354000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:45:44.409000+00:00)
hmm needs some more work
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:46:24.748000+00:00)
<@!99189910275133440> Not good
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:46:32.899000+00:00)
I know
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:46:36.018000+00:00)
looks like a Simpsons Totenkopf playing a trumpet
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:46:48.500000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:46:49.071000+00:00)
get on my level <:macabre:353973345055932416>
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:47:01.044000+00:00)
macabre is epic emoji, i luv it
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:47:06.695000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:47:57.908000+00:00)
<:macabre:353973345055932416> <:merrykopf:347426916439162881> <:evola:347429912157749248> <:jude:339808729581092865> <:hitler:347424257543897089> <:lofven:339046428355723264>
my emoji contributions, though I guess nobody except me has ever used the Evola one
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T19:48:05.728000+00:00)
Why did you disable the emojis from meme servers with the nitro bug?
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T19:48:23.575000+00:00)
There's tones of great thonks
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:48:25.312000+00:00)
because we dont want foreign emojis polluting our homogenous emoji list
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:48:59.631000+00:00)
we must preserve the existence of our emojis and a future for riksdagspolitiker emojis
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:49:15.500000+00:00)
I do not see a anders borg there
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:49:17.987000+00:00)
Im surprised
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T19:50:16.104000+00:00)
he is a "blottare"
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:50:19.323000+00:00)
This is a SFW server.
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:52:44.957000+00:00)
testing new emoji
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:52:51.758000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:52:56.787000+00:00)
<@!99189910275133440> Is this too small?
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:53:12.681000+00:00)
We need a balkanposting emote
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:53:17.184000+00:00)
For when it happens
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T19:54:54.463000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T19:54:59.854000+00:00)
did I missed balkanposting?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:55:22.360000+00:00)
it was insane
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T19:55:22.956000+00:00)
why am i always late
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:55:27.558000+00:00)
I've never seen burek that big
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T19:55:35.731000+00:00)
Burek with what?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:58:35.629000+00:00)
well there was a big one with ground beef & pork but the REALLY big one had spinach
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:59:03.885000+00:00)
It was crazy
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T19:59:11.631000+00:00)
I started to doubt Daniels ethnicity
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:59:27.039000+00:00)
I am a Balkanophile Polack in a Swedes body
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:59:42.441000+00:00)
I don't even know how many times I've seen this video
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T19:59:50.898000+00:00)
It makes me happy every time I see it
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:14.840000+00:00)
What is the context behind this?
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:19.739000+00:00)
polish film
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:29.424000+00:00)
they are training for sports I suppose
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:33.540000+00:00)
and its going poorly
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:39.922000+00:00)
and they are poles
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:45.397000+00:00)
Oh yeah
Viper writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:46.684000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:51.433000+00:00)
dylb writes: (2017-09-07T20:00:55.059000+00:00)
Akhnaton writes: (2017-09-07T20:05:07.649000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T20:05:34.148000+00:00)
Змајевит ☦ writes: (2017-09-07T20:05:52.856000+00:00)
ansch writes: (2017-09-07T20:09:12.529000+00:00)
depressing.jesus writes: (2017-09-07T20:52:03.706000+00:00)
Budstikka N2 writes: (2017-09-07T22:50:11.063000+00:00)
<@!331147867035140096> foryou.banewav
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:28.320000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:28.758000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:30.385000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:30.758000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:35.358000+00:00)
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:35.459000+00:00)
some contributions
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:39.494000+00:00)
for you to consider
Florian_Geyer writes: (2017-09-07T23:12:57.377000+00:00)
Note, most of these belong to the memesmith 'Tobacconist'
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-08T00:52:26.744000+00:00)
Tiwaz writes: (2017-09-08T00:52:30.481000+00:00)
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-08T00:54:14.823000+00:00)
Lol ok
Svenska Soldaten writes: (2017-09-08T00:54:32.251000+00:00)
Indians awe
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-08T05:49:27.108000+00:00)
I would eat there
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-08T05:50:22.371000+00:00)
Oh nm I thought it was a restaurant
FinnBrudal writes: (2017-09-08T05:52:47.764000+00:00)